২৮ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০২২

"Every journalist covering Ukraine should really, really look internally. This is why I say we should stop pretending we have objectivity and... instead acknowledge our biases so that we can report against them. Many of us see the racialized analysis and language."

"'Honestly, these admissions of shock that this is happening in a European country are ahistorical and also serve to justify the lack of sympathy for other invasions, other occupations and other refugee crisis involving peoples not considered white.... To be clear: We should care about Ukraine. But not because it is European, or the people appear white, or they are 'civilized' and not 'impoverished.' All people deserve to be free and to be welcomed when their countries are at war.... Europe is not a continent by definition... [It's a] geopolitical fiction to separate it from Asia. So the alarm about a European, or civilized, or First World nation being invaded is a dog whistle to tell us we should care because they are like us."

Said Nikole Hannah-Jones, quoted in "1619 founder Nikole Hannah-Jones blasts media for 'insidious racism' and claims they only care about 'Europeans with blond hair and blue eyes' after heavy coverage of Ukraine compared to other conflicts" (Daily Mail).

১১৫টি মন্তব্য:

Heartless Aztec বলেছেন...

Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out and the Moscow girls make me sing and shout. No chicks from Lagos do that to me. If that makes me a racist so be it.
I'm blaming my simian DNA chains...

lgv বলেছেন...

Of course she can't see the difference between this conflict and any other that involve people of color. I think there is some room for nuance that she can't accept. A nuclear power of 140 million people invades invades a country of 40 million people seeking to enter our NATO allowance. It is an invasion of one recognized UN country of another.

We will ask her again when the press goes ga-ga over the invasion of Taiwan by China. I think we will care about the Taiwanese even though they don't look like most Americans.

Breezy বলেছেন...

Totally don’t understand this…. Europe is not a geopolitical fiction, it’s a geopolitical reality. Also, the invaders here are also white, and the world is not taking their side, generally. We applaud the protesters against the invasion in Moscow and St Petersburg. She makes no sense.

farmgirl বলেছেন...

Go for it then, Nikole.
Get you a$$ to Ukraine and show us how it’s done.
Without bias.

Then head to the border of Haiti &the Dominican Republic and report on that wall I understand is being built.

Add narrative. Lots and lots of narrative.
You seem to enjoy that.

farmgirl বলেছেন...

Simian… such an educational blog:0)

Kevin বলেছেন...

Note to Jones: WWIII does not start in Africa.

Misinforminimalism বলেছেন...

So all the people we call Asian are actually European?

MayBee বলেছেন...

She's not wrong that some conflicts get a lot more attention than others. The people who suffer are suffering just as much under the conflict that gets no news coverage as those taking up the 24 hour news cycle. My son has a class filled with refugees from Yemen while I bet most Americans (maybe including NHJ!) wouldn't know why there are currently refugees from Yemen.

But that is separate issue from the geopolitical stakes. The people who need to nourish themselves as they watch this unfold- yeah, maybe they need to check themselves about why this is the conflict that personally anguishes them on a human level. But geopolitically, this is much different and. bigger and can have huge repercussions for Europe and the world. That's not racism. If she wants to lobby to realign our country away from NATO because that's white supremacy, she can go for it.

David Begley বলেছেন...

NHJ is the shame of Notre Dame. What a loon.

David Begley বলেছেন...

NHJ - like many Leftists - has to see everything through the lens of race.

PhilD বলেছেন...

Then I suppose she, being black (for a given amount of 'black') shouldn't care so much about black people.

"Europe is not a continent by definition" Europe is a continent by history dating from the time of the Greeks and named by them. She should complain that 'Africa' and 'Asia' were named with no thought of a 'Black Africa' or a China. And what a strange way to think that the 'continental status' of Europe has any meaning. The Ukraine is part of European history and culture just like the USA is (I know I commit blasphemy here but it weren't the Chinese colonies, or something, in America which lay at the basis of the USA).

boatbuilder বলেছেন...

If all you have is a hammer...

Enigma বলেছেন...

Where is her concern over the Chinese bribery, bullying, violence, and exploitation of all sorts of African and Asian countries per the Belt and Road program? Might it reflect poorly on those who accept the money? Might it reveal that there's more to crime, injustice, and corruption than skin color?

Chinese actions = White privilege?

