March 8, 2022

At the Sunrise Café...


 ... you can talk about whatever you want.


Narr said...

While the little woman has been away in Paris and London, I've purged a lot of paper--including old business files of hers that I missed when I first retired in 2015. I bought some proper storage boxes and have thrown out most of the old randomly acquired ones, as well as rearranged the office.

Clutter still abounds, but I've collocated the different species and put the remnants into piles for triage.

A few old pieces of furniture to take to storage or the curb, and we will have gained about
a room's worth of space to refill with different treasures.

But it's neatish right now.

cfs said...

I've been wondering over the past few days. Do the "moderate Democrats" and never-Trump GOP members who voted for Biden because they wanted politics to return to normal, feel better now? Do they sleep better at night as they think, "Wow, I'm so glad things have returned to normal. No more unexpected chaos. Just the usual wars, inflation, high crime rates, and corruption?" Is this really the "normal" they expected. If not, why not? Why would they have expected anything different?

Browndog said...

Today, Biden was asked by a reporter about gas prices: "It’s going to go up. Can’t do much right now. Russia is responsible."

Today, Biden economic advisor Brian Deese: "The only viable path to energy independence" is to reduce fossil fuel use to "zero."

Today, Wall Street Journal reports: Leaders of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates declined requests to speak to President Biden during the Ukraine crisis, officials say. They both took calls from Putin.

Browndog said...

US to Poland: Hey, you guys should give your MiGs to Ukraine. We'll replace them with F-15s.

Poland to US: Hey, we're going to give our MiGs to you. YOU give them to Ukraine.

US: ....wait, what?

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gilbar said...

I was going to post a snarky, fakenews post here, implying that Biden and the Democrats were going to respond to our runaway inflation.. By issuing NEW stimulus checks.
But, i CAN'T do that.. Because, GUESS WHAT? Reality beat me to the punch

Amid Record Inflation, Chuck Schumer Seems Ready to Dish out More COVID Relief to Special Interests

I sh*t you f*cking NOT! Inflation is Out of Control, and so prices are SKYROCKETING..
So, the Democrats Are (REALLY!) planning on mailing out More Money

You Can't make it up, I try, but i couldn't.. 'cause it's TRUE :(

Big Mike said...

Joe Biden says “It's simply not true that my admin or policies are holding back domestic energy production."

Except it really IS true.

TickTock said...

Are other commentators also suffering (as I am) from family members whose comments about current affairs no longer make any sort of logical sense?

TickTock said...

Brown dog

Good summary of the news

pacwest said...

Biden this, Biden that. Joe Biden is not running the country and everyone who is honest knows that. Obama was a front man too, but he was a lot better at it. Whoever was giving a willing Obama his marching orders is leading Biden around by the nose. Talking about leading Biden around, he can't get from the WH without the First Lady holding his hand so he doesn't get lost.

In Russia Putin rules the Ogliarchs. In the US the Ogliarchs rule Biden.

Follow the money.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

“The CDC Director makes a number of confessions of the actual science that got American citizens censored, banned, or deplatformed for saying on social media. However, since Walensky is ostensibly one of the privileged elite, she is 'allowed' to reveal the many ways that she was mistaken or otherwise changed her mind as more data and information came in.

One of the most striking moments is when the CDC director effectively confessses that the agency is not the final authority on "the science."”


Joe Smith said...

'In Russia Putin rules the Ogliarchs. In the US the Ogliarchs rule Biden.'

"In America, you can always find a party. In Soviet Russia, The Party can always find you!"

-- Yakov Smirnoff

Big Mike said...

Well that didn’t take long. Gas at the local Exxon is now $4.15 (and 9/10). That’s 36 cents more than it was Friday.

madAsHell said...

I sh*t you f*cking NOT! Inflation is Out of Control, and so prices are SKYROCKETING..

I went to the grocery store today, and all I saw was fear in the eyes of single (not even a shadow of a wedding band) gray-haired women. Democrats love to prey on that demographic.

