March 18, 2022

"Russian forces are static when night falls... with their fear of Ukrainian shelling forcing them to hide their tanks in villages between houses..."

"... knowing that conventional artillery cannot risk hitting civilians. But immobile convoys are the prime targets of Aerorozvidka, which has 50 squads of expert drone pilots.... 'In the night it’s impossible to see our drones.... We look specifically for the most valuable truck in the convoy and then we hit it precisely and we can do it really well with very low collateral damage — even in the villages it’s possible. You can get much closer at night.'...Because of power cuts and internet connection problems in parts of Ukraine as a result of Russian attacks, Aerorozvidka has turned to... Starlink, a system donated by Elon Musk that uses satellites in a low orbit...."

From "Specialist Ukrainian drone unit picks off invading Russian forces as they sleep" (London Times).


rcocean said...

Killing people is such fun! Its just like a video game. Yee Haw!

RideSpaceMountain said...

The Russians have always been deficient in night-fighting ability, conversely the USA - depending on the unit - in many cases has the capability and the training to prefer operating at night.

I can tell you I always preferred night operations as the training and the issued gear really stacked the deck in your favor.

It's a little surprising if this info is true as closing the gap in night-fighting ability has been a major priority for near-peer adversaries (it certainly has been for the Chinese), and the Russians not having gotten this taken care of is indicative.

An army properly trained and equipped to fight at night very quickly learns to prefer fighting at night. The difference it makes tactically is night and day.

Michael K said...

I'd prefer to send Mitt Romney to fight but this is almost as good.

Temujin said...

Funny how Elon Musk gets the last laugh.

Quaestor said...

You're so brilliant, rcocean, really. Reading your insightful comments takes me back... a long, long way back.

R C Belaire said...

I realize this has been said elsewhere on the nets, but this conflict may very well be the last in which heavily armored tanks play a close to central role. Drone warfare is where it's at, baby!

J Severs said...

I believe I read in the book about Pat Tillman's death in Afghanistan something like "The Americans ruled the night and the Taliban knew it."

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

Imma guess the "battle hardened" drone drivers are millennials. And Uke millennials seem to be the same narcissistic "look at me!" bunch as US millennials.

"Battle hardened" seems like an odd choice for a bunch of drone drivers, unless they're physically located in a combat zone and taking incoming fire from the Russkies. The term usually indicates someone who has been in actual, physical combat not someone sitting miles away from the front and in no pervasive physical danger.

Howard said...

GOPutin traitors, quislings and Neo-Stalin fifth columnists hardest hit.

Relax boys. It's likely fake news and Vlad is actually winning. Make Soviet Union Great Again.

Jaq said...

As Obama said, "Ukraine is of vital national interest to Russia, and none of ours," therefore they will not lose this war as such a loss would be catastrophic to them. But sure, let's drag this out to the last Ukrainian, because we love them so much.

"Killing people is such fun! Its just like a video game"

We have Chechens vs Nazis, live action! What gamer dared dream of this day?

Joe Smith said...

I believe that modern drones operated by trained pilots could devastate tanks and supply lines.

With enough of them, I don't see why Ukraine doesn't win this thing outright...

Joe Smith said...

'An army properly trained and equipped to fight at night very quickly learns to prefer fighting at night.'

Then it's a good thing we left all of that highly-sophisticated night vision gear in Afghanistan...

Jaq said...

The only way Ukraine is of vital strategic importance to NATO is if we are planning to invade Russia.

gspencer said...

Static at night?

Wimps. At Iwo Jima the Japanese, recognizing the superiority of the American forces, used the night time to attack.

Tom T. said...

Reportedly the Russians just hit a theater that was sheltering civilians, and as many as 1300 may be trapped. There is no way to verify how much of that is accurate, of course, but it highlights the benefits of technology that can reduce harm to non-combatants.

Glenn Howes said...

There was a note in the analytics service I subscribe to that the StatLink app is the most popular download in the Ukrainian App Store.

Achilles said...

I am surprised Putin hasn't made a deal with the Taliban to get some of the Night vision equipment we left in Afghanistan.

Although I assume he probably has and most of these stories are bunk to be honest.

Enigma said...

