"... the final outcomes did not seem good enough for him to justify the risks. People were comparing the results to soda cans, he recalls. 'They were saying they weren’t functional. You couldn’t pee out of them. You couldn’t feel anything.'... Though phalloplasty cannot yet produce a penis identical to the one most men are born with, it can provide for many of the classic penile pastimes: standing urination, penetrative sex, orgasm (without ejaculation), changing in a locker room.... In the United States, there are two common types of phalloplasty: radial forearm flap (or R.F.F., which uses the forearm as a skin-flap donor site) and anterolateral thigh (or ALT, which uses the thigh). These flaps form the shaft and can be combined with various other procedures in pursuit of four major post-op priorities: standing urination, aesthetics, erectile function and sensation. Most surgeons begin by asking patients to rank these priorities.... Ben’s primary goal was standing urination. He decided his next goals were penetrative sex and aesthetics.... At 4-foot-10 and 97 pounds, he felt he had certain disadvantages. 'Women don’t like short men,' he said. 'I kind of had to give myself all the edge up on the competition I could get.'... I wondered aloud if the point of surgery was to grant him the freedom to stop thinking about his penis. 'No,' Ben said, correcting me. 'I think about it all the time. Touch it all the time. Look at it all the time. It’s my favorite thing to do.'"
"Women don’t like short men"... but do women like men who think about their penis all the time and touch it and look at it all the time?
"Ben’s primary goal was standing urination."
It's difficult not to see this as theatrical.
’classic penile pastimes’
Writing your name in the snow?
"but do women like men who think about their penis all the time and touch it and look at it all the time?"
I would rephrase this to "do women like other women who think they can turn themselves into men?"
I doubt the people who answer my question in the affirmative would care much about your question.
"but do women like men who think about their penis all the time and touch it and look at it all the time?"
Seems like the more pressing question would be "Do women like men who used to be women?"
*...but do women like men who think about their penis all the time and touch it and look at it all the time?*
Yes, because that describes most men.
I can understand and respect that there is a sizeable portion of people who cannot escape the feeling that they should be something they are not. You can't always help your feelings and it sucks to live a life feeling it should be something different. I get it.
But at what point do we look at this situation and go: This is the lifelong pursuit to permanently body-modify in a way fraught with dangerous side effects, frequent regrets, and very little scientific backing that it's a GOOD idea.
The first ever face transplant was rejected on ethical concerns that it was purely cosmetic satisfaction and posed enormous risks to the patient. It was then approved under the basis that suicide rates for burned/disfigured faces are extremely high and it was believed a successful face transplant would reduce suicide risk. That's a solid research thesis and got approval and use real world evidence to justify the experimentation.
I have yet to see the medical data that unalterable surgeries and hormone therapies among this population actually benefit the patient (and not just the wallet of the surgeons/hospitals). Do they lead to better psychiatric outcomes? Worse? Unchanged? How about the risk/benefit of the surgery itself and it's side effects?
As far as I can tell, this is medical experimentation that has rapidly become socially acceptable because the medical community has abandoned it's governance of treatment for people seeking to change their physical gender.
He decided his next goals were penetrative sex and aesthetics...
Good luck. Those have always been my goals, but I am no closer to achieving them than when I started out.
Standing urination as a priority?
It’s a mental disorder. We shouldn’t encourage the delusions. She’s not a man. She’s a woman with a surgically implanted penis.
first i was thinking (as a unattractive man); WHY would any girl want to become an unattractive man?
But THEN i thought..
Currently, there are MANY more women in college than there are men (ANY type of men)
How much does this gender dysphoria among teenaged coeds have to do with
Is Their REAL problem, that they are Boy Crazy? Are they SO DESPERATE To DATE; that they will
mutilate themselves to score a date? Are other girls SO DESPERATE To DATE, that they'd go out with a pseudo male?
Born female, remains female (XX) in every cell of the body, but wants sex with women.
Sounds like a lesbian? No, our money-grubbing medical establishment sees big Uncle Sam bucks in surgical sex changes, including the so-called "phalloplasty", even though the result is beset with "a steep rate of complications."
