February 1, 2022

"When President Joe Biden met with U.S. governors at the White House on Monday, he was the only one given a glass of water — lest anyone else remove their mask to take a drink."

AP reports.

I think Biden should also have had to abstain from water. For him and only him to get water... I must say my first association was Trump getting 2 scoops of ice cream. It's just so wrong.


rhhardin said...

Everybody should get a glass of water with a straw in it.

Enigma said...

Did they all know that the water was tainted? Does he have a medieval-style food taster too?

Did his water include special electrolytes and other brain-boosters so he get through the meeting without nodding off?

No matter why, this practice does not present a good image.

Dave Begley said...

Max covid insanity from the Left.

Die of thirst rather than take off a mask for a drink of water. They even let you take your mask off on a plane in order to drink.

This covid stuff has revealed to the world - and especially fair-minded independents - how crazy the Left is.

wendybar said...

He also tried to take a question (they told him to, as he says) from the Governor of Utah, and his staff cut him off and yelled to stop the questioning....over and out...as he sat there grinning like the imbecile he has become. It's sad that his wife is an elder abuser and put him in this position instead of letting him go out with at least a little respect. I hope her family made enough money for her now.

henge2243 said...

What I want to know, since there is no flavor involved with water, assuming it's not 'vitamin water', it: did the kitchen staff put boogers or cum into Silver Alert's water?

Maynard said...

It's all theater and everyone is starting to figure it out.

One Eye said...

"That's not fair!" says the little girl in the AT&T commercial.

Alternate universe Lily: "Life ain't fair kid...learn how to deal with adversity...you'll have plenty of practice in your lifetime. Come back and thank me when you're miles ahead of your weak peers in 10 years"

gilbar said...

and other brain-boosters

word you are looking for is: Adderall. Most of DC are Adderall addicts; biden Lives on the stuff

Sally327 said...

I'm not going to begrudge him this glass of water. He has a tendency to cough a lot when he's talking so water would be essential.

Covid seems a convenient excuse for how things are handled with Biden. One they've been using since early in his campaign with the drive in rallies and virtual speeches. At some point, the disparity between how he's always masked up and isolated, frozen in a Covid crouch trying not to move or breathe too much, versus how the rest of us are living will be a serious disadvantage for him.

rehajm said...

I voted for the other guy > I didn’t vote > I voted for him > I always vote Democrat

gspencer said...

"It's just so wrong."

Biden's never done anything right in his life. But remember, he's good Catholic, a very good Catholic.

gilbar said...

Seriously was there a person in the room that wasn't vaxed and boosted? Don't that stuff work?

Sebastian said...

"It's just so wrong."

Why? Prog power has its privileges. Why wouldn't he?

He can shirk his duties, he can act senile, he can lie with abandon, he can vilify anyone who stands in his way, he can allow his family to take money from shady adversaries, he can -- well, in terms of personal conduct, he can do whatever.

Of course, if you think it is "so wrong," you could always abstain from abstaining and show the bastards.

We'll wait for the nice women of America to rise up and put an end to everything that is "so wrong" with Dems.

John henry said...

Wear a foam pharma cleanrooms mask from FoamTec. So thin I can drink through it.

And certified for this use. Who certified your mask?

Even better, made in Thailand, NOT China


MikeR said...

Uh, once they're in the restaurant aren't they all allowed to take off their masks and drink? Or is the White House different.
Is there anyone who hasn't noticed by now that this is theatre?

Jefferson's Revenge said...

The part at the end, when he looks into the distance with that strange smile, looks exactly like Chancy the Gardener in Being There.

narciso said...

they see this drooling idiot, collapse like captain oveur, and this is their takeaway,

Jersey Fled said...

I'm so over this mask kabuki.

rehajm said...

It’s one way to keep meetings short. The Governors’ chairs with one of the front legs sawed off would work, too…

Big Mike said...

Everybody should get a glass of water with a straw in it.

@rhhardin, straws?!? Plastic straws?!? May Gaia forgive you because the Sierra Club never will.

Robert Cook said...

"Max covid insanity from the Left.

"Die of thirst rather than take off a mask for a drink of water. They even let you take your mask off on a plane in order to drink."

Actually, you may pull your mask down while taking a drink or a bite of snack, but you are expected to pull your mask back up while you are chewing or swallowing.

"This covid stuff has revealed to the world - and especially fair-minded independents - how crazy the Left is."

The "left." Hahaha!

