March 10, 2022

They named the woman-focused sports bar Sports Bra.

I'm reading "A bar of their own: Portland’s Sports Bra will only show women’s sports/Jenny Nguyen’s sports bar, opening in April, has already received praise from women’s sports fans around the world" (WaPo). 

From the comments at WaPo:

1. "Men have become discontented and snarly. Women still possess hope. So women's sports and sports fans are still fun. I'd like Netflix or Britbox to feature women's sports leagues. Is that an idea? Why not sports on streaming sites?"

2. "There isn't the demand to warrant that. The reality is that the vast bulk of women's sports don't have a very high level of interest or make any money.... Mark my words, six months from now the headline will read 'bar that only had women's sports on tv closes.'" 
3. "Okay, whateverdoodle, oh Dearth of Hope comment-maker."


madAsHell said...

My in-laws live in downtown Portland.

There is no one walking the streets. The formerly vibrant commercial areas have been over-run with tents. It's not a good time to open ANY new business.

Curious George said...

"A bar of their own: Portland’s Sports Bra will only show women’s sports/Jenny Nguyen’s sports bar, opening in April, has already received praise from women’s sports fans around the world" (WaPo)."

Yeah, sure it did. The only people that watch women's sports are 12 year old girls, and they are too young to be in a bar.

rehajm said...

It's girls volleyball Mom. You didn't miss anything...

rehajm said...

I could watch Korean LPGA all day...

iowan2 said...

Capitalism is a grand system. Women in my sphere have little interest is sports, of any stripe. Men, have even less interest in women's sport. But I wish them the best, and truly hope they succeed. Successful businesses, breed other successful business, a great thing for a community.

Enigma said...

I predict one of three things:

1. It becomes a jiggle bar with sexy waitresses that's not a lot different than Hooters.
2. It remains staunchly focused on generally unpopular women's sports and rapidly fails.
3. It attracts left wing transgender activists and perhaps becomes a non-conforming sexuality LGBQTA hang out.

hombre said...

Womens' sports? Within two years, there will be mens' sports and womens' sports mostly dominated by men. In Portland though, there will still be an audience.

RideSpaceMountain said...

They should've named the bar Fundamentals, since that is mostly what anyone watching women's sports is commenting on. Good fundamentals this, and good fundamentals that, good fundamental form, and good fundamental plays. Fundamentals. Nice, boring fundamentals.

Jamie said...

I love the name but doubt the demand. Who knows, though? If they have good happy hour pricing and good apps, maybe it'll work despite the dearth of a giant fan base. (Yes, I know there are lots of passionate women sports fans. But 1. Are they passionate solely about women's sports? and 2. There are also a LOT of sports bars.)

rehajm said...

...and with this late season own goal, Brandi Chastain's bra passes Madonna's bra on the all time list. Watch out Anne Bancroft's bra!

gilbar said...

woman-focused sports bar?

You mean women like Lia Thomas?
Actually, i'm assuming that this is a lesbian bar

wendybar said...

So it is a Transgender bar??

Wince said...

They named the woman-focused sports bar Sports Bra.

Combined with transexuals dominating women's sports, the lyrics of Ob-la-di, ob-la-da are finally starting to make sense?

Desmond stays at home and does his pretty face
And in the evening she's a singer with the band
Ob-la-di, ob-la-da
Life goes on: Bra!

gspencer said...

The Sports Bra?

They should just remove the Bra.

Humperdink said...

The continued dividing of the American citizenry, spearheaded by the left of course. Watch a WNBA game and check out the empty arenas. The bar will look the same in less than a year. Realism escapes these people.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Check back in 6 months, Ann.

gilbar said...

WNBA on three screens, women's college bball on 4 others, LPGA on another

Nope doesn't SOUND like a lesbian bar at all.. Oh wait; it TOTALLY Sounds like a lesbian bar

Iman said...

Different strokes for different folks.

rhhardin said...

It's hope for an LPGA seniors tour.

exhelodrvr1 said...

I bet the drinks will have interesting names.

exhelodrvr1 said...

The waiters will be called "brahs"

MadisonMan said...

