January 4, 2022

Yesterday, I crossed the line where I decided to get the booster.

I'd been thinking why should I get the booster, and it didn't seem as though there's been much push toward getting it. I didn't get emailed prompts from my doctor or anything like that. But I heard about a situation where one person got covid after getting the 2 shots only and not the booster and 3 people — who were boosted and who spent a lot of indoors with him when he was probably contagious — did not get it. And the day after I heard about that, I found out that 2 people I know just got the disease.

How about you? Are you a hold out? If so, why and what would change your mind?

Are you getting the booster?
pollcode.com free polls
UPDATE: Boosted! Just finishing waiting the 15 minutes. A man in shorts just walked into the clinic. Well, the temperature is spiking this afternoon. Up to 30 degrees last I looked.


Achilles said...

How about you? Are you a hold out? If so, why and what would change your mind?

I would have to regain trust in our medical system.

Many steps here. Years of them actually saying things that turn out to be true.

The people that pushed smoking and trans fats and statins have a long ways to go.

mesquito said...

My sister got the booster a few weeks ago. Now she has covid. Go figure.

gilbar said...

i got my vax shots ASAP, so that i could go see my dad.
Since he passed away (congestive heart failure), i don't need to go to the nursing home anymore.

I'd be inclined to get the booster; EXCEPT, the government is DEMANDING that i get it

Joe Smith said...

I'm a holdout...have two Modernas and enough is enough.

And I only got those because my wife was very vulnerable at the time, and it was sold as 'get the 'vaccine' and you CAN"T get covid.'

Total bullshit, and I should have known it.

But my wife's health was paramount, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten the shots.

I am younger than you and in decent shape...walk 25 miles a week.

My problem is, if three is good, four, five, six is better.

I will either get it and die, or get it and live.

Just fucking tired of this stupid Chicom bio-weapon dominating out lives.

Skeptical Voter said...

If you are in a high risk group (age does it for me) you get the booster without much thinking about it. Something is going to usher me off this mortal coil (in fact I'm kinda curious about just what it will be) and the relative risk of a booster shot virus the risk of an immediate case of the Kung Flu is low.

There's a separate question of trust in "our medical system". I trust my individual doctors, but I have zero, zip and nada trust in the political medical establishment along the Potomac.

Sebastian said...

"got the disease"

As in, sick-sick?

For people like you, benefits likely outweigh costs, so getting boosted is rational. Of course, it doesn't keep you from getting infected. We're not talking about vaccine-vaccines.

Joe Smith said...


Were you one toke over the line?

If not, why not?

: )

gilbar said...

WHY are they DEMANDING that Everyone get vaxed and boosted?
It's NOT so you don't get the OhmyGod Variant (you WILL get the OhmyGod Variant)
It's NOT so that you'll have a minor case (the vax should take care of that; as will OhmyGod)
It's NOT so that you won't be contagious (you WILL be contagious)
WHY are they DEMANDING that Everyone get vaxed and boosted?
What's IN those boosters? It it just money for Pharma? Or is it mind control*

mind control* i'd have No Problem with mind control; IF it worked like in does in pornos
But i don't think That's how it works

Howard said...

It was dumb not to get the boostah in the first place, than you doubled down on dumb basing getting it on an anecdote. If the random story you heard was that the boosted and unboosted got Covid what would you have done?

Your Stockholm Syndrome is showing.

hawkeyedjb said...

To each his/her own. I understand there are legitimate arguments for and against, and I don't attribute bad faith to those who make their case one way or the other. I'm in the 'vulnerable age group' so I got all the shots, though I don't have any expectation that they will ultimately prevent my getting one variant or another. Mainly I'm hoping that I will have a less-severe case when I do end up with the 'rona.

Maynard said...

I was double vaxxed last March along with my wife. She got the booster because she is around HS kids all day. I am retired and really don't feel the need for the booster at this point in time.

IMHO, the "vaccine" is not a true vaccine that protects you from getting the Wuhan Flu. It makes it a lot more likely that your infection will be less severe. Those who choose other methods of improving their immune systems do not necessarily need to get the booster.

Omicron may be the true vaccine.

Readering said...

I was in no hurry to get booster until made plans to fly across country for family Xmas. So got booster and flu shot and pcr. Then backed out anyway since omicron seems so easily transmitted. Plus had had family gathering late summer. Did not want to get it there or give it to elderly in household here.

Ice Nine said...

I'm in a Covid complication/death high-risk group by age - as are many here. I therefore got the vax X2 and booster as soon as I could. The vax protected me after I came out of self-isolation - for awhile, until its efficacy started to wane. So I got the booster. Yeah, now none of it necessarily protects against becoming infected by Delta or Omicron but the evidence that those shots diminish severe illness, hospitalization, and death rates is unequivocal. So that's all I now get out of them - um, hello, that seems like quite a bit to me.

YMMV. I absolutely don't think anyone should be required to get vaxed. I also don't think that anyone unvaxed should be shocked when they get severely ill or die from Covid. Fortunately, Omicron is essentially a head cold for most and may hearken the end of the whole Covid pandemic.

Oh Yea said...

Even though Fauci and the public health mafia lost my confidence almost immediately at the start of the pandemic, I have got both the vaccine and booster as soon as I could. I actually follow the overseas news and in particular I follow the lead of Israel. I never expected vaccines to be 100% effective, but I believe they have some impact in reducing number of infections and significantly reduce the severity in the vast majority of cases.

