"... Republican officials hail the glory of civil disobedience. When (heavily Black) crowds protested for racial justice in mostly peaceful but occasionally violent and highly disruptive actions, Trump called them 'rioters, looters and anarchists' not to mention 'terrorists,' 'arsonists' and 'violent mobs.' 'I’m old enough to remember when Black Lives Matter shut down highways and the right responded with laws making it easier to run protesters over — and get away with it!' conservative Matt Lewis wrote in the Daily Beast. It’s true: Last year, Florida’s Republican governor, Ron DeSantis, signed a law granting civil immunity to people who drive through protesters blocking a street. Texas, Oklahoma and other states enacted similar laws. Now, Republican officials are lending rhetorical support and financial protection to the White men blocking the streets of Ottawa? This isn’t 'reclaiming the dream.' It’s a bad acid trip."
Writes Dana Milbank in "Opinion: Sixty years late, right-wingers join the counterculture" (WaPo).
We do?
when white antifa nazis and BLM phonies burn down black businesses in poorer business districts - we note that whitey white white white Dana Milbank, AND HIS ILK, (who must be a racist), DO NOT CARE AT ALL.
The Truckers are sick of the elites.
Dana Milbank represents the elites.
BLM traps innocent bystanders on the road, in their cars, and menaces them and puts them in fear of their lives. Truckers block roads with their own trucks and trap no one, but do inconvenience people who have to find another route or change their plans.
Same Same!
(I'm against both, but let's not kid ourselves. These people pretending the right is being hypocritical are liars trying to manipulate the discussion.)
Gee, as I remember 2020 the left made a big deal out of how many white faces there were among the protesters.
Also, who you calling the COUNTER culture, WaPo man?
The "problem" is the majority using non-violent protests against the elites.
People are more than welcome to try and drive through a semi. And I guess it is okay for the truckers to now burn down Ottawa!
"When (heavily Black) crowds protested for racial justice in mostly peaceful but occasionally violent and highly disruptive actions, Trump called them 'rioters, looters and anarchists' not to mention 'terrorists,' 'arsonists' and 'violent mobs.'"
Except that Antifa rioters were mostly white, looting is not "protest," and so far "predominantly white" protests against "public health rules" have not burned down any businesses and police stations.
Question: since the Covid vaccines do not in fact prevent transmission, what is the public health benefit of, say, requiring the remaining 10% of untaxed Canadian truckers to get the shots?
Also it is racist to not recognize the racial diversity of the Canadian protests.
How many people have been killed by the violence of the trucker protests? How many buildings have they burned down? I will await the answers in this thread.
Calls for civility are balderdash!
I missed the "mostly peaceful" BLM protests. I did see one idiot on CNN calling them "mostly peaceful" as the city behind him burned down. Haven't seen any cities burn down around the truckers. Just bouncy castles for the kids.
working class is now "counter culture'
...Says white-male over-paid elite democrat hack...
The inability to understand that the hypocrisy issues goes both directions is alarmingly widespread.
I did not need more reasons to believe everyone is stupid.
Milbank provides his usual amount of insight, which is not much.
Democracy Dies in Delusion
Dana must have a very broad definition of mostly peaceful. I dont think any independent American objects to protest and marches. After Floyd incident there were kids ( maybe 15-20) every night at 5 holding signs and slowing down traffic in my small town for BLM. We were pretty nonplussed. Chaz was even criticized by most but not looking to break it up unrtil they started barring access to buildings and acting like it was thier property ( including brandishing guns at checkpoints)
Bombing buildings, shooting people and burning down structures is not "mostly peaceful" and deserved law enforcement.
From all the reports the truckers in Ottawa are pretty much just protesting and blocking traffic. Its a mess but freezing bank accounts without warrants, changing the law to then assess 100K fines for conduct that wasnt illegal the day before and otherwise using the power of govt to crush political speech is abhorrent.
But for Dana its all the same
Be nice if all the food & goods that elite leftists like milbank use in their daily lives, were unavailable to them. Milbank wouldn't want or need any food off one of those icky trucks...
... right?
Milbank is another white left elitist ingrate.
Dana says it is "White men blocking the streets of Ottawa." Well, they've got a lot of white men in Canada, it is so, but the photos of the crowds show plenty who are not white. Dana's mindless racializing is typical of how the elites these days relentlessly transmute class conflicts into racial ones. It is pretty much all that the latest race obsessions of the day are about. Divide and conquer. What's getting laughable is that the more they do it these days, the less it works for them. I have no great fondness for truckers shutting down streets, but perhaps the elites governing them should stop demonizing them and threatening them. Maybe try listening a bit better.
When (predominantly White) crowds protest for the right to ignore public health rules in mostly peaceful but occasionally violent and highly disruptive actions..."
