২৩ এপ্রিল, ২০২২

"'The vibes just feel very off,' said Tré Easton, a progressive consultant. Others use words like 'horrible' and 'debacle' to describe a political environment..."

"... that has gone from bad to worse over the last three months. Many fault the White House for steering President Biden too far to the left as he sought to pass social spending legislation stuffed with progressive priorities. Some see the president as a wounded figure who has failed to establish himself as the unequivocal leader of his fractious party.... Some Democratic politicians have begun creating distance between themselves and the president. Senate candidates are stampeding to break with the administration’s immigration policies, for instance. Other moves are more subtle, such as those of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, who quietly removed the president’s name from news releases about federally funded infrastructure projects. 'What you’re seeing is people feeling like it’s time to head for the lifeboats rather than trying to steer the ship,' said Robert Gibbs, a former White House press secretary who worked under Barack Obama...."

From "'It’s Time to Head for the Lifeboats': Democratic Fatalism Intensifies/Strategists and pollsters are increasingly talking about limiting the party’s expected losses in November rather than how to gain new seats" by Blake Hounshell (NYT).

৫৬টি মন্তব্য:

hombre বলেছেন...

How good life in the US could be if the progressives were really in lifeboats - at sea.

Rusty বলেছেন...

There should be no complaining. You did this to yourselves.

Steve Pitment বলেছেন...

By this time I would think that everyone working for the administration with eyes and ears knows that Joe is mentally incapable of doing the job. The pressure to get out and stop pretending otherwise has to be enormous.

There are many books about the clandestine but obvious efforts to prop him up that are to yet be written Nobody will want to appear in them. The end time, whatever triggers it, will be a torrant.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

It's like the old saying,

"A successful father usually has like, a thousand rats climbing all over him, but they'll swim off and leave a sinking orphan every time."

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Perhaps people not going along with crazy.

"Where did they teach you to talk like this? In some Panama City sailor "wanna hump-hump" bar? Or is this getaway day and your last shot at his whiskey? Sell crazy some place else. We're all stocked up here." As Good as It Gets (1997)

AMDG বলেছেন...

Joe Biden = Jimmy Carter on steroids

Would the Democrats be if better position if Trump had won in 2020?

Critter বলেছেন...

None of these realizations are new or insightful. The real reporting would be on the fractures inside the Democrat party and why they cannot back off the radical policies that have them hurtling toward the cliff. My take is they have sided with the faction that has enthusiasm for Democrat policies - the young, unlearned so-called progressives. The traditional core of the Democrat party is less than enthusiastic and increasingly willing to vote Republican. The progressives are inflexible and will not compromise and the traditional leaders of the Democrat party of have lost control of the progressives.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

"Many fault the White House for steering President Biden too far to the left ...".

Presumably, "the White House" is an organ of the Democratic Party, which "steers" the rotting corruption that is Joe Biden. I am reminded of Iowahawk's four-step plan for lefties.

Bill R বলেছেন...

Democrats are just panicking. They just need to explain to the ignorant how important it is to promote homosexual anal sex to first graders. Y'know, all those truck drivers and fireman and laundry workers are really, really stupid so it has to be explained to them loudly and often.

Milo Minderbinder বলেছেন...

Biden's simply lost his mind and is unable to control the handlers that control him. Biden is unqualified (in every sense and application of that term) for the job of president. This country isn't being run or led by Biden but rather by a increasingly desperate group of unelected political consultants wholly out-of-touch with what they view as the unwashed, and incapable of comprehending the second-order effects, economic and social, of their knee-jerk, left-fawning weekly policy fads.

R C Belaire বলেছেন...

Could not happen to a more deserving group. If the tide does turn we can only hope the (alleged) conservatives don't blow it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

NOT a single loyal democrat is concerned about Biden family corruption.
It's fake news, they insist! It's been debunked... they insist.

