May 4, 2022

"Elizabeth Warren is one of the only national Democrats I've seen even come close to channeling the rage so so so so many are feeling."


Andrew said...


Someone should ask her what her Native American tribe thinks about killing children. A few such tribes were fond of it.

mezzrow said...

Anger and emotion can lead to violence. See what happened at Chapelle's show last night?

If you get a sense we're about to tip over an edge, come sit next to me in my section of the peanut gallery. Stay aware of your surroundings, and be prepared to take defensive measures.

gilbar said...

So, Democrat talking points..
a) The OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of americans support abortion on demand
b) The OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of VOTERS support abortion on demand
c) THIS, is WHY; abortion can NEVER be allowed to go in front of voters!!!!!

Shouting Thomas said...

Abortion isn’t the answer. The old shotgun marriage, enforced by a religious community, is the answer.

I see the misery of women all around me. The causes are feminism, failure to marry or stay married and childlessness.

The classic country song on the subject.

Kevin said...

The within-group virtue signaling contest has begun!

Last time they ended up defunding the police.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

She is barren uterus person, hear her roar.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

She's perpetually enraged and seems like a loon screaming like that.

Temujin said...

Wasn't that also her onstage late last night at the Chappelle show in LA?

Jake said...

She seems unhinged. Almost … hysterical. ;)

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Ask not whether Pocahontas can be enraged but can she maintain that boiling over with anger emotional level for six whole months in order to affect the midterms. Nope. The leak may have had the unintended effect of causing this story and the passions around it to peak too early. We still have to wait two months to find out what the ruling actually is and by then what will be left to say that hasn't been screamed already?

Milo Minderbinder said...

This is why the “my body my choice” rationale was such a limited argument, to wit, the same people for the most part favor mandates for masks and vaccines to work, travel and attend school, have wildly irrational views of permissible speech and social credit systems, and BTW, anyone else’s views should be squelched. The issue deserves legislative debate not judicial fiat.

Beasts of England said...

Someone should remind Pow Wow Chow that dems control the House, Senate, and presidency. Go pass an abortion law, Lizzie! Oh, that’s right - they tried that earlier this year and it didn’t pass. Which is really strange, considering that 69% of the country supports such a thing. Maybe high cheekbones speaks with forked tongue…

mccullough said...

The Washington Redskin

Tim said...

Looked to me like she was inciting her own standards.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

There is a decent chance your leftist neighbors share more in common with this lunatic than they do with you.

Christopher B said...

Lots of old white men were liberalizing abortion laws in the 1970s before seven old white men decided it should be available everywhere with few restrictions. A coalition including a woman and black man are now posed to overturn that ruling, and a rich white woman is enraged. Seems kinda inconvenient to the narrative to notice that.

David Begley said...

She’s unhinged. Plotting for decades? Sounds like a conspiracy nut.

She’s plainly anti-democratic. Trump won the election and appointed conservatives to SCOTUS. Alito’s draft would return the issue to the states. That’s democracy.

tim maguire said...

Of course, her tweets were incendiary lies. But that's our rage for you.

Leland said...

Of course she is outraged at the federal government losing power back to the states.

Birches said...

Hahaha. She thinks she has a chance in 2024 and this is her opening bid.

Vote for me! I'll ensure you'll never have grandchildren!

Dude1394 said...

Starting the 2024 potus campaign, that’s all.

Beasts of England said...

’The Washington Redskin’

{ { { golf clap } } }

Iman said...

Think of all the good that could be done if these barren, lefty harridans would channel the energy they generate in their desire to end young lives.

Sebastian said...

So, let me get this straight, SCOTUS is right when it does things most Americans want and wrong when it does things most Americans do not want.

Also, it is horrific to return decisions about abortion to the states, where most Americans who do not want abortion rights infringed get to vote.

Kai Akker said...

A lot of leftist rage comes from envy.

Many wish they had a use for an abortion.

Bob Boyd said...

How much effort has Warren or any of these outraged pols, some of whom have been in Congress for a thousand years, expended to try to get a federal abortion law passed?

Rusty said...

Iman said...
"teh Papoose is on the Loose!"
Good. I'm not the only one that finds this funny as hell.

gspencer said...


Rage because the USSC will, presumably, state that if you want to kill your child, then you'll have to get your instructions from your state legislature.

Bob Boyd said...

Politicians from both parties love the abortion issue. They don't want it settled. It's a very valuable fund-raising and vote getting tool.

Christopher B said...

Bob Boyd said...
How much effort has Warren or any of these outraged pols, some of whom have been in Congress for a thousand years, expended to try to get a federal abortion law passed?

