May 9, 2022

"... Democrats, nationally and in Wisconsin, [are] divided over how much to emphasize their own police-friendly credentials and how much to stick to the racial justice movement..."

"... that erupted anew in 2020. [Governor Tony] Evers, for example, has unilaterally funneled more than $56 million in federal funds to law enforcement, a move that enables him to circumvent a legislative maze controlled by Republicans who some Democrats worry are hesitant to give Evers a win in an election year.... But Rep. David Bowen, a Democratic state legislator who represents Milwaukee and is running for lieutenant governor... worried that moving too quickly away from police accountability would sour voters on Democrats who promised change... The National Republican Senatorial Committee recently attacked Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes — one of the Democrats who hopes to challenge Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) in the fall — for refusing to say whether he still supports cash bail.... The ad said Barnes 'also refuses to oppose defunding the police.' Barnes’s campaign declined to comment for this article. One of the earliest campaign ads for Rebecca Kleefisch, one of the Republicans trying to unseat the state’s Democratic governor, begins with an image of Kenosha in flames. 'One year ago, Kenosha burned while Tony Evers failed to lead,' Kleefisch says in the ad, at one point walking past a boarded-up business. 'Lives were lost, and small businesses were burned because our governor sided with rioters over the people of this community.' Strategists for both sides say it is too early to predict for certain which issues will be salient in a midterm election six months from now and whether crime will still be a top concern."

From "In Wisconsin, a complex debate on crime foreshadows a midterm fight" (WaPo).


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Complex? Not really. Public safety used to be so simple even a dumbass politician wouldn't mess with it. "Defund the Police" was way beyond dumbass, and digging out is not complex unless you are trying to race it up with that false class talk liberals love.

Heartless Aztec said...

Eventually citizens will wake up to the idea that the Police and State Prosecutors dont protect us from criminals. They protect the criminals from us.

rhhardin said...

It's a question of how much crime whites are happy with in black neighborhoods.

Temujin said...

"Strategists for both sides say it is too early to predict for certain which issues will be salient in a midterm election six months from now and whether crime will still be a top concern."

I don't think it's too early to predict, and we probably don't need no stinkin' strategists to predict it. Yes, crime will still be a Top 3 topic on voters minds. My God...Democrats are so deep in the muck they cannot even come out and say out loud that they are for law and order. That they demand a halt to the national crime wave taking place. That releasing criminals with no bail only to watch them repeat attacks on the citizenry is a bad thing.

That is not a party looking to lead anyone. That is a party racing to the bottom and I think much of the country sees and knows this.

You know what is NOT a Top 5 topic with citizens around the US over the age of 18? Climate change. Honestly, the Democrats always talk about 'change'. Change you can believe in and all that rot. And rot is exactly what their change brings us. Milwaukee is not yet San Francisco, LA, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Baltimore, etc. But it's working on it and has the option to choose what kind of city it wants to be.

Seems the choice should be simple.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Dereck Chauvin. The patron saint for radical pro-crime movement. thanks Mr. Chauvin.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Soros alone is funding nation-wide pro-crime democrats.

Your crime can be bought ahead of time.

Rory said...


Completely unplanned.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

This article was written for the low information voter. Good luck to the Democrats if they think they can run as tough on crime based on their support for the police.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Since The Soros funded extreme white left took over, crime is up all over and blacks have been harmed the most with intense increase in death among blacks.

If you ask blacks in their neighborhoods what tops their concerns? ... wait for it...

The EXTREME left's answer? More installed Soros funded soft-on-crime District attorneys and other gov officials.

Social Justice to the extreme left = harm to ordinary hard working citizens. It's really just more manufactured virus. The extreme left's crime virus.

narciso said...

Dont forget the runaway suv in waukesha brought to you by john chisholm, so was the subway shooter

Jaq said...

Spinning against the obvious reality is always gonna be “complicated.”

Beasts of England said...

