"He will have to pay back the City of Chicago just over $120,000 in restitution and was also fined $25,000. Following the sentencing, he had an emotional outburst and screamed 'I am not suicidal and I did not do it.'"
ADDED: If you watch the video clip, you'll understand what he meant by "I am not suicidal":
He's saying that if he turns up dead in prison, it will not be because he's killed himself. He seems to be underscoring his argument against prison time: There's a danger that he could be killed in prison. And he wants everyone to know that if they say he killed himself, it will be wrong.
Nearly everyone believes he faked the attack on himself. He still denies it, but he's lost the capacity to convince anyone of his version of the story. Now, as he speaks about the future, he could be setting up another faked attack on himself. That is, he could indeed be suicidal, planning suicide, and trying to lay a foundation for theories that he did not kill himself.
I hope he is guarded so that he cannot carry out this terrible plan, if that's what it is. He deserves punishment for what he did, but not the death penalty. He seems to be a self-dramatizing person with very poor judgment, and I think he needs to be protected from himself.
Smollett's bluster concurrent with his cries that, "I am not suicidal", at the end seemed prompted by fear. It was in his eyes.
Smollett's bluster and cries that, "I am not suicidal", at the end seemed prompted by fear. It was in his eyes.
This is awesome (masturbating furiously to the thought of his meltdown and the length of the sentence).
More please. Faster please.
It's too embarrassing to watch. The Chicago DA gave this idiot a megaphone and press couldn't wait. What a huge disgrace.
Smollett also showed up late — 25 minutes late — for his sentencing, which is generally regarded as inadvisable, and his lawyers, using leagalese (a language loosely related to English) to call the judge a dolt and try to relitigate the facts of the case. He’s lucky he didn’t get 5 years instead of 5 months.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!
No shit!
He did not continue to wear a "noose" for hours after supposed Magattack?
Jussie also said that if he had committed the hoax he would have put his fist in 400 years of African-American fears and LGBQT fears and he wouldn't do that. I can only say, if you want to play with a people's deep fears and get away with it, don't write a check covering expenses and give it to your fellow hoaxers whom you are going to accuse of perjury.
Smollett's motivation was to support the campaigns of Kamala Harris and Cory Booker in the Democratic Party's primary-election race. Those two candidates wanted to make an issue of their proposed anti-lynching law.
That law would enable the Federal Government to assert jurisdiction over any crime where any Black was attacked by two or more Whites.
Any Republican who opposed the anti-lynching law would be accused of racism by Harris and Booker.
That is why Smollett's hoax included his wearing a noose around his neck.
Kimberly Foxx, the State Attorney, who is Black, approved Smollett's motivation and wanted to make sure that he stayed quiet about his motivation, and that is why she dropped the charges against him.
That's a harsher punishment than I'd expected, but it's a milder one than he deserves.
I am sure there are some stupid democrat voters that will help him pay for this.
'I am not suicidal and I did not do it."
I wish he was and yes you did asshole. Sadly he doesn't have the balls to off himself.
I joked earlier today that it would be two weeks.
The important thing here is that he will serve in the Cook County jail and not the state prison in Joliet.
'I am not suicidal and I did not do it.'
His sentence should have been whatever his attackers should have gotten if the attack had been real.
Faking a "hate crime" is a hate crime, and should be punished as such
Juicy will not be lonely. He'll be spending five months in the Cook County Jail with about nine thousand other innocents.
If he was white and a Trump supporter he'd be inside forever.
With Liberty and Justice for All is scheduled to be memory-holed by the Biden administration next Tuesday because Putin!
Rolling Stone: “Jeffrey Epstein Denied Wanting to Kill Himself Days Before Killing Himself
New documents offer a glimpse at the disgraced financier’s 36 days in incarceration and how he convinced doctors he wasn’t a suicide risk”
Jeffrey Epstein wasn't suicidal either.
People like Smollett do far more harm to race relations than any white supremacust. And his childish outburst proves that he has not learned a thing. If he had gotten his way, two innocent men would have been falsely accused. F--k him.
"I am not suicidal"????
Why would anyone want to kill him in jail, when fellow inmates will all want to have him play "Drop the Chitlins" every day during his stay!
I watched his outburst on video. He expects to be off-ed.
.....or is he just setting the stage for the next act. Either way, I don't care. He's a petty man that will always be surrounded by drama.
Enjoy jail, Juicy!
Maybe next time you should think before you try to commit a hate crime against white people.
They’ll be rioting in the streets tomorrow in Chicago, justice for Juicy!
Juicy is saying that he is innocent and will not commit suicide in prison.
The man is not delusional. He is an actor and not a very good one.