"... Republican officials hail the glory of civil disobedience. When (heavily Black) crowds protested for racial justice in mostly peaceful but occasionally violent and highly disruptive actions
This is where we need to pull in the CNN chyron of the "Fiery but mostly peaceful protests" , with the city burning in the background
Just about everything wrote there is a lie.
1: The Canadian protests are actually peaceful, not "mostly peaceful
2: The BLM crowds were not "heavily black", if by that you mean over 50% black. Most of the protesters / rioters are white. See Portland, for an ongoing demonstration
3: The BLM riots weren't "mostly peaceful", they were mostly destructive
4: The Canadian protests are about the government illegitimately destroying their lives to push proven failed policies
5: The BLM protests were abotu objecting to the police arresting actual criminals caught in the act.
There is no legitimate comparison between the two, other than those of us not eh Right pointing out what hypocritical piles of shit the Leftists are for objecting to teh truckers' protests and actions, after they so recently supported the violent shit BLM riots
Sesame Street taught me, "One of these things is not like the other".
Some differences, say burning buildings or deaths, ought to be obvious.
Mr. Milbank needs an optometrist, stat.
Some where I came across a link to a piece I did not have the time to follow.
The gist of the piece was our divisions today are not left/right, or white/everthing else.
Rather class. Canada really shed light on that conclusion. The Canada protests are the workers against the elites. The elites could not be better caricatured, than Trudeau, a credentialed privileged,that could not do anything but fill a position, using the power he fell into, crushing the working class.
If Millbanks needs a whipping post to mock, what about "workers of the world UNITE" against the power.
The political tags fail to work in the current Canada analysis
Mostly peaceful? Bullshit!
The BLM and ANTIFA riots were NOT peaceful.
When (predominantly White) crowds protest... When (heavily Black) crowds protested...
Just to be clear, that means both crowds are "predominantly white," doesn't it?
Opinion: Sixty years late, right-wingers join the counterculture
Could have just as easily read; Sixty years late, left-wingers become The Man.
4: The Canadian protests are about the government illegitimately destroying their lives to push proven failed policies
The flexing of power for powers sake. Against the deplorables expressing unacceptable ideas.
Populism (truckers) is not conservatism. Pragmatic risk-management led the trucker's actions throughout the pandemic and kept Ottawa's citizens well-fed. The truckers now understand that restrictions do more harm than good.
Some leftist regions maintained outdated backward-looking pandemic rules or tightened them while the often-lauded Scandinavia took a very pragmatic approach. They ended the restrictions to match current risk-management standards. Are Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland right wing? Or are they just sane?
In Portland Oregon the protestors are almost all white, all of the time. They're otherwise known as Antifa.
mgarbowski said...
The inability to understand that the hypocrisy issues goes both directions is alarmingly widespread.
I did not need more reasons to believe everyone is stupid.
You propose doing X, in a way that harms me. I say "don't do that, or you will regret it." You do X
Later, I do X in a way that harms you. You complain.
In that situation, you are a hypocrite, and I am not.
I warned you not to do X. I said you will regret it if you do. the answer to why you will regret it is that by doing X, you changed the rules, and took X from being something unacceptable, to something acceptable.
It doesn't matter what X is. There's only one set of rules, and it applies to everyone. Once you've changed the rules, it's not "hypocrisy" for me to take advantage of that, it's justice.
Especially if it really harms you.
The reason why sane people follow rules that temporarily keep them from getting what they want, is because they want the protection of those rules when the shoe is on the other foot
What is your problem, that you're unable to understand that?
The Right didn’t JOIN the counterculture.
The Right IS the counterculture.
iowan2 said ....
The gist of the piece was our divisions today are not left/right, or white/everthing else.
Rather class.
so true! back 2 years ago, in Ames (and probably in Madison), you could tell family financial wealth by the BLM signs. Poor Ames people did NOT have signs. Richie Rich folk did.
NOTE: i said "family wealth".
Plenty of assetless college dropouts, living on mom and dad's handouts had BLM signs
Look at all the white leftists who support Antifa terrorism, and the burning of black businesses - all in the name of hating Trump.
Do these jackasses not see they support WHITE CROOK BIDEN and WHITE crook Hillary?
Show us all the violence and burning down of cities done by Republicans. I'll wait. Show us all the Republicans who were violent who Politicians helped to bail out. I'll wait.
The public health rules are not based on science and are disturbingly disruptive to human existence. Cost/benefit does not compute. The elites making the rules flaunt breaking them.
Let history be your guide to this scenario...
When a radical leftist angry black dude with priors plowed into a non-political Christmas event in Milwaukee - where was Milbank to condemn?
We wait....
If angry white left antifa nazis surround my car, I'm running over some nazis to escape. Eat sh*t Milbank.
This came out September 30:
Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States
I've run the numbers for US Counties for every single week since then. There's never been a week when that has not been true, and in general the progression has been "what tiny glimmer of hope you get for the benefit of the "vaccines" is being extinguished".
