May 9, 2022

What's the difference?

It's interesting, the differences that matter to people, the endless quest to distinguish alligators from crocodiles and psychopaths from sociopaths, but what I wanted to know was the difference between vandalism and terrorism. 

I'm reading "Madison anti-abortion headquarters hit by apparent Molotov cocktail, vandalism, graffiti" in the Wisconsin State Journal: "Vandals set a fire inside the Madison headquarters of the anti-abortion group...."

What is the word "vandalism" doing in that headline, which specifies 2 things — Molotov cocktail and graffiti? Is there some additional thing that was done that justifies putting "vandalism" in that sequence of words? A firebombing is more than vandalism, and the graffiti says "If abortions aren’t safe then you aren’t either," so there was a specific intent to terrorize people over their political beliefs and actions.  

I blogged that article last night — here — and I didn't say much, but I did shift to the word "terrorists" after quoting the newspaper's word "vandalism." (I wrote "The terrorists left graffiti....")

To say "vandalism" is to minimize the seriousness of this crime. Ironically, it also elevates the target, since the older meanings of "vandalism" highlight the destruction of things that are "beautiful, venerable, or worthy of preservation" (OED). 

This morning, I'm seeing that The New York Times is using the word "vandalism" (the headline"Anti-Abortion Group in Wisconsin Is Hit by Arson, Authorities Say" — uses the word "arson"):

The headquarters of an anti-abortion group in Madison, Wis., was set on fire on Sunday morning in an act of vandalism that included the attempted use of a Molotov cocktail and graffiti that read “If abortions aren’t safe then you aren’t either,” according to the police.

Why call it "an act of vandalism"? That seems to ascribe a motivation to whoever did this — a motivation of either random destruction or irreverence. But, based on the graffiti, the motive was to terrorize. If you hesitate to say "terrorism," refrain from talking about the motive. Don't downgrade it by calling it "vandalism."

And ask yourself, NYT, if a pro-abortion group were firebombed and graffiti'd with an equivalent threat, would you not easily and comfortably go to the strong word "terrorism"?


wendybar said...

They are downgrading it because they KNOW it was done by irate Progressives, and they are trying to downplay it so they won't be arrested and thrown into the Gulag with the Political prisoners of Joe Biden.

Bob Boyd said...

Terrorism is a political crime. It's not a political crime if the criminal's politics are aligned with those of the regime.

Beasts of England said...

Actions taken by Democrats are vandalism; actions taken by Republicans are terrorism.

chickelit said...

I'm so old that I remember when ant-abortion was a progressive cause in Madison.

Owen said...

As the saying goes, “S*** just got real.” NYT doing its considerable best to defend yet again its title to the Duranty Pulitzer and retire the prize permanently. Thanks Prof A for trying to fisk the media on this one, but it’s a lost cause.

Mike Petrik said...

Exactly right, Ann. While one might quibble whether the term "terrorism" is often used too lightly, the motives animating this particular arson would seem to support such usage. In any case, referring to politically-motivated arsonists as "vandals" is transparently dismissive. It is another example of why so many fair-minded Americans despise today's media.

gilbar said...

the difference between vandalism and terrorism.

pretty simple. vandalism is done by Protesters.. terrorism is done by Insurrectionists
That is; vandalism supports the cause.. terrorism is a reaction to the cause
vandalism is mostly peaceful.. terrorism results in the execution of Ashli Babbitt

Christopher B said...

What's the difference between liberal and leftist?

RideSpaceMountain said...

With everything that's going on, I'm surprised the difference between the 1st and 2nd trimester isn't higher in that query population.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Danno said...

Leftists are vandals no matter the crime. MAGA people are terrorists. Quite simple.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

What do you want from them? They aren't biologists.

gilbar said...

the graffiti says "If abortions aren’t safe then you aren’t either,"

serious (non snarky) question: HOW is that NOT hate speech?

If someone wrote on a Planned Parenthood shop: "Abortions aren't safe, And you aren't either!"
What would Jo Biden and Chuck Schroomer say about THAT?

Enigma said...

The left routinely resorts to propaganda and ever-more-detached Orwellian language when half-baked utopian initiatives fail. When there's no way to save face just move the goalposts. This practice is at least as old as the English Civil War, French Revolution, the USSR, and Maoist China. Saying "vandalism" is a concession that something bad happened versus the ridcule that followed "mostly peaceful protests" of burning cities in 2020. That counts for something.