Douglas B. Levene said...

I noticed that 52% of the respondents in your poll said they got the booster as soon as possible. Me, too. I'm considering going to a pharmacy in the neighboring state and lying about my vaccination status so I can get a second booster, too. I'm leaving for an extended Asian trip at the end of the month and would like the extra level of protection, but I'm not sure I can bring myself to actually lie to the pharmacist.

NYC JournoList said...

At this point it looks like the booster has little impact on Omicron’s spread. What 80 days or so for the updates and then you can get another booster that will at least work for a couple months. Moderna has lost ~$50 billion in market cap since summer. The stock needs a booster.

Freeman Hunt said...

I got the booster as soon as I was eligible. I'd already gone back to completely normal unmasked, undistanced life, so I was happy be boosted.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Got the booster for the same reason I got the vax. Mrs. NorthOfTheOneOhOne has asthma (her daughter does, too) and COVID is almost a death sentence for people with respiratory issues.

Owen said...

I will take the Fifth on the survey, because my paranoia has advanced to the point that I figure any such information will be swept up by the Tech Lords and used to hunt me down. Or sell me something.


As for the value of the booster, you may want to study up on the way the immune system "learns." By feeding it a third (and probably next, a fourth) lesson in Our Enemy The Virus (but only showing it the spike, not the whole virus; and not even the right spike, but one that has been rendered obsolescent by omicron's mutations), the booster just reinforces the immune system's ability to fight the last war. It's adding terraces and central air to the Maginot Line. Meanwhile the virus keeps mutating. Look up "affinity maturation" or just listen to Dr. Bob Malone (or, since he's being canceled, any other competent immunologist).

The foregoing sketch of misdirected immune system doesn't even start on the other side of the problem, which is that each round of vaccination/booster throws some powerful stuff into your body. Namely: copies of the spike protein. Which gloms onto key receptors on our cells. Especially epithelial cells, vascular lining cells. Which may cause untoward changes in BP and capillary flow. Coagulation. Stroke.

But what do I know? I don't even play a doctor on TV.

EAB said...

My husband and I got boosters as soon as we were eligible - he qualified based on pre-conditions and I just went along. This was late September I think. So…mine has pretty much worn off if news articles are to be believed. (I still think it likely protects me from a severe case.) I had vaccinated friends who got COVID in mid-November, and I figure I was pretty bullet proof at the time, even though exposed. There’s a big part of me that would be fine with getting the Omicron variant…just to get it over with already. It’ll be surprising if I don’t. I go to church, movies, stores and see friends without a mask. About to join the Y, and masks aren’t required there.

Achilles said...

The vaccine will not keep me from catching COVID or transferring it to others.

I am in the infinitesimal risk group with no obesity or commodities and I have already developed natural immunity.

If they develop an actual vaccine that immunizes me and prevents me from transferring to others I will probably get that.

But I am not going to get a treatment that serves no purpose.

They also had to change the definition of a vaccine to encompass this treatment. I want the definition of vaccine changed back to what it was.

Gabriel said...

Getting the booster is a negligible health risk, far less dangerous than driving to the vaccination site. For people much younger than Ann COVID itself is roughly as dangerous than driving to the vaccination site. There's a rational risk-benefit calculation to be had there and different people with different risk tolerances may not end in the same place.

What is dangerous is a habit of decision-making on anecdote. I know a guy who won a big bet drawing to an inside straight. Doesn't make it a smart play for me to do the same.

Rt41Rebel said...

I haven't had a single one, and I've been living in the wilderness of Miami and SWFL throughout the entire pandemic. I guess I'm already dead and just don't know it yet.

Fernandinande said...

None of those answers fits me; I got the Moderna booster when it was convenient to do so.

Bender said...

I know several people who got COVID-21. They were all boosted.

Static Ping said...

I already have natural immunity and two shots. I'm not in a rush to get a third shot, given I felt sick for 3 days after the second shot. (First shot was uneventful.) No one is going to convince me either way on the third shot; I will get it if I feel it necessary. If I do get it, I will have to schedule it such that if I feel sick again it will interfere with anything important.

jnseward said...

I’m 78, diabetic, high blood pressure, over weight. I go to church twice a week, shake hands, never wear a mask. Haven’t had any of the shots. I’ve stocked up on ivermectin, quercitin, zinc, and vitamin D. Recently had surgery for a pulmonary embolism. More blood clots are the last thing I need. So far so good.

Daniel12 said...

Ann, I had the same thing happen. Two families, my brothers and my close friend's, had a kid get covid last week, both below booster eligible age. One family, the sibling, also below booster age, got it, but not parents who were boosted. In the other, the rest were boosted and no one got it.

That said I do wonder if it's a good idea to miss out on Omicron... I think it depends on risk level/co-morbidities.

Also interesting how similar a lot of our calculations are, at least among the first 20 comments.

AZ Bob said...

I took the booster in October because we took a road trip to Sedona, the Grand Canyon and Santa Fe. The nurse told me that the dosage is the same for all Pfizer shots one through three. I would like to know more about the long-run impact on the immune system of boosters. At some point, it may be better to get a weaker variant of Covid than to continue with boosters.

D.D. Driver said...

