April 11, 2022

What is this hashtag — #RespectMySex?

ADDED: The London Times has an article about that event: "JK Rowling joins ladies who lunch and laugh off trans fury The author and other women targeted in the debate over gender have launched a campaign, James Beal writes." 

Rowling organised the lunch, at The River Café, Hammersmith, for campaigners, including the Labour MP Rosie Duffield and the philosopher Kathleen Stock, who have been targeted by the trans lobby.... 

The lunch followed the launch of the Respect My Sex women’s rights campaign and Forstater said: “It was getting together, celebrating each other, keeping our spirits up and having a nice lunch. It was amazing, a lovely day.”

There's a link on "Respect My Sex" that goes to another London Times article published today: "If you want our vote, talk about sex/Door-knocking election candidates had better watch out, writes Damian Whitworth." 

The women behind a new “Respect My Sex” campaign say that they are creating the most significant women’s movement since the suffragettes... 

“To have reached a point where some people want to pretend that we don’t know what a woman is, is really undermining our shared reality, and our shared space and how we all orientate ourselves around each other,” [Caroline] Ffiske says. “That’s why we see this as so big and so important. We need to defend ourselves and our bodily integrity. Are we going to defend science and reality and truth and our senses and women and vulnerable girls, or are we not?” 

Society broadly organises itself around what works for large majorities then provides support and assistance for minorities, she says. “An entire institution can’t reorganise itself around a tiny group of people and meeting their demands. We need to say sex is real, and it matters for all of us. It matters for all of our health, including trans-identifying people.” 

The campaign she has co-founded, “Respect My Sex if you want my X”, encourages voters to ask those standing in next month’s local elections to answer simple questions about sex and gender identity. Another question is the one that Keir Starmer, the Labour leader, refused to answer: “Can a woman have a penis?” Starmer said that discussing the issue in this way doesn’t help anyone. 

Heather Binning, another of the campaign’s founders, is withering. “There is an answer. It’s not difficult. You don’t have to be a biologist.” Women, she says, “are raging”.... 

Dividing up women’s lives into being ‘menstruators’, ‘cervix-havers’, ‘pregnant people’, ‘birthing people’ and ‘menopausal people’ in the name of inclusion dehumanises us and prevents us talking about how being female — and the way that society treats female people — has impacts over our whole lives.”


wendybar said...

I don't give a shit about your sex. PERIOD. Keep it to yourself, no matter WHO you are.

Sebastian said...

"What is this hashtag — #RespectMySex?"

A form of #Resistance.

Xmas said...

It's almost as if the constant attacks on JKR are just pushing her further into the TERF camp.

rhhardin said...

#Do not notice that I am a loser

Dave Begley said...

JK is falling out of her dress. Respect!

Achilles said...

The left will offer No respect and No space.

Women are going to have nothing and like it.

That is what the reset is all about.

Andrew said...

She may be saying, "I have many gay/lesbian friends," to troll her critics.

Ice Nine said...

It's a group of women - straight and lez - who are fed up with the world pretending that biologic men are women just because they say they are. They are organizing and going political about it. Their paradigm is: They want males out of their sports and their locker rooms. And they want to not lose their jobs and be threatened with death for saying so. And they want politicians, before elections, to state their stances on the issue: "Protect my sex if you want my x" (on the ballot).

Long overdue.

Howard said...

Wow. Woke cancelling does work. This is how you incrementally transform moralistic driven bigots (you people, not JK Potter) into greater acceptance of homosexuality based on the relative "unnatural" trans-spectrum. Practical progressivism proves potent potable.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Clicked on her twitter link and found a really great quote to go along with the insanity of forcing young children into the adult world of "gender affirmation."

In 1952 Alan Turing was ordered to inject an estrogen drug that reduced his libido and sterilised him. This was conversion therapy. In 2022 the trans cult demands the right to give these exact same drugs to confused kids. They call it gender affirmation.

typingtalker said...

Sex the activity or sex the gender?

tim maguire said...

That was a courageous act by the other people in that photo. I hope they're prepared to get doxxed by the good people of the world. Because love trumps hate.

mikee said...

It strikes me that JKR can tweet drunk better than I can sober.

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...

Wow. Woke cancelling does work. This is how you incrementally transform moralistic driven bigots (you people, not JK Potter) into greater acceptance of homosexuality based on the relative "unnatural" trans-spectrum. Practical progressivism proves potent potable.

Groomers are annoyed that pedophilia is still illegal.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Howard goes full Swetnick.

"moralist driven bigots" - and we like rape rooms too!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Women pride? I don’t know 🤷🏽‍♂️

Drago said...

Howard and his pals want access to your very young children without your knowledge and without constraints.

