May 25, 2022

"While serving as then-President Barack Obama's vice president, Biden was tasked in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting to lead the administration's effort to enact tougher gun control laws..."

"... but in the nearly decade since the nation mourned for Newtown, no action on gun control has passed at a federal level."

From "Biden addresses nation on 'horrific' Texas school shooting: 'We have to act'/Just a week ago, he mourned victims of the mass shooting in Buffalo" (ABC News).


rhhardin said...

There's a need for soap opera control, that's for sure. Big bucks in it though.

Lyle Smith said...

Gun free school zones are idiotic.

Birches said...

So in Buffalo, the media was crying about Tucker, now they're crying about gun control, why? Is it the difference between something happening in NY vs. TX? Why can I find tons of information on what politicos are saying about the shooting, but nothing about what actually happened? Did the kid kill his grandma first as I saw on Twitter? Was targeting the school his goal or a target of convenience?

BUMBLE BEE said...

There's this...

Bart Hall said...

I knew the shooter was non-white the moment the media focus turned to guns.

This will not end until Hollywood stops glorifying gun violence. It's presentation, like that of sex, is most commonly gratuitous, and unnecessary to whatever thin plot there might be.

The "toxic gun culture" is not something arising from more than 100 million stable and normal people who own guns. Sixty years ago we kids brought loads of guns and ammo to school on the bus. In Connecticut FFS. The school had a range, and we had enough firepower in our lockers to take over many of the dipshit excuses for "nations" then joining the UN.

NOBODY shot up our school. Culture issue, not guns.

Achilles said...

"... but in the nearly decade since the nation mourned for Newtown, no action on gun control has passed at a federal level."

That is because anyone with above a room temperature IQ knows that not a single gun control law anyone has proposed would stop these school shootings.

Having a useful FBI that followed up on social media tweets where the shooter threatened people might do it. Notice how fast this shooters social media posts were deleted?

Allowing teachers and trained personal to concealed carry at schools would definitely help.

The Biden Regime just wants to disarm their political opponents like all fascist regimes want to do.

Lucien said...

Per a 2019 article in Reason, the risk that one of our nation’s 133,000+ K-12 schools will suffer a school shooting in 13 years is between .03 percent and .09 percent.
This risk seems trivial compared to the harm caused by panic, and by instituting active shooter drills at our schools.

wendybar said...

Divisive and hateful. A REAL president would be trying to unite the country, instead of taking the Obama route and attacking the other side who had NOTHING to do with this. What law would have prevented this?? WHERE is Biden on all the murders that happen DAILY in Chicago?? Wrong narrative??

Humperdink said...

Clearly this is an opportunity for the current vice-president to solve. Once she solves the border crisis, that is.

M said...

We have to act. We have to reassess the Supreme Court decisions that let the mentally ill roam the streets degrading society and putting everyone in danger. Most of these mass shooters have well documented mental illnesses that would have had them committed or closely watched back in the fifties before the Supreme Court egged on by the Left broke society by insisting mentally ill people had the right to live under a bridge doing drugs and mugging people instead of in a clean, safe hospital. How’s that worked out?

Leland said...

How about we hire more border patrol agents, as they seem effective?

David Begley said...

My FORMER BIL owns a large gun store in San Antonio. It is about one hour away from Uvelda.

I went to SAT to watch Creighton play in the NCAA basketball tournament. It was March 2014. On the Monday after the game, I was in his store. Now, understand this was a Monday. One weird kind of Goth young man came in and I showed him some guns. He totally creeped me out.

The strangest thing was when two business guys came in around noon. I knew they were business guys as they were wearing ties and shortsleeved shirts. One promptly bought a Streetsweeper. I thought, “Yeah, that’s what business people do during Monday lunch hour in Omaha: Purchase automatic weapons.”

It’s hard to underestimate the gun culture in Texas.

My former brother-in-law is a complete dick. But now very rich. He jacked my sister around in the divorce like I’d never seen. I was able to estimate the value of his business and it was considerable; probably 10x now. He mostly bought and sold used guns and I quickly figured out that the margins are much better with used rather than new.

At some point, he shot off part of his fingers. So there’s that.

Ralph L said...

The first article I saw about the shooting was more about gun control than what happened. Funny how the media downplays the Democrats letting criminals loose. I just can't see why they (Dems or media) want urban dystopia when they live and work there. Cheaper real estate?

etbass said...

