April 14, 2022

"Secret Service agents were outraged last year by the White House’s attempt to downplay bite injuries caused by then-first dog Major — even trying to get President Biden to personally pay for a damaged coat, newly released documents show."

The NY Post reports in "'Now I’m pissed’: Secret Service agents outraged by White House spin over First Dog bites." 

The records, released in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by Judicial Watch, show that attacks occurred both earlier and later than previously known. They also show internal discord at the Secret Service, which has been embroiled since last week in a bizarre infiltration scandal that involves at least four agents. 

White House press secretary Jen Psaki acknowledged just one biting incident at a briefing on March 9, 2021, saying that one day earlier “the first family’s younger dog, Major, was surprised by an unfamiliar person and reacted in a way that resulted in a minor injury to the individual.” 

The March 8 bite actually was the final attack in an eight-day streak and the wounded agent — whose injuries were categorized as “severe” by a colleague — fumed about Psaki’s spin. “NO I didn’t surprise the dog doing my job by being at [redacted] as the press secretary just said! Now I’m pissed,” the agent wrote to a coworker....


Critter said...

Would this not have been a major scandal if it happened during Trump’s presidency? But, of course it would have been handled differently. Trump would have written a personal check to cover the cost of a new suit.

Temujin said...

Biden White House is spinning the news? Shocking.

One has to like being spun to be a journalist these days. We should simply refer to them as 'tops'.

Mark said...

Your "Jen Psaki" and "lying" tags are redundant.

rhhardin said...

Thurber "The Dog that Bit People," a hero-dog story gone slightly wrong, has his mother with an ever-growing Christmas card list of people that have been bitten. Those were civilized days.

Dan from Madison said...

Any dog owner knew that they were spinning (read: lying about) that whole scenario from the start.

Tommy Duncan said...

This is an excellent example of the veracity and transparency of the Biden White House. The only thing missing is Psaki blaming Putin.

Maynard said...

Dogs learn how to behave from their owners. The chaos that is in Joe Biden's mind is reflected in his dogs.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Any dog owner knew that they were spinning (read: lying about) that whole scenario from the start.

If your dog is biting people because they have been surprised then the dog has a serious behavior problem. The kind of behavior problem that can cause your dog to be taken into custody by animal control and euthanized.

Sebastian said...

Does Psaki ever not lie?

wendybar said...

WHAT doesn't this White House lie about??

Quaestor said...

I'm slightly puzzled by the lying tag. Doesn't the Jen Psaki cover that sufficiently?

I understand Miss Psaki will be taking a position with MSNBC soon. Frankly, her talents will be wasted there. Chris Hayes, Chuck Todd, Joy Reid, Lawrence O'Donnell, Rachel Maddow, ad nauseam... What's one more professional prevaricator submerged amidst that crew? She'll be just another bean in the soup. Miss Psaki ought to seek a position in Moscow as Vlad Putin's English-language press secretary. He'll need a good one, and Jenny can do it!

One of President Putin's younger MiG pilots was surprised by the unfamiliar word DETEY painted in front of the Mariupol Theatre in twenty-foot tall letters and reacted in a way that resulted in minor injuries to some of the birthing people and sub-adults illegally occupying the facility without admission tickets.

ConradBibby said...

Biden doesn't treat his Secret Service detail very kindly, it seems.

TreeJoe said...

I'm used to press secretaries spinning and lying like crazy, and Psaki presents well, but man her stories are always just so easy to disprove or take issue with - the mark of a bad propagandist.

Humperdink said...

" The only thing missing is Psaki blaming Putin."

Or former German Chancellor Merkel.

J Melcher said...

If I read the comment correctly, the agent was not "pissed" at the dog for biting but at the spokesperson, for lying. But both were doing exactly what they are reasonably expected to do.

Quaestor said...

