Last Thursday, the woman behind the account appeared anonymously on Tucker Carlson’s show to complain about being temporarily suspended for violating Twitter’s community guidelines. Fox News often creates news packages around the content that Libs of TikTok has surfaced....
[T]he identity of the operator of Libs of TikTok is traceable through a complex online history and reveals someone who has been plugged into right-wing discourse for two years and is now helping to drive it....
A woman at the address listed to [this] name in Los Angeles declined to identify herself. On Monday night, a tweet from Glenn Greenwald confirmed the house that was visited belonged to [her] family....
I guess Lorenz (and WaPo) think this doxxing is acceptable — and good journalism — because the person is opposed to the left and giving visibility to its TikTok videos that might otherwise escape notice. There's this implicit justification for doxxing:
The popularity of Libs of TikTok comes at a time when far-right communities across the Internet have begun doxing school officials and calling for their execution.
Some people on the right dox, so we — a prominent and elite newspaper — can dox a particular individual who isn't accused of doxxing anyone but is popular with people on the right. Libs of TikTok has been especially effective in showing teachers who are proud of teaching children about gender and sexuality. Is it nefarious to show their videos to people who think this teaching agenda is wrong? WaPo seems to be saying: Yes. But if the answer is yes, that means this teaching agenda can't stand the light!
Here's what I see as an attempt to wriggle out of that implicit admission that these sex-and-gender lessons must not be dragged out into the sunlight:
Members of the LGBTQ+ community who still attempt to use platforms like TikTok to educate people on gay or trans issues are subject to intense online abuse, causing a chilling effect.
“[Libs of TikTok] is playing on fears and misunderstandings of who trans people are, while amping up extreme rhetoric and normalizing portraying queer people as inherently dangerous to children,” [said Gillian Branstetter, a media strategist for the ACLU]. “It’s hard to stoke moral panic without main characters, and the role Libs of TikTok is playing is finding those characters.”
The more offensive the teaching is, the more the teachers will be abused if their work is exposed. Libs of TikTok is only drawing attention to material that has been posted on TikTok. So what is the standard for doxxing? I'd like to see WaPo state the answer to that question explicitly. Are they saying that those who highlight vile speech deserve to be stripped of their pseudonymity? Or are they saying — say it clearly, WaPo! — that when speech WaPo likes is exposed to people who don't like that speech, it becomes acceptable to dox whoever exposed that speech?
Notice that WaPo poses as concerned about chilling the speech of the original TikTokker, but it is actively chilling the speech of those who draw attention to that speech. The original TikTokker chose to make something public, Libs of TikTok then shared that public speech, and WaPo publicized what had not been public, the identity of the pseudonymous sharer.
I challenge WaPo to explain its ethics in viewpoint neutral terms. I'm not saying there's much chance that its ethics are viewpoint neutral. I just want to see it take the problem seriously and either try to demonstrate the neutrality of its ethics or, alternatively, defend its non-neutrality forthrightly. I'd like to know the rule that it purports to follow, because I want to be able to use it in the future.
AND: Maybe WaPo envies Glenn's 1.8 million followers and "online influencer" is a bigger deal to them than "journalsit." Taylor Lorenz has less than 300,000 followers. Also:Could the WashPost be any pettier or more jealous? If you feel inadequate about what you've accomplished journalistically, working harder to break meaningful stories is a better solution than trying to malign those who have. Again, this jealousy is why they want Assange punished.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) April 19, 2022
Hi @TaylorLorenz! Which of my relatives did you enjoy harassing the most at their homes yesterday?
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 19, 2022
Taylor Lorenz says online harassment is a huge problem because it’s a tool to silence people especially women. The irony
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 19, 2022
This was Taylor Lorenz a few weeks ago. Never forget
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) April 19, 2022
ANY thing done, to help the cause progress; is BY DEFINITION: Good
For, we MUST move the cause forward.. By Any Means Necessary
ANY thing done, by Evil Right-Wing Fascists; is BY DEFINITION: EVIL
Because Right-Wing Fascists.. are Right-Wing Fascists
WaPo seems to be saying: Yes. But if the answer is yes, that means this teaching agenda can't stand the light!
Well, they Have Been saying for Years; "democracy dies in darkness" Y'all DID realize, it was a cookbook?
Meet the woman behind Libs of TikTok, secretly fueling the right’s outrage machine...
Because only the left is allowed to have outrage machine.
Yeah, sure....
