March 21, 2022

"Oh I hate myself for my first reaction to this...."

From the top of the comments section at the Washington Post article, "Justice Clarence Thomas hospitalized with infection; Supreme Court says he’ll miss some oral arguments this week."


Leland said...

I always find it funny that people who live in the middle of the country, that the liberal coasts ignore, supposedly are full of people that want economic prosperity for some.

Jamie said...

Is this... person going to claim that s/he/pronoun of choice wants prosperity for Republicans? A better life for the children of Republicans?

Honestly. "Humanity writ large"?

wendybar said...

Typical hateful, divisive progressives. When RBG died, most conservatives offered prayers to her family.

gilbar said...

MY first reaction, was that he'd been poisoned

mezzrow said...

Self awareness is good. We could all drill down on all of our opinions regarding the health of SCOTUS justices and learn something about our own innate qualities as humans.

Mark said...

Well, I don't read a lot of posts here longing for the other side's happiness either.

EH said...

they're not sorry for their reaction. that's just cya

Jaq said...

It's amazing how much hating a person can rationalize if it's "for humanity."

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

My reaction was “on shit, Biden is going to get to make another appointment”. Up on Reddit.

Saint Croix said...

Here's Justice Ginsburg, giving a eulogy for Justice Scalia.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

The worst thing about the Internet and social media is that, while I understood people like this leftist scummy existed, I did not have to hear their idiocy and their fifth column advocacy. Now, I hear them every day. Now I do not want to share our country with these people.

Birches said...

I've been worried about his health ever since RBG died. This is his time and I want him to have as much as he can.

Freder Frederson said...

Typical hateful, divisive progressives. When RBG died, most conservatives offered prayers to her family.

Really?! That is not my recollection. And it certainly wasn't the case on this blog. (Just to be clear, I am referring to comments, not althouse herself).

Christopher B said...

*sips coffee*
*watches the usual suspects trying to change the subject*

MadTownGuy said...

The last comment on Twitter (responding to the penultimate tweet) is so very wrong. Progressive corruption (see Bidens, Inc., Clinton charity in Haiti) is actually enriching a few at the expense of most, while pretending to be for the common good. Under the previous (purportedly) (R) administration, the economy grew and inflation was mitigated. Those pressing for socialism ignore the obvious - that 'equity' devolves into equal misery for most, except the Party nomenklatura.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

They are like still-live butterflies on pins, squirming to get away.

David Begley said...

He has plenty to live for. His wife is a wonderful person and his Cornhuskers are supposed to be much improved next season.

David Begley said...

The last person is correct. We don’t want the same things. The Left wants to stamp out freedom. They want us divided into tribes, They think they can save the planet.

Jamie said...

Well, I don't read a lot of posts here longing for the other side's happiness either.

No one has to wish for the "other side's" happiness. Everyone ought to wish for the greatest happiness for the greatest number - and each side, I believe, can be forgiven for wishing that, on the way to that goal, their opponents experience an epiphany that brings them to understand the error of their ways.

I personally believe the line needs to be drawn at celebrating the illness or death of one's opponents. A case can be made for one step further - wishing illness or death on them - but for me that is too far. And wishing harm to their families, especially their children, is well beyond the pale.

I believe, and I believe my belief has the weight of evidence on its side, that the way to get to the greatest good for the greatest number is a classically liberal society with a free market economy, where individual freedoms are protected and the evaluation of any individual on the basis of group membership is minimized by custom in the private sphere and not permitted, much less required, required by law.

Narayanan said...

the twitterers must be hoping Pelican Brief was how to manual with credible cut-outs

Quaestor said...

Why did Hitler hate the Jews?

For the sake of Humanity writ large, you silly ass.

Quaestor said...

I wonder if Bezos is ashamed of his Washington Post?

Temujin said...

Funny. My first reaction was the knowledge that the Left's first reaction would be mud-level. They cannot help themselves. And the real funny thing is that if any one of them actually knew Justice Thomas's life story, the route he took to becoming a conservative, where he came from, and who he is as a man, they'd be ashamed of themselves for being as small minded as they are.

Just kidding. They wouldn't be ashamed.

Iman said...

So many of our fellow Americans have a long way to go to “get their hearts right” while still alive. Time may be running out.

Lurker21 said...

Cloaking a negative thought in "forgive me for thinking" is at least a minimal concession to basic morality. Whatever comment you can think of, however horrible, somebody somewhere on the internet has said it and maybe is even saying it right now. You'd have to consider a site as a whole and take a dive into statistics to determine whether the consensus at a site is as negative or cruel as the most obnoxious comments are.

The line about Republicans only seeking prosperity for some looks less plausible now than at any time in decades. We did have widespread prosperity for most of Trump's term. Now we've replaced that with restrictions, regulations, dependency, denial and lies. It's "austerity" for you and me and profligacy for the government and politicians.

There's a naivete about such comments. Some people benefit more under policies than others. There are always relative winners and relative losers, and sometimes the gains and losses are more than relative. That's true of one's own side as well as of the other.

Iman said...

