Says The Daily News, in "Person of interest in NYC subway shooting ranted for hours in YouTube videos about Mayor Adams, homelessness and race wars."
“They’re white, you’re not. They’re doing that to each other? What do they think they’re going to do to you?” he fumed. “It’s just a matter of time before these white motherf---ers say, ‘Hey listen, enough is enough, these n-----s gotta go.’ What’re you going to do? You gonna fight. And guess what? You gonna die.”
NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewell said... “We’re not calling them threats. He made some concerning posts, or someone made some concerning posts.... They were general topics of concern. Complaints about homelessness, complaints about New York.”
Black supremacist violence strikes again!
Well...his background is already around the net. He's a longtime Black Nationalist. And I don't mean he's just proud of being Black. He's a follower of those who would prefer a race war, or to just go around and kill White people.
And so he did what he was taught to do. This man carried a load of rage. He's not alone. Just wondering if Biden's White House will pivot to a new color of observation for America's Top Domestic Terrorists, or maybe make it a rainbow coalition of domestic terrorists to observe. Or, as they do in the FBI- just jump in and take part in the groups? Will the FBI become part of manipulating Black groups again, as they did in the 60s and 70s?
We've made it so easy for everyone to comment or joke about 'hating Whitey' in this country. Those who have already been predisposed to doing so will take it to the next level. You get more of what you subsidize. I look at this as a direct result of Democratic talking points taught in our schools, our media, and by our politicians.
The rise of "hate crime" laws was the most counterproductive civil rights effort of all time. It ended up lumping (mentally ill) people of all sorts into nebulous "haters" of others, when they were just plain nuts and can only be treated as violently insane. If treatment fails, they must be locked up regardless of hate or no hate.
Hate crimes laws led to many more problems because they facilitated all sorts of nebulous self-favoring nonsense. "Hate speech," cancellation, white privilege, and the weaponization of group identity in ironically-named "diversity" programs.
Help the disadvantaged and oppressed. Repeal hate crimes laws now.
Only whites can be racists
Only whites can be domestic terrorists
Only whites can be smart enough get into schools without quotas
Mr. James is mentally ill, but he got his identity politics from today’s Democratic party. He’s probably familiar with The 1619 Project, CRT and I.X. Kendi. For its own purposes, The Left has created a cultural race war. It’s tribe v tribe. We saw how that worked out in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda.
We’re not calling them threats. He made some concerning posts, or someone made some concerning posts
Really Fun Thought Puzzle
Comparison/Contrast this 'concerned' individual; with the Racist Terrorists of Jab 6th
He thought white people were a threat to him. What critical ideology gave him that idea?
"general topics of concern"
Good one.
NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewell said... “We’re not calling them threats .."
In the liberal mindset, when a black dude is calling for a race war they really mean spirited debate. Especially if he then shows up with a 380 auto, a gas mask, smoke bombs and a host of other debate props.
He sounds sane. What’s to worry, New York? Just another nutcase walking the streets… don’t mind the maggots!
Blue Annon.
True story - 2016: A friend of mine runs a small biz here and she has a few employees. After Trump won, one of her employees came into work that day yelling and screaming that Trump was going to round up and kill all the homosexuals.
Yes - this happened.
There is a Blue Annon.
Good thing the FBI is keeping their eyes on the ball. You know...the fake Michigan kidnapping and the fake insurrection, where the Capitol police were ushering protesters in??
Dude's social media is a literal goldmine of #WeWuz...holy mackerel, haven't stopped laughing since last night.
The prayer to the "Black Buddha of Righteousness" takes 'kangzism' to a whole new height of hilarity. I don't think I've ever seen a Kang apply their metaphor to East Asia yet.
Comedy. Friggin. Gold.
I'm happy for you people. Enjoy it while the wounds are still fresh.
He'll be found, tried, convicted, and thrown into the James Hodgkinson Memorial Memory Hole.
“It’s just a matter of time before these white motherf---ers say, ‘Hey listen, enough is enough, these n-----s gotta go.’"
Does Nikole H-J disagree? Inquiring minds want to know.
Thesis: progressivism is the normalization of insanity. See: homelessness, transgenderism, and no-threat black nationalism.
When can we form a special committee that delves into the genesis of hate mongering via racial stereotypes and hatred pushed by blue-annon smolette-MSNBC lies?
