February 22, 2022

"Wisconsin GOP Suicide Watch/Fantasies about undoing 2020 will help re-elect Gov. Tony Evers."

That headline — for a piece by The Editorial Board of The Wall Street Journal — caught my eye.

Donald Trump’s delusions about the 2020 election are the gift that keeps on giving—to Democrats.

“We don’t wear tinfoil hats,” says Wisconsin state Rep. Timothy Ramthun. Yet he is running for Governor while urging lawmakers to somehow “reclaim” the “fraudulent electoral ballots” that Wisconsin gave to President Biden... Mr. Ramthun’s crusade is an in-kind donation to Mr. Evers’s re-election.... Mr. Ramthun is circulating a 72-page presentation full of specious claims.... Anyone who thinks that states can “reclaim” electors, so as to oust Mr. Biden in some kind of glorious revolution and effect a Trump restoration, has lost view of reality....

Mainstream Republicans like former Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, who is also challenging Mr. Evers, should take a lesson from what Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin pulled off last year. Instead they’ll be getting hostile questions about Mr. Ramthun’s pet theories....


tim maguire said...

How much of that do you believe and how much is manipulation by a press outlet that is laying the groundwork for not endorsing Ramthum?

Big Mike said...

No one intelligent believes Wisconsin ran an honest election in 2020. No one. However the case for replacing Evers hinges on his lackadaisical response to the “fiery, but mostly peaceful” riots in Kenosha, and his equally weak responses to the earlier BLM riots in Madison and elsewhere.

Evers was elected, in part, on a pledge to narrow the black-white achievement gap, where Wisconsin had been worst in the nation. Except it still is worst.

Mark said...

Ranthum is nuts.

Last week Kleefish demurred when asked about the 2020 election, despite the fact that last Fall she noted Biden won in Wisconsin.

The primary is going to be amazing, Evers Kust be popping popcorn now in preparation.

Biden Derangement Syndrome rages on inside WI GOP

Amadeus 48 said...

The Wisconsin election 2020 was part of a national effort in which tech titans, in cahoots with the Dems, engineered massive rafts of votes for Biden, using rule changes and dubious ballot collection efforts. Trump got out-thought, out-spent, and out-smarted. Why didn't he have a ballot-harvesting effort?

If the GOP tries to refight the outcome of 2020, it will lose.

The right motto is not "2020--The Lost Cause". It is "2020-Never again."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

don't forget hanging the SUV driver massacre at a Christmas celebration on local democrats.

Mike Sylwester said...

Maybe Wisconsin should do something about its persistent problem that election processes in one city, Milwaukee, are so corrupt that the entire state's elections are perceived to be stolen sometimes.

It's not a good idea that a gang of vote-stealers in one city can falsely determine the entire state's elections.

narciso said...

They stole the state in 2018, through milwaukee prefiguring the steal nation wide everything had followed since

Earnest Prole said...

Democrats’ current miseries are rooted in the insane belief that the 2016 election was stolen from them and therefore normal politics are futile. The only way Republicans can lose in 2022 and 2024 is if they insist on believing the 2020 election was stolen from them and therefore normal politics are futile.

rehajm said...

Based on what I read here and elsewhere, in WI ‘We don’t wear tin foil hats’ must translate to ‘We have no idea what’s happening’…

Fortunately, you do tend to catch up. Unfortunately, it usually takes a couple years…

narciso said...

They engineered the fake russia then they stole this country dominion mail voter flood and trashed it.

David Blaska said...

That Joe Biden is one sharp cookie! Makes Vladimir Putin look like Curly of the Three Stooges. Not only did Uncle Joe jigger the votes in Madison and Milwaukee, he did so in Merrill, West Bend, Lancaster, and Walworth. That explains why Trump under-performed each Republican candidate in all 8 Wisconsin congressional districts. And it wasn't just Wisconsin. Biden performed the same legerdemain in Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania despite the states' widely varying election rules and procedures. I guess our 4-D chess master Trump was just asleep at the switch.

narciso said...

Same procedures spread by marc elias, in every state that allowed fraud under covid exemption gah

Iman said...

“The primary is going to be amazing, Evers Kust be popping popcorn now in preparation.”

It is being prepared for him. Judging by the looks of Evers, he lacks the arm strength required to tear the Orville Redenbacher bag open.