As with illegal immigration, it's more useful politically to run the protection racket.

Andrew said...

I know a few women in their 40's, not necessarily feminists, who never had children. They say that decision haunts them, because it's too late (at least naturally). They see couples with young children, and they are filled with regret for how their lives turned out. Who speaks for them, Liz?

rhhardin said...

It's part of the trick - if you vote for republicans you can't have abortions. The republicans at the moment seem to be reenforcing that line too. It really is the stupid party.

The right republican move is, at the state level, legislate the status quo on abortion and then let the voters argue out where the lines should be later, depending on where the actual majority stable point is.

rhhardin said...

You can't pass a federal abortion law. The feds don't get to regulate it. That's why it got plonked into the constitution instead.

jim5301 said...

My theory on the leak.

The fact that the initial Feb 10 unfiltered opinion of ALito, and not a later version more nuanced and less combative was leaked is key. Someone, presumably a liberal clerk, wanted to show that Alito is fundamentally dishonest because the final version - prob. close to complete - will contradict his real views as reflected in the leaked opinion. This is so because the other four - all necessary votes - will demand a substantial rewrite and a narrower holding that doesn't undermine other rights. The steal hand will be placed in a velvet glove, to quote a former law professor of mine Lawrence Tribe.

Roberts said the leak "was intended to undermine the integrity of our operations." That is entirely correct. The leak will show that the "integrity" of the Court is largely a façade. This is good to know because the truth is always good to know.

wendybar said...

She threw a tantrum like a little child. Abortion will ALWAYS be legal in states like Massachusetts, so calm down Pocohontas.

David Begley said...

This Person:

The Senator has two children. She’s a mom and grandmother.

Inga said...

Elizabeth Warren should’ve been president. And she isn’t barren, she has given birth to two children, more than some here.

wendybar said...

If you live in a state that doesn't have abortion on demand, get a job at Amazon, and they will give you $4000. to go to a state that does.

Iman said...

The shitbird left may have realized they might now be forced to abandon their willful efforts to sexualize kids and return instead to just butchering them in the womb.

Clyde said...

The current situation doesn't seem to have improved her disposition in the slightest.

Brian said...

Ann, Ms. Warren favors removing the filibuster in the Senate to pass abortion rights. Is that an appropriate remedy? What are your feelings?

JRoberts said...

Of course Warren is angry. After all, how much laundered campaign money does she receive from Planned Parenthood, NARAL, etc?

jim5301 said...

It's curious that the Republicans want to focus on the leak rather than embrace the decision. It's almost as if they are embarrassed by Alito's manifesto.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carol said...

"She is barren uterus person, hear her roar."

Nah she had her babies.


stlcdr said...

If only there was someone, somewhere, maybe a group of people, who could do something about that...

boatbuilder said...

Performance art. Fake Indian does war dance!

jim5301 said...

Now that Alito has a strong desire for minimal changes to retain some integrity, who knows, perhaps Roberts can peel away one of the other four to adopt a more moderate approach that upholds the Mississippi law without completely overruling Roe.

Kate said...

Glenn Greenwald has a great post. The people arguing that 5 men in robes shouldn't decide women's fate are asking that the position of 5 men in robes (from decades ago) who decided women's fate stay the standard.

Temujin said...

'Plotting for decades'. When the left works for decades on inserting bizarre notions of what to teach our kids in school, or to remove cash bail, or to defund the police, it's called being 'progressive'. When the right works for decades to remove a court order that they view as unconscionable, it is 'plotting'. As if more than half the country is secretly conspiring against all that is good and just, plotting to do evil.

I doubt that more than a handful of those screeching about this yet to be seen final ruling, have actually read the leaked ruling. Not that it would matter. It would not. Words hardly matter anymore. IF this drags on though to July, we can be sure we'll see protests get more bizarre, possibly some violence, and without question, threats made to Supreme Court Justices. All in the name of Elizabeth Warren and her progressive friends.

I suspect the reaction will be overdone. It will resonate at first, the poll numbers in a week will see a slight increase for Dems. But over a month or more, the din will get annoying, the false claims that this will lead to anti-trans, anti-gay, anti-anything-you-like rulings will sound more and more like crazy people talking. And so things will revert back to the Dems getting removed, en masse, from office.