Most sensible people know it is not guns that is the problem. We have had guns since the Founding without this maniacal behavior. The problem is that we have excluded God from American life and we are reaping the consequences.

rwnutjob said...

Media silence about the shooter because we all know it's the gun's fault. smh

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

what we need are armed guards and locked doors at the schools.

It's a shame - but guarding the flock is important.

This is less a gun problem than a mental health- glory killing problem.

Daniel12 said...

"in the nearly decade since the nation mourned for Newtown, no action on gun control has passed at a federal level."

So much passive voice going on here. Like, our entire culture and society is embedded in this passive voice.

Wince said...

Was this the genesis of Obama's "Don't underestimate Joe Biden's ability to fuck things up"?

iowan2 said...

The most immediate stop gap action is to arm willing teachers, and school employees. That could put 10's of thousands of protectors in school building across the land.

Long term, our culture has to get back to placing the value of human life above all other.

Up until the waning years of the 20th century, there were Protestant(public) Schools and Catholic Schools. The the educational establishment stripped all faith from the public schools. That has caused an explosion of Christian Schools. At the same time (Great society Programs?) the Federal Government gutted our cultural foundation. Family. There exist far too many single head of households, possible only through the incentives of Federal programs.
Healthy stable families require a man and a woman (XY, XX)

mezzrow said...

Examine the world right around you right now. I have witnessed a suicide (!) and been informed of two more in my close circle, and have gone to too many funerals what with Covid and the age of my cohort. The past two years have left so much brokenness in its wake that this fragile society feels in danger of burning itself down to the ground this summer.

One broken individual can do an astonishing amount of evil. At these times, it is very easy to believe that a solution can be found by disempowering ALL individuals to prevent it happening again. This kind of thinking is state of the art paving for a quick trip to a destination I'm in no hurry to see.

The actors driving the reaction can't help it. At this point we witness self-compelled behavior in the face of our helplessness in the face of evil. I can't even pretend to have an answer.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

One thing is certain...

Our useless corrupt politicized on-the-take(D) FBI is useless to stop the problem.

lonejustice said...

There is a reason why so many of these mass shootings occur in schools.

Schools are mostly "gun free zones," so the shooter feels safe.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The obvious solution of providing security at schools is verboten to Democrats. Both uniformed security and concealed carry for teachers and staff would remove the "Shoot Me!" target from schools and make schools hard targets.

No word from Democrat mayors on the endemic shootings and killings in their cities. Chicago, Baltimore and even Portland, OR are the poster children for how to not make your cities safe.

Jersey Fled said...

“Yeah, that’s what business people do during Monday lunch hour in Omaha: Purchase automatic weapons.”

Did you mean semiautomatic?

Beasts of England said...

Often went duck hunting early morning and brought my shotgun and shells to school in my trunk. We had gun classes over interim and had weapons demonstrations on school grounds. No mass shootings. What changed?

Robert Cook said...

"I knew the shooter was non-white the moment the media focus turned to guns."

That's peculiar. The media always focus on guns in such cases, and most mass shooters are white.

Robert Cook said...

"Media silence about the shooter because we all know it's the gun's fault. smh"

From what I've seen, the shooter was identified right away, with photos. There is no attempt I've seen to obscure his ethnicity. Why would they?

Get off your hobby horse.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

All the money poured into schools and still not one armed guard on these campuses. Banks, grocery stores, malls and check-cashing businesses have armed guards in California, but not the place we compel parents to send their precious children. And Biden’s knee-jerk reaction is to disarm Americans, an impossible act even if it was legal. Like the idiotic “100% carbon free” talk, Democrats calling to “get rid of guns” gets the ignorant ginned up because they can’t think through the process and see the many ways such policies fail. But the inflation causing pain all over the country is a direct result of the policy decisions to try and do the impossible. When the government imposes unworkable “solutions” the citizens suffer.

Here we go again. When the Fed tries to sell the bonds backed by MBSs that are worthless Americans will suffer even more horribly but the ruling class is insulated. They never have to worry about being disarmed or paying for fuel. Their children are in private schools with secure doors and armed guards.

Have you ever heard of a politician’s child dying in one of these school shootings? Of course not. The pain they insist we endure never touches them.

Robert Cook said...

"Allowing teachers and trained personal to concealed carry at schools would definitely help."

