February 6, 2022

At the Sunrise Café...


... you can talk about whatever you want. 


Finally, we got a day when it was perfectly warm — February warm.


TaeJohnDo said...

Will the Canadian police overstep and commit violence? Will Canada fall apart and commit to violence sharing Nat each other? Will the US follow? Will Spotify cave? We live in interesting times. An old Chinese proverb those chi com bastards and their dem and leftist minions have brought on us all.

rehajm said...
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Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Is this study another bubby trap for the Health Authorities to have to dodge in their noble quest to save mankind from themselves?

Link to another covid study not quite fitting the covid narratives.

Notice the zero citations after 3 days... you think a study like this would be good news. Shout it from the rooftops. Wouldn't it?

What Am I missing?

One Eye said...

Huey,Dewey and Louie were ubiquitous on the UW lakeshore campus on Saturday. Robots don't take cold days off.


rehajm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gilbar said...

the CDC grudgingly admits, that Vaxes are ruining people's hearts


Ignorance is Bliss said...

What Am I missing?

What did you find significant about the findings? In what way did they not fit the narrative?

And why would you expect cites within days of publishing? I'm no expert on scientific paper publishing, but I would think that someone who's paper is ready to publish isn't looking to add cites unless they have to, and if they have to then they're going through another round of review before publishing.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

rehajm said...

Feel good story of the day? Mike Wallace…

Wallace feels he has been stiffed.

Well, he has been dead for ten years....

Bender said...

Mike Wallace should feel stiffed.

After all, he is one, being dead for almost 10 years now.

Bender said...

Just watched Dear Brigitte. I wonder if Bill Mumy playing a child genius is what got him the Will Robinson role.

Coming on now, the so-far disappointing Around the World in Eighty Days.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

2 of the top people at the FDA resigned. NO where in the MSM. (MSM(D)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Check this Hilarious tictock via Insta...

Top comment... "He (Canadian PM) used the word "hate" about 50 times in 3 minutes.

Such transparent nonsense."

MartyH said...

I heard an ad on the radio yesterday talking about the infrastructure bill that was passed and how we need to pass voters rights and BBB. It was an official communication of the House of Representatives. Now Pelosi is using our tax money to buy air time for her agenda!

n.n said...

Prevalence and Durability of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies Among Unvaccinated US Adults by History of COVID-19

The high survival rate in the general population, even in the high risk cohorts (other than planned parent/hood) with nutritional supplements and early treatment, the silent spread in masked cohorts, and collateral damage (e.g. social contagion), combined with natural immunity that is both more durable and robust, would undermines the viability of legal indemnity attributed to the vaccine(s).

Owen said...

You do amazing skies. Rock on.

rehajm said...

Wokal Distance has a thread claiming the Rogan attack is a coordinated professional hit job.

Meidastouch, a SuperPAC which can collect as much cash as it wants from pretty well anywhere, and is a professional strategy and media firm run by people with deep ties in entertainment, likely had a hand in the n-word video @patriottakes used to attack Joe Rogan…In short, Meidastouch is a political SuperPAC that is very likely behind the @patriottakes account. They're attempting a viral hit on Joe Rogan so they can take him out both because they don't like him and because they want monetizeable clout for having done so..

link to thread

john said...

Is NBC deliberately trying to make the Olympics even less watchable? Perhaps its an attempt to drive viewers over to their pay video streams.

It's not like NBC has ever been interested in giving the viewer a wide swath of the competition. But this time they take dreck to new depths.

I'm getting older however, with less tolerance, so maybe it's just me.

And what the hell is it with the green blinking lights on the curling stones?

Fernandinande said...

I saw this dishonest and misleading article mentioned here a few days ago:

"From "The Disturbing Resilience of Scientific Racism" (Smithsonian):"

Article: "Rather than distinct races, groupings or borders, the continually mixing populations produced only gradients, with some traits slightly more common in some regions than others."

Nobody serious in the last 100 years ever claimed otherwise; of course it's gradients and mixtures.

