April 9, 2022

Who recruited you? Holiday Inn?

That Holiday Inn ad is real: "Holiday Inn drops transsexual ad that premiered at Super Bowl" (AP, January 28, 1997).


gilbar said...

was the holiday in "girl" TWELVE? When he transitioned to a she?

Tim said...

Unless you can convince yourself that it is genetic, despite the fact that researchers have been looking for a "gay gene" without success for 30 years, then someone in their background did indeed groom them in some fashion. I do not know all the environmental factors that play a role, but teachers are for sure an area to investigate. In the interim period, I do not want ANYONE talking to 5,6 and 7 year old children about sex in any setting other than the home. It is pretty simple. They are NOT your children, and you do NOT get to talk to them about sex.

Jaq said...

Remember when Kathleen Turner played Chandler’s dad?

But still a lot of point missing. If you never watched a
child grow through phases, it might be easier to freeze a girl in a tomboy phase with drugs and surgery.

Rollo said...

If you really believe that human personality, thought, and behavior are all a product of social codes, then autonomy is an illusion.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Among the most thoughtful comments on the subject I've seen in a while:


The new, educated religion is deeply infatuated with the idea that we all define our own (unique) sexual identity categories, but also that these are deep immutable characteristics which would be deeply unfair to hold people accountable for having.

This inconsistency then drives a lot of highly motivated reasoning and any explanation that is remotely consistent with the data will be entertained instead of the simplistic ones that most readily account for the data. At no point will there be any sort of Bayesian or Popperian reasoning about likelihood and the many, many epicycles needed to fit the data to the new religion.

And judging any of the debate on objective terms (e.g. mortality effects) will first be sensationalized, but rigorous data analysis will always be resisted. For instance a decade ago a study found a 26.3% attempted suicide rate among trans individuals. Five years later, the number was at least 29.9%. Most recent PubMed puts it at 44% (links below). So we will somehow be expected to hold that trans mental health is a crisis that requires complete rejiggering of social mores ... but that decade of attempting that showing, at best, no significant process on the metric of interest is no reason to question the base assumptions.

End of the day, I am always shocked by how impotent people think culture is. We have had many, many generations where culture defined who had sex with whom under what circumstances. We have millennia of culture defining what we eat, how we defecate, when and how we drink, and what we do for shelter.

The deepest needs on Maslow's hierarchy are extensively molded by culture, but not our sexual orientation (even as people identify as things that were not known concepts two decades ago).

And the biggest one of all: culture has a massive impact on self-preservation and kin preservation norms. From infanticide to suicide, culture is known to directly impact the numbers for the most powerful known biological drives.

Queerness, mathematically, looks a lot more like a religious phenomenon than it does a change in biological characteristics or rational cost : benefit shifts.

Undoubtedly there will be some parade of epicycles that it will be more comforting to believe is the process, but I cannot see a much simpler explanation than our culture now celebrates these identities therefor a higher percentage of people identify with them to reap some sort of minimal benefit.

Tl;dr - In other words, the 'born this way' argument, just died. Lady gaga hardest hit.

gilbar said...

of course,

A) the "trannie" in the motel ad was played by a cis woman (so she'd look good)
B) the ad was dropped, 'cause it was disgusting

Back in 2008, EVEN O'Bama at least pretended to be against gay marriage
Back in 2018, Trannies were freaks and jokes, EVEN in movies
in 2022, you'll go to jail if you try to stop your daughter from being sterilized
What's Next? Incest? or Pedophilia?

Wince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gilbar said...

"Who recruited you? "

Mostly, the person that molested them when they were children
Fun Sociology question!
If you are gay, How old were you when you first had sex? How much older was your partner?

tim maguire said...

These people and their gotcha moments, they really don’t get it, do they? They think they’re making some great point that kids naturally do want to have sex with adults and therefore it’s wrong to discourage adults from introducing children to sex.

Are they monsters? Stupid? Both?

RideSpaceMountain said...

Another thing, the Kinsey argument that 'sex is the whole thing...the measure of all things' for Western man needs to be extinguished politically and culturally. Btw Disney (and others) has had a role in this.

Who and how you fuck is among the most insignificant aspects of your entire life when you really get to the foundation of things that make people happy. It took me a very long time to discover this personally.

