His fleeting expression at 0:40 would be hilarious if the situation were not so dire:
And that "humphf" at 0:56.
When in doubt, say "swift and severe."
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
His fleeting expression at 0:40 would be hilarious if the situation were not so dire:
And that "humphf" at 0:56.
When in doubt, say "swift and severe."
The decision to hastily leave Afganistán might have signal Putin that with Biden he could act with impunity.
That story needs to be told, by the way.
This cabinet is a hoot!. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right!
Because we would want to commit suicide because of how incompetent this administration is?? Good thing our Military went woke!!
I think the last sentence is a fib as well.
Did that build anyone's confidence here?
After Biden comes Harris, Pelosi (80+), Leahy (80+), then this guy Blinken in line of Presidential succession. Can't decide which is scarier - whether he is lying or if he
actually believes what he is saying.
Ukraine is fucked. Taiwan is probably fucked. Many people will die. But the Dems and Fake News just had to get rid of that meany Trump. And they cheated.
Candidate Biden tweet: Vladimir Putin doesn’t want me to be President. He doesn’t want me to be our nominee. If you’re wondering why — it’s because I’m the only person in this field who’s ever gone toe-to-toe with him.
6:33 PM · Feb 21, 2020
Joe Biden@JoeBiden United States government official
Vladimir Putin doesn’t want me to be President. He doesn’t want me to be our nominee. If you’re wondering why — it’s because I’m the only person in this field who’s ever gone toe-to-toe with him.
Among the bin Laden papers recovered in the raid was an order to his men not to kill Biden, even if they got a clear shot, because they would basically be doing the US a favor.
I just read a book about George C. Marshall. Blinken is no George Marshall.
Oh, The Trump Store Called; they asked if you miss him yet?
wasn't The Whole Idea, that the democrats were the professionals? Unlike Crazy Trump?
Why is it, that these professionals seem So Clueless?
Remember Kerry, when stressed, stuck his tongue out.
Regarding what he said, I just heard the guy on Bloomberg say "I haven't heard one professional explain how we are going to replace the hydrocarbons from Russia."
Meanwhile the DOW implied open was down 800 points, that's after the carnage of the past week. Basically people's 401Ks are getting murdilized. Putin is playing his hand, we have a strong hand too, but Russia can stop exports of gas and make Europe really suffer. At some point the huffing and puffing comes to and end, and realities drive events.
If Biden was so prescient, he wouldn't have kiboshed Keystone. Just yesterday he cancelled all new oil and gas leases, two weeks ago he canceled the Twin Metals mine. If Biden was so prescient, he would not have flashed that green light at Putin, if he was so prescient, he should not have projected utter military fecklessness on the part of the US in Afghanistan. If Biden were so prescient, he wouldn't have lit the match on inflation by spending trillions of dollars we don't have, putting us in a terrible position re oil prices.
He better not send a single American soldier into Ukraine to try to pull his chestnuts out of the fire. Iraq was a mistake for us, and this is a mistake for Putin. This doesn't involve us, however.
A child, playing games in an adult world.
I had the same reaction watching a clip of the UN meeting last night. A woman representing the USA said that Vladimir Putin needs to stop it. He just needs to stop. Superficial words from superficial people.
Every time these people go on TV it reminds us they couldn’t get our own people out of a country we controlled.
Their jobs don’t get any easier than that.
Have we ever had a more effeminate Secretary of State than Blinken? Is any politician more effeminate than him? Has anyone ever been more intimidated than Blinken when he met with his counterpart, Sergey Lavrov of Russia? I mean, guys, he's in George Stephanopoulos territory.
I had to stop and puke when he said, "Just yesterday Germany took the pipeline off the table, something Russia is counting on as a cash cow, something we've been working on for months." What? That is at best, a horrible worldwide lie, at worst the words of a failure who is scrambling to cover his failed ass.