One could easily compile a list of dog breeds that appeal to people who love to be thought of as dangerous. The list could be long or short, but the German Shepard Dog is bound to be on it, especially if the breed fancier is elderly, a person whose mental catalog of dog breeds dates before those obscure Schutzhund breeds became popular here. Warning lights should flash when the owner of a German Shepard likes to tell tall tales about the lickings he's dealt to mythical thugs called Corn Pop (a bad dude, man). The lights should be accompanied by sirens when the owner names his dogs after military ranks.

Yancey Ward said...

It is has just been learned that it wasn't a German Shepherd, but a Russian one.

stunned said...

Why parenting styles matter when raising children (and dogs) - an overview.

Scotty, beam me up... said...

This is a dangerous dog. Most local ordinances are pretty harsh with dealing with dangerous dogs. From my city’s ordinance concerning dangerous dogs, and I am guessing most cities have similar language in their ordinances. I understand that the White House grounds are probably exempt from DC ordinances and DC has no authority there.

Any dangerous dog which attacks a human being or another domestic animal may be ordered destroyed when, in the court's judgment, such dangerous dog represents a continuing threat of serious harm to human beings or other domestic animals.
In addition to a penalty as provided in § 1-4 of this Code, the owner of a dangerous dog shall pay all expenses, including shelter, food, veterinary expenses for identification or certification of the breed of the animal or boarding and veterinary expenses necessitated by the seizure of any dog for the protection of the public, and such other expenses as may be required for the destruction of any such dog.

The destruction of the dog could be done after just one attack. This story said Major attacked Secret Service Agents 8 DAYS IN A ROW! And several suffered bodily harm. Biden is a multimillionaire despite being basically a public employee for most of his adult career - he has the money and as the dog’s owner the responsibility to pay for all damaged clothing and medical expenses as well as issuing a written apology to these agents who have sworn to give their lives to protect him, his wife, and this damned dog.

CJ said...

Tommy D. is right. This simply has to be blamed on the Russians.

Will said...

Why would the Biden family not immediately offer to personally pay the damages and medical for the people they injured? The fact that they did not says an awful lot about what kind of people the Bidens are. Not good.

Just as in Afghanistan, the Bidens appear to view their image management above the safety of the people sworn to protect them. Apparently they do not care if people get bit by a dog or if 13 soldiers needlessly die when being placed in foolhardy situations that Biden placed them in merely because he was afraid of looking bad. And Team Biden were clearly willing to lie to protect the Biden image; Biden attempted to suppress the bad news with his dog the same way he did with the 13 families in Afghanistan. In both cases, the Bidens appear tone-deaf and self-centered.

Needless to say, Jen Psaki is a professional liar.

She knew the dog had bit the protection detail multiple days in a row. She lied. Psaki will soon be blaming Putin for the "Putin dog bite"

Kevin said...

Putin’s Pup Punctures.

Michael K said...

If you spend much time around habitual liars, you get lied to and about.

Gojuplyr831@gmail.com said...

The only thing missing is Psaki blaming Putin.

Or Trump.

Rory said...

They tried to make Trump look bad, as The President without a Dog, but he had the absolute correct reasoning - when would he have time for a dog?

"The Dog that Bit People,"

Cave canem.

Andrew said...

Dear Secret Service Agent:
Next time, shoot the dog. Then file a lawsuit. Then interrupt Psaki and show your injuries on live TV.

gilbar said...

Remember the Olden Days?
Back when Gas was Cheap? And Everyone had Jobs? And Peace was breaking out? And we had a (literal!) supermodel as 1st lady? And our President didn't pretend to like dogs?

I remember! And i MISS those days.. It's Too Bad that the NKVD (sorry, i mean the FBI) took them away

Eleanor said...

If my dog bit someone, I'd have medical bills to pay, and I'd have to put her down. Fortunately, I've raised her to be a fluff muffin. What was done to Major to turn him into a biter?

Skeptical Voter said...

Who's a Good Boy? Not Major. If I had a dog that bit people 8 days straight, I wouldn't have the dog on the ninth day. This is just ol Massa Joe letting his dog bite the field hands.

tim maguire said...

There are no bad dogs, only bad owners.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Omg. Did the Bidens have a racist dog? #UnsaidThings

Joe Smith said...

