May 21, 2022

I haven't used my "Hillary's in trouble" tag in a while.


Rabel said...

Modified limited hangout is the phrase of the day.

Meade said...

Lock. Them. Up.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

That's who you voted for. Any second thoughts???

Meade said...

Traitors to democracy.

cassandra lite said...

Six years ago I got kicked out of the monthly poker game I'd been in with the same group of guys for 25 years. Most of them were lawyers.

They couldn't abide, every time the subject came up, my insistence that Hillary Clinton was the most corrupt, perfidious, Machiavellian woman in American history--with no one even a close second.

Jupiter said...

If I was Mook, I'd be watching both my backs.

Carol said...

And commenters (elsewhere) were waiting with bated breath, promising just you wait, this bank scandal will bring the Trump crime family down for good ..what are they saying now?

I mean, was this it? Or do they have another bank scandal in the wings?

I can't keep up.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Seditious Conspiracy. Obama, Brennan, Comey, Biden, et al, were all in on it. They knew within days of Hillary's Russia Hoax debut that it was all crap. Lock them up. Bread and water. No chardonnay for Hillary.

Howard said...

The best thing for democrat is for Hillary to be in prison. She is the best fundraiser for Trump.

Gahrie said...

They couldn't abide, every time the subject came up, my insistence that Hillary Clinton was the most corrupt, perfidious, Machiavellian woman in American history--with no one even a close second.

Who did they suggest was worse? Eleanor Roosevelt?

Gahrie said...

Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden are exactly the people the Left accused Trump of being.

Beasts of England said...

I don’t believe she’ll ever suffer any legal penalty, but I’m hopeful that every day of her life sucks ass because she was kept from her most cherished goal, and that The Golden Scalpweasel delivered the blow.

The Vault Dweller said...

I don't think anyone perceives Hillary as having any possibility of a political future. This makes them vulnerable. Most of the Clinton's power and influence came from the idea that when they were in power they could give favors or exact punishment. There seems to be less of a cost to turn on the Clintons. I don't think younger Democrats feel any loyalty to the Clintons. In fact many blame her for Trump being elected.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I believe there must've been a series of successful ventures which led her to believe it would not be discovered. Like, how a phony YouTube video story could cover up the Benghazi disaster, while she was Sec of State. She was also lucky that the laptop was bleached without the bleacher making a backup first. Couple that with misunderstimating the Donald and the voters, and she very likely started to believe she could do no wrong.

Also. Let's remember, nothing stuck to Obama in 12 years, that must've had some impression on her.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Buwaya beat Jonathon T by several years. Sorry, J.T.!

BUMBLE BEE said...

To this day, Hillary hasn't stopped.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

To this day - Hillary has never paid for her corrupt Private Server used while she was head of the STate Dept.

She used it to fill her family's fake family charity coffers.

Media silent.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden is a total crook - and our corrupt hack press have ZERO to say about it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She is the biggest fraud in the history of our nation.

Joe Smith said...

She can just claim she didn't know it was 'false.'

Unless she put it in writing then she is fine...

Iman said...

pantsuited pantload
two left wings and two fat thighs
KFC special

Joe Smith said...

'If I was Mook, I'd be watching both my backs.'

I've seen the Mook/Hillary suicide meme everywhere.

But he is fine as he has already spilled the beans.

You only get arkincided if you are a threat to spill them but haven't yet.

Readering said...

Alfa Bank? Was there ever a tag for that?

n.n said...

Yearning, braying for handmade tales past, present, and politically congruent. Dreams of disinformation that could have been spread with legal, ethical convention through a disinformation governance board.

n.n said...

It was done in a Water Closet. What is spread misinformation, disinformation, malinformation and cover-up with JournoListic flare.

baghdadbob said...

And yet, the presiding judge, Cooper, is married to (disgraced, corrupt) FBI operative Lisa Page. AG Merrick Garland officiated at their wedding. At least three jurors donated to Hillary's campaign; I believe one actually volunteered. Of course, the DC venue itself went something like 90% to 4% Hillary over Trump.

So when Sussman is "exonerated," Hillary will crow about a vast right wing conspiracy out to get her, and the whole matter will be forgotten, like Clinesmith or Samantha Powers unjustified unmasking binge. And any attempts to raise the subject again will be deemed dis- or mis-information by MiniTrue.

Ann, will you still vote for this corrupt party?

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

Even if you are an ends-justify-the-means, will to power, identitarianist, globalist, leftist authoritarian, and thus love her to death, you have to admit she is on the short list for most immoral and least principled person to have come to public light in a couple of generations.