Drones have enormous killing potential.

From miles away, with about 30 minutes of remote "video game" pilot training:

1. Conduct reconnaissance of enemies (real time video) for a few hundred dollars
2. Deliver explosives with extreme precision
3. Deliver chemical or biological material to crowds and urban areas

Think about this the next time you visit a stadium. Sports events. Concerts. Political Rallies. Amusement Parks. Beaches. All equal risk.


Guns? You mean shooting a people based on line of sight from a few hundred yards?

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!

Eleanor said...

I've read the Ukrainians are running out of coffins. Are they burying the Russians?

Amexpat said...

a system donated by Elon Musk that uses satellites in a low orbit

Glad to see Elon doing something useful, instead of challenging Putin to a fight or calling a rescuer of the Thai cave kids a pedo guy.

Rusty said...

rcocean said...
"Killing people is such fun! Its just like a video game. Yee Haw!"
Tank crews don't, generally, sleep in their tanks. A tank or armored vehicle is not made for laying down. No room. I suspect the tank crews are imposing themselves on the locals to sleep in their houses.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I thought static meant more than happy.

Static Ping said...

Not letting your enemy sleep is an ancient military tactic.

n.n said...

a deal with the Taliban to get some of the Night vision equipment we left in Afghanistan

Regifting is so gauche.

n.n said...

The only way Ukraine is of vital strategic importance to NATO is if we are planning to invade Russia.

Also, operating biolabs vis a wvis Wuhan, China, at the "edge of civilization", and other illicit affairs. As for Ukraine, the nation has been divided since the 2014 Biden/Maidan/Slavic Spring overthrew the EU-certified democratic election and engendered denial of services and other assaults on civilian populations. After 32 trimesters, the concern for the Ukrainian people, from both sides of the coup, is unremarkable.

Achilles said...

Howard said...

GOPutin traitors, quislings and Neo-Stalin fifth columnists hardest hit.

Relax boys. It's likely fake news and Vlad is actually winning. Make Soviet Union Great Again.

Nobody is cheering for Putin you cowardly chickenhawk piece of shit.

You just have to pretend we are because Joe Biden started this war and is trying to extend it as long as possible to hide his failures at home.

You are a completely dishonest person waving bloody shirts and warmongering so you can call other people traitors.

Achilles said...

Saudi Arabia is bombing the shit out of Yemen.

Has been for years.

Biden is begging the Saiudis for more oil.

The warmongers have nothing to say about that or the dozen or so other wars they are funding around the world.

Achilles said...

Russel Brand explains the douchey drones like Howard perfectly.

Don't think Howard.

Just throw out stupid insults like a fucking drone and call people who disagree with you traitors.

You are a cliche.

Josephbleau said...

"Imma guess the "battle hardened" drone drivers are millennials. And Uke millennials seem to be the same narcissistic "look at me!" bunch as US millennials."

All war fighting pilots have been narcissistic, its an aggressive culture where you are the best or you are nothing. Its a way to survive in your environment. Drone pilots need to be the best drone pilot there is on the face of the earth too, or they are not effective, even though they don't get killed when their equipment is hit.

Jim K said...

Go Elon!

Jaq said...

"Let he who tied the bell to the tail of the tiger, take it off." - China's response to Joe Biden's demand they join in the sanctions.

All of that kompromat that China has on Joe likely prompted that bizarre rant on blackmail.

" believe that modern drones operated by trained pilots could devastate tanks and supply lines."

They would have to be operated by NATO and bring NATO into this war directly. But sure, let's go all WWIII on their ass. Battlefield nukes is another option, while you are at it!

Jaq said...

"Wimps. At Iwo Jima the Japanese..."

Japanese were big into optics in that war, thinking it would give them a huge advantage, until they ran into radar controlled naval guns during night-time naval battles. They are still into optics.

Chris Lopes said...

"Howard said...
GOPutin traitors, quislings and Neo-Stalin fifth columnists hardest hit.

Relax boys. It's likely fake news and Vlad is actually winning. Make Soviet Union Great Again."

When you have to make shit up just to express your hatred for people who have a different world view than you do, you have reached peak pathetic.

n.n said...