And if this ruling ends up getting released as is, this will go back to where we were decades ago when the states were forming their own ways on this. Only now we're decades further up the road with a changed population, a new set of demographics. We don't yet know how this will end up, only that it will be decided by each state. (assuming the leaked ruling holds). But it is not the end of the world as we know it. There are other things that are much worse happening to Western Civilization than allowing babies to be born. And for all the cries about how this will be the end of abortion, it will not.

boatbuilder said...

As if Warren and every other senator hasn't known for months what the Supremes have been hashing out. Spies everywhere.

Bob Boyd said...

Just in time for riot season.

Breezy said...

Um, is it too much to ask to wait for the final decision before we all go off the rails? Jeez Louise.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The democrats should have plotted to make an amendment to the constitution regarding abortion.

Lurker21 said...

That weepy routine is really getting tired. On the other hand, Kamala has finally found something to energize her. It's not like she's getting better at anything, but her base will like it.

Achilles said...

jim5301 said...
It's curious that the Republicans want to focus on the leak rather than embrace the decision. It's almost as if they are embarrassed by Alito's manifesto.

If you get your news from the state media you will end up making idiot statements like this.

Gahrie said...

It's curious that the Republicans want to focus on the leak rather than embrace the decision. It's almost as if they are embarrassed by Alito's manifesto.

It's curious how the Left continues to shit on the carpet, and people continue to make excuses for them and even encourage them.

Gahrie said...

Ann, Ms. Warren favors removing the filibuster in the Senate to pass abortion rights. Is that an appropriate remedy? What are your feelings?

Apparently Althouse is in the "There is no bridge too far when defending the right to kill the unborn" camp.

M Jordan said...

The Democrat Party is now fully the white, liberal, college-educated woman party. It’s face is Elizabeth Warren, Jacinda Ardern (N Zealand), the governor of Oregon/New York/Michigan, etc. … an angry, smart-but-dumb Medieval peasant woman who worships the priest of Science! and lives and operates fully in her cognitive mode. No spirit, no intuition, no humanity, really.

The men and black women who join this Democrat model do so for ulterior reasons.

Fact-check: True.

Brian said...

It's curious that the Republicans want to focus on the leak rather than embrace the decision. It's almost as if they are embarrassed by Alito's manifesto.

The leak affects ALL decisions going forward. It's manifestly a bigger deal. It damages the institution at its core.

M Jordan said...

The Democrat Party is now fully the white, liberal, college-educated woman party. It’s face is Elizabeth Warren, Jacinda Ardern (N Zealand), the governor of Oregon/New York/Michigan, etc. … an angry, smart-but-dumb Medieval peasant woman who worships the priest of Science! and lives and operates fully in her cognitive mode. No spirit, no intuition, no humanity, really.

The men and black women who join this Democrat model do so for ulterior reasons.

Fact-check: True.

Lurker21 said...

Meanwhile Bruce is okay. He doesn't need a beer. Maybe he could bring her one.

Tom said...

This might fire up some liberals but it makes everyone else laugh at the hyperventilating nonsense.

I’d have more empathy if she (and her ideologically inclined) gave a crap about any other human right, like speech, religion, self-defense, or due process. They don’t. They’re authoritarians who want the power to kill unborn children - and have someone else pay for it.

So she can hyperventilate all she wants. I will not give her a paper bag.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

Thanks for the update on Liz's past selfish refusal to personally support the abortion industry. Perhaps she wishes she could get pregnant again so she could make a different choice this time, but since she's now barren she'll have to exercise her abortion rights vicariously through others.

Lewis said...

Mother Teresa said it best:

"Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love but to use violence to get what it wants."

The liberal democrat party in a nutshell.

dbp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dbp said...

Elizabeth Warren should’ve been president. And she isn’t barren, she has given birth to two children, more than some here.

Warren is 72 years old. She wasn't always barren, she's definitely barren now.

rcocean said...

Give her an Oscar. She always comes off as an angry 12-year old boy or a human chipmunk. Laughable.

Iman said...

You can lead a lying opportunist - who built her wealth on short sales and the backs of those unfortunates who had homes repossessed - to beer but you can’t make her drink it.

rcocean said...

BTW. almost ALL the DC Democrats have been angry and upset. Not just Warren. Just all for show. But at least the D's give their socially liberal base SOMETHING, while the R's actively HATE their Republican base voters.

jaydub said...

"It's curious that the Republicans want to focus on the leak rather than embrace the decision."

Which decision is that? I'm not aware a decision has been made. Perhaps you are referring to the Alito draft? Maybe you should take the opportunity to educate all on the "manifesto's" legal and logical fallacies just in case it becomes the decision and we have to take to the streets and bust a few heads to the support the legislative process that overturns it.