A penis that you can't feel pleasure using, that you can't pee out of, that you can't ejaculate from (lacking also a prostate gland), and that won't erect without hydraulic assistance . . . I would have a hard time (no pun intended) even calling that a penis. The surgery is more like a falla-plasty (as in 'fallacy').
This is barely-disguised homophobia, convincing latent lesbians to become "men". Note that at this late stage of the process, having already endured "bottom-surgery," this recently-minted "man" reports that his "gender dysphoria was manageable." Not cured, just manageable. Does "he" think it's going to get better, having a big swinging hunk of his forearm (or thigh) dangling uselessly, just above his (whatever's left of his girlhood)?
Delusion is not cured by pandering to the unreality of it.
There should have been a trigger warning on the photo!!
If, God forbid, I'm ever in the market for a penis, I'm gettin' the $200,000 dollar penis. I'll sell the Rolls if I have to.
Do not look up phalloplasty on Google
Do not look for pictures of the process on Wikipedia
Do not browse threads about it on reddit
Do not query 'bottom surgery' to the deviants of 4chan
You have been warned.
You can't fix fucked-up with a scalpel.
how come no trans-animal phlloplasty? Equine; porcine; etc.
Ben’s primary goal was standing urination. He decided his next goals were penetrative sex and aesthetics.... At 4-foot-10 and 97 pounds, he felt he had certain disadvantages. 'Women don’t like short men,' he said. 'I kind of had to give myself all the edge up on the competition I could get.'... I wondered aloud if the point of surgery was to grant him the freedom to stop thinking about his penis. 'No,' Ben said, correcting me. 'I think about it all the time. Touch it all the time. Look at it all the time. It’s my favorite thing to do.'"
First world problems. Late stage empire in decline. Spending resources on dead end indulgences. He still doesn't understand (and likely never will understand) that one primary way that men succeed with women is to have $$$, $$$, and more $$$. Fat, bald, and short works just fine as long as you own a beach house, yacht, or Bentley. Wall street knows. Harvey Weinstein "did just fine."
MENTAL ILLNESS. When will the sane left "grow a pair" and offer effective help to the insane fringe? After losing an election or two? After killing off its own in the Nazi or USSR style? After running the country into the ground and when Depression-era soup kitchens return?
This isn't a close call.
I believe the name for that surgery is an ADDADICTOMY.
That short strange list of “post-op priorities” reminds me of the old manufacturing maxim: you can get it made “quickly, cheaply or low cost: pick any two but you can’t have all three.” This pretty much rings true for any manufactured item. I don’t understand “sensation” being one of the options I would forego, having had a normal penis my whole life. FYI chicks can pee standing up too, I can testify, but it is best done outdoors.
""Women don’t like short men"... but do women like men who think about their penis all the time and touch it and look at it all the time?"
Wel...that sorta comes with the territory.
Puts a whole new spin on penis envy.
Shoulda stopped at one rib.
Here is what the article excludes: perfectly healthy people (who should shut up and be grateful they don't have real diseases) are counseled on these websites to keep their income low enough so the taxpayers -- and especially the self-employed, who absorb a vastly inordinate share of Obamacare bennies -- have to pony up hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars for each of these narcissists to play with their body shapes like Play-Do. It's precisely the same waste of medical dollars that PREP drugs offer gay men with AIDS who want to keep barebacking without using condoms, each of whom costs the taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars a year, as the pills are distributed free despite income to all HIV positive men who want them.
They also don't always work.
Meanwhile, people with real medical problems who are self-employed have watched their insurance rates quadruple, lost access to most doctors, and pay four to five figure deductibles.
This little pig should contemplate what that 200K plus he ripped off from the actally sick would do for a person needing a new wheelchair or the hope of a better cancer treatment or an extra nurse at the crappy outpatient dialysis clinic when two patients code at the same time.
