Said NYT National Security Correspondent, Matthew Rosenberg, quoted in "Pulitzer Prize Winning New York Times Reporter: January 6 Media Coverage ‘Overreaction,’ FBI Involved, Event Was Not Organized Despite Ongoing Narrative" (Project Veritas).
You have to watch the video to get the full effect. Poor Rosenberg seems to be having such a lovely time impressing the unseen woman who is tricking him into chattering about his work:
Other men are "fucking little dweebs" — "fucking bitches." He's parading his own manhood and deeply self-smitten. To be fair, he is attractive and performing well in the manly style. But the unseen woman is also performing well — in the classic "feminine" style. For us, the audience, it's fascinating and hilarious.
But it's not funny if there really was a coup going on! Since Rosenberg seems to be saying that there was not, he's giving us all the go-ahead to laugh at him.
Just sayin' that Project Veritas has taken the "honeypot" tactics of the CIA, KGB, and espionage agencies worldwide to members of the US media.
Note to reporters: Never project your fantasies onto attractive women. Women often are not who they seem to be. Review WW2 propaganda regarding loose lips sinking ships.
[This will be fully lost on impulsive people and those without fear. They are controlled by their passions, egos, and lifelong psychopathy, and thereby truly can't stop themselves.]
news you can use...Don't get drunk, and brag to pretty ladies with hidden mics
I need to find some new conspiracy theories. All the old ones have come true.
I hope everybody who is hoping the political prisoners in Biden's gulag choke on this story. This is no better than what Putin does to his people. Nasty Nancy refused the National Guard troops that Trump requested. Ask yourself WHY!!! This is all a set up to denigrate Trump Supporters and make them pariahs to the rest of the country. I am hoping Karma turns around and slaps every progressive hard in the face. It's time for them to wake up from their slumber and see what a nightmare they made of our great country.
Countless lives are destroyed, being destroyed, or about to be destroyed simply for being political opponents of Nancy Pelosi and the democrat party.
Left out a word!! Oopps....
I hope everybody who is hoping the political prisoners suffer in Bidens gulag choke on this story.
So are we supposed to ignore the content of Rosenberg's confession, and focus on his manliness? He's admitting to lying to the public, which is not exactly what you'd want a journalist to do. Especially a journalist who is high in the pecking order at such an august and influential establishment as the NYT. Why, it might weaken our deep respect for that organization and its fierce* commitment to truth and fair balance.
*"fierce" is, I believe, the go-to adjective of the Prog press when operating in Maximum Bullshit Mode.
One does wonder how Project Veritas chooses its targets. They can't possibly have enough tricksters to be simultaneously trying to date/meet in bars with dozens of NYT reporters. So I assume that they have to narrow down the field and just pick a couple of reporters to go after in this way. What makes them think that Reporter A will be more vulnerable to this approach than Reporters B, C, D, and so on?
Guy compensates Bigly.
So, Matty, were you lying when you wrote that article, or when you were trying to score some p*ssy, or are you lying now?
Related - Why should anybody believe *anything* printed in the NY Slimes, beside the usual attacks of Gell-Mann Amnesia?
The Times are what we thought they were. They're what we thought they were. We played them in preseason—who the hell takes a third game of the preseason like it's bullshit? Bullshit! We played them in the third game—everybody played three quarters—the Times are who we thought they were! That's why we took the damn field. Now if you want to crown them, then crown their ass! But they are who we thought they were! And we let 'em off the hook!
@Leslie Graves
Great question
Would pay so much to know the backstory setting up the date and to see the woman who loosened him up. You can tell he’s bored women on dates over and over throughout the years.
Of course there was a coup going on.
Did you catch John Brennan in any of his appearances on MSNBC? When the Mueller report blew the whole thing up (no collusion between Trump campaign and Russia), Brennan said, "I was misinformed." This is the former head of the CIA.
You don't know whether to laugh or to cry.
One does wonder how Project Veritas chooses its targets
Many books have been written on espionage methods, some are listed here:
I'd guess they (1a) look at the reporters photos online and interests as shown by social medial postings, then (1b) recruit women with similar physical appearances and similar "interests" per the public social media evidence, (2) have the women hang out in lunch cafes and happy hour bars near the NY Times office building, (3) have the women "bump into" the targets and spill drinks all over their dresses, and (4) ask for help about "cleaning up the mess." Or something in this vein.
Men are often led by their smaller heads.
"So are we supposed to ignore the content of Rosenberg's confession, and focus on his manliness?"
