From "Madison anti-abortion headquarters hit by apparent Molotov cocktail, vandalism, graffiti" (Wisconsin State Journal).
The terrorists left graffiti on the outside of the building — the words "If abortions aren't safe then you aren't either" and the anarchy symbol alongside the number 1312 (which stands for the slogan "All Cops Are Bastards").May 8, 2022
"Vandals set a fire inside the Madison headquarters of the anti-abortion group Wisconsin Family Action late Saturday or early Sunday..."
"... police and an official with the group said Sunday.
Investigators are calling the fire an arson.... [T]wo staff persons from the group arrived at the office... to find shattered glass from a broken window covering a corner office riddled with burned books....
A Molotov cocktail, which did not ignite, was thrown inside the building, according to police. It also appears a separate fire was started in response, police said.... [Democratic Gov. Tony Evers tweeted] 'We condemn violence and hatred in all forms, including the actions at Wisconsin Family Action in Madison last night... We reject violence against any person for disagreeing with another’s view.... We will work against overturning Roe and attacks on reproductive rights by leading with empathy and compassion. We will defend what we believe in with our words and our voices — in the streets, in halls of government, and at the ballot box.'"
Just codify Roe at the state level.
But count on the far left to take that to unpopular extremes instead.
so, if anti-abortion (pro-life) people start getting killed... That's Just FINE, right?
I mean, PRO-CHOICE means i can decide to Kill and Murder people, RIGHT?
Actions speak louder than words. And as with the Antifa/BLM protests of 2020, inaction by law enforcement speaks loudest of all. I doubt the widespread vandalism of churches and anti-abortion premises in Blue States will see any serious efforts to arrest or prosecute. Everyone gets the real message, Governor.
Where is President Grandpa in all this? Shouldn't he try to tamp down violence instead of going into hiding?
I can't think of a faster way to discredit one's cause. Or trigger a horrible game of tit-for-tat.
Can something be riddled with burned books?
CNN told me the danger was from right-wingers attacking abortion providers, so just ignore this outlier.
(Or maybe this is the "false flag" operation AA was warning us about earlier?)
In 2000 Mules, the cell phone tracking records showed a significant number of Mules were shown to be at other "Leftist Occurences". Not single issue rioters?
I hope the nut jobs left their fingerprints all over the unexploded bomb. Sorta like the how Karleton Armstrong left his on his aborted attempt to aerial bomb Badger Ordnance.
How completely and utterly boring.
Meanwhile in NYC Crackhead Barney has her say:
Mostly peaceful.
Re-watched the Granada series on the Spanish Civil War. The entire time I'm watching it I'm thinking Americans are so much better armed than Spanish civilians ever were. And Americans will kill each other. We've done it in the past and prodigiously. When we get a better reason for what passes as violence now Katie bar the door. Bleeding Kansas will look tame by comparison.
We have to wonder if this is a false flag, don't we?
Apparently the molotov cocktail wasn't viable.
"We will defend what we believe in with our words and our voices — in the streets.."
And perhaps bashing a skull in with a skateboard.
The Donks are about to get hoisted on another of their petards. After making every excuse for Burn Loot Murder, they should have known better than to hyperventilate about Buffalo Headress Guy sitting in Nancy Pelosi’s chair. But, they were stealing an election and it was Trump so how could they possibly resist?
Oh, well. Now every excess in protest of the possible overturning of Roe can be characterized as domestic terrorism.
Althea Bernstein has no comment.
Just more false flag operations by totally and completely not liberals
Of course they did.
In their defense, it was a mostly peaceful protest...
Maybe they'd be more persuasive if they spray-painted "stare decisis" on their targets.
Must be a false flag.
I have been told that the right wing is mustering up a whole lot of violence now that the Alito opinion has been leaked.
The peaceful Left is praying for civility.
That's a very persuasive argument.
I call false flag.
I call idiotic fringe element.
Spelled w/a sickle moon &a swastika….
My body. My choice.
~Liberalism: w/a capital L~
These false-flag guys will stop at nothing! I'll bet they were wearing Hawaiian shirts.
I’m sorry I was snarky.
I’d have more “respect “ for pro abortion advocates if they told the truth:
“Yes, it’s living. It’s life. Yet I have the right…”
Vandals?? You mean terrorists and insurrectionists surely.
Why did the governor feel the need to add a political statement to his denunciation of the violence?
"If abortions aren't safe then you aren't either" That almost sounds like a threat.
Obviously, I'm expecting that AOC will send words of comfort to the Kavanaugh family and the others.
Democrats were losing in the polls, as they were in 2020. What to do? Peaceful protests! This time coming to a neighborhood near you. The previous election wasn't stolen after election day.f
I have dealt with many urban police in my life. Some were pro-choice; some were pro-life.
All of them were anti-terrorist bombing.
