২ মার্চ, ২০২২

"Absent from President Joe Biden's State of the Union speech tonight was almost any mention of the criminal justice reforms that Biden had promised on the campaign trail...."

"'Biden's campaign platform included ending the federal death penalty and solitary confinement, decriminalizing marijuana, and using clemency to free federal inmates serving sentences for some nonviolent and drug crimes. More than a year into the new administration, few of those promises have been fulfilled, frustrating criminal justice reform advocates.... Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris were both reluctantly dragged by their party to the left on criminal justice issues, and rising murder rates have made many Democrats hesitant to stray too close to any 'defund the police' rhetoric. (One of Biden's bipartisan applause lines of the night was calling for putting more police on the streets: 'The answer is not to defund the police. The answer is to FUND the police with the resources and training they need to protect our communities.')"

From "Criminal Justice Campaign Promises Absent From Biden's State of the Union Speech/More than a year into the Biden administration, promises to expand clemency, decriminalize marijuana, and end solitary confinement and the federal death penalty remain unfulfilled" by C.J. Ciaramella (Reason).

৫৬টি মন্তব্য:

MikeR বলেছেন...

A lot of things were missing from the speech. Pretty much anything everything cared so much about last year was missing.
Look, a squirrel!

Mr Wibble বলেছেন...


Achilles বলেছেন...

The only thing democrat voters actually care about is hurting their political opponents.

wendybar বলেছেন...

If you haven't figured it out yet...Progressives WANT the crime, so they can swoop in and save us from themselves and then blame all those white supremacists they see behind every bush.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

If Biden had a brain, making pot legal would be his number one issue. Dems love the issue and they love to get high.

Achilles বলেছেন...

"Go Get Him!"

That is the best closing line of a SOTU address ever.

The squinty eyes pushed it over the top.

John Fisher বলেছেন...

Brandon was absent as well.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Putin... poisoned their brains!

wendybar বলেছেন...

At least he is concerned about the Iranians.

Biden– “Putin May Circle Kyiv With Tanks, But He’ll Never Gain the Hearts and Souls of the IRANIAN People"

R C Belaire বলেছেন...

Suckers, all who voted for this empty suit. A shame the rest of us can't get off the bus.

mikee বলেছেন...

I heard 5 minutes of the speech last night while driving, and thought the one rhetorical trick used - completely ignoring every policy of the past several years and promoting the opposite - was pure political genius, and as likely to save Dems in November as Joe is to run a marathon on stilts.

FUND the police. Hahahahahahahaha. I wonder how much pudding was promised, to get him to say this out loud.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Libertarians need an issue besides drugs.

Howard বলেছেন...

Wendybar: Fine, then don't complain about how the January Sixers are treated.

gilbar বলেছেন...

ending the federal death penalty and solitary confinement, decriminalizing marijuana, and using clemency to free federal inmates serving sentences for some nonviolent and drug crimes

I thought we Replaced all those old goals, with;
no cash bond
no charges for theft under $1,000
no charges for car jacking or murder, if done by disadvantaged youths

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

Can’t get rid of solitary confinement. After all,n what are you supposed to do with 1/6 protesters in indefinite pre trial detention until they plead out, or associates of Jeffrey Epstein, until they can suicide?

gilbar বলেছেন...

Isn't the Only Remaining Crime.. Demonstrating (or voting) for Trump?
The only people being held anymore, are Jan 6th folk; aren't they?

gahrie বলেছেন...

By November the MSM will be complaining about all the GOP's efforts to defund the police.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

The part about funding the police was the biggest laugh line of the night.

The entire speech was about spending more of our money and making us more dependent upon government in every aspect of our lives.

These people are evil.

Browndog বলেছেন...

I didn't watch. The couple times I tried to watch Biden talk my brain hurt. But, I did catch the usual quips and reactions this morning. Nothing unusual, but this made me laugh:

Josiah Neeley

Putin: Ukraine is Russia
Zelensky: Ukraine is Europe
Biden: Ukraine is Iran

Tommy Duncan বলেছেন...

Joe wants to fix the rampant crime problem that he and the big city Democrats created. Isn't that special?

It makes me ill knowing that people as dishonest and corrupt as Biden exist.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Blogger MikeR said...
"A lot of things were missing from the speech."
The greatest of which was any semblance of a brain."
On the plus side. Iranians are overjoyed we are going to give them arms.