You're paying her to do this.
"If ya can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen"
"The buck stops here"
HST, the only decent D.
Never heard at the DNC, "We can sure dish it out, but are we sure we can take it?"
You do have to marvel at the notion that giving further visibility to the deranged kooks who post their noxious sexual confusion on TikTok, without commentary of any kind, is hateful and evil.
I now agree that Tucker Carlson has replaced Rush Limbaugh as the left's hate object. Limbaugh could not make TV work but Tucker is doing fine. I think it's because Tucker seems more good humored. In his heyday, Rush used a lot of humor but not so much in his last few years.
I think it is hilarious that the lefties are now calling Greenwald a "right wing influencer."
In Washington Post's world, Glenn Greenwald is right-wing. To the right of Pol Pot, I guess. So maybe that's the new standard.
"I guess Lorenz (and WaPo) think this doxxing is acceptable — and good journalism — because the person is opposed to the left and giving visibility to its TikTok videos that might otherwise escape notice. There's this implicit justification for doxxing:"
And that she is an Orthodox Jew, a point explicitly made in the article, because that is so germain to Twitter account.
Yeah, the left's censorship exists to prevent online bullying.
Pull the other one.
"As for Glenn Greenwald, he is massively irritated"
Greenwald recently documented what an awful person Taylor Lorenz is.
Lorenz is writing checks that her goblin ass can’t cash. I hope she reaps the whirlwind…
And Lorenz goes out of her way to let readers know the account holder is an Orthodox Jew.
Why is that relevant?
I hope people here know that the only thing 'Libs of TikTok' does is repost videos of crazy libs doing and saying crazy things.
Lorenz will probably win a Pulitzer.
The 'Post' is trash.
At least a billionaire doesn't own the paper...
I challenge WaPo to explain its ethics in viewpoint neutral terms.
LOL well good fucking luck with that! They are too far into propaganda mode with the position that amplifying a voice is de facto criticism of the voice if the voice you are amplifying is one you don't (allegedly) approve of. How could Twitter even operate under such a convoluted algorithm of discontinuity? What mindcrime did the anonymous lady violate?
Taking progressives at their word is not only stupid now, it is a crime apparently worthy of doxxing. So glad WaPo isn't owned by some billionaire just so he can use it to go after people he hates!
The Left excels at the politics of personal destruction.
Today's liberals are the worst people in the world.
Further thoughts about exposing progressives as in LOTT:
1. Cockroaches also run away in fear when exposed by the light.
2. If LOTT had been named "voices I appreciate" would the account have been doxxed?
3. Where is the equal and opposite Cons of TikTok account to highlight the nutty things right wingers post?
4. This reinforces my belief that when discussing extremism the farther right you go the more "leave me alone-ism" you encounter and the farther left you look the more you find "I want to control everything-ism" and assumptions by people in the middle that "we are all essentially the same" is just claptrap happy talk.
I hope Tucker scorches this WaPo woman. Has she no decency?
Someone like Taylor Lorenz who is wearing a mask outdoors in April 2022 is, by definition, clinically insane.
Masks are useful that way. They identify the nuts.
Oh, Ann. The Left and WaPo in particular have no ethics.
I do find it very interesting that teaching third graders about sexuality is the hill the Left wants to die on. These people are totally sick.
Taylor spent at least one year at Harvard.
Visiting Nieman Fellow Visiting Nieman Fellow
2019 - 20202019 - 2020
Affiliate at the Berkman-Klein Center for Internet & Society Affiliate at the Berkman-Klein Center for Internet & Society
2019 - 20202019 - 2020
Activities and societies:
That time Taylor Lorenz complained that she herself got doxxed and harassed out of her apartment.
But everybody should remember Lorenz's first big story: She came to prominence because she doxxed Pamela Geller's two daughters, exposing them to all the online harassment she complains about.
Fen's Law: The Left doesn't really care about all the things they incessantly lecture the rest of us about.
WaPo, NYT, and others have never been neutral, nor even close to neutral for many years. Collusion. Yep. "A vast left-wing conspiracy." The evidence indeed supports a strong claim. Conspirators must hang together or hang separately.
Read this Kunstler opinion post from December 2019 (2.5 years ago!) regarding apparent RICO violations with the anti-Trump Ukraine impeachment "whistleblower." Think about this in context of the later Durham findings and the 2022 Ukraine war. So much chaos might have been avoided:
Predators spoiling for blood won't stop until they get blood.