Achilles said...

Democrats lose any honest election in Wisconsin. Or really anywhere.

By the time we get to November there wont be any Democrats or Republicans running.

There will be two candidates from the Aristocracy lying about what they are going to do.

If you want to see something interesting check out Kari Lake in Arizona.

narciso said...

The chisholm witchhunt against walker was a sorbet of what was to come, the blood price in the nursing homes by cadaver the summer of fire the trial by ordeal of rittenhouse and waukesha

traditionalguy said...

How dare the Republicans complain. That election count was stolen fair and square. If they want a win, then they should do the hard work to steal one themselves. Any mention of actual voters deciding elections in Wisconsin is sour grapes.

Mike Petrik said...

Amadeus nailed it at 8:28 a.m.

rcocean said...

LOL - so the R Establishment is back to "We need to win". "We need to defeat the D's." What happened to country over party? Or"who cares if Biden/Hillary get elected?"

I have no idea why the Republican Establishment joined with Democrats to stop any audit of the 2020 votes. I assume its because they'd rather thave electoral Fraud then re-elect Trump.

MadTownGuy said...

David Blaska said...

"That Joe Biden is one sharp cookie! Makes Vladimir Putin look like Curly of the Three Stooges. Not only did Uncle Joe jigger the votes in Madison and Milwaukee, he did so in Merrill, West Bend, Lancaster, and Walworth."

Dud Joe Biden jigger just enough votes in 2018, in Racine County, to put Evers over the top on his run against Scott Walker? It's not as though Walker were a vocal Trump supporter; and if you're trying to make the case that anyone running as an (R) could be tarred with the use of 'Orange Man Bad' I think you're off base. Also, I wonder how many people from Dane County may have moved to Waukesha County to avert another last minute vote rout there.

"That explains why Trump under-performed each Republican candidate in all 8 Wisconsin congressional districts."

Sure, ballot harvesting, mail-in voting with dodgy chain of custody, spoilation of evidence before and after the fact - in many states, not just the ones you listed - had nothing to do with the final vote counts. Sure.

"And it wasn't just Wisconsin. Biden performed the same legerdemain in Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania despite the states' widely varying election rules and procedures. I guess our 4-D chess master Trump was just asleep at the switch."

Dave, I love your blog and you are, as you say, a recovering liberal, but I think on this one issue you're off base. I get that you find Trump distasteful. He's a mouthy, bombastic NYC SOB, who somehow made his way through the huge field of Republican presidential contenders in 2016 to get the nomination. He found his way there despite the fact that the GOP leadership despised him (understandably so), many voters in the primaries didn't like him (I voted for Cruz), and he disrespected the other candidates in so many ways which would ordinarily be bad optics. I have maintained before and will persist in my claim that he was the DNCC's choice as a straw candidate - as witness the news media outlets' mostly neutral treatment of him until after the nomination was a lock, when all the oppo research they had been saving came out. He was supposed to be Todd Akin revisited; and the DNCC couldn't figure out why he became popular despite his public persona. He was not Todd Akin II; he was, and is, Archie Bunker.

Jaq said...

Wisconsin Republicans have legitimate gripes about how voting rules were bent during the pandemic, including the use of ballot dropboxes and the private funds that flowed to local election offices.

But the GOP’s strategy should be to pass legislation that clearly bans such practices, which requires beating Democratic Gov. Tony Evers in November.

I agree with this.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

My immediate response now to the assertion "everyone knows" is to default to the opposite, that the belief is in fact not true, but many people wish it were. I learned that from GK Chesterton. I used to be able to apply it almost exclusively to liberals making the claim. In the last few years conservatives have started using the same bad reasoning.

It is persuasive to people who don't want to think very hard, but in the long run it falls apart.

narciso said...

Now tell that to vos he wants to riff bobby mcferrin

gilbar said...

This makes sense, when you realize that
4 in 10 people not confident using numbers on every day life
That's like what? 80% of people?

Jaq said...

"Trump got out-thought, out-spent, and out-smarted."


"First you win, then you fight." - Sun Tzu

If he didn't say it, he should have.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The chi-com get democrats elected virus worked.

tim maguire said...

rcocean said...LOL - so the R Establishment is back to "We need to win". "We need to defeat the D's." What happened to country over party? Or"who cares if Biden/Hillary get elected?"