"The conclusion was that no “pure” races exist that are distinct from others."

As above, nobody serious ever made such a claim in recent history.

"Despite this evidence, those eugenicists still practicing sought to prevent their supposedly superior race from being overrun by immigration, miscegenation and higher birth rates among other ethnicities....

You only need one race or one group of people to practice eugenics; the implication that eugenics is necessarily a racial concept is dishonest and misleading.

That smithsonianmag article reminded of this Pinker quote:

"Sophisticated people sneer at feel-good comedies and saccharine romances in which all loose ends are tied and everyone lives happily ever after. Life is nothing like that, we note, and we look to the arts for edification about the painful dilemmas of the human condition. Yet when it comes to the science of human beings, this same audience says: Give us schmaltz!"

Jersey Fled said...

More good news


Big Mike said...

From Powerlineblog.com:

US Bobsled team renames their sled 'Biden' because nothing has taken America downhill faster


Big Mike said...

@rehajm, you mean Chris Wallace. His daddy Mike has been deceased for almost a decade.

Richard Dillman said...

WSJ has an interesting review of a new book titled “ Stalin’s Library” by Geoffrey Roberts. The book explores the contents of Stalin’ s llibary and whatever reading behaviors can be identified. His personal library contained about 2,500 volumes, 400 of which were well read, dog eared, underlined, and annotated. He also borrowed countless books from the Lenin Library, many of which were returned after his death, and without paying the late fees. He was apparently a voracious reader who gained little wisdom from his reading. He read widely on military strategy and history, and he read to accumulate ammunition against writers he disagreed with, later purging or executing them. Lenin was the most represented author with about 250 titles. Many volumes, of course, were on marxism. Moreover, he was apparently capable of absorbing an enormous amount of detail.

Who knew Stalin had an intellectual side? Too bad he didn’t absorb more humility, humanity, and wisdom from his readings.

Richard Dillman said...

WSJ has an interesting review of a new book titled “ Stalin’s Library” by Geoffrey Roberts. The book explores the contents of Stalin’ s llibary and whatever reading behaviors can be identified. His personal library contained about 2,500 volumes, 400 of which were well read, dog eared, underlined, and annotated. He also borrowed countless books from the Lenin Library, many of which were returned after his death, and without paying the late fees. He was apparently a voracious reader who gained little wisdom from his reading. He read widely on military strategy and history, and he read to accumulate ammunition against writers he disagreed with, later purging or executing them. Lenin was the most represented author with about 250 titles. Many volumes, of course, were on marxism. Moreover, he was apparently capable of absorbing an enormous amount of detail.

Who knew Stalin had an intellectual side? Too bad he didn’t absorb more humility, humanity, and wisdom from his readings.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Canada had “Kids and Vaccines Day” on “Holocaust Remembrance Day”.

An unfortunate coincidence.

madAsHell said...

I had never heard of a federal requirement to put a kill-switch in your automobile???

I'm a jumping to conclusions??? Why do I need a kill-switch when I have the key??

Maynard said...

If you think strong men are dangerous, wait until you see what weak men are capable of

-Jordan Peterson

madAsHell said...

Well, he has been dead for ten years....

Sooooo......it's a double feel-good story. Apologies to George Orwell.

Fernandinande said...

Correct my poor writing: "As above, nobody serious ever made such a claim (that pure human races exist) in recent history."

Michael K said...

The city of Ottowa is now arresting truckers and those supplying them with fuel. What the effect of this action is on the "supply chain" seems not to be a concern of the Trudeau regime.

The only source of current news of this is the "Small Dead Animals" blog.

wildswan said...

Who will be worthy of this slogan?

Keep on truckin' - 2024

M Jordan said...

I’m having a hard time rallying behind Joe Rogan. He didn’t support Trump yet somehow he’s the voice of the outsider, the common man? I think what they’re doing to him is terrible but if they get him canceled it only helps the right by exposing to the brain dead just how Bolshevik the left has become.

