"... two sources tell The Hill."
"I believe he thinks he’s the only one who can beat Trump. I don’t think he thinks there’s anyone in the Democratic party who can beat Trump and that’s the biggest factor," the source familiar with the Obama-Biden talks said.
I guess that means he thinks the other possible candidates are really not that good, including and perhaps especially his hand-picked choice to follow him, Kamala Harris. The other top choice is Pete Buttigieg. But we don't really get to see who might emerge if Biden would do the right thing and decline to run.
Here's "The top 10 Democratic presidential candidates for 2024, ranked" by Aaron Blake (at WaPo), putting Biden at #1, followed by Pete Buttigieg, then Kamala Harris, then Elizabeth Warren, and Amy Klobuchar.
Good. He should be held accountable for his disastrous governance.
Run Joe Run! You are the only one who can beat the Dreaded Orange Man!
The good news about Joe's mental condition is that around a month from now he will have forgotten about saying this. And to borrow a Biden phrase, "That's no joke."
Sure, why not. The Slavic... American Spring in the catastrophic Obama world Spring series in progress.
"he is planning to run for reelection in 2024..."
Depends on what the meaning of "run" is. Feeble grandpa Joe can barely walk.
His assessment of the alternatives shows he is not quite senile yet. But what if Oprah, my Dem pick for 2016, challenged him--or, God forbid, Michelle?
As someone commented about iowa (and replacing Grassley), and paraphrased Lincon..
It's TRUE, that they should replace Biden; with Anyone..
The Problem is; they CAN'T replace Joe with Anyone.. They'd Have to replace him with SOMEONE
And WHO would That be?
Beta O'Rourke?
Pete Buttifuc?
Kamela Harris?
Bernie Sanders?
Lizzard Warren?
Not seeing SOMEONE on that list of Anyones
Biden is even more senile than previously thought. Harris and Buttigieg will exercise the 25th Amendment in August.
I do hope Secretary Pete runs. He failed in South Bend and he failed at Transportation. He's glib and gay. That's it.
Can't really follow these things. Biden won because he wasn't Donald Trump. He's done an awful job and everyone knows it, so they shouldn't run him again. Kamala Harris, the same. Pick any of the other 300,000,000 Americans and see if Not Trump beats Trump.
Since I was hoping Biden would do the right thing and not run in 2020 I suppose I am not the right person to evaluate these things. Also hoping DJT would do the right thing and stay out of the 2024 race. Let a relative run.
I do think that it is still way too early to tell what will happen for men of their ages. Truman bowed out in 52 after NH and same with Johnson 68. He then barely lived to see the 1973 inauguration.
The D party is not going to renominate him and will never win the primaries even against the very weak bench that the Dems have. The reality is that Joe will not be able to remember his own name by the time the 2024 campaign begins. This kind of BS should be treated with the disdain it deserves.
If that is the WaPo's best ten list they might as well concede now that Trump if he chooses will get reelected. Or any Republican nominee will be president.
I still say the candidate for the D's will be a governor. Wolf in PA ( who will get creamed ), Newsome (who will also get creamed) or a businessman (Jamie Dimon, Mark Cuban et al).At this point I do not think it will matter if the R's run Trump or Desantis.
Yeah, Biden said he used to drive a truck and was a professor at U Penn. His fantasy life is most of what's left of his mind.
Will Biden remember this statement tomorrow?
"I fought Corn Pop with a chain."
"I drove a truck."
"The 2nd Amendment never said you could own a cannon." [Yes, it did. You could buy a cannon then and can buy one today.]
E.g. Buy your functional cannon online here: https://southbendreplicas.com/
"Back in the day I wore an onion on my belt, because that was the fashion of the time."
Biden said he was planning to run, but he didn't say for what ... or from what.
So it will be "Not Biden" v. "Not Trump?"
Even if Biden isn't really planning to run in 2024, he should say that he is planning to run. Otherwise, he's a lame duck with less clout.
'...putting Biden at #1, followed by Pete Buttigieg, then Kamala Harris, then Elizabeth Warren, and Amy Klobuchar.'
Only about 200 IQ points combined...and most of those belong to Pete.
