May 3, 2022

Colin Wright has drawn the perfect political cartoon.

And he's writing about it — here — in The Wall Street Journal:


When my cartoon went viral, it resonated with many people—and caused dissonance in the left-wing media. The Washington Post’s Greg Sargent called it a “silly chart” that has been “brutally debunked.” His colleague Philip Bump described it as “simply wrong” and an “obvious exaggeration.” Mr. Bump even provided a series of actual silly charts showing “the average ideological score (using a metric called DW-NOMINATE)” and “evaluations of ideology as measured in the biennial General Social Survey (GSS).”

Debunking a cartoon with a chart is like answering a love poem with a syllogism. Politics and culture, like most of human reality, can’t be reduced to data and abstractions without losing much of their essence. And self-styled progressives, who love to talk about the importance of “lived experience,” are awfully disdainful of their critics.

So many people — including me! — identify with that drawing. Maybe not completely. For me, the years are way out of whack. But who is Wright? 

I am an evolutionary biologist, and from 2008 to 2020 I worked to become a university professor. But while working as a postdoctoral fellow at Penn State in 2018, I found myself ostracized by scientific colleagues and people I thought were my close friends because I was unwilling to promote scientifically inaccurate claims about biology to avoid offending those who identify as transgender. ...

Ah! The transgender movement.


n.n said...

Yesterday's [classical] liberal, with moral moderation, is today's conservative. Principles matter.

The right is libertarian. The center is conservative (i.e. declaration, constitution, less emanations from penumbras or twilight fringe). The left is authoritarian. The far-right is anarchist. The far-left is totalitarian. The left-right nexus is leftist.

Gahrie said...

Everyone had a chance to oppose the extreme shift to the Left of the Democratic Party in November 2020. Not everyone chose to do so. Silence is complicity.

Beasts of England said...

I’ve used the spectrum argument mathematically for years. A cartoon is worth a thousand divergent points.

And he’s correct in his illustration. Remember when BHO said a marriage is between a man and a woman. Good times! Now the definition of a women is considered contextual by the woke…

Michael K said...

The left has destroyed ethical science and it will be a long time before it recovers.

Joe Smith said...

Reagan didn't leave the Democrat party...

jim5301 said...

Right. All the movement is on the left. No change at all on the right side. That would explain why the MAGA group in control still feels a strong affinity to Bush and Bush and McCain and Romney. The very sad truth is that extremism on both sides is going to destroy this great nation, and many (Steve Bannon comes to mind) are cheering.

Achilles said...

Leftists want to tell everyone else what to do.

Nobody wants to listen to their bullshit anymore.

They are also not that smart.

Howard said...

Of course you people like the cartoon because he holds the right fixed rather than showing the pull further into crazy town QAnon stop the steal Insurrection Pro Putin wing whom are represented here by the Althouse regulars calling any and all Republicans whom defy Daddy Trump as leftists libtard socialist commie bastards.

jim5301 said...

"They are also not that smart."

Says the person who thinks one can fake radiation poisoning.

Robert Cook said...

"Everyone had a chance to oppose the extreme shift to the Left of the Democratic Party in November 2020. Not everyone chose to do so. Silence is complicity."


jim5301 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Will Cate said...

"For me, the years are way out of whack"

Ditto. For me the time-frame is more like 1990 to 2010.

wendybar said...

I don't recognize the Democrat is now the regressive progressive party. Democrats like Manchin are a dying breed unfortunately.

MikeR said...

@jim5301 "That would explain why the MAGA group in control still feels a strong affinity to Bush and Bush and McCain and Romney." Hmm. Does your list of people include those who have shown a strong affinity for Democrats over Republicans recently, and shown contempt for the rest of us? That might affect the opinions of the rest of us.

Lurker21 said...

"Perfect" I guess in the sense of classical and simple, but maybe too simple. Still, given how wretched many political cartoons are, this one seems harmless enough.

I'm reminded of the triangle representing the 2020 Democratic candidates and classifying them according to how they would respond to a bunch of hungry kids clamoring for food. Much (or at least some) discussion of that here at the time.

Christopher B said...

jim5301 said...
That would explain why the MAGA group in control still feels a strong affinity to Bush and Bush and McCain and Romney.