Ice Nine said...

I'm pro-choice but it is still extremely pleasing to see this loon so frustrated and agitated.

Howard said...

Squaw on Warpath whooping it up

madAsHell said...

The William Shatner School of Over-Acting.

"What is the prime directive?!"

wendybar said...

Progressives....if this video doesn't embarrass the hell out of you, then YOU are the ones with a problem. The violent left is apoplectic with hate right now, and the riots are about to start over again. Ready to watch as they burn down YOUR city??

Critter said...

It is creepy to see a woman so mental about her zeal to kill babies. Reminds me of the Manson murderers. No wonder views on abortion have moved away from this sort of holy roller, let’s kill them babies because I don’t want to deal with the result of my actions ecstasy. I am woman, hear me abort!

Fortunately for babies, a number of polls including Pew show that the majority of Americans including women, favor restrictions on abortion after the first trimester or when a beating heart can be detected. Abortion absolutists want abortion up to and even after a baby is born. Why is this never mentioned by the media?

Abortion will not be the campaign issue that Democrats think it is because pro-choice women have moved beyond the creepy, immoral absolutist position.

Joe Smith said...

Heap big mad. On warpath.

Give her some beads and maybe she will calm down and give you her house.

Kevin said...

Elizabeth Warren should’ve been president.

Please elaborate.

Her own party wouldn't nominate her.

Joe Smith said...

'...who built her wealth on short sales and the backs of those unfortunates who had homes repossessed...'

She built her wealth and fame on a lie.

She is not Native American and never was.

She knew that, but lied to get a prestigious, extremely well-paying job at a prestigious university.

She parlayed that into a lifetime of wealth and privilege as a senator.

She is a horrible human being.

hombre said...

jim5301: "The steal [sic.] hand will be placed in a velvet glove, to quote a former law professor of mine Lawrence Tribe."

And: "It's curious that the Republicans want to focus on the leak rather than embrace the decision."

Ah, Harvard Law. Can't spell. Can't think.

"Steal" is steel. A draft opinion is not a decision. In any event, what's new to embrace? Repubs have always been the pro-life party and Roe has always been bad "law." Finally, tidying up bad decisions won't slow the baby killers on the left coasts.

But the leak? The leak is another important reflection of lefty corruption. Of course a lefty wouldn't see that.

Rusty said...

"Apparently Althouse is in the "There is no bridge too far when defending the right to kill the unborn" camp."
Because deep down they don't want equal rights. They want a special status that subborns your rights.

ALP said...

Ugh I expect another mealy mouthed, 'come emote with us' email from management of the law firm I work for due to this. I am much more offended by my employer of late than anything that SCOTUS is up to. It is "wellness week" at the firm - I'm getting emails I would expect to get from a church, if I was a member of one. Yammering on about how they care about my spiritual health - if anyone is interested, I'll share some of the insipid text with the Althouse community.

hawkeyedjb said...

Comes across as somewhat low-functioning, for an adult. Or a good actor.

hawkeyedjb said...

" if anyone is interested, I'll share some of the insipid text with the Althouse community."

Please do.

wildswan said...

One of the big issues is the number of women who have had abortions and who will feel accused of disregarding the rights of their own child as prolifers begin to win. You can turn away from the child and its rights and only think of women and their rights and very serious dilemmas. But, as prolifers win, the child begins to come into view. Then avoidance of memory becomes fear; and fear, choking rage. It's not a minor problem. Prolifers are trying to get mothers to care for their children and you can't do that with a gun or with guilt. Elon Musk might be able to save Twitter but who will reconcile the mothers with the unborn?

Maynard said...

This might fire up some liberals but it makes everyone else laugh at the hyperventilating nonsense.

Of course, it is nonsense. It is this summer's George Floyd riots.

With Roe out of the way, the states that are overwhelmingly liberal will not only allow unfettered access to abortion, but they will provide a pool of money for women (excuse me - birthing persons) to visit their states for free abortions. Woke billionaires and their corporations will also provide such funds.

Anyone who wants an abortion at any point in his or her pregnancy will be able to get one.

madAsHell said...

Fake Indian does war dance!

Film at 11.

Tina Trent said...

Warren is a liar and a poor actress at the political art of caring.

So I have to ask if this is staged.

But anyone who thinks legislators rarely act out knows little about what routinely goes on in hearings, hallways, and behind closed doors, even among friends from the same Party.

The press just uses the outbursts they find useful.