Presumably, if they are the GOP establishment, they think the GOP platform is best for the country.

Butkus51 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

What the dems were not able to accomplish through law changes they did through legal settlements sometimes the gop cooperated as in pennsylvania now challenging any of this is 'ending democracy'

Jersey Fled said...

I was a strong Trump supporter and also believe that there was massive election fraud in Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Atlanta and probably in even more Democrat run big cities.

That being said, I think that Trump needs to give it up. Election reform needs to be spearheaded by other Republican leaders at the state level. Trump has too much baggage.

narciso said...

The bills in arizona are shot down, but the same forces that enabled the maricopa steel similar things in pennsylvania

Mark said...

Biden Derangement Syndrome rages on inside WI GOP

You do realize, don't you Mark -- or maybe not -- that to speak of Biden Derangement Syndrome is to refer to Joe Biden's mental condition, and not the rational people (more and more Democrats included) who take note of his diminishment?

Bruce Hayden said...

“The Wisconsin election 2020 was part of a national effort in which tech titans, in cahoots with the Dems, engineered massive rafts of votes for Biden, using rule changes and dubious ballot collection efforts. Trump got out-thought, out-spent, and out-smarted. Why didn't he have a ballot-harvesting effort?”

The disputed elections were illegal. It was how blatant it was, that caught Trump and the Republicans by surprise. The Soros funded Secretaries of State and local election officials eliminated statutory ballot validation requirements (for often illegal mail in ballots), and then threw out Republican election judges in order to open the ballots and count them, and in some cases, many more, that had bypassed all checks. What the Republicans should have done, and now know to do, is have sympathetic judges on speed dial. Immediately after the Republican election judges had been thrown out, the minute that the lights went back on, and the counting was restarted, the Republicans should have had a court order stopping the count. Even better, if they could have the Dem election workers arrested on the spot. Even better to have filed all their motions about illegal counting of (illegal) ballots up front, while the fraud was being set up.

In any case, the coordinated allowing ballots without provenance into the stacks of opened ballots, and then the coordinated throwing of Republican election judges out of the counting rooms, was unprecedented. It caught the Republicans by surprise. Bipartisan election judges were a time honored tradition in this country. Who would have thought that the Dems, across the country, would, in a coordinated manner, violate this? Of course, if we had an honest FBI, they would have known within days who ordered it. They have access to all the phone records, as a start. This was a basic subversion of our election system, the brazenness of which, maybe wasn’t all that foreseeable.

Republicans, at least in some places, seem to have learned their lesson there. I think that I read somewhere that the AZ Republican Party already had fully filled its election oversight positions for the election this coming November, and, if true, probably means that Mark Kelly is toast as the junior Senator (winning margin 20k, and indications of well over 500k of questionable ballots counted). AZ though may be easier to clean up, because it took far more than the usual voter fraud in Dr K’s Pima County (1m) to swing the election to Biden and Kelly. They had to subvert massive Maricopa County (4.4m), which has traditionally been fairly evenly split. They needed hundreds of thousands of votes, and this county was the only place in the state that they could be found. Contrast that with the other states with fraudulent 2020 elections, like WI, PA, MI, where the fraud was accomplished by the long controlling Dem machines in their strongholds (Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta, etc). For one thing, finding sympathetic judges is much easier here in Maricopa County.

narciso said...

Thanks bruce for summarizing elias bought the stage the microphone and the tape deck

Sebastian said...

""Trump got out-thought, out-spent, and out-smarted."


Right. Trump is a losing loser. To Joe, of all people. We don't need no losing loser. We do need election reform so 2020 shenanigans don't happen again. Losers, get out of the way.

Butkus51 said...

Thou doth protest too much. The media that is. I love the "debunked" word. At what point was there an honest investigation by anybody? All those people lied under oath? We stopped counting in numerous states over night, something that has never happened before? 75 bellweather districts. Since 2000 they got every election right. 2020, ONE got it right, by 1%.

I live near Chicago.

Come on man. They just learned to scale up.

Joe Smith said...

The election was crookeder than Clinton's dick, but there's not much we can do about it now except to try to prevent fraud in the future.