Language games fool those who want to be fooled and those too fearful to object.

Freder Frederson said...

Why not do a little research? You have a subscription to the nyt. There are lots of abortion clinic bombings and arson (as well as the Atlanta Olympics bombing and even murders) that the times reported on.

Answering your own question should be easy.

rhhardin said...

Terrorism hasn't much to do with terrorizing. It has to do with a political statement. The voters want it ended and will vote for people who will cave, is the plan. That's not even true in Madison.

This is simply bullying.

Jaq said...

What is the difference between interfering with the deliberations of the SCOTUS through personal intimidation and the charges leveled against J6 demonstrators?

Christopher B said...

Freder thinks he's being helpful.

Freder Frederson said...

Oh and BTW, crocodiles and alligators (and gharial) diverged 80 million years ago. From an evolutionary standpoint, the difference is very important. "Who cares, they are just big reptiles that may eat you" is a stunning display of ignorance.

Temujin said...

Molotov cocktails are to vandalism what 'peaceful protests' are to Atlanta and Minneapolis businesses burning down.

'Most secure election in history' is to 2020 as 'Russia stole the election' is to 2016.

Disinformation is to Fox News what 'Democracy dies in darkness' is to the Washington Post.

You get the picture.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

[semi-duplicate post with date corrected (stupid autocorrect) and original above deleted]

Looks like routine mainstream media stylebook following: downplay the violence committed by "our side" the Left, and highlight and exaggerate threats from the Right. Everybody knows the maxim, "No enemies to the Left" and can see the effects everyday on social media, TV and print media. They may not automatically connect it to Kerensky and the Bolsheviks, but people are aware of this phenomenon. That is the whole reason the "mostly peaceful protest" lie was invented over the 2019-2020 riot season, and at the heart of the walk-through kerfuffle of J6 being relentlessly marketed as an "insurrection" even though there was no armed rebellion or right-wing violence. Loading up language to perpetuate lies is their first and last tactic, their alpha and omega, one without which the progressives could not hope to succeed.

Bryant said...

And ask yourself, NYT, if a pro-abortion group were firebombed and graffiti'd with an equivalent threat, would you not easily and comfortably go to the strong word "terrorism"?

It wouldn't be terrorism in that example, it would be an insurrection.

narciso said...

There was no sufficient penalty for ayers armstrong rosenberg the first wasnt even convicted for reasons the second got off in 20 years the third was sprung by clinton and organized this gang that destroyed cities

gspencer said...

Gator and croc?

Both are best avoided. Crocs have really bad attitudes, especially the Nile croc and the salties.

TelfordWork said...

DuckDuckGo's autocomplete gave me these choices:

what's the difference between frogs and toads
what's the difference between kn95 and n95
what's the difference between hmo and ppo
what's the difference lyrics

Michel said...

According to Katherine Bergeron in her book Decadent Enchantments, “vandalisme” was coined by the Abbé Grégoire, bishop of Blois, in 1794. He used to describe the damage done by gangs of sans culottes following the French Revolution. These gangs roamed the streets destroying monuments and churches in order to, “destroy anything that bore evidence of the glories of kings, the ages of despotic rule.” A Commission that had been established by the revolution to arrange for these monuments and treasuries to be gathered up and sold instead of senselessly destroyed was headed by Grégoire who said, “I created the word to kill the thing.”

It seems to me that vandals believe they act alongside, but without the approval of, the ascendant powers of the jurisdiction in which they act whereas terrorists believe they act against the ascendant powers. If you believe that a statue of a person who once owned slaves should be torn down but that authorities are dragging their feet, you are a vandal. If you think the political culture is against you and you commit senseless violence in the hopes of creating a terror that will disrupt that culture, you are a terrorist.

Leland said...

Considering the Overton Window shift of 2020, it is an improvement that they call it vandalism rather than simply peaceful.

I also think terrorism is often over used although this is a case when it is appropriate. It seems, based on the information left in graffiti, that the people responsible intend to use violent acts to intimidate people and their politics.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What’s the difference between a social drinker and an alcoholic?

(See supreme’s lost laptop 😉)

Narayanan said...