Heck, Althouse pointed out a month ago that theWSJ had a big article about how useless the shots are at stopping the spread of Covid.
There is no legitimate public health reason for what Trudeau is doing. It's all about an authoritarian thug getting his jollies by bullying people.
And Milbank is just another jock sniffer of authoritarian thugs
"Occasionally violent". Tell me more.
Sebastian's 942 AM comment with the typo made me laugh. As if the truckers aren't taxed through the roof :)
the White men blocking the streets of Ottawa?
Immigrants from South Asia have accounted for a massive shift in the demographics of Canada’s truck drivers, according to research conducted by Newcom Media’s editorial teams, drawing on more than 25 years of Canada Census data.
By 2016, almost one in five (17.8%) of Canada’s truck drivers had South Asian backgrounds.
Notice that “Texas, Oklahoma, and other states” enacted certain types of laws, in the case of Florida it was Ron DeSantis who “signed” the law. (Didn’t the governors of the other states sign?)
It can’t be that Milbank will seize on any opportunity to take a shot at DeSantis, can it?
Dana Milbank is at least partly right. And there's the problem. If you say, "It's okay to screw with other people's lives and property if you care a lot about something", people who care about things you think are wrong or stupid might do it too.
If the truckers are stopping cars and pulling people out to attack the, then jail them. If they are deliberately hitting peoples cars, jail them. See, that is the difference I am seeing. There has been pretty much ZERO violence from the trucker's. Believe me, had there been, it would be all over the news. Whereas the BLM protests were pretty much completely violent. She is drawing false equivalence. Which surprises who exactly?
Anarchy in Minneapolis goes unchallenged
"Last Friday night, lawbreaking activists marched on Uptown's Lake Street and illegally barricaded traffic for two hours, graffitied local businesses and terrorized the few people still willing to patronize that dangerous neighborhood at night. All without any — I repeat any — pushback from the Minneapolis Police Department.
What was equally disturbing was that the Star Tribune did not devote a single drop of ink to writing about this hellish episode in the hell world that has become Minneapolis at dusk."
huh? Strange how the elite white left have nothing to say...
Martin Luther King, Jr. showed that one can have protests on behalf of black people that are entirely nonviolent. BLM and Antifa are not there to protest on behalf of black people; they’re there to riot and have fun raising Hell.
Would Milbank care to compare and contrast the most violent actions of the Freedom Convoy with the most most violent actions of the BLM and Antifa riots? Didn’t think so.
Milbank thinks he is one of the elites.
Meanwhile the elites regard him as a pack animal.
Most of the pro-BLM crowds I saw here in D.C. were filled with white women. The most militant and obnoxious of them were white women.
"Writes Dana Milbank" is an iron-clad guarantee that the piece is codswallop.
Here's a clue, chief: is the protest in the cause of liberty, or in the direction of greater liberty? Looting and incinerating private property would be out, then. Rioting to intimidate the State into expanding its power--also out.
Truckers--who know "loads" might say that Dana is "a few bricks shy of a load".
The more uncouth amongst the truckers could point out that the codswallop that Dana is peddling here is a "pantload".
Dana Milbank is a worthless hack. His hackery is not opinion, it is fact. My proof of Milbank's hackery is found in these columns: https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2011/jul/14/cantor-armed-with-a-sneer/ and https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/to-my-daughter-you-are-going-to-be-okay/2016/11/09/2508487e-a6af-11e6-ba59-a7d93165c6d4_story.html
In the first he writes about 800 words on the sneer of one-tine GOP congressional whip Eric Cantor. In the second,written just after Trump's election, (and which is really good comedy), Milbank explains that while his daughter is terrified that Trump will send her to a concentration camp, there are good people in the US who will not allow it.
Supporting evidence is that Minneapolis, the city I grew up in, still has burned buildings from the BLM riots nearly two years ago. Last Friday, BLM and antifa rioted on Lake Street for two hours. When I was in my early twenties I lived at 38th & Park, near today's "George Floyd Square." I would be terrified to visit the area now, and it was pretty bad when I lived their four decades ago.
Funny how all these "Objective" WaPo/NYT/WSJ news reporters turn out to be hard-core extreme leftist when they drop the mask and become Op-ed writers.
And why would Dana label the Ottawa trucker protesters as white? Seems a little odd. If someone was to write "The Jewish writer Dana Millbank" or say "White PM Trudeau said.."- people would think that was strange and wonder at the motive. I wonder what Dana's motive is.
Are WaPo and NYT columnists ever allowed out of the building? Dana, Dana, where are the fires, the lootings, the beatings and, yes, even the shootings, in Canada?
When the Canadian protesters start looting, we will call them looters, when they start rioting, we will call them rioters, and when they start setting businesses on fire, we will call them arsonists. So far all I can see is that the working class is using some of the methods approved by the media for four years now as political expression.