Dude, you're not exactly enhancing your chances of ever working again in the entertainment field with that outburst. Why not just wear a neon sign indicating that you are mentally ill?
So, it was a marketing stunt, the audacity of stoking diversity and division, in order to progress his career a la diverse woke and morally broke corporations, non-profits, and Democrat politicians.
I recall all the lefties who used to post here. They were all certain Jussie was attacked by racist Trump supporters.
REcall Hillarywoodland:
"Justice for Jusse!"
these are the same people who watch Maddow and buy her crap.
Maybe he will successfully fake a suicide.
'I am not suicidal and I did not do it."
!!! real fear !!!!
could he be saying the scam was not his brain-fart ?
somebody else nudged him ?
and could now epsteincide him ?
Some "journolist" needs to ask Kamala Harris what she thinks about this. I already know she'll reply with 5 minutes of nervous laughter.
No admission of guilt, certainly no remorse or contrition. Jussie is no different than the two-bit thug who holds up a convenience store and screams "I dindoo nuffin!" when arrested.
madAsHell said...
Jeffrey Epstein wasn't suicidal either.
Epstein likely wasn't and absolutely didn't.
I guess some people still believe him.
The sentence for a fake hate crime should be identical to the sentence for an actual hate crime because the damage done to the People is the same.
You've got it all wrong...
And that’s where you find out that the abuse of city resources wasn’t Smollett’s self-aggrandizing hoax. Instead, the abuse was the Smollett trial, which came about because people who hate Black women prosecutors wanted to humiliate her as they’ve been doing across America to other female Black prosecutors.
Epstein proclaimed vehemently and often that he was not suicidal, but he never said anything about Arkancide. The poor creep thought Bill was a pal, never giving a second thought to the Clinton Cosa Nostra, where friendship stops at the bottom line.
If Juicy gets a shiv with the ribcage it will be for playing had to get, those massive bodybuilders inside resent being kept waiting.
If the noose fits, you must acquit!
I'm not suicidal!
Actors are gonna act, it's what they do. Smollett invented his role as a victim and will play it for all it's worth. He indeed has nothing more to lose due to lies.
Vaudeville acts used a hook to pull bad actors off stage.
Jussie tried to divide America worse than Obama already did. It was a hate crime against white Trump supporters that he used Nigerian men to help him out with. Kamala and Corey Booker just HAPPENED to have a bill on the floor about "Anti-Lynching". BOTH of them jumped right out and called this hoax a "Modern Day Lynching" Coincidence?? Or were they in on it. I suspect the latter.
Smollett is the modern day Al Sharpton. He'll make lots of money when he gets out of prison, because he will fit right in with activist Hollywood, and will go around crying about how he was abused by this racist system. He was expecting to be let go, with Kamala at his side.
So, just to be clear...
a) He did NOT do this!!
b) He's Bragging about How AWESOME he is, for doing it
c) He did NOT do this!!
d) If he dies in jail, that would be just Horrible! because;
e) He did NOT do this!!
f) He's glad to, and completely willing to, die in jail for this; 'cause he's So Proud of it
g) He did NOT do this!!
h) There should be statues and monuments Praising him for doing this, because;
i) He did NOT do this!!
No expressed remorse? Only 5 months? What a drama queen!
In a parallel racialist universe, our lawmakers have rendered lynching a federal hate crime. I hope it has a robust mechanism for auto-lynching, which seems to be the real problem.
Gadfly - you bought Jusse's story, right?
I must have missed the part of this story where Jussie ran afoul of Hillary Clinton.
Since Jussie will have to share a cell with his attacker, his concern for his own safety is understandable.
"He seems to be a self-dramatizing person with very poor judgment, and I think he needs to be protected from himself."
Of course he is "self-dramatizing." He's an actor. It goes with the territory.
In fact, he is not JUST and Actor; he's a CELEBRITY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9mpDAJOPac
He owes the City of Chicago a lot more money for this monumental waste of time. With any luck at all we'll never hear his name again.
So he's suicidal.
That joke is only funny once and McAfee already used it.
Okay. You’re Jussie Smollett and you’re one of the rare one-in-a-million men capable of autofellation.
Now, what’s the last thing you want to look up and see?
A: yourself, wearing a Make America Great Again hat.
That’s why they call it acting. He’s teh Black Master Thesbian
I wish someone would put together a video collage of all the dupes and haters who proclaimed this hoax to be absolutely real, gnashing their teeth and teary-eyed. I remember one "news" commenter stating without irony that this was what we could now expect in "Donald Trump's America."