Oh and BTW, crocodiles and alligators (and gharial) diverged 80 million years ago. From an evolutionary standpoint, the difference is very important. "Who cares, they are just big reptiles that may eat you" is a stunning display of ignorance.
thanks Freder : eaten is one way to get seriously inside the subject being investigated!

Narayanan said...

Oh and BTW, crocodiles and alligators (and gharial) diverged 80 million years ago. From an evolutionary standpoint, the difference is very important. "Who cares, they are just big reptiles that may eat you" is a stunning display of ignorance.
Freder is always helpful : eaten is one way to get seriously into the subject being investigated!

Ann Althouse said...

I don't need them to say "terrorism." I just need them not to say "vandalism." I don't think a fire-bombing of an abortion clinic would be called "vandalism"! I want the same rule across the board. I'm seeing a tendency to call more things "terrorism," and I'm critical of that.

Ann Althouse said...

"what's the difference lyrics"

I read those lyrics. Sample excerpt:

I mean it, dog—you ever need somebody offed: "Whose throat is it?"
Well, if you ever kill that Kim bitch, I'll show you where the ocean is
Well, that's cool, and I appreciate the offer
But if I do decide to really murder my daughter's mama
I'ma sit her up in the front seat and put sunglasses on her
And cruise around with her for seven hours through California
And have her wavin' at people (Hi!)
Then drop her off on the corner at the police station
And drive off, honkin' the horn for her (*Beep-beep!*)
Raw-dog, get your arm gnawed off
Drop the sawed-off and beat you with the piece it was sawed off of
Fuck blood, I wanna see some lungs coughed up
Get shot up in the hot tub 'til the bubbles pop up
In they nose and cough snot up, mucus and hot water

Saint Croix said...

I hope they arrest Arson, he sounds like a bad guy.

JAORE said...

Did I miss the word "extremists" to describe the terrorist/vandals?

Seems like a REALLY popular word these days.... for one side.

Saint Croix said...

A Baby in a Uterus is Hit by Abortion, Authorities Say

Ron Winkleheimer said...

A threat to kill people if you don't get your way politically is pretty clearly terrorism, not vandalism.

Oh, and the difference between bourbon and whiskey? All bourbon is a subset of whiskey.

Whisky is "An alcoholic liquor distilled from grain, such as corn, rye, or barley, and containing approximately 40 to 50 percent ethyl alcohol by volume."

Bourbon is "A whiskey distilled from a fermented mash containing not less than 51 percent corn in addition to malt and rye."

Bourbon also must be aged in charred white oak barrels and limestone filtered water is used in its production.

Jack Daniels is not bourbon because it is charcoaled filtered, but if it was not it would be considered bourbon because bourbon does not have to be distilled in Bourbon County, KY to be considered bourbon, though a lot of people believe that.

Ann Althouse said...

It's not that the difference between crocodiles and alligators doesn't matter, it's that it's interesting that it's the most-searched difference on Google (or it's whatever the Google algorithm brings to the top of a search).

What is the most important difference, the one I'd like to see hit the top? Well, wouldn't you have *expected* one of the top ones to be the difference between men and women?! They didn't even have the difference between cats and dogs. You'd think the difference between political groups would be important or the difference between religions. There are also the golden classics: the difference between your ass and a hole in the ground and the difference between shit and Shinola.

farmgirl said...

When Althouse asks questions, the mouth in my mind shoots off w/an instantaneous answer.
What’s the difference between…. Intent!!! it shouts.

As a conservative-minded person: I reject the bombing of abortion clinics and shooting/killing of abortionists. It’s morally wrong and unconscionable. I haven’t heard any denunciation (spellcheck says I made that word up(cool))from “the Left” w/the killing of Ashli Babbit, the Antifa/BLM riots or the attempted assassination of Kyle Rittenhouse. Or, many other claimed falsehoods against “the Right.”

PS- spellcheck was right- I used an “o” & it was slow- I gave it one last go: it’s a “u”.

Apples to apples is cruel neutrality.
Thanks for adjusting the focus.

ConradBibby said...

"Terrorism" may be overused, but it clearly applies in this instance. Terrorism is the use or threat of violence against a population in support of a political objective. The firebomb coupled with the threatening graffiti makes this a classic case of terrorism. I would presume the media are only avoiding the use of the term because it cuts against their favored narrative that CONSERVATIVES are terrorists and supporters of left-wing causes are merely "protesters."

Rollo said...