"Lorenz was born in New York City and grew up in Old Greenwich, Connecticut. She attended Greenwich High School and a Swiss boarding school. She attended college at the University of Colorado Boulder, later transferring to Hobart and William Smith College, where she graduated with a BA in Political Science."
Translation: She's a rich East coast liberal who couldn't get into Harvard as an undergrad so she went out to CO to spoke dope in Boulder.
You are challenging the WaPo to explain their ethics. While I think there is actually zero chance that anyone at the paper will accept the challenge, O think that Gilbar nailed in his first comment.
It doesn't quite work, but maybe Taylor Lorenz is the Jussie Smollett of "victims" of online harassment.
What is 'journalism' when you can win a Pulitzer Prize for transcribing the lies of the Hillary campaign, the way the WaPo did?
Democracy Dies in Darkness!
I regard the woman behind Libs of TikTok as a hero. Imagine watching so much fake drama and mental illness so that she can draw attention to the most over-the-top or interesting posts. Remember those stories of how traumatized the Facebook moderators were after a few weeks on the job . . . This cannot be fun. And really, she's just hitting a metaphorical "share" button, helping a little bit to make the original post go viral, which the original poster must be hoping for.
Banned and doxxed for "sharing" posts . . .the mind reels.
“[Libs of TikTok] is playing on fears and misunderstandings of who trans people are, while amping up extreme rhetoric and normalizing portraying queer people as inherently dangerous to children,” [said Gillian Branstetter, a media strategist for the ACLU]. “It’s hard to stoke moral panic without main characters, and the role Libs of TikTok is playing is finding those characters.”
There's two possibilities here:
1: The people Libs of TikTok highlights are extremist loons.
In that case, those who share the ideology but are NOT extremist loons would want the bad guys called out, so their extremism can be countered
2: The people Libs of TikTok highlights are saying what the rest of them believe
In that case, it's educational to highlight that information, so we can all understand what's going on, and it's utter hypocrisy to be upset with Libs of TikTok for educating the world
The left has spent the "post Musk buying Twitter" time screaming that "moderation" is necessary to protect people from evil. well, Libs of TikTok is highlighting just the kind of lunatic extremists that those "moderators" should be shutting down, no?
I mean, if that's not what the LGBTQ+ community believes, then it's disinformation and misinformation that needs to be censored.
If you're not going to censor the people producing the videos, there can be no legitimate reason for censoring the person who highlights them
But, of course, the people supporting this AREN'T reasonable people. They're evil scum
One of the leftist here, needs to post exactly what harm the Libs of Tick Tock precipitated on others?
I want to understand.
Well...there's much to this story, and Taylor Lorenz's story, as has been documented in many places (probably here among them). But for some refresher and updates: Instapundit on this insanity.
Lorenz seems to be a mess. We know WaPo is a mess. It's fascinating that they view themselves as the keepers of Democracy, and the upholders of truth, with the mission of shining that light of truth on evil wherever it can be found. Well...not wherever. Maybe more like occasionally shining a light on the addresses, work places, phone numbers, and relatives of strangers who may disagree with them.
High moral character on display here.
"online influencer" is a bigger deal to them than "journalsit."
Love the typo! If your "beat" is reporting on Twitter, perhaps you are more of a "journalsit" than a "journalist".
"I challenge WaPo to explain its ethics in viewpoint neutral terms."
I challenge the WaPo to explain!
"I'm not saying there's much chance that its ethics are viewpoint neutral."
Well, of course. So why challenge?
"I just want to see it take the problem seriously"
I want to see them take the problem seriously! They should be better!
I appreciate Althouse's liberal sensibilities, and the world would be better if more acted like her, but still: give it a rest. These people are your enemies. They don't give a damn about your challenges. They are serious only about their cause and their power. Count yourself lucky that they haven't sicced the mob on you yet.
The popularity of Libs of TikTok comes at a time when far-right communities across the Internet have begun doxing school officials and calling for their execution.
1: So, since that's a (claimed) behavior of the "far-right", the WaPo is establishing that they're "far left" by doing the same
2: School officials are public servants, on the taxpayer's dime, who are acting with the power of the government behind them.
"Libs of TikTok" is a private individual, with no power other than the power of sunlight
I challenge WaPo to explain its ethics in viewpoint neutral terms. I'm not saying there's much chance that its ethics are viewpoint neutral. I just want to see it take the problem seriously and either try to demonstrate the neutrality of its ethics or, alternatively, defend its non-neutrality forthrightly. I'd like to know the rule that it purports to follow, because I want to be able to use it in the future.