Try using a public bathroom when you can't use your legs. Every legislator who votes for these unnecessary mutilation on our dime should experience a new type of ACT-UP: cancer patients and folks with chronic diseases staging actual "die-ins" and exposing their non-cosmetic scars in front of their office doors while they force hard-working families to subsidize this behavior. And of course the waiting rooms are posh: we paid for them.
Maybe this topic, and explorations of it, can help us all better understand the human condition in important new ways.
Or maybe it's a kind of sick voyeurism, a sordid sideshow act where we get to gape at a freak struggling to make sense of its freakishness.
I am currently inclined to the latter view. Heavily so.
Phalloplasty? I always thought it was pinadicktomy.
There is a whole lot of mental illness going on here.
And these 'surgeons' should be ashamed of themselves.
Even the ones who think they're helping and not getting rich.
They're not helping.
This trans-mania is the Pet Rock of the 2020s...
I love the TV cartoon comedy South Park for many reasons, one of which was its portrayal of Mr. Garrison, a teacher. They have him go through the complete cycle on sexuality starting as an asexual, weird and hung up Southerner. He progresses to trying to become a chick magnet at bars and nightclubs with limited success, but he finds he can attract cross dressers which draws him into the gay world. Then he thinks he’ll have better relationships if he moves away from men who are pigs to women. So he does hormones and lops off his doo-dad so he can be a lesbian. When that doesn’t secure happiness he demands that the doctor give him back his penis through surgery and he goes back to dressing as a man. He changes hormones and becomes a swinging man with little success. So he ends up moving away from any form of sexual identity to becomes consumed by radical right wing politics complete with conspiracy theories and extreme gun culture, running for presidency as a joke with Caitlyn Jennings and winning.
South Park captured the type of person who fails to recognize his problems are psychological and focuses on external changes to find happiness to no avail. This was the experience of the earliest sex change doctors at John’s Hopkins who stopped doing sex change work because it only exacerbated the person’s psychological problems and led to an increase in suicides. Of course, such information cannot be mentioned in public anymore. But I prefer the Mr. Garrison portrayal anyway. It makes the point in a much more entertaining way.
"Yes, because that describes most men."
Most men are very boring!
This is barely-disguised homophobia, convincing latent lesbians to become "men"
hmm? Homosexual "conversion therapy" was 'BAD!' Because it tried to make people into something they WEREN'T?
BUT! 'sexual alignment' surgery is 'GOOD!' Because it makes people into something they WEREN'T !
Ben’s primary goal was standing urination.
Ben apparently took all the talk about men's pissing contests a little too literally.
At 4-foot-10 and 97 pounds, he felt he had certain disadvantages.
A little guy ought to start out with modest goals, but I hope Ben got the biggest honking shlong money can buy.
So is the solution penile transplants?
I wondered aloud if the point of surgery was to grant him the freedom to stop thinking about his penis. 'No,' Ben said, correcting me. 'I think about it all the time. Touch it all the time. Look at it all the time. It’s my favorite thing to do.'
Steve Martin had a line that "If I were a woman and had breasts, I'd never get anything done because I'd be playing with them all the time".
It's funny in a movie. It's sad in an actual human being
it's even more sad when you realize that this is the "treated", "fulfilled" person, not the one who's so screwed up that she "needs" medical intervention
Ann Althouse said...
"Yes, because that describes most men."
Most men are very boring!
Most people are very boring. Male or female.
The female ones have the benefit that men don't need to talk with them so long as they enjoy looking at them. The reverse is much less the case
What woman would date a “man” with a fake penis? Seriously.
"Most men are very boring!"
Yes. That is true. At least until the Danes attack the village and then you're all "Where's the men? Get the men! Get more men." We're much more interesting then.
Poor thing. I have nothing but sympathy for these damaged souls, and nothing but contempt for the bottom feeders who use their psychiatric pain to enrich themselves politically and financially.
"... men who think about their penis all the time and touch it and look at it all the time?"
I seem to remember a self-description from a female, or possibly a very low-T male, who went on testosterone therapy post-puberty and was extremely confounded by the insistent and persistent thoughts of engaging in sexual activity that seemed to accompany most interactions. With no ramp-up and socialization to control those urges during puberty the impact was unexpected.
