May 15, 2022

Let's work together.


Now, let's dance like it's 1970:


Original Mike said...

I never understood why some people thought she was smart.

Joe Smith said...

Just understand that she is dumb and it will all make sense.

Peter Principle Exhibit A.

Except she reached her peak several jobs ago...

The Vault Dweller said...

Kamala Harris is really bad at the nuts and bolts mechanics of politics. By contrast Hillary Clinton was actually pretty good, she just lacks the charm and charisma to pull off a lot of stuff. Whenever I see Kamala I think of the Peter principle. But if that principle applies to her and her current position, what does that say about the competency needed to be a US senator, or a state's Attorney General?

who-knew said...

I think they deliberately left "galvanize" out of the transcript to make he look bad.

Skeptical Voter said...

A babbling bozette. But since she's a boob, Biden is safe in office.

But that observation aside, one has to wonder about her "repetitive" speech pattern. She does it often enough that it's more than just a verbal tic. Still she has mastered one thing--she's best "chef" of meaningless word salad in Washington D.C.

Ice Nine said...

And even with that, she is Demosthenes, compared to her boss. Hell, she is Socrates, compared to her boss.

Kai Akker said...

Many Miriams, and her tambourine.

Where is Althouse in there? That nice one with the dark top, I think. Just before the one with the polka dots. That's what every American girl looked like in the '60s. And spent most of her time doing. Don't you wish you'd been there, Drago? Gilbar? Howard? Gadfly?

Paul Zrimsek said...

A word salad made up entirely of iceberg lettuce.

David Begley said...

“Work together” polls well; especially with women.

gspencer said...

Okay, diagram that.

Charlie said...

Serious are the Dems going to "disappear" her? ..........Cause she needs to go.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

C'mon, it's got to be drugs or something. One doesn't think dementia when she's so much younger than the big guy. Would Willie Brown have promoted her so hard if she had an IQ of 50? Was it the thrill of having a beautiful and apparently accomplished woman on your arm?

MadisonMan said...

(Shaking my head). I have to wonder if the Biden Administration sabotages these things of hers to read. Because word salad like that just sounds like nonsense from an idiot.

MadTownGuy said...

Her reference to the 'new norms' is a tell. "Brave New Abnormal" is what she really meant.

Michael K said...

Remember, Kamala was chosen by tech industry geniuses. Rule by "experts," the Progressive goal, is going so well.

n.n said...

Work together, dance abreast, rap around the fire, sacrifice a virginal human life for social, redistributive, clinical, and fair weather causes the way they did, they way we do. I pronounce you executive and shareholder, you may NOW incorporate following an equitable and inclusive model.

cfs said...

Does she have speech writers that supply her with this drivel? Or, does she just ignore what they provided to her and come up with such foolishness as this on her own? My 5 year old granddaughter can present an idea with more clarity than Harris.

FleetUSA said...

We have one idiot in the office now, #2 seems worse.

Maynard said...

Does she have speech writers that supply her with this drivel? Or, does she just ignore what they provided to her and come up with such foolishness as this on her own?

I think we are seeing what so many of her staff have resigned. She ad-libs the text they create and does a poor job because she only skims it first.

She cannot be as dumb as she seems. I think she is lazy, but I also wonder if she is on mood altering drugs.

Ampersand said...

Preliminary diagnosis: palilalia.

Jupiter said...

"Was it the thrill of having a beautiful and apparently accomplished woman on your arm?"

It seems she's very good on her knees.

wendybar said...

One step away from this being PRESIDENT?? Scary as hell, but GREAT for our enemies.

wendybar said...

MadisonMan said...
(Shaking my head). I have to wonder if the Biden Administration sabotages these things of hers to read. Because word salad like that just sounds like nonsense from an idiot.

5/15/22, 11:27 AM

I would tend to agree...but then what is Bidens excuse?

MikeR said...