What makes Howards lies in defense of this so moronic, is the fact democratical parents also have seen this up close and personal, so all the Standard Issue lies Howard offers up for groomers fail even worse than his other transparent lies...yet he continues to double down.

Lets hope all the dems continue in precisely the same way.

Leland said...

I’m going with Ice Nine above. One political movement deserves another, and I agree this is overdue.

I’m not sure if the hashtag is the best, but it is just a symbol. It could be the best, but those opposed will still suggest it is the exact same thing as the nazi swatiska.

Earnest Prole said...

Say what you want about JK Rowling: The girl has balls.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The notion that any parent would want a public school teacher to talk about sex (any kind of sex) in school - kindergarten-3rd grade - should make everyone skeptical.

The blind faith left fall in line.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Most Public schools across the land are failing our children. Especially inner city schools.

But hey - more sex talk would help! You moralistic bigots.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Why Tulsi is FAR AND AWAY SUPERIOR to Hillary. Hillary - the real Russian asset.

IamDevo said...

You know, after decades of #strongwymen, #feministsagainstmaledomination, #lesbiansrule, #crushthepatriarchy, ad nauseam, I can not work up any sympathy for women who now complain that it's not fair that transwomen are usurping their turf because, well, they are just better at everything than standard issue women. After Title IX mandated that women's sports teams get the same amount of financial support as men's teams, without producing the same amount of interest or revenue, likewise professional women's soccer and basketball, I kind of think that turnabout is the fairest of play. It was always so super wonderful for women to keep smashing those barriers, breaking through those glass ceilings, setting new standards of performance (i.e., lowering standards achievable only by males so the girls could claim to have competed) and in general, getting affirmative action'ed into all manner of formerly male domains that I am rather enjoying this so-called terf war. It beats everything coming out of Hollywood, for sure. I do, however draw the line at degenerate perverts having expanded access to innocent children. That's what the Second Amendment is really all about.

n.n said...

They conflated sex and gender for purposes of constructing a political congruence ("=").

Trans/homos are transphobic. Feminists ares gynephobic. Progressives are transhumane. Liberals go along to get along.

n.n said...

Most Public schools across the land are failing our children. Especially inner city schools.

Yes, Every Child Left Behind policy is the source of progressive disparity between students, not diversity classes (e.g. races, sexes), and shared responsibility (e.g. progressive prices, progressive availability, progressive quality.

n.n said...

after decades of #strongwymen, #feministsagainstmaledomination, #lesbiansrule, #crushthepatriarchy, ad nauseam, I can not work up any sympathy for women who now complain that it's not fair that...

First, they came for the babies. The karmic irony of males finally breaking the glass ceiling, and feminists forced to dodge the falling shards.

Equal and complementary. Reconcile, or not.

n.n said...

Most Public schools across the land are failing our children. Especially inner city schools.

Most expensive education product on the planet, with inversely proportional returns. Oh, the karmic irony of playing with a double-edged scalpel.

LordSomber said...

People whose "identity" (i.e. race, sexual preference) is at the center of their being are the most dreadfully boring sorts to be around.

walter said...

Blogger Earnest Prole said...
Say what you want about JK Rowling: The girl has balls.
Speaking of which, did they do a parts check at the party?

D.D. Driver said...

Note that she is saying respect my sex not respect my gender. How many people know the difference anymore?

robother said...

The Howard-bot is smoking and spitting sparks and p-word paradoxes. Pull the plug before he starts grooming himself.

MadisonMan said...

Masterful trolling (Mistress-ful?) by Rowling.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Gay people are fighting back against the crazy woke trannies. I've written it here before. Living in a super-gay-friendly city like Palm Springs opened my eyes to that cultures rifts. To wit, gays and lesbians are barely allies and both hate trans activists. The drag queens around town are by and large dudes who just like to dress up, and most are gay. Few of those drag queens are trans activists. And they all hate the bis, with a "get off the fence" type attitude. So the alphabet "association" of LGBTQetc is just a figment of the trans activists' imagination.

Andrew Sullivan boils it down to this: denying binary sexuality denies homosexuality. If sex isn't binary how can one be a "homo?" In fact, if "sexual identity" is just a construct then "same sex marriage" really has no definition. There is no "same sex" to fluidity. So I see the gays now hitting back with "Respect my sex!"

I'll just sit back and watch the slap fight now to see who wins this cultural battle, but I can say as a conservative that at least homosexuality has the advantage of being definable in normal conversation. The L and the G are really two ways off saying the same thing about chicks.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

"This is how you incrementally transform moralistic driven bigots (you people, not JK Potter) into greater acceptance of homosexuality"

Howard always has to turn it into his pet peeves. News flash, dickhead, we conservatives have no problem accepting homosexuality. We all have friends and relatives we accept. Some are even brain dead progressives like you. This is not a message to conservatives. You misunderstand JK the same way you misunderstand most things posted on here because of your congenital stupidity. They are pushing back against the woke transactivists who deny being a woman is even a thing. Unfortunately your party has adopted the tranny craziness in full, which is why they can't even agree to stop groomers in preschool. You're sick. Get help.