Talk about a false equivalency. Who will forget the red flaming backdrops of 2020 George Floyd riots? Got the equal on Jan. 6? Ottawa?
The level of lying in the left is now officially at its nadir. I agree with Matt Taibbi: it signals the turn has already happened and the worm is wriggling its way upsoil again.
It seems the organizers of the trucker protest recognized the threat that Trudeau might try to provoke a January 6 riot. He seems to have failed and now has nowhere to go. The truckers had the example of the Democrat political prisoners, so they were warned about the instincts of the political class which has gotten very authoritarian, especially since they succeeded in driving Trump out of office.
Somebody else noticed that Amnesty International has no interest in the Jan 6 political prisoners.
The Canadian newspapers are starting to turn on Trudeau.
I lived six blocks from protests against truckers in the black community.
"The Right didn’t JOIN the counterculture.
The Right IS the counterculture."
This, of course. Milbank and his ilk are the voice of a reactionary Establishment. Laughable to think otherwise.
'Now, Republican officials are lending rhetorical support and financial protection to the White men blocking the streets of Ottawa?'
So are all the Indian truck drivers white or not?
Somebody decide...
Dana Milbank is the epitome of a stupid hack and not worth commenting on, but reading the comments here is fun. I really have nothing to add yet. I laughed just reading the excerpt Althouse pulled from his screed. Wow.
Let's have clear laws. Such as no rioting. Such as no pummeling federal officers with flag poles. Such as no blocking highways with trucks. If you violate the laws, then you are prosecuted and, if convicted, punished. End of Story. Civil disobedience comes at a price. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
But for some reason Greg The Traitor can't understand how a civilized society is supposed to function.
Mostly peaceful: $2 billion in propery losses due to arson, vandalism, and rampant looting.
Billions more in lost revenue from not being able to re-open.
Billions more lost by people who could not return to their jobs and be paid for their work.
At least a dozen lives lost, including a couple of policemen.
Yeah...that's EXACTLY like the Canadian trucker civil disobedience.
p.s. as for white guys disobeying health rules , Milbank just HAS to ignore the many, many celebrities of all colors who have done so. Tank Abrams, Gov. Noisome, Baraka and Nancy P just for starters. Did he watch the Superbowl?
He's an effing hypocrite.
“Populism (truckers) is not conservatism. Pragmatic risk-management led the trucker's actions throughout the pandemic and kept Ottawa's citizens well-fed. The truckers now understand that restrictions do more harm than good.”
There never was pragmatic risk management by most of the authorities in most of this country, and the same in Canada.
Here are some of the things that should/would have gone into pragmatic risk management of COVID-19:
- no mask mandates outside of healthcare facilities
- and esp the brain dead ones like people outdoors, anyone under 20, the military, etc. Masking kids should have been prosecuted as child abuse.
- no vaccination mandates - except again maybe for healthcare workers. They were never justified. You can’t get herd immunity with a respiratory virus, because it mutates too quickly, and by the time that Delta took over (last July), herd immunity through vaccination became impossible, even if the vaccines were fully effective, due to the high transmissibility of that variant. But of course, July was also when it became obvious that the vaccines didn’t stop the spread of the virus, given all the breakthrough events.
- vaccination requirements were idiotic for most of those effected, and esp kids, but also for truckers sitting alone in their trucks and really anyone under the age of maybe 5-0, absent well known comorbidities. Vaccinating school kids is tantamount to child abuse.
- vaccinations should have been immediately suspended when the first fatal side effects were reported, or at least once myocarditis started popping up in those under say 40. Also, when it was discovered that the drug manufacturers (notably Pfizer) had fudged their results (such as dropping study participants from studies when they experienced side effects, and by unblinding the studies before they had adequately checked for the effects of second and subsequent vaccinations - turns out the danger increases significantly for 2nd and 3rd shots).
- mandating that geriatric patients with COVID-19 be returned/placed in nursing homes with other vulnerable patients should have been prosecuted as elder abuse and negligent homicide.
“Some leftist regions maintained outdated backward-looking pandemic rules or tightened them while the often-lauded Scandinavia took a very pragmatic approach. They ended the restrictions to match current risk-management standards. Are Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland right wing? Or are they just sane?”
It probably isn’t right wing, per se, but rather just pragmatic. Vaccines continue to kill more people than they save, while masking mandates interfere with childhood development. Moreover, all of these mandates have destroyed millions of small businesses, as well as negatively affected economies around the world, and for what?
I wonder how that Madison guy who got pulled out of his car on Williamson St. is doing long term. It was cool his injuries put him in the same hospital his girlfriend was. Now that's a Valentine's day story.
I don't think Sen. Carpenter ever revealed what surgery was required after those gals pummeled him.
The signal of an ideological arrest; from a benevolent ‘better late than never’ to ‘disqualify them because they are late, they are too late’.
I think we can all agree political violence is justified for our side and illegitimate for theirs.