I once watched in horror as a huge male legislator seemed about to throw a diminutive female legislator over the high second story open balcony onto the marble floor 20-plus feet below. Extreme example, and he broke down and backed off immediately, and they worked it out, but screaming and ranting far more than Warren is here are everyday occurrances in politics. This Amanda Littman "reporter" was a higher-up in Hillary Clinton's campaign, which was notorious for screaming fits. So she's an abject liar too.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It's curious that the Republicans want to focus on the leak rather than embrace the decision. It's almost as if they are embarrassed by Alito's manifesto.

So many others have pointed out the vapidity of this take so I'll address the issues raised head-on: Nobody on the Right is the least bit surprised at Alito's opinion, nor are we confident it will survive the final revisions, but we are absolutely shocked at the ease with which your side accepts the demolishing of norms by leaking a draft opinion. I'm further not at all surprised a draft that may not be the SC decision at all gets the Left so amped up while the breach of etiquette and institutions goes largely unremarked beyond the folks at Scotusblog.

Curious indeed. Can you explain it?

Michael K said...

Fauxcahontas is a nut.

Michael K said...

"Apparently Althouse is in the "There is no bridge too far when defending the right to kill the unborn" camp."

Yes but it got out of hand when it became killing the already born.

Howard said...

Don't let her suck you into Little Big Horn.

Goldenpause said...

Warren’s overwrought hysteria should (but won’t) embarrass Harvard, where she supposedly taught law, and the citizens of Massachusetts who elected her to the U.S. Senate. She clearly would benefit from consulting a mental health professional to deal with her anger management issues.

Butkus51 said...

Going home to the teepee?

jim5301 said...

Mike -

I like most people was totally shocked that a draft opinion would be leaked. I assume the leaker will be quickly identified. What makes it more newsworthy of course is it is a leak in one of the most important cases before the Court in the past 50 years.

However, it was the action of one 25-year-old employee of the federal government. Not an elected official. Not a political appointee. In my view a footnote to the decision itself. Not sure why the Republicans want to distance themselves from the words of the Justice. Can you explain it?

Mike Petrik said...

I can explain it in football terms. Republicans don't believe in celebrating when they get the ball to the one-yard line, but do think a flag should be thrown when the defense responds with 12 men on the field.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Althouse: "seems way too much like an endorsement of rioting"

Because it IS an endorsement of rioting.

Roe v. Wade is bad law, for exactly the reasons in the draft; jaw based of weak logic, by judges usurping the power of legislators.

jim5301 said...

Mike - you should celebrate when you get to the one-yard line. Almost certain to get at least three points. Here you should also celebrate. Almost certain to get the decision you want. Live a little.

Michael K said...

Not sure why the Republicans want to distance themselves from the words of the Justice. Can you explain it?

We've been explaining things to you lefties for years. You just don't get it. When Clinton said "safe, legal and rare" you had an evenly split population on abortion. When it started becoming infanticide and when the baby parts industry moved in, you lost the public. The left can never leave well enough alone. You always over reach.

Lurker21 said...

Liz was hoarsely addressing a rally, and if there was any doubt she spelled it out: "I am angry! I am angry! ... I am angry!"

She didn't explain why anybody else should care that she was angry, but her fans apparently liked the speech.

This is what politics is now -- the expression and orchestration of anger and animosity. You'll hear the mainstream media complain about it when Republicans or conservatives do it, but when Liz does it, they'll say it's righteous and justified or not notice it or comment on it at all.

Jim at said...

When are you leftists not full of rage?

Dave64 said...

She's in a rage about everything!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If you have to say someone is raging... there's no rage.

Bunkypotatohead said...

The old white squaw says "Don't change the law!"

Mike Petrik said...

Jim5301 --
We don't want a field goal. We want a TD and all we ask is a fair playing field.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

jim5301 said...
However, it was the action of one 25-year-old employee of the federal government. Not an elected official. Not a political appointee. In my view a footnote to the decision itself. Not sure why the Republicans want to distance themselves from the words of the Justice. Can you explain it?

Well, since we're not doing that, there's nothing to explain.

The words of the draft speak for themselves. Now, if you Lefties actually had ANY attack on those words, other than your rage at losing something you should never have had, then we'd argue about the words.

But none of you have any legal attacks on the draft, because you all know Altio's entirely correct.

Right Jim?

Or do you have some legal or factual attack on what Alito wrote?

Bilwick said...

You guys should cut Fauxcahontas some slack. Outrage takes its toll on the aged, and she's outraged by the prospect of Roe-vs-Wade being over turned, seeing a ban on abortion it as a violation of individual liberty. And I think we all know how much Warren values individual liberty.

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