Skeptical Voter বলেছেন...

Campaign promises mean no more than "I'll still respect you in the morning" spoken by a hormone driven 19 year old. Campaign promises are made to be broken, and it's the rare politician who keeps his promises.

Ignorance is Bliss বলেছেন...

...for some nonviolent and drug crimes.

Since forays into language usage are always on topic, I'd like to head on down to conjunction junction and see what the function of and is in the above quote.

Is clemency only available for non-violent drug crimes, and all other non-violent criminals are out of luck?

Or is clemency available for a range of non-violent crimes, plus some violent drug crimes?

rcocean বলেছেন...

Crimes out of control, so Reason is upset that we're not making life easier for the crooks. That's losertarians for you. Where are all the Reaon articles on the Jan 6th prisoners and their rotting in jail and being abused?

rehajm বলেছেন...

A lot of things were missing from the speech. Pretty much anything everything cared so much about last year was missing.

I didn't watch last night but listened to a Fox News segment this morning on excerpts of the substance. It sounded like the Republican platform- securing the border, lower energy costs, making the streets safer... For each talking point the guest said something like yes, yes conservatives agree with that we but don"t for a second believe Joe Biden believes it...

Readering বলেছেন...

Yeah everyone listening was thinking, don't stop, keep going.

Achilles বলেছেন...


Greg The Class Traitor বলেছেন...

Ah, "Reason".

Where Lefties who want pot legalized go to bloviate

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Did jackass Biden actually bring up Beau Biden again?

Why the hell are we forced to care about his corrupt family - when people are dying.

Fuck that man. and to hell with his vile family.

Kevin বলেছেন...

There is a reason Don't Stop Believin' has become the anthem of the Democrats.

It's continued belief in the face of extraordinary contrary evidence that holds the party together.

walter বলেছেন...

Secure the border!
Wait, what? Folks in Darien Gap are still responding to Surge the border!

Ben Wikler
The fact that it’s Biden, Harris, and Pelosi up there instead of Trump, Pence, & McCarthy is because millions of Americans refused to give up on democracy, organized their way past suppression, & cast ballots no would-be autocrat could toss aside. You know who you are. Thank you.
8:12 PM · Mar 1, 2022

Thanks to Gadfly's multi state toilet overflow.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Biden is Poot's poodle.

Start there and move backwards. with everything.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Howard said...
Wendybar: Fine, then don't complain about how the January Sixers are treated.

3/2/22, 9:41 AM

You are okay with FASCISM Howard? You are okay with jailing political prisoners with no due process for over a year?? I hope you get exactly what you are okay with. It would serve YOU right. Your side isn't any better than Castro, Putin, Chavez and all the other Progressive dictators. You have become what you hate.

Greg The Class Traitor বলেছেন...

My favorite explanation for the "go get him" the end of Joe's speech:
Joe was basically taking dictation from an earphone, and he overheard his controllers saying "go get him" at the end of his speech (because they wanted to get him "off stage" before he screwed up, and get him his ice cream), and faithfully repeated that, like he more or less faithfully repeated whatever else they said in his ear

Bilwick বলেছেন...

"Libertarians need an issue besides drugs." How about liberty? If you need to, look up the word. In the real worlds I don't know any libertarians who are as obsessed with drugs as anti-libertarians seem to be.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Blogger Howard said...

Wendybar: Fine, then don't complain about how the January Sixers are treated.

Oh, you mean Nancy's political prisoners ? If they were treated as well as the Al Qeada types in Gitmo, there would be less to complain about.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Howard said...

Wendybar: Fine, then don't complain about how the January Sixers are treated.

You are just a fascist piece of shit Howard.

Democrat voters don't care how shitty their leaders are.

They only care about hurting people they disagree with.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Of course the left are OK with Fascism and totalitarianism. As long as they are the ones wielding it.

Don't you dare not adore crook Biden. Don't you dare step foot into Nancy's Palace of corruption and dare to take some photos like a tourist... after you walked thru an open door.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Someone actually paid attention to what Joe Biden said on the campaign trail?

Isn't that just precious?

walter বলেছেন...

Meshes well with "Salute the Marines".
Might also refer to Joe's incontinence manager.

Michael K বলেছেন...