Michael said...

Insane mask fetishists. Biden must wear his on air force one because he always, always, has it on when he exits. Leadership he is told. What a fucking dufus.

Michael said...

Rbrt Cook. Name one right wing mask fetishist.

Iman said...

“The part at the end, when he looks into the distance with that strange smile, looks exactly like Chancy the Gardener in Being There”

I think he looks more like the crazed, bemused Zippy the Pinhead.

Joe Smith said...

As the Capo dei Capi, Donnie two-scoops can have whatever he wants.

Wince said...

A glass?

It wasn't a Sippy Cup?

TreeJoe said...

So the White House has officially signaled that the best way to protect vaxxed, boosted 80 year olds with the greatest health care on tap available is....

10 feet seperation, full masking with N95, and don't allow anyone to eat or drink in their presence.

Meanwhile they are signaling to the public things are getting better, loosening, we don't need to obsessively look at daily case counts and deaths, yada yada.

Literally pathos.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

"This covid stuff has revealed to the world - and especially fair-minded independents - how crazy the Left is."

The "left." Hahaha!

Show us an example of the right doing COVID theatre, then Robert. Or a conservative Karening someone like these harpy progs do. Or is this your usual lame take that nobody is really Left enough for you to admit they are left?

Leland said...

Even with Trump getting 2 scoops, at its most nefarious insinuation; everyone at least got a scoop. With Biden, he gets whatever and you get nothing. From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs. Alas, Biden also gets his two scoops and those around him got nothing.

Quaestor said...

The "left." Hahaha!

Robert Cook fears the mirror, thus the sidelong glance and the nervous laughter.

Not surprising, really. The Oracle says know thyself, but wisdom isn't your thing, is it?

Humperdink said...

"But remember, he's good Catholic, a very good Catholic.".

You forgot devout, which always means pro-abortion in lefty-speak.

gilbar said...

In recent weeks, his aides and science advisers have highlighted study after study showing the strong protection offered by the COVID vaccines against the variant and reassuring vaccinated people they can go about their daily lives

And yet; Jo Biden, who has been vaxed and boosted, and has THE BEST health teams in the USA...
Jo Biden has to be PROTECTED from people that are vaxed and boosted, and tested???

Meanwhile.... his nurse Dr. Jill is AT the meeting with him!
Other than Mrs Wilson, can any of you name a President that brought his wife with to meetings? And not just SOME meetings.... EVERY meeting

Assuming that there is a State of the Union speach, Dr Jill will be right there on the podium with him;
Doesn't anyone else find that strange?

Chuck said...

They may have been thinking about the time in the fall of 2020 when a certain self-styled Republican was COVID-positive and seemingly tried to infect Biden.

gilbar said...

Robert Cook said...
The "left." Hahaha!

Robert, i've pestered you before, but could you let us know who DO You think is on the Left?
Do you see Yourself as being on the left?

thanx just trying to understand you

tim maguire said...

It's absurd that we all know what you are referring to with Trump's 2 scoops. Worth noting, though, that everybody present who wanted 2 scoops got them. It wasn't limited to just Trump.

Drago said...

Leftist Banned Commenter and Lincoln Pedophile Project Fangrrrrl Chuck: "They may have been thinking about the time in the fall of 2020 when a certain self-styled Republican was COVID-positive and seemingly tried to infect Biden."


Long ago completely and thoroughly debunked!

Why dont you try rehabilitating the Russian bounties lie instead?

Good luck little man!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Instead of trying to dig up how man made covid turned the world upside down, media is covering the Biden table water.

The world is in the best hands.

Kevin said...

I'm so old I remember when N95 masks didn't work on Covid.

Scotty, beam me up... said...

Joltin’ Joe met with the Emir of Qatar a couple of hours after his meeting with the governors. They were seated much, much closer together than the participants of the governors meeting. While neither Biden nor the Emir were masked during the press conference, each was holding a mask, so I assume they wore them into the room prior to the presser. Did the Emir provide his vaccination card to be allowed entry into the White House? I wouldn’t be surprised if the governors had to provide proof of vaccination to enter the White House. The Emir was a hell of a lot closer to our elderly leader unmasked than the governors ever were fully masked. If Biden were to catch Covid from the Emir yesterday (I am being hypothetical here boys and girls), I am sure the White House would blame an unnamed Republican governor as the source from earlier in the day instead just to score political points as this administration “would never let a crisis go to waste” for their benefit.

Kevin said...