Please remember that any agitation for keeping strict covid measures in place is solely because the Ds want to steal at least one more election.

narciso said...

Except Vos doesnt want to do diddley, garland goes medieval on those laws that do pass

Michael K said...

I have no idea why the Republican Establishment joined with Democrats to stop any audit of the 2020 votes. I assume its because they'd rather have electoral Fraud than re-elect Trump.

I think that Trump was a threat to too many rice bowls in both parties. We still have a uniparty that is watching Trudeau for instruction.

Critter said...

Didn’t the Dems already tell us in the famous Time Magazine article how the “fortified” democracy through rule changes designed to permit unchecked voting by mail and ballot harvesting to generate unprecedented levels of Democrat votes, and then to shut down anyone challenging these last minute voting changes and the vote results? It is clear that many, many votes by mail in Wisconsin did not meet the requirements of essentially being a shut in in order to vote by mail. They also did not request the mail-in ballot as required by law but were sent the ballot by the Democrat Secretary of State in violation of the state voting laws. All most voters, including nearly half of Democrats want are clear voting laws designed to make it hard to cheat. Recognizing the vote fraud in 2020 is a prerequisite for new laws ensuring voting laws are designed to make is fair for qualified voters and hard to cheat.

I believe the WSJ was in on the Time Magazine described conspiracy. This article is a defensive effort to prevent official recognition of the fraud in 2020. Their claim doesn’t even make sense. How does recognizing the fraud depress Republican votes? In fact, not recognizing the fraud does just that as Republicans don’t vote because they don’t believe the election is fair and their vote won’t count because it will be overwhelmed by fraudulent Democrat votes. I smell a rat at WSJ.

narciso said...

They want to continue the steal, no matter how many leaves it has cost in kenosha and waukesha, not to mention milwaukee

Tim said...

Too late to change the election after the electoral college votes. But there is still plenty of time to send the perps to prison. And that should be the goal.

Christopher B said...

A good analysis of where there were (and weren't) problems with the 2020 election in Wisconsin.

Our bottom line is that, while we found little evidence of “fraud,” we did find that a substantial number of votes were not cast in accordance with legal requirements. While we could not find evidence that these votes were “fraudulent” in the sense of being cast by ineligible voters or nonexistent voters—particularly in numbers large enough to change the winner—the total number of votes cast unlawfully could have affected the outcome.

It is possible, for example, that the use of drop boxes made the difference. It is also possible that the injection of private funding for election administration—funding what was disproportionately directed to Democratic areas—contributed substantially to the Biden margin. The widespread, and potentially improper, use of “indefinitely confined” status, and the failure to follow up with voters who fail DMV checks, or the failure to keep voter rolls up to date also could have had significant impacts. Other failures, such as the conduct of absentee voting at nursing homes in a way that was not authorized by law, may have had a more limited impact but undercut confidence in the fairness of the election.

We were able to disprove certain suspicions regarding the election—such as a ballot dump in Milwaukee, manipulation of voting machines, votes exceeding the number of voters, etc. We do not believe the election was “stolen.” But it was not adequately secure.

Achilles said...

rcocean said...

LOL - so the R Establishment is back to "We need to win". "We need to defeat the D's." What happened to country over party? Or"who cares if Biden/Hillary get elected?"

I have no idea why the Republican Establishment joined with Democrats to stop any audit of the 2020 votes. I assume its because they'd rather thave electoral Fraud then re-elect Trump.

This should make it obvious to everyone what the Republican party is. It is controlled opposition. They are part of the machine.

That is all.

There are maybe 5 Republicans in DC that are not a part of this machine.

D.D. Driver said...

It's not as though Walker were a vocal Trump supporter; and if you're trying to make the case that anyone running as an (R) could be tarred with the use of 'Orange Man Bad' I think you're off base.

I voted for Walker three times. He lost my vote with the Foxconn boondoggle. Wisconsin Republicans (in general) lost me with the Foxconn boondoggle.

paminwi said...

Why is the WSJ writing about some nutcase candidate in Wisconsin?
Why do not other candidates have 1 clear concise statement to make about the 2020 shenanigans?
Such as: XYZ happened. We do not want it to happen again. We either elect a Republican Governor with a Republican Assembly and Senate or we will never pass laws to stop what happened in 2020 from happening again. We can not change the past but an change the future.