In the words of Inigo Montoya of the Princes Bride:


Her thesis is broken in its core. Discredit her. Expose her. Discredit her publishers.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

The POS frets about the POC.

Just more run-of-the-mill fascist racism.

Beasts of England বলেছেন...

I’m proud to live in a country so prosperous that half-witted race pimps such as Nikole have the luxury of whining in lieu of being productive.

gilbar বলেছেন...

To be clear: We should care about Ukraine. because they are an industrialized country

Big damn difference between a nuclear power's tanks rolling through another country's city;
and rice farmers shooting machine guns at each other
Hannah doesn't get this; because Hannah is STUPID

Humperdink বলেছেন...

The left is certainly a creation bunch. It used to be they would find racism under every rock. Now they find it under every bomb crater.

Temujin বলেছেন...

Oh yeah. I read a blip about her comment yesterday and I thought: What would happen if people just quit reading her tweets and quit responding to them? It's on a scale of responding to Joy Behar bemoaning her Italian vacation being in jeopardy because of this war.

These are very small minded people. I know Hannah has a large audience, has made millions on her bizarre form of racism, and has the backing of The Paper of Record, but she's as much charlatan as anyone we have in our society at large today. She's a quack. People need to let her mumble to herself in a quiet corner somewhere. This is not worth a debate. There is no debate.

This is Western Civilization were talking about here. It is the anchor for most of the civilized world. Not all, but most. It is not nothing. And as citizens in the US, we have a keen interest in things that Western Civilization brought to the world. Things such as the idea of individual rights. Something the Continent of Africa is still working to find. While Hannah lives well in the heart of Western Civilization she manages to denounce it daily from her nice home, living her nice life, spouting her bizarre form of racism and getting well paid to do it.

She might pay attention to what is happening there, minus the skin color of the people. I can tell you- it could have a greater impact on her life than a struggle between two warlords in the People's Republic of the Congo. Though neither is great for humanity, only one of them can impact the entire world. Period.

That she doesn't get that makes one wonder if she works on sounding stupid, or if it comes naturally.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Youtube has a lot of great WWII footage covering Europe and the Pacific. Now that was destruction. This today is more about hurt feelings.

Christopher B বলেছেন...

The "Europe is not a continent" observation seems to me a specific instantiation of the more general concept held by many of HNJ's ilk that there aren't any 'borders' any more. Yeah, any dividing line looks arbitrary when you're standing right on it but that doesn't mean you can't draw one.

Putin's actions over the last decade or so make a lot of sense if you recognize where the historic invasion routes into the steppes between the Baltic and Black Sea are located. He's been pushing back the borders of Russia to match the gaps in the defensible barriers around the steppe. Obligatory disclaim that this doesn't make his invasion of Ukraine justified but it does make it comprehensible. The catch is that you have to accept the fact that there's a symbiotic connection between a people who think of themselves as a country, and the physical location that they inhabit. People pushing the whole 'citizen of the world' ideal, or the primacy of genetic characteristics over citizenship, aren't going to get it.

iowan2 বলেছেন...

Doesn't it mean something, that I could have written this piece as satire a year ago, about a fictional invasion Of Ukraine, by Russia? Supposedly highly educated, she is so hide bound to her prejudices, her output is easily predictable.

Owen বলেছেন...

NHJ is a very sick woman, with her brain poisoned by racism. Sad.

Howard বলেছেন...

Keep picking that scab, snowflakes. I was thinking these exactly similar thoughts reading the liberal progressive reaction to the Ukrainian invasion by Putin after given the greenlight by Trump.

All the sudden they become hawks wanting to defend Europe in Europe at all costs. I thought it rather ironic from the white privilege aspect and that they expect a mostly deplorable US Military to do their bidding.

It's nice to see you people salivate uncontrollably when Ann rings the bell.

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

When race is all you have, everything is about race. That goes for NHJ, but also apparently for the American media.

Hannah-Jones is concerned about her ethnic group -- perhaps beyond everything else. Should she really be offended that other Americans are particularly concerned about the country or region or continent that their own ancestors came from?

We are always "surprised" and also "not surprised" by war or barbarism in Europe. It was largely Europeans who built modern civilization, so we're "surprised" that they are capable of cruelty and savagery. But we also know enough history not to be surprised. But we can't help seeing and feeling the contradiction (or correlation) between civilized modern society and barbarity in Europe than in other parts of the world.