You can talk about either. My choice to expand on one thing and not the other is based on the fact that I had things to say that felt interesting to me about the interpersonal dynamic. As to Jan. 6th not being what the media cracked it up to be, what can I say? Yes, that's important? This blog is not a news feed. I don't post just to say: That happened.
"What makes them think that Reporter A will be more vulnerable to this approach than Reporters B, C, D, and so on?"
They may well go after A, B, C, D, E and more. You only see the one that yielded a usable result.
"What makes them think that Reporter A will be more vulnerable to this approach than Reporters B, C, D, and so on?"
I think they go after the smart ones with big egos. There are lots of big egos, but only a few of them are smart.
And he paid for the drinks. The PV budget is minimal because the marks pay for the rope that hangs them. Well played PV, well played.
Oh--sorry. I thought you meant the Russiagate coup against Trump. Jan. 6? That was a riot, not a coup.
But it's not funny if there really was a coup going on! Since Rosenberg seems to be saying that there was not, he's giving us all the go-ahead to laugh at him.
I didn't laugh at this. That wasn't my reaction. It might be funny if Rosenberg was talking about an experience involving some kind of natural phenomenon, like a storm or something, that his fellow reporters were terrified of, but he didn't think was so bad.
The fact is, the video supports the idea there was a coup going on, just not by the protestors. It was being conducted by the government and the media against the people. Rosenberg may not have recognized that at the time, but that is essentially what this video is telling us.
It doesn't seem funny to me that Rosenberg is bragging about the dishonesty of his reporting, of his colleagues, of his newspaper and of the government in order to impress a woman. He expects it to impress the woman. What does that tell us about the water this guy swims in?
He's not trying to impress her with his courage. He's saying there was no danger.
He's trying to impress her with his cleverness and his insider status. It never seems to occur to him she might not approve of the protestors being falsely accused of serious crimes and all that flows from that. Apparently, none of that bothers him either.
@ John Christopher. Agree. One of the feelings that watching this video gives rise to is a feeling of pathos at the big gap between what he is going on about to someone he is eager to impress and what would actually be fun, entertaining and impressive.
It’s also painful to watch it and realize the extent to which the Project Veritas trickster sounds like a junior league prosecutor deposing someone for the first time, while never at any point does it ever cross his mind to wonder why she is asking these detailed questions and following up on them. For example, when she says, “And what are the names of some of the reporters who can’t write?” And he immediately takes the bait.
Ahhh. The vaunted journalistic ethics on full display! The strait jacket of progressive orthodoxy is so powerful that this pathetic person writes what de does not believe. Verity’s recently hired a former CNN exec who couldn’t stand it anymore and left the dark side to try to compensate for being part of an institution that is the enemy of the people.
Ray Epps is an FBI agent- caught on video telling people to go into the capitol.
the big set up.
The darker side of his diatribe is he’s an owned man. He’s flexing for this woman because he has to eat shit at work. Pathetic manlet.
A young Asian man committed suicide after being harassed and tortured for merely walking thru an open door, standing aside, doing nothing except snapping a few photos.
He was hounded, harassed by OUR DOJ and OUR criminal justice system.
Nancy is Putin.
I wonder if this was in the works when the FBI illegally gave the Times a heads-up about the raid on O’Keefe?
What Enigma and hawkeye said. References to 'social engineering' are always part of the fraud prevention training I get at work, and the examples they have go far beyond getting some guy to shoot his mouth off in a bar, up to people sending millions of dollars to fake accounts based on an anonymous 'someone' demanding that the president of the company needs this money to close a deal right now.
Social media has also drastically reduced the cost of hitting multiple targets. To Enigma's scenario I'd add that they probably are DM'ing every social media account these guys have, as well as searching LinkedIn, POF, and more.
Prof A @ 8:24: "...I don't post just to say: That happened."
I knew that. I think we all knew that. And we love you for it.
I once told an attractive young lady that I was a professional sky diver. But then again, she told she was a Playboy bunny.
True story.
The narrative that 6 people were killed!
yeah - name them... and why.
Media will not do it.
What if these… fearful kids that run the NYT, also run the State Department, the CDC, the NIH, and the rest of the alphabet running our lives? Maybe things that don’t make sense would start to make sense.
So now we're learning that the New York Times knew there were many FBI agents involved......but they decided not to report that info?
This is fine.
Reporter for the mainstream media caught lying his ass off in his articles. News at 11.
Lefties don’t embarrass easy. Pathological liars. Vermin.
Yep. I live in Florida so my fave sell was always "astronaut". You would think "no way". We'll I'm here to tell you "way". It worked like a charm back in the mid 1980's before the advent of the little super computers we all carry around now. It was almost always deployed as a bar bet amongst buddies.
