March 2, 2022

Men cannot flee Ukraine. They are required to stay and help defend. But what about trans women?


gilbar said...

there are things that you can worry about when there's nothing to worry about
(like, the type of green tea you drink, or what pronouns you use)
THEN, there are thing that you Have to worry about, when there's things to worry about
(like, the cleaning procedure for your rifle)

If, your army is only for parades, you don't care WHO is in it (as long as they look pretty)
IF, your army is for killing russians that are killing your country... things are differnet

gilbar said...

i'm Officially BORED with hearing weirdos whine.
Zhey have it So Hard!! Life is So Hard on Zhem!

Christopher B said...

The Caryn Johnson theory that it isn't a crisis until people I identify with are hurting.

Enigma said...

And with that the eternal gravity of biological sex comes to the fore. War is always rooted in biology, as combat is inherently tied to and follows from male aggression, strength, endurance, and predation.

This contradiction is a plain breaking point of the woke ideology.

The more biting question is why the biologically female trans men were not required to fight, and how long would they last in 99% biologically male combat? (A few minutes at best...?)

Gravity is real. Breathing oxygen is real. Biology is real.

Curious George said...

"But what about trans women?"


David Begley said...

How many people would that be? 10,000?

Howard said...

I am OFFICIALLY bored with normies whine about weirdos. I guess Jeebus was right: everyone has their cross to bear.

michaele said...

Hmm, this person is in good company...dressing as a female didn't get Klinger out of the army during the MASH years.

Temujin said...

These could be the most self-absorbed people in the world. And that's saying something these days as there are so so many groups of self-absorbed people clamoring Look at me, Look at us, feel our pain, see us, feel us, hear us, talk about us/me.

It's enough to make an entire planet vomit at once.

Trans, Gay, Black, Women, and others competing for All or Nothing attention- here's a message to you:

We don't care. We don't hate you. We simply do not care about your whiny little cause for yourself. Choose your path and live it. The rest of us are just too damned busy trying to get through this thing ourselves. Forgive us if we don't fall on our knees and whine along with you at your chosen path. I cannot actually speak for humanity, but I can tell you for me, you are tedious. I don't care about your personal struggles. I have my own. The world at large has it's own. Deal with yourself. Just fucking deal with yourself and quit expecting All of Time to stop for you. It won't and neither will I.

Oh...and have a nice day..

Amichel said...

World to End, trans-women hardest hit.

Scott M said...

I'll take "MAKING EVERYTHING ABOUT MYSELF" for $600, Alex.

Bob Boyd said...

Russia Invades Ukraine.
Ball-bearing Ukrainians hardest hit.

David Begley said...

Cross dressing didn’t work for Corporal Klinger in MASH.

Ryan said...

The only policy that makes sense. Otherwise any man who does not want to stay can suddenly identify as a woman?

MartyH said...

How can it be “the war within the war” when you are running away from the real war? Blacks, Japanese, American Indians-all people discriminated against more than trans people-fought incredibly bravely in WWII in part to show that they deserved an equal seat at the table.

These American warriors could literally say, “My grandfather is in an internment camp.” “My grandfather was a slave.” My grandfather was pushed off his land onto a reservation.”

That’s how you fight a war within a war-by fighting the real war.

This guy should be recruiting the Trans Foreign Legion, not trying to pull a Brave Sir Robin.

Black Bellamy said...

Go fight! Go fight like a real Ukrainian woman does! Pick up your sniper rifle!

stutefish said...

I'm comfortable tarring any able-bodied Ukrainian, man or woman, trying to get out of Ukraine right now with the "treason" brush. Single caretakers of children or the elderly excepted.

Tom said...

“If you have male on your passport, you can’t go a broad?!” That’s either an offensive pun or it’s highly exclusionary.

Leland said...

I guess riveters are not needed.

hawkeyedjb said...

It's official: the transgendered are the most self-centered people on the planet. War? There's a war? Life is difficult for ME.

Shawn Levasseur said...

Maxwell Klinger, Sgt. US Army, was unavailable for comment.

Iman said...

Mince whinging.

Critter said...

What prevents the precious confused one from staying and fighting? Much ado about nothing, a hallmark of trans activists.

iowan2 said...

What about trans women?

Clown nose on...clown nose off.

Mark said...

Men cannot flee Ukraine. They are required to stay and help defend. But what about trans women?

??? This is the second commentary about Ukrainian men being "required" or forced to say and fight. There is no coercion about it. In fact, tens of thousands of Ukrainian men who live outside the country are returning to Ukraine to fight and defend their homes and country.

What is so hard about understanding that? That there are things worth fighting for and that people will fight.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Klinger never did get to leave the M*A*S*H unit either.

Mark said...