Negative feelings among the GOP base towards GHWB, W, McCain, and Romney far predate 2016. Many people in 2008 and 2012 were holding their noses while voting for the GOP nominees.

You're mistaking that the line in the drawing is an absolute scale. It doesn't have to be, and your statement is pretty good indication why. Relative to the minor adjustment made on the right side, you all have dropped off Althouse's precipice.

D.D. Driver said...

Right. All the movement is on the left. No change at all on the right side.

The supposed "right" moved way left too. The right now supports massive welfare giveaways. Remember how angry conservatives used to get about the Kelo decision? Now supposed "conservatives" are perfectly fine taking your family farm so that a Taiwanese corporation can make better use of your homestead. The right supports a president using his "pen and his phone" to enact a national eviction moratorium through the CDC.

There are no conservatives anymore. Just two different camps of shitty leftists.

narciso said...

they don't believe in freedom of speech, they don't believe in biology, do they believe in gravity, per the sokal piece who knows,

n.n said...

Remember when BHO said a marriage is between a man and a woman

Precedent! Stare decisis! Evolutionary fitness.

Marriage for couples. Civil unions for couples and couplets alike. Separation of church and State.

Political congruence ("=") is a many selective, opportunistic, relativistic thing. Freedom from the Pro-Choice "ethical" religion.

In this house, we respect Her Choice, with a capital "H". et cetera, et cetera, et cetera

Eleanor said...

When I came of age to vote, I believed in "ask not what your country can do for you", that abortion might need to be legal, but women would probably abuse it, in the ERA, and against the Vietnam War. America should welcome immigrants who wanted to be Americans, and immigrants should work hard to accomplish that. Every generation stands on the shoulders of the ones who came before it, retaining what was good and working to improve what wasn't. No one owed me a living, and welfare should available but should be a very temporary thing. When it came to science, there was truth and what we know so far. History is written by the victors, but the other side of the story is there if we look for it. The Constitution is our way of life in the USA. That made me a center left Democrat in 1972. I haven't changed how I feel about any of those things, but according to my brother, I'm a right-wing extremist who must secretly belong to QAnon.

Scotty, beam me up... said...

My grandparents voted straight Democrat until the day they died despite the Dems going hard left over the years as they still thought of the party from the good ol’ days of FDR & Truman, despite at the end being politically aligned with the GOP. Mrs. Scott’s family were dyed in the wool Dem blue collar union voters but they for the most part are voting for GOP since 2016 because of the Dems being controlled by the Regressive wing. Mrs. Scott’s parents will always vote Dem because (like my grandparents) that is what they always have done, again even though they disagree with the entire Dem platform nowadays. Mrs. Scott was way ahead of the curve and Colin Wright as she saw the Dems moving far to the left of her during the Clinton years. I think my FIL & MIL probably blame me for Mrs. Scott’s political conversion after our marriage but she is independently minded and figured out the Dems going hard left on her own. For the record, I have never told Mrs. Scott how to vote nor influenced her.

Joe Smith said...

'I don't recognize the Democrat is now the regressive progressive party. Democrats like Manchin are a dying breed unfortunately.'

Biden used to be a 'normal,' reasonably (although to the left) democrat.

But now that he doesn't know what day it is, he is being led around by the nose by both Obama and his wife.

He has no idea what he's doing anymore.

I long for the days of a Bill Clinton democrat...

Some Times Clever said...

@jim5301 "That would explain why the MAGA group in control still feels a strong affinity to Bush and Bush and McCain and Romney."

If Bill Clinton or Obama ran today with anything resembling the policy proposals they ran with originally, what kind of reception do you think they would get from the 2022 Democrat Party?

farmgirl said...

You keep saying Qanon, Howard.
I still don’t know what that is. BFD. Have a little sticky figure headed right, if it makes u feel better.
The right has fringe.
The Left? Is the Left.

Rabel said...

The cartoon fails because the "center" has not moved. Only the presentation of the "center" by the media has changed.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Polifact says it’s a mostly false cartoon 😂

Left Bank of the Charles said...

As what Glenn Greenwald calls a left-liberal, I would say the Democratic Party has moved toward the center since the November 2020 election. There’s been no big tax hike, for example. The Republican Party has definitely moved away from me over the last 40 years. The drift was slow at first, I’m not sure I can pinpoint the tipping point. Maybe it was when the conservatives, who always wanted to be called Conservatives and were insulted to be called Republicans started calling the actual Republicans RINOs.

