I'm blogging this because not because I'm terrified or think what's happening in Ottawa is "giddy." I'm just interested and I love the photograph (by Dave Chan). The photo centers on an exulting, shirtless man who reminds me of the QAnon Shaman:
Go to the link for the full photograph. He's surrounded by all sorts of signs and flags. The word "freedom" is key. I kept the upside down maple leaf, though I have no sense of how intense Canadians feel about their flag. Do they venerate the leaf?
The sign on the left reads: "Freedom pour nos enfants tabarnak/tabarouette." I had to look up "tabarnak," and was interested to see that it originally means "tabernacle" — the place in a Christian church where they keep the communion materials — but has come to mean "fuck." "Tabarouette" is a toning down of "tabarnak." Those links go to Urban Dictionary, which I'll trust at least for now. So the sign seems to mean "Freedom for our fucking frigging children."
There are 6 more Dave Chan photographs at the link, and I've been studying all the details in them rather than scanning to figure out what's so terrifying and giddy to Michelle Goldberg. None of the other photos show anyone as "terrifying" as the shirtless man I've shown you. They seem pretty nice. One photo has the caption "A relatively small number of people have snarled the capital."
Goldberg reports from Ottawa. She's actually talking to the people, not opining from afar. I like the first 2 paragraphs, but I see nothing giddy or terrifying about them:
When I asked Matthew Wall, a 36-year-old electrician from Manitoba, what brought him to this city, which has been overwhelmed by a giant protest encampment, he answered with one word: “Mushrooms.” Searching for his purpose in life, he said, he went on a psychedelic spiritual journey and had an image of the Freedom Convoy, a demonstration against Covid rules that has converged on the Canadian capital with trucks and other large vehicles.
“I’m here for the rights of our kids, for parents’ rights, for everyone’s rights,” said Wall. “So kids can live in a future where they don’t have to have something covering their face, lose emotion. You don’t have the human connection, don’t see them smile anymore. It’s dehumanizing.” His daughters, he told me, were seeing a school therapist weekly because of the emotional fallout of the pandemic. “You’re taking away the love!” he said.
A bit more from Goldberg:
The thrust of the Ottawa protests is clearly reactionary...
Clearly? Show me anyway.
... but there were plenty of people on the streets who seemed genuinely baffled by the media’s description of them as part of a far-right movement. They’d been infuriated and in some cases unmoored by Canada’s pandemic restrictions, which have been stricter than America’s...
Their willingness to not just go to Ottawa, but in many cases to stay there in the freezing cold for weeks on end, is a sign of how profoundly the pandemic has eroded trust in the authorities....
I didn’t see any Confederate or Nazi flags... I saw one Gadsden flag, and a guy in a MAGA hat who’d taped over the word “America” and written “Canada” on it. I saw lots of anti-vax paranoia, but few efforts to own the libs. The one word that was repeated over and over again — on signs, in chants and in conversation — was “freedom.”...
So where is the "clearly reactionary"?
Imad Arraj, who installs HVAC systems and helps his wife run an Ottawa hunting and fishing shop... [said the pandemic restrictions] 'did a lot of damage.... Me myself, I’m sitting home, I’m just feeling so down because all these friendships that you used to have, get together for a card game or whatever, it’s no longer there. We disconnected from each other... We used to have a lot of people at our house — my brothers, my sisters, my mom come to visit... I was in depression, sitting at home. I thought I was alone. I thought I was going crazy. I thought I was the only person thinking that way... And when this happened, I came down to see.... The love that you’ll receive here, you are never, ever going to see it anywhere else,” he said...
Is that "clearly reactionary"? Is it "giddy" and "terrifying"? Maybe "terrifying" in the headline is supposed to be ironic and we shouldn't be terrified at all.
Goldberg goes on to talk about how unpleasant the noise and traffic jams are to the residents of Ottawa, but that's about annoyance, not terror. I take it there's no looting or vandalism. There's one anecdote about a man getting shoved for wearing a mask, and we are told that the "organizers" of the protests are "far right." And:
Throughout the protests, men in black pickup trucks flying Canadian flags have menaced people in residential neighborhoods.
“Frequently, over and over again, we get the reports from residents that the trucks are slowing down, they’re accosting residents on the street for wearing masks, and frequently they’re accompanying that with some sort of misogynist, homophobic or racist slur,” said [Jeff Leiper, a member of the Ottawa City Council]....
“I don’t think any of us have accepted at this point it’s inevitable that this will end in a firefight,” Leiper said on Wednesday. But, he added, “we’re all worried about it.”...
A firefight? Is that really in the works? That sounds terrifying. Goldberg talks to a man named Dana Wilson, who said he was "raised in Mississippi... served in the U.S. military in Central America... [and moved] to Canada in 1987":
“From a military man’s perspective, you want to talk jargon, this is the last hill,” he said, describing Trudeau as “a narcissistic globalist sociopath” who has used “medical tyranny” to control the population, all for profit.
I asked him what he thought would happen when the police moved in. “We’ve got some things that we’re not prepared to talk about,” he said slyly. “We’ve got an arsenal too. People power, darling.”
When I pressed, he said that the arsenal was metaphorical. He called the encampment “the Canadian Alamo,” but then said that was a metaphor, too.
Of the police, he said, “I hope they don’t start shooting people like they did at Kent State, but you know what, the world’s got to see.”
if mostly peaceful protesters loot and burn down cities...
That's COOL! and people can contribute to their bail
if violent TERRORISTS sit in their trucks, eating back bacon...
That's HORRIBLE!!! and they NEED to go TO JAIL... For the Rest of Their Lives!!!
Why? Because!
Giddy protest guy needs more cowbell, and perhaps facepaint and a Viking hat. That said, Trudeau should beware the likely follow-on to his suppression of peaceful protests by truckers. Parking of any large percentage of trucks in Canada at trucker's homes, in protest even more nonviolent than seen in Ottawa, for a few weeks, would be extremely unpleasant for all Canadians, but especially for him.
“I’m here for the rights of our kids, for parents’ rights, for everyone’s rights,” said Wall. “So kids can live in a future where they don’t have to have something covering their face, lose emotion. You don’t have the human connection, don’t see them smile anymore. It’s dehumanizing.” His daughters, he told me, were seeing a school therapist weekly because of the emotional fallout of the pandemic. “You’re taking away the love!”
Reason enough to freeze his bank account. Some guy doodled swastikas on a Canadian flag and walked back and forth behind one of the leaders of the movement, out of his sight, but in sight of the camera, and the whole group are branded as Nazis. Definitely not a "false flag" though, because those never happen, unless it's Putin doing it, or some other Samual Goldstein the DNC needs to sic their supporters on.
Another guy waves a professionally produced Confederate flag with a truck graphic on it, and is heckled off the scene, and that's proof that those haters are on board.
A third guy waves a Nazi flag on a balcony for a couple of minutes, and then disappears, unidentified, and that's all that Canada needed to suspend civil rights. Oh yeah, and a couple of the demonstrators went to a soup kitchen to get a meal, and they are accused, first by Joe Scarborough, and then echoed by Trudeau, that they are wresting "food from the mouths of the homeless."