Seriously, if our President is at severe risk from contracting Covid, he's not healthy enough to perform the job in 2022.

No one is electing a President Bubble Boy to the highest office. We need a leader who isn't afraid to meet with citizens and other world leaders as a core requirement of his job.

Given that most of the population endures a Covid infection just fine, this should be 25th Amendment kind of stuff.

See also, anyone who can be killed coming into contact with a peanut.

robother said...

"I have seen the future and it works [for the nomenklatura]."

It becomes clearer every day that Covid is the Left's 9-11. Those of us yearning for a return to unmasked, un-vaxed and endlessly boosted normality are like the 2002 airline passenger imaging a return to a pre-TSA normal air travel experience. Don't hold your breath waiting.

narciso said...

now feeding koi twice, that's beyond the pale

cubanbob said...

wendybar said...
He also tried to take a question (they told him to, as he says) from the Governor of Utah, and his staff cut him off and yelled to stop the questioning....over and out...as he sat there grinning like the imbecile he has become. It's sad that his wife is an elder abuser and put him in this position instead of letting him go out with at least a little respect. I hope her family made enough money for her now.'

If this is true, then the staff should have been fired on the spot. A sitting Governor should never except that from some White House staffer. The Governor should have told the staff to STFU and not interfere. If the President of The United States Of America can't reply to a Governor of a State that President needs to resign on the spot.

Drago said...

gilbar: "Robert, i've pestered you before, but could you let us know who DO You think is on the Left?"

If one were to go by the years and years worth of postings, it might be Robert Cook only considers someone a "True Leftist" if that person, like Robert Cook, denies the commies murdered over 100 million people in the 20th century.

Critter said...

The White House is SOOOOO scared that Brandon might get COVID. It's as if they think he's so frail that he might not survive.

Jim at said...

Just when will this insanity end? Ever?

Chris Lopes said...

"The "left." Hahaha!"

Ah yes, the no true Scotsman fallacy. Welcome back old friend.

Rabel said...

Kamala, sitting 10 feet to Biden's left, didn't get a glass either.

Shameful. Why did they all have to fly to DC?

Also, my Arkansas friends, can you please find a way to feed Asa Hutchinson to the hogs.

Temujin said...

I used to refer to all of this as 'mask theater'. It's just gone so far beyond. It's a bizarre Puppet World that we now live in. From Trudeau hiding out somewhere in Ontario to Biden being spoon fed ice cream and questions, to major US corporations bending down to lick the toes of Xi Jinping.

I'm waiting for someone- a Senator, a Representative, a Journalist- someone, to stand up in the middle of a room that is on camera and just scream "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore."

I'm mad as hell...

Anonymous said...

wendybar said...
He also tried to take a question (they told him to, as he says) from the Governor of Utah, and his staff cut him off and yelled to stop the questioning....over and out...as he sat there grinning like the imbecile he has become. It's sad that his wife is an elder abuser and put him in this position instead of letting him go out with at least a little respect. I hope her family made enough money for her now.'


The Gov should have said 'How dare you cut off the President of the United States! Who do you think you are? GET OUT!' Then watch the fun.

mikee said...

When will someone note that the Emperor is naked, in such a way that the rest of us can agree?

effinayright said...

"I'm waiting for someone- a Senator, a Representative, a Journalist- someone, to stand up in the middle of a room that is on camera and just scream "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore.""

Me too---except that I fear that scream would be followed by semi-automatic weapons fire gradually erupting all across America.

I wouldn't want to be a member of the wokerati if that happens.

(Or a member of our side, either. It's pretty obvious the Polizei will obey the commands of anyone paying their salaries.)

effinayright said...

Jersey Fled said...
I'm so over this mask kabuki.

It's not nearly as serious and dignified as kabuki.

It's pure farce.

gilbar said...

Rabel said...
Kamala, sitting 10 feet to Biden's left, didn't get a glass either.
Shameful. Why did they all have to fly to DC?

if only there was some app that allow a group of people to meet remotely, through the internet
I'd think this could also be useful for business! i'm surprised the chinese haven't go up with something

Mikey NTH said...

I wonder - if anyone at a White House dinner asked for a second scoop of ice cream, would the request be turned down?

Chris Lopes said...

"Actually, you may pull your mask down while taking a drink or a bite of snack, but you are expected to pull your mask back up while you are chewing or swallowing."

In this instance, they weren't even given that option. They are making it up as they go along.

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