There are tens - maybe hundreds - of millions of American adults that are tremendously unhappy sexually and socially because of this thinking. Identitarian sexuality is poison.

Gabriel said...

In the case of the Austin teacher who said 20 of her 32 students have "come out to her" I'd say it's pretty obvious who it was....

Wince said...

Early childhood sexualizers of every sexual bent seem to have chosen a strategy of hiding behind mainstream gays, a defamatory conflation which is meant to intimidate both straight and gay opponents into silence and acquiescence.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

I can tell you from experience. Grooming and homosexual sexual assault happens to young boys all the time.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

I can tell you from experience. Grooming and homosexual sexual assault happens to young boys all the time.

Mark said...

"If you are gay, How old were you when you first had sex? How much older was your partner?"

Holy cow, Gilbar comes right out with the homophobic smears.

It is amazing that Alhouse chooses to drive traffic here through her relentless posting on this subject, knowing what the commentary is going to feature.

It's almost like she is tacitly approving this.

Anonymous said...

"Bob Johnson" Heh... that's pretty funny.

Curious George said...

The actor in the commercial was the same guy who played Kenny Bania on Seinfeld.

The best tranny Jerry, the BEST!

Gabriel said...

Remember how we used to hear about young women internalizing unrealistic and unhealthy expectations of how they should look from media, advertising, and fashion, some become anorexic as a result? And how giving them Barbie dolls that said "math is hard" was causing them to internalize negative stereotypes at a young age? And how important it is to make sure that women and minorities have role models who look them adequately represented in every profession, or they can't achieve their potential?

The people who are telling you that teaching very young children about sexuality and gender fluidity couldn't possibly influence them, do not themselves believe this.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Note how these jerks must change the subject from children and sex-ed at age kindergarten - to their own self-centered lives.

farmgirl said...

Gilbar: what’s next?
Spellcheck will learn a new word.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Children believe that a fat man who wears a red suit and lives at the north pole - delivers wrapped presents to everyone around the globe - in one night.

Children also play dress-up in a gender-less fashion. You don't chop off the kids balls over it. You don't give children life altering drugs. You don't get to mess with their young impressional minds - leftist a-holes.
You don't let leftist Hollywood obsessed teachers discuss with OUR CHILDREN anything to do with sex.

Sebastian said...

Not too long ago, the Catholic Church was vilified for all its priestly grooming. Nothing like that would happen in schools, of course. Progs mobilized against the Church, rise to the defense of schools.

Though in the CC cases, it seems gays were hiding behind pedophiles rather than the other way around.

tommyesq said...

Was that Kenny Bania in the ad??

iowan2 said...

The grooming is not one on one.
The alphebet crowd are working to mainstream the madness.

One of the FOX news crew said he got twitter swamped when he mention some poll the 1 out of 5 youngsters 'felt' queer. The FOX guy said he has never seen any scientific survey that puts gay at around a generous 5%, and the trans crowed is a part of that at a fraction of 1% of the gay crowd.

So if youngsters at a 20% clip are claiming gay, that is a lot of grooming.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Wait, I’m confused again. Are we supportive when consumers speak out when they get irked by company ads ? Or are we supposed to shut up and let the corporations tell us how to think and feel?

I can’t keep up.

Disney. Wants to indoctrinate your kids with princess this and storybook that. And the left hates it (lots of “ists” racist, sexist, etc).

But the Florida law that says “don’t talk about sex to 3rd graders because we don’t want them being indoctrinated? OMG that never happens….

Andrew said...

I had a friend in college who was an insecure, reclusive, socially awkward kind of person. Very decent and friendly guy, but he clearly had issues. My guess is that he would probably be diagnosed as having an anxiety disorder, among other things.

He was an artist, and was attending an artistic institute. He had many friends there who were comstantly pressuring him to acknowledge that he was gay. It was as if once he "came out," all of his problems would be solved. He just needed to accept the truth about himself, and then he could live a healthy life.

But he wasn't gay. He was absolutely clear about that. He had no single-sex attraction. But his mannerisms and his personality could be considered effeminate. And the pressure on him was non-stop. He was mocked for pretending to be straight. I'm not sure grooming would be the right term, but he was definitely being recruited, including by people who wanted to sleep with him.

