"... about the crisis in Ukraine, but later sent out an update to the schedule that moved the speech to 1 p.m. By 1:40 p.m., reporters had yet to be called to the East Room for the remarks."
An update from the NYT, published 8 minutes ago.
ADDED: Here's the live feed from the White House, where we await the President's appearance:
It is taking longer and longer to rouse him from his stupor.
Probably needs a shot of stimulant to get 'em moving.
Trump was always on time! It’s very rude to be late and keep people waiting. But Biden doesn’t think that any rules apply to him. He can do whatever and get away with it. The world waits for the ‘leader of the free world” to speak some garbled nonsense.
I'd rather have senile ol' Joe as POTUS then some very active Neo-Con. Its harder to start WW III, when you don't know how to find the Oval office without help.
I would probably make a terrible president, but I will tell you one thing. I would never, ever be late.
He lost his red crayon.
Probably with the JCS reviewing plans for invading Florida
Maybe Joe stopped to the smell the roses -I mean rose's hair.
Well, no one is really waiting. It seems to be widely taken for granted that we're a country without a president. Putin certainly thinks so.
Biden is getting perilously close to nap time.
BADuBois said...
Probably needs a shot of stimulant to get 'em moving.
No, the problem is once he starts moving it takes them a while to get him out of the toilet.
Can't have the pupils too dilated for TV...looks like a shark.
Nobody cares what Biden has to say, if it was worth hearing it would be televised at 7:00 PM not mid afternoon. Late evening is too late for someone in his condition anyway.
Did he blame this on Trump?
That was worth watching just for the sign language lady's facial expressions.
Someone should do a deep-fake video of the speech, applying her facial expressions to Biden's face
Well, that was fast.
This is interesting.
Russian ultranationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky speaking on 27 Dec 2021
"At 4am on 22 Feb you'll feel [our new policy]. I'd like 2022 to be peaceful. But I love the truth, for 70 years I've said the truth. It won't be peaceful. It will be a year when Russia once again becomes great."
Video at the link:
Wonder if it's real. Does anybody here speak enough Russian to tell if that is a legit translation?
In his speech the President made it clear that the occupation of Eastern Ukraine is a done deal and we accept the new status quo.
There were no demands attached to the new sanctions.
Vlad pulled out his dick and slapped Joe in the face and then took his lunch money.
When is China going to make their move against Taiwan?
So we're going to unfriend some Russians and honor our treaty obligations to NATO members. That's it?
Joe is having trouble deciding if the Russian invasion is "minor."
Either that, or staff had orders not to interrupt his nap.
Translation is right. He goes on to say the bad guys need to shut up and show some respect.
Lucky guess? Stopped clock? Blowhard? Or spilling the beans. I don't know.
Biden is always late.
Hey, tapioca cups & puddings don't eat themselves. So hold the criticisms, pal.
That speech, so-called because it was delivered verbally, is a profound indictment of Biden's presidency. He delivered most of the words in a way that you could understand what he meant, so it gets notched as a win.
But good Lord, he's speaking to the greatest foreign policy crisis of his presidency (at least the greatest one that he didn't manufacture all by himself) and the best he can do - because this is literally the best he can do - is read through a bunch of talking points put together by the State Department. There is not a hint of vision. Not a trace of personal commitment, or of leadership, let alone command. It's pathetic.
Not really what you need when going toe-to-toe with Vlad.
It is not easy to get the timings down on injections of amphetamines.
Too early and he sundowns mid speech.
So they are always going to aim a little late.
Maybe he wandered off into the nearest ice cream parlor.
"Jill, I told you to keep an eye on him!"
"Listen, Psaki, that's DOCTOR Jill! How many times do I have to tell you??!!"
rcocean said...
I'd rather have senile ol' Joe as POTUS then some very active Neo-Con. Its harder to start WW III, when you don't know how to find the Oval office without help.
Russia would not be able to invade Ukraine if oil prices were where they were 2 years ago.
This is only happening because Biden purposely filled Russia's coffers.
You can discuss whether Joe is getting a 10% cut from Russia directly or indirectly.
But this war is 100% on the Greens and the Regime driving oil prices up.
Why listen to a bumbling old man reading a prepared speech from his speechwriter from a teleprompter. You already know what he is going to ramble on about. Nothing ever changes.
Thanks Bill
Helluva coincidence if it was a guess. If so, he did a way better job guessing the date than the Biden Administration did. They said it would be the 16th, IIRC.