And one other thing: I get weary of people on my side of the spectrum having orgasms every time Bill Maher says something so obvious even he can see it. Eff Bill Maher. I don’t want him on my team.

SteveWe said...

So what do the lights on the stone mean? If the stone lights up green, that means it was a legal throw. If the light is red, it was a hogline violation, and the stone cannot be played. It must be taken off the ice.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Picture #2 is remarkable. Great shot!

gadfly said...

Can Of Cheese for Hunter said...
2 of the top people at the FDA resigned. NO where in the MSM. (MSM(D)

2/6/22, 7:10 PM

A Daily Beast headline reads:

Two Senior FDA Officials Quit Over Frustrations With Biden Admin: Report

That report was published way back on 8/31/2021. Nothing since then.

Gospace said...

Humans are not programmed to be racist. But... they are programmed to believe same is good, different is bad. This is hardwired into infants and children, and doesn't disappear until the Age of Reason is reached, normally around 12 or 13- the age of a bar mitzvah. This programming is needed for survival.

This is explained in The Emperor's New Mind by Roger Penrose. Think of the children in a shtetl. (IIRC- it's been over 2 decades, that's an example Roger Penrose used.) All the males they see have beards. If the clean shaven Cossacks come riding through, they're different, and the children run and hide. A survival aid. They know what dogs are, they're around. And domestic/feral cats. A puma, or other wildcat, or a wolf, goes strolling between the huts- run away, hide, it's the right thing to do. And for kids anywhere- fear of snakes is a good thing.

Now let's think for a moment of what professional educators are doing to increase racism today, as opposed to what worked in the 1960s to reduce racism.

In the 1960s, when I was in grade school, Sunday School (and I suppose Hebrew school) taught us all that everyone wanted the same thing, that all people were inside the same. Scouts, at that age, Cub Scouts and Brownies, taught the same thing. Fundamentally, there was no difference between one group of people and another. We were to judge each other as individual people. And- schools taught the same thing. It was a universal message- we're all the same, and want the same things. Turns out that's a lie, but like Santa Claus, not a bad lie. In fact, in grade school, our Sunday school class at the United Methodist Church once a year went to a Catholic Mass across the street so we could see their worship was similar, and the Catholic Sunday School did the same thing in reverse. Rather then teach the differences in theology, we were taught the similarities. Starting 8th grade or so, we were taught actual theology. The Age of Reason.

SO what do schools teach today? They tell children that people- particularly groups of people- are different. And that we should celebrate these differences. It's hard wited into children that same is good, different is better. As soon as you tell them other people are different you've told them they are bad. And they do it over and over and over again. And, it's branched out into Sunday schools and Scouts, teaching differences instead of commonalities. Which among children, creates fear and loathing, because- Same is GOOD, different is BAD! It's hardwired in. Can't change the programming until later in life. Teaching children even the tiniest differences , like blacks like one type of music, whites another, and Asians a third, creates division. Instead, they should be taught that everyone likes music...

As far as same is good different is bad goes, how many of you as child would willing eat the same thing for lunch weeks in a row- if your mother would have let you? Hot dog after hot dog, or PB&J after PB&J? Or in my case- liverwurst and butter sandwiches, which my mother and I frequently had for lunch before I started first grade. Used to be handed the money by my mother and walk to the corner store to get 30¢ worth of liverwurst, enough to make 2 sandwiches. Oh, just try feeding liverwurst to a nine year old who's never had it before. Doesn't work- and it's a great food.

So, if a black child in deepest darkest Africa had never seen a white, or a Chinese child in an inner province has never seen a black, and one strolls through town, and the children hide- are they being racist? No, they're being cautious- as their programming requires. They can get curious and approach the outside when they get older.

gadfly said...

Michael K said...
The city of Ottowa is now arresting truckers and those supplying them with fuel. What the effect of this action is on the "supply chain" seems not to be a concern of the Trudeau regime.