Oh, now that's precious.
They have no principles. They have no ethics. They have a lust for power, and that is it
The rule they follow is simple:
Anything that we think is good in the moment for "our side" we do. There are no principles, no precedents, no standards, so the fact that what we're doing "sets a bad precedent" is irrelevant, because there are no precedents that support the other side
Are you a moral / ethical / decent human being? Do you have principles and / or standards?
Then there is no place on the Left for you, and if they win you will be lined up against a wall with the rest of us.
Maybe you'll be really lucky, and the rest of us will defeat them
Maybe you'll be a bit lucky, and you'll die of natural causes before they get around to executing you for being an enemy of the people
But there are no worthwhile human beings in power on that side of the aisle. So, unless and until they lose, and lose so hard that they clearly understand that having no principles is a losing strategy, no one with principles can legitimately support the Left
There's that "Fear" red herring again. It's not that people who oppose the Radical Eunuch agenda have philosophical or moral disagreements with using peer pressure and adult authority to groom vulnerable kids into pretending they're something they're not. Oh no. It's "fear". "Phobia". Some pseudo-psychological diagnosis that protects the vile from the light of truth and science.
It's as simple as acknowledging fact against pro-Trans fictions. No fear, no psychosis. Just science and ethics, coupled with a bit of rational common sense.
From Ace;
"They published her full name and a link to her address, as well as to her real estate license, which of course was done solely for the purpose of generating politically-motivated professional complaints against her and depriving her of her income."
Althouse, you are paying them to do this. Maybe you should take out another subscription, so they can afford to perform even more of this service that you support.
Who is the Woman behind the Libs of TikTok?
Why would anyone care?
Still wearing a mask...and outside. Figures.
Is this the conversation that the left would like to be having now?
How did this happen to the left? They are so victimized, and the face of their victimization is now Taylor Lorenz. What a good look for the party. This is just the kind of stuff they need to build a diverse coalition, especially in poorer working class areas.
If she had been born in Texas, she'd be the Mom who would put a contract out on the other girl's Dad to give her darlin' girl an edge for Head Cheerleader. We know the type.
You would think that Lorenz would be embarrassed by the hypocrisy. But one of the privileges of the Left is a complete lack of accountability. None of her readers will care about, or even note the hypocrisy. History begins anew each day. Lorenz herself will feel no shame. The only standard that matters to the Left is loyalty to the Left.
Who would you rather have in charge of Twitter...Musk or Lorenz clones?
Notice that WaPo poses as concerned about chilling the speech of the original TikTokker...
... by spreading the speech of the original TikTokker.
War is Peace.
Freedom is Slavery.
Amplifying Speech is Restricting Speech.
The WaPo who is owned by billionaire Jeff Bezos. Ha!
The hypocrisy is the point
Ironically, while demos-cracy aborted in darkness is social progress, democracy that dies in darkness is still progress: one step forward, two steps backward.
Religion: morality in a universal frame, its relativistic sibling "ethics", its politically congruent cousin "law".
Still wearing a mask...and outside. Figures.
Follow the cargo cult, not the science.
The hypocrisy is the point
Not merely hypocrisy, but bigotry: sanctimonious hypocrisy.
Blogger gadfly said...
Who is the Woman behind the Libs of TikTok?
Why would anyone care?
You obviously cared, gadfly. Let's harass her and maybe another James Hodgkinson will kill her.
The obvious solution is to dox the SJW journalist. where does she live? what's her address and phone number? The public has a right to know.
After all, isn't she PROUD of FIGHTING THE RIGHT? Why hide? Note that the NYT was going to do a story complete with photos on tucker carlson's new residence until carlson threatened to read the NYT's editors home addresses on the air.
It's hilarious watching her public meltdown. Popcorn is out. She is okay with going to peoples relatives homes?? Turnabout is fair play. Progressives will cry when it is done back to them. Just look at how they react to 1/6/21 as opposed to a whole summer of rioting, looting and burning down businesses.
What a garbage woman this Lorenz is. Makes sense she works for a garbage “newspaper”.
“Dimocracy Dies in Shit Journalism”. And Megan McCardle used to have more sense… her display of casual anti-semitism was enlightening.