The boosters are only estimated to last 10 weeks. So if you are committed to getting boosters every ten weeks for the rest of your life, it makes sense. If you are not so committed, it seems like a waste of time.

Lost in this debate is the fact that the COVID vaccines are the shittiest vaccines in human history. My polio doesn't just prevent me from going to the hospital or going "Full FDR." It prevents me from getting polio. Full stop. I don't need a polio "booster" every 10 weeks to crank up my antibody levels.

I'm no expert, but I did take a graduate-level immunology course at UW-Madison 25 years ago. My recollection, is that the polio vaccine or any "normal" vaccine) triggers memory b-cells (which apparently our COVID vaccines do not), and those memory b cells, in turn, crank out anti-polio antibodies if they ever encounter a polio antigen again. Our immune system "remembers" each antigen it encounters. This is called a "secondary immune response." It's why vaccines work.

Here, our experts are not speaking to this issue but the COVID vaccines only seem to trigger a secondary immune response through a booster. They seem to give little to no meaningful b cell immunity. There is a reason for that: the proteins generated by the mRNA vaccines were the ones that were circulating two years ago. The original COVID-19 is extinct. That virus is like the dodo, or T-Rex, or the 1918 Spanish flu virus. Sure flooding your bloodstream with anti-bodies designed for the extinct virus *might* offer some imperfect cross-immunity to the modern viruses, but that cannot last. We have billions of years of evolution to understand this. As the virus continues to evolve (in part because we are creating selective pressure through our vaccination programs) the boosters will stop working entirely. This is why the flu vaccine is updated every season.

In summation: getting boosted may help over the next couple of months. If we do not get better vaccines pretty damn soon, however, everyone's COVID strategy will be to cope with getting COVID. But why would pharmaceutical companies develop better vaccines when they are making record profits and the government is mandating that its citizens receive these shitty ineffective products? I have no faith in our leadership. At this point, learn to cope is probably the most practical advice.

MartyH said...

Two Pfizer jabs in April. COVID in October. No booster until there is real evidence it boosts my immune system beyond my current immunity- especially for omicron.

rcocean said...

I'd love to see the gender/political breakdown of those who rushed out to get the "Booster" shot or will get it.

we need to protect the vuleranable part of the population. Everyone else can live with the 99.99 percent chance that even if you get CV-19, you'll live. Its been 2 Fucking years of this madness all because a bunch of hysterical wimps want to live in a world without risk. Or they LIKE wearing masks and quarinteening.

rcocean said...

Sweden and IRC the rest of Dennmark, let CV-19 take its course, more or less, and have no lockdowns and are doing fine. Meanwhile, the goofball Brits are "locked down" and wearing masks, etc. Of course the Brits like deprivation and wartime conditions, they're never happier then when they're suffering.

Ray - SoCal said...

I hope Althouse does not have any side effects.

The more and more that comes out on the Vaccine Side Effects and the lack of treatment, has ME VERY WORRIED.

I fell for the hysteria, and got the first 2 shots. I feel lied too. I did not realize the Vax has such short term protection, and the potential side effects, and the actual risk if you got Covid.

Questions I have:

- Why the demonization of treatments such as HCQ and Iverectrin?

- How many people died because of not getting effective treatment?

- Why the lack of reporting of side effects for getting Vaxed?

- Why all the Censorship?

Dr. Malone at his substack has good technical information:

What is happening is people who get vaxed, and even boosted, are more like to get the latest variants.

DanTheMan said...

I 'garnered' my Pfizer vaccine shots the first day I was eligible.
I may get a booster, I may not. I haven't seen any compelling reason yet. I almost want to catch omicron to get the benefit of additional immunity. Almost.

But... we are not getting the booster for our teenager. She's double vaccinated with Pfizer as well, and at essentially zero risk of complications or serious illness from Covid.
We don't see the benefit.
That may change, but for now...

Kay said...

The thing that pushed me was having to travel. But maybe I would’ve gotten it anyway.

Kai Akker said...

Which booster? Number 1, 2, 3, 4, or...... ?

Wendy said...

I voted No. I'm waiting to see if something pushes me over the line. But I am no longer considering a booster, I had a very Covid Christmas so I am done and there would have to be something extremely compelling to push me to do more at this point.

My philosophy on the vaccine is that can be good personal protection with a host of unknown risks, so what makes sense for one age group won't make sense for all age groups. Vaxed or not you can transmit the virus so do what you want.

For my kids I am beyond hesitant at this point, the data that does come out for Adverse Events, specifically myocarditis are very relevant to my two sons, and it doesn't look good. However, what is more damaging in my opinion is that force of censorship whenever anyone tries to discuss AE, specifically myo, to get as clear of a picture as possible. Additionally when you see doctors having their medical licenses threatened it makes it seem more and more like there is something to hide. The anecdotes that you get from pediatric cardiologist is they used to see 1-2 myo cases a year and now half their patients are there, is another thing that makes me pause and wish that there was support for public robust analysis.

In any event our household of 4, 3 of us tested positive the 4th never got it and he even had stupid blasted PCR on day 7 and it was neg. So our household is out, no boosters for the adults and nothing for the kids thaks.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

All along I have preferred to take this romantic position: the war on Covid is indeed a war, and we're the soldiers. To arm oneself to fight takes courage. Are the vaccines entirely risk free? Of course not. Nothing in life is. Even though the vaccines have not proven to be the panaceas we all hoped they would be, they are still the best-- perhaps only-- weapons we have to fight this war with. People who refuse vaccination, who refuse to take up arms, are cowards, pure and simple. They refuse to take even the vanishingly small risk inherent in vaccination, prizing their own skins over the common good. Cowards. This attitude would have lost the World War.