And finally, the New York Times once again "debunks" the "Castro is his daddy story," while ignoring the fact that Pierre and Margaret were in the Caribbean and visited an "undisclosed" island 8.5 months before Justin, who is a dead ringer for Castro, and, like Fidel, 8 inches taller than his putative father, was born.
"They seem pretty nice."
So superficial, judging niceness by visual impressions. They oppose TPTB, which is not nice. They call BS on oppressive policies, also not nice.
"You’re taking away the love!”
Canadians are so dense sometimes. Big Brother loves them, what more do they need?
The police have cancelled parliament today "because it's too dangerous" so parliament is unable to debate the draconian rules Trudeau has put in place. The previous police chief refused to arrest peaceful protestors and resigned. Now they've got a yes man in charge and he's doing his best to show he's a good boy.
If these guys are truly a fringe minority, why such a disproportionate response?
Freedom is always terrifying to actual fascists.
"And finally, the New York Times once again "debunks" the "Castro is his daddy story," while ignoring the fact that Pierre and Margaret were in the Caribbean and visited an "undisclosed" island 8.5 months before Justin, who is a dead ringer for Castro, and, like Fidel, 8 inches taller than his putative father, was born."
This is sad, Tim- who are you going to believe- the NYTimes or your own lying eyes?
You need to stop accepting the Premise of the Left. namely, that waving a confederate flag is somehow the worst thing, ever, ever. They're going to call you racist dude, no matter what. Giving them your six page memo on "why its not racist" - Never works.
Never. Quit playing defense.
I could go on and on about how stupid it is for anyone in fucking CANADA to get upset at an AMERICAN confederate flag, but it should be obvious.
It is clearly "reactionary": They are reacting to Trudeau's illegal and illegitimate attempt to force dictatorship on them.
Throughout the protests, men in black pickup trucks flying Canadian flags have menaced people in residential neighborhoods. “Frequently, over and over again, we get the reports from residents that the trucks are slowing down, they’re accosting residents on the street for wearing masks, and frequently they’re accompanying that with some sort of misogynist, homophobic or racist slur,” said [Jeff Leiper, a member of the Ottawa City Council].
Everyone has smart phones with video recording capability. So if those were actually happening, there's be video.
Did the writer see any video? No?
Then the stories are trash
Yeah, and Trudeau is a hypocrite. When is the liberal/Left NOT unprincipled and hypocritical. They win Hypocrisy bingo every time. They win it 10 times before the right even has an instance. And, So what?
The Left doesn't care about being hyporcrites. The charge nevers bothers them. Never. Trudeau supported BLM/Antifa. He met with them. He praised them. Even when they burning and attacking the police. With truckers who want less restrictions due to CV-19, he calls Nazis and invokes the Thuggish Emergency act to destroy them.
And he a hypocrite. Do you think ONE liberal party or NDP voter cares?
I’m here for the rights of our kids, for parents’ rights, for everyone’s rights,” said Wall. “So kids can live in a future where they don’t have to have something covering their face, lose emotion. You don’t have the human connection, don’t see them smile anymore. It’s dehumanizing.” His daughters, he told me, were seeing a school therapist weekly because of the emotional fallout of the pandemic. “You’re taking away the love!” he said. ADDED: A bit more from Goldberg:
A lot of poeple are suffering due to the Canadian Lockdown. And what makes it more absurd, is that large parts of the world are NOT locked down, including many Red States like Florida, and Canada isn't doing any better then they are. There is no science supporting their draconian lockdown.
I kept the upside down maple leaf, though I have no sense of how intense Canadians feel about their flag
Hanging a flag upside down is an international signal for distress.
Which seems entirely appropriate when you're being ruled by an evil big fascist
Note: There is strong scientific evidence that the Covid "vaccines" do nothing to stop transmission of Covid, most likely because it creates a large number of asymptomatic carriers. There is no scientific or public health justification for any "vaccine mandates" or "vaccine passports".
French and Italians mostly use religious references to curse. They think it's weird to use bodily functions to curse.
Michelle Goldberg seems to realize somewhere in the recesses of her mind that maybe, just maybe, these are the good guys.
I didn’t see any Confederate or Nazi flags... I saw one Gadsden flag, and a guy in a MAGA hat who’d taped over the word “America” and written “Canada” on it.
Good on her for doing some reporting instead of a drive-by hit job.
You know it's the middle class protesting when the government brings out economic sanctions. So Justin is refusing to talk to the middle class when they protest. He can mandate; they can't protest. I think Canadians are surprised that he'd refuse to talk to the middle class when the pandemic is winding down. I'm surprised he's making martyrs when he could easily talk. The conclusion I reach is that intense pressure came on him from somewhere, most likely the US due to the trucker's convoy organizing there. Canadians may conclude that Trudeau is invoking the Emergency Powers Act and arresting Canadian truckers because the Americans told him to. "The Americans made me do it" is a fatal political stand in Canada, is the Canadian third rail.
One of these days, their hyperbolic use of 'terrifying' will cease being hyperbolic and will become realistic, but on that day there won't be any of these people to write that word for such and far far fewer who care to read it.
were in the Caribbean and visited an "undisclosed" island
Barbados is a thousand miles from Havana. If you look at a map, you'll see that "the Carribbean" is not a small place.
What plane was this that took them a thousand miles and who flew it? Because they didn't swim from Barbados to Havana. Given the timing of Castro's public appearances then, and the Trudeaus' public appearances then--without teleportation or a time machine, Fidel is not Justin Trudeau's father, though I grant there's plenty of others who had opportunity.
"describing Trudeau as “a narcissistic globalist sociopath” who has used “medical tyranny” to control the population, all for profit."
Got it in one! As in Venezuela, it is amazing the amount of freedom one mediocre political talent unmoored from the political traditions of his country can destroy in a very short time. No Canadian PM ever would have pulled the stunts that Trudeau has in the last two weeks regarding peaceful but annoying demonstrations.
"venerate the leaf" will now have a second result in a google search!
@Althouse -- Please don't read the news or focus on photos. The best sources are at least dozen Youtube and Rumble live streamers who have collectively captured the truckers 24/7 for several weeks. Many video archives are available as of now.
The most popular streamer and articulate interviewer is Viva Frei with 500K subscribers, and he routinely has 30K viewers of his 4 hour live shows. He conducts in-depth interviews of all who will speak with him, pro or con.
Per the streams I see the truckers as utterly nonviolent, neat and clean, often parents with children or have animals along, and DIY or patriotic people. They are very anti-Trudeau and say it with a blunt blue collar delivery. However, they'd be lionized as ideal Canadians who built the country if they supported the government. They are Canadians in February, so 99.99% are NOT out in subzero weather shirtless a la the Jan 6 Capitol Shaman.
The corrupt hack left are desperate to paint anyone who pushes back as a "Right wing Nazi terrorist"
people are sick of it. Ordinary non-cocktail asshole Castros are sick of it.
