May 1, 2022

"This is the first time the president has attended this dinner in six years. It’s understandable. We had a horrible plague – followed by two years of Covid."

Quipped President Biden at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, quoted in "A horrible plague, then Covid’: Biden and correspondents joke in post-Trump return to normality/White House Correspondents’ Association dinner is first attended by a sitting president in six years after Donald Trump’s snubs, then pandemic" (Guardian). 

Perhaps the biggest laugh came when Biden made light of the “Let’s Go Brandon” slogan, which has become rightwing code for swearing at him. “Republicans seem to support one fella, some guy named Brandon. He’s having a really good year and I’m kind of happy for him.”


wendybar said...

I'd give anything to have that horrible plague back rather than the pudding head that is destroying America as we speak in there now. I wonder how the new "Ministry of Truth" let him get away with his propaganda...I guess it is preapproved propaganda. Nothing says unity like a partisan press lovingly praising a man who divides almost as much as the Great Divider himself....Obama.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Biden has done so much for, (er, TO), the poor for generations to come. Move over, Mudd.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Fundamental Transformation is working out fine, Joey.

tim maguire said...

Republicans seem to support one fella, some guy named Brandon. He’s having a really good year and I’m kind of happy for him.”

While it is believable that Biden might think Let’s Go Brandon is about some guy named Brandon (and so the set-up works from a comedic standpoint), it is not possible to believe that Biden is happy someone the Republicans like is having a good year. He’s far too petty for that and everyone knows it.

Temujin said...

It has been for years, a Democratic/Progressive event similar to the Academy Awards or the Golden Globes minus the statuettes and the Hollywood Foreign Press. They look at each other, look at themselves, smile smugly and approvingly at jokes about things that maintain their narrative, then congratulate each other for being so intelligent and high-minded. Not like those poor fools who live between the coasts.

The day will come when it's regarded as a gathering of fools. Similar to Congress, but even more lightweight. Oh wait. That day is here.

Jefferson's Revenge said...

One of the things I hate the most in people is smugness. This event is smugness squared. Applauding and laughing as the country is run into the ground. Hah. Hah. Hah.

Maynard said...

We are so lucky that the "right people" are back in full power.

It will become complete power when the Ministry of Information is up and running.

ConradBibby said...

"This is the first time the president has attended this dinner in six years. It’s understandable. We had a horrible plague – followed by two years of Covid."

Seems kind of insensitive to the millions who lost loved ones to covid.

Robert Marshall said...

A senile old man, who was never much of a genius back in his best days.

A servile, boot-licking press, all-in on government-sponsored censorship.

What a sad spectacle!

~ Gordon Pasha said...

Democrats with bylines, being Democrats. Nothing to see here, move along.

iowan2 said...

Lets go Brandon is dual use

Letting the President know, we know he is an idiot.

But the Bonus use, illuminating how partisan, stupid and small, the media has become

JZ said...

They dress in white tie and tails for the Correspondents Dinner, right? How’s that for smug pretension?

Lurker21 said...

I imagine this was followed by the same sinister snicker Biden made after he mangled difficult words and concepts like "kleptocracy," "kleptocrat," "ill-gotten," and "accomodate."

But this was Joe's safe space. Nobody there was going to say that the emperor is naked and bonkers and a shit.

I liked how after getting big cheers for a joke about Fox News that I don't understand, Joe "straightened" his tie and made it crooked.

I couldn't take it once he got "serious" and started shouting and whispering.

Danno said...

Lurker, why do you watch such drivel? The closest I come to the WH Correspondents' Dinner is to read Althouse' post.

Wilbur said...

Sounds like Joe's whistling in the dark, along with his Leftist friends. They're going to get a big dose of electoral reality in a few months.

EdwdLny said...

A missed opportunity to excise the cancer that currently afflicts the country, in one fell swoop.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Two Scoops has it backwards. First came COVID, then the Democrats used that to flood the ballot boxes with fake ballots, resulting in an imbecile occupying the White House. My apologies to all other imbeciles. Two Scoops has reached a new level of imbecility never seen before and, hopefully, never to be seen again.

Lurker21 said...

Lurker, why do you watch such drivel?

Talk radio got me hooked, and now I have to hear every stupid thing coming out of Biden's mouth to get my laugh of the day.

It's like some bizarre cocaine and heroin or amphetamine and barbiturate combination.

Seeing every day what an idiot is in the White House is a downer, but the laugh makes it easier to endure.

Joe is funniest, though, when he's not trying to be.

Critter said...

I can only imagine (would never watch the event) the nervous chuckles among the attendees as Biden said that quote knowing that Trump beats Biden biggly in a rematch without systemic voter fraud. Whistling past the graveyard anyone?

Narayanan said...

looks and sounds like Biden had good writers

Narayanan said...

I take it that the Plague was in both the Houses of Congress

Leland said...

looks and sounds like Biden had good writers

I would agree, which goes to show how you can respond to free speech with speech. Alas, I bet his writers still think speech should be censored. FJB.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

There are not enough FU's for Biden and his entire family.

