April 10, 2022

"[Trump] added that Oz had said he was in 'extraordinary health, which made me like him even more (although he also said I should lose a couple of pounds!).'"

"He also stated, without any specific evidence for his claim, that 'women, in particular, are drawn to Dr. Oz for his advice and counsel. I have seen this many times over the years.'"

From "Trump endorses Dr. Oz in Pennsylvania Senate race, a key battleground/The former president wades into a closely watched contest" (WaPo). 

Also: "'No teacher should ever be allowed to teach far left gender theories to our children without parental consent,' Trump said. 'It’s truly child abuse, plain and simple.'"


Tina Trent said...

The nice thing about this endorsement is that there is nothing to say about it. Again, Trump leads the way.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Why not? Oz is no more improbable than Trump himself. And the anti-Establishment feeling that elevated Trump has only intensified. Stick it to the Man.

baghdadbob said...

"No specific evidence" that "women, in particular, are drawn to Dr. Oz for his advice and counsel." Daytime TV ratings for Oprah-produced shows in general, and the Dr. Oz show in particular, appeal to an overwhelmingly female audience. But since Trump didn't state this obvious and easy to uncover fact, he can been criticized for offering "no specific evidence."

But since I didn't include the ratings data in this post, I suppose I offered "no specific evidence" as well.

Joe Smith said...

Fucking disaster.

Trump has too many yes-men around him.

Time to just play golf.

cassandra lite said...

"...which made me like him even more." This is the quintessence of Trump. Dear lord, please make him go away.

Michael K said...

This is the quintessence of Trump. Dear lord, please make him go away.

He is the nightmare of all lefties, groomers, and grifters.

Inga said...

Trump speaking about what constitutes child abuse, after all the incredibly inappropriate comments he made regarding his own daughter. Disgusting.

gspencer said...

Oz is /is not a Muslim? Either way has me suspicious. The influence of Islam is a very worrisome thing. Because Muslims consider the Shariah as superior to any man-made law, there is no way that any Muslim can take the Article VI oath and mean it. That Omar character from MN is Exhibit A. Along with Talib and Carson. Now add in the concept of taqiyya (the practice through which Muslims are permitted to lie if it advances Islam) and you have the enemy inside.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I heard an interview with Doc Oz. He is delightfully articulate. Unlike Trump.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm not anti Trump - but I really do not get his appeal.

I'm interested in great communicators. Trump is not one of them. and now - it's all kiss Trump's ring/or else. That is not the direction needed right now.

Howard said...

The Con and Quack

J Melcher said...

In a "good cop / bad cop" scenario, I'd like to see Trump as the BAD cop: uttering the mean tweets, the sarcastic analysis, the hard truths loosely expressed. (DeSantis or Scott Walker could be the good cop) In that fantasy, Trump would enjoy the VP slot -- say whatever he wants and allow the White House to "circle back" or "walk it back" or even "disavow" whatever they feel is too extreme -- after the initial comments have been poll tested.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Swetnick is completely silent on Biden family corruption and sexual vileness.

Tina Trent said...

If you line Trump up against all other elected officials or candidates, he in the top .1% of people who say anything of substance at all.

I voted for him. I'd vote for him again. But I'm with Ann Coulter when she says he wasted the greatest opportunity to address illegal immigration of the last forty years, and so screwed over his base.

Still, at least he said something about it, which is far better than the mealy-mouthed status quo. He strolled the Overton window a bit. Which is the best we've gotten in decades.

Dr. Oz is just a celebrity weirdo. He'll do fine in Congress. No better and no worse than all the other weirdos, just a good bit more high-profile. His big thing is consuming flax seeds and endorsing plastic surgery. I imagine Crack Emcee would be driven insane by his victory though -- he's nothing if not New New Age.

It reminds me of when Newt Gingrich used to trot the Tofflers around behind him in their matching beige one-piece zippered pant-suits. Few in Washington are sane.