And my advice: ignore Blaska. He’s someone who supported Tommy Thompson when we had a very good chance of beating Tammy Baldwin. We all liked Thompson as Governor but he never should have been the Republicans candidate. And after the primary he had ZERO DOLLARS to wage an effective campaign against Baldwin. It was time then to move on just like now it’s time to move on from Trump even though I supported him once he became the candidate.

Mark said...

"He lost my vote with the Foxconn boondoggle. Wisconsin Republicans (in general) lost me with the Foxconn boondoggle."

Thus the focus on 2020, as talking about Wisconsin might involve Foxconn.

Bruce Hayden said...

The problem for the RINO side of the uniparty is that for much of the rank and file in the party, the steal of the election was not fine. Here in Maricopa County, AZ, Trump was, in actuality, much more popular than Biden. I remember the weeks running up to the election, and there was ever increasing enthusiasm for Trump, with none, whatsoever for Biden. A couple Biden sights would go up, and a day or two later, those signs would be lost in a sea of Trump signs. MAGA hats and T shirts all over the place. High giving in the isles of the grocery stores. Spontaneous demonstrations on the major street corners with people waving flags, with signs saying “Honk For Trump”, etc.

We have primaries coming up, and uniparty RINOs are panicking. Everyone running seems desperate for Trump’s approval. The most radical are the ones getting traction right now. (And yes, Kari Lake is in that group). Will the Republicans go too far? Maybe. But I don’t think so. The Republicans are highly energized. The Dems have nothing to energize them, so aren’t in the least. At the top of the ticket is Gabby Gifford’s husband, Mark Kelly, who only slipped in through massive ballot fraud here. A guy who makes noises about opposing highly unpopular key Dem initiatives, but hides behind Kirsten Sinema’s skirts. He portrayed himself as a courageous astronaut and fast mover driver, when his opponent, the hapless Martha McSally, is the one who got down and dirty doing close air support in her A10. Where is his vaunted courage? Interestingly, the one area where you would have expected him to stand out from the crowd, given his wife and track record, is in gun control. Nope. He knows that AZ has shifted even further from gun grabbing, with the rampant lawlessness that has engulfed the biggest cities in next door California. Plus, of course, we see the fruits of FJB’s Administration opening up our southern borders wide to criminals and terrorists first hand. No one sane likes it, and that includes a growing number of Hispanics. And what is a Dem gubnatorial, Secretary of State, or AG candidate run on? Entrenching the 2020 voter fraud? That’s going to be very popular.

So, despite how radical a lot of the Republicans are, I am encouraged about the upcoming election.

Freder Frederson said...

At the top of the ticket is Gabby Gifford’s husband, Mark Kelly, who only slipped in through massive ballot fraud here.

For an attorney, you sure make a lot of libelous accusations completely unsupported by facts (other than "I don't anyone who voted for Biden")

wendybar said...

Michael K said...
I have no idea why the Republican Establishment joined with Democrats to stop any audit of the 2020 votes. I assume its because they'd rather have electoral Fraud than re-elect Trump.

I think that Trump was a threat to too many rice bowls in both parties. We still have a uniparty that is watching Trudeau for instruction.

2/22/22, 10:08 AM

^^^THIS^^^ We don't have a party that represents us...we have a uniparty that only cares about getting elected in the next cycle...not what their constituents need or want.

wendybar said...

Tim said...
Too late to change the election after the electoral college votes. But there is still plenty of time to send the perps to prison. And that should be the goal.

2/22/22, 10:30 AM

If we start sending the perps to prison, there wouldn't be anybody left in Congress

Freder Frederson said...

Immediately after the Republican election judges had been thrown out, the minute that the lights went back on, and the counting was restarted, the Republicans should have had a court order stopping the count. Even better, if they could have the Dem election workers arrested on the spot. Even better to have filed all their motions about illegal counting of (illegal) ballots up front, while the fraud was being set up.

This statement is just a lie.

Bruce Hayden said...

The thing about WI, is that, as they used to say, it’s not over until the fat lady sings. The thing is, is that the reality of the 2020 voter fraud is finally starting to come out. Maybe they will be able to keep the details hidden in WI. We shall see. But the evidence keeps accumulating, in those 6 or so battleground states, where Dem voter fraud gave the Presidency to FJB and the Senate to Chuckie Scheamer. The more facts that come out, the worse it looks for those screaming “no evidence of voter fraud”. And once the 2022 becomes at least partially about the 2020 election, a Dem governor who helped, or at leased didn’t impede, the fraud is in trouble.