In the real worlds I don't know any libertarians who are as obsessed with drugs as anti-libertarians seem to be.

You might check out the 2016 Libertarian presidential candidate. I consider my self a "small L" libertarian. Some drug legalization would be OK. It seemed to dominate the issues for the candidates I saw. Did Gary Johnson have any other issue?

Howard বলেছেন...

No need to get hysterical over your hypocrisy, wendybar. Just admit that in your utopia, social justice should always be narrowly applied to the only the right kind of people.

JaimeRoberto বলেছেন...

Why is funding local police forces a federal responsibility anyway?

Achilles বলেছেন...

Even Kamala Harris has trouble keeping a straight face.

Mikey NTH বলেছেন...

Biden hasn't done that long list of reforms? Then someone in his administration wants to keep some hope alive for Democrats this November.

Chris Lopes বলেছেন...

"You are okay with jailing political prisoners with no due process for over a year?"

They held the "wrong" opinions and defied the State. Of course he's ok with it. He's a good little fascist and the State will always be his friend.

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

"If you haven't figured it out yet...Progressives WANT the crime, so they can swoop in and save us from themselves and then blame all those white supremacists they see behind every bush."

Absolutely, the Capitol Police welcoming in the 1-6 people were like cops standing outside bars and telling people that they can drive home, "sure get in your car, it's ok we won't do anything."

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

"Why is funding local police forces a federal responsibility anyway?"

The creation of Federal Crimes except Constitutionally defined treason and the Military Code of Justice have led to disaster. The FBI (Hoover) has been a source of corruption since its ill starred beginning. The OSS was OK and the CIA probably needed but abuse was in the warp and weft. If the states solely enforced criminal behavior that would be positive.

Greg The Class Traitor বলেছেন...

Bilwick said...
"Libertarians need an issue besides drugs." How about liberty? If you need to, look up the word. In the real worlds I don't know any libertarians who are as obsessed with drugs as anti-libertarians seem to be.

Which prominent libertarians are against Big Tech (which has been granted a massive subsidy in Section 230) censoring conservatives and other people who say / post things Big Tech doesn't like?
Which prominent libertarians are against States forcing Christians who want to be part of the wedding business to work on "same sex weddings"?
Which prominent libertarians are against companies being allowed to fire employees who don't want to get the Covid shots?

Oh, I get it, you're in favor of "liberty", not "individual liberty".

Which is to say you're in favor of whatever forces people to do what you want them to do, and then you call that "liberty".

Here's a hint: if you're raped by a criminal, your civil rights have been violated
If the reason why the criminal was able to rape you is because he was out on "no bail" while waiting to be tried for the last rape he was caught doing, then your civil rights, your individual liberty, were crushed and destroyed by the people who pushed that "criminal justice change".

What has C.J. Ciaramella of "Reason" upset is that Biden spend more time pushing to let more robbers, rapists. and murderers practice their trades.
Because after all, the vast majority of their victims are "brown skinned" people, so their suffering doesn't really matter to the Left

Lance বলেছেন...

Is it just me, or does the President sound like he's taking credit for the Ukrainians stopping the Russians?

madAsHell বলেছেন...

A lot of things were missing from the speech.

Teacher!! Teacher!! Call on me!! I know what was missing!!


lb বলেছেন...

Hi Howard..are you truly as unprincipled and horrible about the J6 prisoners as you come across? Dear God..I always thought you were clever and funny but it appears I was gravely wrong.

Bunkypotatohead বলেছেন...

Let's go get'em Brandon.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Howard said...
No need to get hysterical over your hypocrisy, wendybar. Just admit that in your utopia, social justice should always be narrowly applied to the only the right kind of people.

3/2/22, 2:41 PM

You mean Americans Howard?? I don't look for skin color. What a POS you are. You would be one of the people helping the Nazis put Jews on the train.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Howard said...
"No need to get hysterical over your hypocrisy, wendybar. Just admit that in your utopia, social justice should always be narrowly applied to the only the right kind of people."
You mean the way you practice social justice? Selectively?
Wait. You voted for Biden. I shouldn't expect you to make sense. My bad.

Greg The Class Traitor বলেছেন...


There is no such thing as "social justice.

There's justice.

And there's racist and sexist bullshit.

you're a lefty because you hate actual justice