The “Freedom Truck Convoy” has attracted support from many US Republicans including former president Donald Trump, who called the prime minister, Justin Trudeau, a “far-left lunatic” who has “destroyed Canada with insane Covid mandates”.

The Ontario premier, Doug Ford, has called it an occupation.

Texas senator Ted Cruz said on Fox News that “government doesn’t have the right to force you to comply to their arbitrary mandates”. On the other hand, it is OK for the senator, who has taken a loyalty oath, to attempt to overthrow a legitimate presidential election result. I cannot believe that I supported the man in the 2016 presidential primary.

“For some senior American politicians, patriotism means renting a mob to put a G7 capital under siege,” tweeted Gerald Butts, a former senior adviser to Trudeau.

Owen said...

So the Canadian government has gone in hard against the truckers in Ottawa. Heavily armed tactical police are confiscating fuel and other supplies from the truckers and are making arrests. See "conservative treehouse" for links and some details. I imagine the news will spread pretty fast in the next few hours. This will not end well. One guaranteed outcome is that Justin Trudeau's place in history is now firmly established. As for a general strike (see Solidarnosc) who can tell? We are in very dangerous territory here.

Clyde said...

The Ottawa police have reportedly arrested some truckers and confiscated their fuel at the behest of the local government's "state of emergency."

Ottawa is no different from any other city in the U.S. and Canada: Everything that people buy at the store arrives in a truck. All the gasoline that they put in their cars arrives in a truck. Should the trucks stop coming to Ottawa, the people there would starve. At the very least, they would have to drive in an ever-widening circle and strip the surrounding area of supplies. And it doesn't even require that all of the trucks stop coming, just a significant percentage of them. No country is more than three meals away from a revolution. The Canadian government doesn't appear to have completely thought this through.

rehajm said...


gilbar said...

Gadfly confusingly said..
the senator, who has taken a loyalty oath, to attempt to overthrow a legitimate presidential election result

huh? When did This happen? What are you even talking about? Who tried to overthrow what?

Big Mike said...

So gadfly thinks (if I may abuse words related to human cognition by applying them to gadfly) that the Canadian truckers are merely a rent-a-mob, presumably along the lines of Antifa here in the USA? Son, you’re looking at what happens when ordinary citizens hit their fed-up mark. Gaze upon it, and piss your pants.

I imagine that Lech Wałęsa knows what’s happening. So would Wojciech Jaruzelski, were he still alive. I guess the 1980s are too far back in time for Justin Trudeau or Gerald Butts (or gadfly) to remember.

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

Apparently they did eventually required the Ottawa Police to be vaccinated, to "bring them in line" with other jurisdictions in Canada.

"The Ontario premier, Doug Ford, has called it an occupation."

I guess it is one then, same as when the Nazis occupied Paris, amIright?

"For some senior American politicians, patriotism means renting a mob to put a G7 capital under siege,"

This is called "word thinking" and has nothing to do with reality on the ground. But let's pretend it's not an organic demonstration because those truck drivers have no right to question the edicts of the ruling class and gadfly, theirs is but to submit.

Jaq said...

"The Canadian government doesn't appear to have completely thought this through."

Or maybe they don't have any good options. Why can't Castro's son (another conspiracy theory that has its ducks in a row, evidence wise, it, like the lab leak theory, is now plainly true, just not acknowledged.) Why can't Justin just admit that the vaccines are no longer effective at preventing transmission of COVID, and that they are a personal health decision, at this point? Omicron has changed a lot, and while vaccines never prevented transmission completely, there was a time when they reduced it considerably, but that time has passed.

Jaq said...

Isn't an "occupation" something that is done by a foreign army? In order to call them "occupiers" you have to make the leap that the demonstrators are somehow "not Canadian." Is that the claim, that these protesters are not Canadian?

A rent-a-mob is a gang of people who have no other visible means of support, for instance, Antifa, they would get arrested for violent acts, be let out on bail with money partly raised by Kamala Harris, and the charges would then be dropped, and the brownshirt, excuse me blackshirt thug would put the bail money in his pocket. These are truck drivers who would rather be doing their primary job, not people who had no marketable skills besides arson and rock throwing.