Hibernation? Or an evolutionary pause or stasis.

ccscientist said...

On the one hand, I am cheering for the Ukrainians. On the other I hope they work out a deal with putin before he starts killing tens of thousands. Putin will not consent to lose face. He is a cold man.

ccscientist said...

There is a curious thing where anyone who urges caution or points out that US meddling in Ukraine raised russian fears is call a putin puppet, but anything that brings us into direct conflict with russia, who has nukes, is a very dangerous business and we should in fact have that discussion. There is a bad temptation when times are tough to jump into war because it focuses people's attention away from local bad news.

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...

GOPutin traitors, quislings and Neo-Stalin fifth columnists hardest hit.

Howard, I thought you had already left for Ukraine. Pussy.

n.n said...

The warmongers have nothing to say about that or the dozen or so other wars they are funding around the world.

And there was nothing said about the Ukrainian people, from both sides of the coup, for more than 32 trimesters. Their empathetic reaction is overwhelming.

StephenFearby said...

Christo Grozev
As many know. this alleged whistleblower has continued sending long-winded letters to I haven't changed my position on the authenticity. The content and style are consistent with FSB/GRU analytical reports I have read. This doesn't mean they are correct.

FSB/GRU analytical reports I have read often try to explain reality without having inside knowledge of top decision-making, and they often err on the side of conspiracy theories. With all these caveats, the latest installment is worth a read, and I'm pasting a translation here.

Which is basically a run-on word salad, interspersed with some interesting tidbits like this:

'...The Tochka-U missile strike on Donetsk [the capital of the Russian-controlled Donetsk People's Republic] was supposed to be "evidence of genocide on the part of Ukraine." By a number of indications and by a number of facts independent of each other in this tragedy, one can state with almost complete certainty that it was not Kiev that was behind the launch.

But for a number of reasons I am simply not morally ready to take this story apart - I am sure that other experts can do that without difficulty. Understanding this missile strike will also help to understand further prospects with the risk of terrorist attacks.

On the purely military topic I will try to be as concise as possible: the existing forces and means are insufficient even for the theoretical seizure of not just Ukraine but at least the key cities. There are not enough forces even for a complete encirclement, let alone an assault. At the same time, the information picture is already becoming, technically speaking, extremely unacceptable.

Russia has weapons that have not yet been activated, but there are problems with their use.
A local nuclear strike will not solve the military problem, but it will add problems. Trying to scare before using such a strike is possible, but after using it, there are enormous risks. And although the situation is now somewhere outside the bounds of logic and common sense, I still hope that no outright stupidity will be done.'


I still believe it's more likely than not that the "alleged whistleblower" who posted this to isn't the author but someone else (in the FSB or otherwise) with both access to this material and a conscience.

rcocean said...

Just let me say, I am OUTRAGED by Putin's invasion of the Ukraine. While I cheer the brave boys fighting and dying in Ukraine and hope for a No-fly zone, and the possibility of American jets killing some Russkies, I can't go myself.

Like Nancy, Chuck, Mitt, and Mitch, and their kids and grand kids, I'm simply too valuable to the USA to risk my life. I wish to God, I was less important because no one wants to Kill those Putin stooges and fight for FREEDOM, more than me.

Sadly, I'll have to be content with destroying the careers of Russian musicians, artists and athletes who refuse denounce Putin, refusing to listen the "Nutcracker Suite" and burning my personal copy of "War and Peace". I have also lobbied my local restaurant to rename their delicious Beef stroganoff "Freedom Stew", so I can continue to enjoy it.

I have also looked up the phone number of the local FBI office, so I can I make them aware of certain "anti-American" elements that seem less than enthusiastic about supporting the Ukrainian struggle against Hitler-Putin and are spouting "Putin talking points".

So, I'm doing my bit. Are you?

Jupiter said...

Howard said...
"GOPutin traitors, quislings and Neo-Stalin fifth columnists hardest hit."

You can't tell the players without a scorecard, right Howard?

Howard said...