(S)he will never know the dilemma of "thinking with the smaller head," though!
Boring is in the eye of the beholder. You might be bored with my life but I'm having a great time and see every day as a blessing! I am so lucky to have such an active mind I am almost physically unable to be "bored," because if nothing else is going on there's always background music in my brain and a willingness to just sit there and ponder. So watching me operate like that can be extremely boring but I'm on the inside and I'm having a ball.
Most men are very boring!
You gotta be able to multi-task.
Well Jeffry Toobin is guy who likes to touch it all the time. So the guy in the story is not unique.
At 4-foot-10 and 97 pounds, he felt he had certain disadvantages. 'Women don’t like short men,' he said.
I don't think that's the big disadvantage here.
I have to wonder why so many people who deplore the idea of transgendered people, who dismiss them as simply mentally ill, even bother to offer their snide, mocking and scolding insults. Their lives have nothing to do with yours. Live and let live.
"Most men are very boring!"
Ooof. A palpable hit.
Bart Hall wins the thread.
(Sorry Lars)
"Yes, because that describes most men."
Hey, don't tar me with your problem.
This story should tell us all we need to know about the "trans" phenomenon. This is not a case of someone "born in the wrong body," a person "whose body does not match his/her self-image;" this is straight-up MENTAL ILLNESS. The solution to this unfortunate's problem is not cosmetic (read barbaric and inhumane) surgery, it is counseling and therapy.
Physicians who practice this kind of Frankenstein-like "medicine" should be treated as the latter-day Mengeles that they are.
Well, the truth is most people are very boring.
My middle schooler told me that most girls at school are very attractive, except for the ones who were not straight. I asked him to think about the reasons why that was...why would an unattractive and overweight girls lean into non binary or lesbian identities... lightbulb went off for him.
'Sounds like a lesbian?'
Just be a lesbian. Nobody cares anymore.
You can be a Dykes on Bikes kind of gal, or a hot, Hollywood-style lesbian.
Your choice!
A post above seems to contain a description of what this story describes:
"The woman who yielded to the desire to commit such violence to her body was a 'cultural dope,' afflicted by false consciousness, believing she made a personal choice while actually yielding to a system that controls and oppresses women"
Standing urination as a priority?
Haha..well I think a lot of us normal “cis” women wouldn’t mind having that superpower…would come in very handy on long hikes and road trips.
Their lives have nothing to do with yours.
Duh. It's not them we have the problem with either. I despise the people who want to change how everything else works in this country on the remote possibility we'll offend a tranny by saying things like "mothers are women" or "fighter pilots don't need pregnancy suits" or "everybody goes through teenage angst" etc. Pushing back against the blizzard of lies the Left comfort themselves with is exhausting and neverending but necessary part of being a modern American. Keeping these creeps from teaching their fetishes to children is just one tiny front and no, in general, it is not trannies that are doing it; it is "well-meaning (sic) liberals" doing it.
Live and let live.
As if your side ever believed this. How libertarian of you!
Their lives have nothing to do with yours. Live and let live.
If that were true, there would be no problem. It's not. They don't want just tolerance, they demand enthusiastic support.
Sounds like a lesbian? No, our money-grubbing medical establishment sees big Uncle Sam bucks in surgical sex changes, including the so-called "phalloplasty", even though the result is beset with "a steep rate of complications."
I wonder about the surgeons who are doing this. I tend to agree that money is the most important thing to them. I remember when the first obesity surgery was successful. That field was flooded with mediocre surgeons.
Thinking he will be happier as a man is just a fallacy...
Robert Cook said ...
Their lives have nothing to do with yours. Live and let live.
That's the way things largely were before a certain group of people, who generally are *neither* transgendered nor fundamentally non-cis aka 'allies' aka 'groomers', decided to exploit the usual uncertainty and confusion that attends to the experience of growing into your adult self during puberty, as well as driving that exploitation to younger and younger children.