The first thing- the very first thing Biden did when entering office, is to cease oil/gas drilling on Federal lands, eliminate Federal leases for drilling, cease fracking, and strong arm banks into no more loans for companies doing fossil fuel exploration. As if we don't need anymore fossil fuel in this world.
The second thing Biden did, was to undo Trump's work with Germany in denying the Russians the pipeline. Biden opened up and approved the Nordstream. He had to. He had just cut US oil and gas production by a huge amount. And Germany (and Western Europe) was now going to have to be dependent on Russia for fuel. Just who did Blinken think they were going to get their needed fuel from?
Russia/Putin saw all of this. He also saw our Secy of Defense, Lloyd Austin, and our Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley working on DEI instead of building and maintaining a strong military deterrence. They were working on proper pronouns, lowering military standards to get more check-marked colors of skin and fewer penises, more vaginas into their program instead hardnosed fighting people being trained to break things and kill people.
You know who else sees this? China does. So do our allies. Which is why Israel depends on our weaponry help only. Not our people.
Antony Blinken has a horrible reputation among people who know diplomacy and foreign policy. His selection was perfect for this worst Administration we have ever seen in our lifetime. This is not even close. Biden's team makes Carter's team look like geniuses. Look- the only thing we can do now is watch Biden give an enfeebled speech today, as Russian troops, with Belarusian troops, go deep into Ukraine. They will not stop at the Donbas. They will be in Kyiv within days. And it will be bloody.
Your gas is going up. And your security is going down. But at least we are learning how to use pronouns that do not offend 23 year olds.
all of these jerks and morons are in it for the almighty dollar. that's why they sound like Kamala.
"It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day."
-Kamala Harris
We're on the verge of the first 21st century war, where not all combat is kinetic. Cyber and financial battlegrounds are new fronts.
Maybe Blinken knows what these arenas are and does not want to say. It's more likely, though, that he is in way over his head and is hoping his underlings can bail him out through their presumed competence.
Let's hope those hundreds of billions spent on the CIA and NSA are worth it.
Stupid question. Everything supports the narrative on each side. I'd prefer breaking the fourth wall - Trump could do it.
"Given that this is all just entertainment for clicks for both of us, what would you say about whether you're failing now?"
Our corporate media can hardly contain their glee that war will bring ratings. The whole thing was so performative, both the interviewer and Blinken. "The sanctions already have deterred a large scale invasion, uhh well deterred more of one than already is happening."
I'm so glad that Obama foisted the D team on us all to satisfy his ego. He wanted to make sure that no one thought of his administration as a failure. And it won't compared to this disaster.
WWII newsreel films about the war in the Pacific are all narrative but good in that they use "slurs" everywhere. Youtube censors these in closed captioning. "[]"
More slurs would probably help today in the reporting. It busts guardrails and might lead to an accidental glimpse of reality, moving from an imposed narrative to a grass roots one.
Fucking Russians moving in on the Ukraine mafia.
"How could the world stand by and watch the beginning of what could be the bloodiest conflict in Europe since WWII?"
Sgt Norah wants to know...
I come to Althouse for the Temujin.
MSNBC is a clown show.
all the on-air talent D-hack propagandists ON MSNBC have to say is "this proves Trump is a Russian asset!"
over and over.
The reality is The Biden administration, giving Putin his pipeline... is to blame for this war. The Biden administration helped Putin fund the war.
Because....... https://www.arcamax.com/politics/editorialcartoons/afbranco/
Sanctions? Sanctions, you say? These idiots in DC apparently forgot that Putin has a new best friend, Chairman Xi.
President Trump was starving Russia, their GDP heavily dependent on oil and gas. By the simple process of getting the Federal govt out of the way of United States oil and gas drillers. President Trump refused to sanctions Nordstream 2. Asked Germany and NATO, if we are supposed to support NATO, to protect Europe from Russia, why would Germany tether themselves to Russia, by allowing the new pipe line?
Trump was ridiculed.
Ditto for trade restrictions on China. Again Trump was criticized.