I'm sensing a growing envy on the left that true populism can be truly non-violent and widely popular, whereas all their planned-and-executed demonstrations get out of hand and people die. Like the old-style Republicans who thought corporations were "on their side" the Left now thinks that just because corporations paid the danegeld to BLM they have "support." Yes and Hollywood loves you too! Deeply! There is no stronger or durable delusion than self-delusion*, but the cure is coming in November and Democrats will all be singing the Freedom tune to try and wipe the public's memory of the last two years.
Good luck with your new grift!
*Just look at Justine Trudeau and his hissy fit in progress!
I'm sensing a growing envy on the left that true populism can be truly non-violent and widely popular, whereas all their planned-and-executed demonstrations get out of hand and people die. Like the old-style Republicans who thought corporations were "on their side" the Left now thinks that just because corporations paid the danegeld to BLM they have "support." Yes and Hollywood loves you too! Deeply! There is no stronger or durable delusion than self-delusion*, but the cure is coming in November and Democrats will all be singing the Freedom tune to try and wipe the public's memory of the last two years.
Good luck with your new grift!
*Just look at Justine Trudeau and his hissy fit in progress!
I saw a guy in Ottawa brandishing a sharp object while occupying the space of a veteran's memorial. He appeared to be trying to destroy it, chopping away at the concrete base.
What was the remedy being petitioned for by BLM?
Democracy Dies in Darkness!
Aside from the mischaracterization that the level of violence was similar, it wasn't, or even that there was some significant difference in the diversity of the protesters.
The primary difference was that BLM protesters were blocking roads in pursuit of wildly nebulous demands: End racist policing! There isn't any place which officially condones police misbehavior, so when do you know your demands have been met? Meanwhile, the proximal cause and demand of the trucker protest was the cessation of the vaccination mandate upon truckers. A simple, easy to verify and reasonable demand.
@Jim5301: Let's have clear laws.
There are clear laws, which Castreau is trampling all over.
This can end in a minute if he withdraws his diktats, which, as Bruce Hayden clearly showed, are completely useless.
jim5301 said...
Let's have clear laws. Such as no rioting. Such as no pummeling federal officers with flag poles. Such as no blocking highways with trucks. If you violate the laws, then you are prosecuted and, if convicted, punished. End of Story. Civil disobedience comes at a price. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
But for some reason Greg The Traitor can't understand how a civilized society is supposed to function.
I'm perfectly fine with that! As a system that's imposed on everyone.
So, let us know when these Antifa thugs are all arrested and charged with crimes:
Let us know when all the people in #1 are in jail:
On Oct. 14, 2021, climate activists breached the Interior Department, with demonstrators who were left outside struggling with law enforcement officers as they reportedly tried to force their way in, shouting “Go inside! Go inside!” Some activists vandalized a building, while others pinned police against a wall. The ordeal resulted in a number of injuries, according to multiple sources, with a police officer being transported to the hospital.
Until then?
That rule isn't being imposed on the Left. Therefore it's illegitimate, and should not be imposed on those of us who are sane enough to oppose the Left.
I understand exactly how a civilized society is supposed to function. Ours doesn't function that way. And I'm not going to lie, or stick my head in the sand, and pretend otherwise.
We will not have a civilized society until the Left is forced to follow the rule of law. Which jim5301 will always oppose, because jim5301 is not a decent or civilized human being
I-know-you-are-but-what-am-i …
Progressivism: 1step forward: 2steps back.
"Ron DeSantis, signed a law granting civil immunity to people who drive through protesters blocking a street." That's about as accurate a characterization of the Florida law as, "He shot a man over tossed popcorn, prosecutors say. His defense: Stand-your-ground", quoted in another Althouse post today.
Earnest Prole said...
I think we can all agree political violence is justified for our side and illegitimate for theirs.
Define "political violence" for us, will you?
Roger Sweeny said...
Dana Milbank is at least partly right. And there's the problem. If you say, "It's okay to screw with other people's lives and property if you care a lot about something", people who care about things you think are wrong or stupid might do it too.
Earnest Prole said...
I think we can all agree political violence is justified for our side and illegitimate for theirs.
No, and no.
Dana Milbank is entirely wrong, because having backed the BLM riots, he's forever lost the right to complain about the actions of rioters.
He's like some bank robber complaining about someone else sneaking into his house and stealing part of his loot.
Starting the political violence is always wrong.
Using violence against those who started it is always right.
If you backed / excused / justified / defended the BLM riots, or any other Left wing political violence, you have no moral or ethical standing to complain about whatever comes at you. your house gets burned down, your life gets destroyed? You had no problem when the BLM rioters were doing that to totally innocent people.
So no one else should have any problem with it happening to you
I was told I had to stay inside to stop the spread. I was told going outside was dangerous to both myself and others. People were not allowed to visit sick love ones or have funerals for those they lost. People were harassed and arrested for using public parks, or for being outside not near anyone without a mask.