Now that I know that Nikole's mom is of Czech ancestry, I find it hard to tell Nikole and Rachel Dolezal, another Black Czech provocateur, apart.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

blond hair and blue eyes

Not many Ukrainians have blond hair.

zipity বলেছেন...

Good lord. It must be exhausting to be compelled to view EVERYTHING thru a lens of race.

I assume she is offended when someone in front of her in line at Subway orders a sandwich on white bread.

Yinzer বলেছেন...

Just when I was thinking commentary by Hannah Jones represented the nadir of honesty and intelligence, you get Howard saying that Putin's invasion was 'green-lit by Trump'.

PhilD বলেছেন...

As a very long time lurker (2004) I remember an absolute piece of *** who called himself 'Gar(b)age Mahal' (I think). While Howard doesn't come anywhere near that one in annoyance he seems to have the ambition to become so.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

Nikole's mom is of Czech ancestry

Compare "NSW medical graduate set to become first Indigenous female surgeon" with real Aborigines.

tds বলেছেন...

what is a word in psychology/psychiatry for a condition when somebody tries to make an event that's totally not about him, about him?

J L Oliver বলেছেন...

What is often missed in how wars (and historical events generally)are covered is significance. How much will the event affect your country should matter in coverage. And how much will the event’s fallout affect the future generally.
But then again, it may also be affected by the level of hotels available for journalists. I agree that there is a disparate outcome there.

Browndog বলেছেন...

It's OK to be white.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

I think you can give Howard a little credit for sarcasm in that comment, some of it anyway.

DaveL বলেছেন...

"We should care about Ukraine. But not because it is European, or the people appear white, or they are 'civilized' and not 'impoverished.'" ... "So the alarm about a European, or civilized, or First World nation being invaded is a dog whistle to tell us we should care because they are like us."

I have heard exactly zero non-NHJ people referring to any of those reasons. She has only one drum to beat and it sounds sillier and sillier the more she bangs it.

William বলেছেন...

Nikole Hannah-Jones is an insipid, ideological idiot.

She should be ignored.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Why do people give this liar any space to spew her ignorance?? She is part of the problem with our country. If she hates it so much...move. Nobody cares.

Howard বলেছেন...

I feel the same way about you and your kind, Wendybar... except that I don't want you to move out of our libtard utopia. I don't care what you do. I also completely respect your rights to spew your hate filled rants here on Althouse. The one benefit of the Trump con is that you defective damaged and deranged people feel empowered to get your insanity off your chest and identify what you really are: GOPutin, Conservative Putin Asslicking Community.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

"I have heard exactly zero non-NHJ people referring to any of those reasons. She has only one drum to beat and it sounds sillier and sillier the more she bangs it."

People are more worried about the implications for Taiwan, to be honest.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

So many dog whistles, so little time.

Owen বলেছেন...

PhilD @ 8:02: "...Gar(b)age Mahal..." I remember that one! I guess that shows my age, but that really was the Golden Age of Trolls.

Mike of Snoqualmie বলেছেন...

So says the chief racist of the NYT. Maybe she's missed all of the talk about China invading Taiwan?

Everyone with half a brain can see Europe and Asia are one continent called Eurasia. It's convenient to call the West part Europe and the East part Asia. For millennia, the two were separate cultures. Vast grasslands separate European Russia from China and India. The horse-mounted barbarian tribes ensured that and are the reason China always reconstituted the its empire after the previous empire fell.

DanTheMan বলেছেন...

>>It's OK to be white.

For now.

West TX Intermediate Crude বলেছেন...

NHJ and her kind will at some point learn about the concept of diminishing returns. They are as a group not great at math, and the concept sounds a bit math-y, but hollering "Racism" at everyone and everything is losing its effect. Totally lost with me, but I'm an outlier. They're going after upper-middle class suburban moms now, and high-achieving Asians. Will not end well. Their current definition of "Racist-" one who does not consider race in forming an opinion of another person- is segueing into one who does not explicitly favor the BIPOC in any interaction.
And only certain BIPOC.
At this point, using their definitions, if they call me Racist, I will not care. I will not deny. I will consider it no more objectionable than if they say I'm nearsighted or shorter than average, or brown-haired. At this point, they do not even have the hammer that Boatbuilder refers to above, and I'm not their nail.
Will not end well for them.

