Reports Libs of TikTok, with an image of what is said to be the worksheet that the school gave to a 4 year old.
ADDED: I wrote the post the way I did to convey some skepticism, but I want to underscore that by adding the tag "I'm skeptical."
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Reports Libs of TikTok, with an image of what is said to be the worksheet that the school gave to a 4 year old.
ADDED: I wrote the post the way I did to convey some skepticism, but I want to underscore that by adding the tag "I'm skeptical."
It takes a village… doing it for teh Childrens®
The slippery slope of human civilization is lubricated with astroglide, and homosexuals are both fluffer and star. People just don't understand why social cues transmit themselves through societies and civilization regarding why certain behaviors shouldn't be incentivized.
Now you know.
“All families have different rules for masturbation”.
Aren’t they usually posted on the refrigerator?
Libs of Tik Tok should win the Pulitzer Prize.
I don't buy it.
Draw a picture maybe. But are we to suppose that 4 year olds are sufficiently literate to read his assignment, much less compose an answer to the first part? This doesn't add up, unless the teacher thought these kids could read, write, and understand words like penis and vulva. In which case, I question the fundamental judgement of the teacher independent of the sexual politics involved here.
I suppose power tools are out.
Once again, as always, we see the lefty groomers and their enablers using terms like "trusted adults" when "teaching" the kiddos who to go to in order to further separate the children from their parents.
Dont worry though. Jen Psaki et al will be telling us its a terrible conspiracy theory to even believe this stuff happened.
The idea that we are going to "reform" these people, or "restore parental control", is ridiculous. These people are evil scum. That one is in Canada, so the woman who complained is probably already on her way to prison. We're a few years behind them here, due to the Bill of Rights.
Russian disinformation.
Serendipitously, I was just listening to Blocked & Reported (#112) which discussed a hoax played on LOTT by a pack of mischievous Furries. They created supposed school assignments concerning furries, including exercises in which students could design their own “fursonas” — notionally from the Austin ISD.
"Remember to bring a sample from home, class."
There's a word for people who want to talk to 4 year olds about sex.
Hint: It's not "teacher".
People have been pranking Libs of Tik Tok for a while now, so I hope they have instituted some sort of quality control.
“ I don't buy it.”
I worded the post the way I did because I’m skeptical too.
How could a 4 year old read that? Who would use those words to a 4 year old?
"People have been pranking Libs of Tik Tok for a while now, so I hope they have instituted some sort of quality control."
a) "they"? She. LoTT is a she.
b) The question arises, when some Loony-Tune with a ring in its eyebrow and its hair dyed chartreuse, gets in front of its camera and records a soliloquy regarding the pleasure it takes in debasing other people's children, is that "pranking"? What additional information would you need to decide? How would you get it?
This really rubs me the wrong way.
I figured the teacher expected the parent to read it to the kid and work through it together but how weird. Maybe bogus.
One thing I have noticed on r/Teachers is how the LGBTQ or autistic "neurodivergent" really, really want to talk to their classes about their conditions. You know, because it might "help" that one kid who feels he doesn't fit in etc.
That's usually when boomers push back and reiterate how little we had known about our teachers. They were austere, distant figures.
And that we liked it that way.
Aye, there’s the rub.
The teacher may have been inspired by the World Health Organization. As part of its "Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe" policy framework, the WHO recommends that children under the age of four should be given information about “early childhood masturbation” and encouraged to explore so-called gender identities.
My hunch is that Drago and his Northern ilk are behind this "assignment", so that proper thinking parents could discover those secret hiding places where their kids were beating off. Pretty sneaky. What's the penalty for self pleasure today Drago - cut off their right hand? Or is the fear of going blind still enough?
My hunch is that Drago and his Northern ilk are behind this "assignment", so that proper thinking parents could discover those secret hiding places where their kids were beating off. Pretty sneaky. What's the penalty for self pleasure today Drago - cut off their right hand? Or is the fear of going blind still enough?
Baloney for the baloney eaters.
Alert Bay is a native village of less than 500 people. I'm guessing that there are only a ... well ... handful of four-year-olds there.
Another site said Libs of TikTok was the first to report, and that it got this from a Facebook page. This seems highly unlikely to be true.
I suppose no one has bothered to follow the evidence.