I assume this bar is not downtown. No business can survive in downtown Portland.
I ponder whether men will patronize it. I don't know many men who watch womens' sports. Maybe Womens' volleyball. But soccer? Basketball? Why watch women play a slowed-down version of the men's games?
So my prediction, I guess, FWIW: It becomes a de facto Lesbian bar, unless the food and prices are attractive enough to bring in men.
I wouldn't open a bar, though, for many reasons. So what do I know?

Wince said...

They named the woman-focused sports bar Sports Bra.

Made me think of another narrowcast: American Bitch

Tim said...

It is true. There is just no demand for televised women's sports. Look at the ratings. Wanting something to be a certain way does not make it that way. In professional women's soccer, the quality of play is low. In college sports, the quality is higher, but the attendance is still low. I do not know the answer, but the old adage about leading a horse to water applies. They need to work on making people want to attend instead of trying to force an equality that does not yet exist.

Lea S. said...

Well this sure sounds like something from a Portlandia bit.

rcocean said...

Isn't this just a place for Lesbians to hang out? In any case, in six months, they'll keep the name and show other women friendly shows.

BTW, I don't have ANY sympathy for people in Portland. You sat by and watched Homeless tents and antifa take over and did nothing. These blue cities never change, they whine about crime or the homeless problem or whatever, and then they vote the same assholes over and over again.

No Sympathy. Its like the dumb californians. They could've fought the Left, but they only have two modes: Vote Rino or democrat OR run away. Of course, they'll destroy their new state just like they destroyed California.

Temujin said...

I love the women in my life- all of them. I have always loved being around many types of women. But I have to say that women's sports are inferior to mens in almost all categories (I'm sure there's some where women are the tops, but aside from figure skating, I cannot think of one off the top of my head). I'm told soccer is big with women. I wouldn't know. Soccer is not big with me.

I note that ESPNs landing page recently took up posting images and articles about the WNBA's latest action as their go-to article. Does anyone in America that is not paid to do so, actually follow the WNBA? Would it stand alone as a product if it was not fully paid for and supported by the NBA?

Fine to have a women's focused sports bar. Good luck attracting actual sports fans as opposed to activists or feminists trying to make a statement. What is that statement? I have no idea. "I can sit through 2 1/2 hours of LPGA action or WNBA action, or women's college hockey because I prefer the lesser version of the games being played."

If you are an objective sports fan, and love watching the best do what they do, this would not be an attraction in any way.

On the other hand...if you love women, love being around women, you might take your chance...

Michael K said...

Are trannies allowed in? After all, most "womens sports" are being dominated by trannies.

JK Brown said...

More likely in less than a year, they bar will only show women's sports with skimpy outfits, volleyball, gymnastics, ice skating...

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Hat Tip to RideSpaceMountain

Anthony said...

There are a few women's sports I kind of like watching, although honestly the only real TV sports I watch anymore are college football and NASCAR.

Figure skating. Softball. Well, okay, that's about it.

Bitter Clinger said...

How to tell everyone you're opening a lesbian bar without telling everyone you're opening a lesbian bar.

Jeff Brokaw said...

Women’s sports have trouble finding an audience on TV, but a bar will find one?

Must have been some true believers in the investment pitch meeting.

dbp said...

If it's a bar devoted to women who love women's sports, I think it's going to eventually become a lesbian bar. Which is fine. If the owner markets the bar as for anyone who likes women's sports, this could become a women's sports bar.

IMHO, there are a number of women's sports which are equally, or more compelling than the men's versions. Golf, Tennis, Volleyball (beach and gym). Other sports are compelling as well, but don't really have much steady, televised content--figure skating, gymnastics, track and field (high jump and pole-vault are pretty compelling at the highest levels) weight lifting (as long as they focus more on the lower body-weight divisions, where the women still look like women), Cross-fit games are pretty entertaining.

Wilbur said...

I love watching women's golf. Or volleyball. Or softball.

I used to especially love watching the US women's soccer team. Then they went all LeBron on us and decided they had been afforded "a platform" that entitled them to shove their Leftist politics down my throat. So, much like LeBron and his ilk, they are dead to me now.

Women's basketball? I've yet to see a women's team that could beat a good boy's high school team, so no, that's not something I'll watch.

Curious George said...