Tina Trent said...

Also, Ann, of course his base is women. Dr. Oz is one of the three lasting products of the Oprah show legacy: Oz, Dr. Phil, and Jeff Bezos all got their start through Oprah Winfrey.

Not a lot of men watched Oprah 20 years ago. That's not an opinion. Poor Crack.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

Trump speaking about what constitutes child abuse, after all the incredibly inappropriate comments he made regarding his own daughter. Disgusting.

This is how stupid and dishonest and gullible you have to be to be a democrat.

Achilles said...

Can Of Cheese for Hunter said...

I'm not anti Trump - but I really do not get his appeal.

I'm interested in great communicators. Trump is not one of them. and now - it's all kiss Trump's ring/or else. That is not the direction needed right now.

You like pretty words.

The rest of us want people who do things.

Achilles said...

Dr. OZ seems like a quintessential Beautiful Person.

Not the direction I want things to go.

Trump probably feels connected to self promoters.

At thins point anyone not associated with either party is better than someone who is though. Both party machines are corrupt and need to be gutted.

Drago said...

Russia Collusion Liar Inga: "Trump speaking about what constitutes child abuse, after all the incredibly inappropriate comments he made regarding his own daughter. Disgusting."

Remember, Inga explicitly accused Trump of incest with his daughter AND accused Melania of being a prostitute.

Inga STILL believes Hillary's hoax dossier is legit.

So, that's Inga for you.

Interesting observation: Inga has nothing to say about Hunter having sex with underage Chinese girls while high on crack...in fact, Inga declared the Biden family "normal".

I guess maybe it is for democraticals...hence all the grooming and sexualization of children.

J. Farmer said...

Contemporary American conservatism is in a state of utter degeneracy. There was a time when being conservative was practically synonymous with being mature, prudent, sober-minded, level-headed, even-tempered. Today, conservative thinking oscillates from the infantile to the juvenile, occasionally achieving the sophomoric.

In 2016, there was at least a glimmer of hope when Trump tapped working-class populist outrage over globalization, deindustrialization, financialization, and mass immigration. Turns out, nothing's going to be done about that. In consolation, we get anti-CRT, anti-grooming, and anti-trans athletics. Plus all those anti-Shariah law bills that were passed a few years ago. The decades-long demographic and economic decline will continue unabated.

You cannot fight the culture war without fighting the class war. The 1% are the opposition. The long-standing GOP strategy of cutting their taxes has not been effective. The newer strategy of begging them to reinstate Twitter accounts doesn't look much more promising.

The Vault Dweller said...

"'No teacher should ever be allowed to teach far left gender theories to our children without parental consent,' Trump said. 'It’s truly child abuse, plain and simple.'"

If it is truly child abuse then why should it be taught to children even with parental consent? Child abuse is supposed to be actions that no parent can decide to perform on their children or allow to be performed on their children. It is possible for some activities to be wrong to subject children to without it being child abuse. That being said, I am generally against the teaching of leftist gender theory ideas to young children, but like many things there is a problem of grouping everything together under one category when there are many different gradients and they are not all equally bad. Teaching 2nd graders that just because they may look like a boy or girl they may actually be the opposite or neither at all is really bad. Teaching 2nd graders about sexual practices of adults is bad. Teaching 2nd graders that sometimes families have two dads or two moms isn't bad.

Sebastian said...

"He is the nightmare of all lefties, groomers, and grifters."

Not at all. They remember how he lost to FJB, of all people, and helped the GOP lose Georgia. They remember how he utterly failed to clear the swamp or close the border. They remember how much the nice women of America disliked him and his mean, mean tweets. Of course, we remember that even cruelly neutral Althouse couldn't bring herself to move an inch off her comfortable sideline.

Jupiter said...

Apparently Igna is aware that sexualizing children is repugnant. Don't worry about it, Igna. Hold your nose and keep voting for your friends the criminal perverts.

MadTownGuy said...