’Lives were lost, and small businesses were burned because our governor sided with rioters over the people of this community.’

Doesn’t seem like much of a ‘complex debate on crime’ to me.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Racial justice to the extreme left = screw over blacks who want peace in their neighborhoods.

Leland said...

It is interesting when you refine that headline. Partisan politicians seeking government authority at various levels are divided on the use of government employees versus how much to align with racial movements.

Joe Smith said...

Defund the police in all large Democrat-run cities.

Then there we will have our pick of the best ones in my leafy-green, virtually crime-free pastoral suburb.

I can live without going into hellholes for dinner every so often.

Blue cities can burn down for all I care.

Only then will idiot liberals see the error of their ways...

veni vidi vici said...

Prediction: Nationally, the Rona response and the state/local gov'ts responses to rioting in '20 will matter in 2022. Neither of these issues will carry much truck into 2024, though.

Republicans predicting mileage in '24 from Corona-related politics are really tilting at windmills, to the point that if I believed those people were remotely intelligent (the politicians, not the voters - the pols are demonstrably idiotic), I might think they were head-faking talking about this stuff predictively.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"police friendly credentials"? What world are they living in?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

"... Democrats, nationally and in Wisconsin, [are] divided over how much to emphasize their own police-friendly credentials and how much to stick to the racial justice movement..."

So "racial justice" requires making sure that a lot of "racial minorities" are victimized by criminals?

[Governor Tony] Evers, for example, has unilaterally funneled more than $56 million in federal funds to law enforcement, a move that enables him to circumvent a legislative maze controlled by Republicans who some Democrats worry are hesitant to give Evers a win in an election year....

What a load of crap. It's Evers who was desperate to deny Republicans a victory.

Because he could have campaigned on "Republicans are pro-crime" if they had blocked him. So the excuse is BS

But Rep. David Bowen, a Democratic state legislator who represents Milwaukee and is running for lieutenant governor... worried that moving too quickly away from police accountability would sour voters on Democrats who promised change...

"Give low / no bail to all criminals, so they can be back out on the streets making more victims" == "police accountability".
If you're a Democrat or a raging lunatic, but I repeat myself

The National Republican Senatorial Committee recently attacked Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes — one of the Democrats who hopes to challenge Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) in the fall — for refusing to say whether he still supports cash bail.... The ad said Barnes 'also refuses to oppose defunding the police.' Barnes’s campaign declined to comment for this article.

Well, looks like that attack is correct

One of the earliest campaign ads for Rebecca Kleefisch, one of the Republicans trying to unseat the state’s Democratic governor, begins with an image of Kenosha in flames. 'One year ago, Kenosha burned while Tony Evers failed to lead,' Kleefisch says in the ad, at one point walking past a boarded-up business. 'Lives were lost, and small businesses were burned because our governor sided with rioters over the people of this community.'

Entirely true, and a good attack.

As can be seen by the fact that Kenosha flipped to the GOP in the most recent elections

Strategists for both sides say it is too early to predict for certain which issues will be salient in a midterm election six months from now and whether crime will still be a top concern."

Wow, what brilliant analysis! "it is too early to predict for certain which issues will be salient in a midterm election six months from now"! You have to have, like, 20 years getting paid to do politics to come up with brilliant thoughts like that!


The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"It's a question of how much crime whites are happy with in black neighborhoods"

Direct hit.

Ampersand said...

When you believe in nothing, all of your expressions of belief are dishonest.

Achilles said...

Nobody wants the Crime and the breakdown of the fabric of our society that is the core of the democrat agenda.

Jefferson's Revenge said...

The biggest problem for the R's is what ad to run. Choices include;

1) Crime
2) Education
3) Supply chain- for God's sake we are running short of f-ing baby formula
3) Deteriorating racial relations. Even blacks are turning against the D's. They are not stupid.
4) Illegal immigration. Hispanic's are also turning against D's
5) Foreign relations- European war, soon to be Mid-East War, potential nuclear war. Well done D's (sarc)
6) And lest we forget, inflation, stock market collapse, and pending recession.