The whole affair was unambiguously phony from the start. The blowhards and chumps who pretended to believe it were practically orgasmic at the thought of hanging this one around the necks of the MAGA types. The news media, of course, performed to their normal standard. The only praise in this despicable pile of slander goes to the Chicago cops who unraveled the con so quickly.
capable of autofellation
Does that mean you can suck-start a car with a V-8?
He seems to be a self-dramatizing person with very poor judgment, and I think he needs to be protected from himself.
That describes half the actors in Hollywood.
He seems to be a self-dramatizing person with very poor judgment, and I think he needs to be protected from himself.
Literally -- I only know him from this pathetic little escapade, but he seems dumb enough to try to fake a suicide and kill himself by accident.
But he could also just be planning to kill himself to avoid confronting the humiliation of having all his lies exposed, once he's back out in public. He's a soap opera actor who dreamed of bigger things, more publicity, but for the next few years, any interviewer who isn't a total sycophant is going to have at least a couple questions about his lies and their motivation. And he'll know his coworkers will be snickering behind his back -- they won't even have to pretend, now that there's a jury verdict. It's very hard for some people to admit their own lies.
Conducting internal investigations, I've had people break down in tears when confronted with hard evidence that they lied or fabricated evidence. They know that I know that they know what they did. We all know what happened. But sometimes, they still can't bring themselves to admit it out loud. They know they're going to get fired either way, and not admitting the truth lets them hold onto a shred of self respect.
Smollett put his fist where?
I shoulda had a V-8!!!
Let us not forget that he attempted to leverage the already volatile racial times in America into a worse situation with him at the center.
"Nearly everyone believes he faked the attack on himself." Nearly? Who still believes him, in public? Nobody, because then they would have to explain themselves, and also provide an interpretation of the mountain of evidence - of which 100% indicates he put the scam together himself, and 0% exonerates him.
On the plus side, I hear they serve Subway once in a while in the lockup, so there's that.
"Nearly everyone believes he faked the attack on himself."
It doesn't matter what everyone believes. He has been adjudicated guilty. His arrogant protestations of innocence suggest that rehabilitation is not in the offing. His sentence should reflect that and does not appear to.
He would be doing everyone a favor if he just killed himself.
A more annoying, obnoxious person doesn't exist this side of Joy Behar...
'Smollett's motivation was to support the campaigns of Kamala Harris and Cory Booker in the Democratic Party's primary-election race. Those two candidates wanted to make an issue of their proposed anti-lynching law.'
I would love to see the emails/texts of Booker, Harris, and Michelle Obama around that time.
I think they were all in on it.
Bizarre coincidence: There was a guy named Harvey Smollett back in 50's who invented the first (and probably the last) mechanical auto-autofellator.
The big three didn't show any interest so he sold it as a DIY aftermarket kit called the Motorhead. For less than $400 you could have your own self-suck-starting car.
It never really caught on.
He doesn't have a "terrible plan." He had a terrible plan. And he got caught. But he refuses to accept that the reason he got caught is that his plan was so terrible. In his mind, he's a martyr.
He also knows that as long as he denies what he did, and the only evidence against him is the overwhelming amount of it that was presented in court, he has a very good chance of getting hired again in Hollywood. "Like too many black men, I was wrongly convicted" is an excellent argument out here.
Killing himself while incarcerated would be the cherry atop the sundae of this hoax hate crime. Offing himself, after proclaiming that he won't, might make the most staunch supporter of racial group identity politics take another look at their beliefs.
Which would be a good thing. Keep the video recording operational on this guy's cell, there needs to be irrefutable evidence of self-harm after he is found hanging from a bedsheet.
Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx has an opinion that differs from most commenters here: https://chicago.suntimes.com/2022/3/10/22971657/jussie-smollett-case-our-justice-system-failed-states-attorney-kim-foxx-op-ed
n.n. @ 10:03 said, perfectly: "So, it was a marketing stunt, the audacity of stoking diversity and division, in order to progress his career a la diverse woke and morally broke corporations, non-profits, and Democrat politicians."
Thing I liked most: "...when police arrived at his home to interview him, he was still wearing the rope around his neck." C'mon, that's awesome.
Maybe the out cry in the court was for his next audition tape....
But, yeah, I'd like to hear all the Jessie is innocent 'cause America and Trump are racist comment on the sentence.
"I think he needs to be protected from himself."
He thinks he needs to be protected from people like you.
Narcissists like Smollet rarely kill themselves. Maybe if the mirror broke while he was admiring himself in it. Epstein didn't either.
Cook County jail where Jussie Smollett will serve at least two months along with 6,000 inmates: Cramped dorms, riots in the mess hall and limited visits: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10602801/Inside-county-jail-Jussie-Smollett-serve-75-days-cramped-cell.html
I actually think the judge showed great restraint.