When you repeat Kremlin propaganda over and over, you are a traitor to the free world and an enemy to the US Constitution. The Fifth columnists show fits like a glove. If you can't tell that Putin's privatized nuclear Kleptocracy is worse than the good old stodgy Soviet Union, you have no sense of scale, proportion and perspective. I don't care if you think it's just a different opinion. Your moral equivalency bullshit reeks of desperation. You are worms and rats clinging to a sinking MAGA ideology. Your only excuse is that you are under a magic spell with the voices in your head fed by social media facilitated troll farms in Bulgaria and Belarus.

The Whole World is watching your lame weak ass and won't forget.

Yancey Ward said...

I will have you know that Howard is the Sir Edmund Hillary of pathetic.

Joe Smith said...

'They would have to be operated by NATO and bring NATO into this war directly. But sure, let's go all WWIII on their ass. Battlefield nukes is another option, while you are at it!'

Nowhere did I say they would be operated by NATO pilots...those are your words.

It's called training.

We do it for every other piece of equipment we send.

It's not like we're sending them IKEA bookshelves...

traditionalguy said...

Give the Ukrainian Nazis 10 A-10s and a million rounds of the cannon shells they fire and the war will be over in 10 days. Or it would make Vlad nuke us. Hmmm?

Owen said...

From this report the Ukrainians appear to be fighting smart. With drones or with Javelins and Stingers they ambush convoys and pick off lead and trail vehicles, immobilizing the rest; then they can work their way through the mass or come back later. The main point is, the Russian crews, if not dead, are now left with whatever they can carry on their backs, either trying to walk to their objective or else huddle in a hasty defense without much prospect of resupply or rescue.

That tends to upset the schedule, the orchestration of forces for anything bigger than a platoon raid, the order of battle for anything involving armor and heavy artillery. Doesn't help morale, either: "Where's Yuri?" "Cooked in his tank." "Where's Sergei?" "Bleeding and caught behind enemy lines."

Meanwhile Putin is pushing on his generals. And they cannot deliver. So he's firing them (and the FSB honchos). That's guaranteed to improve productivity, innovation, drive, loyalty.

Not sure how this plays out geopolitically; but the Ukrainians have already rewritten some of the assumptions for modern mechanized warfare.

Iman said...

“When you have to make shit up just to express your hatred for people who have a different world view than you do, you have reached peak pathetic.”

Howard jumped that shark a long time ago, hence his silicone hump and 4” stumps.

Mikey NTH said...

Russia expected a quick coup. Just do some thunder runs sown the highways as airborne seized airports and key points. The Ukrainian defense would crumble, their government would flee, and the bulk of the Russian forces would move into a boring occupation before withdrawing. That is what it looks like the plan was.

Turns out the Ukrainians, over the past eight years, set up a defense plan based on guerrilla war, and knowing Russia, they went after the logistics tail, not the armor. More armies have been destroyed by disease and hunger than by the sword.

Dude1394 said...

Blogger Amexpat said...
a system donated by Elon Musk that uses satellites in a low orbit

Glad to see Elon doing something useful, instead of challenging Putin to a fight or calling a rescuer of the Thai cave kids a pedo guy.

Or destroy Putin with #angryphrase memes.

rcocean said...

Howard's just a dumb troll. And you're even dumber for reading Howard and responding. But y'know we all do what we can. Water seeks its own level.

Achilles said...

Howard said...

When you repeat Kremlin propaganda over and over, you are a traitor to the free world and an enemy to the US Constitution. The Fifth columnists show fits like a glove. If you can't tell that Putin's privatized nuclear Kleptocracy is worse than the good old stodgy Soviet Union, you have no sense of scale, proportion and perspective. I don't care if you think it's just a different opinion. Your moral equivalency bullshit reeks of desperation. You are worms and rats clinging to a sinking MAGA ideology. Your only excuse is that you are under a magic spell with the voices in your head fed by social media facilitated troll farms in Bulgaria and Belarus.

The Whole World is watching your lame weak ass and won't forget.

"The first question on the ‘presidential conflicts of interest’ was related to a $3.5 million payment Hunter Biden received from Yelena Baturina, the former mayor of Moscow’s wife – subsequent reporting revealed then-Vice President Joe Biden met with Yelena Baturina for dinner in 2015.

“How does Biden navigate conflicts of interest when sanctioning people?” the reporter asked pointing out that Yelena Baturina has not been sanctioned by the Biden Regime.