What's the difference between vandalism, visigothism, and ostrogothism?

farmgirl said...

Shit and Shinola!!!
Hahah! My Mom says that.

ConradBibby said...

I would think that "what's the difference between communism and socialism" would rank pretty high on the list of searches. However, google probably has it rigged so that it doesn't.

farmgirl said...

Those lyrics:
Went down a rabbit hole and wound up watching a Van Hall reaction video on Thomas Sowell’s history of slavery. Very informative. Sad thing is- those lyrics suggest (these)black men today-are no different in treating black women than the Arabs did those 100s of yrs ago.


Kevin said...

Well, wouldn't you have *expected* one of the top ones to be the difference between men and women?!?

Very few people we would need to Google that.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Well, wouldn't you have *expected* one of the top ones to be the difference between men and women?!

No, because the vast majority of people already know that. I have explained the difference between bourbon and whiskey to many of my friends. Not once has anyone ever asked me the difference between men and women.

Joe Smith said...

Vandalism is property destruction.

Terrorism is a political act that may or may not involve vandalism.

Off the top of my head.

Btw, I think the Indica/Sativa thing is a way to keep budtenders relevant...

Joe Smith said...

'Molotov cocktails are to vandalism what 'peaceful protests' are to Atlanta and Minneapolis businesses burning down.'

This could be a new 'equitable' SAT answer for kids in the 'hood.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Why call it "an act of vandalism"? That seems to ascribe a motivation to whoever did this — a motivation of either random destruction or irreverence. But, based on the graffiti, the motive was to terrorize. If you hesitate to say "terrorism," refrain from talking about the motive. Don't downgrade it by calling it "vandalism."

And ask yourself, NYT, if a pro-abortion group were firebombed and graffiti'd with an equivalent threat, would you not easily and comfortably go to the strong word "terrorism"?

Wait, are you trying to pretend to yourself that the NYT is an honest source of news, rather than a dishonest left-wing agitation-prop outfit?


Freder Frederson said...

Well, it's (what's the difference between it's and its) been an hour and a half and Althouse still hasn't bothered to research a question that apparently is so very important to her. And I know annoying things like facts will not change the beliefs of the commenters here, so I did the googling for her.

I googled both "Olympic Park bombing" and "Tiller murder", perhaps the two most infamous cases of anti-abortion violence. The bombing is alternately described as a "bombing" or an act of terrorism. Dr. Tiller's murder is described as either an assassination or murder. If you can find a source that describes it as an act of terrorism, I would be very interested in a link.

Freder Frederson said...

"Bourbon also must be aged in charred white oak barrels and limestone filtered water is used in its production."

And each batch must be aged in a new barrel.

Freder Frederson said...

I read those lyrics. Sample excerpt:

That sounds like an amicable divorce.

Temujin said...

Funny that you used 'shit and shinola'. There's a Detroit-based upscale watch (and leather goods) company called Shinola which you may know of. I loved that name from the start and once asked my wife if she knew the difference between shit and Shinola. She had never heard the phrase, somehow. I like that Shinola the company used it and placed themselves immediately in the luxury category. Yes, there is a difference between shit and Shinola.

Narr said...

What's the diff between a woman and a good cigar?

walk don't run said...

This from a 2008 Daily Kos article entitled "The Difference Between Vandalism and Terrorism"

"It was pretty impossible to miss tonight's most recommended diary,"BREAKING Glass: Texas Thugs Trash Obama Supporter Car on eve of Early Voting". Normally, the all caps "BREAKING" headline is reserved for new poll numbers coming out of North Carolina that show Obama ahead or maybe a diary about Donald Rumsfeld being sent to The Hague for a tribunal...his tribunal. (That's my dream diary!) But this "BREAKING" was about the actual breaking of actual glass.

An automobile having its back window smashed with a 20 lb rock is USUALLY vandalism. Some idiotic thugs are out one night and bored, or drunk, or pissed at something, or just total losers and decide to throw some rocks and break something that is not their own. The classic definition of vandalism pretty much describes this situation.

van·dal·ism (vndl-zm)
Willful or malicious destruction of public or private property.

However, what happened to Bekosiluvu's car is not JUST vandalism. Mere vandals do not steal your Obama bumper sticker, throw a 20 lb rock through your windshield and then spray paint "OBAMA" on the side of your car.