Then the BLM "protests" started and suddenly all the same people who told me that I could not go outside, meet up with other people, and engage in basic human interactions, were cheering them on. Suddenly large masses of people screaming were not only acceptable, but encouraged. But only for them. Everyone else was still banned. I was told that the protests were "mostly peaceful" by people literally standing in front of on fire buildings and looted store fronts.
I watched our tech giants censor a true story about out current "President" because they could and they were trying to tip the election. I watched massive voting irregularities take place and then told I was being a conspiracy theorist. I watched the January 6 "insurrectionists," some of which did little more than take an unauthorized tour of the Capitol, get treated far worse that literal rioters and violent criminals, while obvious instigators are not even charged, most likely because they were on the government payroll. I witnessed scientists being attacked for political reasons for "conspiracy theories" that are now embraced as likely true. And there are government officials demanding literal censorship by private companies. I could go on and on.
I am not sure what you expected. My trust in your side to be fair is completely gone. This is what you wanted, Dana. May God have mercy on your soul.
" think we can all agree political violence is justified for our side and illegitimate for theirs"
Show me the. violence from the truckers, if there is any, I condemn it.
“When (heavily Black) crowds protested...”
“heavily Black”: see Lizzo
Blogger jim5301 said...
Let's have clear laws. Such as no rioting. Such as no pummeling federal officers with flag poles. Such as no blocking highways with trucks. If you violate the laws, then you are prosecuted and, if convicted, punished. End of Story. Civil disobedience comes at a price. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
OK. The army used to shoot looters. Is that OK with you ? The shoplifters go to prison ? That OK ? Or is that typical lefty hypocrisy?
The truckers are causing significantly greater economic impacts that the libs without the use of violence. Of course the cops are taking it easy on them because they respect White Privilege.
When (heavily Black) crowds protested for racial justice in mostly peaceful but occasionally violent and highly disruptive actions,
I see what he did there. He's not making the claim that they were mostly Black, just kind of implying it. This kind of lawyerly nonsense is why journalists thought that White BLM protesters/rioters like Rosenbaum, Großkreutz, and Huber were all Black. Or, to take a different fact pattern, why Bennet didn't experience even a twinge of doubt that he might be printing inflammatory lies about Palin. The first journalist might realise there's a factual issue they need to talk around carefully to push the party line without actually lying. But journalists two, three, and four (and random readers among the public) only pick up on the narrative, and aren't even aware the first story was trying to circumlocute its way around inconvenient facts.
The difference is in principles: FREEDOM! (Brave Heart)
Entertaining the use of force to disperse or contain legal protests is wrong. As Mr. Trudeau said in November 2020, in expressing his support of a yearlong protest by farmers in India that blocked major highways to New Delhi, “Canada will always be there to defend the right of peaceful protest.”
I'm going to go out on a limb here, and bet that none of jim5301, Robert Cook, Howard, or Dana Milbank objected in any way to the India protests, or to Trudeau supporting them
We've been talking a lot about racism here. Well, how racist do you have to be to be ok with "black" neighborhoods and businesses being destroyed, or "brown" streets being blocked and obstructed, but to go ballistic and want to arrest everyone who does that to "white" people?
Just more of the racism inherent in Leftism
Dana is always a few years behind the actual reality on the street. He sits so high up there, I'm not sure he gets an actual good look at the reality below him.
"Sixty years late, right-wingers join the counterculture"
And the left becomes The Establishment, all the while flashing their totalitarian impulses.
Funny how some things change, and some things just remain the same.
Gee, I wonder if Erick Erickson is demanding the Truckers get executed. He likes that sort of thing, given his being a big Christian.
Anyway, this whole mess was caused by Trudeau. No negotiation. No dicussion with the Truckers. No attempt to "reach out". Just contempt. Insults. And now draconian thuggish behavior.
To the applause of the Liberals. And the NDP - the workingman's party (LOL).
Just a reminder that underneath every bleeding heart liberal is a jackbooted Stalinist waiting to get out. They loved the Gulags and every other Communist mass killer too. But don't put those poor crooks to death. The death penality is so IMMORAL. LOL!
"When (heavily Black) crowds protested for racial justice in mostly peaceful but occasionally violent and highly disruptive actions,"
Heh. The fact of the matter is, the Floyd riots were also mainly white people. But that doesn't suit Milbank's narrative, so he is pretending he doesn't know, so he can paint his opponents as Rayciss! It doesn't bother him in the slightest that he is also painting blacks as responsible for rioting and looting they didn't do.
It is hard to even take democrat journalists even a little bit seriously anymore. Anyone who could compare bouncey houses to the violence of burn loot murder is just a lying propagandist.
Static Ping said...@ 12:35Ppm Ending with " My trust in your side to be fair is completely gone."
Everything that I myself feel.
Howard said...
