March 9, 2022

At the Sunrise Café...


... you can talk about whatever you want.


farmgirl said...

Always special.

Lurker21 said...

Last Night in Soho was a pretty good genre movie (a "psychological thriller").

Letterkenny is funny, but not something I can binge watch.

The Haunting of Bly Manor, the follow up to the good The Haunting of Hill House, is crummy.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

“Safe and effective” vaccines meant over 40K adverse events and over 1,200 deaths in the first three months the public was injected. This is from the first tranche of released information thanks to a freedom of information request granted by a judge in Texas. This may be why nobody seen Fauci lately.

Copy pasta to your browser 👉🏽
for a 23m video of Dr John Campbell who appears hesitant to editorialize what he’s reading in these Pfizer documents.

Watch, before it’s censored.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Democrats see Ukraine as their climate change "Let Them Eat Cake" moment. Let's see to it they
come to the same political end as the author of that phrase, shall we?

Narr said...

I'll be going out soon for an evening--at least a set or two--of live Memphis music. The last time was in 2016, and my ears rang for about 36 hours. I'm told that the deaf hippy-dippy soundman for the band has retired, and the volume is less. We'll see.

Y'all keep up the good work.

Michael K said...

If only the oil companies would let Joe and Hunter "wet his beak" in the oil thing. After all, they nearly went bankrupt at $30 dollar oil. A little graft would smooth the way.

Big Mike said...

Joe Biden said "It's simply not true that my administration or policies are holding back domestic energy production.”

Best response is by Jim Treacher on Substack: This is the biggest lie I’ve ever heard an American president tell, and I lived through “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” Biden has been holding back domestic energy production since the minute he had the power to do so. He even ran on it

Now Biden needs to decide which he fears more: some nebulous “climate crisis,” or the wrath of voters who need gasoline to do their jobs and live their lives. Brazenly lying is always Biden’s first instinct, but it’s not going to stop what’s happening.

alicante69 said...

Professor Mearsheimer says we provoked Russia into attacking the Ukraine. At this point, so what! Are we precluded from stopping the slaughter of Ukrainians because we're to blame for Russia's attack?

Jupiter said...

Things aren't looking too good at the NYT.

rcocean said...

Does the Ukrainian Government own "The Daily Mail"? I've never seen such hysterical Pro-war, "Lets go fight Putin" propaganda.

rhhardin said...

The babes at Fox News were really affected by the attack on a maternity hospital. Just repeating the charge was enough to send them off in another bout of outrage.

Fox apparently is for women.

tcrosse said...

It looks like the volcano, Mount Willy, is erupting.

Achilles said...

So Ukraine was researching and manufacturing WMD's in labs that were funded by the US State Department.

It seems like it would be hard to condemn Russia under these circumstances.

It seems we now know why everyone in Washington DC is so hot to trot to start World War 3 over Ukraine.

How many Biden supporters are going to defend this now that the State Department has admitted it under oath in the Senate? Did the Big Guy get his 10%?

Everyone involved in this has committed treason.


effinayright said...

Does anyone really think Russia DOESN'T have bioweapons research labs of their own?

Why would capturing the purported Ukrainian lab doing the same thing (an unproven assertions so far) give the Russkis some sort of a leg up on something they've been doing since the beginning of the Cold War?

Big Mike said...

@Achilles, I noticed that, too. How many biological research labs are there in Ukraine? How many were like the Wuhan lab and were doing biological warfare research, oops, I meant gain of function research, funded indirectly by the US federal government through one of more cutouts? This despite Dick Nixon barring biological warfare research in 1972 — a full fifty years ago.

Mason G said...

"Everyone involved in this has committed treason."

So... impeach Trump again?

iowan2 said...

Agree with Lurker, Letterkenney is funny, Maybe two episodes at time.

Primes, Jack Reacher series was the most fun watching tv I've had since Batman when I was 10

Bender said...

Looks like you all are going to get your wish. The Biden Administration is determined that the U.S. will just sit by and watch as Ukraine is destroyed, refusing to provide the assistance that would make a real difference. The money Congress is appropriating will come too late.

Meanwhile, what goes around comes around as the U.S. goes to other countries now asking for help and the U.S. is being told to get lost. There is no reason that anyone should ever help the U.S. in anything ever again.

Bender said...

Such a hot bed of Russian apologists and sympathizers here, to go with the isolationists and nutters.