Not voting for Oz in the primary. But if he wins there, I plan to vote for him in November. I'm still getting up to speed on the political landscape here in PA. Tom Wolf is gone as he's not running again, and there's a crowded field of (R) contenders in the May primary for the governorship.

bbkingfish said...

In the PA Senate GOP primary, Dr. Oz (who lives in NJ) and The Billionaire Hedge Fund guy are the two top candidates. If Fetterman wins the Dem primary, and Oz wins for the red team, then Pennsylvanians will get to choose between two guys who owe the party regulars absolutely nothing.

This doesn't happen very often, so if it does, take plenty of pictures.

John henry said...

Blogger J Melcher said...

In that fantasy, Trump would enjoy the VP slot -- say whatever he wants

I would prefer him in the president of the USA slot again but, if we had someone like DeSantis as President of the US, I would not mind seeing Donald Trump as President of the Senate(VPUS). Sitting at the lectern every day, deciding who can speak, what bills get advanced and so on. It would be an interesting battle at least initially since VPs have let the majority leader take some of these powers. They would probably resist handing them back to the Senate President.

As far as walking anything back, the White House can simply say something like "The VP does not work for me and I have no control over him. He is in the legislative, not the executive branch. If he gets too outlandish, the Senate is the only body that can discipline via censure or impeachment. Not saying I agree or disagree with him, just that he is completely independent."

There are no term limits on the VP, BTW. He could serve multiple terms until he decides he's had enough.

John Henry

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Is Trump still drinking coke? I hope he's given it up. I've given up all sugary drinks. I did break that trend/diet? when I visited the Coca-Cola exhibit in Atlanta. They have a sampling room with all the drinks from around the world under the Coca-Cola umbrella. Talk about sugar hi.

Butkus51 said...

Inga, are you disgusted by Joe cradling young children when theyre obviously uncomfortable with it? They dont have to hide it anymore.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The corrupt Oligarch left had to install the crook. The crook needs protecting. by other high level crooks. It's an insiders game.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

First Family of Trash: Hunter Biden was Having Sexual Relations with Dead Brother’s Widow and Her Sister at Same Time.

The left? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Michael K said...

Blogger Inga said...

Trump speaking about what constitutes child abuse, after all the incredibly inappropriate comments he made regarding his own daughter. Disgusting.

But Biden, taking showers with his underage daughter is OK.

Got it.

farmgirl said...

The cool thing about Trump is he can speak and say nothing. Intentionally. Everyone thinks they know what he’s thinking, but it’s really the opposite.
Anyway- I’m appreciative of the Trump years. I’d love that back. Even if the only way is Trump. It surely beats this shitshow.

Browndog said...

Don't get your hopes up-

Oz is the antithesis of MAGA. From CRT to immigration to vaccine mandates to mutilation of confused teenagers on down the line. Fucker doesn't even have anything to do with Pennsylvania!

Trump says since he's been on tv a long time, that proves people like him. GTFO.

One thing about being on tv that long, everything he's said on camera is well documented. He's gong to get crushed, deservedly so.

And no, not letting Trump off the hook due to his "advisors". Love Trump, but not in his cult.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"He also stated, without any specific evidence for his claim..."

Trump had a successful tv show in NY and so did Dr OZ. Insiders knowledge doesn't count as a possibility for anything anymore?

The media Trump hatred continues unabated.

Jim at said...

"without any specific evidence for his claim"

Why does the media treat every, single thing Trump says as a lie? He simply said something. It's not like he's on the witness stand.

They can all go to hell.

Jim at said...

Trump speaking about what constitutes child abuse, after all the incredibly inappropriate comments he made regarding his own daughter. Disgusting.

Yeah. Because pedophile strangers grooming five-year-olds is exactly the same thing as saying something about your own child.


madAsHell said...

I always thought Dr. Oz was a flake that only appealed to vapid women looking for a boyfriend.

This doesn't change my opinion.