Have to up the dosage(s).
To be fair they have to tear him away from ,' Sponge Bob Square Pants', change his depends, wipe his face and hands and get him in a suit.
Not easy for a reluctant geriatric. And there's always the fear that he'll fill his depends on the way out the door.
Rusty said...
To be fair they have to tear him away from ,' Sponge Bob Square Pants'
If he watches Sponge Bob, I'd ask him to listen to Squidward's taunt: "If I had a dollar for every brain you DON'T have, I would have....ONE DOLLAR."
"Why listen to a bumbling old man reading a prepared speech from his speechwriter from a teleprompter."
Everyone wants to see if he can pronounce "Ideko Kawasaki."
@ Rusty
He's the President. He gets the best. They outfit him with rugged, reliable, fashionable diapage made by Carhartt. And he sleeps like a baby, literally, in super comfortable, super dependable Carhartt Nightriders.
"Strap into Nightrider: When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight."
rcocean said...
I'd rather have senile ol' Joe as POTUS then some very active Neo-Con. Its harder to start WW III, when you don't know how to find the Oval office without help.
Funny....I don't remember any neo-cons or GOP presidents being this close to starting WWIII.
Can you name anyone with the power to have inched us to the Brink? And what irresponsible moves they made?
"Green light, Mr Putin.... D'Oh!" - Joe Robinette Biden
Maybe putting Joe from Scranton in charge of American foreign policy was a mistake.
"the President made it clear that the occupation of Eastern Ukraine is a done deal and we accept the new status quo."
Putin 12,000 nuclear war heads. We ain't going to war with Russia. And who knows, its a border dispute. Maybe Putin is in the right, and Ukraine is wrong.
I'm torn between liking any criticism of Biden, and relief he didn't do anything to start WWIII. At least in this case, I'm glad he's POTUS, and not Mitt Romney or Miss Lindsey. Both of those characters are Homicidal Clowns.
So, we're getting into an economic war (that's what sanctions are) with a nuclear power? Sanctions work (to the extent they ever work) if they are imposed by a large nation on a small one, because the relative cost impacts are unequal. I don't see any of that dynamic here. Russia has a ready buyer (china for any energy NATO countries don't buy. Meanwhile, oil and gas market prices jump enormously, adding further fuel to the inflation rate in the US.
Plus, two can play at the economic war game: Putin turns his hackers loose on US power grid, internet, large corporations. (Not exactly an economic weapon that Saddam Hussein could deploy.)
And escalation possibilities? Remember US energy and steel sanctions against Japan were the immediate trigger for Pearl Harbor. But this is Russia with the entire arsenal of USSR nukes at its disposal. We're entering a world where Obama's assessment of Joe's abilities is no longer a joke.
Maybe Germany thought having an important economic tie with Russia, like the natural gas pipeline, would give them sort sort of bargaining power with Russia? Maybe? I'm sure this whole episode has convinced the Baltic states and Poland that having a close tie to the west, especially NATO is 100 percent not needed.
When I say "War with Russia" I mean a full scale war. As opposed to sending advisors, bombing a few places and setting off drone strikes.
Germany will let this crisis blow over and then complete the pipeline. They want the NG.
If the US had been serious about deterring Russia we’d have moved tank-busting A-10s and air superiority fighters like F-22s and F-15Cs into Eastern European NATO Allie’s such as Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary. We didn’t. We never were serious about deterring Russia or supporting Ukraine.
Did Brandon go yet? I can't tell.
rcocean said...
When I say "War with Russia" I mean a full scale war. As opposed to sending advisors, bombing a few places and setting off drone strikes.
You didn't say "War with Russia", you accused neo-cons as being more likely to start WWIII.
And since neo-cons "were" able to find the Oval Office without without help", please explain why they didn't start that war.
p.s. you claim that Biden "purposely" let Russia benefit from rising oil prices. Do you hav e evidence to support that claim, or have you just gone all "Kreskin" on us once again?
" ...but later sent out an update to the schedule that moved the speech to 1 p.m. By 1:40 p.m., reporters had yet to be called to the East Room for the remarks..
Turns out Biden needed an extra nap and some applesauce. .. and a good burp.