The author, Cath Kakanson, of the self-published Body Smart: Right From the Start has this to say about herself and the purpose of her book,
I'm Cath, a sex educator living in Australia with my husband and 2 kids. I help parents to talk about sex (with less cringe and more confidence) and empower their child to make smart sexual decisions. To find a better way to talk about sex, you can join my community of parents and visit my shop for helpful resources.
I am at a loss to understand what she means by "empower their child to make smart sexual decisions", but whenever I read or hear empower a palatable aroma of bullshit arises. The notion that children have or ought to have sexual autonomy (in perv speech that usually comes out as "make sexual decisions") is the central tenant of NAMBLA. Hakanson recommends her book for children between ages 3 and 7, inclusive. Let that sink in for a moment... a sexually autonomous three-year-old.
In case the non-buyers imagine that the book and the website are part of an elaborate hoax designed to discredit Lib of TikTok, a WHOIS query reveals that the domain was created in 2014 and was renewed last October. Thanks to domain privacy tools in operation, registrant records aren't immediately available.
Blogger Robert Cook said...
I don't buy it.
Must be one of those famous "false flags." Nobody could be that evil.
Blogger jim5301 said...
My hunch is that Drago and his Northern ilk are behind this "assignment",
Another "false flag" fan. Did you see how Johns Hopkins hired that professor who advocated "Minor attracted People"?
Alternate theory: It's likely that there's only one school in the village.
Maybe this handout was distributed to the older kids, but the Facebook post was complaining that because the school was so small, these materials were easily accessible by the smallest children.
For those who have no time to follow the link, it mentions a book by teaher Kerri Isham, who describes herself thusly
"Specializing in sexual abuse prevention, special needs education and LGTBQ2+ advocacy. At PowerUp Education, we believe that sexual health education is not optional and is best delivered from 2 years+ for the safety of our children."
Her book is not on Amazon but there are a surprising number of similar books listed for little kids.
jim5301 writes about his "hunch".
Common decency is too MAGA for some people it seems.
In CO - and I'm just learning details so forgive me if I'm not 100% clear on everything yet...
but - a middle school art class was offered - and it was a bait and switch for a gender and homosexual agenda. The guest speaker asked the kids to keep the content of the bait and switch class to themselves.
It's my opinion that we won't get control of the schools and public health and other admin oppressors until we require that the form of the performance review in use at each school, public health office other regulatory agency is required to be published on the agency's website. There is a program called "Healthy People" which is setting public health standards including health at schools. To that end the CDC has created National Health Education Standards. This seeks to make it a requirement that every health education teacher be certified as trained in National Health Education Standards. These standards include in the PreK to second grade the goal of teaching these children who is a "trusted adult." "Standard 4 4.2.4 Demonstrate ways to tell a trusted adult if threatened or harmed." OK Groomer. But my point is that teachers and public health officials must get a good performance review to keep a job but these performance reviews have begun to include required behaviors in teaching and public health which run counter to parental control of education or to a citizen's rights as seen in vaccine mandates. If we could see performance reviews we would see behaviors being mandated which would explain sudden collapses into wokeness or grooming in major institutions. Our elected officials could ban invasive behavior requirements on performance reviews.
Sometimes I wonder if there's a quota of bans for Twitter reviewers as there used to be a parking ticket quota for police. we'd know if we saw the performance review form.
Possibly the teacher aspires to teach at a school for the blind.
Gender & Sexuality Art Club
From a parent's experience.
But don't buy it Cook... I'm sure she's lying.
Russia Collusion Hoaxer and Hillary Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Baloney for the baloney eaters."
jim5301 does not appreciate having his groomer political allies exposed, so to speak.
Yeah'....... I didn't start masturbating until I was 9 or 10.
I was writing my name in the snow at around 5.
Speaking of baloney and baloney eaters, has Inga blamed hawaiian shirt wearing boogaloo boys yet for the child sexualizing grooming her democratical allies are continuing to push across the nation?
From what I have read so far, the defense appears to be it was "one unauthorized teacher", not "it didn't happen".
'Baloney for the baloney eaters.'
Swallowing baloney is 3rd grade...
"Don't tell your parents'"
You know who else says that? Sexual predators.
Gahrie: "From what I have read so far, the defense appears to be it was "one unauthorized teacher", not "it didn't happen"."