What happened to Bekosiluvu's car is terrorism. Pure domestic terrorism. In case you are wondering, here's the definition of terrorism:

ter·ror·ism (tr-rzm)
The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

Was the attack on Bekosiluvu's car not violence by a person against property with the intention of intimidating or coercing the owner of that property (and their fellow Obama supporters) for ideological and/or political reasons?

Even the FBI defines a terrorist incident as "a violent act or an act dangerous to human life, in violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any state, to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social goals."

It appears to me that the current batch of terrorists acting up here in the United States are against Barack Obama, rather than with him. They didn't state on the car whom they ARE with, however it's becoming more and more clear that John McCain, Sarah Palin, the Republican Party, and the entire conservative movement are gonna have to answer some questions if this bout of domestic terrorism continues and gets worse.

They need to realize that if this gets worse, it's only going to harm Republican efforts to make a comeback someday. Someone with a brain in that party (other than Colin Powell) needs to speak out and show some decency and smarts and try to put a stop to it now."

Freder Frederson said...

"Oh, and the difference between bourbon and whiskey? All bourbon is a subset of whiskey."

I did like how you used both, correct, spellings (whiskey and whisky), although whisky usually refers to Scotch whisky.

traditionalguy said...

Terrorism is murder of the innocent for political effect. The mao maos perfected it in Kenya. Look up necklacing.

Freder Frederson said...

Sad thing is- those lyrics suggest (these)black men today-are no different in treating black women than the Arabs did those 100s of yrs ago.

Kim Kardashian is not black. Both her parents are white (although her father was of Mediterranean origin, Albanian IIRC).

Mike Petrik said...

Apologies to Ann for going off topic.
Ron —
You are right on all counts re the distinctions between whiskey, bourbon, and Tennessee whiskey. The definitional distinction between the latter two has an interesting history. Originally federal authorities required Jack Daniel’s to classify its whiskey as bourbon precisely because it satisfied all the definitional requirements you specified. Jack Daniel’s appealed and eventually won on the ground that it’s flavor profile was sufficiently different from other bourbons (presumably because of the charcoal leaching though I don’t think the ruling specified that), though it did not convince the regulators to create a new Tennessee whiskey definitional category. But for that 1940s era regulatory ruling, Jack would be probably still be properly regarded as a bourbon. Of course, Jack Daniel’s appeal was entirely a function of marketing, and they were probably fortunate to encounter such compliant regulators.

Ann Althouse said...

Well, wouldn't you have *expected* one of the top ones to be the difference between men and women?!"/"No, because the vast majority of people already know that."

Presumably influenced by the transcendence of transgenders, you're stuck on how to determine if a particular individual is a man or a woman, but the question of the difference between men and women has occupied minds for millennia. "What does a woman want?" Freud famously demanded. Has any standup comedian *ever* deemed the question too easy and obvious to answer? No, they all have different observations. I have a tag "gender difference." There are way too many posts to count, but I'm rather sure each post brings something new to the table.

Jupiter said...

There doesn't have to be a difference. Arson is generally vandalism, and vandalism can be terrorism. Or not. When Winston Churchill ordered the RAF to bomb Berlin, hoping to provoke the Germans into bombing England in reprisal, that was arson and vandalism, but arguably not terrorism. When the allies discovered that pinpoint bombing of factories was simply not possible with the available equipment, and shifted to "area bombing" that targeted the homes (and families) of factory workers, that was all three.

gilbar said...

What's the difference, between a crocodile and a psychopath?
I mean, you couldn't tell from their tears

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

9/11 was vandalism (some people did something)

Jan6 was terrorism (worst than 9/11)

It’s kind of tricky, but like riding a bike, you ‘never forget’ it, once you’re ‘educated’ to it.

n.n said...

Vandalism is a narcissistic outlet. Terrorism is a diversity (e.g. color, sex, age, class) divergence.

JAORE said...

"Presumably influenced by the transcendence of transgenders, you're stuck on how to determine if a particular individual is a man or a woman..."premise is rephrased, the answer remains. For most of us this is NOT a thorny question.

Q: What is the average number of ears for humans?

A: Under two. But, for all practical purposes, two will do.

n.n said...

why so many fair-minded Americans despise today's media

Handmade tales. Report the news, just the news, and nothing but the news, without framing, steering, and empathetic appeals.

Paddy O said...