One thing that the crackdowns on J6 and Ottawa prove is that the riots murders and arson of the summer of 2020 were government policy, and part of a war on a segment of the American people.

MadTownGuy said...

Occupy Wellington Street. Delicious irony.

farmgirl said...

We’re you much closer to the city skyline in the top pic? Must’ve gone quite a ways on the ice…

farmgirl said...

We’re you much closer to the city skyline in the top pic? Must’ve gone quite a ways on the ice…

farmgirl said...

Gospace- I’ve tried to find the book, written by a man who’s last name is Black- which talks about discrimination in exactly the way you’re explaining differences. I’m not plugging in the correct formula- he gave an interview on this, as well. How people discriminate daily in all kinds of ways and how this word- Discriminate- became taboo and narrowed down to mean “racist”. That’s what I took away from his interview.

Not that it matters- I believe he’s a Jewish man. Which I mention only b/c we were talking, lately, of Jewish lineage and b/c I find it an interesting part of the story.

J. Farmer said...


But... they are programmed to believe same is good, different is bad. This is hardwired into infants and children, and doesn't disappear until the Age of Reason is reached, normally around 12 or 13- the age of a bar mitzvah.

There is no such hardwiring in the human brain, and people are not "programmed" to have specific cognitions about the world. While it is common for toddlers to experience distress in the presence of a stranger or when separated from a primary caregiver, but this is a fear response to unfamiliar stimuli and becomes much less common by age 3 or 4. Childhood behavior does not suggest a consistent preference for sameness over difference but a propensity for approach, exploration, and novelty attenuated by a propensity for harm avoidance, withdrawal, caution, and predictability.

farmgirl said...


Speech is liquid thought…
Peterson- 10mins

wendybar said...

And the Uyghur who opened the Genocide Games in China has been disappeared now.
No comment yet from Savannah Guthrie who was thrilled that Xi rubbed it in the West's faces.....

Mark said...

Chinese hostage Peng Shuai now condemned to spend rest of her life in that prison state. Following gun-to-her-head interview denying any wrongdoing by Communist officials EVER, she announces her "retirement" from tennis.

And NBC and fellow athletes yawn.

Owen said...

Tim in Vermont @ 6:29 AM: "...Is that the claim, that these protesters are not Canadian?"

Should read: "...Is that the claim, that these protesters are not even human?"

IMHO you would do well to study the Prog playbook, "How To Otherize Your Adversary."

Readering said...

Interesting article in NYT about sodium nitrite, bought online to cure meat, but now used for suicide, especially by young people. Amazon declines to take action even though its algorithm now helpfully suggests the purchase of other products commonly purchased by would-be suicides to get the job done.

Owen said...

farmgirl @ 10:11: Thanks for the YouTube link. That was a typically brilliant riff by Dr. Peterson.

As for Joe Rogan and free speech: yeah. And apparently he just got offered $100MM to bail from Spotify and enjoy a truly free-speech zone on Rumble.

walter said...

Blogger gadfly said.
it is OK for the senator, who has taken a loyalty oath, to attempt to overthrow a legitimate presidential election result.
Right. THAT'S what he was arguing for. Cruz is an insurrectionist!!!!!
I can't believe you voted for him either, Gadfly. That would require a decision.
Got yer 4th jab yet? Mix n match?
Do as you're told.

farmgirl said...

Owen- I added the 10 mins b/c the interviews are usually over an hr and not everyone wants to listen for so long. I did notice the clip I posted was a part of a much longer interview-so, I listened to it. Two well educated and wise people discussing events of today in real time. Calmly.

My heritage is Québécois- lots of ties due to family. It certainly took Canadians long enough to take a stand. Someone sent me a Facebook clip of a lit, old man being arrested in Ottawa for honking his horn. Geez.

farmgirl said...

He might have been lit- but I was saying Little. So short!!

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