Here’s the answer: According to emails and documents, Yelena Baturina laundered funds into the US in avoidance of sanctions, Devon Archer claimed the firm received $200 million.

Psaki looked visibly irritated as she dodged the questions about Yelena Baturina."

effinayright said...

Joe Smith said...
'They would have to be operated by NATO and bring NATO into this war directly. But sure, let's go all WWIII on their ass. Battlefield nukes is another option, while you are at it!'

Nowhere did I say they would be operated by NATO pilots...those are your words.

It's called training.

I believe it's also called "a distinction without a difference".

Jersey Fled said...

Give the Ukrainian Nazis 10 A-10s and a million rounds of the cannon shells they fire and the war will be over in 10 days.

I put the over at 1 1/2 days.

Tina Trent said...


I lack the discernment to understand your persuasion. Political, of course.

The Democratic Party has been Russia's b**** for over a century. Thousands, ranking and not ranking, elected or tenured or not important and irrelevant, have travelled there on bended knee. And not one Republican or conservative has done so.

No matter how hard you click those Dorothy heels, you're not coming back to reality, as wiser men such as Paul Robeson did. So, carry on. It's obviously gratifying you, and who am I to deprive you of whatever you get out of it?

Incidentally, anyone who worked for RT, including that CNN "investigative journalist buffoon," but I repeat myself, who recently claimed he didn't know Putin ran the channel, which was pure agitprop, should be investigated for treason.

Start with dead Larry King.

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...

When you repeat Kremlin propaganda over and over, you are a traitor to the free world and an enemy to the US Constitution.

So, the "Dossier" was Russian (at least a Russian) propaganda and you still believe it.

So, would you prefer a trial by jury of just a trial by combat? Why aren't you in Ukraine?

Yancey Ward said...

Sorry, Howard, can you inform all of us exactly when Russia and the United States declared war against each other?

Maynard said...

Why does anyone respond to Howard?

He's drinking a few (apparently at any time of the day) and having fun with his inane comments. Responding only encourages his behavior.

Joe Smith said...

'I believe it's also called "a distinction without a difference".'

What? Of course there is a difference...a very clear and 'distinct' difference.

Training Ukrainian soldiers to use a weapon is not the same thing as training a NATO or Us soldier to use a weapon.

Especially as it can be done in any country in the world.

Try to keep up.

Indigo Red said...

After reading all of the comments, eventually skipping those with "Howard" in them, I have forgotten what Ann's post was all about.

BTW, the two letter international code for Ukraine is UA. Russia is RU.

n.n said...

when Russia and the United States declared war against each other

Not Russia, but the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Conflating the two is as easy as mistaking a baby when she's wanted, for a fetal technical term of art when she's unwanted, valuable, profitable, or a "burden". Of course, there are precedents: Libya, Arab Spring, and oil; South Africa, social justice, and mineral resources.

effinayright said...

Howard pretends not to know that Ted Kennedy sent his stooge John Tunney to Moscow in 1983 to offer the Russians help in formulating a strategy to thwart Ronald Reagan's foreign policy:

That subversiveness inched up asymptotically close to being treasonous.

Howard said...

Yancy: WOW. Great point there, Poindexter. Game set match.

Good night, Doc

Tina: you really need to lay off the sauce.

Achilles: you really need to get on the ibogaine like the metal of honor bro joe had on a couple weeks ago

rcocean said...

Hey Howard
Hey Howard
Hey Howard

Lonely boomer conservatives want to play crossfire. Please come out and play. They want to own the libs, and pretend it means something.

Hey Howard
Hey Howard
Hey Howard

Can't you say something we can disagree with?

doctrev said...

traditionalguy said...
Give the Ukrainian Nazis 10 A-10s and a million rounds of the cannon shells they fire and the war will be over in 10 days. Or it would make Vlad nuke us. Hmmm?

3/18/22, 5:50 PM

I don't think the newer Russian air defenses are that ineffective against Warthogs, but I do love the planes and a few good pilots could volunteer in a cross between Orwell heading to Spain and the Doolittle raid.