Chris Lopes said...

"Trump speaking about what constitutes child abuse, after all the incredibly inappropriate comments he made regarding his own daughter. Disgusting."

Not as disgusting as the Biden family shower thing, but ok.

Chris Lopes said...

"I'm not anti Trump - but I really do not get his appeal."

I admit to being anti-Trump and I think I do get it. For the last 60 years or so, the political class has done as they pleased without regard to the consequences. They could do that because they also set things up so they would be immune to the consequences. It wasn't their kids who had to walk through South East Asian jungles or Middle Eastern deserts. It wasn't their kids who would be educated by poor (and dangerous) schools. It wasn't their families who would have to choose between food and gas for the car this month.

Trump came along at a time when a lot of people were beginning to notice just how much the ruling class was shitting on them. Trump was willing to say that out loud. He came across as anti-establishment and voting for him seemed like saying a big FU to the arrogant and unaccountable folks in the establishment.

Trump's election should have been a wake up call for the political class, but it wasn't. Instead of asking "how did we get here", they just assumed Americans are stupid and have to be led by them even more. They went to war with the elected leader of the country without a thought of what they were doing to the institutions they were destroying to get to him. As much as I don't like Orange the Clown, I detest the people who thought it was necessary to wipe out 200+ years of Constitutional government (2 fucking impeachments, really?) to save the American people from their choices. Democracy dies in the darkness indeed.

Carol said...

Trump approves whoever is most famous.

Name recognition, baby!

J. Farmer said...

First Family of Trash: Hunter Biden was Having Sexual Relations with Dead Brother’s Widow and Her Sister at Same Time. The left? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

But Biden, taking showers with his underage daughter is OK. Got it.

Not as disgusting as the Biden family shower thing, but ok.

This sort of incessant, reflexive whataboutism is a very unhealthy habit to indulge in. A criticism of Trump is not refuted by a criticism of Biden. Likewise, neither criticism is refuted by accusing the critic of hypocrisy. And not only is it bad argumentation, it makes a moral critique of one's own side impossible. It's not even the work of a moral agent but a spokesperson, a publicist, a spin doctor, a mouthpiece. It's volunteer public relations.

Mason G said...

If Trump got a dollar for every person he's broken since he went into politics, he'd be rich.

Wait... nevermind.

rcocean said...

THe Establishment Republican senate candidate is a never trumper, open borders, neocon, jeb bush supporter.

That's why Trump supported the wizard of oz.

rcocean said...

Republicans are too fucking stoopid to win. They NEVER keep their eyes on the prize. No point in voting for Trump if you're going to keep electing RINO's to the Senate.

Drago said...

Farmer: "A criticism of Trump is not refuted by a criticism of Biden."

On the contrary, a lie told about Trump is absolutely refuted by speaking a truth about Biden.

Howard said...

Again with the pedo fetish. You people are sick.

Chris Lopes said...

"This sort of incessant, reflexive whataboutism is a very unhealthy habit to indulge in."

No one is defending Trump's behavior in this situation. Some of us are simply pointing out the rather selective outrage a particular poster is demonstrating as he/she/they was completely absent on the Biden story. Both men have demonstrated questionable behavior when it comes to female family members. Only one of them is actually President.

Drago said...

Howard: "Again with the pedo fetish. You people are sick."

Howard, like all the Groomer Enablers, is very very upset that alot of light is being shone upon his pedophile groomer allies.

Tough tiddlywinks Howard. Tell your sick bastard groomer pals to stop sexualizing 5 and 6 year olds and taking elementary school children to gay bars.

J. Farmer said...

@Chris Lopes:

No one is defending Trump's behavior in this situation.

No one was accused of defending Trump's behavior.

Some of us are simply pointing out the rather selective outrage a particular poster is demonstrating as he/she/they was completely absent on the Biden story.

Otherwise known as whataboutism.

Only one of them is actually President.