See, it was a head fake. Biden gets false info that Putin plans a BIG invasion with tanks, planes, level Kiev. Gets everyone focused on that. Then Putin executes his plan. Gets some little fake legislatures to claim independence. Lots in NATO are in favor of smaller states. Why, that's how the Soviet Union broke up. Wales. Ireland. And so confusion. And Biden looks as stupid as he is, cause he said he knew what Putin was going to do. Unfortunately Biden being stupid means Putin takes another slice. Heckava job, Biden voters. No mean tweets under Biden, just handing some people over to be worked over by the Taliban and now some others to be savaged by a Communist regime and others to be worked over by a Canadian despot. In just one year!!! Heckava job.
President Biden has just secured "peace in our lifetime" by allowing Putin his "Sudetenland" in eastern Ukraine.
No worries. No chance Putin would take over any other regions. All is good. What could go wrong?
Neo-cons love to talk tough. Neo-cons love war. Neo-cons hate Russia. They're still crying about us getting us out of Afghanistan. 17 years was too short of a time to see if the occupation could work. LOL.
I don't want a Neo-con in the white house.
And I consider Romeny and Miss Lindsey Neo-cons in foreign policy. As Obama said: "The cold war called Mitt, it wants its foreign policy back".
One mistake Putin never made was to completely alienate the class of men who provide the soldiers for his wars.
"I don't want a Neo-con in the white house."
You have one. All of the Neo-cons are Democrats now, if you haven't been paying attention. Go check out Max Boot's twitter feed.
If the US had been serious about deterring Russia we’d have moved tank-busting A-10s and air superiority fighters like F-22s and F-15Cs into Eastern European NATO Allie’s such as Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary. We didn’t. We never were serious about deterring Russia or supporting Ukraine.
And if the Soviets move tanks into Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary, Biden's America won't do a damn thing about it.
Rabel said..."In his speech the President made it clear that the occupation of Eastern Ukraine is a done deal and we accept the new status quo."
To be fair, I think the loss of eastern Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea were done deals already during the Obama administration, but politicians and diplomats wanted to posture about the legality and legitimacy of the moves, rather than accept the facts on the ground. The population of eastern Ukraine is heavily Russian, and Ukrainians have never been more than a quarter of the Crimean population (usually much less).
The Ukrainian government hasn't been able to take back the territories, and going to war with Russia over them is not very appealing to outsiders. The diplomats aren't entirely wrong to focus on legality, but the law of "You and what army?" is hard to overcome. Once the territories were taken, there was zero prospect of returning them, at least to the EU-oriented Kievan government.
We may not agree with Putin's perspective, but the history of Ukraine as a distinct, independent nation is complicated. Right or wrong, Putin's perspective was not created out of thin air. As of today, this is little more than securing and consolidating existing gains. The only real question is whether Putin escalates and extends into territories with larger Ukrainian populations and more European leanings.
And I consider Romeny and Miss Lindsey Neo-cons in foreign policy. As Obama said: "The cold war called Mitt, it wants its foreign policy back".
That was said by Obama in 2012. In 2014 Russia invaded and annexed Crimea. Now, in 2022, they are annexing new territories in the Ukraine. I am no fan of Neo-con foreign policy, but Governor Romney was right in his assessment of Russia. What other country has taken more overt military action against American interests? America has an important interest in Europe avoiding wars.
rcocean said...
I'm torn between liking any criticism of Biden, and relief he didn't do anything to start WWIII. At least in this case, I'm glad he's POTUS, and not Mitt Romney or Miss Lindsey. Both of those characters are Homicidal Clowns.
Pretending Romney and Graham are not a part of the same machine Biden is is silly.
They make Republicans look like war mongers and Biden look tempered and responsible in contrast to them.
They play a part. They do their job for the Aristocracy. That is all.
The Regime purposely pushed oil prices higher enabling Russia's aggression.
The Regime also made it clear they were selling Ukraine out from the start.
There are no surprises here from anyone.
Zelensky's mistake in Ukraine was playing along with the farce that Biden didn't sell them out from the start.
I would not doubt that Ukrainian politicians made some money selling those provinces right along side the Biden Regime.
After today's speech I have officially moved Biden to the top of my list as the worst President of my lifetime.
Dear God, will someone please 25th Amendment this man? I'm even willing to give Kamala a shot (poor choice of words here) over this blithering fool.
And the Democrats deserve full blame for this debacle. Anyone paying the slightest bit of attention had to know that this fool wasn't up to the task. And yet they made a deal with the devil because they though they could push him into the White House with the help of clown show bosses in Democrat run cities.