"Okay, diagram that." No problem; anything Harris says reminds me of those things that the adults say in the Charlie Brown movies. Wa-wa, wa-wa-wa-wa-wa.

Beasts of England said...

Mixed race female matriculates to a third-tier law school. Yeah, she has a subpar intellect.

J Melcher said...

I can't help but remember how James Madison's "Virginia Plan" came out of the Constitutional Convention with the peculiar rule that the Electoral College would put the top two best-regarded candidates into the roles of Chief Executive, and presiding (administrative) officer of the US Senate. Often, rivals, like Adams and Jefferson. But two, TWO, competent and capable and ambitious and leader-ly people, chosen by electors who were themselves chosen to be sober and wise and representative of their people.

In later years rivals of this sort were negotiated among party insiders giving us teams like Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. Eisenhower and Nixon... JFK and LBJ. Rivals, but competent people.

It's quite a serious change to get the 2nd officer chosen by the 1st, acting alone. Giving us such luminaries as Dan Quayle and Dick Cheney and now Kamela Harris. How can either major party ADVOCATE such a process?

madAsHell said...

The TV news reporter asked Kamala, "Did you have to kiss any parrots on the way to the Vice-Presidency?"

Kamala responded indignantly, "I don't know how that rumor got started!! It was just a cockatoo!!"

hawkeyedjb said...

If I get invited to Kamala's high school graduation party, I don't think I will attend.

Sebastian said...

"That's what every American girl looked like in the '60s. And spent most of her time doing."

Exercising the sovereignty of her body, asserting autonomy, by wearing miniskirts, the same way as every other girl.

effinayright said...

Lloyd W. Robertson said...
C'mon, it's got to be drugs or something. One doesn't think dementia when she's so much younger than the big guy. Would Willie Brown have promoted her so hard if she had an IQ of 50? Was it the thrill of having a beautiful and apparently accomplished woman on your arm?

did you just say..."on... his...arm?"

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Making Biden look good (literally the VP job) is harder than making a viral tick-tock.

madAsHell said...

I enjoyed the short skirts dancing to Canned Heat.

"Let's Work Together" was released in 1970. I'm guessing those dancing women in the video are 18-20 years of age. Unfortunately, they aren't rockin' the mini-skirts today. Too bad.

Jersey Fled said...

This is what happens when you run an election with absentee ballots

TheDopeFromHope said...

Who writes this stuff? And isn't there anyone in her entourage to tell her that she looks like a fool? Or are they also fools who think she's brilliant? as Kamala obviously thinks she herself is.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Joe's missing millions! Financial records reveal Biden had $5.2million in unexplained income - as emails show he paid Hunter's legal bills for one megabucks Chinese deal and was tapped as 'big guy' to get a 10% cut in another

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

this cam out of her mouth a few months back:

"It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day."
-Kamala Harris

Wow – impressive oratory

Breezy said...

How can she not improve at all over this time? She is clearly not serious nor dedicated to her job. She does not appear to even practice her talking points and incorporate feedback from others. Such a miserable state we’re in with Biden and Harris.

lonejustice said...

Loved the miniskirts in the Canned Heat video.

I'm back in high school again!

Michael K said...

Whenever I see Kamala I think of the Peter principle.

She was a lousy DA. Relax Jake, it's California.

Critter said...

Seriously, Willie Brown seems to be the only one who found something she was good at.

n.n said...

#2 seems worse

#2 took a knee for progress, hers, too. To boldly go where many have gone before, and most would not follow.

n.n said...

Rule by "experts," the Progressive goal

Mortal gods and goddesses. The old... ancient, modern model of secular religion.

Iman said...

Bob “Bear” Hite is truly and dearly missed around this homestead.

Kamala Harris and the other sick lefties can just fuck right off.

Andy said...

Kamala is Biden’s perfect VEEP he is safe as long as she is the alternative. If you assume that 2024 is too far away then a way has to be found to turn Harris into Agnew and Joe Manchin into Jerry Ford.

gilbar said...