President Trumps diplomacy through Trade is genius. But the Trust fund babies, stuffed shirts, that infest the State Department turned their nose up and huffed, their superiority.
See also the trade agreements reached in the Middle East.
Can't decide which is scarier - whether he is lying or if he
actually believes what he is saying.
Leftists and those at the NYT (but I repeat myself) have the unique ability to do both simultaneously.
Surely the top men and women of the United States Government working in conjunction with the professional managerial assets currently in our private sector can smother this brush fire under a thick blanket of prestigious credentials.
We're on the verge of the first 21st century war, where not all combat is kinetic. Cyber and financial battlegrounds are new fronts.
We’ve had several clients, the most sophisticated institutional investors, how much cash they should have on hand for their families…
where are the anti-war left... coming down hard on their precious Potemkin crook?
Now is a good time to remind everyone that Trump wanted to replenish the Strategic Petroleum Reserves in 2019 when gas was at historic lows, but democrats blocked it.
Performative is a good description of that interview. The changing camera angles made it seem like it was stitched together to allow the questions to be edited in to elicit the responses. Very odd dynamic.
Oil is weird.
Let's review a short sequence in history. Japan seized oil fields throughout IndoChina. The US objected, diplomatically. Without a declaration of war Japan began with an ACT of war and bombed the US base at Pearl Harbor. The US declared war on Japan. Japan's ally, Germany, responded and declared war on the US. The US responded and declared war on Germany.
And our first ACT of war was to invade North Africa. To disrupt oil supplies.
We immediately struck to disrupt oil flows to Germany, which had not attacked the US, instead of oil fields in IndoChina, controlled by our attacker.
By the end of the war the US was in sole possession of the technology to separate fissile Uranium from natural ores, and to build the nuclear furnaces necessary to create the new fissile fuels Thorium and Plutonium. Within the decade we advanced the technology to build submarines, aircraft carriers, and land-based electrical generation stations. We had the technology to end the whole board game of "Risk" in invading and seizing oil fields and pipelines. We HAD the board, we'd WON the oil game.
And we got bored and wandered away ...
isn't The Real Question, whether or not mentally ill trannies are picked for our special forces?
I mean, WHO CARES about things like The Ukraine, or Oil, or Natural Gas, or World War?
Isn't THE REAL CONCERN, whether or not our Armed Forces are the Wokest of the Woke?
THAT'S what our Army is for; so that our Fairies Wear Boots
rehajm said...
We're on the verge of the first 21st century war, where not all combat is kinetic. Cyber and financial battlegrounds are new fronts.
We’ve had several clients, the most sophisticated institutional investors, how much cash they should have on hand for their families…
Cash wont be worth much.
.223 and 7.62 will be much more valuable. That is the currency in Afghanistan now thanks to Biden.
If his stupid BBB plan ever passes gas goes to 8$.
Biden and his corrupt handlers and cronies cut off our energy and gave Putin his pipeline.
F all of them.
Can Of Cheese for Hunter said...
where are the anti-war left... coming down hard on their precious Potemkin crook?
2/24/22, 8:05 AM
The anti-war left is now the party of war.
"... fair to ask if Biden is on the payroll of Putin?"
He better not send a single American soldier into Ukraine to try to pull his chestnuts out of the fire. Iraq was a mistake for us, and this is a mistake for Putin. This doesn't involve us, however.
Putin knows this. He also knows that by threatening a massive war and the pulling back to the new Russian borders (formerly East Ukraine), he will declare himself a peacemaker.
Nest year, Putin will carve out another piece of Ukraine, and the next year ...etc.
BTW, who is mostly help by the rise in oil prices that Biden started on Day 1 of his administration? That's why it makes no sense that Trump was a Putin ally. Russia is a gas station with a military. They will be expanding the size of that station over the next years of the Biden presidency.
Ann, you wanted a boring administration. Now that you have it, how do you like it?
America could use a little toxic masculinity right now. But alas, there is none to be found in the Biden administration.