The perspective of an academic on a college campus may be different than mine. We could, of course, have some jurisprudence recognizing freedom of conscience as a protected right that can’t be interfered with by the jack-boogers of the extreme right or left. But the implications to originalism of that are too great for the conservatives who have held sway on the Supreme Court for the last half century.

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...

Of course you people like the cartoon because he holds the right fixed rather than showing the pull further into crazy town QAnon stop the steal Insurrection Pro Putin wing whom are represented here by the Althouse regulars calling any and all Republicans whom defy Daddy Trump as leftists libtard socialist commie bastards.

Howard, you really need to take your meds. I just wonder how lefties are the only ones who believe in QANON.

Lurker21 said...

The cartoon is now being sold as an NFT.

For a few bitcoins extra you can buy an NFT that explains what an NFT is and why it's good to have one.

Or you can just buy the mug or sweatshirt.

Drago said...

jim5301 and Howard: Define "woman".

Once you realize you cannot do that, out of stupidity, mendacity or fear, revisit the graphic.

Not that it will help of course, but it might just distract you for a bit from your groomer enabling policy preferences.

loudogblog said...

My parents used to be life long Democrats. They were very active in Democratic politics. My dad actually had a Presidential appointment from President Jimmy Carter. But the Democratic party changed and, as devout Catholics, they had to leave the Democratic party. This has been going on for a long time.

Michael K said...

The very sad truth is that extremism on both sides is going to destroy this great nation, and many (Steve Bannon comes to mind) are cheering.

You lefties are so far left, you can't see the right. They are shifting from corporate clones like Romney to the original middle ground. You progs have hated the middle class since the 1920s and "Main Street" by Sinclair Lewis was an example of prog hatred.

PM said...

Sad he ran out of paper on the left side.

Blackbeard said...

I have a coffee cup with that graphic on it. It’s a great conversation starter.

effinayright said...

jim5301 said...
Right. All the movement is on the left. No change at all on the right side. That would explain why the MAGA group in control still feels a strong affinity to Bush and Bush and McCain and Romney. The very sad truth is that extremism on both sides is going to destroy this great nation, and many (Steve Bannon comes to mind) are cheering.

Yeah, just listen to Trump natter on approvingly at his rallies praising Bush and Bush and McCain and Romney, as his MAGA audience roars their approval.


robother said...

The WaPo has debunked this cartoon! Clapper will go on CNN to proclaim that the cartoon bears all the hallmarks of Soviet/Russian disinformation: the stick-men are a tell. Who will protect us, the innocent American voters, from this vile lampooning of our woke elite? Surely, the Disinformation Governance ministry needs to spring into action.

Vance said...

Howard and Jim and Cook all try to claim that the Right has gone “far right!” As well.

Really? The biggest recent change on the right has been the collapse of reflective, unthinking support for big business. I suppose another change has been the collapse in support for endless American driven wars overseas. But both of those make sense: why would conservatives support big business like Google, Disney, and more who actively hate and oppose and oppress? Big business has thrown in with the left; so it’s no surprise very few conservatives are “rah rah go business!” anymore. Support for small and medium business remains strong.

As for more of the isolationism…. I think the vast majority of conservatives have the attitude “It would be nice to be able to fix the world’s problems. But how can we do that when we have so much going wrong at home? Kill off socialism here at home before we fight it abroad.”

The “MAGA” or tea party or whatever latest derogatory phrase from Howard, et. al. is nothing new. In the Reagan days there was sneering at the “Moral Majority” and anyone who fought against communism. The Bush Clinton Bush years was a retreat on the part of the left, as American conservatism and Reaganism clearly had won. And now we have a “new generation” that is determined to learn through sad experience that leftist garbage is just that: garbage.

Michael said...

Howard believes QAnon is as large a cohort as trans. Huge demographics. Weird. And I defy you and him to diagram his last post. LOL. Morning drinking not good.

Bruce Hayden said...

Think of all of the liberals of even just a couple years ago, who are now considered conservative. I think that in the discussion between Joe Rogan and Dr Malone, both fessed to having voted for Biden - definitely for Obama.