Living one’s life as a hate-filled bigot isn’t normally thought to be something to aspire to. Sad.

gilbar said...

Freder Frederson said...
Really?! That is not my recollection

That's because you're not living in the real world. You live in your fantasies

Narayanan said...

Lurker21 said...
Cloaking a negative thought in "forgive me for thinking"
is this Yankee = like Southern "Bless your heart"

Rusty said...

Lots of racism in the comment section of the countries High School Newspaper of record.

tim maguire said...

David Begley said...The last person is correct. We don’t want the same things. The Left wants to stamp out freedom. They want us divided into tribes, They think they can save the planet.

No, the last person is not correct. Stamping out freedom and dividing us into tribes are methods, not ends. The other person is correct. The left and the right want exactly the same thing, they just have very different ways of getting there. Anyone who doubts that is lost in their own partisanship.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

I wonder if Bezos is ashamed of his Washington Post?

No. If he was unhappy with the WaPoo, he would have changed its direction long ago. No change, the WaPoo is doing exactly what he wants.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left are probably trying to kill him.

btw - any white leftist who wished Clarence Thomas dead is a white supremacist & a KKK white hooded racist.

robother said...

Leftie haters always pretend to hate themselves for their genuine hatred of the Other; that's what make them Progressive.

Howard said...

Keep picking that scab: It hurts so good.

The Vault Dweller said...

The zeitgeist of the left must be that they feel on the ropes if they can't even muster pretending to care about the well-being of someone 'on the other side.' Reminds me of when I ran into someone I knew on the left a couple weeks ago and they immediately tried to convince me that the Afghanistan debacle was because of Trump's 'plan' completely unprompted. There is something rotten in Leftmark methinks, I hope Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are recalled before it gets too ugly.

JPS said...

"Oh I hate myself for my first reaction to this...."

No you don't. If you did you wouldn't post that. This is regret as sincere as Bugs Bunny asking, "Ain't I a stinkah?" You're actually quite pleased with yourself.

I forget which commenter it was who wrote, "They proclaim their tolerance, then offer as evidence that they hate all the right people."

Rick67 said...

"For the sake of humanity writ large I hope he dies".

At least we're talking about one rather than millions.

Saint Croix said...

Typical hateful, divisive progressives. When RBG died, most conservatives offered prayers to her family.

I think that's right, at least on this blog.

Freder says:

Really?! That is not my recollection. And it certainly wasn't the case on this blog. (Just to be clear, I am referring to comments, not althouse herself).

Freder, it's not like you have to guess. It's a published blog. When Ginsburg died, multiple Republicans said RIP on the Althouse blog, and asked people to keep it classy.

rcocean cheered her death and said this...

Its amazing how the Left rejoices in the death of every Center-right person, or that's their first impulse. But the First impulse of the conservative moderates is to play tone police. And worry that someone won't be "civil".

We should always turn the other cheek, even if we're not Christians! Because its not whether you win or lose, its how you play the game. Meanwhile, the Left says: "Just win baby, just win".

You can compare the Althouse thread when Scalia passed away.

Stuff like...

I am hearing rumors that he OD'ed and choked on his own vomit. Has anyone else been hearing those rumors?


Was Dick Cheney around? Right-wingers should avoid fancy-man fish-in-a-barrel bird slaughter ranches. Do you suppose Jesus would hunt there?

Saint Croix said...

The people cheering the deaths of Ginsburg and Scalia on the Althouse blog seem to be highly secular and probably atheist. They have no reverence whatsoever.

Althouse (who used to be an Episcopalian) has always been deeply respectful of Jesus and is very reverent at funerals. If she were the type of person to cheer at a funeral, I wouldn't be here.

Politics is a mean little game. Sometimes fun, but always mean. A funeral is a good time to remember that many things are outside of politics and more important than politics.

Earnest Prole said...

Sneaky feelings
Sneaky feelings
You can't let those kind of feelings show

Jack Klompus said...

Sneaky feelings

Sneaky feelings

You can't let those kind of feelings show

This Year's Model is a better album than My Aim is True.

Readering said...

Perhaps hospitalization for the flu is an indication that it's time to retire and join the ranks of the vast majority your age able to afford it. (Same goes for hospitalization for covid.)

Another old lawyer said...

tim maguire said . . .

The left and the right want exactly the same thing, they just have very different ways of getting there. Anyone who doubts that is lost in their own partisanship.

I used to think that but no longer because that belief system doesn't comport with what my eyes are seeing. For example, do both right and left want biological/genetic males in the same race in NCAA swimming finals? If one believes that they do, whose opinions and positions are being ignored when defining 'right' and 'left'?

Or perhaps there is some other 'same thing' one sees both groups as jointly pursuing in that case. What would that thing be?

If such a thing exists, I can't help but be reminded of meetings I have attended over a contentious issue within the same organization, where a mutually agreeable solution was being sought. The issue would be so blurred so that everyone could agree - or at least not object - because who could? Think Animal House, Faber College statue of founder: "Knowledge is good". But after, when it came time to put that 35,000 foot agreement into practice, we almost always got back to the same issue and same conflict we had started with because there were fundamental disagreements that couldn't be glossed over.

