Vegetarian is too easy. It includes favorites like pizza and mac and cheese.
Education officials said there will be a grace period where some nonvegan but vegetarian backup options like cheese sandwiches will still be temporarily available. Vegan backup options like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and hummus and pretzels will also be available....
Gianni Faruolo, a seventh-grader at the Professional Performing Arts School, said he thinks the plant-based switch is “cool.” His mom, Dana Faruolo agreed. “I think it’s great, having options, teaching kids new things.”
Yes, it's valuable to teach through what's for lunch. I hope what they teach is that a meal without meat or eggs or dairy can be perfectly appetizing. It's at least as likely that they end up teaching that vegan = disgusting.
Vegan diets are unhealthy, missing vital nutrients needed by growing bodies. It's an ok virtue signal for adults--if they want to be unhealthy, they are free to make themselves unhealthy--but it is child abuse and neglect to force it on children.
I recall in public elementary school in the late fifties/ early sixties being served mac 'n cheese or chicken on Fridays, never meat. Why? The Pope had spoken.
In the inner city school where I taught apples and oranges were the favoured ballistic weapons in the cafeteria lunch wars. Humus? Not so much.
And, just like that, "following the science" is no longer popular.
Vegan backup options like peanut butter
So, they are Literally Trying to MURDER children!!!
Has any lunch at a public school cafeteria been appetizing?
This is not “having options”. This is forced compliance.
It teaches kids about contraband, smuggling and the black market.
Good lessons to be sure. Well done, NYC school system..
Well let's see what's in the garbage cans after Friday school lunches in New York City. If kids don't like the food, they'll toss it in the trash. Regardless of what the mayor might think.
Was this Adams guy alive when The Obama lady wrecked school lunch?
Maybe that’s why only Fridays…
Remember when he seemed like the most "law and order" of the candidates? Turns out to have been a bait and switch and he is even a bigger nutcase than DeBlasio
How does one ruin the prospect of pizza?
Add "school lunch" to the descriptor. Not optimistic.
Education, Medicine, Housing, Transportation, Personal Safety (Justice System)...
When we hire Government to fill a need, we limit our choices as to product provided. The decisions are no longer ours to make. Like the product or not, we will still pay for it, with no control over the cost.
Once every two or four years we have the opportunity to take our decision making power back. Process begins when over half of allowed votes are for a Legislator or Chief Executive with philosophy of Limited Government, and the will to impose it on the Bureaucracy.
So no meat and no dairy = "options?"
“I think it’s great, having options"
Doesn't sound like there will be "options." An easy prediction: most kids will hate it, but they will be ignored.
The negative health effects on inflammation of Veganism are well documented. They’d be better off fasting.
Vegetarian is too easy. It includes favorites like pizza and mac and cheese.
I tried vegan "cheese" pizza. It looked like cheese but was gummy and tasted sort of like a salty version of gummy candy. It did not brown and it did not crisp up. It was made from coconut, tapioca, potato starch, vegetable oil, and whatnot.
Humans evolved as meat and dairy eaters. Veganism will thereby always be ideologically driven, and never "as good" unless we can create chemically identical lab meat. Popular rejection is likely. Michelle Obama tried to force healthy cafeteria food too, with mixed results.
Given the rituals, dogma, and arbitrary sense of morality associated with veganism, one might think this runs afoul of separation of church and state. Normalizing healthier food options for children could help them eat better throughout their lives. Though perhaps Friday lunches will seem like punishment. Instead of unreachable fruit, and undrinkable water, Tantalus could have been punished with never ending access to Friday vegan lunches.
There's also vegan = least the way we all know it's going to be handled by these incompetents.
My wife is "plant based" (i.e., vegan) but I'm not. I 100% agree a meal does not have to include animal products to be exceptionally good (though I generally add meat to a vegan meal for protein).
We had a "winter-rice pilaf" yesterday - rice, mushrooms, Brussel sprouts, raisins, and pine nuts. It was great.
That said, what's the joke? How do you know if someone's vegan? Don't worry, they'll tell you within five minutes of meeting them.
Sure. It's cool for awhile. Until they start getting sick, losing weight. Getting that pasty-all-over hue to their skin.