If AA doesn't like that her blog has been infested by thought not in line with her own, as she let on a few months ago, I can imagine the discomfort at now being associated with the current commentary.

Flat Tire said...

Lambing season is off to a poor start. One stillborn, one big beautiful lamb born to a mother who rejected her on a 30 degree night. It had been about 30 minutes but we couldn't save her. Big twins born last night after a long difficult birth. Mom reluctantly accepting bolder one but smaller one will be a bottle baby. She went thru hell but will
be ok.

Mutaman said...

"Sidney Powell has raised at least $15 million since the 2020 election through her nonprofit Defending the Republic. Nobody knew where that cash was being spent. Until now

Turns out she's has been funding the legal defense of the Oath Keepers."

Mutaman said...

Achilles said...

"So Ukraine was researching and manufacturing WMD's in labs that were funded by the US State Department."

Thanks ivan.

Joe Smith said...

"Lucy and Desi" is a documentary (it's not 'Being the Ricardos')...

Just watched's fantastic.

Ignore the few 'I am woman' moments.

Lucy is the funniest woman who ever lived.

Desi was a production genius.

A really great show on Amazon Prime.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Achilles said...
So Ukraine was researching and manufacturing WMD's in labs that were funded by the US State Department

Care to link to any evidence?

wildswan said...

I've been reading Wisconsin Right Now because I needed a source on Wisconsin news - the Journal Sentinel only covers select topics approved by Dem ThoughtControlCentral. This week there is an interesting story about an Wisconsin "educator" claiming that whites had no protections against discrimination.
Elmbrook* Schools Assistant Superintendent, Tanya Fredrich said:
"‘Although there is no evidence that the student’s race (White), sexual orientation (Heterosexual) and socio-economic status (middle-upper middleclass) were a consideration in any decision made by the District regarding the student, it must also be noted that the student is not a member of any class that is legally protected from discrimination by state or federal law. To the contrary, the student’s race, sexual orientation and socio-economic status are what are considered to be the majority status and thus do not form a basis for claiming that the student is being treated or has been treated less favorably than persons not in the protected class.’
Of course, a member of a majority group can still be suffer from discrimination. A teacher can lower grades or make disparaging remarks based on the race of any individual and it will be discrimination and it will be illegal. But if this story has its facts right and quoted her correctly, the Assistant Superintendent of Schools in the Elmbrook school district discriminates on discrimination and has her own laws. Though I expect she collects her pay for a day spent ready to discriminate discriminatingly from the usual taxpayers in the usual way.

*Elmbrook - a wealthy Milwaukee suburb

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Instapundit: Jussie Smollett’s sentencing is tomorrow and Rev. Jackson says ‘Jussie has already suffered.’ He was ready to spread a false and toxic narrative about racial hate, and to condemn two innocent men until he realized they were connected to him. He’s garbage and he should suffer for it. A lot.”

Lem Vibe Banditory said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Any bets on wether Joe Rogan will delve into the Pfizer docs?

My gut says he WON’T have anybody on to talk about it.

Speaking of Rogan. Does anybody know why Seinfeld has never been in his podcast? and coincidentally, why hasn’t Rogan been asked to have coffee in cars with cameras rolling? Rogan is both, a car enthusiast and standup comedian.

Is it that Seinfeld is seen as the old screen guard and Rogan represents the new and never shall the two meet? If they meet on screen it would create a rip in the fabric of space time. The event horizon would become misaligned.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I bet those Pfizer docs numbers are underreported. Just going by a bit of logic- say your vaccinated because a doctor told you, nay, everybody told you the vaccines are “safe and effective” and subsequently you suffer some adverse effects that nobody has associated with taking the vaccines. The last thing you are going to do is play doctor and say they are associated.

StephenFearby said...

Achilles said...
"So Ukraine was researching and manufacturing WMD's in labs that were funded by the US State Department.

It seems like it would be hard to condemn Russia under these circumstances."


Unless it's just another example of fake news concocted by the Russians for the gullible.

Which it is.

Sebastian said...

"Are we precluded from stopping the slaughter of Ukrainians because we're to blame for Russia's attack?"