Trained personnel, perhaps; teachers, not. It says much about the state of the USA that suggestions that teachers carry firearms in the classroom would even be proposed. What it says isn't good.

Owen said...

etbass @ 7:19: “…God…”. Yes. Something like that. The culture is under enormous stress. The center cannot hold. Etc.

Reading of Biden’s immediate push for yet another law, what comes to mind (of course) is Rahm Emmanuel’s timeless quip: “Never let a perfectly good crisis go to waste.” The pressure on Congress to ram through something, anything, will be immense. And anyone who dares to object or modulate this legislative frenzy will be instantly denounced as a child-killer.

Now is exactly NOT the time to act, especially in ways that are bound to divide us.

Robert Cook said...

"Most sensible people know it is not guns that is the problem. We have had guns since the Founding without this maniacal behavior. The problem is that we have excluded God from American life and we are reaping the consequences."

That's not the problem. We have churches on every other block in many areas of the country,(and there are plenty of churches and synagogues and mosques even in "godless" New York City.) Besides, "God" should not be part of public life; it is entirely a personal belief, a private matter. (BTW, many "sensible" people are atheists.)

Leo said...

Just to be pedantic, a streetsweeper is a semiautomatc shotgun. It just looks scary, since it has a magazine that looks like a revolver and not up the snout like a more typical shotgun.

Koot Katmandu said...

We will never solve this by focusing on guns. Mental health is the issue not guns. Sick people are going to find a way?

jim5301 said...

Bart Hall - congrats for more the most inane comment on the post . . . so far. "You knew" the shooter was nonwhite? What did you "know" when you first heard about the Buffalo shooting, or Parkland, or Columbine, or Sandy Hook, or the Texas tower shooting, or Las Vegas, or El Paso, or Charleston, or Pittsburgh, or Sutherland Springs, or Christ Church, or Aurora . . . Oh I forgot, the media didn't focus on guns in those cases.

You racist piece of excrement. Nice that you found your home among your bros here at the Althouse blog.

Enigma said...

Gun control concepts are based on the (1) extremely costly manufacturing before CAD/CAM, CNC, and 3D printers became common, plus (2) the anti-Vietnam War movement and the response to the political assassinations of the 1960s. The left's control strategies remain fixed in time and fully obsolete, as they have been obvious failures since the 1990s at the latest.

Today one can build a gun from either common parts or from scratch for very little money. Back when the first real gun laws were passed (e.g., 1934), guns were expensive machines built by professionals in factories.

The 1960s political atmosphere was naïve and utopian, as some thought they could wash away all they hated and make it right for the deceased JFK, RFK, and MLK Jr. Universities kicked out the ROTC, schools stopped having shooting teams, and many places eventually became Gun Free Zones (which in turn attracted nut cases to easy targets).

The realistic best option is something akin to the Swiss model of a few decades ago: Every male was required to have a weapon and stand for the common defense. Only by embracing and respecting guns as integral to the culture can the US regulate them meaningfully. It's also much more important to provide social and family support for the mentally ill than fixate on weapons. There are way too many guns in circulation and too many people staunchly opposed to strict laws to take that course.

Respect everyone and communicate with your political opponents, or continue with the status quo.

Jefferson's Revenge said...

Isn't it odd we know nothing about this kids actual parents? We know there is a grandmother and nothing about her or a grandfather, mother, father, sibling? I get that the law enforcement community needs to be careful what they release but our intrepid media seem to ab able to track down and dox random people at will. Not this kid?????

Robert Cook- If we took the work God out of the sentence and substituted morals/values would you agree with that? "We have excluded morals/values from American life.........".

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Right, Cookie. Teachers are notoriously untrainable. Teachers have the same constitutional right to bear arms we all have. The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. I always carried when I taught public school. And I trained frequently on my own time. It ain’t rocket science. Why are schools not responsible for a safe and secure environment?

jim5301 said...

80 percent plus of Americans support universal background checks. But in the minoritarian country we now find ourselves living in (our founders would be aghast), 41 senators representing less than 25% of the population can stop any bill from becoming law.

MadisonMan said...

I only glanced at the paper this morning, but it seemed like Biden pivoted immediately ("Democrats Pounce") to gun control. Not a word about empathy for the victims, or comforting parents. No. Straight to More Government -- as if that's the best fix.
Maybe there was more within the article that was Biden sympathetic to parents who have lost their children, but I had no time to read: Late for work.