My God!!! He says sanctioning NordStream2 is a big threat to Russia, ignoring that Biden and he took off Trump's sanctions on that pipeline as soon as they took office?
The unmitigated, lying gall of these incompetents!!!
What we really should do is contact the people pushing modern monetary theory and ask them "what now?" I am sure that they will have a solid answer.
Current administration is a bunch of fumblers and stumblers not up to the task.Putin knows his opponents and how to manipulate them.Been working the intimidation game a long time.Joey has been stumbling through talking about playing the game a long time.Who does the smart money bet on?The people we have in the game are dilettantes.Theirs are pros.
The throne of Kiev held a dominant position in Ancient Rus. This had been the custom since the late 9th century. The Tale of Bygone Years captured for posterity the words of Oleg the Prophet about Kiev, ”Let it be the mother of all Russian cities.“
Later, like other European states of that time, Ancient Rus faced a decline of central rule and fragmentation. At the same time, both the nobility and the common people perceived Rus as a common territory, as their homeland.. - Vladimir Putin
He is going to scoop up Ukraine, and Nancy Pelosi's son, and Joe Biden's son, are going to take hits to their income. Perkins-Coie is going to see a drop in income. It would be a lot easier to be upset about this if the flagrant corruption of the Democrats, a matter of public record, didn't fill the air surrounding every Biden Administration pronouncement, not to mention, the utter lack of credibility of the administration on all things Ukraine.
"The unmitigated, lying gall of these incompetents!!!"
Gaslighting us about gas, you have to admit it has kind of a literary ring to it.
One last thing. Russia is being Russia. It's a failed country and has been for about 2 centuries. But they are still trouble. Like a bad family who lives in your neighborhood, you know they can cause trouble for a lot of people, and possibly, the entire neighborhood if no one stands up to them and shuts it down.
That said, my gut says something else is afoot here. And I cannot help thinking that as feckless as we look right now, the Chinese are watching everything unfold and probably told Putin to move ahead with his plan. Get the West occupied. We'll just proceed on to Taiwan now. You get Ukraine, we get Taiwan. The world will stomp their feet, scream and shout, and suggest sanctions. But no one can sanction us. We produce everything for them. And we'll cover your ass, financially, Russia.
That's what my gut is telling me. If I had relatives in Taiwan, I'd be very fearful at this time.
Temujin said... [hush][hide comment]
The first thing- the very first thing Biden did when entering office, is to cease oil/gas drilling on Federal lands, eliminate Federal leases for drilling, cease fracking, and strong arm banks into no more loans for companies doing fossil fuel exploration. As if we don't need anymore fossil fuel in this world.
The second thing Biden did, was to undo Trump's work with Germany in denying the Russians the pipeline. Biden opened up and approved the Nordstream. He had to. He had just cut US oil and gas production by a huge amount. And Germany (and Western Europe) was now going to have to be dependent on Russia for fuel. Just who did Blinken think they were going to get their needed fuel from?
Which is exactly what Trump should have done if he really was the Russian Manchurian Candidate the press and the Left (sorry, redundant) said he was.
So ya gotta wonder!
What an embarassing interview. "Just yesterday Germany took a pipeline off the table. Took us two months to accomplish that." You mean, the day before Russia ignored that and launched their large scale invasion? You mean you just touted an accomplishment that DID NOT GET THE DESIRED RESULT THE VERY NEXT DAY?
Antony Blinken represents the most powerful nation in the world with the most powerful military in the world, yet he comes across like a representative of small country with no real military
Um, no. Oil hadn't been discovered in Libya yet. There was oil in the Middle East, but by the time of Torch, Rommel had been stopped at El Alamein and then routed.
Germany's oil supplies had already been disrupted well before the landings of Operation Torch. The Royal Navy interdicted anything from overseas, so the overwhelming majority of Germany's oil came from the Ploesti oil fields in Romania, and that wasn't even enough to supply the army, navy and Air Force to the extent they really wanted. Incidentally, that's the big reason the Germans drove for the Caucasus in '42.