Owen said...

D.D. Driver @ 12:08. What you said.

Hey folks, here is a nice chart showing what's happening with cases versus deaths over time (early 2020 until now). It would be good to see a third line showing hospitalizations (as a proxy for severe disease). But this strongly suggests that Wu Flu is becoming a domestic nuisance rather than a stone killer.


Balfegor said...

Booster isn't going to prevent you from getting infected. But I still think the brief antibody surge is probably helpful during the winter months. My elderly grandmother was boosted early in December, then contracted coronavirus a week or two ago. But despite her age and other health problems, she only experienced mild symptoms, and has already recovered (testing negative now). Can't say she would necessarily have been worse off without the booster. But her having been boosted recently did give me a bit of peace of mind.

In my case, if I were able to go back and time my booster again, I would probably have pushed it back from October into late November or early December so I would have antibodies at maximum during the winter surge. At the time, though, I was less concerned about the possibility of a rapid falloff in antibody protection (as opposed to the long term T-cell (?) protection, where it's less clear to me that the booster actually has much effect, at least from the news reports I've read). That said, it's not clear to me that there's good data on the antibody falloff after a third dose yet, and how it's affected by age and preexisting conditions (e.g. for people under 65, my understanding was that the decline in antibodies after the second dose of one of the mRNA vaccines was much smaller than for people over 65). So this is a concern about a possibility only.

DanTheMan said...

>>Which booster? Number 1, 2, 3, 4, or...... ?

Get 9 boosters, and your 10th booster is free!

Old and slow said...

I voted "yes something pushed me over the line" even though I haven't had it yet. I checked the Irish government's travel requirements yesterday and found out that I will need to vaccinated + booster when I go there this summer. If the requirement is still in place, then I will get the shot. I was on the fence anyway. My son is moving to Dublin in June and he is only 18, so he needs a bit of support getting things figured out and getting settled in.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I'm immune compromised (blood cancer) so I and everyone in my family got boosted asap.

traditionalguy said...

Johnson and Johnson made a vaccine. So we took that vaccine and the booster shot. Why not. It works like a Flu vaccine. We will get the next real vaccine like it.

But I would never risk taking the experimental rDNA change shot offered by Moderna and Pfizer. Those are
untested experimental serums to be taken only on faith in the Gates and Fauci Gang who who happen to own the Covid-19 virus patent which they paid to have created for mass depopulation purposes in a bio-weapon Lab run by the Communist Red Chinese Army. All Armies accept Gates’s depopulation of the Earth goal because use of death weapons are their unique job.

Balfegor said...

Re: Owen:

Hey folks, here is a nice chart showing what's happening with cases versus deaths over time (early 2020 until now). It would be good to see a third line showing hospitalizations (as a proxy for severe disease).

I think hospitalizations could be misleading, given that at lots of hospitals, all patients need to be tested, resulting in a lot of people with mild coronavirus infections who are hospitalised for other conditions. In the past, we could have looked at the proportion of ICU beds taken up with coronavirus patients to get a relative sense of the prevalence of severe disease, but I'm not sure that statistic is consistently reported either. And it maxes out once the ICU beds are all occupied, so it becomes unreliable if things completely fall apart (see, e.g. New York City).

Michael K said...

I know too many people (physicians) who have had problems with the booster. One is persistent vertigo.

JPS said...

I got the booster in the hope that it might make me at least somewhat less likely to catch and spread this thing. Never have been much worried about getting this thing myself, but I really hate the idea of giving it to someone at greater risk than me (which is most people).

It seems I may be just as likely to get and spread the dread Omicron virus anyway, but I file the booster under Can't hurt, might help, and I've done about all I can.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Informed Consent: Where are the Safety Studies from the manufacturers?

Link to a pharmacist saying, "he is doing what he is told."

Some Canadian doctors looked at what Pfizer did release, and they put out a video presentation called "The Pfizer Inoculations for Covid-19, More Harm Than Good" (the video is at the bottom of the page) Link

Warning: The video is over half an hour and contains charts and graphs, but because I'm already skeptical and they are telling me if i don't take the vaccine i could die, I figured I need to make it important enough to sit thru.

Last, but not least, I got covid last year and the last i heard (qualified Dr Peter McCullough) once you get it, you can't get it again. And if a test says you're positive, the test is a false positive.

Roger Sweeny said...

You left out, "I'm going to get the booster but I keep procrastinating."

Richard Aubrey said...

I note that the Belgian Antarctic research station, as isolated as it can very well be, and with insane protection levels, has more than half the folks infected.

Good question above; why demonize therapeutics?

Browndog said...

-I've never had covid, proving the vaccine works

-I got covid but no symptoms, proving the vaccine works.

-I got covid and was sick but not hospitalized, proving the vaccine works.

-I got covid and had to be hospitalized, but didn't die, proving the vaccine works.

-I'm dead. Covid. One of those 'breakthrough' cases that are rare, proving the vaccine works.

D.D. Driver said...

All along I have preferred to take this romantic position: the war on Covid is indeed a war, and we're the soldiers.