Mike of Snoqualmie বলেছেন...

Just when I was thinking commentary by Hannah Jones represented the nadir of honesty and intelligence, you get Howard saying that Putin's invasion was 'green-lit by Trump'.

Howard doesn't know how to spell B-I-D-E-N so he must fall back upon T-R-U-M-P.

Howard বলেছেন...

The way the West is lining up against Putin is sending a message to China. IMO, Taiwan is safer now from a ChiCom invasion. Thanks, Vlad. Genius move!

Aggie বলেছেন...

It's a funny thing about this, I didn't even think once about race when reading through or viewing the Ukrainian coverage - until what's-her-name-with-Bozo's-hair brought it up. I bet all those Ukrainians diving for shelter or escaping from the cities under siege weren't obsessing on race either. Has she checked the labels on the red hair dye? Maybe it's a personal problem.

robother বলেছেন...

Wait, so according to Howard, Putin is actually Trump's puppet? Wow, this whole Russian Collusion theory has layers I'd never imagined. The Steele Dossier was just the tip of very big conspiracy iceberg. Or is it Bilderberg? How do the Protocols of the Elders of Zion tie in? And at a more practical level, how does Trump greenlight Putin's actions? Mind rays, or a dedicated undersea cable running from Mar a Lago to the Kremlin?

Ceciliahere বলেছেন...

Nikole, I cannot believe this war between Russia and Ukraine has you thinking it’s racist. IMO you can only think in terms of “race.” You are a one trick pony/phony. Get your head out of your ass and open your mind to other events and problems in the world.

It’s not always about you and your race. BTW you are bi-racial…like Obama.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

The "Trump gave the green light to the invasion" is quite insightful (sarcasm alert).

Wondering how our residence liberal will blame Trump for the annexation of Crimea by Putin in 2014 (under the Obama administration). I know it will prove to be quite a stretch, by I think Howard is up to the task.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Russians and Ukrainians fighting. American Blacks hardest hit.

DarkHelmet বলেছেন...

Europe has been a continent ever since Europa jumped the Bosphorus while running from Zeus.

rcocean বলেছেন...

She sounds like that old black guy on that old talk show with Nina Totenberg. Carl Rowan. No matter what the subject, Carl would always pipe in with "What about Black people?"

rcocean বলেছেন...

North America and South America are joined together so its really one continent. And so are Africa, Asia, and Europe. And Austrialia is just a big island. So there are only 3 continents.

Iman বলেছেন...

Racial whinging from Black Bozo.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Switzerland has dropped their neutrality and sided with Europe.

Bilwick বলেছেন...

I well remember Garage Mahal. In terms of the loopiness of his posts and his devotion to the statist Hive's party line du jour, the Howard of his day. The main thing I remember is when I put out my Statist Scale (with 0 being pure Rothbardian libertarian anarchism and 10 being Hitler/Stalin/Mao tyranny, and 7 being the start of what I called the State-fellator Zone: Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, etc.), Garage Mahal--the most lockstep statist if them all--classifying himself as a "5." Really! It showed you either how people can be self-deceiving, or how statists want to conceal their true evil from the rest of us, their intended victims.

Krumhorn বলেছেন...

The medications above Howard’s sink so predictably ebb and flow. Today, he is in condition ebb. Apparently, even his keepers think so little of him that they have to play duck duck goose to issue refills. I guess they’re currently short a goose.

- Krumhorn

Iman বলেছেন...

“Keep picking that scab”

C’mon, folks. Leave Howard alone as he tries to work things out.

Krumhorn বলেছেন...

Oddly, I’m in agreement with her. I frankly don’t care much what happens in shit-hole countries. That’s why they’re shit-hole countries. If Sweden were to invade Norway, I’d care a lot. Too many attractive women in jeopardy.

- Krumhorn

West TX Intermediate Crude বলেছেন...

rcocean at 0912:
"So there are only 3 continents."
Eurasia, Eastasia, and Oceania.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

"The events of the past few days have shown us that responsible, forward-looking energy policy is decisive not only for our economy and the environment. It is also decisive for our security," Scholz told lawmakers in a special Bundestag session called to address the Ukraine crisis.