Study after study, though largely ignored by the crowd that supposedly 'fucking loves science', has shown that most late-onset gender confusion resolves itself, a fair amount of the time through acceptance of homosexual orientation. Other studies relate that attempting to resolve mental problems often presented with late-onset dysphoria through the use of medical interventions to align sex and gender don't provide the claimed positive results. The number of people who are born with either physically ambiguous genitalia or durable gender dysphoria from childhood is vanishingly small and better dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
"I have to wonder why so many people who deplore the idea of transgendered people, who dismiss them as simply mentally ill, even bother to offer their snide, mocking and scolding insults. Their lives have nothing to do with yours. Live and let live."
That argument assumes:
1. I don't have to pay for someone's phalloplasty. But I do.
2. The assertion that "their lives have nothing to do with yours" runs headlong into the fact that the trans crowd insists not just on my acceptance, but on my celebration, of their way of life. Insists that I adopt their specialty pronouns, dozens of them. Insists that male-bodied trans-women be able to compete in women's sports. Even insists that I not object to their proselytizing my grandchildren during school hours, trying to convert them to their way, instead of teaching them the 3-R's. If they'd live and let live with the rest of us, I'd be far more inclined to do the same. But they won't.
They want us to turn out and cheer for their "pride" parade. To hell with that. Just leave me alone.
Sure. He's (?) sane!
Blogger Temujin pointed out, that...
"Most men are very boring!"
Yes. That is true. At least until the Danes attact
I went into a public-'ouse to get a pint o' beer,
The publican 'e up an' sez, "We serve no red-coats here."
The girls be'ind the bar they laughed an' giggled fit to die,
I outs into the street again an' to myself sez I:
O it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, go away";
But it's "Thank you, Mister Atkins", when the band begins to play,
For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, wait outside";
But it's "Special train for Atkins" when the trooper's on the tide,
For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Chuck him out, the brute!"
But it's "Saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot;
An' it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' anything you please;
An' Tommy ain't a bloomin' fool -- you bet that Tommy sees!
Robert Marshall said...
That argument assumes:
1. I don't have to pay for someone's phalloplasty. But I do.
Yep, WHEN did All this Gender Reassignment takeoff? About the time O'Bamacare said it'd be paid for
Further to the Steve Martin line above, I once remarked to my wife that if I had a vagina, I'd put things in it all day long. She said women don't think that way.
'Standing urination as a priority?'
Anyone can do this...even women.
It's just a bit messier for one group than the other...
"Most surgeons begin by asking patients to rank these priorities.... "
I'm guessing most surgeons begin by asking who's paying and how.
The "mannish" lesbians of the 19th and early 20th century lived as "all but" men, and didn't bother themselves with getting penises. I guess that's not an option anymore? When it became possible to buy new sex organs, did it become a necessity for some people?
It seems as though as homosexuality has gone mainstream some of the "masculine women" and "feminine men" once so common in the gay community feel out of place and feel they have to surgically alter their bodies.
Douglas B. Levene said...
What woman would date a “man” with a fake penis? Seriously.
One who wants to have sex, but doesn't want to get pregnant?
Hey, the repeal of Roe might make such "men" very popular with a certain class of left wing females
He is Ben-man watch him choke
the robot chicken he loves to stroke…
Robert Cook said ...
Their lives have nothing to do with yours. Live and let live.
We tried that.
With gays, we were told before same sex "marriage" became the law of the land "if you don't want to have a same sex marriage, just down't have one!"
Now that it is the law of the land, we're told "you can not be in the wedding business unless you do same sex marriages, bigot!"
As for trans, if they kept it to themselves, then their lives have nothing to do with ours.
But instead they become teachers and force it on their students, their "allies" force it on their students (who are our kids), they demand that men with penises be allowed to dominate "women's" sports and invade women's private places (like spas).
Completely terminate the "trans" political agenda. Stop "teaching" "gender identity" in public schools. if you have a penis you're male, if you don't you're female, we have some unisex single person bathrooms over there if you want to cross-dress or "cross-live".