Of course, Russia and everyone else knows that'll never happen, which is why it makes more sense to form your vehicles in a massive line rather than a large clump or staging area. Armored lines are only a problem if you expect to be shot with railguns, opposing armor, or A-10s.

Jaq said...

"Why does anyone respond to Howard? "

Because Adam Schiff, Rachael Maddow, Chris Cuomo, etc, etc, won't come on here themselves, so the best we can do is reply to their talking point stenographer.

Jaq said...

"Don't question this tiny cabal in the State Department or the Military Industrial Complex if they decide they want a war in a country on the other side of the world, or you are a traitor."

Talk about being in thrall to a cult.

Rusty said...

Quit picking on the slow kid. Oh. Hell. Go ahead he earned it.
tim in vermont @ 7:10
Thread winner!
Over a year ago I predicted that the former vice president would get us in a shooting war. I wish I wasn't right, but here it is. Nukes may or may not be involved. Stay tuned.

Chris Lopes said...

Nowhere did I say they would be operated by NATO pilots...those are your words.

It's called training."

That's not the kind of training that can be done on a lazy Sunday afternoon. It could take weeks if not months for the Ukrainians to be proficient enough with these things to be militarily effective. That's not even including the issue of refitting the drones to operate without NATO communications gear (we wouldn't want the encryption stuff to fall into Russian hands) before handing them over to the Ukrainians. If the drones are going to have an immediate effect, they will need NATO pilots.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

rcocean said...
Killing people is such fun! Its just like a video game. Yee Haw!

Says the guy who's desperate to see all Ukrainians enslaved by Russia.

We'll listen to you bitching about dehumanizing when you stop using bullshit phrases like "Russian sphere of influence" where what you actually mean is "Russian slaves"

Greg The Class Traitor said...

tim in vermont said...
As Obama said, "Ukraine is of vital national interest to Russia, and none of ours," therefore they will not lose this war as such a loss would be catastrophic to them. But sure, let's drag this out to the last Ukrainian, because we love them so much.

1: You "love" Ukrainians so much you've completely thrown out any thought they THEY might have an interest in teh ongoing proceedings.
Nope, they're not people with their own desires, they're just NPCs manipulated by their American betters.

2: What kind of moron are you, taking Obama as an expect on anything?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Achilles said...
I am surprised Putin hasn't made a deal with the Taliban to get some of the Night vision equipment we left in Afghanistan.

1: What makes you think he hasn't?
2: What makes you think the corrupt Russian military actually got those NODs to teh people who need them?
3: What makes you think they got enough to get them to all the people who need them?
4: What makes you think their logistics has gotten enough of the correct batteries for the NODs to the people who need them?

Hint: Us Army NODs don't use AAA batteries

Greg The Class Traitor said...

The only way Ukraine is of vital strategic importance to NATO is if we are planning to invade Russia.

The only way the Sudetenland was of "strategic importance" to England and Fraud was if they were planning on invading Nazi Germany.
So clearly Chamberlain did the right thing by giving it to Hitler

1: The Ukrainians are people. They are people who don't want to be enslaved or murdered by Russians. It is their "vital strategic necessity" not to be dominated by Russia
2: The US President signed a deal with Ukraine whereby Ukraine gave up nuclear weapons in exchange for guarantees of territorial integrity..
To the extent that "US be trusted" has "strategic importance", it's of "strategic importance" for us to back up that promise
3: Russia is an enemy of the US. Keeping our enemies from getting more powerful is ALWAYS of "strategic importance".
Russia is our enemy because it's ruled by Putin, and Putin hates the US.

Any more questions I can answer for you?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Achilles said...
Saudi Arabia is bombing the shit out of Yemen.
Wow, Achilles, you love Putin because the Left claims to hate him, not you're hating on Saudi Arabia because the Left currently wants something from them?

So, is it just act you hate America, so you love those like Putin who hate America, and hate those like Saudi Arabia who often work with America?

You're really fucked up

Greg The Class Traitor said...

ccscientist said...
There is a curious thing where anyone who urges caution or points out that US meddling in Ukraine raised russian fears is call a putin puppet,

Bzzt, wrong, thank you for playing, but bullshit

They're not "urging caution", they're demanding a Putin victory.

