April 7, 2022

"I thought it was a shame, and I kept asking why isn’t she doing something about it? Why isn’t Nancy Pelosi doing something about it? And the mayor of D.C. also."

"The mayor of D.C. and Nancy Pelosi are in charge. I hated seeing it. I hated seeing it. And I said, ‘It’s got to be taken care of,’ and I assumed they were taking care of it."

Said Donald Trump, about the January 6th riot, quoted in "Trump deflects blame for Jan. 6 silence, says he wanted to march to Capitol/The former president struck a defiant posture and repeated false claims in an interview with The Washington Post" (WaPo).

Trump, speaking Wednesday afternoon at his palatial beachfront club, said he did not regret urging the crowd to come to Washington with a tweet stating that it would “be wild!” He also stood by his incendiary and false rhetoric about the election at the Ellipse rally before the rioters stormed the Capitol. “I said peaceful and patriotic,” he said, omitting other comments that he made in a speech that day....

Trump said he had not destroyed any call logs from the afternoon of Jan. 6 and took part in no phone calls on “burner phones,” even though there is a large gap in his White House phone logs. Trump said that he remembered talking to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and other people during that period. He said he had a “very good” memory but could not say exactly who he talked to that afternoon, or when.

“From the standpoint of telephone calls, I don’t remember getting very many,” he said, later adding, "Why would I care about who called me? If congressmen were calling me, what difference did it make? There was nothing secretive about it. There was no secret.”...

Trump also delved into foreign policy, lashing into NATO for not doing more to help Ukraine — Trump has repeatedly lampooned the organization — and said he’d threatened NATO leaders during a 2018 meeting in Brussels, a notion his advisers denied vigorously at the time. ...

He sought during much of the interview to tout his political supremacy inside the Republican Party... Trump appeared preoccupied with the notion that his grip on the GOP is not as strong as it once was, beginning the interview with a long riff about how popular he was within the GOP....

The former president also said he agreed with DeSantis signing a recent bill that bans teachers from teaching students in early grades about gender identity and sexual orientation. “I do think it was a good move,” he said, but declined to elaborate....

Earlier this week, Trump claimed, Viktor Orban, the prime minister of Hungary, called him to thank him for endorsing him and to credit Trump with the win. “After I endorsed him, he went up like a rocket ship,” Trump claimed of his unusual endorsement. Other world leaders regularly call him because they like him so much, Trump claimed.

He declined to say if he’d spoken to President Xi Jinping of China or Kim Jong Un of North Korea. “These other leaders, they want endorsements,” he said. “I’m the king of endorsements. It’s more than just this country. It’s other countries."


Temujin said...

I don't think he wanted people to overrun the Capitol, though that would go against The Narrative and all of the time and effort of the media and Deep State actors in this play. There were a lot of man hours (if I can say that), dollars, and reputations spent on creating this 'Pearl Harbor/9/11 sort of conspiracy theory around people storming the Capitol.

I do believe Trump wanted 'his people' to march on the Capitol, much like we've seen groups do over the years. But I truly doubt his desire to have the mob go out of control and bust into the Capitol (though...I leave open the possibility that I could be wrong). This was a feisty time. An emotionally sparked time and day. Once you set a mob in motion with those emotions as baggage, the outcome was unpredictable, almost inevitable.

Which is why there were no security measures in place. No preventative measures that you see at virtually all other large group protests- official or otherwise. It is also why the Capitol Police removed certain barriers to allow for the flow up to the building, and why the CP also unbolted certain doors that were supposed to have been kept locked.

Sometimes you have to coax your own Narrative along to help it gain some traction and become what you know it can become.

Jaq said...

I would love it if our press took the same skeptical tone with leaders of both parties. Oh yeah, and if they used the word "allegedly" wherever warranted.

evl29 said...


CJinPA said...

It's an adversarial interview, as it should be, but to the point where it turns into a partisan blog post.

Corporate media would have credibility if it took this approach with Democrats. The stark difference in how they treat subjects based on ideology undermines all of their work.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Leave it to the nitpicking Post to dissect Trump’s rhetoric while studiously ignoring the fact Nancy is in charge of the Capitol police and Trump had in fact requested more cops and even the National Guard before the rally. Why did Nancy withhold additional CPD until long after the Capitol was overrun? Who cares! Trump said stuff!