January 2023 can't come fast enough when we can at least reign in the worst of what this man and and his grossly under qualified VP can give us.
And the Democrats deserve full blame for this debacle. Anyone paying the slightest bit of attention had to know that this fool wasn't up to the task.
Don't ignore the American people's responsibility in all this. They voted for him.
Most votes ever!
I predicted on the night of the election that Putin would do at least this much in opposition to our senile president. If the Europeans haven't woken up to the fact that they are on their own then too bad for them. I certainly don't want to go to war for Ukraine, but I also believe that economic warfare will be sufficient to stall Putin if we have the courage to stick with it. The GDP of Russia in 2020 was $1.485 Billion, the GDP of California alone in 2020 was $2.86 Billion.
We are going to be paying the price for the next three years of electing an Alzheimer's patient and his accompanying buffoons to office.
’ The GDP of Russia in 2020 was $1.485 Billion, the GDP of California alone in 2020 was $2.86 Billion.’
It is taking longer and longer to rouse him from his stupor.
It is Biden's handlers' fault that he is perpetually late. The committee struggles with him learning (and remembering) his lines.
I also suspect that he is undergoing exotic medical treatment to allow him to look semi-alert. I don't think it is amphetamines. It might be some sort of blood doping. That's why he spends so much time in Delaware. They can't keep it secret at the WH.
Okay, what should Biden do?
Serious question.
California has a de facto tax on the economy through web ads. If you want to stay in business, you better be writing checks to Google every month with at least one comma, more depending on how big your business is. What they "created" was a remarkable method of skimming off the productivity of the rest of America.
I'm going to enter a dissenting opinion. I don't think Putin wants to annex Donbass, at least not yet. There's nothing there but a huge financial drain for Russia.
I think there are several outcomes.
1. There will be a final diplomatic resolution returning the breakaway republics as autonomous regions within Ukraine for recognition of Crimea as Russian territory and no Nato alliance.
2. The breakaway republics will try to kick Ukraine army out of Kharkov and lesser extent Mariupol to take all of Lugansk and Donetsk state. If they are successful, then Russian would be interested in annexing the region because Khakov is a major industrial area and weapons manufacturing area. Then Russia will keep up pressure to get Odessa.
3. The most likely, the breakaway republics will just remain a small impoverished area like Abkazia, Ossetia or Transnistria to be used as pawns.
So Putin plays a very limited hand to perfection. What was he gonna do, start WWIII? He created a narrative about borders and how illegitimate they are and then pretended some parts of Ukraine are breaking away and he’s going in as a peacekeeper. It’s like the Ultimate Troll of every liberal/neocon trope ever.
Sometimes I think Putin is our best friend.
BREAKING: Hundreds Of Thousands Of Russian Troops Cross The Ukranian Border Without Incident By Claiming To Be "Oppressed Asylees Seeking A Better Life" ... Said An Observer, "This Is A Brilliant Piece Of Strategery By Putin Who Is Copying Events On America's Southern Border" - Internet Wag
Sebastian said...
Joe is having trouble deciding if the Russian invasion is "minor."
hope it passes his sniff test for /minor/
Beasts of England said...
’ The GDP of Russia in 2020 was $1.485 Billion, the GDP of California alone in 2020 was $2.86 Billion.’
was avg labor cost in Russia $3/hr factored in?
Bob Boyd asked, What should Biden do. Legit question. I lived in Lithuania for a year and a half and have a heart for that neck of the world. I taught Russian students, Ukrainian students, and students from all the surrounding region. I enjoyed each culture, all different, all the same. When George W Bush said any enemy of Lithuania is an enemy of ours, I cheered him.
But those were before I watched the rot within all our political and military institutions be exposed. The treatment they gave Trump was unforgivable and unforgettable to me. The Iraq War with its no WMD outcome also gravely affected my view of foreign policy as did the terrible and murky non-response of the Benghazi affair. I’m not a full-on isolationist yet but my distrust of these institutions is really pushing me that way.
So my answer to Bob Boyd’s question is … do little. Show resolve, send some enforcements around the region, let NATO step up, try to engage Putin but also tough talk him. And don’t send troops until there’s is no other option.