Milo Minderbinder said...

Followed by another plague....

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden acts much more like Putin’s puppet than Trump ever did

Poot's real puppet... is preznit puppet.

Michael K said...

But this was Joe's safe space. Nobody there was going to say that the emperor is naked and bonkers and a shit.

Of course, but I was surprised his handlers let him out that late. He must have had a long nap.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Six years of the corporate media adopting as a core narrative the claim that the Trump-era GOP is full-on racist and "white nationalist," only for Latinos to say they prefer the GOP by 52-39%, and 41% of non-whites saying they intend to vote GOP in 2022."


Again- there are not enough FU's for Biden, his puppet masters, the deep state, The FBI, Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, Pelosi, AOC, Warren, Bernie -( yes even Saint Bernie - who collapsed and gave Biden his support), Soros, White left Antifa thugs and arsonists, divisive BLM/CRT frauds, Sexual obsessives from Hollywood, and the Corporate Media.

Brylinski said...

Did Biden make any jokes about the gas prices? How about food prices? Crime? Personal safety in D.C. or New York? Southern border jokes? Threat of nuclear war jokes? Afghanistan? Student loan debt? Crack smoking?

Lurker21 said...

Notice, though, that the joke about food prices and gas prices and all the other prices going up was all done as pretty much a one liner to get what had to be said out of the way. If a Republican were in office he would have lingered over that.

The jokes about Jen and Jill didn't touch on the real issues people have with them, and the Jill joke actually was to support college debt cancellation and Bernie Sanders, not to mock Dr. Jilly Bean.

Ambrose said...

So now only Democrat Presidents will attend - it shines a brighter light on the hypocrisy.

Skeptical Voter said...

Joey mangles kleptocrat. But he doesn't even try for kakistocrat--which he is. Of course he's surrounded by others in the kakistocracy that comprises the Beltway swamp.

Meade said...

Milo Minderbinder said...
Followed by another plague....

Symptoms: cough, confusion, chaos, incompetence…

gilbar said...

You know what's neat? (of Course, you Do)
Democrats can be Hateful and Spiteful towards Republicans, even wish them dead
(even Call for their death ("assassins wanted")); And it's just them being cutesy.

If a Republican, on the other hand; is not fully deferential.. It is HATESPEECH
and now that we have a Ministry of Truth.. You can be put in prison for that HATESPEECH

Lilly, a dog said...

I watched the full Biden segment on CSPAN, and I'm astonished that he was mostly lucid.

Browndog said...

You can tell libs what it means. you can show them the clip of where it originated. They still don't get it, even though one of their own created it.

Fun fact: The twitter account that made this go viral, Deplorable_Jew, has since been banned.

Sebastian said...

"after Donald Trump’s snubs"

Ah, yes, Trump's snubs were the problem.

Anyway, if Trump was plague, what do we call Biden? I mean, with Afghanistan and inflation and open borders and rising crime and still-larger deficits and a barely coherent CiC, what exactly are we having now?

Joe Smith said...

He looked like a senile old man with his crooked tie.

Or a little kid playing dress up.

You just know that DOCTOR Jill was aching to get up, straighten it, smooth his hair, pinch his cheek, and tell him what a good boy he is.

She's a helluva grifter...

n.n said...

Two years of planned parent/hood, Mengele mandates, and forward-looking collateral damage. Follow the cargo cult, not the science.

Quayle said...

I wonder if the courtiers at Versailles held glitzy dinners and mocked the poor, benighted slobs who would drop to their knees and lap up the spill of a cask of wine that had fallen off a wagon and broken on the cobblestone street.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

There used to be a tradition of presidents being gracious, at least publicly, when speaking about their predecessor and successor. It reduced noticeably with Clinton, but even he was a model of civility compared to Obama. Both Bushes retained that tradition. Trump did not. Is Biden one step farther down, or does he let the people around him do that? That's not great, but

AZ Bob said...

Lets go Brandon is dual use. Letting the President know, we know he is an idiot.
But the Bonus use, illuminating how partisan, stupid and small, the media has become.


Yes, the Brandon phrase illustrates the extent that the media will fluff for the Democrats. That's the part the media does not mention.

stunned said...

I am going to make some brioche. It's a bread masquerading as cake. Or is it a cake masquerading as bread?

jnseward said...

I don't recall any President in my lifetime referring to his predecessor as a "plague". President Biden is calling half the country a disease.

Browndog said...

Both Bushes retained that tradition

Not true.

W used it as an excuse to pretend to be above it all during the Obama years. It took him all of 14 seconds to be "unable to remain silent" once Trump took office-

No, wait- he started when Trump took out Jeb! in the primaries.

pacwest said...

Again- there are not enough FU's for Biden, his puppet masters, the deep state, The FBI, Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, Pelosi, AOC, Warren, Bernie....

You all do know that this is Obama's third term don't you? Look at the WH staff.

Inga said...

“I'd give anything to have that horrible plague back rather than the pudding head…”

Oh what’s another few hundred thousand dead people, better than having Biden as president, it seems.

M Jordan said...

