February 9, 2022

"Have you seen the news? I'm right wing now!"

The heart of this video is a series of statements in the form "If X is right wing, then I'm right wing." His self-identification, stated at the beginning, is strongly left wing.


Joe Smith said...

To the American left, Lenin was a right-winger.

DanTheMan said...

Today, right wing. Tomorrow, Russian Agent!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Anything that does not fall in line with the corrupt ultra Soviet left is... "right wing"

So - you know - normal people, working class folk, people with opinions that dare step out of the leftist oligarchy thought-police.

Strick said...

I just saw a post on another blog which used the word "republican" (little "r") to refer to urbanites who went to theaters to see movies during the pandemic. Given that urban Republicans are so rare as to be nearly mythological, it seemed like an attempt at a slur.

I guess when you have to have everything in little boxes and you insist that people who disagree with you belong in boxes with labels you consider "bad", that makes sense. Words mean exactly what they mean them to mean.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

LOL - paid leftist no-nothing facebook trolls are now "fact-checking" the British Medical Journal.

Dr. John Campbell is not political in any way shape or form. He's a doctor, reporting his in depth reading of medical research.

***You will be forced to heel... by paid pajama boi and paid Soviet non-journalists called "fact-checkers" (lol!) at Facebook.

Mattman26 said...


Readering said...

Nice shirt.

daskol said...

The same core principles that saw me self-define as a leftie in my youth have led me to being branded a right-wing extremist here in nyc. Admittedly some views have changed, for example around the role of government regulation, about economics policy, and will continue to evolve as a result of learning anew of the vast corruptibility of man. But the principles haven’t. If Russel Brand is right wing, I am…no fucking idea what I am. The operating dichotomy today is populists vs. corporatists or freedom lovers vs authoritarians. And the left in the west has abandoned both populism and freedom.

Kevin said...

"One day you're in and the next you're out." - Heidi Klum

Duke Dan said...

Hey, Tulsi is right wing now?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

That list should be labeled "Woke/Unwoke" as opposed to "Left Wing/Right Wing". It's more about who's not on board with the wokies than it is about actual political philosophies.

farmgirl said...

Exactly- someone is moving those Left-wing goalposts. It may be in the dark- but it wasn’t last night.

Being red-pulled may (actually) turn your brown eyes blue…
or something like that.

Also, I don’t think spirituality is necessarily a left-wing/right-wing-ed thing. Other than the fact that a belief in God is off the Dem platform, altogether.

He makes so much sense now, right?

who-knew said...

I went through a period when I rarely read or listened to any of the liberal commentariat because they never seemed to have anything interesting, relevant, or even true to say. That has changed in the last year with Matt Tabibi, Glenn Greenwald (after years of just being a crank), and now Russell Brand presenting interesting takes from a liberal perspective. It might not make me a better person (like Popeye, I yam what I yam), but it is improving my own thinking.

Ceciliahere said...

Isn’t this the crazy guy who was briefly married to Katy Perry? As I remember he behaved like he was on the crack piped or severely hyper-active.

walter said...

I saw Heather Heying at a Trump Rally all MAGA'd up.

wendybar said...

There are a few others on that list that are definitely NOT right wing, but today, anybody who steps off the Progressive plantation even once....is considered right wing...(Tulsi Gabbard??)

God of the Sea People said...

I don’t follow Russell Brand very much, but I really appreciate the message of this video. The political tribalism is so disheartening. I have friends and family members that you can never have a real conversation with because they are so locked in to a particular political identity. There is no nuance there, just “My team good. Your team bad.” We shouldn’t be living our lives that way, and we certainly shouldn’t be electing and running our government that way.

wendybar said...

I love that people like Russell and Bill Maher are laughing at Progressives like the rest of us have been. They really believe they are superior to everyone else, and the party is imploding. So much fun to watch.

MadisonMan said...

I notice Tulsi Gabbard is also listed as Right-Wing.

Wow, the left wing of the Democratic Party is insane.

walter said...

Wait till Russell finds out he's also a terrorist.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If you do not obey and follow the orders of every radical leftwing hivemind opinion - you will be labeled a racist, a white supremacist and a "right winger"... & you will be shamed and canceled ala the Soviet playbook.

Now shut up and go watch Maddow, Kimmel, The View, Colbert, and Stelter...
Turn off your mind and Obey. Thinking for yourself is not permitted. Opinions and thoughts outside of the "correct" leftist hivemind will not be tolerated.

Enigma said...

Per the list, also now "right wing":

Tulsi Gabbard - Democrat
Tim Pool - The media darling of Occupy Wall Street and self-professed leftish libertarian
Steven Pinker - A psychologist who accepts evolutionary science (i.e., biology)
Dave Rubin - A libertarian Democrat who abandoned the party in 2020

These all feel the modern left abandoned its core principles, and this is Russell Brand's point too. JOE ROGAN HIMSELF is left wing but not a blind ideologue.