I'm not sure it's noteworthy that Journalists write what their bosses tell them to write even if they themselves think it untrue. Gotta pay the bills, after all.
I'm interested in how it gets to this point that a guy is spilling his guts to someone he obviously doesn't really know. Hubris. The woman has skills.
One question is whether Matthew Rosenberg will start to report the truth when he moves to Substack.
In a world with honest, muckraking media, Project Veritas would be considered a national treasure. Sadly, that's not this world. The first report of their's that I saw was the abortion one, which was truly chilling. If you have not seen that, find it, and look for that cold blooded scheming slimy executive make jokes about getting a sports car for selling baby parts. I think it was a Ferrari that she wanted.
But I always wonder with these videos : What has been left on the cutting room floor?
Smart people know that the NYT is a lying hack propaganda rag. Glad this guy knows the truth.
He'll be fired by the end of the month.
Ben Rhodes was right: Journalists are young, naive and know nothing.
But it's not funny if there really was a coup going on!
You mean that you really believed that January 6th was a coup attempt? You gullible nitwit!
“But I always wonder with these videos : What has been left on the cutting room floor?”
That’s the usual legacy media dodge: “selectively edited”.
So Jan 6 was an informal FBI convention ? No surprise.
I note that conservative women are, on average, prettier and more intelligent than the average liberal/progressive woman. And that could be at least part of the answer to the question posed by Leslie Graves — you can go after lots of targets simultaneously if you have lots of honeys for honey traps.
Apparently, a lot of these privileged Twitter bullies need Saturday detention, their own Breakfast Club.
Andrew's (Emilio Estévez) confession. How many of these new "journalists" have that same psychology, but they never are faced with empathy with their victims?
My Date with Matthew is at least as much fun as My Dinner with Andre. Sacrilege, I know.
Methinks (apologies again) he was fairly eager to "take the bait," and I would guess he had been rumored in media circles to have misgivings. A halfway savvy reporter would realize that what you dish to a "date" might get spread around.
Thanks, Owen.
This guy was the government’s primary stenographer during the Mueller investigation. It’s rich to hear him push back now against dopey narratives.
Just another chrome dome faux tough guy plying his mendacious talents to turn shit into gold and refine it back to itspurest, unadulterated form: excrement.
He oughta hook up with Haberman, they’d make a fine couple of fabulists.
Two things: alcohol and cleavage.
Does cleavage count as two things?
In that case, it would be three things : )
I'm interested in how it gets to this point that a guy is spilling his guts to someone he obviously doesn't really know. Hubris. The woman has skills.
priest[ess]ly skills at confession absolution via pussy?
"What makes them think that Reporter A will be more vulnerable to this approach than Reporters B, C, D, and so on?"
Probable case is that all of A, B, C, D and so on are all pretty vulnerable - reporters as a rule think they are smarter and more beloved than they really are.
'But I always wonder with these videos : What has been left on the cutting room floor?'
This is the go-to lefty rebuttal...'It's been edited!!'
But then Veritas will release the raw footage...
Not much to say after that.
in NYT blog speech is cheap speech
ball is in Professora court : how say you to dissing
Ben Rhodes was right: Journalists are young, naive and know nothing.
how to groom /journalist/ into state-fellationers : the way Uniparty likes them
April is a Putin Puppet just like her heros on FoxSB News. Trump softened America for Putin's benefit by creating a bloc of Useful Idiots. I feel sorry for April but happy to see many here have not gone down Kremlin Rabbit Holes.
As to Jan. 6th not being what the media cracked it up to be, what can I say?
how about : subservient media results in political prisoners? my ConLaw expertise does not predict this?
@Howard .. that was f'ing pathetic. I wanna hear how Rosenberg needs to be shipped off to Gitmo and waterboarded until he gets his mind right cuz that's what should happen to all the J6 Big Lie conspirators.
"But I always wonder with these videos : What has been left on the cutting room floor?"
I don't know about this one but Project Veritas usually posts the entire unedited video if you want to see that.
MadisonMan said...
"But I always wonder with these videos : What has been left on the cutting room floor?:
Please stop repeating lies created to discredit Project Veritas. PV usually publishes all of any video. They will make an edited version and the uncut version available. Does CBS or NBC or ABC or CNN do this?
So please just STFU.
Bob Boyd, 9:30, +10.