Tom Grey said...

"I love humanity.
It's people I can't stand..." (my mother about some arrogant jerks)

Too many Dems think their own specific policies are "best" for all - so anybody, and everybody, who disagree with them are evil. Not just wrong, but evil.

Tho, of course, they deny belief in God (which eliminates evil as "anti-God").

I disagreed with RBG, but wanted her healthy (and retired).
I agree with Thomas, and want him healthy and not to retire, yet.

Tom Grey said...

"I love humanity.
It's people I can't stand..." (my mother about some arrogant jerks)

Too many Dems think their own specific policies are "best" for all - so anybody, and everybody, who disagree with them are evil. Not just wrong, but evil.

Tho, of course, they deny belief in God (which eliminates evil as "anti-God").

I disagreed with RBG, but wanted her healthy (and retired).
I agree with Thomas, and want him healthy and not to retire, yet.

Kevin said...

"Oh I hate myself for my first reaction to this...."

Would they hate themself if it were Kavanaugh?

Or is the remorse just a black thing?

Sonu kumar said...


Caroline said...

These are the people who have “Hate has no home here” signs in their front windows.

Zev said...

awful people

Dave Begley said...

I highly recommend the movie about Justice Thomas. Some great pictures of Ginni. Also some great footage from SC. Well done movie. On Tubi. The title is, "Created Equal."

Freder Frederson said...

I think that's right, at least on this blog.

Well, this was Wendybar's comment on that thread:

The Genius Savant said...
What makes her “a grand figure of constitutional law” other than her sex? She had no discernible judicial philosophy other than “what the Leftist outcome is, that’s what I’m for”? None of her opinions are memorable or even held up as such. She was the ultimate “homer” for Leftist outcomes on the Supreme Court. If that makes her a “giant” I weep for constitutional law.

9/18/20, 9:04 PM

Hear, Hear!!!

And while at the beginning of the thread there were respectful comments, by the end it had devolved into insults (including by Wendybar, who asserts "most conservatives offered prayers to her family", I guess Wendybar doesn't consider him/her self among "most conservatives")

Robert Cook said...

"Now I do not want to share our country with these people."

So, you're unAmerican. You hate America.

Robert Cook said...

"Meh, the left hates me and wants me dead."

Don't be such a drama queen! The "left" doesn't even know or care you exist!

Jim at said...

Meh, the left hates me and wants me dead. I feel the same way about the left.

Yep. That's why I don't much care when they publicly spew their hate.

It'd be fine if they'd just leave me alone and stew in their own hatred. But they won't. So, reciprocation it is.

Freder Frederson said...

You can compare the Althouse thread when Scalia passed away.

In that thread, after mourning the loss of Scalia, the thread just became obsessed with how to keep Obama from appointing a replacement.

Jim at said...

In that thread, after mourning the loss of Scalia, the thread just became obsessed with how to keep Obama from appointing a replacement.

Are you so fucking stupid as to compare criticizing rulings and discussing political ramifications with the outright hatred and death wishes of your fellow leftists?

Or are you really that dishonest?

Methinks both.

Mikey NTH said...

Historian Stephen Kotkin put it that the problem with American politics isn't polarization, because this nation always has had political fights, but demonization, where the poltical foe is irredeemably evil, and where each election is an existential event, and if you win 50 percent plus one, you ram your agenda home before it is too late.

There is a good Hoover Institute interview where he goes into this better than I can remember. I recommend it.

Joe Smith said...

No biggie.

RBG missed oral arguments for the last 6 months of her career because she was dead.

bobby said...

This illustrates the pointlessness of court-packing.

In an instant, everything can change. Either way.

wendybar said...

Freder Frederson said...
I think that's right, at least on this blog.

Well, this was Wendybar's comment on that thread:

The Genius Savant said...
What makes her “a grand figure of constitutional law” other than her sex? She had no discernible judicial philosophy other than “what the Leftist outcome is, that’s what I’m for”? None of her opinions are memorable or even held up as such. She was the ultimate “homer” for Leftist outcomes on the Supreme Court. If that makes her a “giant” I weep for constitutional law.

9/18/20, 9:04 PM

Hear, Hear!!!

And while at the beginning of the thread there were respectful comments, by the end it had devolved into insults (including by Wendybar, who asserts "most conservatives offered prayers to her family", I guess Wendybar doesn't consider him/her self among "most conservatives")

3/21/22, 3:30 PM

SOOOO...because I wrote "Hear, Hear" to a comment about RGB's rulings, I am "wishing her dead", like Progressives are doing to Thomas??

You have major problems Freder. Totally NOT the same thing. I never wished her harm or death. Grow up.

Jack Klompus said...

"So, you're unAmerican. You hate America."

No, just the pretentious poseurs who live there and put on the "I'm so radical" act. Tiresome, one-dimensional, unoriginal play actors like you, Cookie.

At least Howard, dopey as he is, can be somewhat entertaining, like watching a poo flinging monkey on the verge of stroking out. Your act is just lame, no matter how many times you need to remind people you live in New York.

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