Next, let's try Gender-Fluid Wednesdays.
It's all good. Let's be prahgrahssahv everyone.
Staggeringly unbelievable.
From the article:
"Education officials said there will be a grace period where some nonvegan but vegetarian backup options like cheese sandwiches will still be temporarily available. Vegan backup options like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and hummus and pretzels will also be available....
Gianni Faruolo, a seventh-grader at the Professional Performing Arts School, said he thinks the plant-based switch is “cool.” His mom, Dana Faruolo agreed. “I think it’s great, having options, teaching kids new things.”
Moving to 'vegan-only' even for one day a week doesn't add options; it removes them.
Amusing and pathetic that the parent quote refers to a new rule that limits choices and forces veganism on Fridays as "having options."
What a bunch of fucking tyrants. Eat this or else starve!
The lesson to be learned is that there is no bottom to it. They won't stop until we're all eating from state-approved nourishment parcels.
Sorry kids, although Takis are vegan, Hot Cheetos are not. Sad.
Back in the day, Pizza Day was the only day worth buying lunch for at my middle school/high school. All hail cheese!
I wonder how many donations to Mayor Adams' campaign were made by Vegan food providers.
Too late. The Catholics did it for centuries.
It's a lot more complicated making tasty vegan dishes than traditional meat and diary like a cheeseburger. I'd say it's actually more likely that they end up teaching that vegan = disgusting.
So we've gone from providing Vegan dietary options to forcing everyone into a Vegan Diet. Yes, one day a week for now. Give them an inch....
The dog and I usually have a vegetarian lunch of brown rice, peas, and chicken.
Pretty sure this is not about "having options."
“I think it’s great, having options, teaching kids new things.”
Granted it's only one day/week, but how is a vegan-only menu providing "options"? Sounds more like indoctrination.
He is just as bad as DeBlasio. He is keeping all the same laws like illegals voting, and he won't do stop and frisk or any other deterrent to black crime. NYC sucks, and I will probably never step foot there again. Don't tell me and my family what we have to eat. Screw you. I would send my kid to school with all kinds of meat. What are they going to do, arrest the kid (like Virginia wants to do to unmasked children??) Who are the FASCISTS again??
In some schools, if you bring a peanut butter sandwich, they separate you from other students. You get to sit at a table for PB eaters. Cut off from your friends. So much for "other options"
I remember fish Friday. That was back when eveerybody spoke Latin.
Humans are omnivores.
As demonstrated by the mayor. Sliding from vegetarian to vegan, exposes the lie. This is a purely political agenda.
Ketchup is a vegetable!
“ The dog and I usually have a vegetarian lunch of brown rice, peas, and chicken.”
Dessert = Milkbone
It's a lot more complicated making tasty vegan dishes than traditional meat and diary like a cheeseburger.
This is 100% science. Our brains are hard wired to crave animal FAT. Children's developing brains require fat to develop.
Serious Question (and, i mean Really Serious!)
do Insects count as Vegan? If So, Why?
Aren't we ALL supposed to be switching to an insect based diet?
I'd hate to be a 200 pound student-athlete with a game on Friday night after a lunch of celery and rice.
Back in the day there were people who claimed to be ovo-lacto-vegetarians, meaning they would eat eggs and dairy but no meat. When confronted with this my buddy would claim to be a beefo-porko-vegetarian.
I can't think of a single thing that I ever ate in a school cafeteria that ended up being something I like and eat as an adult.
Wow. Literally shoving their liberal agenda down the kids throat.
Let's see how that works out for them.
Good. Luck.
Wow. Literally shoving their liberal agenda down the kids throats.
Good luck with that.
Critical Lunch Theory
Don't be dissing square-cut school-lunch pizza! As cafeteria food went, it was pretty solid if not anywhere near gourmet.
At the risk of going full "walked 7 miles to school in the snow. up hill. both ways.", I remember having two options for school lunch. What was on the menu or going hungry. Maybe there'd be open-faced peanut butter smeared on the bread loaf heels (dating myself again) if you were lucky.