Unfortunately for Inga and jim5301 and the rest of the groomer enabling NPC's, millions of parents spent 2 years getting a closeup view of just what these democratical groomers have been doing and thats why the usual fallback tactics and deflections used by Inga and jim5301 are failing so spectacularly everywhere they are used.
Gov Youngkin could explain further.
With trans/homos in the schools, in the scouts, in the churches, directors at home, transgender conversion therapy in the mainstream, pedophilia under a layer of privacy, and abortionists lining the aisles, social progress is not only possible, but probable, and, in fact, a forward-looking affair.
This seems to be a rogue teacher distributing “how to” sheets to four year olds… if it is, indeed- will the vocal progressives that have doubted and denounced the article as a conspiracy- admit its occurrence and denounce intent &content? Or, is this educational worksheet ok w/all of you? I’m that curious to know if progressive folk agree w/the tactics used in (pornoerotic)education.
Is there really no common ground? Or, has that baby been thrown out w/all common sense?
For those who have no time to follow the link, it mentions a book by teacher Kerri Isham, who describes herself thusly
"Specializing in sexual abuse prevention, special needs education and LGTBQ2+ advocacy. At PowerUp Education, we believe that sexual health education is not optional and is best delivered from 2 years+ for the safety of our children."
Her book is not on Amazon but there are a surprising number of similar books listed for little kids.
OK... If that isn't true... this is.
The book, at least, is real. Perhaps the content is not what was described.
That parental response is a bit odd.
Seeing that ruined THEIR day? That's the big concern?
>>I worded the post the way I did because I’m skeptical too. How could a 4 year old read that? Who would use those words to a 4 year old?
Perhaps it's another 'false flag' operation, run by conservative parents.
The loons, jim5301 and Inga are fine with this sort of thing sent home. I doubt any has ever had a kid who was reading at 4. I have.
So the school teacher "Choking Chicken" is grooming little Indian kids?
Said the Maddow-Baloney eating queen.
Is it really such a radical notion that parents, not teachers, should be in charge of the kids' sexual maturation? Sure, some parents won't do it right. But some teachers won't do it right either (as this post shows). And it's not only about sex. In a relatively conservative society ("relatively"!), a liberal or progressive caste feels a compulsion, a duty, to "enlighten" the young, even the very young.
this one is real
jim5301 said...
"What's the penalty for self pleasure today Drago - cut off their right hand?"
Just the last four digits.
Drago - I forgot why I'm grooming these kids. Are they to be eaten (in which case I should prob. fatten them up), or sold as sex slaves (in which case I need to get some more "how to" kiddie porn for us to watch together). Please advise.
LGTBQ2+ advocacy. At PowerUp Education, we believe that sexual health education is not optional and is best delivered from 2 years+ for the safety of our children.
Because the greatest risk to children is posed by advocates of the transgender spectrum, reproductive rites, social liberalism, and diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry ) under the nominally "secular" Pro-Choice "ethical" religion.
Blogger jim5301 said...
My hunch is that Drago and his Northern ilk are behind this "assignment", so that proper thinking parents could discover those secret hiding places where their kids were beating off. Pretty sneaky. What's the penalty for self pleasure today Drago - cut off their right hand? Or is the fear of going blind still enough?
Hunches are junk.
Got evidence? If not, STFU.
And sciince when have Christians cut off hands for masturbating? You're a virtual wikipedia of ignorance and disinformation---though I repeat myself.
As for the drain-bramaged Inga: Are you suggesting Libs of Tik-Tok are all false-flag operations?
You know, all conspiracy theory bullshit, with videos of conservative pretending to be lefty weirdos weirdos?
show us anyon who has been unmasked pretending to be a weirdo lib.
Scalding hot tears of shame should be coursing down your cheeks, knowing that these monsters are ++your++ political soulmates.
I am not skeptical at all.
Why do you think wouldn’t happen?
Cuz teachers are good people?
I don’t believe they are anymore.
Schools of education are turning out teachers that have a political agenda rather than an educational agenda.
Ann Althouse said...“ I don't buy it.”
I worded the post the way I did because I’m skeptical too.
It has all the hallmarks of an internet fake—and yet it’s not. The best you can say is that it was not part of the curriculum. And yet it happened.