"We must change course to overcome our dependence on imports from individual energy suppliers," he said.
. - Reuters

There is a tweet out there of the German delegation laughing at Trump when he told them this very thing. But remember that this invasion is because Trump weakened NATO.

Charlie Eklund বলেছেন...

Sometimes, the mind of the idiot appears to be a bottomless pit rather than the millimeter-thin mirage it truly is.

Kevin বলেছেন...

If Jones were a Republican, she'd be accused of being a Putin-loving stooge.

"Putin stooge" being the "white supremacist" of 2022.

Charlie বলেছেন...

"It's OK to be white."

I'm reporting this to the proper authorities!

hombre বলেছেন...

If you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Greg The Class Traitor বলেছেন...

Howard said...
Keep picking that scab, snowflakes. I was thinking these exactly similar thoughts reading the liberal progressive reaction to the Ukrainian invasion by Putin after given the greenlight by Trump.

1: Hey Howard, your boyfriend Justine appears to still be a big Putin fan

2: The greenlight to invasion came from the Biden* Admin, not private citizen Trump. Have you already memory holed "minor incursion"?

3: Obama / Biden Admin: Putin invades Ukraine, steals the Crimea. O/B Admin refuses to sell Ukraine lethal weapons
Trump Admin: Putin does nothing
Biden* Admin: Putin gets the greenlight to invade, and does so

If we've been playing "red light, green light" with Russia, it's clearly the Democrats who give the green light, and only Trump who gave the red light

Howard বলেছেন...

Ouch, boys. That really stings!

hombre বলেছেন...

"... GOPutin, Conservative Putin Asslicking Community."

Howard's been bluepilled this morning.

Jeff Vader বলেছেন...

Been gone a while, returns to throw he hat in the ring for dumbest columnist at the Times

Not Sure বলেছেন...

NH-J is committing the cardinal twitter sin of becoming a bore.

Michael K বলেছেন...

The one benefit of the Trump con is that you defective damaged and deranged people feel empowered to get your insanity off your chest and identify what you really are: GOPutin, Conservative Putin Asslicking Community.

Projection is a wonderful psychological mechanism. The true believer can keep thinking something is real long after it has been shown to be a hoax. As someone wrote: If a president was a Putin stooge, what would he do ?
1. End fracking
2. Cancel US pipelines to make us dependent on oil imports again.
3. Leave Afghanistan in a shambles by running in the night.
4. Approve the Russian pipeline to make Europe more dependent on Russian energy.
5. Open the US border to millions of unknown and unvetted illegals.
6. Print enough money to pay off supporters and set inflation going again after 40 years.

LA_Bob বলেছেন...

Shorter Nikole Hannah-Jones:

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! We black folks want attention, too!"

JAORE বলেছেন...

Ukraine has NOTHING to do with race.

The war was triggered when Ukraine refused to use Putin's preferred pronouns.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

Said Nikole Hannah-Jones, ...

isn't she now the bigwoman on campus!

Achilles বলেছেন...

Howard said...

The way the West is lining up against Putin is sending a message to China. IMO, Taiwan is safer now from a ChiCom invasion. Thanks, Vlad. Genius move!

The way the Biden Regime fed intelligence to China for 3 months and the way they just handed that intelligence straight to Russia tied the whole corrupt troika together.

Now Ukrainians with assault rifles are doing what the cowardly bureaucrats could not.

The State Department keeps trying to butt in on the peace talks where nobody wants them.

All of these shitty regimes are going to fall together.

I Wish we could give the Chinese people a bunch of assault weapons too.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"peoples not considered white...."

Is that the new euphemism?

Greg The Class Traitor বলেছেন...

Howard said...
The way the West is lining up against Putin is sending a message to China. IMO, Taiwan is safer now from a ChiCom invasion. Thanks, Vlad. Genius move!

Even when you get close to making an intelligent comment, you blow it.

It's not "the West supporting Ukraine" that's making Taiwan safer, it's not even "the whole world siding with Ukraine" that's making Taiwan safer.

What's making Taiwan safer is the fact that "the Russian walk over victory" is a failure.

The CCP is at least as corrupt as Putin's Russia is. Taiwan is a lot less corrupt, and a lot more competent, than Ukraine is.