Boring take. Not going to change the fact “rioters” are being acquitted by DC jurors who see no evidence cops tried to stop protesters or tourists from entering the Capitol. This is a most farcical kabuki!

Amadeus 48 said...

The call logs thing has been blown up by the facts, but WaPoo goes with it anyway. They can't even do Emily Litella right ("Never mind").

And Trump did say that he expected that the crowd would march to the Capitol peacefully. What other comments made that day contradicted that injunction to go in peace?

Achilles said...

The Oligarch pets at the Wapo are trying to keep the moral of their tools up.

But everyone knows that Nancy declined extra security. The videos of the capitol police letting people in and waving them through doors are all over the place.

Everyone who wants to know the truth knows this was a Rheichstag Fire event.

The only people who still say insurrection are stupid tools who are currently banging war drums like barking seals.

farmgirl said...

Such a relief to read such unbiased info from this giant of Journalistic integrity.

gilbar said...

Serious Questions
Why WASN'T Nancy Pelosi doing something about it? And the mayor of D.C. also."
The mayor of D.C. and Nancy Pelosi are in charge, yet they did NOTHING

Also, why did Cops wave people into the building?
ALSO! why did FBI agents take down the signs saying No Admittance, Keep Out?

Mike Sylwester said...

.... repeated false claims ...

This is "professional" journalism in 2022

Just ten years ago, headlines and articles were not written like that. Back then, journalists used to sprinkle careful words like "alleged" in their writing.

Journalists deserve the wide-spread contempt that they get from the public now. They act like propagandists.

iowan2 said...

Pelosi is in charge of security at the Capitol.
Ignoring that fact, proves the lie, that is the Jan 6 commission, hand picked by Pelosi.

Cant answer the question about why security was non existent, everything else is theater. Is in, a work of fiction to entertain, not inform.

boatbuilder said...

Note the suggestion that Trump has been talking to Xi and Little Rocket Man, despite Trump's declining to speak to that issue, based on Trump's talking to "other world leaders."


And that Trump, who is unquestionably the most popular Republican in America, is "obsessed" with his status.


Iman said...

Just wind in sails from the laughable WaPo…

Bullshit Artistes of the Beltway

Paul said...

Guy just got off Jan. 6th charges... turns out he PROVED the D.C. police opened the barricades and let them all in.

U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden accepted Matthew Martin's argument that he did not know he was breaking the law when he entered the Capitol complex.

Martin, a former U.S. government contractor from Santa Fe, asserted that police officers allowed him into the Capitol building during the Jan. 6 assault on the building by supporters of former President Donald Trump who sought to prevent Congress from certifying Joe Biden's 2020 presidential election victory.

There was no 'riot' or insurrection. No more than the nuts in Wisconsin taking over the state capitol.. as was done.

It was all a lie.

Jake said...

"“I said peaceful and patriotic,” he said, omitting other comments that he made in a speech that day...."

Such as?

Wilbur said...

When referring to Trump statements or claims, the local news here never uses the word "alleged". They just label them "false".

Tag this under Things that make me shake my head.

Critter said...

I have gotten used to reading such propagandistic articles by spotting how the writer inserts unsupported opinions to maintain the officially sponsored narrative. That is the only “true” thing I can take away from such articles - gaining understanding of how the minds of the TDS resistance work. Their way of presenting their worldview is so foreign to me. It’s like a less skillful Pravda piece.

rhhardin said...

Trump's problem is harping on having won the election, not January 6th.

You're president if you manage to become president including by cheating, is the way the system works. What's wanted is finality, not majority.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Weird how the same neoliberals nudging us into WWIII always refer to J6 as an “insurrection” and claim without evidence that Trump is pro-Putin. So weird.

mikee said...

I, for one, saw no use of fireworks as offensive weapons by the mob. I saw no molotov cocktails tossed into police cars. I saw no burning dumpsters pushed into police lines. I saw no shop windows broken, no stores looted, no businesses burned.