We are such an unserious country...
I think we should all vote in the Dem primaries to make sure Biden is the nominee.
Weakest Bench Evah!
Forget about Donald Trump. Let's pretend he had never been born, had never been president. Forget who the Republicans' next candidate may be. That Joe Biden is the "best" the Democrats can offer to run for the presidency shows nakedly how sclerotic they have become, how out of touch, self-deluded, pathetic, and worse than useless, but harmful. The Republicans are as bad--snide, smirking Neidermeyer shits, all. I once had tepid hope for the Dems, but, given that I have not voted for a Dem presidential candidate since 1992, (Clinton, reluctantly), I obviously gave up any hope for them a quarter century ago. Yet, still...I am still appalled that Biden says he wants to run again and that the Dems may actually go for him again!
The crew that put Joe in the White House against all odds in 2020 can do it again in 2024, if they so choose.
To be clear, that was Dementia Joe’s Apology Chain, Enigma!
6 more years!
Zucky better reopen his wallet.
Burden... Burden. Burden. Burden. Burden. Goose.
Biden is the best the Dems have.
Let that sink in.
"President Obama": Is that what he is calling the Easter Bunny these days?
I mean, sure, why not? Once he gets his approval rating down at a robust 20%, they can run him out there to lose. Why ruin a good candidate in an election they cannot win? Then again, they could throw Kamala Harris out there; I see no downside to ruining her career for anyone other than Kamala. Ruining Pete Buttigieg, who is basically Biden without the retail political skills, would be another wonderful empty suit to ruin.
"The reality is that Joe will not be able to remember his own name by the time the 2024 campaign begins. This kind of BS should be treated with the disdain it deserves."
I choose amusement.
I imagine his puppeteers are telling Biden he can run. They know the Democrat's are screwed. Biden is the perfect fall guy.
Based on this last weekend, the Easter Bunny will be his running mate. Better than Kamala.
Just when you thought things could not get worse...
Yeah, I got news for him. He didnt.
Are we sure Joe isn't talking about running in 2020?
"The top 10 Democratic presidential candidates for 2024, ranked"
A trail of tears.
I wish this Administration hadn't played out like such a weird doppelganger of HBO's VEEP. So many big egos flouncing around, fecklessly destroying the country in order to gain the power they crave. It would be funny if it weren't real.
Biden has to say he is running in 2024 just as Pelosi has to say she is running in 2022.
The Democrats are dispirited by their leadership, but they fear the bloody battles that will arise when Biden and Pelosi become lame ducks. It will expose the party as Marxist to a lot of moderate Democrats.
I wonder what the polling numbers are for Biden running in 2024, if he isn't institutionalized before then. My best guess is that he would not reach 30% among Democrats.
The White House Easter rabbit against the January 6 viking horn guy would be good.
25th Amendment or Hunter laptop scandal.
Take your pick.
Either way Biden isn't running in 2024.
I'd like Buttigieg just to fufill Jack Nicholson's speech in As Good as It Gets (1997)
Or, if it's election night, and you're excited and you want to celebrate because some fudge packer that you date has been elected the first queer president of the United States, and he's going to have you down to Camp David, and you want someone to share the moment with. Even then, don't knock. Not on this door. Not for any reason. Do you get me, sweetheart?
I see Aaron Blake is ordering his list by the progressive social hierarchy; gay man, then black ciswoman, then indigenous ciswoman, then bland white ciswoman. Remember, the bland white cisman is at the top, because he was the most electable to Democrats.
Let's go Brandon
By then, Biden will be run with remote control.
Cheat to win voting + Leftwing Oligarchs = Weekend and Joes.
Kamala Harris?
Willy Brown is known to enthusiastically refer to her as a SuperSpreader.
How exciting! Remember... "Do It To The Kids" was their motto.
Damn. That lineup is reminiscent of the '62 Mets.
Dave Begley said...
Biden is even more senile than previously thought. Harris and Buttigieg will exercise the 25th Amendment in August.
That raises a Super Interesting Question
IF the Democrats invoke the 25th amendment,
And IF Biden contests it, and it goes to Congress to decide the issue; and has to determine by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office..