The Maidan protests in Kyiv, Ukraine, lasted three months -- from November 21, 2013, to February 23, 2014. The protests caused the recently elected Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovych, to flee from Ukraine.
Yanukovych had been elected on a platform of improving Ukraine's relations with Russia. As a consequence of these events, the Russian-majority regions of Ukraine have been trying to secede from Ukraine and to join Russia.
The Wikipedia article about the protests describes them as follows:
... there were protests and clashes with police throughout Ukraine, especially at the Maidan (central square) in Kyiv, which was occupied and barricaded by protesters, along with some administrative buildings, including Kyiv City State Administration.
On 8 December the crowd toppled a Lenin statue nearby.
Protests and clashes increased in January, after the Ukrainian parliament passed a group of anti-protest laws. Protesters occupied government buildings in many regions of Ukraine.
The protests climaxed in mid-February. Riot police advanced towards Maidan and clashed with protesters but did not fully occupy it. Police fired live and rubber ammunition at multiple locations in Kyiv. There was fierce fighting in Kyiv on 18–20 February. ...
The Associated Press said on 19 February:
The latest bout of street violence began Tuesday when protesters attacked police lines and set fires outside parliament, accusing Yanukovych of ignoring their demands to enact constitutional reforms that would limit the president's power —- a key opposition demand. Parliament, dominated by his supporters, was stalling on taking up a constitutional reform to limit presidential powers.
Police responded by attacking the protest camp. Armed with water cannons, stun grenades and rubber bullets, police dismantled some barricades. But the protesters held their ground through the night, encircling the protest camp with new burning barricades of tires, furniture and debris.
Justine just doubling down on stupid. If he keeps this up he is risking a general strike by truckers throughout Canada. Dumber still is freezing bank accounts. Wealthy Canucks got a wake up call. A lot of Canadian money will start oozing out of Canada. It would not be surprising if working class Canadians were to cross the border and put some rainy day money in US banks along with a debit card. Canada up to now had an excellent reputation for sound banking. Canadians will long remember what Trudeau and his party have done and will suffer electorally for it.
The police have cancelled parliament today "because it's too dangerous" so parliament is unable to debate the draconian rules Trudeau has put in
So in response to a non-violent freedom protest that was effectively shutting down parts of Ottawa, (a) the police completely shut down the same parts of Ottawa; and (b) shut down the duly elected government of the country. Is this not the very definition of a coup?
During the American civil war many "Copperheads," as Confederate sympathizers were called, hid out in Canada. Maybe the guy with the Confederate flag was a descendant. Just kidding as no lefty knows that much history.
This is what a Preference Cascade looks like. The guy sitting at home depressed because he thinks he is alone discovers thousands or even millions agree with him. That is pretty dangerous to tyrants.
All of us understand the media's tack on how to present this freedom movement. All of us get it when the media and it's echo chamber pump out that the word 'freedom' is a code word for white supremacists to gather around.
As if Black people don't want freedom. Yellow people. Red, white, orange people. And it's not just about the vaccine. It is all about the mandates. And priests being arrested for trying to hold services over the past 2+ years. And people at home having the police come by because they had emailed something to a friend about the vaccines, or about the convoy. My God. Canadians are very proud people. They have fought in world wars to destroy oppressors and allow for freedom of others. We always have this cartoon caricature of Canadians as mild, friendly, and overly polite. They are a strong and proud people.
Why is it so hard for our Journalists! to grasp that the government is completely out of bounds and these people, these citizens of the Great Country of Canada, have had enough.
You would think the people who used the term 'peaceful protests' to describe outright riots with burning buildings, looting, and murders, would check themselves a bit more when first ignoring, then describing this actual freedom movement in Canada. Which, by the way, has now also spread to Israel, Australia, France, Belgium, and Italy.
It's almost painful to see how our Journalists! have to be dragged, kicking and screaming, toward the truth of things. Great that Michelle Goldberg is not opining, but actually talking to some people. I'm sure she's hand selected those she's writing about.
Ive been watching a few of the live streams in Canada the last 2 weeks. Plenty of interviews. One constant question is, "what do you deliver?"
Usually they say food, produce specifically. From the US. Trudeau makes them quarantine 14 days when they return.
While him and his pals blatantly break the rules every god damn day. Everybody knows it. Oddly, too many are fine with it.
Howard, you wont last long.
Please stick to the topics raised in the post. Sorry to have to delete some stuff but come on. Go back to the last cafe if you’ve got some new track you want to follow.
“Terrifying!” Michelle Goldberg in Ottawa. Wow! Did Goldberg witness the “terrifying” arrest of oh so dangerous Tamara Lich, an organizer of the Ottawa protest? https://www.theepochtimes.com/freedom-convoy-organizers-chris-barber-and-tamara-lich-arrested-in-ottawa_4285895.html?utm_source=ai&utm_medium=search
So scary that it took a swat team ... er, wait, one officer in ordinary street gear to accomplish. /Sarc
The problem with Michelle Goldberg is that wherever she goes there she is — along with her bullshit.
I think people believe the Trudeaus and Castro met at an undisclosed island not that the Trudeaus went all the way to Havana.
I used to think people were just teasing about the whole thing, but I admit that I went down the rabbit hole a bit on this. Justin looks nothing like his two brothers. He's much taller than them both for one thing. It's not just his dark complexion, but his heavy set eyes and his mouth. The youngest Trudeau who died young had Pierre's mouth. The middle one is more ambiguous, but fits in with the younger much easier than with Justin. He looks more like his mother than Pierre. But Justin doesn't really look like his mother or father.
It's very odd for a son to look so different from his parents, especially a first born and especially as he ages. I had a cousin who looked more like his mom when he was younger, but the older he got, the more he looked like a lighter version of his dad, right down to the male pattern baldness.
Justin Trudeau, prominent member of the Incompetocracy, could have turned the Convoy to his political advantage, but instead, he tabarnaked it all up and tabarnaked himself in the process.
Covid restrictions are being lifted all over the world and Canadian measures will inevitably soon follow. That was clear before the protest started. Trudeau could have met with the truckers, offered a sympathetic ear and some reassuring words. That would have been the smart, kind, courageous thing to do.
Instead, King Precious I pissed himself, fled Ottawa and hid for several days. Then, when it was clear he'd humiliated himself, he came back and started acting the tough guy. Now he wants to punish his own citizens for his self-inflicted disgrace and exposure as a heartless, cowardly dunce.
It required 3 characters in Wizard of Oz to lack the essentials Justin Trudeau lacks all by himself.
I had to look up "tabarnak," ... it originally means "tabernacle" ... but has come to mean "fuck." "Tabarouette" is a toning down of "tabarnak."
So "tabarouette" is a euphemism of a euphemism.
Very Canadian.
Before the bank account seizures this was the most terrifying episode of the Canadian trucker's event:
[Topic: A chipper female police officer visits someone at home for posting support of the truckers on social media. You were indeed being watched.]