Milo Minderbinder said...

The people who really should be prosecuted won’t be. Reputations might be singed, and some lambs will be sacrificed, but Clinton will run in 2024.

Jupiter said...

"But he is fine as he has already spilled the beans."

He has spilled a bean or two, but I am guessing Mook is just full of beans. The Clinton's are surrounded by people who could rat them out. That goes with the territory, when you head up a massive criminal conspiracy. You can't kill everyone who knows anything. But when someone starts to look a little squirrely ....

Seth Rich didn't kill himself.

Static Ping said...

Simple enough. Wipe it off with a cloth. It will be fine.

Skeptical Voter said...

Hillary the Teflon Termagant. Not much sticks to this evil political thug.

Scotty, beam me up... said...

Thank God that Trump won in 2016. I say this as someone who has disliked Trump personally since the early 1980’s but I disliked Hillary even more than Trump - way, WAY more. Even though I disliked Trump (and his now infamous Twitter finger), I agreed with most of his administration policies. Hillary was very Machiavellian during her presidential run of 2016. I have always believed she warned off Biden from running; how, I don’t know. Bernie Sanders threw a Monkey Wrench into her primary election plans, forcing her to spend a lot of her campaign war-chest that she was planning on using in the general election. There was a story that Bill Clinton had a chat with Trump in 2015 to get him into the Republican primaries just to act as a wrecking ball since she thought he would be unelectable anyway and cause which ever candidate that got nominated to spend way more funds just to get the nomination. What Hillary could never do, with all of her machinations, was to overcome being Hillary Clinton. If Clinton had won in 2016, she would have appointed 3 Supreme Court justices and would have had a decent chance to have been re-elected in 2020, thus ensuring at least one more SC justice. With Dems in total control of the three branches, they would have ensured one party dominance of the USA for a very, very long time. Which is why I am glad Trump won in 2016. Unfortunately, this lie about Trump and Russia, with the Dems using it politically against Trump, along with the MSM and social media platforms spreading the disinformation, and the career staff in the DOJ & FBI buying into the lie (and wanting it to be true) just divided our country and cost hundreds of millions of tax dollars in investigations by at least two special prosecutors after the election. Hillary Clinton should be charged to commit election law violations in trying to undermine an election with false criminal allegations (and maybe more) that Trump was conspiring with a foreign country.

Bruce Hayden said...

“I don’t believe she’ll ever suffer any legal penalty, but I’m hopeful that every day of her life sucks ass because she was kept from her most cherished goal, and that The Golden Scalpweasel delivered the blow”

I don’t see her doing time either. The statute of limitations has run for most of her crimes, and the rest are no doubt too well buried (along with the bodies - since murder is typically the one crime w/o a statute of limitations).

So, what’s going on? Legally, AG Garland could call up Durham and fire him on the spot. It would make FJB look any worse than he already works. Why is Durham tolerated? My theory is that it is the Obama people effectively neutering her for the future. FJB has been in no shape for the Presidency since he was installed in office, and he’s just gotten progressively worse, as time has gone on. At some point, probably sooner than they want, and he won’t be able to carry on, regardless of how much they drug him up or prep him for public performances. And Heels Up Harris couldn’t make a cogent argument, if her life depended on it. She just goes round and round, mouthing obvious platitudes. There is no viable succession plan right now, at a time when it becomes ever more obvious that they need one. One suggested alternative is to sneak one of the Obamas into the VPOTUS slot, then have FJB resign for obvious health problems. But the Clintons ask: Why not Crooked Hillary instead? After all she (supposedly) beat Trump in the popular vote. It should surprise no one then that Obama/Biden AG Garland is sitting on te sidelines, letting Durham do their dirty work, and take out Crooked Hillary, one and for all.

Just a theory.

Browndog said...

Rose Law firm billing records, Vince Foster, White House travel office, right-wing conspiracy ala Monica Lewinsky, Benghazi, Clinton Foundation, the top of my head-

Hillary Clinton is never in trouble.


If you notice Hillary might be in trouble..

Mark said...

The fact is that Hillary has never been liked or trusted, ever since she burst on the scene baking cookies and Jan Hooks portraying her beating up Bill. Even when she was nominated for president and Dems voted for her, they hated her and distrusted her. Everyone's always known Hillary is crooked. But Dems didn't/don't care about their folks being corrupt. It's actually a bonus for them.

Bob Boyd said...