November '42 was a dark time in the war. The USSR looked to be nearing defeat, the counterattack of Operation Uranus hadn't started yet and there was real concern in the US and Britain that Stalin would conclude a separate peace. So they wanted to do something to take the pressure off the Soviets to keep them in the war and consume German resources beyond the strategic bombing campaign. But they knew they weren't ready to invade France yet. And Churchill thought (correctly, it turned out) the Italians could be knocked out of the war if effort was concentrated against them in the Med, which would then require more German resources to replace them. On top of that, a strong position in the Med would discourage Spain and Turkey from joining the Axis, which (again) looked at the time like it just might run the table.
So, Torch. And then the Soviet counterattack of Operation Uranus two weeks later, both in November '42. Possibly the most pivotal month of the war.
But it wasn't to disrupt Axis oil supplies, except to the extent that some thinkers envisioned someday attacking up to Ploesti through the Med.
Not sure what video player that is, but on my Android phone, I got a long ad first, and then a screen with no timer or ability to fast forward. The reference to "0:40" was thus lost on me.
One has to wonder, after watching Blinken speak, where do the lefties find these people? The eunuch preserve? Would follow this guy into battle? Almost makes me long for the days of Madeleine Halfbright. (I did say almost.)
now that the world is at war (again), we're ALL Supposed to Rally Round the Government again;
"The changing camera angles"
I noticed that. And they made cuts in the middle of Blinken's filibusters and O'Donnell's questions.
I thought O'Donnell was ineffective. Her kept her questions broad and unspecific She didn't call him on the pipeline claim. She asked nothing about the sanctions' timing, as in why they hadn't been imposed did months ago when they might have deterred something.
Major networks have been known to do deceptive editing, but when interviewer and interviewee aren't in the same room together it's not necessary suspicious. It seems to be the norm now, and CBS has every interest in making Blinken look better than he really is.
These are the "adults" who are supposed to be back in charge. It doesn't say much for "expertise" nowadays. The "experts" and "adults" were more effective at undermining Trump than they are at doing anything constructive or feasible in the real world. The explanation offered by someone here the other day -- that they are more used to using words and taking positions and writing papers rather than doing things to achieve results -- was insightful, except they aren't really that great with words either.
Achilles said,
"Cash wont be worth much.
.223 and 7.62 will be much more valuable. That is the currency in Afghanistan now thanks to Biden."
I've watched preppers on the right express this for 20 years and buy in bulk during times of shortages on ammo.
Yes, such ammunition is more valuable IN A FAILED SOCIETY where barter is a real and meaningfully established way to trade goods. And then you get into setting the value of a round of ammunition.
In other words, in this society you mention where ammo is more valuable, you don't even know what that value is nor can you forecast it. Because it depends upon available supply and you don't know how many rounds have been bought, fired, corroded away, or stocked up for a rainy day.
@J Melcher
Interesting proposition.
Access to oil was key in WWII but it's probably more accurate to say that we invaded North Africa to secure the Med-Suez route for oil from the Persian Gulf where Britain was getting most of its supplies than to disrupt anything German might have gotten from North Africa. That was especially necessary with the South Pacific supplies getting cut off. Germany was getting oil from Romania and driving towards the Russian reserves in the Caucasus.
As far as us getting bored with nuclear power generation, I'd suggest opposition was more the first emergence of the Cult of Safety that seems to have taken over the Western world in the last few years.
I see Don Dale responded much more effectively to J Melcher's comment.
I simply must copy-paste Tim in Vermont’s comment here. Truly insightful and superior to anything you’ll hear on cable news today.
Blogger tim in vermont said...
Regarding what he said, I just heard the guy on Bloomberg say "I haven't heard one professional explain how we are going to replace the hydrocarbons from Russia."