Thanks to the "One Child policy", the vast majority of the soldiers in the PLA are only children, and only grandchildren.

Every casualty the PLA sufferes leaves 6 adults with nothing left to live for, and a strong desire to make the government pay.

An invasion with heavy casualties will leave the CCP facing a revolt by people, many of them with connections, who have nothing to lose (you can't threaten their brothers, sisters, or other children with the costs of a failed revolt, because they don't have any).

That's why Taiwan is much safer now that it was a week ago

Achilles বলেছেন...

Howard said...

I feel the same way about you and your kind, Wendybar... except that I don't want you to move out of our libtard utopia. I don't care what you do. I also completely respect your rights to spew your hate filled rants here on Althouse. The one benefit of the Trump con is that you defective damaged and deranged people feel empowered to get your insanity off your chest and identify what you really are: GOPutin, Conservative Putin Asslicking Community.

Howard still believes the Russian Collusion hoax is useful.

He knows it was all a lie and he knows that he supports Putin more than Trump supporters do.

The Biden Regime shut down our domestic production and forced us to import oil from Russia.

Democrats like Howard are forcing us to support Putin's war machine every time we get gas. We are paying for this war.

62% of Americans believe Russia would not have gone to war if Trump was President.

The other 38% are the dumb shits like Howard that support Joe Biden.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

And at a more practical level, how does Trump greenlight Putin's actions? Mind rays, or a dedicated undersea cable running from Mar a Lago to the Kremlin?
Elon Musk has dedicated a satellite all to Trump for his global shananigans ;
Trump now has a game-joy-stick to steer it

cassandra lite বলেছেন...

Theory: This woman knows she's a fraud, knows that the work she does is shoddy, knows that the awards and accolades given her were/are ill-deserved, so like the narrator of Tell-tale Heart, she's subconsciously driven by guilt to reveal herself as a fraud and end the madness of pretending that she's the black Christopher Lasch.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

So black people like her can spend their lives identifying as black and doing everything possible to help 'her people,' but when white folks do the same thing it's bad.

Got it...

Amexpat বলেছেন...

With a good pair of legs and a cheap rubber dingy, you can travel from Europe to Asia and Africa, as well as from North America to South America. So geographically speaking there should only be 4 continents. (I believe that Australia and Antarctica are classified as continents instead of islands because they have their own continental shelfs).

If you take the Urals a geographical dividing line, then the Ukraine is clearly in Europe. There has never been a clear cultural demarcation between what is considered European and Asian, but the Ukraine is now considered to be clearly a European country.

Europeans and Americans have cared and helped out when there have been wars, famines and mass refuge problems wherever they've occurred. But it's normal to help out a neighboring country even more. It's also easier logistically.

There is an extra factor in play that is making this crisis more important for Europeans. That is there's no reason to believe that if Putin is successful in the Ukraine he will stop there. That's caused a sea change in geopolitical considerations the past few days, especially in Germany. This war is the biggest event since the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Readering বলেছেন...

Ukraine's president Jewish. Did she consult W. Goldberg.

Gravel বলেছেন...

"Blogger rhhardin said...
Youtube has a lot of great WWII footage covering Europe and the Pacific. Now that was destruction. This today is more about hurt feelings."

Austria, the Sudetenland, Moravia, etc, those were all about hurt feelings too. Sheesh.

Gravel বলেছেন...

You tell 'em Howard. If it happens on a Republican's watch, it's his fault. If it happens on a Democrat's watch, it's the most recent Republican's fault, no matter how long in the past or how many policy incentives the current Democrat has given the bad actor.

Christopher B বলেছেন...

Howard said...
The way the West is lining up against Putin is sending a message to China. IMO, Taiwan is safer now from a ChiCom invasion.

This goes against the conventional wisdom on the right side of the aisle as far as I can tell but is probably accurate.

Biden will likely claim to be 'leading from behind' on Tuesday but other nations stepping up should give the Chinese pause. At the very least it leaves the US with more freedom of action.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

1619 founder Nikole Hannah-Jones seems to inhabit a bubble. Wow.

Russell বলেছেন...