The ghost of Bullseye cries out to heaven for justice.

Joe Smith said...

Conservativetreehouse has been making the point forever that the Mueller investigation was the actual coverup for all of this.

Pretty easy to believe as they took lots of time, spent millions of dollars, and NEVER looked into FBI or DoJ shenanigans.

How convenient (said in the Church Lady voice)...

Wince said...

I assumed Hillary herself was not called to the stand in the Sussmann trial because she's still a potential target. Maybe she still is, but the judge sure seems biased.

Clinton was not supposed to be the object of the Sussmann trial, because Judge Christopher Cooper, an Obama appointee, issued a series of orders limiting the scope of the trial and its evidence. The orders were viewed as “spar[ing] the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee … potential embarrassment.”

Yet, even after winning such limiting orders, it was the defense that called Mook to the stand — out of order, in the midst of the prosecution’s case, because he was scheduled to leave on vacation — and he proceeded to confirm that Clinton herself approved of the tactic.

It was Washington’s worst-kept but least-acknowledged secret.

Mutaman said...

Query: Has Turley ever tried a case in his life? Haas he ever been in a courtroom?

Narayanan said...

They couldn't abide, every time the subject came up, my insistence that Hillary Clinton was the most corrupt, perfidious, Machiavellian woman in American history--with no one even a close second.
Q: would they have asked her to the poker game? why / why not

BUMBLE BEE said...

Look Squirrel...
The next distraction, coming soon. Big Cover.

Mikey NTH said...

(1) A political operative with the surname "Mook" is Dickensian.
(2) I suspect that a lot more overturned rocks will be seen.
(3) Statues of Limitation are usually tolled while the crime is ongoing and a conspiracy with an active coverup in place could qualify. For example, Sussman is on trial and if he had a viable SoL argument it should have been raised long ago.

Narayanan said...

Yet, even after winning such limiting orders, it was the defense that called Mook to the stand — out of order, in the midst of the prosecution’s case, because he was scheduled to leave on vacation — and he proceeded to confirm that Clinton herself approved of the tactic.
so Defense lawyers knew the answer to their questions and are not taken unawares. so what is the game here?

was there any cross-examination by Prosecution or will that be later?

Achilles said...

Meade said...

Lock. Them. Up.

That is what you do with common corrupt bureaucrats who take bribes and enrich themselves.

That is not what you do with people who take billions from foreign governments and undermine our Republic in fundamental ways.

gadfly said...

Hillary Clinton is not charged in the Sussmann trial and no proof exists about Hillary to ever prove she did something illegal concerning Alfa. As a matter of fact, no one knows for sure if the Alfa Bank story is true or false. But passing on the Alfa story is permitted in an election campaign.

The liar in this trial is John Durham attempting to prove a conspiracy when Sussmann was only telling the Alfa Bank details to the FBI - which is exactly what the defense is proving day in and day out. Yes, Sussmann represented the DNC many times but not in this case - and he can prove it. Contrarily, Durham has withheld emails from the jury and from Jim Baker that show that Sussmann told Baker on two occasions that he was not speaking for the DNC.

Saint Croix said...

I would be willing to make a small bet that Hillary will primary Joe Biden in 2024.

Beasts of England said...

’Why is Durham tolerated? My theory is that it is the Obama people effectively neutering her for the future.’

That’s the only theory that makes sense. And while I believe that Obama was deeply involved in the Russian Collusion Hoax, he has to feel more insulated as his crew holds the levers of power in the instant, not the Clintons.

Joe Smith said...

'Query: Has Turley ever tried a case in his life? Haas he ever been in a courtroom?'

That's all you've got?

Has our illustrious professor ever tried a case before SCOTUS.

I guess she knows nothing about law...

Mutaman said...

Saint Croix said...

" I would be willing to make a small bet that Hillary will primary Joe Biden in 2024."

Even money sparky? I'll take that bet-maybe Ann will hold the $.

Mutaman said...

"Has our illustrious professor ever tried a case before SCOTUS.

I guess she knows nothing about law..."

Lets put it this way-I wouldn't hire our illustrious professor to represent me in any litigation.

Mutaman said...

"That's all you've got?"

plenty more where that came from.

Mutaman said...

Blogger cassandra lite said...

" Six years ago I got kicked out of the monthly poker game I'd been in with the same group of guys for 25 years. Most of them were lawyers.

They couldn't abide, every time the subject came up, my insistence that Hillary Clinton was the most corrupt, perfidious, Machiavellian woman in American history--with no one even a close second."