Dude1394 said...

Ooooooohhhhh. Qanon. Sure would like to find one, meet one, see a flag, see their open demonstrations.

Booger man.

Rollo said...

There's some question about who is further right in the GOP. Trump emphasized different issues from Bush and McCain, but whether the longtime Democrat really marks a leap rightward is harder to say.

"Asymmetrical polarization" was a liberal watch word of the Obama years. The idea was that Republicans had lurched further to the right than Democrats has slid to the left. Fine, but lately it's the Democrats who have lurched more.

Also, looking at gay and trans issues, it's clear that it's the Dems who have moved away from the center and Republicans who've reconciled to some major changes that were forced on them.

God of the Sea People said...

If you read comments from a lot of leftists on the internet, they will tell you that both the Republicans and Democrats are conservative parties, and the there doesn't exist a true left-wing party in the United States. That belief more or less confirms the sentiment of the cartoon.

Michael K said...

The Party of Bill Clinton would not recognize his issues. Come on progs, admit it. Even Obama said some things that would be "right wing" today.

Readering said...

Periodic reminder that Roe was 7-2 with 5 GOP appointees in majority. Casey was 5-4 on a Court with 8 GOP appointees. (Same Dem dissenter both cases)

Readering said...

Politics thread not complete without Dr Michael K telling someone to take his meds. Yeah, right moving back to middle.

Drago said...

I wonder what it would be like to actually meet a Q person or read a Q blog.

Its pretty clear that only lefties have actually done either but they never share these incredible insights or provide links.

Apparently, the entire Q phenomenon is a well kept lefty secret.

Someone should write it up in a dossier. Lefties love dossiers...and the hoax-ier the better.

Readering said...

In 1976 I came so close to casting my first presidential ballot for Ford (based on foreign policy). Whatever happened to the Rockefeller Republicans?

Robert Cook said...

"Big business has thrown in with the left; so it’s no surprise very few conservatives are 'rah rah go business!' anymore."

Big business has not thrown in with the left, except, perhaps, rhetorically. Big business is apolitical and amoral. It goes after the money, wherever it is, whatever it takes. Any claims they make (as to "renewable" this or "conservation" that, to being "woke," etc.) is lying bullshit, rhetorical stroking to fool the rubes on the middling left. As Lenin shrewdly saw and said, “The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.” Of course, Lenin did not realize that the ropes would become so deadly that all of humankind will be hanged by the profit-seeking capitalists.

wildswan said...

"Will Cate said...
"For me, the years are way out of whack"

Ditto. For me the time-frame is more like 1990 to 2010."

Ditto. Ditto. For me the time frame is more like 1980-1990.

Jaq said...

Imagine dreaming of becoming a real life scientist, and when you finally get the job at a prestigious school, they demand that you study Lysenkoism.

Bilwick said...

"If you read comments from a lot of leftists on the internet, they will tell you that both the Republicans and Democrats are conservative parties, and the there doesn't exist a true left-wing party in the United States."

Leaping lizards, how much statism do these State-shtuppers want?

Robert Cook said...

Wars fought for profit will destroy human civilization.

Jim at said...

That would explain why the MAGA group in control still feels a strong affinity to Bush and Bush and McCain and Romney.

We haven't changed at all. Those clowns moved to the left. They're yours now. You know, war criminals and all that.


Krumhorn said...

The lefties in the Musk Twitter thread repeatedly refer to a Pew chart that uses the DW-NOMINATE data that purports to show that conservatives have, over time, moved farther to the right. However, if you look into the data methodology, all this shows is nothing more than concentrations of voting patterns; not ideological movement on an absolute scale. No question, the lefties have moved the concept of left on an absolute scale clear out to Marxland. Conservatives, while voting more as a caucus, haven’t shifted much.

I say 'haven't shifted much', but in reality, conservatives have generally acquiesced to a leftward move of the consensus bubble about many things. We shouldn't forget that Obummer came into office generally opposed to same sex marriage. Nowadays, you can't turn on the tv without seeing Sodom and Gomorrah in living color. And when talking about Billions, I find myself referring to Taylor Mason as 'they'. Go figure.

- Krumhorn

Tom Grey said...

Ann should say what years she would use.