Jaq said...

"For an attorney, you sure make a lot of libelous accusations completely unsupported by facts"

You sure seem to have an extensive knowledge of everything for someone who apparently restricts his news consumption to DNC approved sources.

Freder Frederson said...

You sure seem to have an extensive knowledge of everything for someone who apparently restricts his news consumption to DNC approved sources.

An occasional link to back up some of Bruce Hayden's (and yours for that matter) more outrageous claims would be helpful.

Just the level of coordination and the number of people involved in the massive fraud (which not one person has admitted to, you think the Republicans would be smart enough to infiltrate such a massive nationwide effort) you and Bruce believe happened should clue you into the fact that a lot of what you believe is nothing but a sick fantasy.

hombre said...

While it is undeniably true by now that there is more evidence of election “irregularities” than that the election was clean, it’s time for Trump, et al., to let go of it. Democrats will demonize any Republican candidate, particularly in 2024, but the issues favor the Republicans. Why ignore them to harp on the election?

Trump should stand down anyway. We can’t stand much more lefty Democrat rule and there is plenty of TDS on their side even among those who think occasionally.

Bruce Hayden said...

“This statement is just a lie.”

With you, I will attribute your statement to cognitive dissonance. I may not agree with you very often, but you appear to me to be honest. For many who make your claim, I attribute it to them being lying scum. There is plenty of video of it. Of, for example, in GA, after throwing the Republican election judges out, of election workers pulling out boxes of ballots from all over the place, and running them through the counting machines, sometimes multiple times. At least three of them have been identified (but not arrested). Philadelphia and Detroit - pallets of ballots being brought in from outside, from trucks, packaged in violation of the law, and counted. It was well documented that day, the day after the election. Thousands of sworn affidavits, hours of video, etc.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Why ignore them to harp on the election?”

Because it is red meat to the Republican base. And mid term elections are base vote elections.

But I agree about Trump. I like him, but DeSantis is my preferred candidate in 2024. Not quite as good with selling himself, but better at holding his opponents’ feet to the fire. And, he took a big risk with his state’s’ COVID-19 response, and very much appears to have won.

Achilles said...

wendybar said...

Tim said...
Too late to change the election after the electoral college votes. But there is still plenty of time to send the perps to prison. And that should be the goal.

2/22/22, 10:30 AM

If we start sending the perps to prison, there wouldn't be anybody left in Congress

Pretty much everyone in Washington DC elected, staff, or above GS12 should be given the Manafort/Trump treatment.

Everyone in the Republican and Democrat parties should have their house raided and communications released. Their bank accounts should be seized.

They are spying on us. We should get to spy on them.

They take our money. We should take theirs.

Michael K said...

For an attorney, you sure make a lot of libelous accusations completely unsupported by facts (other than "I don't anyone who voted for Biden")

We had better watch out as Fearless Field Marshall Freder is on the case. For somebody who wants anyone who disagrees with him to posts lots of links, his comments are usually link free. The 2020 fraud is the third rail for lefties. I understand why.

narciso said...

if the Journal was trying for the truth, they would mention the irregularities they would push Vos to cut out the mail in votes, and restore voter id, then you can snark about Trump, but they have to pretend otherwise,

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

"We don't need no losing loser. We do need election reform so 2020 shenanigans don't happen again."

If it weren't for that "losing loser", there would be no election reform efforts anywhere. The energy behind the push to stop the next steal is is coming from Trump and the "Trumpists".

If you want election reform without Trump, you will get neither.

But of course, Blaska is a die hard NeverTrumper, so he's essentially a run of the mill Copperhead. He opposed Trump so now we have war in Ukraine, abandoned allies and their families in Afghanistan, human rights abuses against peaceful protestors in DC, BLM's riot squads are owned by the Dems, mainstream media continues apace as the enemies of the people and saboteurs of our republic, eternal lockdowns and vaccine mandates from unelected government flunkies, attempts by the Dems to federalize elections, runaway inflation, supply chain chaos, normalizing pedophilia and transgender ideologies, public schools that are violent and ineffective at their one task....the list goes on and on.