This is why sarcasm is so tricky. No matter how crazy you think your words are, chances are somebody out there is actually doing it.
I never once during my days in school (14 years between 1969-1983) had a teacher talk any kind of sex talk. Why is that such a thing now? Who are these hussies to presume their jobs are to teach youngsters about sex? Maybe try teaching them to read before you take it upon yourself to little boys and girls how to play with themselves. I didn’t need a teacher to figure that out.
jim5301: "Drago - I forgot why I'm grooming these kids."
You are a foot soldier on Team Dem and Team Dem, as the famous recent graphic captured, is now led by the socially far left lunatics...and proudly so.
So comfortable are your lefty allies in grooming these children that they spent several years (and continue to) voluntarily posting videos of themselves bragging about it and celebrating it!
Its really that simple.
Only you can explain why you support the astonishing sexualization of very young children by the freakazoids of the left and keeping it secret from the parents while simultaneously attempting to criminalize parents who dont approve of that.
Though I suspect you wont....
If they can't kill them in the womb, or by starvation then they will turn them into sexual deviants at 4. I am NOT surprised. The left is NUTS.
"Don't tell your parents"
who says that? Sexual Predators.
Initially I had some sympathy for your skepticism but I have to ask why? Do you have some information that indicates this was a scam (I have seen a couple comments where that LOTT has been scammed at least once), or are you just horrified again at evidence that people on the liberal side of the aisle have gone bat-guano-crazy?
Even back in my Gen-X elementary school days we occasionally had assignments that involved family history and values, or suggested interaction with our parents.
As suggested by other commenters, I can certainly see a woke but generally clueless teacher deciding to be helpful and providing the latest grooming instructions to parents in the guise of a 'homework' assignment.
Perhaps we can get Brett Blomme to give us the legal expertise on this...
One thing to note is that this area has a very high First Nations population. Unfortunately abuse, including sexual abuse, are rampant on many First Nations reservations. So this is a particularly vulnerable population.
Not surprising, really. The left has always enjoyed using vulnerable groups for its social experimentation.
You have teachers screaming in Florida because they can't talk to 6 year olds about sex. What's the implausible part about this story again?
Tim Maguire: "This is why sarcasm is so tricky. No matter how crazy you think your words are, chances are somebody out there is actually doing it."
This is something the Babylon Bee has discovered.
Drago "Only you can explain why you support the astonishing sexualization of very young children by the freakazoids of the left and keeping it secret from the parents while simultaneously attempting to criminalize parents who dont approve of that. Though I expect you won't"
Ugg I don't support such a thing. Drago. Just ask my kids - something I bet you don't have since you seem to be so out of touch with reality. That you thought I support it says a lot more about you than about me. You really thing that everyone who doesn't fantasize about Trump sitting on their face is a child molester? You are one weird guy.
"This seems to be a rogue teacher distributing 'how to' sheets to four year olds… if it is, indeed- will the vocal progressives that have doubted and denounced the article as a conspiracy- admit its occurrence and denounce intent &content? Or, is this educational worksheet ok w/all of you? I’m that curious to know if progressive folk agree w/the tactics used in (pornoerotic)education."
If this actually happened, I think the teacher should be sanctioned, even fired. I do not think it is the place of anyone but a child's parents to initiate discussions or provide information about sexuality to children younger than 12 or other words, not before junior high/middle school at earliest, if at all. (I was in 7th grade when our gym instructors gave us a one week unit at the beginning of the year on venereal diseases--what they were, how they were transmitted, their symptoms and ill effects, and how to avoid them. This was the only context in which the subject was raised at all. As we were all either approaching or already experiencing puberty, it was appropriately timed. They were careful to use phrases such as "when a boy's private parts touch a girl's private parts." It was, of course, quite funny when a kid in class raised his hand and asked, "Can you get it if you use a rubber?")
BTW, my 7th grade gym class unit on VD and its causes, etc. occurred in Florida in fall of 1967. The year before, in 6th grade (still at the elementary school), all the boys were sent out for a "special recess" while the girls were given a "secret" lesson, which we boys all surmised was about menstruation, which was imminent for the girls.
With something so crazy, who could be blamed for thinking it's fake?
Yet, it's real.
The indoctrination is so crazy, it's hard to believe.
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