Howard said...

Obviously the Militia isn't regulated very well.

tommyesq said...

Besides, "God" should not be part of public life; it is entirely a personal belief, a private matter.

Very much not the norm throughout most of American life - God, religion and morality were a very big part of public life. Also, you assert that God should not be a part of public life, but provide no reasons as to why this should be the case.

Narayanan said...

defunding Police took some guns off the street from guys in /Blue?

Jamie said...

Trained personnel, perhaps; teachers, not. It says much about the state of the USA that suggestions that teachers carry firearms in the classroom would even be proposed. What it says isn't good.

Why not trained teachers? I would posit a stringent psychological screening process, a high standard of training - considerably higher than mine - not just in firearms use but in appropriate tactics, and regular and frequent recertification, because I know what COVID and the resultant high price of ammo has done to my accuracy. But why not teachers?

They're there. They're already on the payroll (and of course I would support a good stipend for this extras duty). They are in a position to notice when a kid's behavior has changed or is "off."

Ralph L said...

Monday morning, I was exercising my dad's car and turned into a semi-rural high school to turn around. A sheriff's car was parked sideways between the street entrance and the main door so you couldn't miss seeing it. It looked like a regular feature, not a social call. I couldn't help wondering if there was an actual deputy on duty.

Aggie said...

After the Sandy Hook tragedy, there were new regulations implemented to harden up public schools. Door locks, emergency preparedness, fortified classroom doors, so forth.

I haven't heard the question asked yet, and I keep hoping to: Was this public school facility in compliance with those decade-old regulations? Having said that, the initial reports seem to indicate that the shooter fired through the outside windows, but I haven't seen confirmation of it.

We just sent $40 billion to the Ukraine, with lots of Republicans going along with the meal-ticket scam: No time to review the bill and the pork that's been salted in, no provisions for audit or on-the-ground oversight of the dispensation of funds, none of the basic controls of accountability. Forward to the Vote! And there they are, lining up to vote 'Yea'.

It's more than the USA spent last year on its crumbling roads and bridges infrastructure, so your safety and convenience just got veto'd in favor of foreign adventures. But now you also know that the safety of our children is not a priority - is it? Or every public school would be equipped, and have a plan.

Biden has already taken a short shamble down what's left of Memory Lane to dredge up ol' Beau Biden and the tragic devastation of his cancer death so that we all know how much Joe identifies with the parents and families of the slaughtered children. We already know, Joe; we already know. You just reminded us

Bruce Hayden said...

“No word from Democrat mayors on the endemic shootings and killings in their cities. Chicago, Baltimore and even Portland, OR are the poster children for how to not make your cities safe.”

I say to the Democrats here, that as long as you support bail reform, being soft on crime, not prosecuting AntiFA and BLM to the fullest under the law, etc, you aren’t going to get any real gun control. The last couple years have shown many millions of Americans that they cannot trust the government, and exp Dem controlled governments, to keep them safe. If these governments want guns off the streets, they need to make the streets safe, and get the criminals behind bars, and the crazy people in institutions, first.

This isn’t like supporting women, and guys pretending to be women, at the same time. Law and order in this country is breaking down, the Democrats are driving it, with their policies ranging from bail reform, through undercharging violent and gun related charges, open borders, crashing the economy, loss of energy independence, etc.

Amadeus 48 said...

You cannot live as I do in Chicago, which has some of the toughest gun laws in the country, and believe that tougher gun laws would have any impact.

We have tough gun laws, but they are not enforced. Judges and prosecutors don't even slow down when they toss gun charges when setting bail and sentencing thugs. We don't want "a generation of young black men" in jail--where many of them belong.

And yet, politicians here bleat for "tougher gun laws." They might try instead supporting the police and enforcing the laws we have. But the slaughter of a "generation of young black men" goes on, and they take innocents with them.

My progressive friends (they are only somewhat liberal in a vestigial way) spout the gun laws memes with depressing predictability, but they never demand that the gun laws we have be rigorously enforced. So, we can't even control access to guns by gang members. How are we going to do it across the board in a country of 330 million with hundreds of millions of guns already in circulation? We know what will happen. The law-abiding people will obey the new laws and disarm themselves. Lawless people will not.

Jonathan Haidt might be right that stupidity is contagious. He blames social media.

TrespassersW said...