The problem with "or points out that US meddling in Ukraine raised russian fears" is that the fears are not legitimate, and it's bullshit to pretend otherwise.

A Ukraine independent of Russia is not a military threat to Russia. A Ukraine in NATO, just like a Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, or Estonia in NATO (all of which are currently NATO members, at least most of them with a Russian border) is not a military threat to NATO.

Pretending otherwise marks you as a moron, or a Putin suck-up.

What Ukraine in NATO and the EU would do is take away Russia / Putin's ability to enslave the Ukrainians.

That may make Putin in particular, or the shits who run Russia in general, unhappy..
Tough shit
The Ukrainian people have the right to decide their future. Putin doe not have teh right to determine their future.

Saying that Putin SHOULD have the right / power to decide the Ukrainian people's future marks you as a Putin suck-up, or just a worthless piece of shit.

Anything else I can clear up for you?

Achilles said...

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Achilles said...
I am surprised Putin hasn't made a deal with the Taliban to get some of the Night vision equipment we left in Afghanistan.

1: What makes you think he hasn't?
2: What makes you think the corrupt Russian military actually got those NODs to teh people who need them?
3: What makes you think they got enough to get them to all the people who need them?
4: What makes you think their logistics has gotten enough of the correct batteries for the NODs to the people who need them?

Hint: Us Army NODs don't use AAA batteries

I used those nods on 4 deployments. I know what kind of batteries they use.

I love how you post your warmongering bullshit with such certainty by the way. Certainty and ignorance are a match made in heaven.

Keep up the good work.

You are a truly brave hero. Very tough.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Let's establish some basics we shoudl all be able to agree on:
Biden is a lying sack of shit dementia patient
Obama is a lying sack of shit red diaper baby who promised Medved he'd have "more room to maneuver" after the 2012 election, because he hates America and would rather benefit Russia than America
Putin is a lying sack of shit former KGB former Communist who hates America and wants to "re-create" "Greater Russia"

The fact that Putin or Obama says that Russia has a major strategic interest in Ukraine:
1: Doesn't make it so
2: Doesn't mean that Russia should get what it wants

Because Ukraine and the people of Ukraine have a "major strategic interest" in Ukraine, and their interest trumps Putin's

Some historical context:
Parts of Poland used to be part of Russia
Poland has warred against Russia
All of the Baltic States used to be part of Russia
Poland and the three Baltic States are all members of NATO
The Baltic States share a border with Russia

So, if all you can do is babble "Putin / Russia say it's important that Ukraine not be part of NATO", then you're Putins puppet.

If you want to make a geopolitical case as to why it is that Ukraine can't be part of NATO, but the Baltics and Poland can, make you case.

"Putin says so" isn't a meaningful case. "Putin will go to war to stop it" just means we need to beat Putin in that war.

Neither of those mean that Putin should get what he wants.

If you can't make a case as to why Ukraine shouldn't be part of NATO, that doesn't equally apply to the Baltics and / or Poland, then either straight up say "fuck those countries and the people in them. They're close to Russia, so they deserve to be slaves", or stop carrying Putin's water for him

Or stop whining when we point out you're being Putin's butt boy

Rusty said...

Blogger Howard said...
"When you repeat Kremlin propaganda over and over, you are a traitor to the free world and an enemy to the US Constitution."
The total lack of self awareness is breathtaking. Not to mention ironic.
And Howard. You've never even read the US Constitution.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Achilles said...
I love how you post your warmongering bullshit with such certainty by the way. Certainty and ignorance are a match made in heaven.

I hate how you post your love affair with Putin with such certainty.

Esp. since you make damn sure to never even try to address teh questions that point out the flaws in your arguments.

Oh, and it's not "warmongering" to support people who've been invaded by a dictator for the "crime" of not wanting to be enslaved by him.

At least, you don't call doing that "warmongering" if you're a decent human being

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Howard said...
"When you repeat Kremlin propaganda over and over, you are a traitor to the free world and an enemy to the US Constitution."

"Green" arguments against Western production and use of fossil fuels / nuclear power are all Kremlin propaganda designed to increase Russia's power in the world

So, Howard, when are you going to stop being "a traitor to the free world and an enemy to the US Constitution"?

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