Either this mob in DC wasn't trying to be as violent as depicted by media, or they learned nothing, nothing at all, from the previous summer's antics by the left in riot after riot elsewhere. Or perhaps both.

TreeJoe said...

At least they shared the fact he pointed out the D.C. Mayor and Nancy Pelosi were in charge of security.

While I don't believe the Ashli Babbitt shooting was justified, per se, the general fact is that our nation's capital was heavily guarded by armed officers who did not respond to being over-run using their available force. Why not?

If a angry mob swarmed the white house, I would fully expect the secret service to use lethal force on that mob EVEN IF the mob was not using firearms.

I expect the same for our Capitol when congress is in session performing it's duties. So if the folks in charge at Muriel and Pelosi, who told Capitol Police to stand down and not use force against what are now called insurrectionists while congress was in session.

wendybar said...

WHY are they protecting Pelosi?? Trump requested National Guard, and NANCY refused....ask yourself WHY?? WHY, when we are being told that they KNEW ahead of time there was something planned (there wasn't...except for whatever the infiltrated FBI were doing) This whole thing was planned so Nancy and her bunch of heathens in Congress would have something to run on because they KNEW Joe Biden is delusional.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

These posts of WaPoo stories, and they are stories, without any commentary... "Let's see what their reaction is..."

Uh, ok. Thanks for letting us know what the mentally ill "journalists" are up to?

rcocean said...

Why is Trump wasting his time talking to the WaPo? Its like he's learned nothing. And I get so TIRED of the constant soviet style propaganda larded in a so-called "News article". "The Running-dog ex-president repeated his false claims about workers and peasants before.."

Basically, the liberals and assholes like Mitt Romney were proclaiming the election fraud free and completely fair - TWO DAYS AFTER THE ELECTION! And never to audit the votes. If it was so "fair and accurate" why not have an audit?

Again, honest people don't oppose audits. ONly crooked ones do.

rcocean said...

BTW, Ashli Babbitt is still dead. Murdered by Lt. Byrd. but ho hum, lets get upset about the "insurrection".

wendybar said...

Tree Joe...but the Capitol Police OPENED THE DOORS AND USHERED people in. WHY weren't those POLICE arrested and charged with aiding an insurrection then???

Roger Sweeny said...

I love that the Post called out the president's lies when Trump was president, and his lies now that he's not. I hoped they would continue this with the new president, but they just roll over like a dog who wants his belly scratched.

Quaestor said...

"He also stood by his incendiary and false rhetoric about the election at the Ellipse rally before the rioters stormed the Capitol."

False? If a true majority wanted Joe Biden and his Democrats, then why the conspiracy to defraud the American people by illegal ballot harvesting schemes like this one in Georgia?

Quaestor said...

You're president if you manage to become president including by cheating, is the way the system works.

Biden will be quoting rhhardin at his impeachment trial.

Joe Smith said...

Securing the Capitol is not the job of POTUS.

If the Rs win the house (at least), I want to see Pelosi's emails, texts, and phone calls seized along with those of the Capitol police and the DC mayor.

If they don't comply or they are conveniently 'lost,' start criminal proceedings.

I'm tired of playing defense...

Michael K said...

Anybody who takes WaPoo claims seriously is named Inga or Howard.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I ask everyone to watch the video linked by Quaestor at 9:24.

Rory said...

"Trump requested National Guard, and NANCY refused....ask yourself WHY??"

Note the similarity with the order to our cyber people to stand down and allow Russian disinformation in in 2016. If you plan to accuse others of conspiracy, you have to provide some evidence of it.

Leland said...

"He also stood by his incendiary and false rhetoric about the election at the Ellipse rally before the rioters stormed the Capitol."

Was there a fire at the Capitol? Otherwise, the notion Trump's rhetoric is incendiary is a false rhetorical claim by WaPo.

roesch/voltaire said...

Yea he wanted to march along to the Capital but the bone spurs prevented him.This guy is a con artist at every turn of the phrase.

Howard said...

I can't wait for the Biden impeachment. I hope the Republicans have the guts to select Marjorie Taylor-Thomas and Leo Getz as Managers to present the QAnon case to the house.

D.D. Driver said...

Nothing happened! It's all an overblown media narrative! (But if something did happen, it was a real shame and total Nancy's fault.)