Nothing would surprise me now. We've been living in a dystopian sci-fi world ever since the pandemic began.
you can count on goldberg to get it wrong all the time, for Hamas, for lockdowns
bouncy house is a strange term for lockdown,
The hyperbole wars.
they do so much damage to the English language, its rather extraordinary, a peaceful even joyous rally, where the only injuries were those of a crazy anarchist in saskachewan I think, I you are omar khadr and you shoot an American soldier, you get a welcome home
RideSpaceMountain said...
One of these days, their hyperbolic use of 'terrifying' will cease being hyperbolic and will become realistic, but on that day there won't be any of these people to write that word for such and far far fewer who care to read it.
Why do you immediately assume it's hyperbolic? Elites like Michelle Goldberg have got pieces of vellum hangin on their walls that prove that they're the smartest people who've ever existed. Finding out that they're not and that the people they've looked down all these years aren't so stupid is probably legitimately terrifying for them.
What does "reactionary" really mean? Obviously they are reacting to Trudeau's authoritarianism, but it seems to be an ad hoc movement undertaken in response to the government's actions, not something more ideological. If the protestors want to "turn back the clock" it's only to pre-COVID days, not to some idealized past. Goldberg is being too binary here and assuming that if you aren't on board with the progressive agenda, which apparently includes mandates and lockdowns, or even if you're just White and working class, you are necessarily reactionary in some general way, rather than simply opposed to one set of policies.
And no, looking at pictures of Justin and Pierre, Pierre and Fidel, and Justin and Fidel together, it doesn't look like Pierre was 8 inches shorter than either Justin or Fidel.
You are correct about tabernacle.
The two other big cuss words in Quebec are câlice [chalice] and hostie [host].
They also use “fuck” a lot but you can say that in front of Grandma. It has no shock value.
Traditionally, for French Canadians, religious terms are worse swears than the literal French translation of our "fuck" would be, so while "tabarouette" is a euphemism, "tabarnak" is not.
Please stick to the topics raised in the post. Sorry to have to delete some stuff but come on.
Trudeau's support for similar protests in India is off-topic? Come on!
Why in the world are we listening to Michelle Goldberg about ANYTHING?
She is the New York Time's own version of Sabrina Erdeley.
The most infuriating thing about this is expressed by a meme I saw on Steve Hayward's This Week in Pictures (Bulldog Edition). Fourth picture down is a Tweet from Trudeau in March 2020 lionizing truckers for keeping working in the face of an epidemic the trajectory of which was unknown. Because you know if they had decided to work from home like the rest of the laptop class that's now vilifying them along with Trudeau, and disrupted the vital Sumatra-to-latte supply chain, Trudeau would have likely invoked the Emergency Act to force them back to work. Along with all the Door Dash and Amazon drivers, as well as first responders and medical personal who worked through the entire epidemic at considerable person risk, and are now being ejected from their jobs.
Looks like the police are getting tear gas ready.
I'm a Canadian born in the 1950s who grew up in a mixed French-English area and lived in the U.S. for most of the 1990s.
Re tabernacle/tabarrouette, French Quebec was heavily Catholic and organized around the church until the 1960s. Cursing took the form of taking the names of parts of the Catholic church and its services in vain. The most common curses were tabernacle pronounced by the common people as tabarnak, hostie (the host), and chalice, pronounced something like ka-LISS. Like damn/darn and hell/heck, they had softened versions. With the decline of church authority, these words no longer have the force they once had, and today seem to be used ironically by younger people. Almost everyone in Canada is familiar with these words even if they don't speak French; I myself avoid using them because they reflect a peasant stereotype that doesn't correspond to current reality.
Re the red and white maple leaf flag, when I was an elementary school child we used the Red Ensign, a flag with the Union Jack in the top left corner. The Liberal Party controlled the federal government in 1965, when it installed the red and white maple flag. It was a partisan move; many people wanted a red white and blue flag like Britain, France, Holland, and the USA, but the Liberal Party's colors were red and white. Their Quebec opposition the Union Nationale used blue and white colors, and had installed the blue and white fleur-de-lis flag as the flag of Quebec.
Despite the divisive start and its uninspired design, the red and white maple leaf flag has become a genuine national symbol for a large part of the population (notably aided by the uniforms of national hockey teams). The truckers fly it proudly as a unifying symbol, in the same year that Justin Trudeau, who claims to be leading a "post-national" government, had flags lowered to half-mast after the supposed discovery of unmarked graves at an Indian residential school. They stayed lowered for a couple of months until they were raised again on Canada's equivalent of Veterans Day. They stayed raised after that, although AFAIK Justin never actually ended the mourning period.
Re the Confederate flag ... nobody in Canada flies the Confederate flag. That was an obvious plant, a literal "false-flag". I have no strong feelings about the Stars and Bars myself, regarding it as a symbol of ethnic identity like the Scottish or Welsh flags -- and more to the point here, like the Quebec fleur-de-lis flag. However, the skilled TV watchers of Justin's fan club regard it as a symbol of pure evil.
While we're at it, Michelle Goldberg finds a former Mississippian in the trucker protest? White people from Mississippi are less than 1% of the American populace. Color me skeptical. OTOH, his supposed description of Justin as a globalist narcissist sociopath seems pretty accurate to me.
And the police are doing their best to make sure that no one is able to video what they do next. I'm watching a live feed right now from Rebel News. These protesters are very disciplined, just filled with love and courtesy. Very Canadian. Some old guy just yelled at them to go back to Trump at Mara Lago and they just said we love you.
Goldberg's reporting is obsolete. Does she talk at all about the confiscation of financial assets (bank accounts, insurance policies, etc) now underway? And where said confiscation is predicated on nothing more than a name on a list, leaked by hackers from the database of an online funding platform? Where the crime being addressed by the confiscation is the expression of opinion or support for lawful protest? Has she interviewed anybody on that stuff? What about the arrests of Lich and Barber, protest organizers?
She wants to talk about "giddiness" and misuse words like "reactionary."
Sending her to Ottawa was a waste of time and money.
PS: great new cartoon circulating. It shows Trudeau speechifying in front of the Canadian flag. Caption: "Vladimir Poutine."
I don’t think using that particular word- a most sacred of places- and saying it means another word completely is accurate. It shames me, to see it. Yes, I’ve heard it in its own tongue spoken w/out reverence- only epithet. Bad bad. Don’t try to smooth over how bad it is.
They should be invoking His Presence for help- not a curse.
"nd no, looking at pictures of Justin and Pierre, Pierre and Fidel, and Justin and Fidel together, it doesn't look like Pierre was 8 inches shorter than either Justin or Fidel."
Mea culpa, but he was considerably shorter than his son, (scroll down) who is about Castro's height, but the pictures are the real tell, and that the "happy couple" were near Castro's location during the period when Justin was conceived.
Scroll down.
The police line is advancing every few minutes. They're pushing people down to advance. The protestors are falling down. No violence, but I can't imagine this can go on for too much longer without the cops losing their cool.