This is dumb. Wars are for aggressive foreign enemies. Our leadership can convince the feebleminded that anything is a "war." (Just like everything is now "infrastructure," everything is a "war). Poverty is a war. Drugs are a war. We are at war against White Supremecy now. The best way to get citizens to do what you want is to scare them. The second best way is to shame them as anti-patriotic. But you do you, my fellow patriot.

Bender said...

At some point, it may be better to get a weaker variant of Covid than to continue with boosters.

That point was back in Spring-Summer 2020. They should have created a true vaccine -- an inoculation with an attenuated version of the actual virus -- rather than this concoction that requires shot after shot.

Original Mike said...

I finally got it last week. Because it doesn't seem to last long, we were waiting until closer to our hoped for trip to Oz, but that is now very unlikely so time to get it. I wouldn't have done it at all but for the fact that I am immunocompromised. Didn't want to get really sick and be left wondering if I could have attenuated it.

Got pretty sick for 2 days afterward. That means it's working, right?

SteveM said...

I had a very minor case of Covid in February 2021 and believe that I have natural immunity as a result. Nevertheless, I got two Pfizer shots in March because of all the rumors about “Covid passports” that were going to be put in place and I will need to be traveling again on business at some point. I see no need to get a booster at this point especially given the relatively weak effects of Omicron (my son came down with it this week, headache, fever and achy joints), but will do so if “fully vaccinated” is redefined to include a booster.

Sydney said...

No, I am not getting the booster. I am just getting over a case of COVID. I wasn’t due for a booster until later this month. This Omicron is happening in the vaccinated. That’s what I am hearing and what I am seeing. Fortunately, it is a very mild variant. The vaccines don’t protect against it, though. I am expecting this Omicron to be the end of dangerous COVID.

Breezy said...

I decided to get the booster as I am basically in a higher risk group now, age-wise, and want to try to avoid a bad case. It’s also winter, so risk is higher now. Plus, my husband has high blood pressure and I want to do what’s best for him and us as a family. While all those things were true 3 months ago, when I saw the hospitalization rate in MA climb, I actually made the appt. My appt is tomorrow.

I consider these drugs as prophylactic treatments that do carry some risk themselves, not real vaccines. We should stoke a grass roots campaign to correct the classification of these things.

tommyesq said...

No option for me - I was coming due for a booster but got Covid instead. Rumor has it that this provides the best immunity moving forward.

papper said...

I got Covid twice already. Once at the beginning of the pandemic and last week, after two shots but no booster. My last bout of Covid was like a mild cold. No booster for me unless my employer insists. More risk of a side effect from a booster than from Covid, at least for me.

actual items said...

I voted no, waiting for something to push me over the line.

I can’t concisely articulate what’s making me wait, some combination of laziness, confusion, and stupidity I guess. It’s like I’m watching myself in a movie, wondering what decision my character will make. This runs completely counter to my typical self. I’m a mid 40s, analytical, corporate middle manager.

My wife is ambivalent about it. Maybe that’s got something to do with my delay. We’re both double-vaxxed, she Moderna, me Pfizer. She got an appointment early in March somehow. I had to wait until April. That’s how we ended up with different ones.

She had very mild side effects. I had none. We have both heard there may be a higher chance of side effects with the booster. We’ve been dragging our feet during the holidays, always busy with something, not wanting to feel ill for it. So I guess that’s another part of the delay.

Now it’s the new year, I’m checking appointments, some places have Moderna, some Pfizer. Do we each stick with the same thing? Switch? The lack of clarity here is annoying. But it probably doesn’t matter. No matter which we choose–switch or stay the same–we need to make appointments at different places since, remember, she had Moderna, me Pfizer. Or do we book together, so one of us switches, the other gets the same? So this is another part of the delay.

And here it is, January 4, our kids go back to school tomorrow. Teenager vaxxed, the younger two not. It’s Florida, so no masks required, but school is recommending masks in January. Our kids haven’t worn masks to school since spring 2021.

It’s like we are resigning ourselves to get Covid. I don’t want to get Covid of course. You know, the new year’s resolutions and all that. We’ve been eating healthy and exercising for three-and-a-half days now.

So I sit and wait for something to push me over the edge to get a booster, but nothing has so far.

rehajm said...

It is a bit of a shit show of no shows here today. It’s definitely covid. I’m with the ‘everyone gets omicron then it’s over’ crowd for the moment.

If people start dropping dead in public then I’ll probably risk the booster.

rehajm said...

Dad had the booster on Friday and he’s been out of it since Sunday. A little better today…

tim maguire said...

I got it as soon as I could. I don't worry about COVID particularly, but I believe in the don't be a dick rule and, while I have no wish to make people uncomfortable, I do want to skirt as many rules as I can. You can get away with a lot more if you can tell people you're boosted. Plus we visited my MIL last weekend and she is high-risk. For the sake of my wife's peace of mind, I'll take whatever needle is offered. I don't see any reason to make a big stink about how only suckers are afraid of COVID, even if that's what I think.

rehajm said...

If the jabs aren’t immunization they are just therapies to be compared to other therapies- risk, reward…risk again.

Bender said...

So it sounds like the adverse reactions to the booster are worse than getting the actual virus.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

"Getting the booster is a negligible health risk, far less dangerous than driving to the vaccination site."