That's what every American girl looked like in the '60s. And spent most of her time doing. Don't you wish you'd been there, Drago? Gilbar? Howard? Gadfly?

well, the ENTIRE Reason why i started going to this blog; was the hope of seeing more pix of the 1969 Althouse. Every now and then she reposts that one pic.. But You KNOW there are others waiting to be shown

Also.. Even though i was only 7 in 1969, my eyes worked; and i remember seeing the Really Old girls in Cedar Rapids back then (Really REALLY old, to a 7 year old; you know, the teens).
Hair was long and straight back then. It looked Nice, but it had NOTHING on the feathered hair of the late 1970's (which had NOTHING on the Big Hair of the early 1980's)

Ahhh Early '80's hair :)

Krumhorn said...

Here’s a pill to swallow along with the Geritol: all those hotties are now in their mid to late seventies

That’s what Proust meant by “In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower”

- Krumhorn

gilbar said...

Let's Dance like it's the Early '80's!!!
Ronald Reagan - Peace Through Strength Campaign Commercial 1980

Mark said...

When you over-coach someone who either cannot or has given up on thinking for herself, and drum into her to stick to the bumper sticker message, this is what you get. Paper thin repetition that says nothing.

Tomcc said...

Gravitas, baby!

Mark said...

Does she have speech writers that supply her with this drivel? Or, does she just ignore what they provided to her and come up with such foolishness as this on her own?

The fixation on specific words and phrases and basic concepts is indicative of over-coaching, with her mind going blank on other things to say.

Trump could say some good things, but he delivered it BADLY. It was obvious he was reading the text. When he speaks extemporaneously, he too get very repetitive, saying the same thing over and over.

They need to just do the same with soon-to-be President Harris. Don't let her write her own material and tell her to just read what is written.

Howard said...

Yes, but she is perfectly literate, and that's what matters.

GrapeApe said...

Every time I think to myself she couldn’t show herself more an idiot, here she comes on parade and does it again. Really, who thinks this drivel is even remotely intelligible? Dumb as a box of rocks is appropriate but trite. I’d go with dumb as a box of rocks and peat moss.

Static Ping said...

I now know why Kamala was selected for VP. She was the only person that can speak Biden's custom form of gibberish.

Scotty, beam me up... said...

How in the hell did this woman earn a juris doctorate degree and then pass a bar exam? I have given much more coherent talks than what Harris repeatedly gives and I wrote them myself without assistance from highly paid speech writers and other assistants. And if she reads off of a script written for her, does she even read it beforehand and make corrections? I don’t know whether to laugh at her incompetence or cry because of all of the idiotic voters in California that kept promoting her to elected positions that then got her selected by Biden (or one of his puppet masters) to being a heartbeat away from being our “fearless” leader.

Robert Marshall said...

Did you catch that glance to the left, around 12 secs in, when it looked like she couldn't believe they expected her to say THAT, but then she kept on, managing to suppress the cackling while saying what they had on the teleprompter. The look on her face suggested to me that she had no idea what was coming next, she was just reading and speaking as it rolled on.

When you've got an existential crisis to solve, a global emergency, an extinction-level event, like catastrophic climate change, you clearly have to call on your top men. Or women. Like Kamala. And work together.

robother said...

The new norms? Watching this made me realize how much I miss the old norm (macdonald).

Amadeus 48 said...

Did I see Althouse in that crowd of dancers? I might have.

That was back when Madonna was, like, a virgin.

Mikey NTH said...

That was embarrassingly incoherent in a middle school presentation sort of way.

Koot Katmandu said...

Holly Molly. The grandmas and great grandmas of today sure where hot back in the day. Big hair and mini skirts were groovy. We could work with that now?

Lucien said...

If Biden & Harris run in 2024, will their opponents need to do anything more than play their highlight reels in election ads?

Bob_R said...