Not only Ukrainian men living in other countries streaming back home, but many, many Ukrainian women are picking up rifles and anti-tank weapons when they could be running away.

Achilles said...

This thread is going to be the best.

Scotty, beam me up... said...

Suck it up, buttercup, and fight for your home! The Russians will persecute you as an LGBTQ pariah if they take over Ukraine. Many biological women have taken up arms against the Russian invaders because they care for freedom and are willing to sacrifice their lives for that freedom alongside biological males. Many of the biological women fleeing to the neighboring countries have their children with them to get them out of harm’s way while the father of those children are defending their country.

mtp said...

Corporal Klinger, call your office.

Yancey Ward said...

Ok, it took 13 comments to invoke Corporal Klinger. I am disappointed in you guys!

Sebastian said...

Very slightly OT: does it make sense for the Ukrainians to keep fighting at all?

They have made their point, they have all the outside support they are ever going to get, they have united the West, but they probably cannot prevail on the ground and will incur enormous costs trying.

Joe Smith said...

At least some sane country knows that if you've got a dick, you're a guy.

It's Science!®

Joe Smith said...

'there are things that you can worry about when there's nothing to worry about
(like, the type of green tea you drink, or what pronouns you use)'

Exactly! This country is so fucking soft, we couldn't win a war against a sewing circle.

Joe Smith said...

'I am OFFICIALLY bored with normies whine about weirdos. I guess Jeebus was right: everyone has their cross to bear.'

Fuck you bigot. On Ash Wednesday, no less.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All men everywhere should say they are trans now. F it up.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Over 5,000 Russians have been arrested since the start of the war last Thursday. Pray for these people and every brave person in Russia who takes to the streets to show their displeasure. This isn't like in the US, where you can protest and riot and burn stuff down and get away with it. These people are actually risking their lives.

A-hole spoiled brat Maddow leftists: 'Waaa we hate Trump! Trump Trump But Trump!'

Michael K said...

World ends tomorrow. Trans women most affected.

gahrie said...

Historians will label this as the Age of Self-Indulgence.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Just for shits and giggles; does anyone have any numbers on what percentage of the Ukrainian population is trans?

Thought so.

gilbar said...

Black Bellamy said...
Go fight! Go fight like a real Ukrainian woman does! Pick up your sniper rifle!

Former Miss Ukraine Anastasiia Lenna picks up a gun and vows to defend her country: 'The invaders will die on our land!'

trannies are such skirt boys, that Real women have more balls than they do

gilbar said...

Seriously, You want to be considered a Ukrainian Woman? Grab a rifle, and head to the front!

Browndog said...

Men pretending to be women should be forced to stand in front of a Russian armored column and throw glitter bombs at them.

Is that wrong?

Scott said...

If you were born with a penis, and you don't have a birth defect that messes with its proper function, you are a man.

Browndog said...

The only issue worth noting is the fact CBS News thought this story was important enough to report on it.

Jefferson's Revenge said...

One wonders if the testimony, videos and personal bravery we see coming from Ukraine will have a lasting impression on the average self-obsessed 20-25 year old American middle class, especially upper middle class, pseudo-citizen. In my exposure to that group, both professional and personal, I find they are classified into two subsets;

1) The less successful who are focused on their latest video game scores or their friends Instagrand posts and who is shagging who.
2) The more successful ones beginning their career seeing themselves as Davos man in training.

Neither looks good at this moment compared to average Ukrainian Joe and Jane picking up a rifle or giving up their safe sinecures outside Ukraine and returning home to help. And fight. Is there a parent in middle/upper middle class America saying to their kid - would you do that here?? I hope so. I also doubt it.

Andrew said...

I saw a photo/meme online.

It's a funeral. People's heads are bowed, as they stand around the grave.

The pastor asks, "Does anyone have any more words they wish to speak?"

From the side of the photo, a voice balloon: "I'm trans!"

MayBee said...

What are the reasons women don't have to stay and fight? How do those reasons apply to a trans woman?

Static Ping said...

Religious fanatics are going to fanaticize.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

“If you have a male gender in your passport, they will not let you go abroad.”— Richard Hanania (@RichardHanania) March 1, 2022

I find Richard Hanania's whining on this quite amusing.

Essentially Ukraine is engaging in "conscription". But they're not giving out "draft numbers", they're drafting everyone

Because they're in the middle of an existential war.

Apparently Hanania's forgotten that the US had a draft during WWII.

The historical ignorance and / or stupidity of our "thought leaders" really is something special to watch

walter said...

Holy Toxic Masculinity!

jaydub said...

Agree with everything Temujin said...except for the "have a nice day" part.

Saint Croix said...