HOW do the Republicans vote?
so that the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President?
or, so that the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office
Because IF Joe contests it; it takes ALL the Democrats, and MOST of the Republicans
to Keep him out
And WHY should the Republicans make it easy on the Democrats?
Here's "The top 10 Democratic presidential candidates for 2024, ranked" by Aaron Blake (at WaPo), putting Biden at #1, followed by Pete Buttigieg, then Kamala Harris, then Elizabeth Warren, and Amy Klobuchar.
They couldn't fit Bernie in the clown car??
The 2nd Amendment never said you could own a cannon." [Yes, it did. You could buy a cannon then and can buy one today.
The United States government has issued Letters of Marque and Reprisal that allowed privately owned fully armed ships to wage war on enemy shipping. The Rough Riders used privately owned Gatling guns during the Spanish-American War.
And Obama first choice. I'd do it, if I was on their team.
I still say the candidate
It's unusual that we are two years out from a presidential election with no clear frontrunner for either party. (Assuming Trump doesn't run) The mere fact that the previous comment mentioned Newsome demonstrates just how bad things are for the Democrats. There's just nobody there under the age of sixty to pick from. The one person they'd have the best chance with, Tulsi Gabbard, they'll never pick. I'm betting Cuomo at least pretends to run. An outsider like Cuban would be nice, but I think he'd flop in a campaign. The big problem with the Democrats will be convincing Bernie not to run. Unfortunately for all of us, I think the only way they can do that is by running Biden again.
The Republican bench is very light also. A lot of people ruined their rep as anti-Trumpers. I predict an outsider. Nikki Haley will probably test the waters. Palin might get froggy if she wins that seat in Congress. (I'd pay to see Palin and AOC fucking (figuratively) with each other on the floor of Congress.) DeSantis is probably the frontrunner, but he seems too threatening to an awful lot of voters. (which was exactly the media's intention) I could see Tom Cotton as a compromise candidate. I don't think anyone in the party is too mad at him.
There's a reach involved, but Trump could run as an incumbent in 2022. Republican wave this year. 1)Republicans take a 50+ seat majority in the House, and 67 seats in the Senate. (Improbable, but possible and if they can get Manchin and a few others to be cooperative, not necessary)The 2)Republicans name Trump as Speaker of the House. (This is possible. Nothing says the Speaker has to be a member of Congress) 3)Biden dies, or is removed by the 25th Amendment. 4) Harris is impeached, due to pure stupidity if nothing else. Hell she'd probably stroke out or actually go nuts anyway. 5) Trump becomes president, and because it is less than two years of another president's elected term, he can run for four more.
I also think there will be at least one third candidate, a radical. It could be Bernie if the Democrats don't kiss his ass well enough. It could be someone out of the BLM movement...Stacy Abrams? Will AOC be old enough?
Kamala isn't Biden's hand-picked successor. The selection of Kentanji Brown Jackson for SCOTUS belied their true reasoning. The Democrats believe that Black women are the most important part of their electoral base and feel the need to currently pander to them. Kamala wasn't picked because she is the most electable successor. She was picked to pander to the party's base.
Gahrie got me thinking, when he said... There's a reach involved,
Here's the Flip Slide
Currently, the demos have (bare) majorities in the House and Senate (including Mittens Romeny)..
So, BEFORE next January..
A) Biden "retires"
B) Kamela moves up
C) the House and the Senate vote for Barrack O'Bama to be VP..
D) Kamela "retires"
E) O'Bama is President for the rest of Biden's term
I've spent the last 10 minutes looking at the Constitution, And it looks (to me) like the restriction is:
Amendment 22 No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice
That SEEMS to be the ONLY restriction, and it is on being elected, not appointed
“hand-picked choice to follow him”
VPs are picked to balance a ticket, not to follow into the Oval. Look what happened to Mike Pence. The only exception was Harry Truman. We pretend that they are being picked to succeed. It’s also wrong to look back at who ran for the Democratic 2020 nomination as the front runners for 2024. Most of the candidates were ringers, in the race to cancel out various parts of the potential support for Bernie Sanders. If the Democrats want to run someone new, they have fifteen to twenty good choices. No one of them yet stands out, but could with a good campaign.
