May 1, 2022

"Whoever thought we’d see the day in American politics when a senator could be openly bisexual but a closeted Republican?”

Quipped Trevor Noah, about Kyrsten Sinema, at the White House Correspondents' dinner, quoted in "Trevor Noah roasts lawmakers on both sides of aisle in correspondents’ dinner remarks" (The Hill).


tim maguire said...

Given the efforts of people like Trevor Noah to bring about such a day, it’s not so hard imagine.

holdfast said...

Yes, calling her “a Republican” is about the meanest, dirtiest thing they could think of to call her.

All those “reasonable liberals“ who insist that extreme wokism is only a fringe thing and most liberals/Democrats are not really on board with that crazy agenda, and yet when a couple of Democrat senators try not to act like complete lunatics, they are immediately ostracized and defamed.

Quaestor said...

How bold! How fearless! How predictable.

There was lots of material about Hunter Biden, blow, whores, and cash for the Big Guy Noah Trevor wouldn't touch with a ten-foot habeas corpus.

Maynard said...

Sinema is the only Democrat that I have donated to in the past 40 years. She is in no way a Republican, but it is sort of funny to call her closeted.

Given the state of the RINO party in AZ, I may vote for Sinema in 2024. I will enthusiastically support whoever runs against the Weasel Mark Kelly in 2022.

Temujin said...

In the meantime, Kyrsten Sinema is playing the long game. She's amassing power and brand recognition. She's talked about. Seen about. Photographed. And her opinion counts. Almost singularly in the Senate.

I don't know what her long play is (future Presidential run? New Party founder? Chick-Fil-A franchisee?), but what she does today is (I think) part of a longer strategy. She knows where she wants to go. She's AOC if AOC had a brain.

Enigma said...

INSERT DEFAULT REACTION HERE: If said by a Republican about a Democrat, this would result in calls for cancelation, firing, impeachment if elected. Hypocrisy!

Zealots seeking dramatic change and revolutions can't, won't, or don't reflect on their actions. The drive for change at all costs fills their heads.

gilbar said...

Whoever thought we’d see the day in American politics when a democrat MUST BE an open Marxist?

gilbar said...

a closeted Republican?
Which means espousing the things that Barry O'Bama espoused ten years ago?
no same-sex marriage?
no trans rights?
no healthcare for all illegal aliens?
Oh Wait! a "closeted Republican" doesn't mean ANY of that; that stuff is TOO RIGHT WING

gilbar said...

here's a secret secret..
The Democrats HAVE a dream team for 2024;
one that would Guarantee Victory; and support 90% of CURRENT democrat ideas

It's The SAME dream team that would have given them a HUGE Landslide in 2020
Tulsi Gabbard and Kyrsten Sinema
(of, course; they'd NEVER pick Those two, because they're closeted Republicans)

Critter said...

Who would have thought that the Correspondent’s Dinner would feature a closeted political commentator posing as a comedian? I guess this is what passes as humor for the humorless “that’s not funny” left. Boring and all too predictable.

Sebastian said...

"a closeted Republican?”

If only.

By the way, can comedians commit gaffes? I mean, even as a joke the closeted part signals to the woke, ever so subtly, that being a Republican is now equivalent to queer oppression. Right?

Lurker21 said...

Noah gets that the press is soft on Biden but he's so much in his own bubble that he thinks it ought to be that way. He makes some good (though relatively harmless) jibes at CNN and MSNBC, but knows that he has to make up for it by going over the top in his jabs at Fox News. Very bizarre that the guy who got in trouble for japes at Jews thinks he can get away with associating Laura Ingraham with anti-Semitism.

It was endurable, but the way that he let Psaki entirely off the hook and went out of his way to work Ginny Thomas into one of his quips spoke volumes.

But if Ron DeSantis and Sean Hannity were really there ... why?

gilbar said...

Tulsi Gabbard suggests Obama behind 'Ministry of Truth,' says Biden just 'front man'

Can we just ALL Agree, that We WANT to be behind Tulsi?
Or, be under a Gabbard/Sinema admin?