Perhaps when this list is corrected on the left-center-right spectrum some Wokesters will understand they've actually been asleep.

Jaq said...

It's all about class now, and the upper class socialists hate the uppity, excuse me, their new word for the truckers is "entitled" but it *means* "uppity," anyway, they hate the working class.

D.D. Driver said...

If he isn't a right-winger why is he up in Ottawa waving Confederate flags around?

The left-wing is on a vicious campaign to smear truck-drivers? Truck-drivers! Is anyone still even pretending that the left cares about the working class?

tim maguire said...

Many of those things he listed, "If believing X makes you right wing, then yes, I'm right wing," do indeed make you right wing. If you call yourself a liberal, then you reject most liberal values. If you hold liberal values, then your values are better represented by the Republicans than by the Democrats.

For the most part, the left-right divide has broken down. Most people of substance are a little from column A and a little from column B. The real divide today, as will come as no surprise to most people here, is not left/right, but insider/outsider.

The insiders are preoccupied with maintaining the power centers. The opiates they feed the masses are diversity, equity, and inclusion--the concerns of the elites in academia. If you care about the poor, the middle class, the strivers, the regular people who live by their wits, then neither party represents you. But the Republicans are at least not actively hostile and can be influenced. The Democrats are hopeless, useless, worthless.

Achilles said...

walter said...

Wait till Russell finds out he's also a terrorist.

Russel Brand is actually going right at the Oligarchs right now.

It is actually kinda fun watching him realize the government regimes and the corporations and the media are all working together and that Trump was right.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"fact checker" - A person on the left who is paid to shut you down for not following the Soviet line.

Ray - SoCal said...

Great video!

Sounds like he would have voted for Trump.

farmgirl said...

Red-pilled. Learn, spellcheck- learn a new lesson, please.

gahrie said...

I disagree with Brand on most things, and I never thought he was very funny. However I watch his videos because he allows honest debate and I think it's important to understand those you disagree with. He's definitely Leftwing, as is Rogan, Greenwald and Maher. (Rubin seems to have actually become Rightwing)

I'm showing my age, but my position has always been I may disagree with what you are saying, but I will defend your right to say it.

JaimeRoberto said...

No true left winger.

Ampersand said...

The list documents the leftward movement of the Overton Window, and is a reminder that the dynamics of revolution require the marginalization and ultimate extinction of the less fanatical members of the original revolutionary coalition. See French, Russian, Chinese, and Cambodian Revolutions.

DanTheMan said...

>>anybody who steps off the Progressive plantation even once....is considered right wing...(Tulsi Gabbard??)

Please don't forget that Hillary accused Tulsi of being a Russian agent!!
So you don't even have to leave the planation, apparently.

SteveWe said...

I have a profound aversion to the ideas and fantasies of people inked with a large number of large tattoos.

Wilbur said...

I'd never heard of this bloke, Russell Brand, so I looked him up on the Wiki, and then looked at his Quotations page there.

Frankly, it's the most inarticulate, doltish mess of quotes I've ever seen there.

Unintelligent, lacking wit and loud is no way to go through life, son.

I listened to about 30 seconds of the overexcited yelling and arm-waving in the video before shutting it off. If I have misjudged him, Alhouse readers, please enlighten me.

dbp said...

I had commented on this list, which supposedly proved that Rogan was right-wing:

There are 1772 JRE episodes. The top person on his list has 10 appearances (and is himself, arguably not conservative).

The number of people with at least 11 appearances is 20 different people, three of which have 80 or more appearances. So, his list is really solidly into cherry-picking territory.


Roseanne Barr and Russell Brand are on the right? Steven Pinker and Tulsi Gabbard? This will be news to them.

I guess my prediction is right, in the sense that Brand got word of it and rejects being categorized as right wing.

iowan2 said...

If you ask almost anybody, a set of 'value' questions, they will end up being conservative. People live a conservative life, and talk a liberal life.

The term virtue signaling did not invent itself.

Ann Althouse said...

“ I listened to about 30 seconds of the overexcited yelling and arm-waving in the video before shutting it off. If I have misjudged him, Alhouse readers, please enlighten me.”

Maybe you’re missing his incredible attractiveness.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I could do with less waving of the arms. but yes- he is adorable ... and filled with love and joy.

Lurker21 said...

Any collection of quotes is bound to be unorganized and random, a mess of non-sequiturs. Most of the quotes are taken out of context from his books and some were stand-up comedy observations, random and hit or miss by nature.

I don't agree with Russell Brand about much and would probably find it difficult to listen to him for very long, but it didn't seem to me that Brand is lacking in intelligence or insight.