Eventually he dropped out, and I have no idea what happened to him. He just disappeared from school, and never contacted me, or anyone I knew. True story. And this was in the early 90's.

JK Brown said...

Reminds me of the book 'The Summer of Katya' by Trevanian [American author Dr. Rodney William Whitaker], 1983. I hadn't made the connection as the book isn't overtly trans, but Katya's terrible secret does in the end result in a gender change, psychologically.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"N is for Nonbinary and T is for Trans.

Did you know that?

If you were a Williamson Country, Tennessee, kindergartner and clicked on the book “The GayBCs” on the iPad given by your school for you to take home over the weekend, you would.

You’d also know the B is for Bi. (You can shout it out loud/ “I like boys and girls/ and that makes me proud.”)

C is—needless to say—for Coming Out and D is—what else—for Drag."

It's happening - and like CRT - the collective left are lying to everyone.

Wince said...

tommyesq said...
Was that Kenny Bania in the ad??

Yes. Gold, Jerry!

Michael K said...

I thought they were all born this way.

hombre said...

Mark said...
'"If you are gay, How old were you when you first had sex? How much older was your partner?" Holy cow, Gilbar comes right out with the homophobic smears.'

Homophobic smear? Seriously? It's just a question that is neither homophobic nor a smear.

But if you're offended, censorship is the answer.

Michael K said...

Blogger Mark said...

"If you are gay, How old were you when you first had sex? How much older was your partner?"

Holy cow, Gilbar comes right out with the homophobic smears.

Lefty Mark, how old were you ? It was a question. Anybody who has spent much time around gays, and I practiced in Laguna Beach for years, knows the older gay and the young attractive male are a common sight. Most were not teenagers but if you think older gays are not attracted to young men, some quite young, you are ignorant and spouting lefty lies.

Joe Smith said...

I love the 'groomer' language.

It means the right is waking up and defining terms, and putting the crazy left on defense for maybe the first time ever.

FleetUSA said...

I clearly remember that ad as terrific ROFLMAO fun and surprise during that Superbowl. Big dollar makeover to the chain noted by his friend no longer being a guy.

gilbar said...

Mark said...
"If you are gay, How old were you when you first had sex? How much older was your partner?"
Holy cow, Gilbar comes right out with the homophobic smears

Well? how old WERE you? How much older was Your partner? Not smearing.. Just Asking

gilbar said...

If you even ask the question.. It is a 'homophobic smear'
JUST to ask the question. why IS that?

Achilles said...

In Afghanistan there are 3 currencies. Bullets, cows, and children.

Child rape is the national past time there. There are reasons why any decent enlightened society puts taboos around sex with children and the sexualization of children.

When people start having 1:1000 complications from the vaccine their is going to be massive blow back.

The Food riots are already starting in Peru and Egypt. They will spread.

And the Groomers in our schools are publicly demanding the right to groom our kids in schools we are paying for.

There is a storm coming. There is going to be a massive fight over twitter censorship. But that is a rear guard action.

About 70% of the population is looking at the corrupt incompetent perverted ruling class with open cotempt and the other 30% that support them with growing disgust.

They are going to pay for stealing he 2020 election and sitting Joe Biden on the empty throne. Joe Biden is a rapist, child molester, and a deeply corrupt individual and everyone knows it.

it is going to be glorious watching the people who have publicly pushed this garbage try to escape repercussions for their amorality and fail.

Jupiter said...

"Holy cow, Gilbar comes right out with the homophobic smears."

If you are concerned that adult males might rape your children, you suffer from a "phobia". According to Exhibit A, labeled "Mark".

Jupiter said...

There is a psychological condition known as autogynephilia (yes, it's a philia, not a phobia) in which a male is sexually aroused by imagining himself as a sexually attractive female. So, yeah, that ad may well have pushed the buttons for some men who later chose to call themselves transsexual.

Gahrie said...

Remember the old saying that all women are gay in college? It's apparently moved down to the high school level. This year, out of a little less than 200 students, I've had two trans kids, (one each way) and around twenty gay girls. I see many more in the hallways. No openly gay guys this year, but I've had them in the past.