Robert Cook said, "Besides, "God" should not be part of public life; it is entirely a personal belief, a private matter."

For many of us, God IS a part of our daily lives, both private and public, your pronouncement notwithstanding. I'll never apologize for that.

Kevin said...

Dr. Jill will soon assign this to Kamala.

Narayanan said...

One broken individual can do an astonishing amount of evil.
and they keep getting elected too

readering said...

There happened to be cops at the school who engaged the shooter outside. He evaded them.

mikee said...

Biden rejected prosecuting felons caught by the Brady check, when they tried to buy guns. Because there were sooo many of them!

He is also about to ban AR "pistols" by insisting the 3,000,000+ owners of these popular guns all get registered and taxed under the NFA.

To be clear: Biden doesn't want to stop gun crime, he wants to criminalize gun ownership.

Joe Smith said...

It's not about guns.

It's about mental illness.

It's about not securing the schools.

Congress is afforded security for its members.

Every courthouse in America has security for judges.

I have to show ID and get wanded down when I go to the theater.

Same for going on an airplane.

One person on every school campus should be trained and armed.

If the schools turn into 'prisons' then they would be the same kind of prison as Capital Hill, and I don't hear any senators complaining.

Joe Smith said...

'One promptly bought a Streetsweeper. I thought, “Yeah, that’s what business people do during Monday lunch hour in Omaha: Purchase automatic weapons.”'

Nobody bought an 'automatic weapon.'

If you don't know the difference, don't tell the story.

Rusty said...

The Biden Regime(Democrats) just wants to disarm their political opponents like all fascist regimes want to do.
Howard(Biden voter) beclowns himself once again.

I shot a round of indoor trap yesterday. I didn't even know it was a thing until I went to get some reloading supplies. The owners son isn't aware of another one like it in the country.

Rollo said...

Biden did nothing. No surprise there.

I wonder about "gun-free" zones. Some places are de facto gun free zones, but don't make a big noise about it, and mass shootings aren't common there. I'm not opposed to having armed guards, but I do wonder about the popular talking point.

Ditto on mental illness. Sometimes people who do crazy or horrible things aren't literally insane.

Robert Cook said...

"Robert Cook- If we took the work God out of the sentence and substituted morals/values would you agree with that? 'We have excluded morals/values from American life.........'"

No. That's too simplistic, a ready-made explanation that doesn't explain anything.

The question to begin with is: what is it about the overall conditions of our society such that it produces so many emotionally malformed and volatile people? Sociological and psychological data encompassing the changes in our society over time might provide a theoretical explanation.

Christopher B said...

jim5301 said...
80 percent plus of Americans support universal background checks

Every indication I've seen is that the shooter purchased the gun(s) and did so legally which means he passed a background check. This doesn't appear to be uncommon in these kinds of mass shootings.

Per Amadeus above, when are you going to start agitating for the enforcement of the existing laws that ban straw purchases and possession of firearms by those not eligible?

Rusty said...

Robert Cook said...
"I knew the shooter was non-white the moment the media focus turned to guns."

"That's peculiar. The media always focus on guns in such cases, and most mass shooters are white."
Not entirely true, Bob. Mass shootings happen all the time in Chicago and Baltimore, and Philly, etc. But because the perps are minorities it isn't news. The left loves themselves some death they can make politics around. Don't think of it as a mass shooting, Bob. Think of it as a group late term abortion.

Robert Cook said...

"Also, you assert that God should not be a part of public life, but provide no reasons as to why this should be the case."

Well, for one, not everyone believes in god, and, of those who do, not all share the same beliefs about god. It is for those who believe to observe their beliefs in their own homes or to gather together in voluntary private groups with others of like beliefs, but not to impose them on others uninvited.

Robert Cook said...

"Right, Cookie. Teachers are notoriously untrainable. Teachers have the same constitutional right to bear arms we all have. The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. I always carried when I taught public school. And I trained frequently on my own time. It ain’t rocket science. Why are schools not responsible for a safe and secure environment?"

It's not that teachers are untrainable. It's that it is inappropriate for teachers to be wearing arms in the classroom. If you mean you were wearing a sidearm when you say you "always carried" when teaching public school, I find that appalling.

Schools should be responsible for a safe and secure environment. I think that having teachers bearing arms in the classrooms sends the opposite message to the children, that it is, in fact, not a safe and secure environment.

MadTownGuy said...