They seem pretty nice. One photo has the caption "A relatively small number of people have snarled the capital."
Already asked but needs lots of repeating.
"a relatively small number..." Why the need for emergency powers? From memory, there needs to be a threat to governance. That aint this. And if it was so dangerous why did Trudeau ignore the protestors, instead of engaging with them? Not talking to your own citizens self identifies you as an authoritarian dick wad. Or is it cock womble?
Here is Trudeau full supporting farmers in India that have been closing roads going into New Delhi for most of 2021
When Trudeau took flack from India politicians for meddling in another nations business, Trudeau fought back and said he will always stand for the working class no matter the Nation...(except his own as he is showing the world now)
The Canadian / Canadien press has decided to go “all in” with Trudeau and his Liberal Party (acting like Marxists / Fascists) by being the Liberals’ attack dogs. The press is doxing people for donating money to the protestors as well as defending the Trudeau government in their going after innocent people’s bank accounts (will these people also be terminated from their jobs for voicing support for the protestors? I fully expect that to happen to some.). What is happening in Canada and has happened to Americans in the US who are protesting for their freedoms is what DID HAPPEN in Nazi Germany to Jewish people, political opponents of the Nazi regime, and other racial minorities in Germany that the Nazis despised. Before these German people were put into concentration camps, the Nazis essentially doxed these people as well as businesses owned by Jews by posting signs on the businesses that were owned by Jews and posting storm troopers outside of those businesses to discourage people from patronizing those businesses. The Nazis also harassed the people they hated by seizing property and finances to control these people from really doing anything, including trying to get out of Germany (some were able to leave but many couldn’t). How is this not that much different than what the Trudeau government is doing today? The press (and social media as well) in the US and Canada, while not under government direction, is aiding and abetting the political left government in silencing the government opponents and for all intents and purposes, acting on behalf of the government. Freedom of the press, my ass. In my opinion, the press has given up that right here in the US (and I assume Canada has a similar right) when they switch from political neutrality to being outright partisan on behalf of the political left. But the press in the US hides behind the 1st Amendment while abusing that right.
If Michelle Goldberg wants to appreciate Canadians she should interview Lydia Angiyou. Sixteen years ago, in February 2006, Ms. Angiyou was living in northern Quebec and saw a polar bear stalking her seven year son and two playmates. She attacked the bear with her bare hands and fought it off until someone could get a gun and drive the beast off.
That’s the sort of people Trudeau thinks he can cow.
Not for nuthin', but the guy in that photo looks indigenous. A community well known for its white supremacist leanings.
Peaceful demonstrations are the only insurrection left when the vote counters have taken over who wins the elections. That is what the convoy guys are saying. Try to undercount us now.
This live stream (1:06 Eastern, 2/18/2022) is up close and personal between about 200 police wearing masks and the truckers:
Yes, kudos to Goldberg for doing some real reporting. Maybe the headline and opening weren't hers. Confiscating money from alleged supporters, with no hearing, or trying to make banks do it with very ambiguous instructions, that is a new low, and makes me think of Ann's line that Canadians may have less regard for free speech than Americans. Is it true that Neil and Joni are both back on Spotify? Er, crawling?
Lots of great comments. Thanks to CJ on the leaf flag. Yes, it was contentious for a while. One thing you could count on Canadian conservatives to talk about: what happened to the good old British Ensigh with the Union Jack? Couldn't there have been a compromise with Quebec's fleur de lis and then something for all the others? Something to do with the UN? Could Greg the Class Traitor be correct: upside down is a sign of distress?
Jeremy Hotz from years ago, starting about 4:30: Have you seen our flag? It's a leaf!
I used to think that the Trudeau/Castro thing was BS, but the resemblance, as Trudeau ages, to a Castro of the same age is getting hard to deny.
Ugh, so much quoted of Michelle Goldberg, but since the host typically reads this for us; I figured I would read all that is there. And a waste time it is. I'm not seeing the emergency facing Canada requiring special executive power. I'm not seeing terrorist who need their bank accounts seized lest they buy another bouncy house. I note there is Goldberg's first-hand observations, but the salacious stuff about black pick-ups is second-hand from a city-council person, who is even "report[ing] from citizens". So Goldberg couldn't find anyone in the neighborhoods to back up Jeff Leiper's claims, nor could did she actually observe anything more the Dana Wilson guy, who seems like a stolen valor type. Goldberg may be in Ottawa, but she didn't provide me any useful information as to why the Canadian PM needs emergency powers.
Trudeau wants to be dictator. He has stated as much in the past, and everything has been done is consistent with this. He could very easily at least have tried to work things out with the protestors, but instead he hid away somewhere and then went full hard line because that is who he is.
Canada is on the brink.
The Parliament should meet and debate somewhere away from the police action. They either are there in dire times or not. They need to vote these tyrannical actions up or down, so their constituents can see who is on which side of the issues. Shame on them for not asserting their place in the government. I wish they were made of the same grit as that polar bear fighting mother.
"I used to think that the Trudeau/Castro thing was BS"
As with Frank Sinatra and Ronan Farrow, the ears are the tell Justin's ear swirls are similar to Castro and unlike Pierre.
Enigma said...
@Althouse -- Please don't read the news or focus on photos. The best sources are at least dozen Youtube and Rumble live streamers who have collectively captured the truckers 24/7 for several weeks. Many video archives are available as of now.
Ann does not deal with unfiltered information.
She likes it well curated and tended.
Police in full battle rattle with MRAPs and tear gas, smashing truck windows and dragging out the occupants, handcuffing them, and having the trucks towed by vehicles whose drivers and logos can't be identified. Is Goldberg covering that, or is she content to retail third hand hearsay about "menacing" pickups whose drivers exchange words with pedestrians in unspecified neighborhoods?I used to live in Ottawa: they have street signs. If she had said "confrontation reported at Time X at the corner of Bank and Such-and-Such Streets" she would have had infinitely more credibility.
Narcisco- I appreciate you…
When the pepper bomb fumes clear, Trudeau will appear from the mist on the Parliament steps holding a copy of Das Kapital upsidedown
Birches said...
The police have cancelled parliament today "because it's too dangerous" so parliament is unable to debate the draconian rules Trudeau has put in place.
WTF are the police doing with the power to shut down Parliament?
This is the Canadian equivalent of the Jan 6th protest in the US. The left wing authorities in power in both countries have purposely over reacted and they will probably get away with it. In both cases most of the demonstrators seemed sincere and pretty naïve about what they were doing. My impression of Trump is that he continues to be pretty naïve as well. Remember in an unusual moment of honesty Chuck Schumer said at the beginning of Trump's presidency,
"Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you. So, even for a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he’s being really dumb to do this."
I think it is amazing that Trump has survived as long as he has. Imagine if either of these demonstrations had been BLM protests. Would mass arrests and imprisonments ensued? Of course its a double standard.