“A personality for the incredibly beautiful can be a pointless cargo...”
― Russell Brand, My Booky Wook

I hope that's not just a dig at Katy.

“Life is not a theme park, and if it is, the theme is death.”
― Russell Brand

Jaq said...

Loved him in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and can't wait to see him in Death on the Nile, and I love these videos of his. I am glad they are still giving him work in Hollywood, since he has been questioning the narrative.

Spiros said...

There is a strange appeal. He's very quick and smart. But he comes off as something like a guru for "self-help" narcissists (who, of course, demand social change and justice for all). But this man has 5 million subscribers. His podcast crushes CNN! He even demolished and ridiculed Brian Stelter (90,000 - 95,000 viewers).

But what about Joe? Joe Rogan is the personification of idealized White manhood. He's tough. He's fair. The Woke hate him! He's like John Wayne.

wildswan said...

I see a US based Life-Long-Democrat* (LLD) move forming, a grouping of people who could not endure being a Republican (EEEWW) but who are going to vote Republican in the hope of forcing the Dems back to sanity. These people support liberal values but sat by silently while some person in a class or seminar was annihilated for openly supporting free speech or some other liberal value. The life-Long-Democrats went home and said to themselves: "I sat through that in silence like a good German in the Nazi era; I have been a good German but no more; I'm a Life-Long-Democrat but I'm voting Republican." And as I listened to Russell Brand, I began to see a Life-Long-Lefty party also forming.

*I acknowledge that I am on ground sacred to Chuck but LLD's are sincere. Ouroboros

farmgirl said...

I’m just thankful he’s sober! You should have seen him before, Wilbur.
He’s got 4.9million viewers… &counting. I don’t mind his word play- his mind is so quick &a straight shot to his mouth!

He’s not irrelevant.
& he’s not completely wrong.

madAsHell said...

Maybe you’re missing his incredible attractiveness.

Are we missing a sarcasm tag??

Ampersand said...

The observation of his "incredible attractiveness" reminds me of how much I'm incapable of perceiving everything. But the flip side is that those who see things like that are incapable of seeing things, true things, that I can see. Maybe all people would be better off if they had an attractiveness filter.

The birth rate would be depressed, however.

Howard said...

madAsHell obviously prefers butch johns.

effinayright said...

madAsHell said...
Maybe you’re missing his incredible attractiveness.

Are we missing a sarcasm tag??

Maybe not. When women get ...moist...they'll believe anything you say.

Just like Reneé Z when she met Tom Cruise in "Jerry Maguire":

"You had me at "Hello"."

Achilles said...

Wilbur said...

I'd never heard of this bloke, Russell Brand, so I looked him up on the Wiki, and then looked at his Quotations page there.

Frankly, it's the most inarticulate, doltish mess of quotes I've ever seen there.

Unintelligent, lacking wit and loud is no way to go through life, son.

I listened to about 30 seconds of the overexcited yelling and arm-waving in the video before shutting it off. If I have misjudged him, Alhouse readers, please enlighten me.

So you spent more time on wikipedia than actually listening to him.

You might adjust your sourcing just a little.

And it sounds like you didn't really listen to the 30 seconds you were actually there.

You seem more like a Hannity viewer...

iowan2 said...

Isn't the problem here, the politics of the person that created the list?

As is the case 99% of the time in the media, setting and advancing the narrative is always the primary message. In this case Brand is refusing full throated advocacy of the approved narrative. He needs some shaming to bring him back to the proper messaging. Independent thought that strays from approved talking points must be smoothered

Jaq said...

Never argue with a woman about male attractiveness.

JAORE said...

Russell Brand-ed.

DanTheMan said...

>>Never argue with a woman about male attractiveness.

When women tell me how handsome I am, I never disagree.

Danno said...

Ann Althouse said, "Maybe you’re missing his incredible attractiveness."

He looks like a 'gurly-man' compared to Meade.

Old and slow said...

Is he incredibly attractive? I guess I can't tell. I have been told how great he is by several people, and I have tried to watch him. I find him to be unbearably annoying. Certainly is full of himself isn't he?

Robert Cook said...

"Please don't forget that Hillary accused Tulsi of being a Russian agent!!
So you don't even have to leave the planation, apparently."

And Hillary really is right-wing, having been a Goldwater Girl in her youth.

Unknown said...

Telling the truth is now right wing, not because right wingers always tell the truth, but because the left never does. If someone on the left tells the truth, they are immediately excommunicated and labeled right wing.

Bilwick said...

"Hillary is right wing, having been a Goldwater girl in her youth."

More impeccable logic from the modern master of the syllogism, Robert Cook.

Bilwick said...

By Robert Cook logic, when Whittaker Chambers wrote WITNESS, he was still a Communist. Because he was one in his youth.

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