It's a great cartoon.
But it can't be such a good cartoon and also be clear about what positions were changing, when. Like DOMA (defense of marriage act).
Tax cuts / gov't spending - somebody noted on spending the Reps have moved left towards more.

Free speech - "Truth to Power".
Not: Hate speech is any truth the powerful don't like, since they hate it.

Pro-gun rights, even for Blacks, hasn't changed in decades.
Abortion ... might be about to change.

Jaq said...

You should have voted for Trump, Cookie, your only meaningful anti-war choice.

effinayright said...

Robert Cook said...

Anyone who still recites Lenin's 1920's bon mot about "capitalists", and doesn't recognize that the US government know has more than 150,000 pages of regulations controlling business large and small, and...

Anyone who still sneers at "profit-seeking capitalists" after 100 years of socialist failures around the globe...

has kept himself in mental solitary confinement for a long, long time.

Drago said...

Readering: "Whatever happened to the Rockefeller Republicans?"

They've been "official" democraticals since 1980...and were basically democraticals for the 50 years before that. They hated Reagan.

This isnt complicated.

Similarly, the neo-cons have completely dropped their masks and are 100% for the democraticals and the far left agenda across the board.

Meanwhile, polls show 52% of Latinos (sorry Howard, your moronic "Latinx" label has been jettisoned by the very people you claimed to speak for) and 41% of all non-whites will support republicans in 2022.

Rockefeller Republican FakeCons and Neo-cons to the dems and 52% of latinos to the republicans.....yes, that trade is quite acceptable.

Jim at said...

I would say the Democratic Party has moved toward the center since the November 2020 election.

What's sad is you actually believe this despite all evidence to the contrary.

Mason G said...

"Leaping lizards, how much statism do these State-shtuppers want?"


TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

Cookie's dusting off his "No Blood for Oil!" signs from 1990.

We keep doing things that will surely destroy humanity and yet, humanity abides.

Achilles said...

jim5301 said...

Right. All the movement is on the left. No change at all on the right side. That would explain why the MAGA group in control still feels a strong affinity to Bush and Bush and McCain and Romney. The very sad truth is that extremism on both sides is going to destroy this great nation, and many (Steve Bannon comes to mind) are cheering.

The dumb ass leftist accidentally stumbled on the truth.

And was too stupid to notice the nugget of wisdom he unearthed.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

"...jack-boogers of the left and right."


Left Bank is usually wrong, but on this Left Bank is totally right.


I love it. It's the avatar of the fake "domestic terrorists" that the DOJ has ginned up to feed Lefty paranoia. It's a perfect combination of the jack-booted thugs of the Left's fevered imaginations, and a nod to the essential boogey-man nature of said made-up thugs.

"Jack-boogers". It's what our easily led Lefties fear most.

Other than carrying a baby to term.

Achilles said...

Robert Cook said...

"Big business has thrown in with the left; so it’s no surprise very few conservatives are 'rah rah go business!' anymore."

Big business has not thrown in with the left, except, perhaps, rhetorically. Big business is apolitical and amoral. It goes after the money, wherever it is, whatever it takes. Any claims they make (as to "renewable" this or "conservation" that, to being "woke," etc.) is lying bullshit, rhetorical stroking to fool the rubes on the middling left. As Lenin shrewdly saw and said, “The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.” Of course, Lenin did not realize that the ropes would become so deadly that all of humankind will be hanged by the profit-seeking capitalists.

Profit seeking capitalists seek to make mutually agreed deals between customer and seller. These are smaller and medium sized businesses that thrive in a free market.

Government-Corporate capitalists want to enlarge the government and make it so only big businesses can survive. These people seek more bureaucracy to smash the small business owner.

Cook doesn't want either. Cook wants no businesses and nobody to have anything except for the government rulers who tell everyone what to do.

Cook just wants to murder all non-leftists just like Lenin did. Famine or gulags don't really matter to him.

Achilles said...

Robert Cook said...

Wars fought for profit will destroy human civilization.

The only thing in the last century or so that has killed more people than wars for profit are leftist governments killing their own people.

Original Mike said...

"I wonder what it would be like to actually meet a Q person or read a Q blog."

I couldn't tell ya.

Saint Croix said...

The left has run away from free speech. That's notable. There are no Hugo Blacks on the left anymore.

