February 2, 2022

The embattled speaker of the week is...

"The embattled speaker of the week is Joe Rogan, the host of the world’s most popular podcast," wrote NYT staff editor Spencer Bokat-Lindell, in "What the Joe Rogan Backlash Reveals About How We Handle Misinformation," published yesterday, which was Tuesday, the second day of the work week.

Oh, no! Embattled Speaker of the Week is a much faster game. Joe Rogan was the embattled speaker of last week. The embattled speaker of this week is Whoopi Goldberg: "In a statement on Tuesday night, Kim Godwin, president of ABC News, said that Ms. Goldberg would be suspended for 'her wrong and hurtful comments.'" 

What did Joe even do? Hard to remember in light of Whoopi's blowing off the Holocaust: "This is white people doing it to white people, so y’all going to fight amongst yourselves."

But both Joe and Whoopi were one-person-show comedians who moved into hosting lengthy, semi-serious conversation shows. They offer lateral perceptions. God help us if we lose the ability to listen and think and continue the conversation.


Apparently, Whoopi has some free time. She ought to go on Joe Rogan's show. These 2 human individuals are sublimely valuable. The urge to oust them is all wrong. It is self-harm. 

And bring back Roseanne.


gilbar said...

Whoopee said that the holocaust wasn't Racism?
According to the Jewish Anti Defamation League she is absolutely correct

Here is the ADL's definition of Racism...From their own webpage https://www.adl.org/racism
Racism: The marginalization and/or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people.

farmgirl said...

You’re up early!

If the media put Joe Rogan and misinformation in the same sentence again, I hope he sues the pants of from them. This witch hunt for misinformation has got to stop. Not everything out of anyone’s’ mouth is Truth. Nor, does it have to be. Peterson has a great lecture on that.

Bizarre world out there.

John Borell said...

How did we come to this time and place where so many people have the urge to silence others.

I’m still not sure what Joe Rogan did that was so bad other than question the “narrative”. His video rebuttal was more powerful than anything any of his critics said.

exhelodrvr1 said...

The left is doing this primarily to those on the right, or those who are dumb to be civil to those on the right. And occasionally they will pretend to punish someone on the left, throwing a bone or two with a Whoopi or a Toobin, so that they can claim to be evenhanded.

John henry said...

"it's too delicious to believe, my friends"

Hilary Clinton

Sure she was speaking of something else but it was my first thought when I read the good news.

Should Whoopi have been fired over this? Maybe not, in happier times.

Now? Absolutely.


Mr. Forward said...

Whoopi has free time. The Supreme Court has a vacancy.

rhhardin said...

It's the two minutes hate, not the person, that's the point.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Who’s not misinformed again?

This misinformation label is highly suspicious.

rhhardin said...

The derivative of internal energy with respect to misinformation is the new temperature.

Lucien said...

“Establishment news and social media companies collude to stifle their competitors’ airing of dissenting views” sounds so . . . oppressive. How to fix it?
Ah: “Guardians of truth and Science employ ‘fact checkers’ for ‘content moderation’ to halt spread of ‘dangerous misinformation’”.
Much better!

Big Mike said...

Goldberg learned the hard way that it’s one thing to to be in show business and hate Jews — all the goyim do that — but quite another to even hint at admitting it.

Joe Rogan should not ever apologize. He’s right; CNN threw away their own credibility years ago.

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kevin said...

Why is she being suspended?

The current remedy is being fired followed by a national shunning.

Enigma said...

Would Whoopi be prosecuted in Europe or Israel for holocaust denial or genocide denial:


Hate speech laws are going to eat the left from inside out, as some "allies" hate each other and thereby fragment into ultra-right tribes.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

These 2 human individuals are sublimely valuable. The urge to oust them is all wrong. It is self-harm.

And bring back Roseanne.

That ship has sailed. Your side has lost their fucking mind. Their only road to recovery is claiming they never did it. Just like the riots of 2020 vs. J6. Mark my words, that’s what we’ll see when the tide turns. Censoring was always the tactic of the conservatives!

Temujin said...

Throw Donald J. Trump into the conversation with Joe Rogan, Whoopie Goldberg and Roseanne. Now that would be a fun couple of hours.

One wonders, in this day and age, if formal debates or Debate Teams even exist on college campuses or among 'intellectuals' any longer. If the side that is not favored by the Left is automatically labeled as 'misinformation' and shunned, censored, or otherwise turned into apostatical speech, how does one even match ideas against each other? How does the human race crawl forward if no 'new thoughts' are allowed in?

Forward into the past all the way to the Dark Ages, I guess. It cannot be long until we get to the point of sacrificing young maidens when a solar eclipse occurs. You know it's the only way to prevent the sun from dying out. Our leaders tell us so. Don't want to piss off the Sun Gods now, do we?

wendybar said...