Did I miss something? How can a D or progressive not see the disaster they have caused?

wendybar said...

I'm with Joe. I am done with Blue Cities. Burn them all down for all I care anymore either. Let them lie in the beds they have made.

hombre said...

"In Wisconsin, a complex debate on crime foreshadows a midterm fight"

The leftmediaswine and their Democrat beneficiaries render simple to "complex" for political gain - as always.

The first order of business for government is preservation of the peace and protection of its citizens. This cannot be done without effective police and military. When a political party renders either of those less effective through defunding or other contrivance it is failing in its duty and its purpose is corrupt.

Bruce Hayden said...

I suspect that the Dems in WI are going to face a couple issues in the Nov elections. One is crime - instead of arresting the guy who pointed a gun at Rittenhouse, they arrested the guy who shot him in self defense. The Gov probably should have had the state police and National Guard on the streets that night, with orders to keep the peace. Being a Dem, he let AntiFA and their lackeys, BLM, riot to their heart’s content. Except in Madison, I suspect that support for these violent thugs was not that popular elsewhere in the state.

Something else though, that they are going to downplay, and that was the theft of WI’s electoral votes for FJB, how that was enabled by Dems in top positions in the state, and that it has helped destroy the country. Runaway inflation, millions of illiterate peasants, along with large numbers of terrorists and hardened criminals streaming into our country, verging on a nuclear war with Russia, food and gas shortages, etc - can all be honestly attributed to theft of the 2020 national and some statewide elections by Democrats, and reversal of anything that Trump supported. 2,000 Miles is out, and it persuasively showcases some of the fraud utilized by the Dems to steal that election. Anyone guess how many downloads in WI already?

Jersey Fled said...

There is an insurmountable gap between their hard left power base and normal mainstream Americans.

All they are left with are attempts to "change their messaging" (i.e. lie to people in new and more convincing ways) and/or game the system so that they really don't have to win elections (mail in voting, packing the court, media censorship, eliminating the filibuster and so on).

They have reached peak Barnum where they can no longer fool most of the people most of the time.

Mason G said...

"Only then will idiot liberals see the error of their ways..."

I wouldn't be holding my breath waiting on that.

Robert Cook said...

Why this concern by politicians about being "police friendly?" Police forces around the country, at all levels, are government bureaus subject to oversight by the people (through the offices of the people's representatives). Put simply, they are a tool of the people, to serve and protect the people, subject to whatever oversight the people deem necessary.

Given the authority of police to carry weapons and tools of submission, and to stop, question, or arrest citizens, it is not just right, but necessary that the police use their power with the utmost restraint and respect for the citizens they are charged to serve (and protect). That is to say, the police must be kept on a short and strict leash and must be sanctioned swiftly and decisively when they over reach and use excessive force.

Today, police are not trained to "serve and protect" so much as they are trained to see themselves as a civilian military force--using military weapons and means (i.e., violent means) of interacting with citizens and entering homes, often using unconstitutional "no-knock" warrants. They come to see the public at large as being their adversaries, if not outright enemies, to be subdued by whatever means necessary for them to protect themselves.

By all means, support the police with the funding and proper training so they can do they job they must do for the people. But hold them to that short, strict leash and tolerate no abuse of the authority given to them by the people.

We are the authorities over the police; they serve us. Unfortunately, in practice, this is becoming less often the case.

Bruce Hayden said...

Ha. After my last post, I ran into this: Wisconsin Election Commission Takes Down Voter Roll List and Voting History of 7.2 Million Voters After Release of “2000 Mules” Documentary

Original Mike said...

"Dont forget the runaway suv in waukesha brought to you by john chisholm,"

I hope he's plastered all over the airwaves this fall. Totally fair and germane.

Brian said...