Unfortunately we cannot actually determine the risk of the boosters because the testing was attenuated and the resulting raw data is not public. The evidence given to the FDA by the Pfizer, Moderna, etc is basically "trust us". At this point, anecdote is a better source of information for risk assessment than government-funded or drug company studies.

rehajm said...

"Getting the booster is a negligible health risk, far less dangerous than driving to the vaccination site."

We were also told two jabs and you are immunized and there’s no reason the general public needs to wear a mask. The RN at my primary care doctor was threatened by a pharmacist for ordering ivermectin.

There’s strange things happening. That causes me to be cautious…

Mike Sylwester said...

A local hospital is doing booster shots in a rented suite on the first floor of the building where I work. Very convenient!

However, a person cannot simply walk in to that suite and get a shot. Rather, the person has to make an appointment, which can be done only on-line.

During the days before Christmas, I went on-line several times to make an appointment for myself and my wife. I clicked on the Make An Appointment button, which simply causes the page to reload. In other words, clicking on that button does not enable the user to make an appointment.

I figured this was just a pre-Christmas glitch. I tried again for several days.

Eventually, I walked into that suite on the first floor of my office building, and informed staff members that the website does not work. They said they are aware of the problem, and it should get fixed. Anyway, no appointments were available until January.

I tried again during the days between Christmas and New Years. Same problem.


Eventually, I gave up on that hospital and decided to make appointments for my wife and myself to get our booster vaccinations at a local CVS pharmacy.

So, I go to the CVS website. I click on the Make An Appointment button, which takes me to a relevant webpage.

That website asks me to enter my ZIP Code, in order to locate a nearby CVS that is doing the boosters. I enter my ZIP Code, and I am informed that a CVS in Fort Lee (about seven miles from my home) will give me a booster on January 5, at 4 p.m. I make that appointment for myself.

Immediately after doing so, I try to make an appointment for my wife. I figure that she can get her booster at the same place and time.

No way. I enter all my wife's information and then type in the same ZIP Code. It turns out that the only available booster for her on January 5 is in Teaneck, at 5 p.m. (Teaneck is about three miles from our home.)

I write down the ZIP Code of the Teaneck CVS, cancel my Fort Lee appointment, re-enter all my data, and then type in the Teaneck ZIP Code. The only available appointment for the Teaneck CVS on January 5 is at 8 p.m.

In other words, the CVS system will not enable me to make booster appointments for me and my wife at the same place and time.

So, I made my appointment for 8 p.m., but my wife and I both will go to the Teaneck CVS pharmacy on January 5 at 5 p.m. and will try to get us both vaccinated at that time.

jg said...

Family xmas visitors recently returned from a Mexico destination wedding (yuck) - 8 people - all got covid and even the 65-70 year olds had little difficulty (probably Omicron then?). I had a positive home test after 12 hours of fever. Anyway, this is to say that the harms of getting covid are as always pretty mild except for freak accidents. I did need a lot of sleep the days following the fever. Since we had a mix of vax/not, I'd say (N=2 anecdote) that the recently vax-dosed had less of the initial fever symptom (which was not unpleasant at all for me) but similar amounts of the post-fever malaise.

So, adding it all up: low harm of each vaccine dose (primarily circulatory system damage if they don't aspirate to take care to avoid injecting directly into blood); however, the benefit is also nothing to worry that you're missing, either. Omicron is the one you're sure to get now, booster or no. Possibly you'll have milder symptoms with a booster.

Jim at said...

I will either get it and die, or get it and live.

That's been my position since March of 2020.

Masks, lockdowns, 'vaccines' is all bullshit. Either you get it and die, or you get it and live.

EAB said...

I might add we got our boosters because it was free, easy and on our way to the movie theater…

walter said...

traditionalguy said.. So we took that vaccine and the booster shot. Why not. It works like a Flu vaccine.
Neither are vaccines...unless willing to redefine words...which is going on now, along with suppression and biasing of data and distorting metrics shitty testing.

Seems like an odd time to hammer your immune system for a couple weeks in hopes of better fending off later.
" I heard about a situation where one person got covid after getting the 2 shots only and not the booster and 3 people — who were boosted and who spent a lot of indoors with him when he was probably contagious — did not get it. And the day after I heard about that, I found out that 2 people I know just got the disease."
So many variables in those anecdotes.

MikeDC said...

The facts as far as I can tell are:
1. Getting vaccinated significantly lowers the probability of getting seriously ill if you catch the virus.
2. Additionally, it makes the virus more difficult to spread simply because the more vigorous your immune response the less the virus propagates. The less of it there is, the less likely it is to spread.
3. Though the chances of getting seriously ill if you are small, the cost of this small chance is still quite high.
4. And relatedly, the cost of getting vaccinated is quite low. The chance of getting seriously ill from the vaccine is orders of magnitude lower than my chance of getting seriously ill from COVID if I get it.

So, this means the vaccine is a clear win.

I think the risk of driving a car is a good way of thinking about it but wrong on the facts. He says the risks of driving to get vaccinated are about the same as the risk of getting COVID for someone of Ann's age.

As best I can tell, even for a vaccinated person over 80, the death rate for COVID is something like 45.7 (per 100k). For people in their 70s it falls to about 12. The rates for people being hospitalized with a serious case of Covid are

60s-> 12.8

70s-> 25.3

80s-> 53.4


For comparison, the baseline chance of dying in a car accident in the US is something like 11.9.