I can't leave out the Wool-Socks-and Birkenstocks white males driving the Subarus with the COEXIST bumper sticker.

I may be nuts, but I'm seeing mental health issues......everywhere!!

Owen said...

I'm sorry, but that picture is just awesome. You may want to mark it down for Schmalze or Been There Done That. But you'd be wasting your time with me.

Love it.

Jaq said...

Let me say to the oil and gas companies and finance firms that back them: We understand that Putin’s war against the people of Ukraine is causing prices to rise. But that is no excuse for excess price increases, or padding profits, or any kind of effort to exploit this situation.- Joe Biden

He is explicitly telling the banks here to not fund new production, err I man "exploit the situation" because Big Climate thinks that North American carbon should stay in the ground.

wildswan said...

The FBI got $28 million to fend off cyber attacks by the Bear; Aaron Rodgers got $200 million to fend off the Bears.

wildswan said...

TickTock said...
Are other commentators also suffering (as I am) from family members whose comments about current affairs no longer make any sort of logical sense?

In my case, they know they'd be better off under Trump and can't understand how that can be. It makes them shout. But they're 100% behind Zelensky so I guess we'll meet somewhere.

Jaq said...

What's interesting about Joe's shot across the bow of the financial side of energy production, is that he and Psaki keep gaslighting people that the oil companies have lots of leases, and just won't drill, to force prices higher. Meanwhile the producers say they would love to drill more, but can't get financing.

This is the plan. Drive prices up to European levels while blaming the oil companies and Putin for it. Biden loves this war. Cult members like, well, you know who, get mad when this is pointed out, but it's actually obvious. I would be happy to have it explained to me how I am wrong with facts and figures, not the words of two liars like Biden and Psaki, but name calling and denunciation is all the weapons Democrats allow the normies, since the facts go against them most of the time.

Jaq said...

'any kind of effort."

David Begley said...

I saw Kris Kristoferrsen twice forget the lyrics to a song he wrote.

Bender said...

U.S. judge dismisses most serious federal charge against Jan. 6 defendant

Mutaman said...

"Honestly, I think he feared him. I think he was afraid of him. I think the man intimidated him," Grisham said during an appearance on "The View," when asked about Trump's impression of Putin."

gadfly said...

pacwest said...
In Russia Putin rules the Ogliarchs. In the US the Ogliarchs rule Biden.

Follow the money

We need more than "FOLLOW THE MONEY" from supporters of the former president who didn't give a damn about how much money he has been extracting illicitly.

I don't know the name of a single Russian Oligarch that is talking to President Biden. Do you?

BUMBLE BEE said...

NYT to be believed?

BUMBLE BEE said...

"Migrants" go boom?
"And they said it couldn't happen here" - F. Zappa

StephenFearby said...

London Times Wednesday, March 09 2022

Xi urges Russian restraint on Ukraine in first sign of split with Putin

'President Xi intervened in the Ukraine crisis for the first time yesterday, saying in a rare hint of disagreement with Russia that he supported French and German “peace efforts”.

The Chinese leader said in a video call to President Macron of France and Olaf Scholz, the German chancellor, that he wanted “maximum restraint” in the war in order to avert a “humanitarian crisis”. He promised to send humanitarian supplies to Ukraine.

“China commends the efforts France and Germany have made to mediate the Ukrainian situation,” Xi, 68, said, according to Chinese state media...'

Hard to believe NATO members France and German are trying to mediate while supplying Ukraine with lethal weapons.

Jaq said...

Well, after Biden's speech yesterday, Bloomberg switched over to pure state propaganda from what was previously decent coverage. They aren't going to let Zelensky end this war because they think they have Russia on the ropes, it is also letting them achieve their long held dream of $10 gas while blaming their favorite bogeymen, and they don't give a rat's ass about the lives it is costing in Ukraine, or the global suffering that this war is inflicting because they think they are saving the planet. It's that simple. I am starting to believe that they welcome the fertilizer shortages worldwide.