Not a single media elite (NBC affiliate etc) are concerned about Biden family corruption.

FBI created and built a fake-plan and entrapped 4 people who didn't even know each other - in a fake plot to help Gov. Whitmer(D) and bash Trump.

Media lie.

Lies come home to roost.

What's needed by the left is more cheat to win voting.

Temujin বলেছেন...

"'What you’re seeing is people feeling like it’s time to head for the lifeboats rather than trying to steer the ship,'"

In 2019 I started repeating that there should not be another Democrat elected for two generations. I meant it. It would take at least that long to clean that Party out and get it to be a viable national party again. I think 2021/2022 have proven me correct. It almost sounds like more and more, members of the Democratic Party are sounding a desperate emergency horn about the state of their own Party.

I'm still shocked anyone who is objective can look at the evidence of their senses when it comes to American life and say to themselves, "Yep, we're better off under the Dems." Just look around yourself. Wherever you live in the US- look around you.

And while the Republicans should capture a huge segment of the House and take back the Senate, I never underestimate the ability of Republicans to fuck things up.

Bender বলেছেন...

OK, so that's the news story for public consumption. What are they all saying about Biden's cognitive condition amongst themselves?

Richard Dolan বলেছেন...

"Head for the lifeboats" is such a dead metaphor. And it doesn't even describe what's going on.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Maybe they should think about why the voters are unhappy with them. Nah, who cares what those deplorable voters think.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

Worst. President. Ever.

Potted plants are smarter.

Readering বলেছেন...

The ambitious domestic program was premised on the notion that nothing would be possible after midterms. Midterms are almost always bad news for administration. The fatalism seems unremarkable.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...


The Dems has got the cheating down to a science.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Progressives on the Biden Administration: It’s the vibe, stupid.

John henry বলেছেন...

A few weeks ago I read a column by some fascist (dem) complaining that donald trump got Biden nominated and elected on purpose.

S/He was a bit vague on how he did this but was very sure that he did it in full knowledge that Brandon would destroy the demmy brand and this was the reason.

John LGKTQ Henry

tcrosse বলেছেন...

Maybe this is a rope-a-dope trip, a bluff to keep the GOP cocky.

Chris Lopes বলেছেন...

Progressive staff turds can indulge in their utopian fantasies in a situation like this because they won't ever be held accountable for the shit show those fantasies generate. They will let the senile old man take the blame for the mess, as he is supposed to be in charge.

When they go to write their memoirs about the Biden years, none of them will own up to being responsible for the policies that led to what happened. They will all say some variation of "We cautioned the President that this might happen, but he believed it was the right thing to do anyway." They will learn nothing from their mistakes except how to avoid responsibility.

Rabel বলেছেন...

"OK, so that's the news story for public consumption. What are they all saying about Biden's cognitive condition amongst themselves?"

Well, no one serving in the administration is going to say anything negative about the President's mental condition and the press doesn't use anonymous sources so we'll just have to wait for the books to come out.

Caligula বলেছেন...

In sales and marketing culture being always an optimist, always upbeat, always "Rah-rah we’re gonna win!" seems to be expected. No matter how bad the situation actually is, or how unwarranted this optimism might be.

The question is, do they actually get better results by doing this then they would if they proceeded from a more honest assessment of the situation?

heyboom বলেছেন...

Here in California, they're going to send mail-in ballots to "every California voter", which of course means every single household. My latest primary voter guide came addressed to "Current Resident". I'm at a loss as to how they're able to get away with this blatant scheme.

heyboom বলেছেন...

I should have prefaced my previous comment with "the way they're going to minimize the losses is to cheat again."

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"stampeding to break with the administration’s immigration policies"

Besides come-on-in, what are those "policies"?

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

'NOT a single loyal democrat is concerned about Biden family corruption.'

And not a single cabinet member resigned after Clinton lied to their faces.

The mob always sticks together in matters of power.