The way i heard it you were caught cheating.

Mutaman said...

Blogger baghdadbob said...

"And yet, the presiding judge, Cooper, is married to (disgraced, corrupt) FBI operative Lisa Page. AG Merrick Garland officiated at their wedding" (sic)

Every time I think the Althouse Know Nothing cracker crowd has reached a new low in stupid false posts, they force me to re-evaluate things.

Joe Smith said...

'As a matter of fact, no one knows for sure if the Alfa Bank story is true or false.'

It is a known fact that Trump was not communicating with Apha Bank for nefarious purposes.

Servers 'talk' to each other as a matter of course. Just by reading this and other blogs, your computer has 'talked' to many others in the background.

You don't know it is happening and have no control over it.

"The public first learned in December 2019 that the FBI had investigated the Alfa Bank server and concluded in February 2017 that no communication link existed. The finding was contained in a footnote, No. 259, in the voluminous report on FBI abuses by the Justice Department inspector general.

But the details of exactly how the FBI disproved the Sussmann-Fusion tale have never been publicly disclosed. For example, did the FBI determine the digital links were faked, as Alfa Bank argued?

Mr. Durham’s filing said he will turn over to Mr. Sussmann’s legal team “the majority of the FBI’s electronic ‘case file’ pertaining to its investigation of the Russian Bank-1 allegations, with relatively minor redactions to protect especially sensitive classified information[.]”"

Jim at said...

I can only hope I live long enough to see that vile, vicious bitch draw her last breath.

William said...

You've got to admit that the Clintons are very adept at what they do. With the Clinton Foundation they initiated the tax deductible bribe. If enough people embrace your corruption, it's consensus and not conspiracy. Bill Clinton got militant feminists to defend his fooling around with an intern. Hillary will get away with this, and any attempt to hold her accountable will add to her legend of perserverance. She's our Joan of Arc. ...Joe Biden and son are major league players, some years maybe even all-stars, but they're not Hall of Famers like the Clintons. Give the Clintons some respect for their skills. Bill Clinton might rape the odd woman or two, but he's not the kind of guy to leave an evidence heavy laptop in a repair shop. That's a clumsy unforced error.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“One of the most successful disinformation campaigns in American politics”

Successful? What success?

cubanbob said...

Howard said...
The best thing for democrat is for Hillary to be in prison. She is the best fundraiser for Trump.

5/21/22, 12:38 PM"

Howard for once is right. I suspect it's to get Clinton out of the way and to deflect from Obama and Biden.

Marc in Eugene said...

I miss reading Buwaya's comments here.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

As for it being disinformation, Durham isn’t even attempting to prove that. Alfa Bank has got a large U.S. law firm engaged to prove that it was hackers, but they have little to show for that effort.

Rory said...

"Even when she was nominated for president and Dems voted for her, they hated her and distrusted her. Everyone's always known Hillary is crooked."

Not boomer professional women. She is them, they are her.

Browndog said...

. As a matter of fact, no one knows for sure if the Alfa Bank story is true or false...
The liar in this trial is John Durham attempting to prove a conspiracy when Sussmann was only telling the Alfa Bank details to the FBI - which is exactly what the defense is proving day in and day out.

Fuck Me.

This is old school Huffington Post from AnomUser14290006 type babbling.

You do a disservice to this blog. Shape up.

D.D. Driver said...

"That's who you voted for. Any second thoughts???"

Don't blame me: I voted for Kodos!

Drago said...

The Opeless gadfly: "Hillary Clinton is not charged in the Sussmann trial and no proof exists about Hillary to ever prove she did something illegal concerning Alfa. As a matter of fact, no one knows for sure if the Alfa Bank story is true or false."


We not only know its false, as in complete fabrication, we know who created the fake "data" out of whole cloth, who the perpetrators were who peddled the fake-"data" lies to others, who ran with transparently false stories and we know when federal investigators blew the whistle on this transparent lie (spoiler: early 2017)

Hopeless hopeless gadfly. He's been lying non-stop for 6 years now and he cant bring himself to stop now.

The lamest and deadest of the dead enders.

Christopher B said...

gadfly .. Contrarily, Durham has withheld emails from the jury and from Jim Baker that show that Sussmann told Baker on two occasions that he was not speaking for the DNC.

Which is actually doing Sussmann a favor since he's focusing only on one time he lied about his connections with Hillary instead of how he made it a practice.