What a tool.

D.D. Driver said...

"Such as?"

You have to fight like hell or else you are not going to have a country anymore.

Xmas said...

At worst, I suspect Trump wanted the rally-goers to run into a wall of Capitol Police and National Guardsmen. Again at worst, Trump wanted news footage showing peaceful rally-goers getting stopped or, if some of them got a little rowdy, getting tear-gassed, pepper-sprayed, or beaten. At best, I believe Trump expected the rally-goers to stop at the normal barricades and fences and they would listen to the commands of Capital Police manning the gates.

Either scenario would have been a great contrast to the preceding two years of "peaceful" riots around the US where buildings were burned down, drivers terrorized and police assaulted. Trump could even contrast it with the January 20th, 2017 protests during his inauguration.

But the police removed barricades, opened gates and let the rally-goers get up to the building. Some officers opened doors and let them into the building.

Jupiter said...

Jeff Bezos says that Donald Trump is a liar?

Anything else?

Joe Smith said...

Release every frame of every camera anywhere near the capitol.

There's a reason that won't be done.

Joe Smith said...

'I can't wait for the Biden impeachment. I hope the Republicans have the guts to select Marjorie Taylor-Thomas and Leo Getz as Managers to present the QAnon case to the house.'

At least we agree on this point.

Douglas B. Levene said...

I agree with Temujin that the evidence does not support the claim that Trump was part of a conspiracy to invade the Capitol. On the contrary, his reaction after the riot started seems to show that he was surprised, that he had no idea this was going to happen. That’s why he is not going to be indicted by DOJ. However, the evidence also shows that he was pleased that it did happen. That’s why he ignored for hours the requests of his advisors and various Congressmen and Senators to do something about the riot. That’s a political issue, not a criminal law issue.

wendybar said...

Rory said...."Note the similarity with the order to our cyber people to stand down and allow Russian disinformation in in 2016. If you plan to accuse others of conspiracy, you have to provide some evidence of it."

Here ya go...

"Four days later, former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund, who resigned his post in the riot’s aftermath, told the Washington Post it was far from the first time National Guard reinforcements were requested. In fact, Sund told the paper the request was made six times."


Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...

I can't wait for the Biden impeachment.

No, I think the Democrats will pull a Torricelli and get him out of there. Harris is a problem but maybe Obama could become VP. He's running things anyway.

Readering said...

Still working to get out the word on the large crowd size. That's message discipline for you.

MadisonMan said...

speaking Wednesday afternoon at his palatial beachfront club
Free advertising for Mar-a-Lago!

Does it have refrigerators that Nancy Pelosi envies?

GRW3 said...

Don't forget that President Trump offered to deploy the National Guard and the Mayor and Nancy said no. That, however, is why on the two Super RINOs who wouldn't ask any troubling questions were allowed on the Jan 6 panel.

Bruce Hayden said...

“No, I think the Democrats will pull a Torricelli and get him out of there. Harris is a problem but maybe Obama could become VP. He's running things anyway.”

Except that we found with the 2nd impeachment of Trump, that a President didn’t have to be in office to be impeached. Now the question is whether he has to still be alive to get impeached. Maybe Pelosi should try impeaching someone like Reagan before she loses her oversized gavel in November, just to see if it can be done.

Why try to impeach FJB after leaving office? Because it would allow investigation of the WH, which is otherwise mostly out of bounds for Congressional investigations.

Inga said...

Based on the commentary here defending every action or inaction Trump took, the Trump Cult is still going strong among American conservatives.

Inga said...

“Don't forget that President Trump offered to deploy the National Guard and the Mayor and Nancy said no. That, however, is why on the two Super RINOs who wouldn't ask any troubling questions were allowed on the Jan 6 panel.”

Fact check: Trump repeats false claim that Pelosi rejected request for National Guard ahead of Jan. 6

Joe Smith said...

'Why try to impeach FJB after leaving office? Because it would allow investigation of the WH, which is otherwise mostly out of bounds for Congressional investigations.'

Great point.

They made the rules...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Notice Inga’s “fact check” says Nancy but Trump asked mayor Bowser for national guard. As is protocol. Nice try liar!

effinayright said...