No. But the problem with the provocation (which of course excuses nothing in Putin's actions) is that we weren't prepared to stop anything that might result from it, and we are not stopping the slaughter now. The threat of sanctions didn't prevent the slaughter, and the reality of them hasn't stopped it. Our policy appears to be based on the hope that we can force Putin to stop by increasing the pain without actual fighting, or perhaps topple his regime. There's no sign it's stopping anything on the ground. Of course, there's a small chance it can work in the near future--but only after much more slaughter. If stopping slaughter is the priority, there is only one way: for the Ukrainians to give up now. Even that is nasty, and there are no guarantees. But is it worse than slaughter?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Narr we caught a bit of Memphis via Mike Faris just before the WuFlu hit. Great show. When/if gas comes back to reality gonna have to get some Memphis Q. Great music city.

wendybar said...

Biden campaigned on destroying oil companies, he bragged about it, and prices went up the day after he was elected and never looked back. Now he is trying to blame it all on Putin and the Ukraine. THIS is what he wanted. Every person who voted for him voted for this. Congratulations. You suck.

Mark said...

Bender, based on the few I know, those who taught college are reluctant to leave the podium and will remain at it as long as someone is on the other side.

Who those people are is irrelevant, it's about having an audience than the quality of it.

I speak because I know of it, having worked as a musician where the same rule applies.

Sebastian said...

WSJ today: "Waves of Refugees Overwhelm Poland. Local officials rush to expand housing for an influx expected to grow by millions more."

How much can Poland handle? How much can Europe handle? What happens if Ukraine empties out, either while fighting or after Russia seizes firmer control? At what point does the migration threat become Putin's weapon in response to the sanctions? How, from Europe's standpoint, can it possibly be contained? Or is Europe prepared to sacrifice in earnest?

Oh, and is it in anyone's interest to make sure Ukraine has decent harvests this year? Who suffers most if it doesn't? Is it too late already?

Jamie said...

It has seemed to me from the getgo that there are no very clean hands in the current Ukraine situation: Ukraine has been a corrupt place for a long time (isn't that right, Big Guy?).

But. Russia is clearly the aggressor, and is behaving in character. For all the spurious analogies they - actual Russia sympathizers, not just people who hesitate to jump into direct conflict against a nuclear power with an itchy trigger finger - try to draw between Ukraine's seeking NATO membership and Mexico's or Canada's suddenly aligning themselves with Russia and "what would the US do then, huh?" - Russia has indubitably invaded a country without provocation (if NATO had any history at all of invasion and territory-taking-by-force, and if Ukraine's bid for membership had been successful, maybe I could squint my eyes and discern some provocation - maybe), and has publicly prepared its nukes in an effort to get the rest of Europe to back off and let them take what they want.

This is a very dangerous situation and not one to charge into like a teacher breaking up a playground fight. Hesitation does not constitute apologetics.

rehajm said...

Speaking of Rogan. Does anybody know why Seinfeld has never been in his podcast? and coincidentally, why hasn’t Rogan been asked to have coffee in cars with cameras rolling? Rogan is both, a car enthusiast and standup comedian.

I recall a few times Jerry Seinfeld saying his guests are just people he likes and also he wouldn’t have on a comedian who’s act he didn’t like. Does he even know Rogan?

I’m not sure I’ve ever watched Rogans act, have I?

…speaking of not on Jerry’s shoe why hasn’t David Spade been on his show, either? Also car guy…and Jerry’s been on David’s zoom show thingie?

wendybar said...

To all the naysayers saying the USA doesn't fund Bio labs in Ukraine......

wendybar said...

Quit believing the lies the Main Stream media is spewing. You can find the truth out there if you really try....Progressives in power are liars and they hate you. Wake up. The Conspiracy theorists have been right so far...and it looks like they are right again...

Rory said...

"I bet those Pfizer docs numbers are underreported."

I spent a night in the hospital with chest pains two weeks after the first Moderna shot. It was verbally communicated that it was most-likely a vaccine reaction, but that wasn't stated on my discharge papers. Pains recurred and slowly subsided for about two months, my GP was open as to the cause, finally got on board with the likely vaccine reaction when I had been back to normal for a couple of months. The pains ended just before I saw a follow up cardiologist - he just looked unsuccessfully for continuing irregularities.

At around three months after the shot, I heard about the growing interest in chest pains/heart rate/thickening, and put all of my own information into the HHS reporting system. About two months later, I got an email responding to that report, asking one question: are you feeling better? So I spent a night in the hospital, three or four GP and two cardiologist visits, and I don't have any evidence that medical people got me into the official stats.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If Seinfeld says he doesn’t know Rogan, he’d be lying.

wendybar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wendybar said...