The left has also run away from the idea of a colorblind society. Now the left is in favor of racial discrimination and even racial segregation.

But maybe the most obvious (and strangest) flight is from biological reality. It started with the left denying the reality of unborn children. Now the left denies women and men as well.

So those are three areas (all non-economic) where the left has shifted and morphed into something really strange and dishonest. And it only works if the left controls the media. That's why the loss of Twitter makes them insane.

Michael K said...

Big business has not thrown in with the left, except, perhaps, rhetorically.

Is this Tuesday ? Once again I agree with Cook.

Although wars have been fought for profit for thousands of years.

Misinforminimalism said...

Safe, legal, and rare.

I think that about sums things up.

Jupiter said...

"Big business has not thrown in with the left, except, perhaps, rhetorically."

Interesting point, Cookie. I'm guessing that to a troglodyte Lefty like you, all this stuff about cutting kids' balls off doesn't sound real "leftist". It was supposed to be chains, not balls.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

"I didn't leave the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party left me."

cf said...

Rabel said...
The cartoon fails because the "center" has not moved. Only the presentation of the "center" by the media has changed.

The cartoon is a charming variation of the "Overton Window", "the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at any given time. It is also known as the window of discourse." Indeed, our volcano of ruling class media spews Leftie moralities 24/7, shifting the window of allowable/acceptable discourse further and to absurdities, until guys with balls are winning women's college swim meets, and no one is supposed to notice, much less discuss it.

Leland said...

Whatever happened to the Rockefeller Republicans?

You ran too far to the left to see them.

realestateacct said...

You can buy his mugs, pillows, stickers and posters here

gilbar said...

Robert Cook said...
Wars fought for profit will destroy human civilization.
So, what do You think wars should be fought for? Good Intentions?

Protip: Every war (EVERY War) that was ever fought, was fought because someone thought that they'd profit. I realize; that you can't admit this.. Probably because you don't think you'd profit from it

Gahrie said...

Wars fought for profit will destroy human civilization.

Socialism and communism have murdered over 100 million people in the 20th century trying to produce their utopia.

Capitalism spent the 20th century ending starvation and raising the standard of living world-wide tremendously.

Robert Cook said...

"Although wars have been fought for profit for thousands of years."

Sure, but we now have the means to effectively destroy human society and kill millions--or billions--in short order and still more in longer order.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Big business has not thrown in with the left, except, perhaps, rhetorically. Big business is apolitical and amoral. It goes after the money, wherever it is, whatever it takes. Any claims they make (as to "renewable" this or "conservation" that, to being "woke," etc.) is lying bullshit, rhetorical stroking to fool the rubes on the middling left."

I agree 100%, Bob. You got one right.

My son recently interned for a major producer of warheads-on-foreheads. They have a Black CEO who's inspirational messages to the company contained all kinds of heavy-handed pablum about diversity, gender, and the evils of Whiteness. The shuck couldn't be clearer. Woke blabber to provide cover for Democrats to keep the defense contracts coming.

As someone noted above, the biggest shift in the polity is that conservatives, as opposed to Republicans, have grown contemptuous of the Establishment. Hard to pin that one down on a Left-Right spectrum.

Robert Cook said...

"Protip: Every war (EVERY War) that was ever fought, was fought because someone thought that they'd profit."

Uh, yes. Duh! But just as true, they're all sold as wars for freedom, wars to defend against barbaric invading hordes, wars to save the poor bastards somewhere else who need our help, wars to preserve "our superior society," (an excuse used by every society), etc. All lies. And now we have the capacity to destroy human society for these wars-based-on-lies.

Chris Lopes said...

"All lies."

Sometimes it was those things. The Germans actually did invade Russia (among other places), slavery in the south had to be defeated at the point of the sword, and American independence had to be won on the battle field. Just because none of these wars led your version of utopia, doesn't mean they weren't worth fighting.

Mea Sententia said...

I believe every life matters, character is more important than color, science is sometimes wrong, solar panels don't work at night, nations need borders, and America is good. These beliefs don't seem radical or unreasonable, but to the Democratic party now, holding them makes me 'far-right'.

MadisonMan said...

The way this cartoon is argued against reminds me of the phrase "Death Panels" and how that was argued against. The truth hurts.

Mary Beth said...