Vicki from pasadena
Joe Smith said...
'Smollett's motivation was to support the campaigns of Kamala Harris and Cory Booker in the Democratic Party's primary-election race. Those two candidates wanted to make an issue of their proposed anti-lynching law.'
I would love to see the emails/texts of Booker, Harris, and Michelle Obama around that time.
I think they were all in on it.
3/11/22, 9:51 AM
100% right. That is why he was so pissed off, because he thought he would be safe with THEM beside him. They used him, and he is paying the price of being a useful idiot for Progressivism.
As "America's Newspaper of Record" (The Babylon Bee) pointed out, Jussie now has to spend the next 5 months locked in the same jail cell with his attacker.
The self-abortion Choice implies a conscience. He elected to, perhaps by press, perhaps through nationwide insurrections, and under the color of law, cancel, perhaps abort, others with collateral damage. The karmic irony of having the audacity and dreams of playing with a double-edged scalpel, and have the baby, too.
Jussie should have been required to allocute in exchange for this slap in the wrist; otherwise give him 2 years.
The fact they he did this in Biden country in below zero weather shows how intelligent this mope is.
I think being tarred and feathered and paraded down the street........I would have been ok with that.
Jussie now has to spend the next 5 months locked in the same jail cell with his attacker
You did it. No, you did it. That's what I said.
If I never hear another word from or about this asshole, it'll still be too soon.
“ You did it. No, you did it. That's what I said.”
Fraud! I know I am but what are you?
Actors got to act. He is guilty and he should have gotten down on his knees and thanked the judge that he got off so lightly.
What happened today to @JussieSmollett must never be tolerated in this country. We must stand up and demand that we no longer give this hate safe harbor; that homophobia and racism have no place on our streets or in our hearts. We are with you, Jussie. — Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) January 30, 2019
.@JussieSmollett is one of the kindest, most gentle human beings I know. I’m praying for his quick recovery. This was an attempted modern day lynching. No one should have to fear for their life because of their sexuality or color of their skin. We must confront this hate. -- Kamala Harris 4:30 PM · Jan 29, 2019
Link to AA back in the day, where she provides link to all media cryin' for poor juicy.
Kamala said that? It's so...cogent.
that we no longer give this hate safe harbor; that homophobia and racism have no place on our streets or in our hearts. We are with you, Jussie. — Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) January 30, 2019
So, speaking truth through projection. Diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry) breeds adversity. #HateLovesAbortion
>>WGN9 reports
Ahh, WGN, channel 9. The only independent (i.e., non-network) TV station in Chicago for most of the time when I was young, before the UHF stations started up in the late 60s, along with channels 2 (CBS), 5 (NBC), 7 (ABC), and 11 (then and now still the public TV channel, WTTW). Short for World's Greatest Newspaper, because the station was owned by the Chicago Tribune, the World's Greatest Newspaper, "An America Paper for Americans," next to the bible all over the Midwest in the days of the probably insane Colonel McCormack (eponym of McCormack Place), before the paper got bought and went to seed. Broadcaster of both the Sox and the Cubs (home games only), with Jack Brickhouse, statute now outside Tribune Tower, a somewhat bizarre Gothic tower that used to be, well, headquarters of the Tribune and across the street from the Wrigley Building (another connection to the vile Cubs). Also Garfield Goose, king of the United States, with Frasier Thomas (also host of "Family Classics"). One of the first superstations.
You can take the boy out of Chicago, but you can't take Chicago out of the boy (who has now lived in Cambridge/Boston for more than fifty years).
if he is not sane but delusional - should he be put in prison?
In 6 months he'll be a celebrity doing TV commercials for those $10/month life insurance policies so popular in ghetto neighborhoods.
I'm almost looking forward to the Daily Mail headline, in 2029 or so, or whenever his 'acting' gigs (is Jerry Springer still polluting the ether?) become uncomfortably infrequent, shouting 'AT LAST: I SET IT UP'.
SMOLLETT faked racism and yet STILL blamed racism for his jail sentence. You can’t win with a progressive.
“You can’t win with a progressive.”
No, but you can laugh at them, when the opportunity arises. Which in their case is often…
“ No, but you can laugh at them, when the opportunity arises. Which in their case is often…”
Unless you are yourself a Progressive. It’s the most glaringly obvious characteristic of a Progressive—the inability to laugh at oneself.
Jusse said two white guys in Maga hats roaming the streets of Chicago at 2AM attacked him.
Funny, They are still at large! Funny - how those two guys never materialized.
Perhaps they are having coffee with OJ's real killers?
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