Christopher B said...

Jamie said...
if NATO had any history at all of invasion and territory-taking-by-force

Other than bombing the shit out of Serbia in the 1990s, or being the method to expand the war in Afghanistan (ISAF), or the vehicle for Hillary and Obama's 'lead from behind' regime change in Lybia?

And this isn't 'Russian propaganda' you can read it straight off NATO's website

Yes, it doesn't justify Putin's invasion but it does do a lot to explain why he might consider the Ukraine joining NATO to be a lot more provocative than we do.

Narr said...

Band was good. Elmo and the Shades--party/dance/funk mostly. Elmo is an old friend and a lot of Memphis legends have played with him in their retirements.

But I was home before they even wrapped up (11pm for us 70's remnants).

Narayanan said...

Blogger Sebastian said...
"Are we precluded from stopping the slaughter of Ukrainians because we're to blame for Russia's attack?"
are there data on comparative slaughter figures from USA/NATO wars to check against Russia /carnage/

Rusty said...

Which is why. Wendy, That you have to remind the usual suspects early and often and every chance you get that the they are the ones that wanted this. This is what they voted for. This is the world their vote brought about.

Achilles said...

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Achilles said...
So Ukraine was researching and manufacturing WMD's in labs that were funded by the US State Department

Care to link to any evidence?

href="">I do. Here you go. Under oath as well.

StephenFearby said...


Unless it's just another example of fake news concocted by the Russians for the gullible.

Which it is.

You can apologize and admit you are wrong at any point.

There is honor in admitting you were wrong and misled.

Achilles said...

Mutaman said...

Achilles said...

"So Ukraine was researching and manufacturing WMD's in labs that were funded by the US State Department."

Thanks ivan.

They admitted it under oath douchebag.

Deal with it.

wendybar said...

More corruption you won't read or hear from the Propaganda media......

Mutaman said...

"They admitted it under oath douchebag.

Deal with it."

Of course you are never going to get a link supporting this punk's statement.

Achilles said...

“U.S. Sen. Dick Lugar applauded the opening of the Interim Central Reference Laboratory in Odessa, Ukraine, this week, announcing that it will be instrumental in researching dangerous pathogens used by bioterrorists.

The level-3 bio-safety lab, which is the first built under the expanded authority of the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction program, will be used to study anthrax, tularemia and Q fever as well as other dangerous pathogens.”

Achilles said...

Obama decided to create Bioweapon labs in Ukraine.

But Obama had good intentions with his WMD research in Ukraine.

This is totally worth starting WW3 over and you are a Putin stooge if you don't support Obama's bioweapons research in Ukraine.

Achilles said...

"Today, Metabiota, the pioneer in epidemic risk modeling, announced it has been awarded a subcontract from Black & Veatch (B&V) to support the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s (DTRA) Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP) in Iraq under the Biological Threat Reduction Integrating Contract (BTRIC). Metabiota has also partnered with B&V on DTRA’s recently awarded Cooperative Threat Reduction Integrating Contract (CTRIC) III with an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (ID/IQ) contract ceiling of $970M."

Jaq said...

"if NATO had any history at all of invasion and territory-taking-by-force"

Moamar Khadafy could not be reached for comment.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

Since they were not "bioweapons" labs nor creating bioweapons nor WMD, yeah, if you're parroting this nonsense you ARE completely a Putin stooge, because you are repeating Russian propaganda.

There were research labs working on things that countries may or may not try to turn into bioweapons or WMDs. That does not imply that these labs were themselves making or trying to create bioweapons or WMDs. There is no evidence that they were making or trying to create bioweapons or WMDs.

But just go on repeating Russian propaganda. It's a good look in some circles.

StephenFearby said...

Education for certain conspiracy theorists on this blog:

MOSCOW, March 8. /TASS/.

'During the special operation in Ukraine, Russia obtained documents proving that Ukrainian biological laboratories located near Russian borders worked on development of components of biological weapons, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement Tuesday.