Funny. When I read there was a Molotov cocktail thrown in there, my first thought was Antifa, or some affiliated anarchist group. If I understand this, they're tossing around Molotov cocktails and threatening people to fight for the 'right' to end lives whenever they please, on demand, whether for need or convenience.
Sometimes events happen that help this debate get clearer in my mind. I'd say they're not helping their cause.
If they’re willing to kill babies, wouldn’t they be willing to kill anyone?
The Death Cult at work. Lizzie the fake Indian would be very proud of them.
"What's a safe abortion? When only one person dies?" Chris Rock.
There is no mystery in sex and conception. The wicked solution, the final solution a.k.a. planned parent/hood a.k.a. reproductive rites is carried out for social, redistributive, clinical, and fair weather causes. The Pro-Choice "ethical" religion denies women and men's dignity and agency, and reduces human life to negotiable commodities. Deja vu.
That said, first, we came for your slavers. then your diversitists, then your politically congruent, and, NOW (pun intended), your abortionists and Mengeles, your Sangers, your Ceciles, your Gosnells. Your feminists/masculinists hordes. #HateLovesAbortion
I mean, PRO-CHOICE means i can decide to Kill and Murder people, RIGHT?
Pro-Choice is an "ethical" religion that codifies abortion for social, redistributive, clinical, and fair weather causes, and diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry), redistributive change, Mengele mandates, cargo cult science (e.g. conflation of logical domains), etc.
Btw, though this comment might be better placed on a more legal post, what do the "stare decisis" opponents of the overruling of Roe have to say about Korematsu? Korematsu has never been overruled, though Roberts has a footnote somewhere saying it is effectually overruled. In any event, it is considered inconceivable that it would be treated as precedent today. The Court rejects and abandons precedent all the time. Sometimes honestly and sometimes by "interpreting" any the thrust of the precedent.
I am confident that right wing MAGA extremists will be blamed by the Biden administration and Madison’s mayor.
This also suggests to me that there is another, not-widely-remarked on downside to having the Supreme Court declare "rights" rather than the Court letting Congress/the States proceed by legislation. If you are told you have a "right", you can and should feel pretty unhappy when that "right" is being taken away from you. If you have a privilege conferred by legislation -- like the privilege of paying taxes at 20% versus 30% before -- maybe you understand a bit better you have something that can be altered.
Let's consider the possibility that this was the police conducting a false flag operation...
Anti-slavery, anti-diversity [dogma], anti-political congruence, anti-[elective] abortion, anti-wicked solution (planned parent/hood and planned parenthood)... abolitionists.
How about we wait and see who done it. Right? Left? Antifa? FBI?
Where was Althea Bernstein at the time? She seemingly got away with (and actually got glorified for) arson once before in Madison...
Let's consider the possibility that this was the police conducting a false flag operation...
Abduction plot, Whitmer/Michigan, planned parent/hood
#MeToo, Cuomo/New York, planned parent/hood
Taliban Spring, Slavic Spring, Russia/Russia/Soviet Union, democracy is aborted in with progress of irregularities, fraud, and misinformation/disinformation.
Jan6,invitation,withdrawal,forced riot,probable Whitmer event.
and so on and so forth.
Roe, Roe, Roe your baby down the river Styx. Keep women appointed, available, and taxable.
At the Catholic Church I go to... I pack heat. Been doing that for years. Just in case some nutjob decides to pay us a visit.
I figure that at the last supper they had at least TWO swords.. that means Peter and someone else had one. Bet a few more did to! So if it's good enough for Jesus... it's good enough for me.
I may turn the other cheek.. but that's for a slap.. I ain't Amish.
Come in peace or leave in pieces.
I see we have the false-flag jabs covered. I think it must be white supremacists. Not only AG Garland, but none other than the the President himself have informed us that it is they that pose the greatest threat to our security.
“If they’re willing to kill babies, wouldn’t they be willing to kill anyone?”
Solid point. We’ll find out fairly soon.
I'm sure it was a Mostly Peaceful arson attack.
I can't believe those Democratic politicians incited this insurrection with their calls to take to the streets. Sarcasm aside, it is good the Governor condemned it. Though I think I disagree with the hostess on calling it terrorism. Sure it was violence for political purposes, but so were the capitol riots which were lesser in degree of violence and the Black Lives Matter riots which were greater in degree of violence. And some have labeled both of those as terrorism, but honestly I think the far greater societal danger is something similar to what Glenn Greenwald has talked about where everything gets lumped under "Terrorism" which is then used to justify ever increasing governmental powers and ever harsher crackdowns on political opponents. I hate to draw comparisons to the period, but in Weimar Republic Germany before the Nazis came to power Antifascists roamed the streets attacking "Fascists" where ever they found them. This made many people acceptable to the Nazis counter-thug groups roaming the streets. My hope is that we avoid labeling things terrorism but at the same time the executives treat these crimes appropriately severely. A quick search tells me that Arson is punishable by up to 40 years in prison in Wisconsin. Given what little I know of it currently that seems overly harsh to me, but that would support a sentence of 8 or 12 years for these arsonists. When Government doesn't provide law and order, people look for it someplace else.