As Temujin says, just another Black Nationalist. I wouldn't be surprised that he can stay on the run in the NYC area for quite some time, like Joanne Chesimard. Assuming he only shot whites and asians, this will disappear from the news. He doesn't even need a Bill Kuntsler: he's got all the legal help he needs in the DA's office.
Hate Speech. And crazy. Domestic terrorism.
Love the Gov's "We will not stand for this" statement. Well, Okey-dokey Ms. Gov.
Which democrat racist groomed him into black nationalism.
Frank James, huh?
What name does he go by when he comments here about Ukraine?
CRT. It isn't just an acronym. This guy walked the talk. Can we ask DiAngelo or Kendi for comment? I mean, theory and rhetoric are all very well, but what's the point without "direct action" and "taking ownership"?
As others have said, Yay FBI for being right on top of this stuff.
Now going to go shop for Kevlar commuting clothes.
Here's one big difference between this man and Dylan Roof. No one will speculate that Frank James'craziness might have been inspired or encouraged by BLM type rhetoric, but Dylan Roof was, of course, the natural outgrowth of the systemic racism of American society....A lot of white people had harsh thoughts about Frank James not because he's Black but because he is crazy and hostile. White people have to express themselves with exquisite delicacy when they criticize Black people who behave badly.
I expect he has actually been working undercover for the FBI.
Dat kiddie-diddlin’ Howard is on the scene!
Frank James doin’ da work!
The FBI serves no purpose. None.
What do Frank James and (alleged) Waukesha Parade killer Darrell Brooks have in common other than being black and having a hatred of white people? They both have a home address listed as being in Milwaukee, WI. Seriously, is there some kind of black rage being whipped up in Milwaukee that is flying under the radar that people in southeast Wisconsin are blissfully unaware of? Milwaukee is a minority majority city where the local press is at the very least looking the other way on negative crime news concerning the black community in this woke era.
Where is Bernie Goetz when you need him?
sounds like another victim of America's systemic racism....
Just how far from Democrat mainstream is Frank James? The FBI, under the direction of Democrats, just dresses up their war on white people as militias and white supremacists (which label is assigned at birth). Frank James appears to be just another front in the war. If he is caught, he'll probably be released pending trial within a few hours.
People already on edge watching cable news shows hardest hit.
"What name does he go by when he comments here about Ukraine?"
"Where is Bernie Goetz when you need him?"
This guy is Bernie Goetz. An angry man seething with grudges, eager to settle scores.
More peaceful protest.
'This guy is Bernie Goetz. An angry man seething with grudges, eager to settle scores.'
You missed the part where nobody tried to rob this racist moron.
He seems to be saying those damn Yankees gonna send in huge Armies to kill the rebels. Hmmm, wonder why that sounds like the 60’s… the 1860’s that is. The American Empire is a powerful Empire restrained only by those old time Constitutional voting rules. The ones that were revoked at 3:00 AM on November 4, 2020.
Now we reap the lawless whirlwind with only the crooked Biden and Pelosi in office to save us
Cook says James is Bernie Goetz.
Lets' compare: Goetz, a slightly built man approached and cornered in menacing fashion by four large young men. (I'll grant Robert's psychological framing, FWIW).
James: ???
Enlighten us, Robert.
Watching the news it appears that serious attempts at controlling gun violence will run afoul of both the Second and Fourteenth Amendments.
True story - 2016: A friend of mine runs a small biz here and she has a few employees. After Trump won, one of her employees came into work that day yelling and screaming that Trump was going to round up and kill all the homosexuals.
Yes, on Adam Carolla's podcast the scheduled guest- a black comedian- couldn't stop talking about how Trump was going to round up black people and his family was in danger.
I think people forget this is how many on the left were actually talking in 2016. Trump was going to round up black people, homosexuals, muslims. Put them in camps. He was going to start a nuclear war. Any wonder people start to think these things?
Good thing NYC has gun control. This kind of thing would be a lot more common if gun ownership were not restricted to criminals and crazy people.
People have been so stressed by events of the past 2+ years, coupled with media fearmongering, that they are, black or white, becoming unhinged.
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools:
True then, true now
MayBee said...
I think people forget this is how many on the left were actually talking in 2016.
let's review
Trump was
TOTALLY Corrupt, and was going to sell america out
A F*cking RAPIST!!!! He'd grap women 'by their pussies!!'