Our lunch ladies were solid midwestern scandihoovian grandmothers who could make food that was kid-friendly if a bit uninteresting. The only thing I can really remember being soundly rejected were a couple of attempts at serving creamed peas. That's about the only time I remember having the nerve to say don't even bother putting it on my plate.
His mom, Dana Faruolo agreed. “I think it’s great, having options, teaching kids new things.”
Great to have options. Like banning meat on Fridays.
As kids we used to BS each other a lot. Back then, the idea of being vegetarian was pretty esoteric and the only example we had came from the bookish kid who noted that Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian. Anyway, some kid would confidently tell us how he looked up the origins of "vegetarian" and that it came from one of the Native American languages--It translated roughly into, "bad at hunting".
Is there anything shallower than NYC residents? Really. The mom quoted thinks this is a good idea because "options"???? I remember a few months ago when we were supposed to be happy because the voters of NYC chose the normal candidate for Mayor. Daily crime, people afraid to use subways, illegal aliens voting etc. but the normal guy who is the Mayor finds it important to proselytize for veganism and the Mom quoted sees that as a good priority. Let's not forget that the actual education process in most NYC schools is fiction as well. The population of NYC is divorced from reality. Please secede.
Our kids were vegan up until Middle school. The exception was daily teaspoons of cod liver oil. Both were varsity athletes in HS and college and both are leaders in STEM careers. Vegan can work if you happen to have a genius level intelligent stay at home Mom doing meal planning and prep. Once she went back to finish her degree and work in our business we reverted to omnivoregan.
It's humorous reading anti vegan screeds from the morbidly obese junk food junkies
"rhhardin said...
The dog and I usually have a vegetarian lunch of brown rice, peas, and chicken."
Do you share a bowl?
Veganism is way different than no meat Fridays. You can't eat fish, meat, or dairy. Good luck with that. It's always about FORCE with Progressives.
Christopher B, we must have gone to the same schools. Our Lunch Ladies put out some pretty good chow, and we actually looked forward to Sloppy Joe days. And it was Iowa, so one option every day was a side dish of corn...
Well Vegan is disgusting. I guess Fruit is OK and tasty. However, you are not going to survive on a fruit diet. How about they teach kids about a balance diet that does not include highly processed foods.
Vegetables without butter are awful. I supose you can put something like margarine on them to make them tasty. But margarine is not healthy. It is made from highly processed seed oil.
I know Reagan said it, or somebody in his administration, but how can ketchup be a vegetable when a tomato is a fruit?
I don't believe I ate more than half a dozen school lunches in my whole K-12 career. They cost actual cash money then, so I ate peanut butter and jelly; and I still love me a PB&J.
Is there anything that NYC does that is not by totalitarian edict?
Not awful.
Vegan diets are unhealthy, missing vital nutrients needed by growing bodies. It's an ok virtue signal for adults--if they want to be unhealthy, they are free to make themselves unhealthy--but it is child abuse and neglect to force it on children.
It's one goddamn day a week. Not eating animal products one day a week is not going to hurt anyone.
‘His mom, Dana Faruolo agreed. “I think it’s great, having options, teaching kids new things.”’
Questions for today. How is “vegan-only” an “option”? Was this part of Adams campaign platform? Are NYCers addicted to authoritarian moonbats?
‘His mom, Dana Faruolo agreed. “I think it’s great, having options, teaching kids new things.”’
Questions for today. How is “vegan-only” an “option”? Was this part of Adams campaign platform? Are NYCers addicted to authoritarian moonbats?
If they want to make the most-likely-to-stick dietary change in children, that would also yield the best results health-wise. They should just cut the carb load. Kids will eat veggies if you give them tasty options, meaning a good dose of butter, salt, and pepper with whatever veggies you serve. Maybe they can find a cafeteria workable version of Hollandaise sauce?
There's a lot to be said for a plant based diet. The steer that produced the steak I had last night was on one and the steak was delish.
"having options"
Eat vegan, or starve. Prog rule in a nutshell.
Believe it or not, people used to flock to NYC for the freedom to be what they couldn't be in Peoria or Tulsa.
I think it’s great, having options, teaching kids new things.”