---As to Jan. 6th not being what the media cracked it up to be, what can I say? Yes, that's important? This blog is not a news feed. I don't post just to say: That happened. [Ann Althouse]
Uh huh. And for not being what you cracked it up to be, originally, either. Well, you put this one up there, at least. So you know what it means; you must. You sure miss the story when it comes by you on some of these items, though -- esp where your favorite newspaper is telling you what "happened" and how everyone should think about it, until the evidence overwhelms their falsities. How many times can you take that treatment from them?
Blogger Howard said...
April is a Putin Puppet just like her heros on FoxSB News.
Howard is the actual Putin puppet because he swallowed all that Russiagate nonsense like a good little Soviet comrade. He still think Trump was a Putin asset. Only Inga and Howard are that stupid.
Say “Good Night,” Matthew.
It must be difficult to see hard evidence that the Emperor is naked if you've been a lifelong supporter.
So you turn your head and you deflect and you look for a distraction.
As the NYT describes him:
Matthew Rosenberg, a Washington-based correspondent, was part of a team that won a Pulitzer Prize in 2018 for reporting on Donald Trump and Russia.
Must be a different Trump/Russian thing than the Adam Schiff thing.
Howard said...
April is a Putin Puppet just like her heros on FoxSB News. Trump softened America for Putin's benefit by creating a bloc of Useful Idiots. I feel sorry for April but happy to see many here have not gone down Kremlin Rabbit Holes.
Howard just cannot accept reality.
The Biden Regime provoked this war and are desperate to keep it going because they are illegitimate and failing.
They jacked up oil prices to give Putin the money. They hate the working class that depends on gas to work and live.
They started bioweapon labs all over Ukraine.
Now they are trying to start WW3 and calling political opponents traitors.
You are such a cliche Howard.
seems like a stand up guy, like all dems
just win baby.
Ah, there ya go, Howard, I knew you could do it.
But I always wonder with these videos : What has been left on the cutting room floor?
Don't you wonder that about all journalism? Why single out these videos?
AFAIK, PV allows the Usual Suspects to tie themselves to "EDITED ELEVENTY!!!! and only then release the complete footage.
I suspect the reference to the frightened dweebs back in the newsroom involves a kind of artistic verisimilitude. We are treated to the spectacle of a cohort which professes, probably to get social creds, to be terrified of the increasingly unterrifying. It showcases their superior sensitivity to be so vulnerable. Or the cohort which professes terror to manipulate others into stopping whichever is proclaimed to be terrifying. So, they must exist in the NYT newsroom--easily believed given the social credit requirements--as a back drop. But did our fearless NYT reporter ever stop to think that being braver than those guys doesn't amount to a whole lot of testosterone?
As to Howard: For a hundred years, we've been trying to convince the libs that Russia is a Bad Guy. Now. Finally. Is there anything Donald Trump can't do?
Howard, did you get the memo that the invasion of Ukraine began two days after the Biden inauguration, thus leading to higher energy prices and associated inflation?
Howie - don't be an idiot.
Your team is team Soviet. We all know it. The only reason you believe otherwise is because you buy wholesale lockstep the loyalist BS and lies pimped by Maddow and created by Russian money whore /sore loser Hillary.
Howie - check under your bed. Putin is hiding.
Biden rolled out the war mat for scapegoat Poot with his disastrous clusterfuck and deadly withdraw from Afghanistan and his day-one killing of all domestic energy production.
Now the collective left/media hacks use Putin as their nonstop scapegoat for all of their fuckups. which there are many.
What's not funny is that they all knew there was not a coup going on, but pretended that there was.
And they are still pushing that line.
When I was in Iraq, working with Iraqis on a daily basis, I was struck by the fact many Iraqis tended to look upon the reflexive openness and honesty they often encountered in Americans they dealt with on a personal level as hopeless, childlike naivete. If they were good natured, they would practically pat your hand. If not, they would try to take advantage. They regarded systemic corruption, graft and nepotism as sophistication. They regarded having multiple faces as admirable cleverness. That is what their culture had taught them about how the world works.
I see a similar attitude in Rosenberg's expectations regarding the woman's reaction to what he was telling her. He seems to have believed she would perceive his admissions of callous, cynical dishonesty as sophistication. Sadly, that is what his culture, the world of elite journalism, has taught him. But it's a small and unforgiving world and one in which he may soon find he is no longer welcome.
To be clear: I wonder that about every single video I see. Not just the one being discussed here.
@LakeLevel "Please stop repeating lies created to discredit Project Veritas. PV usually publishes all of any video." They always say they do. They generally don't.
Is the full video available here?
And even when they do, the full video often shows that they left out important context.
I'm on their side, mind you - but they do not have a good history of honest editing.
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