But hey, Blaska doesn't have see Trump's mean tweets anymore.

Next he'll be making the case for why the Dems' long-desired civil war will AKSHULLY be a good thing for America.

Big Mike said...

And, [Ron DeSantis] took a big risk with his state’s’ COVID-19 response, and very much appears to have won.

No real risk if one ignored poseurs like Fauci, Birx, and Walensky, and paid attention to real scientists.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The collective left are creepy and Hitlerian in their desire to exterminate thru certain death their ideological enemies.

Jim at said...

I may not agree with you very often, but you appear to me to be honest.

No, he's not. Freder is a lying POS.
He was a lying POS way back in the early aughts at John Hawkins' blog (RWN).
And he's a lying POS now.

Don't waste your time with him.
There's not an honest bone in his body.

Jaq said...

Remember how dispirited the networks were on election night 2016 of PA, when it became clear that the expected fraud wasn't going to be enough?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Earnest Prole said...
Democrats’ current miseries are rooted in the insane belief that the 2016 election was stolen from them and therefore normal politics are futile. The only way Republicans can lose in 2022 and 2024 is if they insist on believing the 2020 election was stolen from them and therefore normal politics are futile.

When the Milwaukee "vote counters" discover an overlooked box of ballots" that just happens to be 80% for Evers, late in the evening when the results are tightening and it looks like Walker might pull out another win, believing teh elections are honest is the mark of a moron

When More than 100,000 people discover that they're "indefinitely confined", more than doubling the total number of voters with that designation, and thus get to "vote" absentee without providing any State issued photo id to prove they're the actual person who they claim to be (when you have to include a photocopy of the voter's photoID, it's now harder to generate a fake vote in that voters name), and the margin of "victory" is 20k, then only a moron pretends that the election was honest.

Now, no, WI isn't going to be able to "Reclaim" its electors from 2020.

But it damn well ought to reclaim its election system.

And since WI voters are getting front row seat watching Canada slide into totalitarianism, don't be surprised if some people who believe that they're not going to get a fair shake, because the "Establishment" refuses to address vote fraud, decide to take the matter into their own hands.

The biggest difference between the US and Canada is the 2nd Amendment. Keep on pushing, people, and we're going to get to discover exactly how big of a difference that is

Jupiter said...

Well, they might have a point. Might.

And Althouse, thank you for moving outside the WaPo-NYT axis of evil. WSJ has its own issues, but at least there's a little meat on this bone.

Big Mike said...

I think that by time 2024 rolls around it’s going to be pretty obvious that Biden has so badly screwed thing up that out-of-the box thinking will be an absolute necessity if we want to return to anything approaching normal. And the most out-of-the box thinker, the person least likely to pay attention to conventional “wisdom,” is Donald Trump.

As for Ron DeSantis. HIS WIFE HAS CANCER!. If he’s any kind of a man she is his first priority.

BUMBLE BEE said...

For the most part, I'm glad there was no correction in the election due to "fraud". The outcome clarifies the fact that dem voters/supporters have shit for brains. Biden/Harris regime is trashing America into near total crash. The quality of life for ALL the people was raised by Trump. Employment maxed, regulations cut, energy independence achieved, home construction soared stock market hummed, vaccine produced, border secured, everyone gained. Trump showed us that congress critters are frauds and thieves. Dems hardest hit, as the chaotic, immoral world of their childhood laid bare for all to see.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Biden/Harris was a judgement call, their best vision for the USA. Let that sink in.

Howard said...

Big Mike: What you propose is a sissy move, which is SOP for you people. I am sure it is much more beneficial to DeSantis wife if he continues with business as usual. Having a young hot wife with cancer will help put him over the top. If he does run, she will be his biggest cheerleader.

D.D. Driver said...

There is plenty of video of it. Of, for example, in GA, after throwing the Republican election judges out, of election workers pulling out boxes of ballots from all over the place, and running them through the counting machines, sometimes multiple times. At least three of them have been identified (but not arrested).

And yet, Trump voluntarily dismissed his lawsuit in Georgia! A curious move for a litigant with "mountains of evidence."

This can only mean one thing: Trump is a Chinese asset just like the Dems and the RINOs.