She really would have been better off singing the song.

Is part of the problem she's never done any retail politics? Anyone I've seen seriously campaign for congress can pull off one of these speeches in their sleep. They have to press the flesh. Kiss babies. You have to practice. She thinks she can wing it, but she's never run for anything smaller than statewide in California. Complete lack of self awareness.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Looks like she has "put forth a far reaching program to address those very issues".

cf said...

SAYYYY, I posted on the future post with a free sunrise pic, as if it were a "Cafe". I see I should have done it here:

I don't know what I'm talking about but is there a way, dear knowledgeable Althouse & tribe, for the disempowered half-nation that has been wronged for years make something like a ReVote happen?

The nation needs a Presidential ReVote in November. Literally revote, the same lineup as 2020, kamala and joe vs pence and trump --

supervised by citizens,
outside the current state mechanics,
perhaps the weekend before the Tuesday election day,
clear and clean,
in person,
hand counted

-- is there any way that could happen?

We needed to start resolving this farce all year, but/And early november is 6 months away. Surely in america a fresh, Just revote could be made to happen.


Wa St Blogger said...

Harris should be the poster child (XX version) along with Biden (XY version) for why we should be selecting for competency rather than feel good or demographics or any other goofball reason. This is the most important job in the world and really should not be wasted on frivolity. We take it for granted when a competent leader is in place and think any bozo could do the job.

Earnest Prole said...

Kamala Harris has been boring for many years. If you’re looking for something interesting on a Sunday afternoon, turn on the youtube machine and dial up Wilbert Harrison’s original “Let's Work Together" from 1969, his 1962 song “Let’s Stick Together” on which his 1969 hit was based, and Bob Dylan’s “Let’s Stick Together” from the late 1980s. All have that wonderful single-note instrumental break like the one in Neil Young’s “Cinnamon Girl,” and all are exponentially more entertaining than Kamala “One-Note” Harris.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

Those dancers are the ones that passed the audition. Imagine what the others are like.

Gahrie said...

Here's a cheery thought....this woman is a bad case of the flu away from becoming president.

Rusty said...

At least Joe has an excuse. He's batsh*t senile. Harris is just bone stupid.

Scott said...

You nailed this. New here. Scott and Christine

Wince said...

Imagine how much nonsense Kamala Harris spewed into Blue Books back in law school.

Yancey Ward said...

Kamala is dumber than a box of rocks, a rock filled box, a box containing rocks, a rock, another rock, and another rock in a box. Kamala only looks smart when she is compared to Joe "Shit For Brains" Biden.

PM said...

Complain all you want - she always makes me feel better.
About myself.

traditionalguy said...

Why run down Kamala? Being Willie Brown’s whore is a skilled labor position. She could be useful now in Uniparty DC honey pot work. Finally MSNBC can always use her oral skills in script reading.

Lurker21 said...

She's winging it. She shouldn't be. Kamala's below average for a politician, but her problem may be that she doesn't have a staff to give her talking points and tell her what to do. That's for a senator or vice president. A president ought to know what to do and rely on staff for refinements and execution. Kamala's other problem is that she doesn't know how dumb she is. She thinks she can wing it and get away with it.

Narayanan said...

I very much look forward to Jamaican-Indian-American VPOTUS deliver next SOTU speech in place of Joe Biden

stlcdr said...

Box of rocks or sack of hammers? I’m gonna go with a sack of hammers, in this case.

Readering said...

Loved Top of the Pops.

Achilles said...

The only people dumber than Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are democrat voters.

The ones that actually fill out their own ballot that is.

Kirk Parker said...

"Whenever I see Kamala I think of the Peter principle."

That's funny; whenever I see here I think of the Willie principle.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Is it just me? I could only watch 20 seconds of that video.
They all looked like zombies or hostages.

Moondawggie said...

With her unique mastery of the English Language, Kamala would be a perfect co-anchor for Ron Burgundy when the teleprompter fails...