Meanwhile the DOW implied open was down 800 points, that's after the carnage of the past week. Basically people's 401Ks are getting murdilized. Putin is playing his hand, we have a strong hand too, but Russia can stop exports of gas and make Europe really suffer. At some point the huffing and puffing comes to and end, and realities drive events.
If Biden was so prescient, he wouldn't have kiboshed Keystone. Just yesterday he cancelled all new oil and gas leases, two weeks ago he canceled the Twin Metals mine. If Biden was so prescient, he would not have flashed that green light at Putin, if he was so prescient, he should not have projected utter military fecklessness on the part of the US in Afghanistan. If Biden were so prescient, he wouldn't have lit the match on inflation by spending trillions of dollars we don't have, putting us in a terrible position re oil prices.
He better not send a single American soldier into Ukraine to try to pull his chestnuts out of the fire. Iraq was a mistake for us, and this is a mistake for Putin. This doesn't involve us, however
Invasion or peace keeping.
A schism forced by heretofore unremediated progress following a violent Western-backed coup. Kosovo, there is your answer, I suppose. Also, Libya, Taiwan. Perhaps another South African intervention into Zhosa and Zulu tribal conflict, and decimate the native population to lay the groundwork for redistributive change (e.g. natural resources).
Thanks again to Professor A for watching this stuff so we don't have to. How can she stand it?
I can almost see the thought bubble over the interviewer's head: "Use the super-serious voice and hit the '100,000 dead' line hard, keep it just below hysteria, go for barely-controlled-hysteria, and don't muss the hair, move head up and down but don't tilt because that will make the hair move too much, hold hand rigidly on table, be tense and move as little as possible, go for the physical equivalent of barely-controlled hysteria like you might burst into violent motion at any moment, almost done here, the catering table has been really good lately, if you pull this off, treat yourself to the whole doughnut today."
Dear good, could she be any more of a handmaiden to his talking points?
Dear God, could she be any more of a handmaiden to his talking points?
BUMBLE BEE said...
This cabinet is a hoot!. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right!
what / who are above and below?
Norah is practically shrieking "Do something!" at Blinken.
Putin's starting a war! You must stop him! Attack!
Tom T: Me too. There was an ad for some game that seemed to go on forever. But if we're heading for World War III, I'll probably miss the days when I had the leisure and technology to spend time with such fripperies.
Cry 'Havoc,' and let slip the #hashtags of war!
Mittens wanted us to have a "withering" response. An odd word to use. I like Severe and Swift better. I also love how the libtard news anchor crouches everything in the most hysterical terms possible.
"How can we deter a war that would be the bloodiest in Europe since WW II?"
Hello? Putin has just recognized two Ukrainian oblasts that left Ukraine because they are full of Russians. that's it. THere is no "War". There will only be a "bloody war" if the USA and NATO encourage Ukraine to fight one.
I am also worried for Taiwan, but I don't expect South Korea and Japan to be as feckless as NATO.
The Sec of State needs to get a TV consultant. He doesn't have that reassuring fake smile that most TV personalites have when they're waiting to open their mouths. Just staring into the camera and looking like you're about to be executed isn't the right look.
"And our first ACT of war was to invade North Africa. To disrupt oil supplies."
The Doolittle Raid was several months earlier than Torch. Granted, it was entirely symbolic, but it was the first US offensive operation of the war, IIRC.
Martin said...
My God!!! He says sanctioning NordStream2 is a big threat to Russia, ignoring that Biden and he took off Trump's sanctions on that pipeline as soon as they took office?
The unmitigated, lying gall of these incompetents!!!
does not the woman interviewer know about it to come back at him?
or like NYT dont read their pages she does not get her news from own service
Oh... and Germany and USA even now getting gas and oil? from GAZPROM
One last thing. Russia is being Russia. It's a failed country and has been for about 2 centuries.
This is objectively false.
Reading the blue checkmark brigade of twitter; MSM, scholars, pundits, foreign policy "experts" it's clear what the narrative is:
Trump destroyed NATO. He gave Putin all our military secrets, setting the stage for Putin to destroy the world. This is all on Trump.