I blame Alec Baldwin.

Joe Smith said...

Almost every democrat wants to ban all handguns and most rifles.

Democrats are in charge of the senate, the house, and the white house.

Obama had huge majorities in congress his first two years in office.

Yet democrats didn't pass legislation then and they won't propose any now.

They know it's a huge political loser.

They just want talking points.

Joe Smith said...

'Have you ever heard of a politician’s child dying in one of these school shootings? Of course not. The pain they insist we endure never touches them.'

They send their kids to private schools.

Private schools have security.

They don't want to give citizens the option of school choice.

In there was a choice between private and government-run schools, the government-run schools would be empty and the unionized teachers would be on the dole.

Mary Beth said...

jim5301 said...

our founders would be aghast

You were doing better before you switched to mind reading.

TreeJoe said...

I haven't yet read what gun control law is currently drafted that would have prevented this shooter from acquiring and using these firearms.

It's a very simple question. Chris Murphy and Biden, within hours of the shooting, claim they have all the information necessary to act and pass laws to prevent the shooting from happening.

In other words: it's patently clear you are using a tragedy to advance purely political purposes when this stuff is done. It's despicable.

Mr. Forward said...

Watch: Sen. Chris Murphy Begs for Gun Violence Legislation in Impassioned Speech
May 24, 2022

July 29, 2020

Freeman Hunt said...

The worst school massacre took place in 1927. (And that was particularly heinous as the perpetrator had months to rethink his plan and change his mind as he set his bombs.) People doing outrageously evil things isn't new.

People owning guns helps prevent murder on an industrial scale. You don't pass a law to prevent 18 murders that enables 18,000,000.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

My advice to anyone who wants to use gun control to reduce the frequency/severity of school shooting (as opposed to someone who wants to use it as a political issue.)

Come up with a wish list of all the gun laws you thing might help. Do not package all these together into a bill and try to ram it through Congress. Instead rank the list based on effectiveness vs imposition on other people's rights. (And for the imposition on people's rights, take to some of the people who care about those rights so that you understand their perspective.)

Pick the top one or two items in terms of effectiveness/imposition. The, go to the NRA and ask them what gun rights they want to expand. (Things like interstate recognition of licensing/permitting). Look for a win-win scenario where both sides feel they are getting more than they are giving up. Then put that into a bill.

I always hear that the NRA is unwilling to compromise. But the compromise asked for is always giving up gun rights and getting nothing in return. That's not compromise, that's capitulation.

Beasts of England said...

'80 percent plus of Americans support universal background checks.'

Sounds like it'll be super easy to get a constitutional amendment passed!! Hop on it, dude!

God of the Sea People said...

There should be hiring preferences and pay bumps for teachers that are willing to train and carry in order to protect children. Can you imagine if a pro-gun state required a certain percentage of teachers to be qualified to carry in school?

JAORE said...

80 percent plus of Americans support universal background checks.

Sure until they learn things like:
Some of the proposed laws would not let you loan a gun to a know friend for hunting or a day at the range.
That to pass a gun along to your child you need to involve a Federal Firearms dealer
That most guns involved in crimes are stolen.

These types of poll results are worthless.

JAORE said...

By the way, Hunter Biden admits to being a drug abuser. -Photographic evidence abounds. Hunter Biden passed a background check where he certified he is not a drug abuser. Hunter Biden broke Federal law when he bought his gun.

Lock him up.

Let's start there with "strict" gun control.

It is, after all "common sense".

iowan2 said...

41 senators representing less than 25% of the population can stop any bill from becoming law.

When ever I see that, I know the person is uneducated/uneducable. This is a meaningless factiod that has no bearing.

The reason it is true. Senators represent the interests of the States. The House (The Peoples House) represent the people.

Indigo Red said...

"80 percent plus of Americans support universal background checks."

"85 of the mass shootings in the United States between 1982 and May 2022 involved weapons which were obtained legally; a clear majority. Only 16 incidents involved guns that were obtained illegally." (

78% of gun sales go through the universal background check. The Buffalo shooter went through the UBC. The Uvalde shooter went through the UBC. The greatest problem for law creators and law enforcement personnel is predetermining who will be a mass shooter.

When guns are outlawed, outlaws use crossbows. Lloyds Gymnasium (high school) in Bremerhaven, Germany was attacked on May 18, 2022, by a bad guy who loosed two bolts through classroom windows seriously injuring a female employee.