Just as an aside I have noticed that Westminster parliamentary democracies fashioned on the British model such as Canada, Australia and New Zealand have been notable for their draconian approach to human rights during the pandemic. It not a very impressive record. These so called democracies place too much power in the Executive and have too few "checks and balances". In the US the balance of power can change every two years but don't underestimate the ability of the republicans to screw it up in this years elections!
Birches wrote: the power to shut down Parliament?
That's said to be the precise intent of sending in the police today: On one hand the government controls the police's actions and timing of the arrests while on the other hand parliament "can't vote due to the emergency" and thereby claim to avoid accountability.
Start from the beginning of this Viva Frei 2/18/2022 stream:
At some point this is going to get beyond the capacity of the police and Trudeau is going to need the military.
The problem is that Canada has no military.
Queen Elizabeth has her personal Canadian army, navy and airforce. Nobody in her majesty's Canadian government has any authority over them. The only person who can call them out for any reason is her or, her personal representative the viceroy/governor-General. I doubt the viceroy would allow them to be used unless it is Queen Elizabeth's wish.
Trudeau and all of his government are appointed by her and can be fired by her at any time. She also has the power to dissolve parliament. And any laws parliament may want to pass are not law until she signs "assents" them.
It seems like we are nearing the time when she will need to take action.
Watcha gonna do, Liz? You hit or you sit.
The Canadian truckers create a light and the media can only see the moths and mosquitoes.
The Canadian truckers, the truckers all around the world, are lighting a candle for individual liberty and freedom.
“Moths and all sorts of ugly creatures,” replied Estella with a glance towards him, “hover about a lighted candle. Can the candle help it?”---Charles Dickens, Great Expectations
People keep denying seeing confederate flags. Are the freaking blind?
I've been sent a sea of confederate flags since day one.
You know, the one that is white with a red maple leaf. Representing the confederation of Canada.
Canada used to be a pretty free place. Not exactly the same as the US, and with emphasis in different areas, but overall pretty free.
Trudeau and his party have used the pandemic to impose additional controls and restrictions. And he doesn’t appear to want to stop, notwithstanding that COVID is waning.
So clearly a desire to return to the freer situation that prevailed all of two years ago is a very reactionary stance. When you are a petty tyrant, or have aspirations to be one, then freedom looks reactionary.
Enigma said..."@Althouse -- Please don't read the news or focus on photos. The best sources are at least dozen Youtube and Rumble live streamers who have collectively captured the truckers 24/7 for several weeks. Many video archives are available as of now."
I've been watching some of the live-streams. I have yet to see anything resembling a threat from the truckers.
I haven't paid attention to the 'Justin is Fidel's son' stuff, but I just saw a pic up on the Daily Caller front page and damn, he looks like Fidel in that pic (this wasn't the story, just me being struck by a random picture of him).
What blows my mind is how Canadians all thought their MSM (CBC, CATV, Global News) told the truth.
Until now.
Tons of people went to Ottawa to see what their media told them was happening. Shocked, vowing to come back with their families to experience the pure joy they experienced.
Ottawans, after days of watching the news, afraid to venture outside, finally do out of curiosity. Blown away that their media lied to them.
The fact the media can create an alternative reality right in front of your eyes, in broad daylight is quite remarkable.
She likes it well curated and tended.
crusted and tenderized is the way to go >>>>>> easier to swallow
Talk about Baptists and bootleggers: the left is now aligned with big Pharma to crush a group of working class truck drivers.
And, the guy in blackface is calling every one racist.🤦♂️
Owen said...
PS: great new cartoon circulating. It shows Trudeau speechifying in front of the Canadian flag. Caption: "Vladimir Poutine."
Ooh...ooh...link please! I tried searching on Duck Duck Go but it must be buried under thousands of Putin caricatures.
The police have cancelled parliament today "because it's too dangerous" so parliament is unable to debate the draconian rules Trudeau has put in
Correction: Parliment cancelled Parliment. This makes me so fucking mad, and I'm not even Canadian! These Goddamn cowards. These frauds. Its too dangerous? Because why?
Here's what I think. The Canadian MP's looked at Pelosi with her calling in 25,000 NG troops and crying about the "Jan 6th insurrection" and felt envy. Where was THEIR "insurrection"? So, this is it.
When this frauds come back, they'll pat themselves on the back for being so BRAVE, and PUBLIC SPIRITED. Those Mysterious, unknown, Nazi Truckers thought they could intimidate MP's and By God we Showed them. Plus, Carribean Vacation. Woo Hoo!
Greg said...
French and Italians mostly use religious references to curse. They think it's weird to use bodily functions to curse.
Sal con!
Trou du cul!
Tas de merde!
This site confirms that French Canadians use religious terms, but there seems to be some crossover. I've heard all of the above from Quebecois.
You would think the people who used the term 'peaceful protests' to describe outright riots with burning buildings, looting, and murders, would check themselves a bit more when first ignoring, then describing this actual freedom movement in Canada. Which, by the way, has now also spread to Israel, Australia, France, Belgium, and Italy.
And I would think that people who were rooting for the police to shoot to kill, demanding that protesters follow every command of the police (and those who don't deserve a beat down or gassing), and contended that blocking roads was not valid protest, would check themselves a bit more.
Field Marshal Freder has trouble differentiating between parking trucks and burning down cities.
No surprise.
Jay Quenel
I have been lurking here since Instapundit first recommended Althouse. I dont remember ever making a comment but I really need to try and clear a point that's understandably confusing some people.
When the government and media hyper-ventilate about the protestors are reactionaries bent on the (implied violent) overthrow of the government they are engaged in a really despicable, comtemptable artifice of a lie by ommission.
Trudeau leads a minority government in a parliamentary system.If the opposition forces a non-confidence vote, Trudea must negotiate with enough of the opposition to vote for him to have a majority.
If he loses the vote he has to ask for an audience with the Queen' rep (Governor General) to tell her he has lost the confidence of the House. This almost always triggers an election.
As you can imagine threats of non-confidence votes are a routine tactic during minority governments. Justins father, Pierre, actually used a non-confidence vote to "overthrow" the conservative government of Joe Clark back in the day.
The Liberals, Justin and most of the Canadian media routinely demanded a vote of non-confidence when the conservative prime minister Harper had a minority.
Using the protestors demand of a non-confidence vote as a pretext to impose the renamed War Measures act is a insane over-reaction. Watching him in Question Period in the house it is obvious that he is in complete panic mode.
Comedy socks, blackface and dressing up the family in "native costume" on an official visit to India. He really is a vapid,shallow figurehead.But he has cute hair.
For myself, I wistfully hope karma is real, because Justin has built up enough bad, he'll be reborn as a fecal bacteria.
Ooh...ooh...link please!
@MadTownGuy, Power Line's "Week in Pictures" is here. There's a lot more than just that picture to chuckle over. Normally Power Line puts this up on Saturday morning, but they put it up early today.
Thanks Jay.
If the opposition forces a non-confidence vote...
How does the opposition force a non-confidence vote? Is that likely?
Looks like the revolution is gonna be televised after all. And it's starring the middle class. It's never a good idea to piss off the people that society depends on to keep it going.