Evers, for example, has unilaterally funneled more than $56 million in federal funds to law enforcement

Won't matter. It's not about money. Defund the police is toxic not because it doesn't give dollars, it's because it's "pro-crime". A million tik-tok videos of people taking things out of stores and seeing toothbrushes locked up has already sent the message.

Paying cops more won't bring new cops into the fold. Not when they think they might end up dead or behind bars to collect their $50k paychecks.

Original Mike said...

And speaking of fair and germane, wasn't there a move to investigate Chisholm over that travesty? I believe the ball was in Ever's court. Did he let it drop?

PatHMV said...

This is part of the problem with our national dialog. Far too simplistic of a discussion about potential solutions. You can take steps to reduce unnecessary police violence without "defunding" the police or giving criminals a free pass.

It also illustrates one of the core problems with liberal/Democrat politics right now. Everything, with few exceptions, is all about funding and all about absolutes. Against poverty? Give taxpayers' money to the poor! Want better healthcare? Spend more taxpayer money! Absolutely zero willingness to look at any solutions with any nuance at all.

In the wake of the George Floyd killing, in local forums, I saw large areas of agreement between many on the left and the right for simple, common-sense reforms that really shouldn't be all that controversial. But nobody at the national level (or even at the state level in most states) was willing to actually pass some real legislation. They all (on both sides) preferred to virtue signal and stoke the fires to raise political money rather than resolve the problems.

Wince said...

The Democrats' new "Lincoln" Project: How can we fool enough of the people, simultaneously, all of the time?

Good luck with that.

Dude1394 said...

Well we know that the democrats are lying about law enforcement, like their shtick to black people, they only come out at election times.

Dude1394 said...

If I were a republican candidate, I would seriously think about creating an ad showing the number of people killed due to the democrat policies. Maybe even a montage of photos. Then ask the black people of wisconsin how their democrat elected officials are doing.

PatHMV said...

This is part of the problem with our national dialog. Far too simplistic of a discussion about potential solutions. You can take steps to reduce unnecessary police violence without "defunding" the police or giving criminals a free pass.

It also illustrates one of the core problems with liberal/Democrat politics right now. Everything, with few exceptions, is all about funding and all about absolutes. Against poverty? Give taxpayers' money to the poor! Want better healthcare? Spend more taxpayer money! Absolutely zero willingness to look at any solutions with any nuance at all.

In the wake of the George Floyd killing, in local forums, I saw large areas of agreement between many on the left and the right for simple, common-sense reforms that really shouldn't be all that controversial. But nobody at the national level (or even at the state level in most states) was willing to actually pass some real legislation. They all (on both sides) preferred to virtue signal and stoke the fires to raise political money rather than resolve the problems.

Butkus51 said...

At least here in the liberal utopia of Chicago I know which neighborhoods to avoid. Pretty much all of them now that I think about it. Nevermind.

n.n said...

Racial justice to the extreme left = screw over blacks who want peace in their neighborhoods.

They are working to establish an apartheid regime realized with the spillover of DIE (Diversity, Inequity, and Exclusion) a la Mandela's Xhosa vs Zulu tribal conflict, Arafat's Fatah vs Hamas, etc. into national regimes of disparity, division, and dysfunction.

Freder Frederson said...

Lives were lost? Weren't the only lives lost in Kenosha caused by the vigilante acts of Kyle Rittenhouse?

Sebastian said...

"how much to emphasize their own police-friendly credentials"

If they can fake that, they got it made.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

Imagine if major news organizations had the balance of, say, Real Clear. Would we be better informed? Would we be better off as a society?

JAORE said...

Voters across the country have lived through, or viewed cities burning. They saw cities give up areas to mob control. They are now living through or viewing looting, mass theft, violent criminals released under no-cash bail.

Democrats have scrambled to tell us defund the police doesn't really mean take funds from policing. I'd guess less than 20 percent of voters even pretend to agree with that.