The truckers are causing significantly greater economic impacts that the libs without the use of violence. Of course the cops are taking it easy on them because they respect White Privilege.
What a racist pig you are, Howard. Stop claiming that Black people are just so inherently violent that they can't protest peacefully.
(Howie is tying "lack of violence" to "White Privilege", which indicates he thinks that only "Whites" can protest non-violently)
I'm curious, Howie, when Trudeau said in November 2020 that the yearlong protest by farmers in India that blocked major highways to New Delhi was perfectly fine, was that "White Privilege"? "Brown Privilege"?
Do tell us how your Nazi racist ideology works on these
dbp said..The primary difference was that BLM protesters were blocking roads in pursuit of wildly nebulous demands: End racist policing!
Actually, there was that woman shouting in Jacob Frey's dopey face "We don't want no mo pohlice!!!"
Many moons ago I stopped watching Blogging Heads vlogs that had Matt Lewis in them.
I can't remember why, but his completely disingenuous quote in that article tells me it was a good decision.
"when Black Lives Matter shut down highways and the right responded with laws making it easier to run protesters over" - load of BS... the rest of this comment is... what Richard Fagin said at 12:22
Seems Dana is pissed about the new rules.
Tough shit.
So far I haven't seen any reporting of violence at anti-mask - anti-mandate events other than Antifa attacks on demonstrators. Maybe I missed them, but I doubt it, since any such violence would get the Jan 6 treatment.
So far I haven't seen any reporting of violence at anti-mask - anti-mandate events other than Antifa attacks on demonstrators. Maybe I missed them, but I doubt it, since any such violence would get the Jan 6 treatment.
Why haven't leftist journalists written that "the truckers have fundamentally changed the terms of debate" like they described the occupy protests? Is it that there are actual people participating in the truckers' protests and not just empty tents?
Corn-based ethanol, which for years has been mixed in huge quantities into gasoline sold at U.S. pumps, is likely a much bigger contributor to global warming than straight gasoline, according to a study published Monday.
. . . and it costs more to produce
. . . and it reduces mpg
. . . and it raises consumer food prices
. . . and it allows subsidies for rich corporate farmers
. . . but we have known all of this for years
. . . so why did we need another study??
I'm still waiting for the Rod Dreher v. Matt Lewis throwdown.
Still no traffic into the USA shown on the webcams at the Ambassador Bridge website. Trucks lined up to enter Canada. There's something going on on the Canadian side that isn't being reported by anyone. Where's the traffic?
Greg the traitor: The violence at the BLM protests was nearly always instigated by roided up obese police state bullet heads often egged on by the Hemorrhoid in Chief. And you people cheered with joy like your forebears did at lynchings.
Baloney. Only a leftist moron (but I repeat myself) would compare the violent destructive BLM riots with the peaceful Canadian protest against tyrannical government mandates. Milbank is a lefist moron, but not the only one.
Howard, you may have missed this:
A report on Antifa was published in The Washington Post—conducted by a team of researchers that analyzed Black Lives Matter and Antifa protests—that found that Antifa's presence at such events "greatly increased the risk of violence.". Two sociology academics at Penn State analyzed data on the 2020 civil unrest and concluded the presence of Antifa at an event made violence much more likely.
Antifa are about as white as the KKK was, back in the day.
I think we can all agree political violence is justified for our side and illegitimate for theirs.
ARe the Truckers partaking in violence? I would not condone that.
. and it costs more to produce << In no manner shape or form>>
. . . and it reduces mpg << so what. the fix has never been about efficiency
. . . and it raises consumer food prices <<< again not in any way. >>>
. . . and it allows subsidies for rich corporate farmers <<< Ive been in agriculture 60 years and have never met corporate farmer>>>
. . . but we have known all of this for years <<>>
. . . so why did we need another study?? <<<"?">>>
And you people cheered with joy like your forebears did at lynchings.
I'm starting to think Howard is masturbating when he is typing these goofy comments.
The people cheering lynching were, like Bull Conners DNC member, all Democrats like you.
Follow the cargo cult, not the science. Take a knee and viable legal indemnity.
Howard said...
Greg the traitor: The violence at the BLM protests was nearly always instigated by roided up obese police state bullet heads often egged on by the Hemorrhoid in Chief. And you people cheered with joy like your forebears did at lynchings.
You are so full of shit.
David Dorn didn't die because "roided up obese police state bullet heads" started anything, he died because "Black Lives Matter" rioters decided they wanted to rob the store he was protecting, so they killed him and robbed the store.
Minneapolis burned because the Mayor ordered the cops to stand back and let the BLM rioters do whatever they wanted.
The only people cheering the riots, arson, destruction, and murder of the BLM / Antifa riots were scum bags like you.
You want to claim otherwise? Links to credible sites.