A disgust incestuous freak, that was improper with his daughter
Going to start a nuclear war.
Going to cause an Economic Catastrophe!!
Letting his son use his name to rake in 'connection money'
Old and Senile, and never really much there in the brain department
Now, does anyone need me to provide links for EACH of these? That is Links showing BIDEN DID them?
Every single thing that they accused Trump of doing; Jo Biden as ACTUALLY DONE
(and some things they never thought to include Wholesale prices surge 11.2% in March, highest level on record)
People have been so stressed by events of the past 2+ years, coupled with media fearmongering, that they are, black or white, becoming unhinged.
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools:
True then, true now
"You missed the part where nobody tried to rob this racist moron."
It's Goetz's tale that the four he shot were trying to rob him. At the time, other riders on the car reported that the boys came through the car asking everyone for money, but they continued walking through the length of the car. If Goetz had ignored them, they probably would have moved on to the next car.
Assuming the boys were really trying to rob Goetz, or assuming he had a good faith belief they were, he should have pulled his gun and told them to step back, and not discharged the weapon unless they did try to attack him. By precipitously opening fire on a moving train, he very easily could have missed his targets and injured or killed other passengers on the train. Goetz admitted, as well, that, after having been mugged a few years earlier, he had obtained the gun and had dreamed of a day when someone tried to rob him again, so he could take his revenge.
As I said, Goetz was seething with anger, looking to settle scores.
"Lets' compare: Goetz, a slightly built man approached and cornered in menacing fashion by four large young men. (I'll grant Robert's psychological framing, FWIW)."
How do you know how large they were?
That aside, I forgot to add in my previous post, the one boy left uninjured after Goetz's first volley of shots was cowering with his back turned to Goetz. Goetz shot him in the back, making a DEATH WISH-type quip, one he may have rehearsed over and over in his mind over time, "You don't look too bad, here's another." His shot severed the boy's spine, leaving him brain-damaged and paralyzed for life.
"During his subsequent interrogation, Goetz admitted on videotape that when one of the threatening young men smirked at him, he wanted to 'kill them all.'”
So...did they actually try to rob Goetz, or did one boy's "smirk" set him off?
Goetz was seething with grudges, eager to settle scores.
I was listening to a Fox News simulcast and a reporter was giving a breakdown of the suspect's motives.
Not once did he mention the fact that the guy hates white people and is a stone cold racist.
It was all about mental health and that he has a beef with NYC and the mayor.
Even Fox is sweeping it under the rug.
"He left Wisconsin, where he lived alone, on March 20 in a rented van, driving through Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania and then to New Jersey.
He is understood to have rented a U-Haul in Philadelphia sometime earlier this week and driven it to Brooklyn, dumping it on the Kings Highway, five miles from the 36th Street station."
Why didn't YouTube react to suspect's unhinged videos? They censor Conservative videos ALL the time, but they let the hateful, violent things THIS Black Nationalist say, and do NOTHING??? Any wonder why the country is so divided?? The media works against law and order to protect assholes like this guy.
Too bad... they took him alive.
For decades, Dems and Libs have indoctrinated Blacks to believe that they were persecuted and victimized by Whites, and that the only recourse was to vote for Dems. And after 50 years, nothing has changed, and now mentally unhinged Blacks have decided that the only next recourse is to assault and kill their tormentors. Whoops!
"This guy is Bernie Goetz. An angry man seething with grudges, eager to settle scores."
While both men certainly had barely suppressed rage, James took the offensive in expressing that rage. Goetz waited until he was approached by others, so he could (in his mind anyway) act defensively.
I'm happy for you people. Enjoy it while the wounds are still fresh.
You built it, Howard.
Own it.
Allen West checks in...
Bumble Bee @ 1:51: "Too bad..." Yeah. Now we'll have years of due process and media frenzy and plenty speechifying by Reverend Al and all the other carrion flies, explaining why his grievances were legit and we all need to do more diversity 'n' stuff.
The hagiography of black martyrs goes on.
I'm not justifying Goetz's reckless* shooting, I'm noticing the contexts in which the two incidents occurred.
And I described large young men because that's what I recall they--or some of them--were. But large or not, four young fellows against one scrawny guy was the setting, trigger if you will.
How similar was James's situation? He who has a long trail of public hate, he who had smoke and a gas mask ready, he who shot more than a dozen people of all races (apparently), and fled.