You give us that, you let it be that "their lives have nothing to do with ours", and we'll be happy to "live and let live."
But that is what your side absolutely refuses to do
They want us to turn out and cheer for their "pride" parade. To hell with that. Just leave me alone.
Yes, tolerance is insufficient, and normalization is demanded. It's a karmic irony that the transgender spectrum is notoriously judgmental, socially exclusive, and, with social progress, aligned with colors of hate symbols.
That said, perhaps a parade of lions, lionesses, and their [unPlanned] cubs, playing in gay abandon, would be worth cheering. Hakuna mutata, from afar.
Cooksie: Why can't all the conservatives just stop complaining about progressives trying to shift the Overton window? It has nothing to do with you!
Now put on your mask, submit to mandatory medical procedures, drop off your kids at the grooming center, hide while rioters burn down your business, cool your heels in jail for wrong-thought, step aside for marginalized people, give up your dependence on police and turn over your guns. And stop complaining about things that don't affect you!
How long 'til we're reading about "How Ben Got His Groove Back"?
Upright Peeing Privilege (UPP).
Man, we have it all!!
You down with UPP?
Cookie, the reality is that they are mentally ill, and should be treated as such - with compassion and psychiatric care, not sterilizing hormones or irreversibly mutilative surgery. But I agree, mocking them or insulting them is counterproductive. I'll save my vitriol for the scum who profit from their illness.
I deplore the "idea of transgendered people" because I deplore lies and untruths, particularly when they are dressed up and cosplaying as 'science'. The lies and liars of 'gender' are nothing more than jackbooted intellectual thugs pushing fake psychology on to scared, confused, often lonely, and deeply depressed kids.
Nobody - absolutely no sane human in the entire world - doubts that people suffering from apotemnophilia (also known as Body Integrity Dysphoria) are mentally ill people whose illness manifests through the desire to amputate healthy limbs. According to people like Cook, though, I should simply adopt the attitude that "Their lives have nothing to do with yours. Live and let live." No sir, I will not. There's damned little I can do about it, but I refuse to remain silent about the vileness of physicians that cut off healthy appendages, or politicians who attempt to profit electorally from said practice. They're sociopaths.
Do not look up phalloplasty on Google
Do not look for pictures of the process on Wikipedia
Do not browse threads about it on reddit
Do not query 'bottom surgery' to the deviants of 4chan
You have been warned.
hahahaha....you didn't warn me soon enough!
- Krumhorn
"Women don’t like short men"... but do women like men who think about their penis all the time and touch it and look at it all the time?"
Yeah. Don't do that. Somebody will call the cops.
Blogger Beasts of England said...
"’classic penile pastimes’
Writing your name in the snow?"
Odd. That isn't the first thing that comes to mind.
Blogger Temujin said...
"Most men are very boring!"
"Yes. That is true. At least until the Danes attack the village and then you're all "Where's the men? Get the men! Get more men." " No. not the women with penises!" We're much more interesting then.
Feminism is a modern luxury. Ask your average urban feminist to change a tire or drive a stick shift, or hell, just take the recycling to the curb, they'll go looking for a man.
Uncle Bonsai - Penis Envy
"If I had a penis I'd still be a girl
But I'd make much more money and conquer the world!"
Why do you refer to this woman as "he", by the way? Are you confused about the handling of gender in English? I will agree, it is not altogether intuitive, but it's easy enough to follow. Males are "he", females are "she", and groups are "they". If a person's sex is not known, the male gender is used. But this person's sex is clearly female, so she should be called "she". OK?
Their lives have nothing to do with yours. Live and let live.
That would be fine if it applied to everybody. But, it doesn't.
They demand we celebrate their lunacy or else.
Words written in a mirror, where practically everything is the opposite of what it really is.
She did not and never had and never could have a penis.
Facsimiles are not the same as the real thing.
"Their lives have nothing to do with yours. Live and let live."