The more interesting part of this story is that Barack Obama appears to be playing the role of the senior party leader. The message being delivered is that if you want Joe to step aside so you can run, you have to first demonstrate to Barack that you have a better chance of beating Trump.
But is the country ready for President Cuban?
Will he have to come out as LGBTQ first?
Democrats, I implore you, don't pass up Marianne again.
A sexy 70 year old would do wonders for women's self-esteem.
The worst thing about Biden running in 2024 is that it would be an almost irresistable temptation to Trump to run. And I don't want the next Republican President to be an instant lame duck.
""President Biden has told former President Obama that he is planning to run for reelection in 2024...""
Surely this is a strategically leaked untruth.
I don't know why so much air is given to this question. Biden running again or even finishing his term is as likely as my bulldogs painting my house next week.
The Hill article doesn't say if he's taking Harris along for the ride next time.
And why do they grant anonymity to the "sources" for this article? There's no difference between anonymous and making shit up.
Let them self destruct. Put pudding Joe on an oval high school track to run. My guess is he turns around and runs the opposite direction. I know that’s mean, but no more mean than the folks who have propped him up the last three years. 85 year old dad who barely recognizes my mother. Why the hell would anyone push him in to that only to so embarrass himself.
Not much sympathy, but the brain trust of the dems don’t seem to have more than a quarter of a brain.
We all decline should we live long enough, but know when to opt out. “Doctor Jill” is most complicit I think, but I may be wrong.
David in Cal:
A lame duck w/less clout…
He’s not looking like much more than that, right now!
So in the 2024 elections corpses won't only be voting, they'll be running as well?
It seems like there are unlimited second (and third and fourth and fifth) acts in American political life.
"China's not going to eat our lunch."
"China ate our lunch."
"Go away, I'm eating my lunch."
But Biden's not a cat, and his nine lives have run out.
"I do hope Secretary Pete runs. He failed in South Bend and he failed at Transportation. He's glib and gay."
And Althouse's kid's #1 choice. The fact that he couldn't run South Bend mattered not...
Amadeus 48 said...
"Just when you thought things could not get worse..."
Oh. There will probably be a nuclear exchange somewhere in the world before the next election anyway. This is the consequence of morons voting.
"...including and perhaps especially his hand-picked choice to follow him, Kamala Harris."
Pressure to fire the prosecutor looking into the energy company who gave
Hunter millions?
"you're not getting the billions dollars...." "Well son of a
It’s Not Just Joe Biden. The United States Has A Potemkin Government
"The Democrats are dispirited by their leadership, but they fear the bloody battles that will arise when Biden and Pelosi become lame ducks. It will expose the party as Marxist to a lot of moderate Democrats."
I know there are a lot of Democrats who are numbskulls, but none are so thick--or senile--to see the party as "Marxist." I can't imagine the delusional thinking, obstinate ignorance, or utter lack of intelligence required to think that.
Oh, yes...the benighted far right could think that.
WHO else do they have/? Buttigieg?? He has been on vacation since he started in this administration. The Cackler?? No thanks. Had enough of the cackle already. The left did this to themselves, thanks to the Great Divider. They will never replace their Messiah.
DeSantis over whoever his opponent is, by at least 52:48, as long as universal mail ballots and vote harvesting are outlawed and prevented. Otherwise, whatever sack of flesh the Dems prop up, because of universal mail ballots and vote harvesting. You read it here first.
gilbar said...
C) the House and the Senate vote for Barrack O'Bama to be VP..
D) Kamela "retires"
E) O'Bama is President for the rest of Biden's term
Nope. Last line of the 12th Amendment.
"But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States."
RE: Can of Cheese for Hunter @ 8:07AM:
While I disagree with many of the particular opinions expressed by Ms. Pullman in her article at your link, I agree with the broad thesis: we do have a sham republic, with both parties complicit. Congress has been bought by the corporate oligarchs who call the shots for our nation. The people no longer have even any nominal say in how our federal government spends or applies our tax dollars.
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