What's the difference between a monkey and an ape?

Earnest Prole said...

I think we can all agree it's terrorism when their side does it and vandalism (at most) when our side's responsible.

n.n said...

the difference between men and women

Binary sex and a narrow, normal sex-correlated gender attributes (e.g. sexual orientation) distribution with associated effects and affectations (e.g. favorable juxtaposition of the sexes). And a transgender spectrum that is part stable, part confusion, part infusion, part corruption, part therapy.

Sebastian said...

""What does a woman want?" Freud famously demanded."

Which assumes that we know what a woman is, and that she differs fundamentally form the rest of humanity.

Freud could identify women perfectly well while addressing the mystery of their wants.

Christopher B said...

... the question of the difference between men and women has occupied minds for millennia.

I think you're talking about an entirely separate category (second mention) of questions.

People ask for the definition of the difference between a gator and a croc because the two are so similar that most people don't instinctively know the distinctions.

We intuitively know the distinctions between men and women, and spend most of our effort trying to figure out why they aren't more alike.

Static Ping said...

I did the same "trick" on Google. The first six are the same: the Dr. Dre song, "alligator," "n95," "indica," "affect," "vegan." #8 was "dementia," one down from your list, and the "bourbon" one also downgraded to #10. My other two were "hispanic and latino" (#7) and "a college and a university" (#9), oddly enough.

Do note that Google is well established to "curate" their results, and there are entire business out there who exist to manipulate the algorithm. Whether what you see is a true naturally generated list, the list Google wants you to see, the list the bots want you to see, the list that Google has generated from your search history, or some combination of the above, is hard to say. Google is both a bad actor and sloppy, so you cannot trust that the list is honest.

I'll also note that DuckDuckGo's version is completely dissimilar, other than the Dr. Drew song.

effinayright said...

Four Dead Benghazi embassy people?

Four Live Benghazi embassy people?

What difference does it make?

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Speaking of Eminem lyrics, here's part of his song River:

Fuck can I say? If life was a highway
And deceit was an enclave, I'd be swerving in five lanes
Speeds at a high rate, like I'm slidin' on ice, maybe
That's why I may have came at you sideways
I can't keep my lies straight
But I made you terminate my baby
This love triangle left us in a wreck, tangled
What else can I say? It was fun for a while
Bet I really woulda loved your smile
Didn't really wanna abort, but fuck it
What's one more lie, to tell our unborn child?
I've been a liar, been a thief
Been a lover, been a cheat
All my sins need holy water, feel it washing over me
Well, little one (I'm sorry)
I don't want to admit to something (I fucked up)
If all it's gonna cause is pain
The truth and my lies now are falling like the rain
So let the river run

Jim at said...

Leftwing firebombing a pro-life office = vandalism
Rightwing trespassing in the Capitol Building = terrorism

RigelDog said...

ROLLO asked: "What's the difference between vandalism, visigothism, and ostrogothism?"

The Ostrogoths have the coolest name.

Jamie said...

If you hesitate to say "terrorism," refrain from talking about the motive.

Alternatively, if you're a news organization, go where the story leads and don't try to make it into the movie in your mind.

James Graham said...

What's the difference between a bison and a buffalo?

You can't wash your hands in a buffalo.

(It's better orally.)

James Graham said...

What's the difference between a bison and a buffalo?

You can't wash your hands in a buffalo.

Jupiter said...

There's a world of difference between "what are the differences" and "what is the difference".

Friendo said...

I believe that our host prefers to be referred to as Althouse. Every time I see a commenter refer to her as Ann, it seems over-familiar and patronizing.

Lurker21 said...

So the moral is, if you want to burn something down, make sure that you vandalize it first?

Or is it, if you want to be a terrorist, be careful which cause you choose?

Maynard said...

I have explained the difference between bourbon and whiskey (Bourbon also must be aged in charred white oak barrels and limestone filtered water) to many of my friends. Not once has anyone ever asked me the difference between men and women.

I have had the same experience, but also stated that bourbon must be aged in new charred white oak. Scotch tends to be better the longer it is in the barrel because of used barrels. Older bourbon is not necessarily better because it can get very woody once it passes 12-15 years in the barrel. It is all a question of taste.

Finer distinctions in life are important, but the Left wants to get rid of them. I ignore the speech Nazis but they better not come after my bourbon.

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