So dog bites man is a story after all...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

White left Antifa Terrorists can do what they want. Arson... burn down civic buildings, burn down black businesses in poor communities, stop traffic, abuse abuse abuse... like good Democrat Nazi Brownshirts.

what's a little dog bite?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jen Psaki and Rachel Maddow should change places.

Same diff.

Wilbur said...

We are blessed to have Judicial Watch.

Hey Skipper said...

Now do Border Patrol agents.

Lucien said...

President Biden says Major is the smartest dog he knows, but was seen sniffing the butt of a Borzoi owned by an Arkansas pole dancer.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Did Major also swim in the nude?

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

I can't resist: "Are Pets a Good Idea for People With Alzheimer's?"

Here .

Static Ping said...

One thing you can really count on with this administration is everything Jen Psaki says is a lie and it is always worse, from her point of view, than she describes it. The only surprise here is that the damage was only that bad. I was half expecting a body count including several small children along with a demonic altar on the South Lawn made up of bunny corpses.

MB said...

It was irresponsible of Biden to adopt a dog when he was planning on running for president. (The adoption was after the "good people" event that he says was the deciding factor.)

He couldn't have known at the time that he could campaign from his basement. He must have assumed he could win, and moving to the WH would be an unfair disruption for a dog.

It seems very "I want what I want and to hell with what's best for the dog or other people" .

gilbar said...

marybeth said...
It was irresponsible of Biden to adopt a dog when he was planning on running for president.
It seems very "I want what I want and to hell with what's best for the dog or other people" .

I doubt that it was even, "I want what i want.."
I'm pretty sure it was: "They told me they got me a dog.. I hope there's ice cream today?"

Readering said...

This story will have legs.

iowan2 said...

I haven't read any comments yet. But I have relevant experience.

Two weeks ago, Our daughter called, in tears. The rescue puppy they got a year ago, had bitten their daughter. Tragic. The family had worked with at least 3 different trainers and spent more than a grand, trying to get the dog to socialize. Then their daughter was bit. In the house with all the family in the family room, and no outside trigger.

The important part? They called their vet that night, told them they needed the dog put down. The Vet said they couldn't, It had to go into quarantine, even though the rabies vaccine was up to date. Our Daughter said, not acceptable. So the vet agreed to put the dog down, remove the head, and they personally drove the head to the Iowa hygienic lab, to have the brain tested. (not rabid).

That's the proper way to handle the terrible situation.

You might think the President of the United States would be a little more on the ball, than a family with 2 pre teen daughters that dearly loved their family dog.

Rabel said...

Biden is like six degrees of Peter Sellers.

JZ said...

The more Jenn Psaki says, the less I believe. I’ve reached the point where I know she’s lying the minute she opens her mouth. Remember Ron Ziegler, Nixon’s press secretary? That guy was honest compared to JS.

BoatSchool said...

Why does Judicial Watch invariably have to expend the resources to prepare/file a lawsuit?

There were no “sources and methods” or “national security” or other BS reasons to withhold documents that were merely embarrassing.

When do agencies - or better yet - individuals within agencies bear personal financial pain for clearly violating the intent of the FOIA?

BoatSchool said...

Why does Judicial Watch invariably have to expend the resources to prepare/file a lawsuit?

There were no “sources and methods” or “national security” or other BS reasons to withhold documents that were merely embarrassing.

When do agencies - or better yet - individuals within agencies bear personal financial pain for clearly violating the intent of the FOIA?

JZ said...

The more Jenn Psaki says, the less I believe. I’ve reached the point where I know she’s lying the minute she opens her mouth. Remember Ron Ziegler, Nixon’s press secretary? That guy was honest compared to JS.

Maynard said...

The only thing missing is Psaki blaming Putin.

See Yancy's comment at 9:24.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Biden doesn't treat his Secret Service detail very kindly, it seems.”