To me, this is the kind of comparison people should be making. We consider driving a real but acceptably small risk of everyday life. How does COVID compare? Is it something we should shrug off, or something we should pay attention to.

Well, it depends on your age and your risk tolerance, but to me, if you're in an age group (or you interact with people in that age group) where the risk of debilitating COVID is like 5 times the risk of your everyday baseline odds of randomly dying, that's something I'd pay attention to.

Now, you might say, "SEE, this is saying Ann's chance of dying from COVID is the same as dying in a traffic accident".

But you'd be wrong, because think about it. That 11.9 deaths per 100k Americans encompasses all drivers. It's including long-haul truckers with people who only ever drive up the street and back. It's pretty obvious to say that Ann probably doesn't have to drive very far or very fast to get the COVID vaccine. So her chance of dying during that kind of "everyday drive" is significantly less than the 11.9/100k average traffic fatality.

Which gets back to the point that if you compare risks, COVID is quite a bit more risky for someone like Ann than driving up the street.

reader said...

I didn’t fit any of the choices. I was willing to get the booster but wasn’t in any rush. I’m not worried about getting sick but don’t want to unwittingly pass it on. I don’t do well with vaccines in general so I wasn’t going to get it prior to Christmas (my busy time). My husband I were both scheduled to get it last weekend. Husband tested positive the 26th. I was tested twice and never got it. So got boosted Sunday and spent all day Monday in misery (fever and body aches). My arm still feels as though somebody took a bat to it.

I don’t want my 24 year oldson to get the booster. I think there are too many risks from the vaccine in comparison to his low risk from the virus. But he’s an adult and the decision is his (and his employers!).

Jim at said...

People who refuse vaccination, who refuse to take up arms, are cowards, pure and simple.

Yeah. Because blindly following the edicts, mandates and directives of the people who've been consistently wrong for the last two years is so, fucking brave.

Mike Sylwester said...

My wife and I got our initial (Pfizer) vaccinations in (first shot) April and (second shot) May 2020.

About two days after the second vaccination, my wife suffered a stroke. Immediately she was taken by an ambulance to the local hospital, where she spent several days in the Intensive Care Unit.

The brain damage was minor, and a blood thinner cleared the blood vessel. Since then, she seems to be normal.


Of course, we told the doctors that the stroke occurred about two days after the Pfizer vaccination. Surprisingly, they did not seem to be interested at all. They did not ask for any details about the vaccination.

When I visited my wife in the ICU, I asked her ICU nurse why the doctors did not seem to be interested about the vaccination. The nurse supposed that my wife's stroke occurred in an area of her brain that is different from the usual area for COVID strokes.

I don't know if that explanation is true, but that was what the ICU nurse supposed.


By the way, when I visited my wife in the ICU, I took off my mask and kept it off during my entire visit. She likewise kept her mask off.

Nobody in the ICU said one word about our not wearing our masks. The ICU staff members all had to wear masks all the time, but none of them seemed to care that my wife and I did not wear our masks in the ICU.

Milo Minderbinder said...

Last August after more questions arose about the vaccines’ efficacy, I began getting monthly Roche antibody tests. These tests are accurate although not finally approved by the FDA. All of my test results show I’m producing antibodies >2500 u/ml. No one knows of course how much antibodies result if you survived COVID, how much antibodies the vaccines produce (and for how long), and most importantly how much antibodies are necessary to combat symptoms (I’ve been asymptomatic all along). Since yesterday’s test still shows antibodies >2500 u/ml I’m not getting boosted (I received the 2d Moderna vac last February). Recall if you will that no one knows what the long-term effects of the vaccine are on one’s immune system. Mine was exposed to Agent Orange fifty years ago and needs to be tip-top. And if our government was negligent and expedient regarding AO, then who knows about the vaccines.

wild chicken said...

EXCEPT, the government is DEMANDING that i get it

Great reasoning lol.

Ur nOt ThE bOSs oF mE

Readering said...

Pre-pandemic I was always made to wear a mask on my all too frequent visits to elderly hospital patients.

Owen said...

Mike Sylwester @ 1:52: I had the same issue with CVS scheduling for the original vx's. Wife and I ended up with wildly different venues on different days.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

@Mike Sylvester

When wife and I signed up for our first shots, we could only get appointments 3 hours apart at the same venue. Since the place was forty miles away, this was pretty inconvenient. We went together and explained the problem. They were like, come on in. I appreciated their flexibility.

RoseAnne said...

I got my Moderna vaccinations in February and March 2021 before I lost all faith in the health establishment message. I had just hit 65 and am obese but have been blessed with good genes and am otherwise healthier than I deserve to be given my weight. No reaction to either shot.

My only requirement for the booster was to stay with the same company vaccine and finally got it last month - about 4 months later than I could have. I have no idea if it was important to stay with same shot but it made sense to me. Again, no reaction to the shot.

What I did between the vaccination and the booster was to lose 35 pounds and start exercising regularly. I am not running marathons or such; I do a series of stretching exercises every day and am more mindful about what I eat. My plan for 2022 is to lose another 50 and diversify my exercise schedule to include some water aerobics and walking.