Andy McCarthy has an interesting analysis of where Mook screwed up. (I didn't think the defense was already presenting its case when I first hear about his testimony). His theory is that Sussmann was trying to thread the needle of saying that although none of his usual contacts like Baker could believably not know that he was on an HFA retainer, it might be possible for the campaign folks to claim that no, really, they didn't want the information sent to the FBI but only provided to the news media. They never told Sussmann to talk to the FBI but no, they never told him not to do it, either. He was freelancing. The judge had helpfully ruled Hillary's Alfa Bank tweet out of bounds, until Mook stepped in it by saying approval of the Alfa Bank information sharing went all the way up to the top, which made Hillary's tweet relevant again.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gadfly clings to hope.

Gadfly says:
As a matter of fact, no one knows for sure if the Alfa Bank story is true or false.

As a matter of fact Gadfly - the story is 100% false.
That you hope it's true just shows your blind faith hatred of anything related to Trump, and your willingness to buy complete bullshit.

Iman said...

“If I was Mook, I'd be watching both my backs.”

Mook had better watch his front hole AND his back hole.

MacMacConnell said...

I heard that Elon Musk offered $100 billon to buy the FBI. No word if the Clintons will accept the offer.

Gahrie said...

Query: Has Turley ever tried a case in his life? Haas he ever been in a courtroom?

"As an attorney, Turley has worked on notable cases in civil rights defense including the defense of Dr. Sami Al-Arian, NSA whistleblower David Faulk, protesters at the World Bank/IMF demonstrations in 2000, and the Brown family in their challenge to Utah polygamy laws. Turley has also served as counsel on prominent Federal cases including the defense of Area 51 workers, and as lead counsel in the 2014 challenge to the Affordable Care Act."

20 seconds on Wiki.

farmgirl said...

“… and the career staff in the DOJ & FBI buying into the lie (and wanting it to be true) just divided our country…”

&wanting it to be true. It’s f/king unreal to me that adults can live in a world where facts are fiction- fiction: facts when it suits them. How is it possible??

My very liberal, Trump hating friend(not my Nyack friend)visited and says: he didn’t want to get into it. Not in front of my husband, who is fairly quiet and private about politics. Do you know what he said when I asked him how he was liking the economy- the Biden Administration economy??

He said it would have happened like this, regardless. Regardless if Trump was still President. “We aren’t isolated! We are a part of the world!! You really want that pussy grabbing dick in office?”

Such lies they cling to- b/c they can’t handle Truth.
Can’t liberals ever say they’re wrong?

About anything??!

Original Mike said...

"Clinton personally approved the plan to spread the false Alfa bank story."

I am gobsmacked. (not)

Bob Boyd said...

How come Durham can easily demonstrate that team Hillary made the whole thing up and her minions admit this under oath, but Special Council Robert Swan Mueller, with all his resources, submits a report stating, "while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him" and AG Barr accepts it, passes it along to Congress and that is the end of the matter as far as Congress, including Republicans, and the press is concerned?

BUMBLE BEE said...

It seems to me that, having no candidates in the bullpen, Joe is tasked with taking USA into a nosedive. Any Republican administration would likely expend their total efforts trying to put the country back together. This would give the media enough time to savage the subsequent administration(s) while promoting the next dem hopeful. The open borders will work their magic for the next several generations. Send lawyers guns and money, the shit will hit the fan.

Achilles said...

Original Mike said...

"Clinton personally approved the plan to spread the false Alfa bank story."

I am gobsmacked. (not)

I am actually surprised it was spoken out loud in court under oath with details and support.

It is interesting to watch the people stupid enough to support the Democrat party react to this.

There really are not that many of them left. People are getting too embarrassed to be associated with that anymore.

MalaiseLongue said...

@gadfly: Thank you for the Media Matters/MSDNC talking points.

Quaestor said...

Bruce Hayden writes, "She just goes round and round, mouthing obvious platitudes."

An exaggeration. Kamala Harris hasn't uttered a coherent platitude in her life, except something along the lines of nose candy plenty good juju, Bawana. She's so unremittingly awful and vacuous that even the most jaded of knee-jerk feminist race hustlers couldn't summon up the energy to keep her in the primary system after the Iowa caucuses. As a putative flagship persona of the Democratic Party Harris doesn't even rate as a rowboat.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Did Russia steal the election from your precious Hillary, Gadfly?

Got actual non-fabricated non-Maddow proof?
No - you don't -because the entire thing is a fabrication. In fact the real Russian Collusionist is Hillary herself.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Greenwald - a liberal.

He gets it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Natasha Bertrand

Gadfly's go to for disinformation?