Never did - remember the stories about him swimming nude in front of female SS agents, when he was VPOTUS? But probably better than Crooked Hillary did, who was quite abusive to anyone working for her or her husband, unless they were politically useful to them. It very much looks like Republican Presidents treat their help well, and Democrats don’t. GW Bush famously knew everyone’s name, and about their families, and would invariably ask about them. This included both SS agents, as well lowly WH ushers. Trump is famous for recognizing the little people working for him too.

Bruce Hayden said...

I disagree that every dog that bites people should be put down. Our current mini dog was a rescue at some point. We got her because she had bit kids when with her previous owners. If you read the recommendations about the breed, they include that you have to be careful around kids. She is very friendly, but very hyper, and it was the way that the kids played with her that was the issue. Right now, we don’t have any kids around, with the youngest grandson likely to play with her now 15. Great grandkids, or my kid’s children might be a problem, but none on the immediate horizon, and we are forewarned. We have more problems with our cat biting, since he sometimes uses that as a means to communicate. He bites my ankle, and I kick him off. Works. But my partner refuses to do that sort of thing, and he attacks her much more than he does me that way. That’s the problem with Siamese, esp since we got the dog.

John Holland said...

When your entire existence is based on a tippy stack of lies, the lies inevitably extend down to the most trivial aspects of life, and you have to recruit/coerce an ever-expanding circle of people into repeating and enforcing those lies. At some point, the count of the coerced exceeds the count of volunteers, and the resulting collapse can be very rapid.

Hope this particular collapse doesn't take the rest of the country with it. (See: Soviet Union, 1988-1991)

realestateacct said...

My husband wants to know the race of the Secret Service agent. Racist owners have racist dogs.

Lucien said...

Once again Biden screws the pooch when it comes to sinking his teeth into what a “Wag the Dog” strategy is really about.

Rosalyn C. said...

Didn't Biden say he fell and broke his foot after yanking his dog's tail? Who pulls on their dog's tail? I had never heard of anyone doing that to their dog, unless they were a child or our prez. Oh boy!

And then I also read today about Dianne Feinstein, aged 88, has totally lost her short term memory. People who have known her for decades introduce themselves when they start a conversation with her. WTF?

When the press finally reports on this sort of stuff you know there is some deep mess in DC. Clean up time.

Howard said...

So we like the secret service now? It's hard to keep track of your gender fluid loyalty

Josephbleau said...

“Warning lights should flash when the owner of a German Shepard likes to tell tall tales about the lickings he's dealt to mythical thugs called Corn Pop (a bad dude, man).”

Even more so for a man who publicly recommends that when you are worried about people outside your house you should just discharge a shotgun multiple times through your door. Beiden is a crazy man. The thing Pisaki does not get is that you don’t want to lie all the time, no one would have given a crap if the dog bit someone and they fessed up and paid restitution. But their first instinct is to lie, which will always be discovered later. The coverup is worse than the crime, we should all have learned by now. So this administration is deeply stupid and incompetent. Stupid in unum, stupid in omnibus.

rcocean said...

Dog lets sleeping Press secretary lie.

rcocean said...

What is about Democrat Presidents and pets. LBJ picked up his dog by his ears. The Clintons "lost" Buddy and socks. Biden has this fake pet that bites. And Did Obama ever like pets?

The only one who had a normal Pet Human relationship was Carter.

Mutaman said...

Critter said...

" Trump would have written a personal check to cover the cost of a new suit. "

Are we talking about the world's biggest deadbeat?


NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

First this:

Lucien said...
Once again Biden screws the pooch when it comes to sinking his teeth into what a “Wag the Dog” strategy is really about.

followed up by this:

Rosalyn C. said...
Didn't Biden say he fell and broke his foot after yanking his dog's tail? Who pulls on their dog's tail? I had never heard of anyone doing that to their dog, unless they were a child or our prez. Oh boy!

My God! The serendipity!

Yes, Biden did pull the dog's tail and IIRC it was right after he got out of the shower. So, you see......never mind, I think you guys can follow that train of thought!

exhelodrvr1 said...

Carter was attacked by a rabbit

Paul said...

And now we find the SS is part of the Biden crime syndicate.

Zev said...

What's the news here? That Psaki lies? That's not news.

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