A core constituency of the left, urban blacks, are bearing the burden of this insanity the most.

If the left is up in the air about which direction will set well with voters, they SHOULD get swamped in November.

Michael K said...

Billionaires with inherited money are funding this crime wave. I don't know why they think this is a good thing but they are not affected by it.

Soros just donated a half million dollars to fund another "prosecuting attorney" in Arkansas. I just hope Arkansans are smarter than LA residents.

Kathryn51 said...

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Democrats enjoy this dilemma in every major election. In order to get through a primary, they must appeal to their most activist/progressive policies (de-fund the police) and then try to move to the center at the general election. This is their history since the age of McGovern. Some issues are multi-faceted (taxes; economy) and they can thread the needle more easily.

But when it comes to crime - they are toast this year and it's nonsense to say that it is "too early to predict for certain which issues will be salient in a midterm election six months from now and whether crime will still be a top concern" I don't believe they found even one Republican strategist that said this.

Gospace said...

Derek Chauvin- Patron Saint of the Wrongfully Convicted.

George Floyd is currently residing in the circle of hell for those who committed suicide- swallowing your drugs to avoid conviction for arresting them is just that. And suicide is very likely the gravest sin he committed.

The police should have just walked away and let the crowd help him. He'd still be dead.

Owen said...

Democrats are children. They've lit a fire they neither understand nor can hope to manage, and now they want to be helped and forgiven --and more than that, re-empowered to do it some more.

I don't think so.

Jupiter said...

The question is, just how stupid are college-educated white women, in the aggregate. I can see why they're having a hard time with it.

who-knew said...

I think the real problem is that the Democrats no longer have any "police friendly" credentials. And, in my opinion nobody is going to buy into any belated attempts by their candidates to pretend that they are pro-cop. Too many cities have burned in mostly peaceful demonstrations with few if any consequences for the average voter to buy what the democrats may try to sell.

walter said...

Gov. Tony Evers today released a statement one year after police shot Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

“One year ago today, Jacob Blake’s life was forever changed. While we are grateful Jacob survived his injuries, we also know Jacob, his kids, and his family have and will face challenges they never imagined having to endure. We also know the families and friends of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber are undoubtedly grieving and mourning the loss of these young men this week. Kathy and I are thinking of Jacob and his loved ones, as well as the families and friends of Joseph and Anthony today, and we ask Wisconsinites to join us in extending our prayers for peace and healing.

“This past year has been difficult, and especially for the Kenosha community as they have worked to come together to repair and rebuild. Wisconsin has taken important steps to increase transparency for use of force policies and incidents, limit the use of chokeholds, and require state-managed law enforcement agencies to update their use of force policies, but this is only the beginning. We must remain resolved in addressing the systemic racism and inequities Black Wisconsinites face every day and to continuing our work toward a just, equitable, and fair state.”

Amadeus 48 said...

" is too early to predict for certain which issues will be salient in a midterm election six months from now and whether crime will still be a top concern."

Well, look at what is going on now at the end of a cold, wet spring. Do you think crime is going to go down now that the weather is warming up? That is not the way it works here in Chicago. When the weather warms up, the forces of chaos crawl out of their holes to rob, shoot, burn, and loot.

The lords of misrule govern this town and this state. For years they did not, but now they do. They have no will to change things. Is it different in leafy Madison? Is it somehow better in Milwaukee?

Amadeus 48 said...

My prediction: the Dems will play the potato game and try to dig up some root causes. They have played that game since the Great Society days.

We can all see how well it has worked.

Real American said...

The Democrats are divided over whether they want to be reasonable and competent or a bunch of race-baiting fanatics. That it's a difficult discussion in the first is the problem.

wildswan said...