So the multi millionaires gets a two week vacation?? Roseanne lost her job, the show named after her, and her paycheck for FAR LESS. As I saw on twitter this morning "the two-week cooldown period in which a controversial person is suspended purely for PR purposes will hereafter be known as a “Whoopi cushion”

It must be great to be a Progressive, where you can say and do whatever you want with little consequences.

rehajm said...

Joe Rogan should not ever apologize. He’s right; CNN threw away their own credibility years ago.

CNNs business model changed...

Amadeus 48 said...

Self-harm is the new self-help. Our society has a number of course corrections to make. We could start by not letting violent criminals out of jail on electronic monitoring. Then we could treat using a gun in a crime (say, car-jacking) as a serious offense.

Breezy said...

I can’t wait to see if or how Whoopi changes her tune wrt Rogan or consequence culture when she gets back to work. This is like watching a boomerang come back on an unprepared person.

William said...

It's wrong to suspend her. Her remarks brought a certain amount of disrepute and ridicule down upon her. That's as it should be, but suspending her seems disproportionate to the offense.

Krumhorn said...

As annoying as she is when our hostess has one of her hissy fits, this post is precisely why she is a uniquely terrific voice.

- Krumhorn
(my preferred adjectives: brilliant/awesome)
(when I compete on the women's swim team, I have a darling mangina)

Hey Skipper said...

I can’t help but notice those ragging on Rogan for misinformation never come up with even one specific example.

It’s almost as if they have never heard of Orwell.

MadTownGuy said...

John Borell said...

"How did we come to this time and place where so many people have the urge to silence others.

Political expediency.

Birches said...

The only reason Whoopi got suspended is that the Elite are still gunning for Rogan.

This is a bit like Franken getting forced to resign because of Roy Moore.

Whoopi's problem was saying something controversial during an op.

Tank said...

Rogan should host a panel with Whoopie, Young, Nils and Joni to discuss.

Really, he should very publicly invite them all on.

Temujin said...

Let's face it. Whoopie Goldberg made more hay out of nothing in her career than anybody in our lifetime. She was a sorta, kinda funny comedian (or as we used to say, comedienne). Kinda funny, but not hilariously so. She was fun in a movie, but certainly not a great actress, though she did get a 'Token' Academy Award for her anybody could have done this role light hearted part in "Ghost". And she clung to the coattails of actual talent in Billy Crystal and Robin Williams for a few years. Then her years with The View and how can we forget all of the penetrating discussions there, huh?

She's always been a mid-level entertainer who was immensely likable. Likability was her best characteristic and that, added to her skin color (her race??) made her a hit. It was never her comedy skills. There are scores of people funnier than her.

She kinda blew her likability quotient over the past few days.

wendybar said...

Don't forget. Sharon Osborne got fired for sticking up for Piers Morgan who said something that people took as RACIST against Megan Markle. Sharon didn't say anything racist...she just stuck up for her friend, that she knows isn't a racist...and she got fired. It's Progressive privilege.

hawkeyedjb said...

John Borell said...
"How did we come to this time and place where so many people have the urge to silence others."

The urge has always been there. In days of yore, it wasn't necessary - Joe Rogan could never have reached an audience of millions without modern communications platforms. Censorship was easier when television reigned supreme - keep Rogan off the three networks, and nobody's ever heard of him.

The people who want to silence him (and those apostates like him) don't like living in a free society, so they look to control the chokepoints to ensure that people with unapproved or incorrect opinions can be removed from the public sphere. The harder it is to silence Rogan, they more frantic they become.

rehajm said...

Toobin got caught rubbing one out on a staff call but he still has a job.

Someone knows he’s useful. Whoopi is too…

M Jordan said...

Whoopie’s big mistake was revealing the papered over crack between blacks and Jews in America. Jesse Jackson did that once and survived. Whoopie may survive too but she’s in dangerous territory.

rhhardin said...

Silencing others is a generalization of banning speech that makes women uncomfortable in the workplace.

One Eye said...

Would love to see her go on Rogan for an in-depth, honest conversation.

She's 66 and should embrace "I am old, ergo invincible".

Sebastian said...

"And bring back Roseanne."

You mean, progs would have to admit they are wrong? Or at least practice forgiveness for a non-prog?

Is there any precedent for that? I mean, any at all?

rcocean said...

Whoppi got suspended? LOL. Guess she forgot which "race" runs ABC. Next time, she'd better clear her Jewish or Israel or Holocaust remarks with the ADL.

tommyesq said...

both Joe and Whoopi were one-person-show comedians who moved into hosting lengthy, semi-serious conversation shows.

Not sure I would put The View in that category...

Ceciliahere said...

Just a slap on the wrist. She should have been fired. But Lefties who work for Lefties always get away with bad behavior. If this had been a personality on Fox, the Left would be calling for their head. Double Standard!

Ray - SoCal said...

And bring back Gena Carano:

Especially since they kept Pedro Pascal when he compared Trump Voters to Nazi's.

Amazing the double standards at ABC/Disney.