I don't believe what happened on Jan. 6 rose to an [unarmed?] "insurrection", and I do believe Pelosi and Schumer helped create the situation by not providing more security.

I also agree that the video taken of people being invited in at the front entrances seems to support claims that many were invited in and behaved peacefully when they got inside.

BUT on the area in front of the Capitol porch facing out onto the Mall, there was a lot of riotous activity. You can see it here:


It may well have been "false flag" stuff, and I'd bet the FBI had instigators egging people on, but it was hardly peaceful.

Christopher B said...

Obama can not become VP and then possibly President in violation of the 22nd Amendment. This was already considered by the writers of the 12th Amendment back when the operative disqualification likely would have been being not being a natural born citizen.

12th Amendment, last sentence

But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.

rcocean said...

I love how people always have to give "Smart takes" and assert that "The truth is somewhat in the middle". Its like a elementry school teacher trying to give everyone a prize.

Michael K said...

Blogger Inga said...

Based on the commentary here defending every action or inaction Trump took, the Trump Cult is still going strong among American conservatives.

The TDS victim writes about a "Trump cult." I guess you prefer the Biden crime family.

Witness said...

truly disconcerting how much attention is focused on this compared to ECA stuff.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Speaking of Swetnick and wind...

Wind energy company kills 150 eagles in US, pleads guilty

+++ you can trust Billionaire Oligarch Nancy.

Meade said...

“ Billionaire Oligarch Nancy.”

You mean Covid-infected Billionaire Oligarch Nancy?


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

LOL - yes Lock Her down. with straps.

wendybar said...

Republican Rep. Troy Nehls of Texas, who serves on Banks’ committee probing the riot, said the speaker’s panel ought to investigate Yogananda Pittman, the head of intelligence for the Capitol Police.

“If the sham select committee was serious about seeking justice for January 6th, they would focus on the people that allowed it to happen,” Nehls told The Federalist. “[Pittman] had the intelligence days before January 6th — what stopped her from acting on it?”

Pelosi’s culpability in the Capitol security lapses has also warranted scrutiny that her deputies in the House have pledged to overlook. As the speaker of the House, Pelosi reportedly rejected requests to dispatch reinforcements from the National Guard six times, according to testimony from former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund.


maherlaw said...

From today's WSJ:

"A federal judge on Wednesday found a New Mexico man not guilty of misdemeanor charges in connection with the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol by Trump supporters, saying the man reasonably believed police officers allowed him into the building. The verdict marked the first full acquittal among the hundreds of people charged in the breach.

Matthew Martin didn’t dispute that he followed a crowd into the Capitol but argued that a police officer waved him in, a defense supported by video evidence, said his attorney Dan Cron."

hombre said...

WaPo mediaswine can't get enough Trump. And what's with the ongoing innuendos about the "false rhetoric" about the election?

More than half the people in the country, including many Democrats, now acknowledge irregularities, if not fraud, affecting the election. No credible evidence to the contrary has been adduced. It is an article of bad faith that the leftmedia are the most vocal of the "false claims" claim.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm not a Trump worshiper. I don't worhsip any pol.

I am a fan of honest and fair elections.

Everyone should watch this. Stunning. This is not about Trump at all. In fact, his name isn't mentioned once. Everyone should be concerned about election fraud and ballot harvesting/stuffing.
What if the shoe is on the other foot?

Ballot Harvesters Made 5,668 Illegal Dropbox Dumps, Were Paid $10/Vote in Georgia: Election Watchdog

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The only thing the left have to run on is their non-stop obsession with Donald Trump.
They have no other authentic pro-America ideas. It's a a giant hill of garbage, grift and high taxes to pay for it. Otherwise it is all DONALD TRUMP!/ ALL THE TIME. It's all Jan 6th/ Democracy is over! Scary DONALD TRUMP! /All the time.

Swetnick is on it.

hombre said...

Oh my. Igna is back with her usual stuff, caricaturing the lefty commitment to remaining ignorantly partisan.

A USA Today fact check? Really? To paraphrase the fact checker: There is "no evidence" that Trump made a "formal request" of Pelosi. Ignoring the "formal" addition as a ploy by the fact checker, we have former President Trump saying he requested and a Pelosi staffer saying he didn't. This equates to "no evidence" like 1+1=0.