At least they're consistent- they like to kill people.
Temujin said...
Funny. When I read there was a Molotov cocktail thrown in there, my first thought was Antifa, or some affiliated anarchist group
Funny, I read that as a Mazel Tov cocktail, and immediately blamed the evil Jews.
Lotta “false flag” cracks. Were you trolling professor, or did you really think “false flag” about the Ruth Sent Us BS?
DanTheMan said...
Let's consider the possibility that this was the police conducting a false flag operation...
Of course!!!
Next, the willk be coming for our CHILL_drun!
They’re coming for the POOR,
they’re coming for the sick, the OLD people....”
Extreme right reporting sites have declared that Antifa was the source of the fire-bombing, but local reporting by The Wisconsin State Journal, WISC, and the Journal-Sentinel did not report such information. Why would an antifascist group attack a non-fascist pro-life organization whose only purpose is to save babies?
My mind went to the calamity that was the Sterling Hall bombing at UWM in the 1960s. But surely, the Madison Police have a good idea who among locals carefully scripts their messages similar to the one shown in the photos.
Oh, those wacky college kids. They're just full of youthful energy! They'll settle down.
how democrat media soft touch.
Gadfly takes the extreme left's marching orders.
ACAB is an Antifa symbol, Gadly.
Even in the face of evidence, Gadfly goes full Maddow.
Gadfly ... "Extreme Right reporting"
do explain what that means? Folks not loyal to the lairs in the corporate press? or what?
The "Circle A" WAs left behind, I suppose that was a false flag, Gadfly? Perhaps Trump did it?
Protests at SCOTUS homes.... by the extreme left. Gadfly and his corporate whore masters are all cool with ti.
Dear AlbertAnonymous:
“Were you trolling professor…”
Incredulity &Anger. At the projected inability to see things w/out putting an “our side surely wouldn’t resort to that” filter in those rose colored glasses.
I think trolling is done for the reaction of the “target”- whereas, frustration-toward someone (you really admire)viewing a scenario so opposite of what the facts point to, is written more w/a tone of sarcasm and disappointment.
Remember when the right shot and killed abortion doctors? At least one shot and killed at home through a window.
I do.
This is standard white left antifa terrorism. So - the extreme leftist corporate press/ FBI will tell us it was staged. or soft touch it as mere Vandalism. Antifa symbols ignored.
So the Pro Abortions are getting more and more violent?? What else is new??
As usual, Gadfly misrepresents .. See last picture at this PowerLine post. The circled capital A is associated with Antifa.
Antifa was not anti-fascist (i.e. combination of public and private excess), and they did use violence (e.g. mobs) to isolate, target their victims. It's similar to Some, Select Black Lives Matter, which invaded neighborhoods to intimidate families and residents, businesses.
Baby Lives Matter (BLM)
“If they’re willing to kill babies, wouldn’t they be willing to kill anyone?”
Secular religion (e.g. "ethical" or morality's relativistic sibling). Human lives aborted for social, redistributive, clinical, and fair weather causes. Neo-Nazis. Far-left. A wicked solution. Historically, a progressive path and grade.
"LIBERALS" are rejoicing!!! No False Flags here.....
Mark said...
Remember when the right shot and killed abortion doctors? At least one shot and killed at home through a window.
I do.
5/9/22, 5:40 AM
Big Crowds of them?? All at once?? Nope. Not like the left and their attack dogs. They come in groups.
This is so detrimental to the cause of women's rights that I want to explore whether this is a "false flag" message. Here's the Ruth Sent Us web page. It's not very informative.
The attempted bombing fits the profile of a show-off male, angling for access to available pussy. I'd wager the bomber is a sensitive Alan Alda type by day who straps on his Bill Ayers persona when a young Bernardine Dohrn type flashes him. He's fighting for his right to abort the consequences.
Tira più un pelo di fica che un carro di buoi
According to Amanda Marcotte all claims of violence by anti-anti-abortion activists are lies. This must be another Republican false flag to make her friends look bad. Blaming these fascist fires on anti-fascists is just another move in the half-century long right wing plot to assault our precious national stockpile of irony, now almost entirely depleted.
Violence against property is not the same as violence against people, you know. It’s not even wrong, really. Also, words are literally violence against people.
Wanna know how we know the lone assassin Mark recalls was NOT a lefty? Because both Left and Right unequivocally condemned the attack. When it’s a far left mob like this Democrats voice nary a peep.