The Norwegian bow and arrow killer went on trial May 18, 2022, charged with 5 counts of murder and 11 counts of attempted murder. His attack began in a supermarket and ended on the streets of Kongsberg last October.

Sometimes outlaws use blades. August 7, 2021, a man in Japan with knives attacked 10 women on a commuter train. He sought out women "who looked happy."

60% of mass shooters had been diagnosed with a mental disorder or had demonstrated signs of serious mental illness prior to the attack." Having a mental disorder is not a valid conclusion that any diagnosed person will commit a mass killing.

What to do, what to do...?

jim5301 said...

iowan2 - putting aside the metaphysical discussion over the difference between representing "the people" vs "the state" my simple point is that 20.5 states should not have veto rights in the senate. We should be ruled by the majority not a supra-majority.

stlcdr said...

Beasts of England said...
Often went duck hunting early morning and brought my shotgun and shells to school in my trunk. We had gun classes over interim and had weapons demonstrations on school grounds. No mass shootings. What changed?

5/25/22, 7:47 AM

I don't think that is true. There were mass shootings (from the data I looked at several years ago). The solution was to, ultimately, take firearms out of school (and school curricula) and create gun free zones.

It made no significant difference, but to concede, an increase in shootings.

Skeptical Voter said...

Mass shootings/killings prompt calls for gun control I saw a factoid from the FBI saying that there were 64 mass shootings in 2021 that killed 103 people. Most of those shootings resulted in public outcry for more gun control.

There were 797 homicides in Chicago in 2021--most of those were black on black shootings. Not much of a peep about that from the lame stream media. That and the inner city carnage in most (mainly Democrat run) American big cities just doesn't get attention.

Michael K said...

Biden's speech was theater for the loyal dopes. Everyone knows this will go nowhere. Clinton tried it and it failed.

Jason said...

Cook: Trained personnel, perhaps; teachers, not. It says much about the state of the USA that suggestions that teachers carry firearms in the classroom would even be proposed. What it says isn't good.

When I was a high school teacher, I was also a fully-trained and qualified Army infantry officer and platoon leader. There were also several other very capable veterans on the faculty, working full time.

You shouldn't project your own uselessness on your betters.

Christopher B said...

Robert Cook said...
It's that it is inappropriate for teachers to be wearing arms in the classroom.

Who died and made you the Being Who Shall Not Be Mentioned In Public Spaces, Cookie?

Robert Cook said...

"Almost every democrat wants to ban all handguns and most rifles.

"Democrats are in charge of the senate, the house, and the white house.

"Obama had huge majorities in congress his first two years in office.

"Yet democrats didn't pass legislation then and they won't propose any now.

"They know it's a huge political loser.

"They just want talking points."

Your fourth statement disproves your first one, and your fifth and sixth statements explain why your first statement is false.

Robert Cook said...

"'That's peculiar. The media always focus on guns in such cases, and most mass shooters are white.'
"Not entirely true, Bob. Mass shootings happen all the time in Chicago and Baltimore, and Philly, etc. But because the perps are minorities it isn't news."

Examples, please?

You're misusing the term "mass shootings" to describe gun assaults in several big cities. You are referring to the cumulative statistics of many shootings by many shooters over a period of time. Lone minority assailants are not "all the time" committing mass shootings in public places with automatic weapons (or multiple weapons) of multiple victims at once.

Rusty said...

"It's that it is inappropriate for teachers to be wearing arms in the classroom."
Gratuitous assertion duly noted.
No it's not.
"'80 percent plus of Americans support universal background checks.'"
You mean like we already have?

Why isn't anybody proposing a solution to the root cause? Common sense mental illness control.

J L Oliver said...

My only thought for a useful law is this. Any person under 21 who has any domestic violence charges, assault charges, add any ones that work, cannot buy or use a firearm legally. Their ID goes onto the registry. This might lessen the crazy teenage attacks and not allow them to practice or glorify them on Instagram.

iowan2 said...

JL Oliver, you cant take a persons rights without due proccess.

Joe Smith said...

'Your fourth statement disproves your first one, and your fifth and sixth statements explain why your first statement is false.'

And almost everything you've ever written here proves you're either a dope, a DNC stooge, or both.

You can't refute my statements so you play word games.

I have no patience for low-IQ shills.

Jack Klompus said...