David Begley said..."Masks are useful that way. They identify the nuts"
If our civil war ever goes hot, it makes for excellent target acquisition criteria.
Joe Smith said..."And Lorenz goes out of her way to let readers know the account holder is an Orthodox Jew.
Why is that relevant?"
Orthodox Jews tend to be much more conservative than other Jews, often voting for GOP candidates. Some of the heavily Orthodox neighborhoods in New York City even voted for Trump. Consequently, the Left can be anti-Semitic toward the Orthodox without feeling guilty about it.
Apparently, Taylor Lorenz harassed an account yesterday with a similar name to LOTT. In a attempt to fish for information, she threatened that account that they would be implicated as “starting a hate campaign against LGBTQ people” if they didn’t respond to her request for information or comment.
There are several threads on the entire saga over at I feel as if I've returned to 9th grade! However, Lorenz by putting all this info out there is practically begging people to go to the person's house and harass her. She wants to cause problems with her employer as well. This, after Lorenz was on a news segment literally crying over online harassment she suffers daily.
She is okay with going to peoples relatives homes?? Turnabout is fair play. Progressives will cry when it is done back to them
Ah, the multitrimester span of the nationwide insurrections, neighborhood incursions of Some, Select [Black] Lives Matter and Anti-fa[mily]... But I'm progressive!
"... when far-right communities across the Internet have begun doxing school officials and calling for their execution."
It's only a matter of time before they pull this crap on the wrong person.
Iman- Megan McCardle used to have more sense.
I remember her original blog and, like this one, the comments were the best part of the blog. Her postings were usually good and she was somewhat balanced (maybe a little too personal sometimes) but that was before Trump and the WaPo. She was a conservative libertarian who decided that if icky Trump was a conservative, she couldn't be a conservative. The little I read of her now is very inconsistent and illogical. No theme to her posts. She was a good example of how blogs shaped dialog in the 2000-2010 years.
Megan McArdle, you say? Here's her take;
"Interestingly, LibsofTikTok appears to be Orthodox, and to work at a realty that caters to the Orthodox, so I'm guessing the fallout of having her name revealed is going to be pretty minimal."
Yes, Megan says it's OK because LOTT is a Jew. Good old Megan, right?
Because of Wapo paywall I can't tell if enough personal info was disclosed beyond name and profession to really qualify as doxxing. But I suppose doxxing by others will follow. And it sounds like the name was figured out from with prior handles by a techie on Twitter. Given the editorializing and advocacy by the site and widespread promotion and lionizing by others on the right, this exposure was a matter of time.
So this is what happens when he of the richest people in the world buys a media outlet.
No wonder the little fascists are upset about Elon Musk.
Comfortably Smug
So, if I'm reading this right, journos at a news site owned by a mega corporation doxxed a jewish mother who was calling out threats to children on a chinese spy app?
8:38 AM · Apr 19, 2022
Given the editorializing and advocacy by the site and widespread promotion and lionizing by others on the right, this exposure was a matter of time.
So that makes it OK...right?
My neighbor is going to die eventually, so what's the big deal if I kill him this afternoon?
noise boosting
She went to the womans relatives houses. What more do you need that she is harassing the woman?? Will she and other progressives be okay when conservatives reporters start showing up at THEIR relatives houses to harass them??
Streisand Effect: As of a couple of hours ago LoTT has added over 70,000
followers on Twitter today. I think she is now over 700K.
One of these days some crazy is going to take one of these assholes out. If in the very unlikely event someone showed up at my door, I'd dial 911 and tell 'em, someone is at my door and I think I saw a gun. Then I'd chat with her until I heard the sirens.
I was in a Covid testing site on Chambers street NYC trying to get the manager to move the block-long queue of masked people lined up along the front of all the buildings to move them to the curb. A big creep tells me he is going to put my face on Twitter (and I'm in a mask). I laughed in his face took off the mask and asked him who the fuck are you and who do you fucken' think I am. I think he shat himself.
These pathetic feckless assholes actually feel empowered by this bullshit. They really are mentally ill.
Taylor Lorenz should be recognized for her hard work in seeking to destroy the life of somebody who is merely amplifying and propagating the messages of people whom Taylor apparently favors. Taylor likes doxxing? Good. Give her lots of it. Transparency is good, right? And there should be follow-up to show the world in coming months (and years) "Whatever Happened To Taylor Lorenz?" That should raise the tone of the discourse and possibly reveal the workings of Karma.