Drago said...

Inga: "Based on the commentary here defending every action or inaction Trump took, the Trump Cult is still going strong among American conservatives."

Based on the commentary here by the usual lefty suspects attacking every action or inaction Trump took along with simply conjuring up an endless supply of lies and fake news nonsense, the BueAnon anti-Trump Cult is still going strong among American Russian Collusion Truther Dead Enders.

n.n said...

Wind energy company kills 150 eagles in US, pleads guilty

The shared/shifted responsibility, renewable profits, intermittent energy, ecological catastrophe from recovery to reclamation, Green Gauntlet a.k.a. Blight.

Captain BillieBob said...

The walls are closing in. We got him now!

Michael K said...

But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.

Good point but the 22nd refers to "elected." I'm not sure that rules out "appointed.

iowan2 said...

I encourage everyone follow Inga's link the the fact check.

It offers a quick lesson in leftist media lies.

The "fact check" contends Trump never called the military (NG) for forces to help. But the "facts" pertinent to the issue, is the President has no say about security in DC or the Capital grounds. President Trump would not call the military. He has no authority. Some one said he asked the Mayor, but that sounds a little off, because the Mayor has no jurisdiction on National Park grounds, or the Capital.

This may sound all too much "inside baseball" but for the fact, those jurisdictional details were very much headline news when the Black Lives Matter, militia, thugs, and drum line,moved into DC. President Trump did try to call in the NG, and promptly got shot down by the DC power players and mocked for not understanding who was in charge.

The take away. Fact checkers, extremely short of relevant facts + leftist willing to believe absolutely anything that makes President Trump look bad, = a hilarious convergence of hate and ignorance.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Weird how the same neoliberals nudging us into WWIII always refer to J6 as an “insurrection” and claim without evidence that Trump is pro-Putin. So weird.

Hilary Clinton said it was so, so that's enough for the Lie-Stream Media. QED.

madAsHell said...

I understand they want to have smear Trump, and deny him a second term......again.

At some point, this all becomes free publicity for Trump because the media has no credibility.

jim5301 said...

Maybe I'm asking to much of a potus but I would expect him to maybe do something when the Capitol down the street is under attack. Maybe he could have checked in with Nancy in the mayor to make sure everything was cool? But given his belief they were both highly competent public servants, I can understand why he just chilled.

RMc said...

Corporate media would have credibility if it took (an adversarial) approach with Democrats.

They'd get fired and would have to go out and get real jobs. So, no.

Paul A. Mapes said...

The quoted excerpt from the Washington Post alleges that there are "large gaps" in the White House phone logs for January 6. Yet, no less an authority than CNN has reported that records of the allegedly missing calls have all been located and there is in fact no gap. Does the Washington Post not regard CNN as a reliable source of news?

Paul A. Mapes said...

The quoted excerpt from the Washington Post alleges that there are "large gaps" in the White House phone logs for January 6. Yet, no less an authority than CNN has reported that records of the allegedly missing calls have all been located and there is in fact no gap. Does the Washington Post not regard CNN as a reliable source of news?

jim said...

"Don't forget that President Trump offered to deploy the National Guard ..."

I'm sure those posting this above are well aware that this is just another lie Trump came up with long after Jan 6: 10,000 troops to protect his rally, yeah right.

GrapeApe said...

Not one of the Trump children needs to be a hooker for money. Not one. Hell, Jared Kushner married Ivanka with personal wealth well north of $70000000. He was instrumental in negotiations for the (I Think) Abraham Accords. What other president had family able to do that? Not one. Ever.

So shut the f up you complainers. Things were better under Trump. If you don’t see that... go see the eye doctor. If you can find your way.

Michael K said...

Blogger jim said...

"Don't forget that President Trump offered to deploy the National Guard ..."

I'm sure those posting this above are well aware that this is just another lie Trump came up with long after Jan 6: 10,000 troops to protect his rally, yeah right.

Bullshit. You know this is a lie. Stop lying.

jim said...

Which of my assertions do you disagree with? The former always changing, but the latter is well documented.

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