Althouse talked about her "dictionary of received ideas." You know what is full of "received ideas"? Climate models.

rehajm said...

they think they have Russia on the ropes, it is also letting them achieve their long held dream of $10 gas while blaming their favorite bogeymen

All those adults in charge but the worst timing in the world- they just can’t catch a break on economics. Always inheriting a mess, then someone else gets credit for what they ‘fix’.

gilbar said...

pacwest said...
Talking about leading Biden around, he can't get from the WH without the First Lady holding his hand so he doesn't get lost.

LITERALLY! when he goes (ANYWHERE), Dr Jill is right with him, holding his hand
Going to get on Marine One, to go to Delaware? Dr Jill is right with him, holding his hand
Going to a press conference? Dr Jill is right with him, holding his hand
Meeting with School kids for a photo op? Dr Jill is right with him, holding his hand

I can't remember, EVER having a President and First Lady, that do that.. It's Creepy

Humperdink said...

Always believe someone who reports from The View. My morning laugh.

Jaq said...

They love this war and think that they can beat Russia down and get control of their resources.

Christopher B said...

@tim, good points. Looking at it cynically the strategy appears to be using Ukraine to whack Russia like a piñata until the goodies fall out. To StephenFearby's comment (and to tie with another post this am) it's nothing personal, just business even for the Chinese. The Ukrainians might be able to resist pretty well but they are never going to be able to kick the Russians out without at least NATO air cover (aka a 'no-fly' zone for the Russians) and that ain't gonna happen because the US public is just too Jacksonian to move without a more direct attack. The Ukraine is now even more dependent on being in the good graces of the Davos crowd.

pacwest said...

don't know the name of a single Russian Oligarch that is talking to President Biden. Do you?

For the learning impaired - the American Ogliarchy. Whatever.

wendybar said...

New York Times National Security Correspondent, Matthew Rosenberg, contradicted his own January 6 reporting and also admitted the FBI was involved. “There were a ton of FBI informants amongst the people who attacked the Capitol,” Rosenberg told the undercover PV journalist.

“It was like, me and two other colleagues who were there [January 6] outside and we were just having fun!” he said.
“I know I’m supposed to be traumatized, but like, all these colleagues who were in the [Capitol] building and are like ‘Oh my God it was so scary!’ I’m like, ‘f*ck off!’”

Rosenberg: “They were making too big a deal. They were making this an organized thing that it wasn’t.”

Don't you love it when "journ-O-lists" finally tell the truth???

Anybody who believes ANY of the lies from Progressive Propaganda news sources deserve everything they are going to get....GOOD AND HARD.

Jaq said...

Tim's law: "If the graduates of your school system are not utterly cynical, they are not being taught, they are being indoctrinated."

Jaq said...

Same with viewers of your news network or readers of your blog.

Jersey Fled said...

Have we ever had a President with worse instincts than Biden?

farmgirl said...

Wow- who would have thunk it… sarc/

farmgirl said...

Heh, Wendybar! I didn’t read the comments
Taking my Mom for groceries in a few- she’ll be 90 next month-God willing xoxo

farmgirl said...

“I saw Kris Kristoferrsen twice forget the lyrics to a song he wrote.”

I sing a litany of names to get the correct one for my kids…

Meade said...

If only, like Mrs. McCave, you had named them all Dave.

iowan2 said...

I don't know the name of a single Russian Oligarch that is talking to President Biden. Do you?

You haven't been paying attention. You have your campaign, hire a law firm, that hires a consulting group, that hires a private contractor to speak to the Russia Oligarchs. Clnton's have perfected the political game of 3 card monte.

Jaq said...

Putin gravely miscalculated, he thought the US didn’t want this war and therefore would accept his reasonable demands after some huffing and puffing. He completely misunderstood the goals of the Biden oligarchs and the amazing power of the American regime propaganda. Putin will be allowed no off ramps.