If you want to know what's going on in Ottawa look to "Vivafrei" and other live streamers on Youtube.
Bob Boyd said... [hush][hide comment]
How does the opposition force a non-confidence vote? Is that likely?
I'm more interested in why the haven't called for one. Especially after he got into it with Melissa Lantzman and said she was aligning herself with people who wave swastika flags. (Lantzman is Jewish)
I'm the farthest thing from an expert on Canadian politics. But I doubt Trudeau would've made a move without the complete support of the NDP. THe Canadian liberals act like the American Democrats. They behave like an army and do ANYTHING their leader says. If you can find 5 liberal MP's who would vote against Trudeau for killing someone in the street, I'd be amazed. THe Canadian Media is on his side too.
And then there's the Conservative party, which is no different then the Republican DC party. Weak, divided, full of CINOs, traitors and wimps. I suspect at least a third of them agree with Trudeau.
How many DC republicans have stood up for the Jan 6th protesters? How many were upset when Pelosi called in 25,000 NG troops and set up machine gun nests to protect Congressmen against the average American? How many wanted to talk to the protestors on Jan 6th, instead of having the Capital Hill police attack them?
"Use your guns" screeched Miss lindsey, while Mitt Romney cried and thanks the police for "Saving his life".
Well the Canadian Conservates are no better.
Big Mike said...
"@MadTownGuy, Power Line's "Week in Pictures" is here. There's a lot more than just that picture to chuckle over. Normally Power Line puts this up on Saturday morning, but they put it up early today."
Field Marshal Freder has trouble differentiating between parking trucks and burning down cities.
Which cities exactly were burned down? Blocking the busiest border crossing between the US and Canada did as much economic damage as the blm protests. Regardless, you and others were advocating and dismissing violent responses to even peaceful protesters. The limit of acceptable protest was "anything that disrupts business as usual is unacceptable and should be put down by any means necessary ".
You can tell who's on the pro-freedom side and who's not just by observing the commentators, online (like here) and in the MSM: State-shtuppers uniformly (as far as I've observed) back "Justine Castreau," while people who like liberty tend to back the truckers.
Cmon man, Trudeau couldn't figure what to do. Joe Biden told him what to do and when to do it. That's all there is to it. Same, same, racists, insurrectionists, white supremacists. Joe scripted it, Trudeau jumps. Kinda peculiar, the black face PM of Canada calling people racist. But, that's Canada for ya.
rcocean is right.
The New Democrat Party is propping the Liberals up. The NDP consider the Liberal party right wing. They really enjoy holding the balance of power over the government.
The NDP have promised support for the Emergencies Act.They are salivating over the chance to impose martial law over the eeevil Trumpist right wingers.
The actual rules on a non-confidence are pretty arcane, but until the conservatives and bloq peel some NDP or Liberal votes away from Trudeau he can survive.
Now Tredeau can never back off on covid theatre, because he has so much invested in fighting for it. The provinces, except for Atlantic Canada, have been eliminating masks and passports, so it will be interesting to see how federalism will rise to annoy Premier Poutine.
mounted police trample protesters
I heard the rumors all afternoon. Didn't think it was true. The way they worked the reigns shows it was done on purpose.
remember the "outrage" over the immigration police holding the reins?
i do NOT remember them trampling people
"Ooh...ooh...link please! I tried searching on Duck Duck Go but it must be buried under thousands of Putin caricatures."
Go to Powerline, THE WEEK IN PICTURES: BULLDOG EDITION. First image.
Awww, crap- already posted earlier. Sorry about that- carry on.
“The limit of acceptable protest was "anything that disrupts business as usual is unacceptable and should be put down by any means necessary ".
Sorry Freder, your side called the tune. You can’t do the 180 and point fingers. Not how this works.
And all of those protests that took it- literally- into the streets, causing so much angst w/their anger… these rigs are parked.
I’m w/the truckers- Truck yeah.
How long until AOC claims the truckers tried to rape her?
Or were they just looking to date her?
Freder is denying that the 2020 blm protesters burned down buildings (a.k.a. people's businesses)?
Just to clarify:
Armed separatists wall off a section of Seattle and commit murder: "Autonomous Zone"
Rioters burn local police precinct and try to burn down federal building: "Mostly peaceful protest"
Asian Americans attacked in broad daylight: "Random street crime"
US Army Jihadist kills 13: "Workplace violence"
Criticizing a school board: "Terrorism"
Disagreeing with vaccine mandates: "Terrorism"
Questioning election results: "Terrorism"
Parking in the capital and honking horns: "Terrorism"
Freder Frederson said...
You would think the people who used the term 'peaceful protests' to describe outright riots with burning buildings, looting, and murders, would check themselves a bit more when first ignoring, then describing this actual freedom movement in Canada. Which, by the way, has now also spread to Israel, Australia, France, Belgium, and Italy.
And I would think that people who were rooting for the police to shoot to kill, demanding that protesters follow every command of the police (and those who don't deserve a beat down or gassing), and contended that blocking roads was not valid protest, would check themselves a bit more.
"Shoot to kill looters, arsonists, and attempted murderers", is rather different from "shoot to kill peaceful actual protesters, not rioters".
But since Freder's side is scum who always riot / destroy, I guess he can't grasp that there's a difference.
Um, Freder, no, I don't think blocking roads is valid protest.
But I lost on that. You a$$holes did it repeatedly, and were celebrated for doing so, including by Trudeau.
Which means that's now an entirely legitimate tactic. Especially when used against the Left.
News flash: you don't get to change the rules, and then not have the new rules used against you. It was acceptable for BLM / Antifa to block streets? then it's acceptable for the truckers to do the same.
"But they're doing it more effectively than we did!"?
Well, no shit. Non-leftists are pretty much always more competent than Leftists. So yes, we're going to do unto you good and hard.
if you didn't want that, you should have followed the old rules
Yes, this reminds me of the Ukrainian Maidan and, since I am Romanian, of a similar event that happened in Romania in the 90s, Piata Universitatii:
It was a similar protest against an authoritarian government. The government called the protesters fascists and claimed the protest was instigated by Western secret services, who supposedly paid the protesters with blue jeans and cash. It ended badly, the repression was more violent than it is in Canada now, and some people even left Romania afterward in disgust, but it still helped in the transition to democracy. Almost certainly some of those who left, then and later, ended up in Canada and are supporting the protesters, seeing the parallels as I do.
Freder Frederson said...
>Field Marshal Freder has trouble differentiating between parking trucks and burning down cities.
Which cities exactly were burned down?
Well, Kenosha and Minneapolis immediately come to mind.
Blocking the busiest border crossing between the US and Canada did as much economic damage as the blm protests.
You were perfectly find with that economic destruction when it was your side doing it. So no, you can't legitimately complain when someone else does it to you.
Regardless, you and others were advocating and dismissing violent responses to even peaceful protesters.
What "peaceful protestors"? Blocking public streets so people can't get home from work, or go shopping, isn't "peaceful".