Room for all.

Jeff Brokaw said...

Just my opinion: by far the best women’s sports on TV are volleyball and track.

Both are actually really good. I like to watch both in the Olympics and NCAA and various world championships etc.

Plus all the athletes look like women, feminine but athletic which is a winning combo for most guys. That’s how you draw an audience, if anybody cares about such things.

Curious George said...

" Maybe Womens' volleyball. But soccer? Basketball? Why watch women play a slowed-down version of the men's games?"

Women's volleyball is also a slow downed version of the men's game, but it does have one redeeming feature, the uniforms.

R C Belaire said...

Beach volleyball, baby.

tim maguire said...

There're a handful of women's sports that could attract an audience. Tennis, figure skating, gymnastics. Maybe have the WNBA on in the corner. Because you have to. But if they want to survive, there's going to be a lot of beach volleyball.

Joe Smith said...

So a lezbo/tranny bar?

If they only show women's sports it's going to be awfully boring.

And they will lose a ton of revenue on Super Bowl Sunday.

Do women's sports include chicks with dicks?

Portlandia lives!

Big Mike said...

Why would women want to go to a bar and watch biological males competing in sports events, just because they’re supposedly women’s sporting events?

Jupiter said...

Opening in April? When does it close?

GRW3 said...

I wonder how they will react to having transgender women dominate their screen.

gilbar said...

Tim asked...
They need to work on making people want to attend instead of trying to force an equality that does not yet exist.

Shirts vs Skins Beach Volleyball?

Jupiter said...

"I ponder whether men will patronize it."

I am guessing that a few sad souls will wander in, hoping to pick up women. Good luck with that.

It does seem that once the trannies have taken over "women's sports", the quality of play should be better. But still nowhere near as good as in men's sports. It was fun while it lasted, right Girls?

gilbar said...

Serious (non hypothetical) Question

Two Bars, anywhere in the world
1) the SportsBra.. Has TV's, that Only show womyn's sports
2) the SportsBra.. Has Naked Chicks, dancing on poles
Which one turns a profit?

Jupiter said...

"BTW, I don't have ANY sympathy for people in Portland."

What about the guy who shot those Antifans? Poor bastard is going to get crucified, but he did manage to put some holes in those vermin. Funny how the Commie DA goes all hard-nosed when his private thug army takes a few rounds.

jim said...

Way I hear most people in Portland (these days) ARE dumb Californians.

Anyway, I would go to that bar. I like women.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

A man-focused coffee shop is opening across the street, the Athletic Cup.

“My in-laws live in downtown Portland. There is no one walking the streets. The formerly vibrant commercial areas have been over-run with tents. It's not a good time to open ANY new business.”

My nephew seems to be having a good time living in downtown Portland, from the pictures he posts out walking his dog. My brother also enjoys strolling through downtown Portland in the evenings after work. The city, however, could benefit from a Boston-style cleanup.

Lars Porsena said...

When it fails and closes they will blame misogyny.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

The bar is being opened in the Sullivan’s Gulch neighborhood of Portland, at NE Broadway and 25th. So it is not downtown, but my favorite store in downtown Portland is still open. Portland haters, you are hating on fake news.

Gravel said...

Another item that I haven't seen anyone address is the differences in drinking habits between men and women, especially in a sports bar.

Men tend to drink beer, and a good bit of it. Beer is high margin and fast and easy to serve. Women cannot drink the same amount as men, and tend to drink more mixed drinks (although the hard seltzer products seem to be making inroads). Men eat wings, burgers, and nachos. And again, we eat lots of it. Women tend to eat more complicated bar food, too, and just not as much.

I'd invest in a sports bar if somebody who knew how to run a bar was a stakeholder. I wouldn't invest in this bar, in Portland or anywhere else. At least not without significant research to assuage my concerns. I wish them the best of luck.

Joe Smith said...

'I used to especially love watching the US women's soccer team.'

I like watching the LPGA because I can relate to how far they hit the ball.

I hate women's soccer because I've seen 14yo boys teams who would kick their asses.

I used to play with 40-50yo men who could do the same.

Static Ping said...