It's not having options. Having options would be adding vegan lunches to the menu while allowing normal people to still eat normal lunches. That's not what is happening.
If black kids toss the vegan stuff into the trash en masse, and Eric Adams insists on shoving it down their throats anyway, will he be sued or recalled?
they run out of lunch money. rest is just PR to cover it up
This is essentially Orthodox Christian fasting, which has many positive physical and spiritual benefits. I don't like compulsion, but you could do far worse things to kids than only offer them a lenten diet on the day of crucifixion.
Sure. It's cool for awhile. Until they start getting sick, losing weight. Getting that pasty-all-over hue to their skin.
My wife is a HS teacher who deals with a lot of weird kids, but she says that the vegans are the worst. Most are obese because they think an extra large portion of McDonald's fries constitutes a vegan meal.
From the article:
"City school cafeterias were already completely “meatless” on Mondays and Fridays, thanks in part to a vegetarian school food pilot program launched by Adams while he was Brooklyn borough president."
So no meat on Mondays, fully vegan on Fridays - I assume this includes breakfasts for kids on such a program - they will be pretty damned hungry come dinner.
And all of this not because someone has done the science on what growing kids need for nutrition or what they would enjoy eating, but only because Adams himself is vegan and wants to pipe his choice down everyone else's throat. But hey, at least he isn't an evil Republican, right NYC?
From the article:
"City school cafeterias were already completely “meatless” on Mondays and Fridays, thanks in part to a vegetarian school food pilot program launched by Adams while he was Brooklyn borough president."
So no meat on Mondays, fully vegan on Fridays - I assume this includes breakfasts for kids on such a program - they will be pretty damned hungry come dinner.
And all of this not because someone has done the science on what growing kids need for nutrition or what they would enjoy eating, but only because Adams himself is vegan and wants to pipe his choice down everyone else's throat. But hey, at least he isn't an evil Republican, right NYC?
There's a lot to be said for a plant based diet. The steer that produced the steak I had last night was on one and the steak was delish.
I am also a vegan once removed!
This is some totalitarian bullshit right here.
Are you saying that the next mayor, a fan of Atkins let's say, can mandate that schools provide only lunches with meat, cheese, eggs, bacon, etc.?
Oh, and everything must be made with peanuts...if allergy Johnny is hungry he will fucking eat.
If parents don't sue, even in prog New York, then we are so fucking lost.
Hey liberals, who are the fascists again?
“Humans evolved as meat and dairy eaters. Veganism will thereby always be ideologically driven, and never "as good" unless we can create chemically identical lab meat. Popular rejection is likely. Michelle Obama tried to force healthy cafeteria food too, with mixed results.”
Just a note. Dairy was a very late addition to our diet, and probably less than half the world’s population has the gene for lactose tolerance. It just happens that the traditional majority in our country (Northern European) skews heavily towards that trait. Adams likely doesn’t eat dairy simply because he can’t - lactose tolerance is a genetic mutation that came out of northern Eurasia. Very very few of those of recent African descent have it.
Just remembered the great Seinfeld trash eater episode
Serious question: Are kids allowed to carry in a brown bag lunch anymore? I know as an athletic kid burning lots of calories my mother would give me a sandwich with meat for lunch regardless of what the school served.
It's fine, but I would be so mad if the school turned my elementary schooler into a vegan. (this is theoretical, I no longer have an elementary school-aged child). I never wanted to or do want to feel responsible for preparing someone else's vegan meals on a regular basis.
This could only happen in a place with basically no school sports. Can you imagine just about anywhere else telling the football team to eat vegan before the Friday night game?
Do NYC kids still have the freedom to bring lunch from home? Or is that no longer allowed because of "equity" or something?
Wait for the food riot. Tray full of food flying all over. So called pizza flying back into the food prep areas.
Mayor Adams is proving to be just a slight upgrade from his predecessor, Mayor whats-his-name.
Like upgrading your car from a Gremlin to a Pinto.
Some kid (if they’re not already) is going to start bringing in candy bars, chips and other junk food to sell to their classmates on Vegan Fridays.