The great unifier strikes again.

walter said...

"Oh what’s another few hundred thousand dead people,"
By fast tracking your precious "vaccines" that Biden was against before he was all in on them?
Not locking down enough?
Not pushing useeless masks hard enough?

Meade said...

“ Oh what’s another few hundred thousand dead people, better than having Biden as president, it seems.”

It seems? You’re not getting the joke. That’s okay—it wasn’t really very funny anyway, certainly not worth explaining.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

“I'd give anything to have that horrible plague back rather than the pudding head…”

Oh what’s another few hundred thousand dead people, better than having Biden as president, it seems.

Even in the throws of dementia, Joe Biden is more intelligent than the people that support him.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The collective corporate hivemind narrative continue to blame Trump for Putin's actions.

Putin waited for the US to install a drooling, incompetent, crooked, puppet and dementia patient.

narciso said...

thats when he started amassing troops, after it was clear, that ukraine would not receive offensive weapons, till next year,

gadfly said...

Achilles said...
Inga said...

“I'd give anything to have that horrible plague back rather than the pudding head…”

Oh what’s another few hundred thousand dead people, better than having Biden as president, it seems.

Even in the throws [sic] of dementia, Joe Biden is more intelligent than the people that support him.

Perhaps your inability to spell "throes" is indicative of your inability to understand Inga's post. She simply responded to wendybar that hundreds of thousands of additional coronavirus deaths are totally unacceptable.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I agree. Polis and Cuomo were on the front lines covering-up all their state's nursing home deaths.

narciso said...

how do they walk and chew gum at the same time, the fish rots from the top, biden has been lying about the accident that killed his wife for 50 years,

Jim at said...

Oh what’s another few hundred thousand dead people, better than having Biden as president, it seems.

If you're going to blame presidents for COVID, more people died under Biden with a vaccine than Trump without, dumbass.

cubanbob said...

Achilles said...
Inga said...

“I'd give anything to have that horrible plague back rather than the pudding head…”

Oh what’s another few hundred thousand dead people, better than having Biden as president, it seems.

Even in the throws of dementia, Joe Biden is more intelligent than the people that support him.

5/1/22, 1:09 PM"

What you said in jest is unfortunately true. The comment

"Oh what’s another few hundred thousand dead people, better than having Biden as president, it seems." is entirely divorce from reality. Nothing the government has done has prevented infections and other than the imperfect vaccines developed by the Trump Administration has any democrat official done anything useful regarding the virus. It's the Inga type mentality, all emotion and vitriol without any evidence that is the bane the country is suffering.

Drago said...

Gadfly the Hopeless: "Perhaps your inability to spell "throes" is indicative of your inability to understand Inga's post."


Oh the depths of Inga's deepest "thoughts" which render them impervious to mere mortal understanding!

Hey gadfly, any 1st grader would understand Inga's post and it boils down to a numbers game, and your boy Biden has hundreds of thousands more Covid deaths on his vaccine-enhanced watch than Trump's non-vaccine enhanced watch.

But once again, as always, gadfly the Hopeless, self proclaimed "True Conservative", comes incompetently galloping in to white knight for every far left lunatic posting at Althouse blog.

Because that's how you can tell who the "True Conservatives" are...they're the ones pushing every single democratical and moron left narrative and talking point...(wink wink)

n.n said...

Nothing the government has done has prevented infections and other than the imperfect vaccines developed by the Trump Administration

A risk management tool, a choice (not that Choice) for high-risk cohorts. A tool suitable for limited distribution, but not Mengele mandates, let alone national.

Rollo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rollo said...

Biden was elected (if Biden was elected) solely because he wasn't Trump. He has to attack "the former guy" whenever he can to remind people why they elected him (if they elected him).

Jamie said...

[Inga] simply responded to wendybar that hundreds of thousands of additional coronavirus deaths are totally unacceptable.

Then it's too bad that we've HAD hundreds of thousands of additional coronavirus deaths, isn't it? Shouldn't Congress be filing articles of impeachment? "Totally unacceptable" is a pretty clear standard. Unlike, say, the phone call Trump was (laughably) impeached for, even if you were to interpret that in the most nefarious possible light - which itself is an interpretation arguably much less clear-cut than any reasonable interpretation of Obama's open-mic message to Putin.

Rusty said...

"Even in the throws of dementia, Joe Biden is more intelligent than the people that support him."
Thanks for saving me the trouble. Did gadfly soil himself again?

Butkus51 said...

The swamp is back. Livin large. Let them eat cake.

Crazy World said...

Joe and Jill and Kamala and Barrack are joyful in their destruction of this country, it is heartbreaking

wendybar said...

Look at Gadfly and Inga protecting the pudding head. They aren't the least bit embarassed that they voted to fuck over the country because of TRUMP. WHO cares if Joe sells us to China. WHO cares that we are being invaded on the Southern Border. WHO cares that the intel agencies are working AGAINST Americans for the Marxist idiots that hate America and want to make us Venezuela. GADFLY and INGA are thrilled that we have a pudding head that they voted for and bow down to.

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