I don't hide the fact that I disagree with the trans movement and refuse to use non-biological pronouns. I think homosexuality is damaging emotionally, and psychologically. However, I am still fairly popular with the LBGT crowd because I don't judge the kids, respect them, and actually listen to them. (I'm firmly in the "let he who hath no sin cast the first stone" crowd) They even come to me for counseling and advice. (Really) The kids aren't stupid. They figure out who really wants the best for them.

The problem for an awful lot of kids is that no one in their lives really gives a fuck.

Michael K said...

Disney seems to be altering their business model. They make more money from single, childless, young adults than families.

The growth of Disney paralleled a post-war child-oriented family culture. The collapse of that culture into counterculture sent the company astray. And after decades in the wilderness reemerged with cartoons full of show tunes that catered as much to Broadway lovers as to children, to an indie film movement with a seamy underbelly, and finally perpetual fandom.

Disney found its post-Walt success in moving beyond selling universal family entertainment to tapping into obsessive subcultures. As a company that had nurtured fandom in children, it was uniquely positioned to capitalize on the transformation of adults into overgrown children.

This sounds like an explanation for the agitation for grooming. Groom little kids and maybe they will become Disney customers. It's always about the money.

60% of Disneyland visitors were adults with no children. Only 36.7% of Disney World visitors had children under 18. The largest demographic for the theme parks, like the movies, are millennials. They are also members of the fandoms who are likeliest to spend money on licensed merchandise, and on toys and movie tie-ins that are Disney’s bread and butter.

Much is explained.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Turning Out "straight" males remains a high value pursuit for many older gay men. Promiscuity is a way of their life.

Joe Smith said...

Hotel, motel, Holiday Inn...

Drago said...

gilbar: "If you even ask the question.. It is a 'homophobic smear'
JUST to ask the question. why IS that?"

The lefties/NeverTrump-neocons/democraticals know they can never compete in any clash of ideas, they turn every statement of fact into a an attack on intent/motives.

Lots of perma-war supposed conservatives at Althouse do the same.

pacwest said...

NAMBLA grew and flourished under Obama. Now the pedophiles think they should get their cut too. It's only fair. As Pelosi would say, "it's about the children".

Something I don't get is why teachers (especially the ones that have been around for a couple of decades) aren't out on the streets protesting this abomination.

effinayright said...

"Born That Way" and "57 genders based on feelings" are in direct collision.

Which is why gay men and lesbian are horrified at seeing their hard-won acceptance being undercut by those who claim that it's all a matter of choice and preference.

This will not end well.

Can you imagine the amplitude of the cognitive dissonances generated when a lesbian is hit on by a trans-woman with a dick?

effinayright said...

Mark said...
"If you are gay, How old were you when you first had sex? How much older was your partner?"

Holy cow, Gilbar comes right out with the homophobic smears.

It is amazing that Alhouse chooses to drive traffic here through her relentless posting on this subject, knowing what the commentary is going to feature.

It's almost like she is tacitly approving this.

I guess you don't know that Ann has a gay son, who she definitely loves.

dgstock said...

Grooming? No such thing.


Birches said...

Makes sense Michael K. Most families with more than one or two kids can't afford Disney World. It's a couple of grand, just for tickets. Childless millennials have a lot more disposable income.

Dude1394 said...

Watched a couple of episodes of euphoria on HBO. Straight up grooming.

Michael K said...

Childless millennials have a lot more disposable income.

I think that is why they have changed their business plan. My younger son has had annual passes for his kids for years. I wonder if he has renewed them?

Mark said...

"I guess you don't know that Ann has a gay son, who she definitely loves."

And who doesn't seem to post here anymore.

Maybe you should ask her who groomed her son, given your supposition that is why he is gay.

Gabriel said...

That murder exists doesn't mean than everyone who dies is murdered. Someone who died and wasn't murdered doesn't tell you that someone else who died also wasn't murdered.

That theft exists doesn't mean that everything that you are missing was stolen. If something of yours is missing and it wasn't theft, that doesn't mean that something else missing wasn't stolen.

Not everyone who is gay is gay for the same reason, or came into it the same way; surely that's obvious?

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