I expect Whoopi Goldberg to skate. She is too valuable to ABC, plus a member of a protected class - Black and Female.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

I think Roseanne giving up her intellectual property in her franchise--which was really hers--in order to save it from being cancelled, is one of the great acts of generosity in the history of show business. She loved the younger people who were "taking over," she supported their careers, and she wanted the show to continue for them. One thing Seinfeld and Larry David could be counted on for, over all the years, was never to share even a tiny percentage of ownership, including much of the "back end." There are actors' residuals, I'm sure a better stream of income than many actors have, but probably nothing for the rest of the cast in syndication or streaming deals. True, in order to get the last seasons done, commemorative DVDs and so on, they paid the cast millions, but intellectual property is intellectual property. Now to my surprise they have a new deal with Netflix. I gather all the cast get something from each appearance on screen, including via Netflix, but nothing from the big deal with Netflix for all episodes. And the actors' residuals are not tied in any way to what a streaming service pays just to have the series.

Breezy said...

They should rename the show, "No, Not That View".

Jim Gust said...

Curiously, the one Joe Rogan podcast that I listened to almost in its entirety was with Roseanne Barr explaining how she had been completely misunderstood, and she was under the influence of ambien when she said it. Rogan was very sympathetic.

No other media outlet presented Roseanne's side of the story, at least not that I saw.

Rogan has the massive popularity he does because he has no competition.

hombre said...

All Guinan, er, Whoopi, was trying to do was preserve the uniqueness of systemic racism in the states directed against blacks. Everybody needs to know that the white-on-white extermination of Jews was just “man’s inhumanity to man.” It had nothing to do with bigotry. Right, Whoopi. /Sarc

She will not be fired because, after all, she hold millions of women in thrall with her ignorance as displayed daily on The View. The leftmedia can’t sacrifice her influence over those Democrats.

JAORE said...

Ask the "Rogan Must Go" crowd what misinformation he presented. You'll likely get something mumbled about Covid/vaccine/deaths or he took horse wormer meds.

Rogan had Gupta of CNN on and the Goop could not explain why CNN raided the horse wormer lie.

What they really mean is the right people said Rogan spreads miinformation.

Ignoring Covid lies and misinformation by Faulchi, the CDC and POTUS.

JPS said...

"Apparently, Whoopi has some free time."

This really bothers me.

I disagree with what she said. I thought she was full of crap. I think she often is.

I would have liked it if she'd said subsequently, You know, I've heard some good arguments against what I said, and I've changed my mind.

But only if she were sincere. Otherwise, I'd rather she'd said, Look, I hear you, and I'm sorry for any and all hurt feelings, but I still see it differently.

But I don't think she should have had to apologize, and it's absurd to suspend her after she does. It's the ritual confession, seeking of absolution, punishment cycle. I'm not going to cheer it just because it happens to someone I disagree with.

JAORE said...

"Here is the ADL's definition of Racism..."

Yep.... pretty recent vintage that definition. They changed their definition to essentially limit racism to white folk.


TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

"I'm not going to cheer it just because it happens to someone I disagree with."

I am cheering, very loudly. I would cheer even more if she were fired.

Why? Because I like to play by the rules. And those are the current rules as expressed.

Don't like 'em? Too bad. There's no crying in baseball.

Tina Trent said...

And for extra fun, listen to Rogan's interview with Rosanne. It's nutty but endearing. He got his break working in her writer's room. The affection and loyalty that giant meathead feels is his secret weapon. Testosterone turns into tears in him, and then back into testosterone. Very appealing.

I'd vote for him for president in a heartbeat.

Rusty said...

Joe Rogan is looking for intelligent reasoned debate. I don't often agree with him but he is looking for answers. Caryn Johnson, (Goldbergs real name), on the other hand doesn't contribute much to the conversation. She is strictly there to confirm the prejudices of post menopausal white women.

Tina Trent said...

Also, anyone who chose her show business name based on the consequences of her lactose intolerance is owed a bit of respect. Plus she talked Ted Danson to appear in blackface. That's transgressive.

I still don't like her, but she isn't your average woke.

Achilles said...

"But both Joe and Whoopi were one-person-show comedians who moved into hosting lengthy, semi-serious conversation shows. They offer lateral perceptions. God help us if we lose the ability to listen and think and continue the conversation."

It is about who each one of them pissed off and how they did it.

Joe pissed off the Aristocracy by expanding the conversation and going around their censorship.

Caeryn pissed off everyone in the world by calling the Holocaust a "white person thing" being a complete racist piece of shit and making her masters look bad then doubling down on her racism the next day on Colbert.

mikee said...

Dearest Althouse, the primary problem with modern media is that people have indeed lost their abilities to listen and think, but continue the conversation. I would suggest not listening, not thinking about most of it, and not conversing with idiots as the only ways to progress with current media.

wildswan said...

Flower Power to Power Flower - the evolution of Neil Young, Whoopi, others. They feel good about themselves cause they think they're flower children, basically, still. Going down to meet the man, fight the pwoer. But they've evolved into mean flowers, scary flowers, steel flowers, power flowers.

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