*Bystanders were put at risk. That wasn't cool.
Milwaukee City is divided about evenly: 1/3 black, 1/3 Hispanic, 1/3 white. BLM has strong support in Milwaukee and seminars in white fragility are frequent and important for personal advancement. In Milwaukee the murder rate was the highest ever last year and this year isn't much better - 54 dead so far. 91% of those killed were shot; 87 % were black; 78% were men; charges were filed in 41% of the cases. Black unemployment is high in Milwaukee. The Milwaukee public schools where most of the black school children in Wisconsin are educated were locked down longer than in the surrounding areas. Doing something about these issues in order to get ahead is not required; they are ignored except in white fragility seminars by everyone of all races, including all political leaders.
In 2020 a black guy shot 5 people at Molson Coors; he suspected co-workers of going into his house and changing chairs around for reasons of white supremacy. We'll never know what motivated him to start shooting. He isn't famous because he shot people in Milwaukee although Frank R James knew about him; Frank R James shot on the NYC subway and will be famous.
Back here the murder rate will stay up; the famous shooter from Milwaukee in the NYC subways won't help bring it down. They may close the schools again for Covid. Frank R James won't help there. Arithmetic and reading proficiency will stay down and black unemployment will stay up. All this is not an excuse. Frank R James won't help any of this get better. Who will?
Mark said...
“Frank James, huh?
What name does he go by when he comments here about Ukraine?”
I think here he might go by ‘Mark’
Goetz was seething with grudges, eager to settle scores.
Like you, you mean.
NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewell
Years of being called "Keychain Sewer" probably did a lot to toughen her up.
The FBI knew about Frank James and did nothing.
Doing nothing is pretty much part of their job description when it comes to actual criminals.
But they have a show (maybe two shows) on CBS so they must be doing something right.
"Goetz was seething with grudges, eager to settle scores."
That tends to happen when you get mugged a lot.
"And I described large young men because that's what I recall they--or some of them--were. But large or not, four young fellows against one scrawny guy was the setting, trigger if you will."
But you don't know if it was "four young fellows against one scrawny guy." You're accepting Goetz' self-serving telling as fact. Again, the newspapers reported at the time that other passengers on the car said the boys had entered the car at one end and walked the length of the car asking for money. They didn't group themselves around individuals and try to intimidate them. Presumably, no one gave them money. Of course, we do not know if they did or did not intend to mug Goetz, but their actions as described by others do not give us sufficient reason to assume they were. Goetz, on the other hand, nursing a years-long grudge over a previous mugging, carrying an unregistered gun--which he carried often or always, hoping to be able to get eventual payback--seems far more the person inclined to violent action on that day in that car...proven when he shot one of the youths in the back who was cowering in fear.
Goetz may very well have really believed they were going to mug him; we don't know if they were. But his anger and expectations put him in the position of endangering everyone on the train car that day, not those young men.
I'm not defending Goetz. He was caught, tried, and punished as he should have been, and I've already said he was reckless if nothing else. I'm trying to unravel differences in the two cases that you find irrelevant.
Both shooters had long-standing racial resentments and grudges, and neither is a good role model. After that, I think the cases differ and afford a good opportunity to assess how the city and country and major media have changed.
IIRC you mentioned leaving NYC, Robert. Have you found an agreeable place?
"IIRC you mentioned leaving NYC, Robert. Have you found an agreeable place?"
Yes, I have. Thank you for asking. I never stopped loving NYC in the 41 years and 8 months I lived there--even at the end, I would walk the streets and look around me at the cityscape and think, "I can't believe I live in NYC!"--but my wife, New York-born, was eager to leave we did!
I'm back down south, though not so far south as I was prior to moving to NYC, (from Florida). Still on the eastern seaboard. I miss NYC, but where we are is lovely. I do regret I didn't have the financial means to keep our rent-stabilized UWS apartment and buy a home at the same time.
As for Goetz and Frank James, I recognize the disparities in their respective situations--James is far the worse aggressor--but I object to those who present Goetz as some sort of hero. He was an angry man who had long been looking for an opportunity to vent his anger.
I am glad for you and your wife, Robert. I was a fairly frequent visitor to NYC in the early 80s and enjoyed the place, even if it was too big and cold for my tastes in general.
We agree enough now, I think, that I'm ready to move on.
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