TheDopeFromHope said...

If Noah weren't half black, no one would know his name.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

roasts both sides?
lol - right.

Butkus51 said...

My favorite of all time is Bush 2 pretending to look for WMD's in the WHite house. Funny stuff. How many guys died again?

Now they love that Bush.

Funny stuff.

gilbar said...

pretending to look for WMD's in the WHite house. Funny stuff. How many guys died again?

to be fair.. No One; at least No One Important. It's been years and years since anyone important's family members have been stupid enough to serve. Serving is something Those People do. You know Fly Over folk, not DC people

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

where were the hard jokes mocking Biden, Hunter or any D?

Can anyone name even one?

Bruce Hayden said...

“Given the state of the RINO party in AZ, I may vote for Sinema in 2024. I will enthusiastically support whoever runs against the Weasel Mark Kelly in 2022.”

This year’s election will be interesting. Kelly officially won against the inept McSally by 20k votes, but the margin of fraud here in AZ was very likely over 500k votes. Already seeing the “Tell Kelly To Support Biden” 3rd party ads, as well as those pointing out that he is almost a Biden clone, voting 97% in lockstep. The energy this year is very clearly on the Republican side, aimed in general at FJB, and the border in particular.

The border crisis is, I think, intentionally, underestimated by the pundits and Dem politicians in DC and NYC. The border states are seeing how horrible it is, with rising crime and drug OD deaths. We have politicians in both TX and AZ pushing building their own walls, deploying their National Guards, giving their police high tech tools, etc, and the state, I think to watch is the one in the middle: NM. Long a slightly Blue state, the questions are how much of that is voter fraud, and can they ramp it up enough to compensate for the damage being done by the FJB border policy. I wouldn’t be surprised with some Republican state wide office holders there after the election.

Right now, the only relatively safe Dem in a border state, between the Gulf of Mexico and the CA border is Sinema. Best thing that she could probably do is switch parties after the Republicans retake the Senate. Yes, she is pretty liberal still, but she seems less and less so. And it can be done - I am thinking of Ben Nighthorse Campbell who switched parties in nearby CO. As was his (real) Indian, her bisexuality would be more valuable, and bring her more power, as a Republican. Similarly with Black Senators - they are assumed to be strong if Republican, but tokens, if, like Heels Up Harris, Democrat. Following that though - Sinema switching parties might just force Manchin to follow suit. That is probably his only route for reelection in 2024, given how far his state of WV has shifted Red. Story last week was that it was his relationship with McConnell that kept him from jumping parties. We shall see.

hawkeyedjb said...

Politics is show biz for ugly people, it's said. Journalism is show biz for trained barking seals.

Yancey Ward said...

Was he really roasting both sides, or just Republicans and those Democrats that other Democrats are hating on at the moment?

Joe Smith said...

I love how Dems are always making gay jokes.

So tolerant.

Noah is the least funny person to ever have a role in a prog 'comedy' show.

How did he get the role?

Black something black black.

What's it like to be a walking quota?

n.n said...

Witches, warlocks, trials by press, oh my.

Water from Clinton's closet to Biden's Spring from Tripoli to Kiev.

A trans/Democratic-Republican is feared by trans/Dems, tran/Reps, Dems, and Reps, alike, but especially hated by trans/Dems and trans/Reps. Choose. Uh, Choice.

The 'B'-word. I want my baby back, baby back, baby back. Chiles, babyback ribs. Get in my stomach, NOW! h/t Obama h/t Cecile h/t Fat Bastard

Human rites are a right. h/t Pelosi et al

n.n said...

I love how Dems are always making gay jokes.

With trans/flights of whimsy, we'll have a gay olde time.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

closet Republican?

What - she voted against ONE thing. One freaking thing? Off with her head!
Otherwise she is a complete loyal D-voting D.

Lilly, a dog said...