Of course I qualify my comment in the same way as other posters above: nothing illegal should even be contemplated!
"3. Where is the equal and opposite Cons of TikTok account to highlight the nutty things right wingers post?"
CNN, MSNBC, SNL, Colbert, Samantha Bee, Kimmel, ...
As usual, the crowd focuses on all the wrong things.
Spend just 5 minutes watching what Libs of Tik Tok posts to understand what's really going on here
As Sandra Fluke would say...that's not funny. It's sick, twisted, demonic liberals bragging about what they do to you children everyday in the classroom.
I am glad Althouse is upholding the high standards of liberalism, as Megan McArdle (formerly "Jane Galt") reveals that her personal standards have collapsed.
I guess my mom was right: who you hang around with does influence what you think.
Yay, Althouse (and Meade).
Boo, McArdle! Anti-semitism is not a good look (The Orthodox jewess won't suffer. They all hang together, don't they?)
Just another reminder that the today's lefties are the baddies. Choose your side wisely.
Shorter Readering: She was asking for it.
I challenge WaPo to explain its ethics in viewpoint neutral terms. I'm not saying there's much chance that its ethics are viewpoint neutral. I just want to see it take the problem seriously and either try to demonstrate the neutrality of its ethics or, alternatively, defend its non-neutrality forthrightly. I'd like to know the rule that it purports to follow, because I want to be able to use it in the future.
Ann supports the WAPO and pays for everything they do.
Re: Megan McArdle. I too used to read her blog, but she completely lost me when she became employed by the Post. Like many others who shifted employers or went to MSM (Matt Lewis, S.E. Cupp, Alysyn Camerota, Jonah Goldberg, Steven Hayes, etc.), the person signing the checks calls the tune, and the "independent thinker" is only too happy to oblige. There's a term for this, but I'm not finding a polite synonym.
On a somewhat related note, today is April 19th, the anniversary of the battles of Lexington and Concord, which touched off the American Revolution. So let's not mar it by letting reactionary insurrectionists, seditionists and Second Amendment crazies mar it with their Don't Tread on Me! flags and bumper stickers.
Readering: "Given the editorializing and advocacy by the site and widespread promotion and lionizing by others on the right, this exposure was a matter of time."
Such pathetic lies. There is nearly zero editorializing, its just videos your psycho woke allies are tossing out there, proudly and loudly, bragging about all the lunatic and sick tactics and techniques they are putting into practice to sexualize even the youngest of children and bragging about how they are hiding it from parents.
Your. Psycho. Allies.
And this exposure of your lunatic pals isnt going to end. So get used to more light being shone on these dangerous idiots.
Some people on the right dox, so we — a prominent and elite newspaper — can dox a particular individual who isn't accused of doxxing anyone but is popular with people on the right.
"Those evil, evil people on the other side are doing unspeakable things, so we, The Good people of the World, must, regrettably, do the exact same things to counter them. (They started it!)"
Readering said...
Because of Wapo paywall I can't tell if enough personal info was disclosed beyond name and profession to really qualify as doxxing. But I suppose doxxing by others will follow. And it sounds like the name was figured out from with prior handles by a techie on Twitter. Given the editorializing and advocacy by the site and widespread promotion and lionizing by others on the right, this exposure was a matter of time.
It was just a matter of time because the left is populated by fascist assholes like Readering that demand people who oppose their politics be outed and harassed.
There is something else that is a matter of time.
It is only a matter of time before we start treating you like you have treated us.
’…I can't tell if enough personal info was disclosed beyond name and profession to really qualify as doxxing.’
That fascist Lorenz showed up at the front door of one of LOTT’s relatives, so yes - I’d call that doxxing, asshole. Plus, if you’ve read her name, you’d find it as tantamount to unique; so again - doxxing, jackass.
This is what happens when you let a billionaire owned media corporation bully people to the point that they won't speak out.
Lorenz is the perfect, literally the perfect, example of Fen's Law in action.
Seems like a Twitter banning is in order... oh wait, she was on the right, not "right wing" like those Azov nazis, but right of Hillary Clinton is far enough right to strip you of any concern for your well being; so instead, she was the one banned.
Dave Begley said...
I do find it very interesting that teaching third graders about sexuality is the hill the Left wants to die on. These people are totally sick.
Well, sick and insane, but not stupid.
If you want to completely screw up a kid's sexuality, you will be lot more successful if you start at kindergarten, then if you start in high school.