It's only moronic 'conservatives' that have 'principles' when they're in danger of missing DC cocktail parties...

mikee বলেছেন...

I remember 1994. I don't see the Republicans having a plan or leadership this time around to take any advantage of regaining the House and Senate. And back then, they made the mistake of spending like drunken sailors without cutting government spending on Dem programs first. I fully expect that to happen again. $40 trillion deficit, here we come!

Michael K বলেছেন...

Readering said...

The ambitious domestic program was premised on the notion that nothing would be possible after midterms.

Good thinking. Does anyone in the Democrat Party remember what the 1974 Democrat majority set off?

Mr Wibble বলেছেন...

The Dems wanted Trump gone, so they wished on a monkey's paw for it to happen.

Ralph L বলেছেন...

Poor ol' biden doesn't even rate an initial capital in Althouse's tags.

Jim at বলেছেন...

Gee. You'd think with 81 million votes in your favor, all the political winds would be at your back.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

'I remember 1994. I don't see the Republicans having a plan or leadership this time around to take any advantage of regaining the House and Senate.'


Where is the Contract for America?

As usual, Rs asleep at the wheel.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

All the Dems need to do in order to win is drop the price of gas a dollar two weeks before election and claim Repubicans will raise it back up.
Most voters have short memories

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"Gee. You'd think with 81 million votes in your favor, all the political winds would be at your back."

Not when the majority of those 81 million votes were not for Biden but against Trump.

LuAnn Zieman বলেছেন...

Mr. Wibble--Love the Monkey's Paw reference! One of my favorite short stories.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"The real reporting would be on the fractures inside the Democrat party and why they cannot back off the radical policies that have them hurtling toward the cliff."

What "radical" policies?

Michael K বলেছেন...

Not when the majority of those 81 million votes were not for Biden but against Trump.

Even the manufactured ones were against Trump.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

“Mr. Wibble--Love the Monkey's Paw reference! One of my favorite short stories.”

Me too. A very apt analogy.

“ Even the manufactured ones were against Trump.”

The Monkey’s Paw of vote fraud. You get the White House, but it has to be occupied by a corrupt senile rapist surrounded by soldiers and razor wire. And no amount of bleating by junta sycophants can grant you legitimacy. Rather it slips farther from you every day. The bag-of-guts on crutches (depending on what telling you’re familiar with) Administration.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

“Not when the majority of those 81 million votes were not for Biden but against Trump.”

Arguable perhaps, Bob. But, if true, even more damning for the Democrats. If Anybody-But-Trump was a shoo-in why wheel the demented mannequin into the White House? Unless you needed a puppet to prop up while you looted the country once again.

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

Woo hoo Whitmer woman,
See how high she flies
Woo hoo Whitmer woman
She got the moon in her eye

Joe has trouble telling Whitmer and Granholm apart and remembering which state they come from. He also probably hit on both of them in his grandfatherly way, so no wonder Gretchen is trying to disassociate herself from Biden.

Democrats were probably expecting to lose a few seats, but did they really understand just how incompetent Biden would be and how disastrous his policies would be? I doubt it.

And who are the "Democrats"? What Team Joe wants and expects may be different from what the various Governors, Senators and Representatives want. They want, one assumes, to be reelected. Would they really have plunged in so deeply if they knew it would cost them their jobs?

No, Elected Democrat officials on the one hand and Team Biden, the pressure groups, propagandists, and ideologues on the other may have had very different expectations of what would happen.

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

Would the Democrats be if better position if Trump had won in 2020?

I commented a year ago that the Dems should have let Trump win, hate on him for 4 years, and elect a new person in '24 that had no history. They did not take the advice, perhaps because they were afraid Trump was going to be successful, which he would have been and Putin would not have invaded Ukraine.

The "Beiden sic" admin had one thing on it's mind out of the blocks, running the table. They wanted to pass so many spending bills so fast that the next Republican admin would be so poor that it was impossible to spend a dime. 10% of the money would be donated to the dems after being slurped up in un-indictable fraud.