Jaq said...

There were hidden cameras at many Georgia drop boxes, and it's possible to follow cell phones around, without actually knowing whose phone it is, by listening in on the signalling. This was done and phones were traced going from drop box to drop box, and people were videod taking pictures of themselves at the drop box, after taking off rubber gloves which they wore to keep their fingerprints off of the ballots. The selfies were presumably so that the mules would get paid.


I am sure not watching this is enough to prove it never happened. It takes time to prove stuff like this, those lawsuits were dropped only because the electoral votes had been certified by Congress, which I am sure you knew if you read your own link.

Michael K said...

Howard said...

Big Mike: What you propose is a sissy move, which is SOP for you people. I am sure it is much more beneficial to DeSantis wife if he continues with business as usual.

You guys prefer big strong plaintiff lawyers like Edwards who was boinking his girlfriend as his wife was dying from cancer.

gadfly said...

Big Mike said...
No one intelligent believes Wisconsin ran an honest election in 2020. No one.

No one who thinks that a grand conspiracy involving 3 million voters was pulled off in the a purple state of Wisconsin obviously has never lived there. No evidence was found when the state's two largest counties were recounted at Trump's request. Nothing was found by the legislature's audit committee review, headed up by the GOP.

As for the latest screwball endeavor by Trump followers, even if the state wanted to, it cannot change the Electoral College votes - never, ever and even if they could, the Electoral count still leaves Biden as the winner.

Iman said...

“There's not an honest bone in his body.”

The last bone - honest or not - was removed from Freder’s body when someone suggested he should be beaten with the jawbone of an ass.

Iman said...

DeSantis in 2024!

Nancy Reyes said...

I find it interesting that the same election "conspiracy theories" are being claimed here in the Philippines.
A couple of years ago, after the stuffed ballot boxes of the Hello Garci scandal, the gov't spent millions to buy Smartmatic voting machines to stop fraud.... but now some in the govt questioning if they have been hacked or manipulated by outsiders. (this is a CIA vs China interference in the election... long story. ) And there was a Manila Times article (chinese propaganda?) that traced the money trail including the Venezuela link to the machines. I won't post a link because Discus doesn't like it, but you can google: Smartmatic's global controversies: Follow the money.

Howard said...

Wisconsin got bitch slapped by Juwan Howard (no relation) last night.

Mutaman said...

Daaaaa, I went to bed and Trump was ahead and when i woke up he was behind. Clear proof it was rigged. And the Wall Street journal was in on it. Daaaa

Greg The Class Traitor said...

gadfly said...
Big Mike said...
No one intelligent believes Wisconsin ran an honest election in 2020. No one.

No one who thinks that a grand conspiracy involving 3 million voters

That's an amazing straw man you're beating up there.

Almost like you know that any honest discussion would show that Mike's right.

A Quarter-Million Wisconsin Voters Claim To Be “Indefinitely Confined” And Not Bound By Voter ID
The number of indefinitely confined voters has increased over 200% in little more than a year

Oct. 29, 2020

Election officials across Wisconsin have been shocked by the number of voters claiming to be “indefinitely confined” in the run up to the election next month.

Since the Spring General Election in April, another 49,769 voters have registered as indefinitely confined. That’s an increase of 26 percent. The total number of indefinitely confined voters in Wisconsin now stands at 243,900. Last year, the total number was only 72,000. That is an increase of 238% in just over a year.

Those voters enjoy a special perk when requesting an absentee ballot – they are exempt for the state’s voter ID law.

Margin of "victory": 20k. 1 year increase in "voters who don't have to include any photoID with their votes":

Note: This isn't the increase in the number of people who voted absentee, this is the increase in the number of people who submitted absentee ballot applications while refusing to submit a photoID showing they're the actual person making the request, and opposed to someone making a fraudulent request for someone else's ballot.

Unless someone's done an audit where they visited all those voters, and established that they exist, they're legal WI voters, they actually are "indefinitely confined", not just afraid of Covid, and they voted in 2020 absentee, you're "audit" is worthless for showing teh result legitimate.

Rusty said...

gadfly and Howard voted for Biden? I hope they remember where they parked. Maybe somebody should check on them and make sure they're alright and taking their meds.
Are you guys OK? Do you need help getting home?

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