@ mezzrow … My NYC school going child complains that the pizza is simultaneously burned and soggy. Most days p&j is the choice, unless the school has run out of p&j. How does one run out of p&j and bread? Don’t stock the ingredients but have the final product shipped in. Central control is WONDERFUL!
My niece was a freshman at a brand new, very large campus high school. The freshman classes before lunch were on the other side of campus so she and her classmates didn't have time to make the trip, get their food, eat and make it back across campus. There were a lot of 14-yr olds on forced dieting, but I think they made some changes after Christmas break. After all, if the kids don't take the food, the school doesn't get the government money or the lunch money. I learned in the 1970s, always consider the school's money stream and you can force a change or get them to leave you alone. The latter when I made sure I signed in before 4th period/lunch so I was counted as present for the day. They got their money, and I got left alone. I passed their tests so grades weren't an issue.
Bugs can't be vegan. I've had chocolate covered ants and they don't taste like chicken. They taste like Chocolate.
They must save a lot of money on Meatless Mondays and Fridays. Wonder who's pocketing the $$$.
My recollection is that most kids just wanted hot dogs and hamburgers for lunch. Nobody was lining up for Tuna Sandwhiches or Chip beef on toast.
The head of our College Cafeteria once told me they deliberately served unpopular dishes several times a week to save $$. We had "Steak night" once a week, and that blew a hole in budget. Grilled Cheese sandwhiches and Meatloaf made up for it.
tim maguire said...
Vegan diets are unhealthy, missing vital nutrients needed by growing bodies. It's an ok virtue signal for adults--if they want to be unhealthy, they are free to make themselves unhealthy--but it is child abuse and neglect to force it on children.
There are a lot of diet cults.
Vegans are the only ones that want to use their diet to inflict punishment and save the world.
All of the other diet cults claim they are trying to make you more healthy.
Vegans are against honey. It's bee exploitation.
That's pretty much all you need to know.
No, it is not ok to "teach" what kids should eat. It is none of the school's business. During recent years schools practiced portion control when the reality was that student athletes needed far more food than that. Vegan is not going to be edible to most students and it is indoctrination to force them to eat it.
And now for another round of "Stupid, or evil?"
His mom, Dana Faruolo agreed. “I think it’s great, having options, teaching kids new things.”
They don't "have options", they're forced to either eat teh vegan crap, or nothing
Having a vegan option might be reasonable. Having a "vegan only" day is not
How do you know someone is Vegan? Wait five minutes and they will tell you.
The new Mayor sounds an awful lot like the old one. And yes, lactose tolerance is genetic.
My middle daughter, who was a Bernie Bro in 2016, was vegan until she lived a year in Spain. She told me she would have starved there.
rehajm said...
It teaches kids about contraband, smuggling and the black market.
Good lessons to be sure. Well done, NYC school system..
rehajm wins the comments
Howard said...
Our kids were vegan up until Middle school. The exception was daily teaspoons of cod liver oil.
Ok, so:
1: No, they weren't vegan at all
2: "Human Breast milk" is an animal-based product. So you're claiming your kids were never breast fed?
3: You ever ask your kids what they ate behind your backs? Are they old enough they can answer that question honestly?
Because I would bet that trades were made, and they went over to houses of friends who weren't vegan, and ate food there
@hawkeyedjb - Iowa here, too, though now migrated to L'ville. Can't remember if we had Sloppy Joes but the other big hit was probably what we called wiener winks .. wrap a hot dog and slice of American cheese in piece of white bread, pin with a toothpick, and bake until toasted brown. I even made them myself a few times after I got out of school
Freder Frederson said...
It's one goddamn day a week. Not eating animal products one day a week is not going to hurt anyone.
Eating animal products one day a week isn't going to hurt anyone. So I guess it's perfectly ok to have "carnivore only" school meals one day a week, right junior league fascist Freder?
It's so amazing how quickly "my body, my choice" because "you will do what you're told". It's almost like those on the Left have no principles at all.
The most amusing part would be finding all the supporters of this move, and checking to see how many of them are in favor of children having the freedom to chose abortions, or birth control, or Covid shots, without their parent's consent.
Because apparently choosing to kill your baby to cover up your rape is fine, but closing to eat a hamburger, or even a slice of pizza, is not.