That made sense 'til we saw it in practice. The reality is, once you agree that "there is nothing wrong with being homosexual", you have agreed that there is nothing wrong with recruiting your children to be homosexuals. How could there be? It's like introducing them to bird-watching, right? But the fact is, homosexuals are cripples. They're broken. They don't work right. And if they are more to be pitied than censured, that still does not mean that they are fit to be emulated.
On the subject of "most people are boring" ---- I disagree.
When I was in the military, the most interesting NCOs were the ones who could get the least talented of the privates into the heavenly world where the least talented privates did not screw up. Think about it.
When I hear arguments about IQ, I think about the teachers I used to know (none of my current friends are teachers, but I used to have a few friends who were teachers) who could - trust me on this - take any dull student who was not a dull sociopath and teach that student an awful lot, often more than enough to bridge gaps of one or two standard deviations of g, with respect to whatever subject matter or useful skill that was being taught.
That being said, I do not blame women for only being interested in the best, least boring, of men, and vice versa with respect to men. Once you get used to above-average interesting people, it is a lot of work to be truly interested, as a human being, in average people of the opposite sex, and to care about them, and it is a great luxury, a luxury most people do not have the good sense to reject, to be able to say that you "have standards that are not flexible," and to rejoice in your good blessings in that respect.
I mean it is not " a lot of work " for me anymore , but it used to be . SAD!
A City Journal article worth perusing if you think that "Ben" is going to be okay:
Robert Cook said...
"I have to wonder why so many people who deplore the idea of transgendered people, who dismiss them as simply mentally ill, even bother to offer their snide, mocking and scolding insults. Their lives have nothing to do with yours. Live and let live."
Why is my approval so important to them?
"If that were true, there would be no problem. It's not. They don't want just tolerance, they demand enthusiastic support."
No one has ever approached me directly and demanded I proclaim any kind of stand about the trans population. Good manners are timeless and easy, and is is no burden on me to simply refrain from insulting others for their differences from me or the statistical norm, especially as it has never affected my life in any way. (A trans woman did work for a while at my place of work. She had been there before her change and remained there for a while after, yet, again, it affected my life in no way at all.)
"Why is my approval so important to them?"
Do they demand your approval? You, as an individual, are invisible and insignificant to them. They simply want to be able to live their lives without being insulted, harassed, or otherwise ostracized.
"The reality is, once you agree that 'there is nothing wrong with being homosexual,' you have agreed that there is nothing wrong with recruiting your children to be homosexuals. How could there be? It's like introducing them to bird-watching, right? But the fact is, homosexuals are cripples. They're broken. They don't work right. And if they are more to be pitied than censured, that still does not mean that they are fit to be emulated."
Lots of confusion and bigotry here. Who is "recruiting" children to be homosexuals? Homosexuality occurs naturally in the human population, in every society and throughout history. Homosexual pairing occurs in the non-human animal kingdom. Bird-watching? One's innate sexuality is significantly different from the interests and hobbies that most people develop as we grow up. Cripples? Broken? Don't work right? In what way? Homosexuals are like heterosexuals: mostly normal working people who want to make lives for themselves, with many being very successful. As with the population at large, a percentage are troubled by various dysfunctions, from substance abuse to psychological disorders. To the degree homosexuals are troubled in some unique way, perhaps it is a product of the shame, fear, and self-loathing inculcated in them by the hatred, discrimination, and harassment directed toward them from society at large from their earliest years. But then, members of many "out groups" (due to gender, race, creed, etc.) suffer from the hatred directed at them from the society around them, which can manifest in self-loathing, shame, anger, or social pathologies.
Live and let live.
An adage the trans community does not live by.
Robert Cook said...
"Why is my approval so important to them?"
Do they demand your approval? You, as an individual, are invisible and insignificant to them. They simply want to be able to live their lives without being insulted, harassed, or otherwise ostracized.
I don't have that right, so I can't imagine why they should
@Robert Cook —
Exactly to the contrary, we passionately oppose the insulting, harassment, or ostracization of these tortured souls. We have sympathy, not animus. We just want their disordered sexual obsessions to be socially insignificant and invisible rather than peculiarly celebrated. .
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