I am not sure why I should care what a bar wants to use as its theme. I am completely baffled why the WaPo would care at all. This is the sort of story that ends up in a local weekly newspaper, not a national newspaper based on the other side of the continent.

I suppose we will see if virtue signaling counts as a business plan. I have my doubts, but best of luck.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Anyone opening a business in Portland is a fool. Portland has become a sh*thole city with its unlimited homeless vagrants and unconstrained antifa hooligans. We are sharing a house with a Portland refugee, who's moving his business to Pugetopolis and looking for a home here. Of course, home prices and bidding are insane, but better than living in Portland.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Women are better than men at ultra-long distance swimming. But that's not a great sport for TV. Maybe if you put chum in the water?

Deevs said...

YouTube recommends videos of women pole vaulters to me from time to time. I'm not sure why it started doing it in the first place, but I watched one so I'll be getting more until the end of time. I imagine that type of sport content would attract male customers. WNBA games not so much.

PM said...

Good name. Funny.
They should use existing Sports Bar signage and just rearrange the letters.

John henry said...

Just my opinion: by far the best women’s sports on TV are volleyball and track.

I'm partial to volleyball myself. My vegan granddaughter is a serious player. She has been offered a volleyball scholarship at one engineering school, She is expecting to be offered one at the UPR, her (and our) first pick.


Jim at said...

If there was demand for watching women's sports, I'm pretty sure existing sports bars would be showing it. But they're not.

Old and slow said...

Yes, this bar is pure Portland silliness. And sure, the city is awash with bums on meth and opiates. And then there is the Antifa nonsense... I mean, I get it, Portland is flawed in many ways. But goddammit, it's a pretty cool city even with all that! I went there a couple of years ago for a few weeks on a family holiday. We rented a house near downtown. Shit, I'd live there in a heartbeat! It beats the hell out of any city or town in Arizona. That's for damn sure.

Jaq said...

Women's college golf could be a big hit with men, just saying.

Tomcc said...

I've noticed more women's sports content on TV lately, maybe due to Women's history month(?). I have no way of knowing, but I suspect there is pressure to deliver such content irrespective of the demand. Perhaps by giving it more exposure, the demand will follow.
As a Portland area resident for 24 years, I can attest to the fact that it is a shithole city now. Basically, an asylum without doors. It was a wonderful place 20 years ago.

JAORE said...

Free drinks for the house every time an alley Opp results in a two-handed slam.

It won't cost all that much. Couple of dunks a year, three patrons in the bar.

Anthony said...

>>I like watching the LPGA because I can relate to how far they hit the ball.

My Dad (an avid golfer) used to watch the LPGA because he said he got better ideas about how to improve his game, rather than just whacking 300 yard drives all the time like the men do. (This was back when the LPGA wasn't as. . .errrrmmmmm....visually appealing as it is now)

Mason G said...

"I've noticed more women's sports content on TV lately, maybe due to Women's history month(?). I have no way of knowing, but I suspect there is pressure to deliver such content irrespective of the demand."

I follow the NHL and have a Center Ice subscription. Between periods, it used to be typical to get some talk about ongoing games in other cities and other league topics. Anymore, they seem to be doing everything they can to find a "women's hockey" angle to push. The Canadian broadcasts are the worst.

Gravel said...

I was a young NROTC midshipman in 1983, doing my summer fleet exercise. We sailed from Long Beach to Portland for the Rose Festival. Growing up in a Houston suburb, I had never seen more than a handful of homeless, and only one at a time. Mind you, this was 1983, and there were dozens, if not hundreds, of homeless living in city parks.


Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. Portland is badly governed, and has been for decades.

n.n said...

A woman-focused sports bra that serves a healthy drink and feminine support.

walter said...

"Men have become discontented and snarly. Women still possess hope. "
I ran cam on a collegiate level soccer game where they attempted a pseudo-social justicey preamble that was a verbal cream puff on a 2 foot pedestal. Imagine Valley Girl wanting people to be nice and stuff.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Does that include e"trans-women's sports"?

walter said...

Sports bras are great for Hooters.

Bunkypotatohead said...

They should emphasize water sports.

AndrewV said...

Too bad Fred and Carrie stopped making new episodes of Portlandia. This would be just up there alley to parody.

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