"We confirm the facts, discovered during the special military operation in Ukraine, of the emergency cleanup by the Kiev regime of traces of the military biological program, carried out by Kiev with funding from the US Department of Defense," the statement reads. "Documents were obtained from employees of Ukrainian biological laboratories about emergency disposal of particularly dangerous pathogens of plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera and other deadly diseases, carried out on February 24. In particular, we are talking about the Ukrainian Health Ministry order on prompt disposal of all stockpiles of dangerous pathogens, sent to all bio laboratories."'

Refuted by (among many others):

Foreign Policy, MARCH 2, 2022

False Claims of U.S. Biowarfare Labs in Ukraine Grip QAnon
The conspiracy theory has been boosted by Russian and Chinese media and diplomats.

'...The Russian government has laid the groundwork for this conspiracy for some time. In January, a Russian-language Telegram account warned that a “full-fledged network of biological laboratories has been deployed,” studying deadly viruses that are already making people sick in Kazakhstan with “American grants.” The Russian newspaper Izvestia ran a story in May 2020 making similar claims, and they have been repeated in pro-Russian Ukrainian news sites. A close advisor of Russian President Vladimir Putin himself has accused the United States of developing “more and more biological laboratories … mainly by the Russian and Chinese borders.”'


USA TODAY, Updated Feb 27, 2022

Fact check: False claim of US biolabs in Ukraine tied to Russian disinformation campaign

"...Based on our research, we rate FALSE the claim that there are U.S. biolabs in Ukraine funded by the U.S. government. The posts misrepresent a treaty between the United States and Ukraine aimed at preventing biological threats.

The labs are owned and funded by the Ukrainian government.The Security Service of Ukraine and the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine have said the claim is false. Reports indicate the claim is tied to a years-long Russian disinformation campaign aimed at discrediting the United States."

What part of this doesn't y'all understand?

Achilles said...

StephenFearby said...

What part of this doesn't y'all understand?

The part where you are stupid enough to believe the people who lied about Russian Collusion to your face for 4 years.

The part where I just posted quotes of politicians actually bragging about opening up these bio weapons labs for the last decade.

It is OK to admit you are wrong.

You don't need to keep being a dupe for the Biden Regime. The Biden family has made millions in Ukraine. The Ukraine has been a slush fund for DC for years.

There is a reason the only people in the world that want this war to continue are DC politicians and their dupes around the country.

Achilles said...

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

Since they were not "bioweapons" labs nor creating bioweapons nor WMD, yeah, if you're parroting this nonsense you ARE completely a Putin stooge, because you are repeating Russian propaganda.

There were research labs working on things that countries may or may not try to turn into bioweapons or WMDs. That does not imply that these labs were themselves making or trying to create bioweapons or WMDs. There is no evidence that they were making or trying to create bioweapons or WMDs.

But just go on repeating Russian propaganda. It's a good look in some circles.

I am totes certain that we can just have an international commission check out these sites.

Maybe we can have a look at their funding too.

Because I totally remember all the politicians in DC telling us they were going to fund bio weapon research in Ukraine with our tax dollars.

Obviously we want to pay scientists in Ukraine and not here in the US right?

Oh that's right. Putin stooge. Propaganda. The Biden/Obama regime has never lied about anything. Ever.

You are just being a fucking idiot right now.

Mutaman said...

Greg Sargent
"Tucker, Hannity et al are pushing an ugly line about Ukrainian biolabs. So:

Officials debunked this *during the Trump administration,* noting they're Soviet relics the US is securing.

Obama discussed this in 2013.

A 2005 article flags it."

Pretty obvious that Achilles is just a dirty Russian troll.

Mutaman said...

Achilles said...

Mutaman said...

Greg Sargent
"Tucker, Hannity et al are pushing an ugly line about Ukrainian biolabs. So:

Officials debunked this *during the Trump administration,* noting they're Soviet relics the US is securing.

Obama discussed this in 2013.

A 2005 article flags it."

Pretty obvious that Achilles is just a dirty Russian troll.

“U.S. Sen. Dick Lugar applauded the opening of the Interim Central Reference Laboratory in Odessa, Ukraine, this week, announcing that it will be instrumental in researching dangerous pathogens used by bioterrorists.

The level-3 bio-safety lab, which is the first built under the expanded authority of the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction program, will be used to study anthrax, tularemia and Q fever as well as other dangerous pathogens.”

Suck on it.

Mutaman said...

Achilles said...
"Suck on it."

Lack of a decent education- Cant do a thing about it. That semester spent at Trump University just doesn't cut it.

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