Biden said that Putin "waxed eloquently". God, you can't make this shit up. All I can say is, I wish Putin would create some new republics in the western hemisphere. Didn't Alaska used to belong to them? Hell, I think at one time they claimed Oregon. Vlad, Baby! Come back, all is forgiven!
Bob Boyd said...
Okay, what should Biden do?
Serious question.
Finish Keystone XL Pipeline.
Reopen US Gas and Oil Production. Bring oil prices down to 2020 levels.
Use sanctions.
Not be a demented tool who shits his pants in public.
Not send a room temperature IQ VP with no gag reflex to deal with the situation.
The shorter version is do what Trump did.
Big Mac costs $1.74 in Russia. While the price of the burger in the United States is $5.81,
"Okay, what should Biden do?"
Pick a bridge. Any bridge.
"Bob Boyd asked, What should Biden do."
Biden just go pantsed by Putin. It's too late to do what Biden should have done. Oh yeah, and the neocon Democrats who call us fascists and traitors want "unity."
Zelensky should call Perkins-Coie. They will fix it, for sure, that's their specialty, just like "The Wolf" at the end of Pulp Fiction.
M Jordan said...
I’m not a full-on isolationist yet but my distrust of these institutions is really pushing me that way.
Me too.
"In his speech the President made it clear that the occupation of Eastern Ukraine is a done deal and we accept the new status quo."
Like it or not, that's the reality of the situation. Putin took just enough to satisfy his needs in such a way that it wouldn't trigger a reflective military response from the West. He's sure to face economic sanctions, but the high price of oil aught to help him out with that. He also managed to take the rhetorical high ground. Any attempt to deal with this in a military way will be spun as aggression. If you don't like that reality, tell me how many American lives you'd be willing to lose to change it.
Achilles said...
Not be a demented tool who shits his pants in public.
Don't know why I'm laughing. It's really not funny and worse, it's really not even an option.
The shorter version is do what Trump did.
Biden can't do Trump because a lot of what Trump did was to be Trump, unafraid, unpredictable, thinks outside the box, not a tool of the Regime, wanted to do what is best for America, not just himself and his cronies, not beholden, corrupt and vulnerable to extortion.
The other answers I agree with.
So I just heard the Ukraine foreign minister say, Key-yev. Not Keev.
Biden--always late--and always a disappointment. OTOH it could get worse. The Valley Girl Kackler makes stumbling bumbling sensecent old Slow Joe look like a mental giant.
Bob Boyd asked, What should Biden do. Legit question.
Legit answer: Too effing late.
And Putin COULD storm into the Baltics or Poland and, NO, the world would not respond militarily to stop him.
Like the smash and grab attacks on stores, everything is up for grabs and people will just stand there and watch.
Meanwhile, after screwing Ukraine on the nukes they agreed to give up, you can be sure that no country will ever again give them up and, in fact, a lot more countries are scrambling to get them.
That's on Joe Biden, as well as on the fools who think that what happens in Ukraine doesn't matter here, that it's not our problem. A more dangerous, more nuclear weapons world.
To be fair, I think the loss of eastern Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea were done deals already during the Obama administration,
This, of course, is year 9 of the Obama administration with the same personnel and the same policies. Biden is a scarecrow to fool the chumps.
Kiev never had operational control of the nuclear weapons that were left after the collapse of the Soviet Union. They had the physical weapons but not command and control.
Anyway, no country will give up their nuclear weapons after Libya.Thats on Obama and Hillary.
And to nip it in the bud, no the West did not guarantee Ukraine's border in the Budapest Memorandum. All the West committed to was to consult with each other in the event of a breach.
Has Putin declared martial law and seized dissenters' bank accounts? That would be worrisome.
Doesn't matter. Nip one bud, another shoot will sprout, and it will be that no country will EVER trust America's word again.
Nor should they.
President Biden acknowledges US gas prices may keep rising due to his sanctions:
"Defending freedom will have costs for us as well, and here at home. We need to be honest about that."
So, Putin gets land, America gets higher gas prices. Looks like Biden unleashed the trunalimunumaprzure again.
And Putin gets money from higher gas prices, and Iran gets money from higher oil/gas prices, and China gets money from slave-labor-made solar panels and wind turbines and batteries and computer components, etc. because of Biden's tanking of U.S. oil production.
"If you don't like that reality, tell me how many American lives you'd be willing to lose to change it."
Lame excuse for argumentation.
"Lame excuse for argumentation."