JZ said...

The more I see of JKR, the more I like.

Rosalyn C. said...

I see in attendance Allison Bailey of the LGB Alliance. Someone worth checking out on YouTube.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

Why should I have to declare myself trans to get into the women's locker room? I don't believe in biological sex or gender, so I have the right to ignore all restrictions based on sex and/or gender. Who are you to deny my lived experience?

Howard said...

You people do love you some pedophilia talk all the time. Fucking sick and demented.

tcrosse said...

In the Telegraph there's an account of this lunch by one of the attendees. Unfortunately, it's behind a paywall.
What really happened at the ‘gender wars’ lunch thrown by the author at the River Café? I was there and it was glorious

GrapeApe said...

My parents bought me a go-cart for Christmas one year. I was excited. Im gay and have been with my guy for 18 years. I have never felt the need to teach young children about sex, as they usually find out those things on their own. Kids are experimental by nature I think. They don’t need a teacher to point out things. Let them find out their own way at their own pace. I knew at five I was more about liking boys. Just how things worked out for me. Encouraging kids who might be suggestible? Befuddling.

lonejustice said...

The woman to her left sure seems to be enjoying the view.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

On closer look, those women appear to be LGB*Q+. I omitted the T out of respect for the Trans community.

Drago said...

Howard: "You people do love you some pedophilia talk all the time. Fucking sick and demented."

Keep your pathetic hands off other people's children groomer. You can no longer hide behind rhetorical smokecreens.

The jig is up for you and your allies.

Anthony said...

I had to look closer, I thought it was a mix of males and females. . . . .

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Howie - pushing the Maher/ left talking points. Good luck, Groomers.

farmgirl said...

JZ: me2!! She just keeps getting better. Except, I read a book under her pseudonym and if the f/word we’re to be removed, the book would be 1/2 as long.

Howard: irrelevant.

farmgirl said...

… &I would say: that group approached her and she graciously had her pic taken w/them, but- I’m guessing, now.

Michael K said...

ward said...

You people do love you some pedophilia talk all the time. Fucking sick and demented.

OK, groomer.

Paul Zrimsek said...

Your sex is what you demand that people respect when you haven't got any authoritah.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Heather Binning, another of the campaign’s founders, is withering. “There is an answer. It’s not difficult. You don’t have to be a biologist.” Women, she says, “are raging”

I'm no biologist but that sounds like a pretty accurate definition..

Rollo said...

Sex change operations are breaking up that old lesbian gang of mine.

It's hard to decide on a sexual orientation when the girlfriend you have today may want to be your boyfriend tomorrow.

In the future, everyone's sexual orientation and everyone's gender will be X. It will make things easier for the machines when they take over.

Readering said...

Wake me up when the slur rotates from groomers back to caravans from central america.

Chris Lopes said...

I guess this is what life looks like when you are sitting on a mountain of FU money.

n.n said...

Breeders... in flyover country? The semantic games play on.

It's all politically congruent ("="). The grooming effect coincided with the normalization of the wicked solution to a purportedly hard problem (e.g. feminists, masculinists) and trans/homo relationships in positions of trust. What remains is collateral damage from a faith (Twilight Fringe a.k.a. emanations from penumbras), "ethical" religion, and divergent ideology, that, among other things, denies women and men's dignity and agency, and reduces human life to a negotiable commodity. Will no one relieve us of these "burdens".

The Godfather said...

I think supporters of Gay rights (I am one) ought to declare victory and disasocciate themselves from efforts to pretend that sex is mutable.

wendybar said...

Readering doesn't care that the Biden administration is fucking over Americans for political purposes. I can only hope that busloads of illegals get dropped off in Readerings neighborhood for THEM to support.

iowan2 said...

All I see are attacks on parents, demanding they are informed about any such, gender/sex/identity, classroom curriculum.

So, attacks an parents.

I don't see a single person here, or anywhere else, stepping up and defending this silliness happening in elementary schools.
Attack those calling attention to what is happening. Not a soulstepping up and owning the leftists shtick.

Please somebody, tell me why valuable classroom time is spent in this way. Instead of being 100% the responsibility of the family.

Daniel Jackson said...

It is clear that the coming World Woke War will be fought by Women over genitalia. This is something that those with acknowledged male genitalia are not in the mix.

This will be fascinating to watch.

Enough said.

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