Thank God for Manchin.

Chris Lopes বলেছেন...

"If Anybody-But-Trump was a shoo-in why wheel the demented mannequin into the White House?"

Because the Anybody in this did not include Bernie Sanders. Sanders was would have lost and brought down the rest of the ticket with him. Biden was the only one with enough support in the minority community (thanks to his association with Obama) to beat Sanders in the south on Super Tuesday. We got Grampa Simpson because the party was scared shitless of Uncle Bernie.

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

Sorry, I should refer to the current Government as the Beiden/Easter Bunny Administration.

robother বলেছেন...

"Sorry, I should refer to the current Government as the Beiden/Easter Bunny Administration."

True, but you have the precedential order wrong. Based on this week's footage, the Easter Bunny is in charge.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

Would the Democrats be if better position if Trump had won in 2020?
D's could have impeached him each every month; CNN etc would still be in business

so who is stupid party now??

Narayanan বলেছেন...

...I never underestimate the ability of Republicans to fuck things up.
as Obama has been heard to say ...
... Joe Biden is a Republican

Greg The Class Traitor বলেছেন...

Readering said...
The ambitious domestic program was premised on the notion that nothing would be possible after midterms

Let's rephrase that, shall we?

The ambitious domestic program was premised on the notion that the voters would hate everything in the program, and as such we Dems were always going to get crushed in 2022.

If your policies weren't totally corrupt shit, Readering, then you all would be looking forward to a great year this year.

The GOP has a lot more Senate seats up for re-election this year that could be vulnerable. But they're not going to be, because you Democrats have fucked everything up ever since the Biden inauguration.

You jacked up inflation by cutting US oil production, and pumping a lot of money into the economy while encouraging people not to work.

You've fucked up foreign policy everywhere in the world, be it Afghanistan or Europe ("Hey Putin, you can do a 'minor incursion' into Ukraine, no problem!").

In 15 m+ months the Biden* Admin hasn't done a single thing to make America better.

THAT is why you're going to get nailed in November

wendybar বলেছেন...

Did they expect any different??? REALLY?? They deserve EVERYTHING that Joe Biden is doing to destroy the Democrat party. EVERYTHING. I hope it implodes and goes the way of the Whigs. Time to end the Obama hate and division machine.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Robert Cook said...
"The real reporting would be on the fractures inside the Democrat party and why they cannot back off the radical policies that have them hurtling toward the cliff."

What "radical" policies?

4/23/22, 4:49 PM

Go back to sleep Robbie.

mezzrow বলেছেন...

Those of us who remember the feeling we had as a child (because we experienced it) of "you're getting a whipping when you get home for what you just did - we're just not going to do it here in public" will understand completely. Most of those liberal folks never had that happen because they were never disciplined the way we were. That's at the heart of a lot of this, and the feeling they have now is the feeling we had back then. Reality serves in the role of the parents in this situation.

That said, the glee we show awaiting that whipping is not a good look and will not redound to the benefit of the republic. Let justice take its harvest, but don't enjoy the carnage too much. Lots of real people will be hurt by their lack of wisdom and lack of courage and it won't help us a bit to stand there and tell them they had it coming. Most of them have been manipulated and are just too clueless to see it. They don't understand, and never will.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

In 15 m+ months the Biden* Admin hasn't done a single thing to make America better.

I'd love to hear what the Democrats consider Biden's biggest success.

Stephen St. Onge বলেছেন...

heyboom said...
Here in California, they're going to send mail-in ballots to "every California voter", which of course means every single household. My latest primary voter guide came addressed to "Current Resident". I'm at a loss as to how they're able to get away with this blatant scheme.
        So sue them, for depriving you of your right to vote.

Buddy Coogler বলেছেন...

I want to see Tony Evers beaten like a rented car.