Jon Stewart's success destroyed late night comedy. Late night shows are now political operations, hosted by unfunny, untalented knockoffs. Now that Gilbert Gottfried and Norm MacDonald have passed away, comedy is officially dead.

rcocean said...

Oh yes, I'm sure he "roasted them on both sides of the aisle". Yeah, right.

Noah always strikes me as some weird British guy who's not really British. He has some strange accent that a blend of more well known accents. Anyway, I can see why the DC Establishment fat cats think he's funny. Its old people comedy, or more accurately old LIBERAL people comedy. Stale and boring.

narciso said...

she was much better than the mormon wingnut jeff flake, who was always doing favors for fidel,

the one thing she didn't do, allows them to do everything else,

Earnest Prole said...

Hey Ann, your comment board appears to have been taken over by left-wing trolls doing spot-on impressions of humorless right-wing Ken-and-Karen scolds.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Oingo Boingo sings to Joey...

Static Ping said...

Biden laughing about inflation was the best part. The Democrats really think of themselves as royalty.

But, yeah, targeting Simena, public enemy #2 of the "progressive" wing of the party, only second to Manchin for their ire, makes it all bipartisan. It's like in The Blues Brothers when they ask what kind of music they play: "Oh, we got both kinds. We got Country and Western."

gadfly said...

"The Federal Government has no business creating a Ministry of Truth," Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., said last week . . . : "The Department of Homeland Security's 'Disinformation Board' is unconstitutional and unamerican, and I'll be introducing a bill to defund it."

Sen. Cotton, therefore, proposes that disseminating disinformation (which is, in fact, the act of lying) is constitutional and the American way of life. So how can lying to the FBI ever be considered to be criminal? And just how can a single program inside DHS's massive overstated budget be defunded?

Meade said...

“ And just how can a single program inside DHS's massive overstated budget be defunded?”

Good point. What the country needs now is a Reagan revolution part 2.

Jim at said...

And these are the people who think they're so much better than everybody else.

Losers. Each and every one of them.

Browndog said...

Politics is show biz for ugly people, it's said Rush Limbaugh

Browndog said...

Sen. Cotton, therefore, proposes that disseminating disinformation (which is, in fact, the act of lying) is constitutional and the American way of life. So how can lying to the FBI ever be considered to be criminal? And just how can a single program inside DHS's massive overstated budget be defunded?

-Doesn't know how the 1st Amendment works, doesn't know what statutes are, doesn't how budget appropriations works.

other than that, I think he nailed it.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

hes south african, it's bee nearly 30 years since apartheid ended south africa is still a hell hole, that what happens when sanctions work

Musk? African-American

That said, since the end of apartheid, there has been progress for the tribal conflict between Mandela's Xhosa and Zulu, and the native South African population, and redistributive change of mineral resources. One step forward, two steps backward.

Drago said...

Gadfly the Hopeless: "Sen. Cotton, therefore, proposes that disseminating disinformation (which is, in fact, the act of lying) is constitutional and the American way of life. So how can lying to the FBI ever be considered to be criminal? And just how can a single program inside DHS's massive overstated budget be defunded?"

Just sit back and let the stupidity wash over you.....

narciso said...

yes, but I was referring to trevor noah, had South Africa killed four million people in living memory, just in Ukraine, some 30 to 40 million others, it was deemed that it's economic life be ended, a few years of that were devastating to the wellbeing of the people

Bruce Hayden said...

“Sen. Cotton, therefore, proposes that disseminating disinformation (which is, in fact, the act of lying) is constitutional and the American way of life. So how can lying to the FBI ever be considered to be criminal? And just how can a single program inside DHS's massive overstated budget be defunded?”