"A report on Antifa was published in The Washington Post—conducted by a team of researchers that analyzed Black Lives Matter and Antifa protests—that found that Antifa's presence at such events 'greatly increased the risk of violence.' Two sociology academics at Penn State analyzed data on the 2020 civil unrest and concluded the presence of Antifa at an event made violence much more likely."
That is tantalizingly suggestive but ambiguous. Did Antifa protesters commit all or most of that violence in their protests, or did their presence tend to bring about violence by other actors, including overt police action, covert police agents provocateurs, BLM/Antifa-opposing counter protesters, (and by BLM/Antifa protestors defending themselves against them), among other possible actors?
Did the studies provide a more exact breakdown of the source(s) of the increased violence when Antifa was present? (I do not doubt at all that some number of BLM/Antifa protestors committed violence, given the volatile nature of protests, but what was that number, how many committed acts of violence, how much of the violence was directly committed by BLM/Antifa members and how much (if any) was a result of such other actors I have named above?) If Antifa was the source of most of the violence, do we know if there was any coordination (and how much, if so) between Antifa and BLM, such that BLM can be blamed for the violence? Given that Antifa is described as "a highly decentralized array of autonomous groups" that "uses both nonviolent and violent direct action to achieve its aims," how can we know who Antifa is at any given protest? How many members of Antifa may possibly be police agents provocateurs?
Not every "right-winger" is okay with blocking the road.
And Cookie defends the regime's brownshirts.
You know, Robert, they teach a concept in math class, that you can always come up with a more complicated scenario to explain any result if you mix in additional factors that are somewhat nebulous to measure, but make a formula that fits the curve. I think it was Feynman who said "give me five variables, and I can draw an elephant, give me six, and I can make it wiggle its tail." I will go with Occam's razor and say that the simplest explanation is the most likely one, that a bunch of people who show up at protests with weapons and armor, are the likely explanation for the violence, wherever they go.
On the other had, Einstein said that while the simplest explanation is the best, it can't be too simple to explain the facts, so I will add more facts here to support my position.
The press and the Democratic regime supports them, regardless of the violence. Kamala Harris raised bail money for these violent actors, bail money which was given directly to them when the charges were inevitably dropped by prosecutors who have the same sympathy towards their violent actions that you seem to. They are essentially paid to cause violence, and paint opposition rallies as violent. This is the exact tactic that was used to place the fascists in charge of South Africa, when they installed Apartheid. I don't understand why you can't see that.
@Cook - there is little if any, evidence that any of these riots were instigated by police overreaction. And, of course, George Floyd died of a fentanyl OD, and not through any police misconduct (the “expert testimony” to the contrary was just fanciful, incredible, and unbelievable - if the regulation restraint being used had caused the death, then why no damage, and why didn’t he die from fentanyl, when he had a lethal dosage in his body, and showed many of the signs of an OD?). When police were allowed to do their jobs, up front, the riots fizzled immediately.
Time after time, what seemed to take place is that a bunch of Blacks would congregate in order to protest racism, or some such imagined threat, and then some AntiFA white boys would show up, on schedule, use, for example, propositioned bricks to break windows to businesses, extort y the Blacks there that there was Free Stuff inside, and then saunter/slither off, without going in, after the Blacks were rushing in. It was an elaborate play, staged over and over again, across the country, with some of the (inevitably White) AntiFA instigators moving from riot site to riot site, to help lead them, and others prepositioning the bricks, providing water, etc.
It would be incredibly easy to shut those riots down: arrest the white AntiFA instigators when they show up at a pending riot site, and prosecute them to the full extent of the law. The Feds know who these people are. So do the police in many cases. In many cases, they are incredibly easy to pick out of a crowd - they are White, and the respective looters, etc are Black. We saw how quickly they could be rounded up by the Feds when they wanted too - then to be released untried by the FJB/Garland DOJ.
BLM’s job was to get the Black crowd there to the riot site, and get them riled up. AntiFA’s role was to set them off. And the police’s job was to stand idly by, showing their powerlessness. By the tine they are allowed by their leftist political masters to intervene, it was invariably too late. Notice that none of the people involved in Kenosha who were shot by Kyle Rittenhouse, Black. All lily white. That was very typical - violent white instigators, often from out of town.
Robert Cook said...
That is tantalizingly suggestive but ambiguous. Did Antifa protesters commit all or most of that violence in their protests, or did their presence tend to bring about violence by other actors, including overt police action, covert police agents provocateurs, BLM/Antifa-opposing counter protesters, (and by BLM/Antifa protestors defending themselves against them), among other possible actors?
Hmm, let's see. When David Shor posted research that showed the violent riots were bad for Democrat political fortunes, he lost his job.
Did he lose his job because:
A: Trump got him fired
B: police agents / provocateurs got him fired
C: Democrats who loved the rioting got him fired
Gee, the answer is C? Then I guess we can stop blaming the violence on anyone but the Left
At least, all those with functioning brains can do that
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