২ মার্চ, ২০২২

"I got up to date a year ago, and that's as far as I'm getting — that's your idea? You might as well be a traditionalist."

I exclaimed, just now.

ADDED: The subject was applause, a propos of the SOTU, which I had turned off after 20 minutes, largely because I couldn't put up with all the applause, which slows everything down and is an ugly sound. This evolved into the question why the Congress is still using applause, when it is known to be triggering for some people, and how the new thing is to replace hand clapping with finger snapping. But if you're going to replace what is old — here, hand-clapping — with the new, then you take on the obligation to keep up with the new. It's harder to be progressive than traditional. I don't think finger-snapping is the up-to-date substitution for hand-clapping. Haven't there been several sequential replacements? Wasn't finger-snapping found to trigger some people? The search for a silent alternative led to jazz hands, but then jazz hands also proved triggering, and I think I remember seeing that the thumbs-up sign was currently preferred in some empathetic circles.

১৫টি মন্তব্য:

rehajm বলেছেন...

Up to date gives them too much credit…

jaydub বলেছেন...

It's biting commentary like that keeps bringing me back here.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

If you were up to date a year ago, then I hope you were a leftist then. Because anything short of that and you're a reactionary alt-right white supremacist today.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

The "you" (and the "I") are not me.

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

Now, that is a cryptic post. I guess that Meade comes into the picture. What would he leave not up to date for a year?


Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"I guess that Meade comes into the picture. What would he leave not up to date for a year?"

Meade was displaying that he was up-to-date about something, as if I was not with it, but I knew of a further development which superseded the thing he seemed to think I needed to get up-to-date about.

gilbar বলেছেন...

Our Professor Althouse teasingly said...
Meade was displaying that he was up-to-date about something

do tell! come on, tell! don't make us get the soft cushions, or "the comfy chair"

cassandra lite বলেছেন...

But how meta can you get?

Ignorance is Bliss বলেছেন...

I got up to date a year ago...

I tried getting up to date recently, but my wife told me to sit back down :(

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

Poor Meade said he knew something, But Ann had knowledge of a fact that contradicted Meade. A Platonic event.

ronalddewitt বলেছেন...

Could this be an explanation for Nancy’s knuckles?

Bunkypotatohead বলেছেন...

They should all make the OK sign.

Scott Patton বলেছেন...

Finger snapping has a beatnik vibe. That seems to be in a progressive vein.
Everyone should just do their own thing. That has a beatnik vibe too. Just do your own thing, man. Don't get all hung up on peoples hang ups. Everyone doing the same thing is L7. Let's not be L7. That ain't progressive.
Anyway, being compelled by convention to perform in a particular way while in a crowd is kind of mobbish.
I imagine somewhere in our distant past, yelping noises would've been very hip.

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

Generally speaking, the people who pride themselves on being up to date got up to date a few years ago and haven't bothered to take it any further.

Finger snapping -- not good on the joints, I'm thinking. Maybe not so easy to do effectively after a a certain age or with certain conditions. But everybody can clap.

I do wonder though, about the orchestration of the SOTU address. I'd like to see the audience to spot the people who don't clap or cheer or boo when the rest of their party robotically does so. Those are the few I could respect.

bobby বলেছেন...

This confused me, until I figured out that you think of "triggering other people" as a bad thing.