It's the question the American people are going to be asking if we decide to use military force to change the status quo. After almost 20 years of continuous war, they aren't going to be satisfied with a "that's a lame excuse". We aren't talking about some 3rd world army that will fold inside a week. We are facing a world class military on their doorstep. So if you don't have a valid answer for that "lame" question, don't expect the American people to stand by you if things go tango uniform.
no country will EVER trust America's word again
I totally get what you're saying re Ukraine and nukes, but I'm not sure a lot of our deals with other countries are about trust in the first place. A lot of them are about overt and covert coercion, about carrots and sticks, about their government officials calculating that they can put one over on our government officials and get rich in the process. They have often been right.
This betrayal of Ukraine, if that's what it is, didn't happen in a vacuum. The US government has given the world many, many reasons to never trust them again. It's been going on for a long time. Heck, our government of the best and brightest has done such a stellar job, we're now at the point where at least half of America's own citizens will never trust them again. That is a new thing and much more concerning to me.
"Lame excuse for argumentation."
Sorry, but it's absolutely the question to be asked. I wouldn't put one American boy in harms way to pull Perkins-Coie's chestnuts out of the fire.
As the smartest man Joe knows with expertise in the area, this should have been handed to Hunter.
Bender said...
And Putin COULD storm into the Baltics or Poland and, NO, the world would not respond militarily to stop him.
It takes a lot of money and resources to move armies like this and occupy space.
Right now Putin is just moving his troops into friendly lands that were conquered by demographics 10 years ago. The provinces he annexed want to be a part of Russia.
It would be much different to try to occupy the Baltics or Poland. They don't want to be part of Russia and Russia doesn't really have the resources to occupy unfriendly countries.
A few more years of these Oil prices will give Russia more space to invade other countries though.
Thank you Beasts of England. The numbers are right the decimals landed in the wrong place. The proportions remain th same. Russia is an economic gnat.
Trust the United States government. Trust the United States government. Trust the United States government.
You know, it really does sound more absurd the more you repeat it.
Here's another university memory from about 1973. There was a retired army lt colonel who wrote books and articles about Communist subversion by way of the civil rights movement and fluoridation of water--the usual right-wing stuff of the day--who was speaking in our city
about the Vietnam War.
Two friends and I went to hear him at a local high school. We were of course the youngest and hairiest people in the sparse crowd, which included a recent mayor. We listened politely to the colonel expound, for about 40 minutes and with citations to official documents, on his theory that the Vietnam War was actually a Commie plot to kill of our best youth.
That made as much sense as LBJ's story, to tell you the truth, and he even claimed to have the texts of official US and UN documents proving it. Among other things, he revealed that a Soviet general served on the UN's Vietnam oversight committee, to which the US had to deliver regular operational plans and reports so that the North Viets and VC could set their traps efficiently. Like I said, it makes as much sense as Lying Bird Johnson's blitherings.
Anyway shortly after the Q and A had begun the ex-mayor left, but not without stopping by to warn us to show respect--as if there was any question of that.
One of my friends--I wish I could take credit--asked the colonel, respectfully, and in light of his revelations, if he supported the anti-Vietnam War movement among America's young people.
He hadn't expected that question, obviously, and managed to stammer out that he had two sons serving in Vietnam at the time, and that they had taken the same oath he had, and so no, he did NOT support the anti-Vietnam War movement.
At that point we exited laughing.
Bob Boyd said...
no country will EVER trust America's word again
weird locution ...
Americans first have to be able to trust themselves able to elect trustworthy functionaries.
Bob Boyd said...
M Jordan said...
I’m not a full-on isolationist yet but my distrust of these institutions is really pushing me that way.
Me too.
isolationism should be the default level 0 position.
=== that is what avoiding entanglements means.
with a CHANGE MY MIND in for challenge
LISTEN UP === Yo MFNG armchair Napoleon Blitzkriegers
I'd think puctuality, as an expression of reliabily and respect for others, would be easy win for anybody. But it is too often used a form of status bullying (I'm more importatnt, so you wait for me).
Narayanan said...
weird locution ...
That's a partial quote from a comment by Bender at 6:11pm. That's why it's italicized.
He overslept from his nappy nap after his afternoon ice cream.
"Defending freedom will have costs for us as well . . ." I had my doubts about more military adventurism, but now that Joe Tapioca tells us it's for freedom, sign me up! I know that if there's one thing Joey values above all else, it's freedom!
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