" with automatic weapons..."

Nobody uses automatic weapons, Cookie, you faux-sophisticate pseudo-radical poseur. We all know how impressive it is that you live in New York, but stick to things you actually know something about like boring anecdotes about walking past d-list celebrities on Saint Marks Place etc.

Kevin said...

My only thought for a useful law is this. Any person under 21 who has any domestic violence charges, assault charges, add any ones that work, cannot buy or use a firearm legally.

If we're taking away their right to self-defense, why stop there?

Revoke their right to speak, vote, assemble, remain silent, and have access to an attorney.

That'll show 'em!

Robert Cook said...

"Why isn't anybody proposing a solution to the root cause? Common sense mental illness control."

A good idea...but, who will pay for it? Who will refer a troubled potential shooter to therapy? The matter of "who pays?" is another reason why need to have universal health care paid for by our taxes. We'd get a lot more bang (ouch!) for the buck than we do squandering this money on the military.

iowan2 said...


my simple point is that 20.5 states should not have veto rights in the senate.

We disagree. The United States of America was purposefully designed to protect against the tyranny of the majority. Look up Chestertons Fence and get back to us.

iowan2 said...

Pick the top one or two items in terms of effectiveness/imposition. The, go to the NRA and ask them what gun rights they want to expand. (Things like interstate recognition of licensing/permitting). Look for a win-win scenario where both sides feel they are getting more than they are giving up. Then put that into a bill.

This is the only reasonable suggestion I have heard in years. Then I realized, that's how this nation worked before Dems lost control of the House. Then legislation became a zero sum game. Dems refused to negotiate from the minority, and sought to punish in the majority.

I have yet to see a rational objection to arming willing teachers, and staff in schools. I fail to see a single downside. It is a positive action, that at worst does no harm, at the very least it puts doubts into the head of the shooter.

But the long term solution is shifting culture to respect and value life. That is a several generations long term solution.

Some one said a teacher in a classroom is inappropriate. But yet, sending masturbation homework home with kindergartners is wholly appropriate. This is a clue about how the agenda in the class room has rotted. Instead of masturbation, that time could be spent extolling the sanctity of life.

Mason G said...

If passing laws is what it takes, why not just make it illegal to kill people?

GRW3 said...

Decades of experience mainstreaming the mentally ill has not worked out. Sure the asylums might have been a mess but were they any worse that the homeless encampments plaguing major cities? The common thread being both are dominated by crazy people. I'm quite sure we'll find this guy was known to mental health people and law enforcement as a ticking timebomb and should have been committed a long time ago.

Jupiter said...

Biden? Enemy.

Paul said...

J L Oliver said...

"My only thought for a useful law is this. Any person under 21 who has any domestic violence charges, assault charges, add any ones that work, cannot buy or use a firearm legally. Their ID goes onto the registry. This might lessen the crazy teenage attacks and not allow them to practice or glorify them on Instagram."

I presume you mean CONVICTIONS... for charges are not guilty verdicts.


I am sure the government that gives BILLIONS to other countries, millions to 'undocumented aliens' pouring in, and payraises for themselves every few years could...

Fund security cameras at each door, auto locking doors, and security screen in the Administration office. If they see a nutjob coming toward any door one push of a button and all the doors would lock and police called.

There are some real good security doors made that are very hard to break. And this would really help if all the school children wore easily recognizable uniforms.

hombre said...

Meanwhile, the FBI chases parents and pretends that trespassers and videographers are dangerous terrorists.

Our nation is run by assholes, dangerous assholes.

Robert Cook said...

"It's that it is inappropriate for teachers to be wearing arms in the classroom."
Gratuitous assertion duly noted.

Not gratuitous at all. Normalizing the idea of teachers (and other ordinary citizens) bearing arms in their everyday lives and places of work shows just how badly fucked up our society has become.

Ralph L said...

God of the Sea People said...
There should be hiring preferences and pay bumps for teachers that are willing to train and carry in order to protect children

That would work most places, but have you seen some trans teacher tiktoks? Do you want the people who hired those nutjobs deciding who will be armed in school?

Has there been a mass college/uni shooting since the VPI one in 2007? Has earlier puberty led to younger shooters on average?

Leland said...

Hiring more border patrol agents would also help the current VP do the job of dealing with the border crisis assigned by this President. It is a two-fer and is a constitutional role of the federal government.

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