Mark: Remember when the right shot and killed abortion doctors? At least one shot and killed at home through a window.
Nonsense. He had a procedure performed up on him with a rifle.
Progs are children. Children don’t know (and therefore can’t care) what the consequences will be from the actions they take. They light a match and when the house burns down together with everything they need and want, if they survive they whine about how sad and unfair things are and demand that it be made better.
Treating the Left as if they were adults capable of reason and responsibility is a huge mistake. Always.
Chickelit @ 6:48: “Tira più…”. Nicely done!
The summer of White Left Antifa arson (In Portland, Seattle and other cities) was completely ignored by the extreme Pro-Crime Corporate(D) press.
I'm going to admit that unlike Ruth Sent Us, I wouldn't be surprised if this incident was a false flag. People love Hate Crime attention.
Mike MJB, there was more than one person killed because of being associated with an abortion clinic. Multiple doctors, office staff too. There was a whole campaign of terror carried out by the right to life folks, and these people were held up as heroes [at least in the Catholic parish I grew up in].
It's cute how you all conveniently ignore history here.
Gk1 said...
"Where is President Grandpa in all this? Shouldn't he try to tamp down violence instead of going into hiding?"
He's busy getting us into a nuclear war. To create crisis that is going to waste us. Biden voters need to be reminded every day that they cannot be trusted.
Media to sell one of more:
-Q did it.
-Boogaloo did it. (AKA- FBI false Flag entrapment division that fizzled.)
-Trump did it.
-Extremists on the right did it.
Antifa leftists? - no way. Those nice folks would never commit arson.
Pro-Lifers pray. Pro-Choice folks burn and riot.
Go figure.
For over 100 years the Left has embraced violence and intimidation. It is who they are.
How many black businesses were burned to the ground in Ferguson and Kenosha?
SC Leak shows 5-3
Alito moved to secure location ==>>> protection synonyms custody; hostage;
mystery suicide >>> 4-3
Breyer stays; Ketanji seated >>> 4-4 on rehearing?
Roberts to rescue
carry on
Why is this act of terrorism such a shock? If you support killing unborn babies, it's not a stretch to kill those who disagree with you.
There was a whole campaign of terror carried out by the right to life folks, and these people were held up as heroes [at least in the Catholic parish I grew up in].
Calling bs on that….I guess it’s possible there’s an outlier extremist Catholic anti abortion parish somewhere but the odds approach zero.
In most of the country there are so many Catholics who accept abortion that the topic is never mentioned. Even in my own parish where the pastor does speak against abortion we routinely have people stand up and walk out or at least refuse to come back….and even though our pastor and majority of parishioners are strongly pro-life there would never be an endorsement of violent tactics. Instead we fund a pregnancy crisis center - you know, the kind of thing that our political opponents claim that prolife people never do. Someone has to help support that other “choice” that the “pro choice” side never seems to think of as an option for women who face unplanned pregnancies.
Remember when the right shot and killed abortion doctors? At least one shot and killed at home through a window.
I do.
Remember when a leftist shot and killed a pro-life protester standing on a sidewalk in broad daylight simply for committing the heinous crime of displaying pictures of aborted babies?
I do.
"There was a whole campaign of terror carried out by the right to life folks,"
Fake news. There were a handful of random killings by pro-lifers of abortionists. There was no "whole campaign of terror" - that's a lie. Campaigns of terror - an organized series of violent actions to push for a political change - in the modern US are solely the province of Leftists and the FBI.
What's a little vandalism when you're movement is centered on the slaughter of innocent babies?
Vandals? Hardly. They were definitely Goths, because they used black paint.
Boogaloo did it. (AKA- FBI false Flag entrapment division that fizzled.)
"If abortions aren't safe then you aren't either" and the anarchy symbol
Elective abortions for social, redistributive, clinical, and fair weather causes. The left-right nexus is leftist. Deja vu.
"What's a safe abortion? When only one person dies?" Chris Rock.
There is no mystery... Two will enter, only one, ideally, will remain viable. #GosnellTheAbortionist
Mark said...
Mike MJB, there was more than one person killed because of being associated with an abortion clinic. Multiple doctors, office staff too. There was a whole campaign of terror carried out by the right to life folks, and these people were held up as heroes [at least in the Catholic parish I grew up in].
It's cute how you all conveniently ignore history here.
It is cute how you think that makes firebombing people ok.
There were people there at the time, Achilles?
Nice 'squirrel'. No comment on the closed Appleton clinic (2015, due to security concerns)... just this known false allegation.
Whataboutisms are so yesterday Mark. Let's talk about some of the riots of 2020 where multiple people were murdered and multiple businesses were burned down....all because of people like you who hate the other side.
Amazing to watch our corrupt press refuse to give credit to the anitfa terrorists who admit they did it.
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