"I'm a pussy! Let me run, let me run. I will not stay and fight. I'm a pussy! I admit it. Total pussy. Call me a pussy, it's true! I got to go. I'm a sissy, a pussy, a girlie-girl."

SeanF said...

Mark: ??? This is the second commentary about Ukrainian men being "required" or forced to say and fight. There is no coercion about it.

Whether Ukrainian men would choose to leave or not, Zelenskyy did sign an order last week saying, in part, "In particular, it is forbidden for men aged 18-60, Ukraine citizens, to leave the borders of Ukraine."

It's been all over the news.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Sebastian said...
Very slightly OT: does it make sense for the Ukrainians to keep fighting at all?
Yes, it does, you pathetic loser

They have made their point, they have all the outside support they are ever going to get, they have united the West, but they probably cannot prevail on the ground and will incur enormous costs trying.

Let me guess, you're one of those "Republicans" who always comes up with reasons why the actual Republicans should give up and let the other side have their way.

Why don't you ask the Polish officers in Katyn Forest whether it's a bad idea to surrender to Russians?

Or, I know! You can ask all those people who showed up in Stalin's show trials whether fighting back would have been better!

Or, since this is Ukraine, maybe you can ask the Kulaks whether it would have been better to fight back against the Russian (Soviet) agents inflicting the Holodomor on them?

The proper response is: Yes, they should keep on fighting, and killing Russians, and destroying Russia supplies, and doing whatever they have to do, for as long as it takes, until they get their country back, and kick out the vile, evil Russian invaders

Rosalyn C. said...

The real women of Ukraine are busy making Molotov cocktails and whatever else they can do to help in the war effort. Unfortunately for the trans movement this particular individual demonstrates that the issue is not about gender but a psychological matter.

dreams said...

I'm guessing political correctness "Woke" doesn't apply in Ukraine.

Fernandinande said...

"Let us flee" said the fly.
"Let us fly" said the flea.
So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

MadisonMan said...

I have a viewpoint I find hard to articulate.

It's something like this: using an invasion of a country as a means to make fun of people is tacky. Maybe it's just too soon.

Mark said...

Twice now he's flown the SURRENDER NOW flag.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"

Then there's Sebastian, who's eagerly pushing for good men to do nothing.

But that's because Sebastian is evil

Dave64 said...

Just wait, Russians aren't too particular when they take a city. It will get all their attention and then some.

M said...

Good. The world doesn’t need Ukraine’s crazies. I have noticed a strangely large percentage of violent mental illness in immigrants from Eastern Europe in America. Is Eastern Europe intentionally sending us their worst like Castro did?

I lived through the Mariel boat lift as a little kid in Ft. Lauderdale. The change was almost instantaneous. Before I could play in the front yard and never be bothered. After Mariel I was propositioned by Cuban males constantly, walking home from kindergarten they would try to get me in their car. There were always Cubans around before the boat lift, we had many family friends who were Cuban from the first migration in the 60s. They were normal people, not insane, criminal pedophiles like so many from the boat lift were.

realestateacct said...

I noticed a number of women joining the fighting. I guess those are the ones who love their country and don't have children or elderly relatives they need to care for.

madAsHell said...

"A Night to Remember" documents the sinking of the Titanic.

Men were dressing as women so they could take a seat in a lifeboat.

How is declaring yourself trans-gender any different????

Compare, contrast, discuss!!

Chris Lopes said...

"Very slightly OT: does it make sense for the Ukrainians to keep fighting at all?"

It makes sense if they really don't want to be part of the new Russian Empire. On paper, it didn't make sense for the North Vietnamese to continue fighting a super power, and it certainly didn't make sense for the Afghans to continue to fight two super powers. Yet they both did exactly that and won. So while it might be easier not to fight, the Ukrainians have decided it wouldn't be better.

Goldenpause said...

This is almost as unseemly as Kerry whining about how Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine could divert attention from his obsession with “climate change.” The words “self-absorbed” and “clueless” don’t adequately capture how bad these clowns really are. Not quite as bad as complaining that the carnage has interfered with your vacation, but darned close. Ugh!!

madAsHell said...

They were normal people, not insane, criminal pedophiles like so many from the boat lift were.

You do understand that Castro emptied his prisons during the Muriel boat lift.

Jimmy Carter is weapons-grade stupid, but I think Joe Biden will exceed that!!

Bender said...

Do better.

gadfly said...

Them who still dangle - must tangle! My Daddy tells me so.

gadfly said...

Them who still dangle - must tangle! My Daddy tells me so.

Jason said...


Former Miss Ukraine is holding an AirSoft rifle.

Everything is an information op.

Joseph said...

It's a good thing Ann Althouse has to approve the comments here. Otherwise, you might end up with lots of mean-spirited commenters just making fun of a person in a pretty scary situation.

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