People who used to consider themselves to be liberals are now considered to be on the right. Either everything has shifted to the left or the Right has compelling arguments that have convinced those (former?) liberals to agree with them.

It seems odd to me that people on the Left would rather believe that their arguments are losing than believe that everything has shifted to the left.

J Melcher said...

Label the middle-man stick figure "Zell Miller" and set the last date to "2004".

effinayright said...

gilbar raved incoherently:

"Protip: Every war (EVERY War) that was ever fought, was fought because someone thought that they'd profit."

What horseshit.

Did the Colonies revolt "because someone" thought they would make a profit? Are you therefore arguing that the Revolutionary war should not have been fought?

When the Brits invaded us in the War of 1812 in an attempt to regain the lost Colonies, should we have immediately surrendered lest some Americans and Brits would profit from the war?

Are you arguing that the 9-11 attacks came about "because" Al Qaeda sought to make a profit?

Or are you arguing that "because" American arms manufacturers stood to make profits, we went to war in Afghanistan solely to satisfy them, not to avenge the nearly 3,000 Americans killed on 9-11? and wipe them out?

Or are you arguing that since "all wars" are waged "because someone thought they could make a profit", not allowing anyone to make a profit will end all wars?


Face it: deep down, you're shallow.

Gordon Scott said...

"No blood for oil" signs from the 1990s. I was part of one group in front of the federal courthouse in Fargo. Another had signs like that. There was one cop napping in his patrol car across the street.

In the other group was a good friend and professor at North Dakota State, Lew Lubka. I never doubted his patriotism, he never treated me in any way but honorable. We'd grin at each other as the two lines passed. Finally I leaned over to him and said, "Hey Lew. Let's wake up the cop across the street." Lew just laughed and moved on. After the protest we went to the 4-10 Club for a beer.

I wonder what he'd think of this world.

Stephen St. Onge said...

Bilwick said...
Leaping lizards, how much statism do these State-shtuppers want?

        They want more.  No matter how much they get, they will want more.

le Douanier said...

I don’t get the important milestones re the years chosen. Is it the elections with the black guy? What other bigger events are associated with those particular years re libs gone woke?

le Douanier said...

BTW, if this cartoon is correct, what explains the massive move of the population toward extreme-crazy leftism? Focusing on the person that never changes as the culture around them advances is not interesting. Likewise I’m not into folks that still like using the so-called n word and such words for homos.

In the past was there hero worshiping re retrograde folks back them? Maybe there was a cartoon that was fussy because evil lib censors tried to stop N word free speech. A cartoon crying re it’s not fair because black folks get to say it. Same for homos. And so on.

le Douanier said...

If I was a cartoonist I’d make cartoons that would make me look like i’m the coolest and smartest and bestest. Plus, because I’m an artist, I’d be sloppy re bar graphs re representing a population, so nonsense that implies nearly a doubling of population over a bit more than a dozen years would be aok.’

mikee said...

So punch a Nazi is an OK program for Antifa. But everyone, everyone, everyone who is NOT Antifa is defined by them as Nazis, deserving of punches.

I say see a Nazi, punch a Nazi. I'm fine with that. But Antifa doesn't get to define who is and who is not a Nazi. Also, see a communist, shoot a communist. Watch out, Antifa! Although hanging might work better in China, as only the PLA has guns.

wendybar said...

bent oak said...
I believe every life matters, character is more important than color, science is sometimes wrong, solar panels don't work at night, nations need borders, and America is good. These beliefs don't seem radical or unreasonable, but to the Democratic party now, holding them makes me 'far-right'.

5/3/22, 7:50 PM


boatbuilder said...

I ask the people here who characterize Trump supporters as "far right", as I ask my Dem friends and relatives, to identify what Trump positions and policies they consider "far right." So far, nothing, except vague slanders about "racism" and "xenophobia."

God of the Sea People said...

Thanks for the link about rhymes. I recall some kind of instruction about rhymes from grade school and have always had some sense that certain rhymes were better than others, but never really had any additional instruction about it. That wikipedia link was an interesting read and something I may go back to from time to time.

Drago said...

Sprezzatura: "BTW, if this cartoon is correct, what explains the massive move of the population toward extreme-crazy leftism?"

Completely incorrect premise. Thus, all that follows is equally moronic.

Try again.

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