All the lemmings are soaking it up. Sounds crazy but recent history shows they can cement any narrative they want as fact.
Gravel said, about: our first ACT of war was to invade North Africa. To disrupt oil supplies
The Doolittle Raid was several months earlier than Torch.
Yes, but "In Tokyo, the targets included an oil tank farm"
The question has been raised: Where is the Anti-War Left? They may have remembered that War is the Health of the State, and could be writhing in paroxysms of ecstasy, which would interfere with typing online comments.
I got a commercial AND the interview sound so for me too the "0:40" moment isn't visible.
But I got the gist, and comments have clarified some points.
Like others, I wonder about the vaunted (if not sainted) Anti-War Movement that comes out of hibernation whenever a Republican president takes military action (or doesn't, which is kind of puzzling logic).
A stupid conflict among the most backward of Euro-rubes is no reason to put American at risk, or ask us to sacrifice anything.
No lefties today so far commenting. Everybody knows that the Biden regime would make a mess like this but maybe not so fast. The corruption of the Biden family is the background for what is happening. King Farouk of Egypt was no more corrupt than the Biden clan and ended up in exile. We will be lucky if we escape the sort of results that Farouk earned. The lesson; "elect" a fool who is corrupt in the very same area that the next crisis will erupt, and watch your options vanish.
Blinken is just typical of this clown car regime. Thanks, Zuckerberg.
Sell your stocks now, Biden is about to open his yap.
Oooo! Shutting down a pipeline! Sound familiar?
Meanwhile, the WEF, Obots and other climate change moonbats cheer as people die. People dying? Another WEF goal: reduce the population. Things are proceeding as planned.
"That said, my gut says something else is afoot here. And I cannot help thinking that as feckless as we look right now, the Chinese are watching everything unfold and probably told Putin to move ahead with his plan."
You read my mind. That's been my gut instinct ever since Putin and Xi Jinping smiled at the cameras before the Olympics. I doubt that Putin cares about "severe!" sanctions from the West. I think China and Russia are entirely on the same page, and they will provide resources for each other.
An empty limo pulled up in front of the State Department and Anthony Blinken stepped out...*
*Stolen from a line from someone about MLB commissioner Bowie Kuhn.
Who would have ever thought that one could wish for the return of Jean Fraud Kerry and or Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State? Either one is no great prize, but either one is three orders of magnitude better than this clown.
You see him there in this video, and then ask why we don't see more of him? I should think the answer was obvious.
It appears the worst case scenario has happened: a Russia/China alliance. An alliance neither country wanted just days ago.
It seems Russia has secured financial agreements with China that render American sanctions moot. China is a green light on Taiwan. "What a time I have come, so much excitement", Pakistan PM Imran Khan's first few comments after landing in Moscow, Russia yesterday.
A realignment is underway, and guess who's stuck in the bleachers, watching?
"When the U.S. drove five waves of NATO expansion eastward all the way to Russia's doorstep..., did it ever think about the consequences of pushing a big country to the wall?"
-Hua Chunying
Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson
2:08 AM · Feb 24, 2022·China Xinhua News
No doubt about it. It's a full invasion of Ukraine. I just saw live video or Russian paratroopers seizing the airport just outside of Kyiv.
Now I worry about Poland. Now, the only thing that stands between Russia and Germany is the Polish army. The only reason that matters is something Putin said two days ago-every time Russia has been invaded they come through Poland.
" Get the West occupied. We'll just proceed on to Taiwan now. "
I get that, but China must wonder a bit. Paradigms do change, eventually. Beidens's weakness may bring in 8 years of Trumplike policy, even if not Trump himself. China needs raw materials, food, and western markets. They steal IP so they need access to US/Euro/SEATO universities. Invading Taiwan may be a bridge too far, even if China has invested in foreign farm land the production thereof can be sanctioned.