Likewise, there is rather selective outrage over the selective outrage of others. Trump himself was impressed by the loyalty of his supporters: "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK? It's, like, incredible."

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...

Again with the pedo fetish. You people are sick.

We are not the ones putting a pedophile apologist on the Supreme Court. Take a trip to Disney World and calm down. You'll be happier there with all the Democrats.

Michael K said...

Both men have demonstrated questionable behavior when it comes to female family members.

Evidence ? The niece, daughter of the alcoholic older brother is complaining but I have seen no evidence of any inappropriate behavior by Trump. It's just the random hatred of the idiots.

Readering said...

Trump is a man of simple interests. Principally Trump.

J. Farmer said...


Farmer: "A criticism of Trump is not refuted by a criticism of Biden."

On the contrary, a lie told about Trump is absolutely refuted by speaking a truth about Biden.

I quoted three statements about Biden. Which of them refuted "a lie told about Trump"? Also, "a lie told about Trump" is not synonymous with "a criticism of Trump."

Achilles said...

Howard said...

Again with the pedo fetish. You people are sick.

I remember what was said about the Catholic priests.

These teachers are doing far worse things and are openly telling kids to hide the grooming from their parents.

You are a sick fuck Howard.

Jim at said...

Trump is a man of simple interests. Principally Trump.

Well, that would certainly explain why he donated all four years of his presidential salary.

Achilles said...

J. Farmer said...

You cannot fight the culture war without fighting the class war. The 1% are the opposition. The long-standing GOP strategy of cutting their taxes has not been effective. The newer strategy of begging them to reinstate Twitter accounts doesn't look much more promising.

The 1% are not the problem.

It is the .0001%, their technocrat/laptop class, and the <20% that is the problem.

The 1% and the working/middle class are the other side. These are the people that make the country go.

When you use stupid leftist talking points you fall several pegs in estimation.

J. Farmer said...


When you use stupid leftist talking points you fall several pegs in estimation.

Here's a radical idea! How about just disagreeing with someone's position without being an insulting, snide prick about it? Please spare me the talk radio blowhard bullshit. It was lame when Wally George and Morton Downey, Jr. were doing it 35 years ago. That is, your accusation is itself a talking point. A well-worn and very tedious one.

These are the people that make the country go.

It is not their work ethic, productivity, or moral character I am impugning. The issue is their worldview and their sociopolitical influence within the culture war. The development of this worldview is chronicled in Tom Wolfe's The "Me" Decade and the Third Great Awakening, the proliferation of the term "yuppie" in the 1980s, David Brooks' Bobos in Paradise: The New Upper Class and How They Got There, and Coming Apart by Charles Murray. Ever hear of the phrase "liberal elite"?

Tina Trent said...

J.Farmer trifecta.

Rollo said...

Not the choice I would have made, but probably not disastrous either. I don't mind when Trump deviates from ideological conservatism, but he'll have to live with it when Oz turns on him, which will happen sooner or later if Oz is elected.

At this point every ideology is bankrupt, or at least overdrawn. Sooner or later, every ideological position comes up short. But the political cycle is such that sooner or later the ideas and movements that one thinks are dead come back into fashion and back into power, so the recurrent political obituaries for this or that tendency are a waste of time.

Robert Cook said...

"Well, that would certainly explain why he donated all four years of his presidential salary."

He made up for it many times over by billing the government for use of Trump facilities, (lodgings for secret services agents, conferences with foreign officials, etc.).

In short, he profited on the Presidency. He did not sacrifice a dime.

Chris Lopes said...

" Please spare me the talk radio blowhard bullshit. "

Here's a radical idea. When you are complaining about people being insulting snide pricks about disagreeing with you, try not being a snide insulting prick about it. Complaining about the use of a rhetorical technique that you then immediately use makes it seem like you just want the other side of the argument to unilaterally disarm.

Chris Lopes said...

"Trump is a man of simple interests. Principally Trump."


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