Naturally, this where she goes. Predictable. And I'm sure she's thinking of the nations the US has attacked (and certainly I bet she's including Israel's conflicts with the Palestinian territories). But, I can't think of a nation quite like the Ukraine that has been attacked by another much larger authoritarian neighbor any time in recent history. The Ukraine is plenty imperfect and plenty corrupt but it is a functioning mostly democratic 1st world nation. I work in technology and have had the pleasure of working with many Ukrainians both based in Kiev as well as many Ukranian expats in the US, all working in and knowledgeable of the bleeding edge of technology. Sure they are the white collar denizens of Ukraine, certainly in the upper half of income brackets. And these are not the type of people you expect to be dealing with their nation being invaded. Yet, here they are and I bet many of them are taking up arms to fight the invaders.

I would like to think we would be just as shocked to see Japan or South Korea or Chile invaded by an authoritarian neighbor that was clearly making up lies to justify their invasion. I thought about putting India in that category but India has such dramatic swings between insane poverty and radical wealth that most people still wouldn't think of them as a completely modern functioning country (though they certainly are and function far better than their internal dynamics would ever make one believe). And I think we will be just as upset should China decide to forcefully reunite with Taiwan.

I'm sure she thinks the Ukraine is the foreign policy equivalent of people's obsession with 'young white girl murdered' but that is way too simplistic. No functioning modern democratic country has been invaded for so little reason in most of our lifetimes.

Static Ping বলেছেন...

Nothing says serious person than discussing the major issue of the day via geographic pedantry.

But since that is a topic, I will note that the number of continents in the world is very dependent on who you ask. Russia, for instance, agrees with the Eurasia continent formulation as it is in their best interest to do so. They are a cross continental power that conquered their way to the Pacific Ocean, and they have little interest in their citizenry in the east to think they are somehow different than the European core. So Nikole Hannah-Jones agrees with Putin. I'm glad they found something in common.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Howard said...
I feel the same way about you and your kind, Wendybar... except that I don't want you to move out of our libtard utopia. I don't care what you do. I also completely respect your rights to spew your hate filled rants here on Althouse. The one benefit of the Trump con is that you defective damaged and deranged people feel empowered to get your insanity off your chest and identify what you really are: GOPutin, Conservative Putin Asslicking Community.

2/28/22, 8:29 AM

So, me hating lying progressives and people who see race in everything makes me a Putin Asslicking Conservative?? What drugs are you on, because otherwise, you need to get help fast. You are losing it. Your TDS fried what's left of your brain.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed বলেছেন...

So having slaughtered history as a subject, NHJ now wants to visit the same idiocy on geography?

Guess she's gotta pay the bills.

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

Apologies to Diane Renay ...sing along "A walkin, talkin wind up little racist girl sayin -
wish you weren't here"

Jupiter বলেছেন...

Ha-ha! This one's not about you, you stupid whore.

Earnest Prole বলেছেন...

Wait, it’s now wrong to think “we should care because they are like us”? Until yesterday that was the entire basis of Nikole Hannah-Jones‘ racialized politics.

Jim at বলেছেন...

These people would be exhausting if I gave a damn about what they think or say.

Race, race, race, race, race ....

Just stfu already.

Zev বলেছেন...

Makes perfect sense that the West will care more about a war in countries with western culture and values.

Rusty বলেছেন...

"Howard doesn't know how to spell B-I-D-E-N so he must fall back upon T-R-U-M-P."
That's to distract you from his deep seated, nasty racism.
He also want's to distract you from the fact that Bidens removal of Trumps sanctions against Russia enabled Putin and financed this invasion. This is why people with low IQs should never vote.

Rusty বলেছেন...

"C’mon, folks. Leave Howard alone as he tries to work things out."
He should be doing that with his friends at the care facility.

PaoloP বলেছেন...


Leland বলেছেন...

I’m more interested in why the 2014 Russia invasion of the Ukraine was hardly a thing, but in 2022, it’s a major problem. It seems more like an opportunity this time to change the subject rather than the inconvenience of 2014.

Michael K বলেছেন...

The one benefit of the Trump con is that you defective damaged and deranged people feel empowered to get your insanity off your chest and identify what you really are: GOPutin, Conservative Putin Asslicking Community.

Howard is using projection again.