As the Left really wants to create as many LGBTQ+ people as possible, they need to start young
Evil, sick, twisted. But not stupid
Which is why they're so enraged at getting caught
I was wrong about Lorenz, the WaPoo reporter. She is not 40, she is 49.
She attempts to dress way, way younger than her real age. Here she is trying to get away with wearing Garanamials (TM), which was popular in the early 1970s, when she was (scientists estimate) in her mid-30s:
I used to agree 100% with the idea that the great thing about freedom of speech is that it makes it so much easier to spot the idiots.
I had no idea there were so many of them. Yikes!
Birches said...
The WaPo who is owned by billionaire Jeff Bezos. Ha!
It bears reminding that Mexican billionaire Carlos slim still is the second-largest shareholder of the NYT, right after Uber-Woke Black Rock.
So Lorenz posted the ladies full name, address, professional information, religion, and then showed up in person to harass the woman's relatives.
Readering and Gadfly are perfectly 100% fine with this. She's only an Orthodox Jew, right? They don't have rights! It's ok to stick a huge "Go kill them!" target on them because the left doesn't like them--that's Readering and Gadfly's motto! Along with Newsweek, who jumped in on this with both feet and explicitly pointed out her religion, again, as an Orthodox Jew and essentially said that makes her fair game.
I do hope Lorenz gets what's coming to her. And how could she possibly complain if someone, say 8Chan, doxxed her and she was harassed at work and home and all her relatives had to lock up and flee because of fear? Isn't this the world she and the left want?
Readering, isn't this what you want? For all leftist journalists to have all their private lives revealed so they can be harassed and perhaps worse?
"According to Washington Examiner reporter Jerry Dunleavy, an early version of the article linked to the Libs of TikTok account owner’s real estate license. The link contained the account owner’s real estate license number, full name and possible address." In other words, her livelihood is threatened. Quoted from
WaPo is infamous for persecuting their targets in trials by press until they take a knee, commit unforced errors, and beg for reprieve from social justice. Well, times have changed, and the Fourth Estate no longer enjoys the degrees of freedom it once did in order to exercise liberal license in public forums.
She's only an Orthodox Jew, right?
First, they came for the babies, called them "burdens", and aborted... canceled them. Then, they came for the Jews, and alleging privilege, diversity, etc., proceeded to abort... cancel them. Then they came for the Mexican-Americans... White... Hispanics of White. A progressive path and grade.
To WaPo's credit, demos-cracy... democracy is indeed aborted in darkness... the Twilight Fringe - emanations from penumbras.
Can this loon and the WaPo be sued for harassment? The media shouldn't be able to run an intimidation campaign against members of the public who in of themselves are not subjects of interest.
I agree about Streisand Effect but what if it gets you killed by the lunatics on the other side? I don't think I have heard of a "right winger" trying to injure a lefty. Plenty of examples of lefties trying to kill our side. Rand Paul was only one example.
Seth Dillon is the CEO of the Babylon Bee and he's offered her a job!
3/ I think they'll also be surprised by the support she receives. I want them to know that she won't be canceled from her job because this *is* her job now. I've worked out a deal with her that will turn her heroic, high-risk work into a career.
Apparently I have found Taylor Lorenz annoying at some point in the past. I have her blocked on Twitter. I seldom do this, but I will say that I think I showed excellent judgement in this instance.
Tucker covered this on his first segment tonight. Turns out the German government worked with WaPo to dox this woman.
"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isa. 5:20.)
I sincerely pray that those who have ears, hear the controversy caused by calling good evil &evil- good. How the hell is this ever going to get “fixed” where the reality of things is, in fact, reality. Good Lord.
>> Who is the Woman behind the Libs of TikTok?/Why would anyone care?
Wow, Gadfly, that's a pretty poor attempt. If no one should care, WTF is WP publishing a promoted article on that very subject?
The Soviet leftrats who work at Democrat Party Wapo are OK with doxxing.
Seth Dillon
1/ The exposure of @libsoftiktok
isn't journalism; it's pure intimidation. They're threatened by her effectiveness, so they hope to silence her by making her too afraid to continue. They want to raise the cost of doing her work so high that she has no choice but to quit.
The modern left ARE the new Soviets.
"So what is the standard for doxxing? I'd like to see WaPo state the answer to that question explicitly. Are they saying that those who highlight vile speech deserve to be stripped of their pseudonymity? Or are they saying — say it clearly, WaPo! — that when speech WaPo likes is exposed to people who don't like that speech, it becomes acceptable to dox whoever exposed that speech?"