Lying to the FBI isn’t illegal, per se. What is illegal is making a material misstatement to a federal official in order to interfere with a legitimate federal investigation. It’s the interference with the federal investigation that is key to getting around the 1st Amdt. Most of the elements ultimately fell apart with the perjury trap the Mueller prosecutors used on Gen Flynn. It wasn’t material (FBI already had the transcript, while Flynn didn’t), it wasn’t intentional (the first several days of the Trump Admin were hectic), it didn’t interfere with an investigation (again, they had the transcript ), it wasn’t a legitimate investigation (it was a naked perjury trap, and FBI investigation into Presidential foreign policy deliberations is illegitimate). Interestingly, Sussman, a Clinton lawyer, is set to go to trial late this month under the same statute, for helping set up and get federal agencies involved in the RussiaGate hoax. The key contested issue is the materiality of his denial that he was, at the time, working for Crooked Hillary and the DNC, when he provided the Steele Dossier (etc) to the FBI. Durham’s claim is the FBI and DOJ would have been less likely to spend resources investigating RussiaGate, if they had known that he was an attorney representing the competing candidate at the time. Sussman denies that that makes it material.

What all this means is that little lies to the FBI aren’t illegal. Neither are unintentional misstatements. Neither are lies that don’t really affect an investigation. One key difference with DHS’ new MiniTrue bureau is that they aren’t tasked with preventing lying, but rather just in preventing speech that the Executive Branch deems inconvenient or unhelpful. There is no interfering legitimate federal investigation by lying to federal officials narrow limitation on the 1st Amdt. They even claim the power to censure accurate anti vax speech, because it might increase vax hesitancy, and interfere with the government’s interest in faxing everyone. Violations like this, of the 1st Amdt require Strict Scrutiny. The charter for MiniTrue doesn’t even survive Rational Basis analysis.

BUMBLE BEE said...

From Ace of Spades HQ...
Over the last four quarters, the purchasing power of after-tax household incomes plunged by $2.2 trillion (in 2021 dollars). That’s a 10.9% decline, by far the largest in the records dating back to 1947.
When you're in a hole...

rcocean said...

As Bruce stated, lying to the FBI or any other police officer is not a crime unless it has a material impact. I never understood how General Flynn's supposed lie ever had an impact on anything.

correspondents dinner just proves the truth of the old meme:

WHen its an R President - The Reporters want to be Bob Woodward.
WHent its a D president - The Reporters want to be Monica Lewinsky.

Ben Bradlee was A-OK with JFK fucking his wife. Sad, no?

Tom said...

If the Dems are too loony tunes left wing for Sinema, they’re definitely too loony tunes left wing for me.

Rusty said...

Aren't comedians supposed to be funny?

gilbar said...

Bruce incorrectly said...
it wasn’t a legitimate investigation (it was a naked perjury trap, and FBI investigation into Presidential foreign policy deliberations is illegitimate).

Of COURSE, it was a legitimate investigation.
It was an investigation to support the democrats. That is THE Purpose of the FBI.
FBI investigation in Republican Presidential policies (again) is THE Purpose of the FBI
Just as the Stasi, was the Shield and Sword of the Party, so too the FBI.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


It's been years and years since anyone important's family members have been stupid enough to serve. Serving is something Those People do. You know Fly Over folk, not DC people

That is a bit unfair to Beau Biden. Seriously.

Michael K said...

Sen. Cotton, therefore, proposes that disseminating disinformation (which is, in fact, the act of lying) is constitutional and the American way of life.

You've been doing that here for years. Of course it's legal.

Mutaman said...

gilbar said...

"Whoever thought we’d see the day in American politics when a democrat MUST BE an open Marxist?'

Weren't your kind saying the same thing about the party of the new deal about 90 years ago?

effinayright said...

rcocean said...
As Bruce stated, lying to the FBI or any other police officer is not a crime unless it has a material impact. I never understood how General Flynn's supposed lie ever had an impact on anything.

Explain Martha Stewart. Explain Scooter Libby.

Robert Cook said...

"'Whoever thought we’d see the day in American politics when a democrat MUST BE an open Marxist?'"

Name the Democrats who are "open Marxists," and provide support for your claims that can be fact-checked.

Forbes said...

Democrats love, love, love diversity (openly bisexual), but demand conformity (must not be a Republican, closeted or otherwise).

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