Americans are baying for war and higher gas prices, apparently.

Narr said...

I can discuss politics reasonably well with my wife, who knows that I'm smarter and better-read than she is, besides being a student of history too.

She, our son, and my youngest brother are all the family I've got here. Our cousins who moved to Gulf Shores are Trump fans, but my brother--who took extra time to finish a couple of grades and has never read a book-- is completely in the thrall of CNNMSNBCDNCETC and we avoid political topics. Since we share few other interests, we don't talk much.

I did see a friend who is also a Dzombie last week. At the mention of Ukraine, he offered that of course Trump had given the green light to Putin after weakening NATO enough.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Let me say to the oil and gas companies and finance firms that back them: We understand that Putin’s war against the people of Ukraine is causing prices to rise. But that is no excuse for excess price increases, or padding profits, or any kind of effort to exploit this situation.- Joe Biden”

“He is explicitly telling the banks here to not fund new production, err I man "exploit the situation" because Big Climate thinks that North American carbon should stay in the ground.”

The finance problem is very real. Normally, at $130 a barrel oil, a lot of Capital would be flowing into this sector. It’s not, and a good part of that is that leftists have gained moral control over much of the financial sector, with a lot of the banks and the huge funds disinvesting right now from the energy sector on moral grounds. Of course, they are also defunding the extractive industries necessary to manufacture EVs, as well as realistic expansion of our energy sector…

When oil jumps from where it was on 1/6/ over $130 a barrel, gas prices at the pump are going to go through the roof. That is fundamental economics. The profit margin in the oil and gas industry is low, esp in comparison to those enjoyed by Apple, Amazon, etc, as well as over time. But we probably shouldn’t blame the poly sci and women’s studies majors making these brain dead pronouncements, because very few of them have ever had a job in the productive sectors of our economies. Instead of dealing with the realities of actually bringing products to market, they have, instead made their living with words and sucking at the government teat. And, yes, that starts with FJB, who has spent his working life as a politician, divvying up government graft for fun and profit.

Bruce Hayden said...

“What's interesting about Joe's shot across the bow of the financial side of energy production, is that he and Psaki keep gaslighting people that the oil companies have lots of leases, and just won't drill, to force prices higher. Meanwhile the producers say they would love to drill more, but can't get financing.”

Sure, the oil and gas industry have a lot of federal leases - mostly out in the Gulf of Mexico. Saw a breakdown yesterday of those leases. Mostly, they aren’t useful because there isn’t economically productive oil and gas there. It’s very expensive to drill there. Some are leases for wells that have played out. Much of it was speculative - there might be oil or gas there, but wasn’t. Some of it was defensive - if you spend the millions to drill somewhere, and find oil or gas in economic productive quantities, you don’t want your competitors drilling next door into the same pockets, after you have shown there to be economic quantities there. Besides, even if there were economically productive quantities in those leases, they can’t get financing to drill there (see my previous post). A shallow well on land probably costs over a $million$ to drill and complete. Deep water wells out in the Gulf may cost 100x that, esp factoring in all the test wells they need to drill first.

Narayanan said...

I can't remember, EVER having a President and First Lady, that do that.. It's Creepy
such a loving couple = I iszz chokeszz up =

Narayanan said...

Browndog said...
US to Poland: Hey, you guys should give your MiGs to Ukraine. We'll replace them with F-15s.

Poland to US: Hey, we're going to give our MiGs to you. YOU give them to Ukraine.

US: ....wait, what?
Poland was doing Trump ART OF THE DEAL to get free F-15's :
till Blinken/Blinden spilled the Goulash and tore up the Pierogis

farmgirl said...

I used to read this book when I was little.
Willjillhesterchesterpeterpollytimtommarylarry and Little Clarinda…

“But she didn't do it. And now it's too late.”

farmgirl said...

American Oligarchs…
Or not.

That video by JP shared by our BUMBLEBEE zzz is stuck in my head. Kinda freaking me out.
F/kers hacking our genes…

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