She gets around

Glenn Greenwald
As we demonstrated in the "Typhoid Mary of Disinformation" video we produced this week, the cable host at the heart of every DNC/CIA lie is @NicolleDWallace
. But the "journalist" most used to launder them is @NatashaBertrand
. She originates every lie:

iowan2 said...

Hillary Clinton is not charged in the Sussmann trial and no proof exists about Hillary to ever prove she did something illegal concerning Alfa. As a matter of fact, no one knows for sure if the Alfa Bank story is true or false. But passing on the Alfa story is permitted in an election campaign.

Political dirty tricks are not a crime. But doing so, while being aided and abetted By the FBI might be.

>>According to these documents, Hillary approved the plan to smear Donald Trump with the Russia collusion hoax on July 26, 2016. (The Fusion GPS/Christopher Steele “dossier” fabrication was under way by this time.) Her action was immediately picked up by Russian intelligence. At almost the same time, U.S. intelligence, spying on the Russians, got the story. On July 28, just two days after Hillary allegedly green-lighted the smear, Barack Obama, James Comey, Susan Rice and Denis McDonough assembled to be briefed by John Brennan on the situation.

Brennan told them, according to his notes, that:

CITE alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on 26 July of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisers to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security services.<<<<

There is the crime. The DoJ, CIA, FBI and OBAMA, and all the White House, knew well in advance, any Russia Trump collusion tales were HRC dirty tricks. But launced a phony counter intel investigation anyway

California Snow said...

For as long as the Clintons have been around you'd think people would learn to never work with them. Bill & Hillary always skate while someone else's life is ruined.

Saint Croix said...

Here's Turley in The Hill

Amazing how most of the media is ignoring this. (This is an opinion piece in The Hill, not reporting). Over and over again we see how biased the MSM is and how they aren't interested in the truth.

Considering how massive the Russian collusion hoax was, you'd think that other people in the media would rise up and take the jobs from the people that spread that false narrative.

But we're not seeing that. A massive hoax was spread and the people who were fooled are not outraged and demanding her head. That suggests to me a level of complicity. The media knew it was a lie and they didn't care. And now they don't want the truth to come out.

Gator said...

Hillary Clinton is 74 years old, and an aging baby boomer, the worst generation in American history. No one cares what she thinks, says or does. My parents are in the same generation and holy crap, the selfishness, and just pure inaptitude is astounding. How my generation (Generation X) dealt with them, I don't know. I do know that we try to make things better for our children.

Marcus Bressler said...

I have lived long enough to have gotten some kind of karma-satisfaction with the deaths (of natural causes) of Ted (I went to get "help" while my sandwich stuffer of the night frantically tried to escape the confines of my car, rapidly filling with cold, murky water, failing with her efforts with the conscious horror of drowning enveloping her) Kennedy, and John McCain (a nasty, lying POS who catapulted from his failure as Naval aviator into a career as a Democrat who labeled himself Republican just for the publicity - not to mention his despicable treatment of his first wife). Hillary Clinton will not, in all probability, go to prison for her heinous misdeeds -- but she will go to Hell to keep Kennedy and McCain company and I hope and pray I am still on this Earth to hear of her death. I don't feel the least bad to think this way: these people were (and are, in HRC's case) purely EVIL and the world is better off without them.

boatbuilder said...

This blatant and obvious criminal conspiracy was and has been out there for the MSM to investigate and report on from the very beginning. The MSM didn't report on it and in fact furthered the conspiracy for their own ends. And in fact awarded themselves Pulitzer Prizes for furthering the conspiracy.

What makes anyone think that the MSM will start reporting on this now?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Here's the source for much of the lies spread by the left-wing media.

someone who used to work for Bush/Cheney

The Typhoid Mary of Disinformation: Nicolle Wallace


Remember that name. She is a lying disgrace.

Narr said...

Sorry about your sorry Boomer parents, Gator. Must have been rough, what with them trying to make things worse for you.

But tens of millions of us Boomers never cared a pinch of owl dung for the Clintons, and no X,Y, or Z-er can lecture us about it.

On the substance, of course this will fizzle. Maybe Sussmurf will be sacrificed, but the process will be extended by all possible means, fair and foul, and the queen will maintain her position.

The Mueller 'probe' was actually a delaying action and clean-up of malfeasance by the Organs on behalf of the Dems; the big difference between Mueller and Durham is that Durham wants to get to the bottom (or top) while Mueller just wanted a big role in the farce.

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