The limit of acceptable protest was "anything that disrupts business as usual is unacceptable and should be put down by any means necessary ".
Here, I'll use small words, so that maybe you can understand:
I don't give a shit about what you're protesting about
I don't want you to get your way
You have no right to force me to pay attention to you
You have no right to prevent me from going about my life
You have a right to protests, you have a right to free speech.
You do NOT have the right to demand that I listen you to, pay attention to you, or give a shit about you and your complaints
You assholes on the Left reject that. You are such a total ass that here you are, screaming and whinging about protesters you don't like disrupting things, and in the same post whining about us being upset about BLM protesters destroying things.
You set the rules: It's ok to bully, to block, to destroy, in order to push your important political agenda. We told you that was a bad idea, but you dint' care
Now you're going to get it good and hard, and nobody is going to protect you.
Your rules
Yes, this reminds me of the Ukrainian Maidan and, since I am Romanian, of a similar event that happened in Romania in the 90s, Piata Universitatii:
I teach with two Romania immigrants. (Frankly I have no idea of their citizenship status) I had a conversation with one of them a couple of weeks ago, and he's pretty disgusted with what's going on all over. We talked about Australia, the UK, and Canada. But the people he's really disgusted with are the AOC types here in the U.S. If I ever teach government again, he's coming to speak to my classes.
Freedom is terrifying.
I'm late to these comments, but the guy in the photo looks like a member of the First Nation...i.e. a Native Canadian.
How in the hell can the liberal media criticize him?
Funny, I have been watching live feeds from Ottawa for three days now and I havn't seen anything like the photo in this article.
Traditionally, for French Canadians, religious terms are worse swears than the literal French translation of our "fuck" would be, so while "tabarouette" is a euphemism, "tabarnak" is not.
Yes, if you are religious, blasphemy is bad. I try to avoid it. I used to throw out a "g.d." quite a bit when I was younger. Now when I drop a rock on my foot I manage to say "God bless" or "God bless America." If I manage to cut my foot off one day, we'll see what I say then. There will definitely be some F bombs, but hopefully a blessing or two as well.
Now in the U.S. the worst word is the "N word," so if you want to upset adult people with your youthful rebellion, that's the word we really hate. You'll see lots of celebrities, and people in authority, saying "shit" and "fuck," so they've lost a lot of their capacity to shock. (Black rappers use the "N word" all the time to signify youthful rebellion, but white rappers who try to do this might cause a riot, as the Beastie Boys found out the hard way).
Historically "fuck" is a bad word because it references the dark side of human sexuality. Having sex outside of marriage, outside of love. Fuck implicates both rape and infanticide. So if you've ever wondered why a word for sex is considered bad, that's why.
Freder is denying that the 2020 blm protesters burned down buildings (a.k.a. people's businesses)?
Never said that. Michael K claimed that entire cities burned.
"Never said that. Michael K claimed that entire cities burned."
You assholes on the Left reject that. You are such a total ass that here you are, screaming and whinging about protesters you don't like disrupting things, and in the same post whining about us being upset about BLM protesters destroying things.
Actually I did not whinge about the protesters. You are simply making shit up. My only comments on this thread have been to criticize the hypocrisy of commenters on this site, who were quite willing to advocate extreme violence against BLM protesters, who are now lauding this trucker protest.
Freder Frederson said...
Actually I did not whinge about the protesters.
"Blocking the busiest border crossing between the US and Canada did as much economic damage as the blm protests."
That's you, whinging about the protesters
You are simply making shit up. My only comments on this thread have been to criticize the hypocrisy of commenters on this site, who were quite willing to advocate extreme violence against BLM protesters, who are now lauding this trucker protest.
It's not hypocrisy to say "the rules have changed, now we're going to enforce them against you".
What IS hypocritical is to have defended something when it happened, and then trying to use "old rules" statements against people now that your side has put in the new rules.
Should BLM have been allowed to block streets? No
Were they?
Is anyone who supported BLM (like Trudeau) an utterly legitimate target for street blocking, from now until the end of time?
There's "never", and there's "always".
There's no "only when I think it's really important"
Oh, and Freder, when the background behind the pro-rioter "reporter" is full of flames
that's "the city is burning".
Because if he could have had a background with no flames, CNN would have chosen that one
That's you, whinging about the protesters
No, that is me stating a fact to counter the bullshit argument that the Trucker Protest can't be compared to BLM protests.
Should BLM have been allowed to block streets? No
Were they?
Is anyone who supported BLM (like Trudeau) an utterly legitimate target for street blocking, from now until the end of time?
I guess your mom never told you "two wrongs don't make a right".
Greg The Class Traitor said...
Which cities exactly were burned down?
Well, Kenosha and Minneapolis immediately come to mind.
The way people here feel compelled to talk about things they know nothing about almost* makes me feel sorry for the MSM.
You want to know how awful things were here in Minneapolis? I first heard of the riots, and the death of George Floyd, when my niece called to make sure I was OK. That was several days after the riots started.
Lake St. really suffered, and a bit of Chicago Ave. near Lake St. But the city didn’t burn. Not even close.
Do yourselves a figure and try to determine the truth before putting forth such statements.
*Please note that I did say “almost.”
Stephen St. Onge said...
Greg The Class Traitor said...
Which cities exactly were burned down?
Well, Kenosha and Minneapolis immediately come to mind.
The way people here feel compelled to talk about things they know nothing about almost* makes me feel sorry for the MSM.
You want to know how awful things were here in Minneapolis? I first heard of the riots, and the death of George Floyd, when my niece called to make sure I was OK. That was several days after the riots started.
Where WAS Uncle Hugo's?
Minneapolis has now become a car-jacking shithole. No, I don't know this from personal experience, because until the Mayor and entire city council have been taken out and shot, I won't ever be returning.
But I do know it from the deltas on the crime stats
Freder Frederson said...
Me: That's you, whinging about the protesters
No, that is me stating a fact to counter the bullshit argument that the Trucker Protest can't be compared to BLM protests.
Destroying businesses, burning down businesses, killing people.
All those are characteristics of the BLM riots.
none of them are characteristics of teh truckers' peaceful protest.
Yes, that's you whinging, and full of bullshit
I guess your mom never told you "two wrongs don't make a right".
I guess that I'm unlike you, in that I'm neither a lying sack of shit, nor 5 years old.
You all informed us that none of those things were "wrong". That it was perfectly acceptable for the BLM rioters to be doing them.
Well, guess what. Since they weren't "wrong" when your side did them, they will NEVER be "wrong" when done to your side.
I'm not God, or the dictator of the world. So I don't get to enforce my sense of right and wrong on the world.
I said the things that the BLM rioters were doing were wrong. You said "no, they're perfectly fine". and you're side kept the cops from stopping teh BLM rioters from doing their thing.
I lost. It's not "wrong". Now the only right thing to do is to make you pay at an usurious rate for your "victory".
Claims 3 miles of Lake St were burned.
Exactly how much damage and destruction has to hit to say "the city X is burning"? Or "the city burned down"?
How much less than Dresden does it take
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