In Milwaukee there have been 72 homicides so far this year - 20 more than last year at this time. 89% of these homicide victims are black; 92% of them are the result of shootings; charges have been brought in only 40% of the cases. So there is no doubt that crime will be a question for Milwaukee voters and that Dem politicians will support restoring law and order. Unless. Unless the Dem politicians conclude that the black community will vote for them anyway. Could that happen? Consider the case of the Milwaukee schools. 40% of the young men of the black community of this city do not even graduate from high school and many of the rest get a cheap imitation of an education. And so there is huge black-white unemployment gap. This has been the case for years. But the black community still votes for the Dems who still support the teachers so there's still no push for reform there. And so, I think it's very possible that the black community in Milwaukee will support the Dems regardless of the homicides afflicting heir community due to defunding and demoralizing the police. Some day the black community won't take it any more. Some they'll rise up and demand more. But in 2022? I see no sign of that.

iowan2 said...

I know memories are short.
But regardless of politics, everyone has to be concerned with the lawlessness the left encouraged, and refused to address.
A core duty of government is safety. To refuse to do the job of government should get you voted out of office.
If you don't vote for safety, you should get exactly what you vote for...good and hard.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Freder Frederson said...
Lives were lost? Weren't the only lives lost in Kenosha caused by the vigilante acts of Kyle Rittenhouse?
It's hard to take anything you say, seriously, given that you're such an obvious liar

Kyle Rittenhouse killed 2 people, and shot a third, in self defense, after they attacked him.

He committed no "vigilante actions", unless you define "putting out a fire in a dumpster" as a "vigilante action."

Which would mark you as a complete lunatic.

How is it that you preserve the bubble of ignorance and stupidity that lets you say things like that? I take it you didn't watch any of his trial, at all?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ask the idiot

Gahrie said...

The question is, just how stupid are college-educated white women, in the aggregate.

They're not stupid, they're ignorant and hysterical, and that's just how the Democrats like them.

Amadeus 48 said...

"...many of the rest get a cheap imitation of an education."

If true, Wisconsinites are lucky. Here in Chicago similar people get an expensive imitation of an education.

Stephen St. Onge said...

        Translated into honest: the WaPo thinks their party is toast, but is hoping that voters can be conned into believing them rather than their lying eyes and ears.

Stephen St. Onge said...

        Translated into honest: the WaPo thinks their party is toast, but is hoping that voters can be conned into believing them rather than their lying eyes and ears.

wendybar said...

Freder Frederson said...
Lives were lost? Weren't the only lives lost in Kenosha caused by the vigilante acts of Kyle Rittenhouse?

5/9/22, 11:08 AM

The same could be said about 1/6/21 The only deaths that happened that day at the capitol were caused by the Capitol police. Kyle went to trial. The cop got a medal from nasty hateful divisive pelosi.

Robert Cook said...

"Derek Chauvin- Patron Saint of the Wrongfully Convicted."

Derek Chauvin: A stark example of toxic policing. His conviction was entirely appropriate.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Robert Cook said...
Derek Chauvin: A stark example of toxic policing. His conviction was entirely appropriate.

Really? Do share with us which part was "toxic"
Floyd was told by the clerks at the store that he'd given them a counterfeit $20. They either wanted a different $20, or else their goods and "change" back. Floyd refused both requests.
Is it arresting a black man for theft that you find "toxic"

Floyd fought with the cops when they tried to lawfully arrest him. Is it "not letting a black criminal who fights arrest get away with it" what you find so toxic?

Floyd swallowed the drugs he was carrying on his person, giving himself IIRC a 3x lethal dose. So is it arresting a black man who might be carry drugs what you call "toxic"?

IIRC, Chauvin's actions did not produce any provable serious damage to Floyd. Floyd's neck wasn't broken, his trachea wasn't crushed. He had a lethal dose of drugs in his body. If you simply did an autopsy in a non-politicized case, the corner report would have been "died from drug overdose".

Now, is any of that incorrect? If so, please do link to the evidence (not claims from random on the internet) that supports your claim of my incorrectness.

But, if correct, please tell us what Chauvin did that was "toxic policing".

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