We can cut imports if needed, Play Trudeau and freeze Chinese money and hold bond coupons in lieu of future settlement of damages for attacking Taiwan. Get all tech companies out of China by law, due to dealing with an enemy combatant. They should be worried, we will learn to stop being a dumb sucker eventually. A warring China can't expect the protection of civil law.
The only hope Taiwan has now is to test a nuke in the China Sea.
US attacked Guadalcanal in Pacific in August 1942, months before North Africa. Japanese evacuation the following Spring was devastating to army's morale.
"In 2020 the U.S. was a net exporter of petroleum. In 2021 we imported between 12
million and 26 million barrels of crude oil and petroleum from Russia
every month. In November 2021, the most recent figures on record, the
Energy Information Agency reports that the U.S. took 17.8 million barrels."
Biden did this.
I am not sure what you were expecting from an incompetent. There's not a single person in a leadership position in this administration that has anything to offer. They are all onboard with disastrous policies, both foreign and domestic, supporting a man that anyone with half a brain can tell is a senile corrupt idiot. In normal presidential terms there will be some good and some bad, but when your core belief system is rotten there is not going to be any good. God have mercy on our souls.
Putin will witness the firepower of our fully armed and operational cancel culture.
I did not know what was really going on in Ukraine until I I read this article.
It looks like Putin is breaking up a DC piggy bank.
I now understand why the rest of Europe is not so concerned about this.
The people of Ukraine are caught in the middle of 2 corrupt regimes who are only interested in robbing them.
My money's on Killer Joe! Youse seen what he done to Corn Pop!
"The people of Ukraine are caught in the middle of 2 corrupt regimes who are only interested in robbing them."
As 2021 came to a close, Russia presented the United States with a list of demands that it said were necessary to stave off the possibility of a large-scale military conflict in Ukraine. In a draft treaty delivered to a U.S. diplomat in Moscow, the Russian government asked for a formal halt to NATO’s eastern enlargement, a permanent freeze on further expansion of the alliance’s military infrastructure (such as bases and weapons systems) in the former Soviet territory, an end to Western military assistance to Ukraine, and a ban on intermediate-range missiles in Europe. The message was unmistakable: if these threats cannot be addressed diplomatically, the Kremlin will have to resort to military action - Foreign Affairs
Biden goes toe to toe with Putin. The music starts and they dance. Putin leads.
Biden goes toe to toe with Putin. The music starts. They dance. Putin leads.
Putin will witness the firepower of our fully armed and operational cancel culture.
Christopher B said...
As far as us getting bored with nuclear power generation, I'd suggest opposition was more the first emergence of the Cult of Safety that seems to have taken over the Western world in the last few years.
The anti-nuclear power movement was part of the commie offensive in the “Cold War,” the late stage of the Seventy Year’s War with the USSR.
Get people terrified of nuclear power plants to get them terrified of fallout to get them terrified of war to the point that they surrender to the Soviets, or agree to things like the ABM Treaty and the “verifiable” nuclear freeze.
Read a couple of days ago, (don't recall where), that Russia and China Closed a deal on a million metric tons of coal.
Here it is....
A Warrior and Statesman chimes in...
[In reply to the title:]
"I'll take Questions No One Is Asking for $500, Alex."
The "Russian dossier" on Trump was an obvious fraud and yet the Dems, corrupt deep state and American media tried to push it as a real intelligence.
There's a real Russian dossier on Biden and it includes an accurate appraisal of his competence, courage and character.
Putin knows what we all know and that's why he has no reluctance to be thug aggressor or even reigniting the Cold War.
The "Russian dossier" on Trump was an obvious fraud and yet the Dems, corrupt deep state and American media tried to push it as a real intelligence.
There's a real Russian dossier on Biden and it includes an accurate appraisal of his competence, courage and character.
Putin knows what we all know and that's why he has no reluctance to be thug aggressor or even reigniting the Cold War.
That guy's a "Dweeb". There. I said it. Dweeb. How TF he got this far is beyond my understanding. All hail The Ghost of Kyiv.
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