Back in 2017, Walter Russell Mead wrote: If Donald Trump “were the Manchurian candidate that people keep wanting to believe that he is, here are some of the things he’d be doing:

1. Limiting fracking as much as he possibly could
2. Blocking oil and gas pipelines
3. Opening negotiations for major nuclear arms reductions
4. Cutting U.S. military spending
5. Trying to tamp down tensions with Russia’s ally Iran.”

I would add a few more like open borders, abandon Afghanistan in the middle of the night without warning our allies. Buying oil and gas from Russia while pretending sanctions.

guitar joe বলেছেন...

"Not many Ukrainians have blond hair."

Exactly my thought as I read this woman's moronic statements about Ukraine.

I was having lunch with a friend who just turned 80, grew up in the segregated south, and is convinced that the Democrats are too stupid to get out of their own way because of statements like those made by Ms. Hannah-Jones. For someone who seems unable to see things only through her own lens to accuse the rest of us of myopia only proves what a dope she is. She is a prime illustration of something people used to say about Reagan: You can wade through her deepest thoughts and not get your ankles wet.

Inga বলেছেন...

“The one benefit of the Trump con is that you defective damaged and deranged people feel empowered to get your insanity off your chest and identify what you really are: GOPutin, Conservative Putin Asslicking Community.”

Hi Howard, this is why I appreciate you.

Iman বলেছেন...

Who kicked the rock over!?!?

Spiros বলেছেন...

No matter what you're talking about, these people will steer the conversation back to white privilege (and then to affirmative action in education and employment, hate speech, criminal justice "reform" and immigration). It's really amazing. Remember when the NY Times reported on the fiftieth anniversary of the moon landing not as one of the most astonishing achievements in human history but rather as something that harmed Black people psychologically and materially. Ooh we spent too much money on rocket ships and not enough on black and brown babies! It's bizarre.

Also, "appear White"?! Maybe Ms. Jones is arguing that whiteness, like blackness, is not a natural source of human differentiation. Instead it is constructed. Italians, Greeks, Poles, Hungarians, Slavs and, obviously, the Jews had to "become White." I guess that's fine but isn't there a better place and time to have this discussion? This is a quite a moment in history. We have a totalitarian wannabe (Putin) threatening us with nuclear bombs and these Woke losers are still obsessing over race.

MD Greene বলেছেন...

tds said:

what is a word in psychology/psychiatry for a condition when somebody tries to make an event that's totally not about him, about him?

Narcissism. A lot of that going around the last several years.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Can people stop with the odd ball spellings? Nikole. How many times has she said "you spelled my first name wrong".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

FUCK you Inga. and Howard.

No one here is on Putin's side. and your dear leader - the Potemkin crook-fraud with dementia - is the actual Putin Poodle. Biden and his Klan shut down domestic energy supply - a HUGE GIFT TO PUTIN.

Michael বলেছেন...

Howard and Inga. If you wanted to be Putin’s puppet you would shut down domestic oil production, stop the completion of pipelines, and therefore raise oil prices to over $100 a barrel thus financing Putin’s adventure in Ukraine. What idiot would do that

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

"No one here is on Putin's side. "

It's all they have. Biden is at 37% because he is a complete fuckup, what are they going to do?

madAsHell বলেছেন...

.....but she has dyed her hair red.

"Don't it make my brown eyes blue?"

Bunkypotatohead বলেছেন...

She's scheduled to give a speech at The American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges this year. So maybe she has dog whistles on her mind.

I can't imagine how the vets will make use of critical race theory on their patients, though.

Bunkypotatohead বলেছেন...

She's scheduled to give a speech at The American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges this year. So maybe she has dog whistles on her mind.

I can't imagine how the vets will make use of critical race theory on their patients, though.

Greg The Class Traitor বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Greg The Class Traitor বলেছেন...

"No one here is on Putin's side. "


"Poor Russia, it's threatened by NATO and has to lash out" is being on Putin's side
"Poor Russia, how DARE NATO protect Russia's former slaves from being enslaved again!" is being on Putin's side

As there's not the slightest shred of legitimacy behind any of Putin's actions, pretending that there is IS "being on Putin's side"

You want to say "it's not worth it for the US to get involved"? By all means, make that argument. It's perfectly possible to make a reasonable argument on that front.

But you want to give any justification / excuse for what Putin's doing?

Then you're a pathetic human being who's on Putin's side