Althouse breaks her own world record for gibberish.
U.S.—Liberals are worried that the popular Libs of TikTok account is making them look "bad, stupid, and completely out of touch with reality." According to multiple sources, it's doing this by just sharing their actual words, according to leftists who have raised concerns about the targeted harassment of their ideas by just sharing their ideas.
"Yes, I posted that video of myself screaming about teaching gender ideology to kindergartners," said local Portland teacher Marie Walsky. "But it was just intended for psychotic people on TikTok to consume—I never meant for normal people with regular thoughts and feelings to see it. By sharing my ideas, the Libs of TikTok account is making me look like a real dummy."
"When I screamed at the sky because someone misgendered me, I never thought someone would amplify that to a wider audience and make me look like a completely unhinged psycopath. By, you know, just sharing exactly what I actually did."
Some are calling the tactic of just sharing liberals' actual words "the most sinister attack on liberals you could think of." Said one journalist, "See, you could try to parody what we believe, but eventually, you're gonna run out of material. If you just repost things we actually say with no commentary whatsoever, completely unedited, well, that's a dangerous attack on our ideas that makes us look totally stupid."
At publishing time, Taylor Lorenz was knocking on the door of the author of this Babylon Bee article.
Bab B.
Greg Price
The Washington Post put more effort into exposing @libsoftiktok
's name and address than they did investigating Hunter Biden's laptop
The modern progressive Soviet left - they are all LIARS.
Given the editorializing and advocacy by the site and widespread promotion and lionizing by others on the right, this exposure was a matter of time.
By simply wearing such a short skirt, her rape was a matter of time.
One of these days some crazy is going to take one of these assholes out.
Yep. That's what I keep saying.
In the past, I'd be opposed to it. But the way the left has erased all boundaries of decency, 'it's only a matter of time.'
Lorenz is the social media reporter at two of our nation's major newspapers.....and has only 300,000 Twitter followers? That seems odd, no? Who is out there pushing her supposed importance?
Greenwald has 1.8 Million followers.
Stephen Miller (RedSteeze) over 343K
Mollie Hemingway over 754K
Why does the social media reporter have so few social media fans? Why does she get such outsized attention? I'd love to know what's behind that.
Very late to the show but...
What I find most interesting is that when the "right" is exposed to it's wackier elements, the general instinct is to disassociate from them. When reversed, the "left" tries to shut down the massenger. There seems to never be any "leftist" view too extreme that it must be affirmatively defended or rejected on its merits other than attacking the person who made it more widely known.
Democracy dies when Media lies. They are lying. They posted the real estate license of the woman, and now they are denying they did. They forget people are smart enough to take screen shots of their posts, before they take them down. They think we are as dumb and gullible as they are.
Michael K, is it that Rush couldn’t make TV work, or that Roger Aisles (producer) moved to Fox News?
As Tucker revealed last night (in news you won't read in the NYT's or WAPO, the doxing help came from Germany. Read all about it here...Pretty scary shit
You cannot file lawsuits anonymously. Journalism in this case seems to take on a similar role. The Tik Tak lady is prosecuting a case against the libs, and appears comfortable with publicity that comes with it. I think the identity is a fair game, if not a necessary part of determining credibility.
PenguinBelly, so you are okay with conservative journalists like James O'keefe going to left wing activists families houses and harassing them?? Good to know. All the lady did was repost videos that leftie whack jobs posted and the lefties are going NUTS that they are being exposed to the world. You okay with teachers teaching your kids things you don't agree with?? Would you be okay if your kid had a conservative teacher that was secretly teaching them about GOD and Religion??
Taylor Lorenz covers social media trends as part of her beat. By doxing LibsofTikTok, she's effectively attacking a competitor. Is there a potential antitrust/competition law issue here? Admittedly, the First Amendment probably protects Lorenz's and WaPo's unethical actions, but that doesn't mean they should not be called out for attempting to actively stifle a competitor.
Mutaman said...
Althouse breaks her own world record for gibberish.
Poor Mutaman, so completely f'ed up that discussions of principles are "gibberish" to him
Greg The Class Traitor deserves to be stripped oh his pseudonymity.(sic)
Mutaman said...
Greg The Class Traitor deserves to be stripped oh his pseudonymity.(sic)
Says the poster with a fake name
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