Stay Classy, DC!

John henry said...


Let's get Kamala to quit. As soon as possible. The repos can then cut a deal to make pedjt vice president.

Then Brandon can catch kung flu and resign

Impossible? Maybe not.

1) if it happens this year, President Trump would be unable to run again in 2024. What's better 2 more years of 4?

2) in return repos, who will hold both houses in Jan agree not to impeach Brandon, not to criminally charge some of the top deep starters and generally go easy in the dems. Think of it as sort of a plea bargain.

3) threaten that if this does not happen smoothly in 22, the repos will rain down Hell fire in 23, make Trump speaker then impeach kamala and Brandon together leaving bot offices vacant and Speaker Trump to become president.

He then gets 6 more years (assuming a 2024 win) instead of just 2.

If it happens in 22, trump is ineligible in 24. If it happens in 23,he isn't.

Your choice, demmies. 2 more years of Trump? Or 6? Me, I'm happy to wait so we get 6 years.

LGKTQ but not yet.

John Henry

John henry said...

Hey, I can dream, can't I?

John LGKTQ Henry

John henry said...


OT but how seriously are bluebooks looked at in law school?

My school required a twice yearly "comprehensive exam" to get an MBA. 4 questions on core courses in the morning, 4 questions on major courses in the pm. 1st time Pass rate about 50%.

I figured 1st time was practice. My strategy was fill 1 complete bluebooks for each question. Mostly with repetitive bullshit. On one question I was halfway through a sentence at the end of the bluebooks so I just put a period and started a new question/book.

I got 80% on major and 72% on core. Not on my transcript so who cares.

There is no way in Hell anyone read my answers and gave me a passing grade.

Maybe Kamala used my test strategy?

Tests were blind so the grader had no I Dea who I was or my grades

John LGKTQ Henry

Michael K said...

Blogger Scotty, beam me up... said...

How in the hell did this woman earn a juris doctorate degree and then pass a bar exam?

Look at the law students at Yale. That is the future of the law. I think she, like Hillary, flunked the bar the first time.

Bilwick said...

"Liberals" and other State-fellators love to say this kind of "pious piffle" (to use a phrase beloved by the Christian Brothers who taught in my high school) without specifying the end goal of all this working together. Would it be a freer society or a more statist one? Gee, that's such a puzzler . . . .

Ex-PFC Wintergreen said...

Yes Fred, it’s just you ;-)

Swinging London! I’ll bet every one of those women could give a cool and sparkling answer to just about anything. Especially when dancing ;-)

And a good one from the Heat; that song is a blast to play.

toxdoc said...

stlcdr said...Box of rocks or sack of hammers? I’m gonna go with a sack of hammers, in this case.
There have been many times i have thought..."If i only had a box of rocks...I could solve this problem" Or maybe "If i has a sack of hammers and had my friends over...damnit we could pound all these damn nails". But i must say, never, ever have i thought "Now there is a problem that needs the Kamala Harris solution".

Bunkypotatohead said...

Her entourage all tell her she's amazing and wonderful, just like yes men would do for any petty tyrant.
She has no incentive to do better. And the press won't call her on it. They won't criticize the first! black woman VP.

Big Mike said...
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Zev said...

this work together
what is it?

Tacitus said...

"Bag of Hammers" is more alliterative than Sack of Hammers and as such I prefer it. A more cumbersome phrase that does have merit would be: "She couldn't pour water out of a boot with instructions printed on the heel".


PM said...

I'm a CA native and that, in full flower, is estian California-talk.

Kai Akker said...

Blogger gilbar said...
Let's Dance like it's the Early '80's!!!
Ronald Reagan - Peace Through Strength Campaign Commercial 1980


Thanks for the reminder. The greatest of our lifetimes.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

Why the cage? And why the upward angle of the camera?

Crazy World said...

So classic, love it and thanks for keeping it real.

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