The school sets the menu. Why didn't they just make it a veg day and skip the virtue signalling? If, as you say, some veg dishes are faves, all this drama could have been avoided.
Blogger Freder Frederson said...
Vegan diets are unhealthy, missing vital nutrients needed by growing bodies. It's an ok virtue signal for adults--if they want to be unhealthy, they are free to make themselves unhealthy--but it is child abuse and neglect to force it on children.
"It's one goddamn day a week. Not eating animal products one day a week is not going to hurt anyone."
Then we can force Vegans to eat meat and dairy one day a week by that logic. After all, it's just one day a week. Not eating vegan foods one day a week is not going to hurt anyone.
So I guess it's perfectly ok to have "carnivore only" school meals one day a week, right junior league fascist Freder?
Throughout the long history of school lunches, most if not all of the food was not vegatarian. "Oh, well if you are vegetarian just eat a salad and french fries." Sorry, most frozen french fries, until recently, contained beef tallow.
"There's been a mistake. You've given me the food my food eats." - Ron Swanson
On a separate note: This is good news, IMO. I've eaten vegan "pizza". I've eaten vegan "macaroni and cheese". Hard to know which is worst. I do know this: Kids know what pizza and mac&cheese are supposed to taste like. When they get the vegan version they'll know what to compare it to. And it won't be favorable for veganism. In 5-10 years when these kids are grown up and in college or the real world or wherever I bet we'll see far fewer annoying self-righteous vegans around.
Freder Frederson said...
Me: So I guess it's perfectly ok to have "carnivore only" school meals one day a week, right junior league fascist Freder?
Throughout the long history of school lunches, most if not all of the food was not vegatarian. "Oh, well if you are vegetarian just eat a salad and french fries." Sorry, most frozen french fries, until recently, contained beef tallow.
You're a vegetarian / vegan, and you're upset about being told to eat a salad? WTF kind of "vegetarian" are you?
Mac and Cheese is vegetarian. So is a meatless pizza.
"But they didn't have vegan options!"
So what? They didn't have Atkins options, either. And a paleo / Atkins diet's a hell of a lot better for growing kids than a vegan one.
Forcing your bullshit religious fruitcake desires on the rest of us is not what people who value "choices" do
Greg: what could they possibly trade for their lentil sandwich on 57 grain bread?
It is presumptuous to force one's own dietary preferences on others, simply because one has the power to do so.
Hey! Mayor! Leave those kids alone!
Kids know what pizza and mac&cheese are supposed to taste like.
Are you fucking crazy? Kids absolutely do not know what mac & cheese and pizza are supposed to taste like, especially if they like kraft mac & cheese. What kind of fucking idiot bases what is good food on what kids like?
They won't stop until we're all eating from state-approved nourishment parcels
Inn other words, soylent green.
If Dana Faruolo would learn to prepare a decent meal for her kid to take to school, he wouldn't have to eat that cafeteria crap.
I am the only meat eater in a family of vegans/vegetarians. Vegan cooking is more challenging, I think, as you can't rely on fat or butter for flavor. Have a hard time imagining that a typical school chef is up to the task.
The biggest problem I have with vegan food is that you are presented with something called 'macaroni and cheese', you have a certain expectation of taste/flavor based on past experience, and the food simply doesn't measure up. My vegan sister makes this gawd awful vegan/gluten free 'macaroni and cheese' that is just excretable. Blech. Call it 'Nut Sauce on Noodles' - different expectation.
The NYC school vegan meal on Friday was hummus with chips accompanied by pretzels.
Howard said...
Greg: what could they possibly trade for their lentil sandwich on 57 grain bread?
A single Ritz cracker
You never sent them to school with fruits? Celery with an approved vegan dipping sauce? anything at all that anyone would actually want to eat?
Did they have an allowance? Did you keep hold of all their money, so they could never buy anything they liked?
They could never sneak into a 7-11 / QuikStop / other convince store? I was certainly buying things for myself in grocery and drug stores when I was Middle School age.
They didn't have any friends they could buy black market goods off of?
Are you really that clueless about the world around you?
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