I have relatives who are politically motivated to push vaccines and some that were terrified not to get it. They all got Covid in the pre-Omicron state. Only one was hospitalized and he has some other health issues. The others had mild symptoms. All got the boosters regardless. Most of my anti-vax relatives got COVID and none were hospitalized. (Most didn't know they even got it until they were required to be tested.)

So, all I know about COVID is that what I am doing is working for me so far.

John henry said...

There is no J&J booster available in Puerto Rico, apparently.

CDC says one can get the Comnraty or Moderna booster on top of the J&J. FDA, which is in charge of actually testing to see if that is so, is silent and I could not find out if they have authorized mixing of boosters.

None of the boosters are approved, BTW. Just authorized under experimental use.

I'm hoping for omicron, personally.

As for whether I am vaccinated, I do have a card that says I am. That's been enough so far.


RoseAnne said...

Milo Minderbinder said...
Mine was exposed to Agent Orange fifty years ago and needs to be tip-top. And if our government was negligent and expedient regarding AO, then who knows about the vaccines.

The only relative who was hospitalized also was exposed to Agent Orange in 1968-69. He otherwise is in good health for his age so I did wonder about that.

John henry said...

Blogger Oh Yea said...

I never expected vaccines to be 100% effective,

Why not?

Is there any other vaccine that is not, effectively, 100% effective for life?

Effectively 100% because there will always be a very few exceptions.

And tetanus requires a booster if you have incurred a specific risk like stepping on a nail. And that's more "just in case" than necessary.

This was not even, legally, a "vaccine" in the US until they changed the legal definition last fall.


MadisonMan said...

I've not yet been boosted, but I do have an appt scheduled. I was supposed to have one scheduled this weekend, but that appt vanished somehow. Oh well. Next weekend now. Flew for Christmas with no bad effect. Flying at the end of the month. And overseas mid-Summer. We'll see. I'm tall and thin, I don't have any co-morbidities other than age, as far as I can tell. For all I know, I've already had a mild case and just don't know it. There were three weeks mid-Summer when I was just plum exhausted all the time.
I work at the UW; I expect a Booster will be required at some point. I don't think it really does much (I did already get a flu vaccine).

Anita said...

I got the vaccine last spring and was in no hurry to get the booster. Now that I've had COVID (mild case right before Christmas), I probably won't get the booster. What I have done over the past 7 months is drop 60 pounds which will probably provide a greater benefit than the booster.

John henry said...

Blogger Milo Minderbinder said...

not finally approved by the FDA.

Are there any tests that are actually "approved" by the FDA?

As far as I can tell, there are none. The only available tests are only "authorized" under the Emergency Use Authorization.

At least the authorization for the bogus PCR test has been pulled.


Leland said...

I used to penny/pound justification and got the booster at a reasonable time. There was a bit of line with the original vaccine, which had to do with my freedom to travel internationally. I may disagree with US policy, but I need to respect policy in countries I visit or give up my own principle that others should respect US policy when travelling here. I was a bit motivated to get the booster after my wife saw up close the personal struggles with the Delta variant. If you and loved ones avoided that variant, count yourself lucky.

Fritz said...

Yeah, I got the 2 shots of vaccine, and the booster. The whole family did, except the 2 year old granddaughter. My wife and I got our boosters about 6 weeks ago. Less than a week ago, the daughter-in-law came home with a "scratchy throat", and a report that a co-worker had tested positive.

We had some tests on hand, and yes, she was positive. By the next day, we all seemed to have a cold, and three of us tested positive (my wife refused; at that point she assumed she had it and didn't want to waste the test). It's been like a mild cold for all of us. Even the baby had the sniffles, but wasn't out of sorts (she hasn't been tested either).

So, yeah, get the booster, but it's too late to help against Omicron, which will be gone through the population by the time your immune system reacts to it fully. I don't believe the vaccines and boosters do much to prevent Omicron, there might even be vaccine stimulation of infection, but they might lessen the severity.

Once I stop sniffling, I intend to give all this WuFlu nonsense.

Mea Sententia said...

I got the booster right away. I work in health care, and COVID is everywhere I go.

vinojones said...

Amazed at the lack of response to DD Driver @12:08
Do all you boosted people realize you will need another booster in 2-3 months if you expect the kind of protection this one is supposedly giving you?
Not to mention there will undoubtedly be a new "serious" variant by then too.

n.n said...

Vaccine therapeutics with a risk that progresses with time and variants, linked to excess adverse events including abortive (especially in young cohorts), and an unprecedented incomplete safety profile, established over the short-term, suitable only to justify emergency use in high risk cohorts. That said, planned parent/hood was neither a good nor exclusive choice (e.g. New York, Michigan).

n.n said...

At least the authorization for the bogus PCR test has been pulled.

It's an effective and accurate testbed, but with limited amplification. At higher levels, it's essentially enabling a pattern matching... inferential deduction.

Andy said...

Currently recovering from Omicron, as someone said above you expect to get omicron. It’s as infectious as measles

n.n said...

This was not even, legally, a "vaccine" in the US until they changed the legal definition last fall.

It stimulates an immune response that wanes in time and variants, and demonstrates no fitness to stimulate memory. A non-sterilizing therapeutic that offers limited personal protection, doesn't seem to contribute to community immunity (i.e. public good), and, according to the British, Danish, and Israeli data, is associated with a higher risk of all causes death with respect to Covid-19, and increases risk from or with Covid-20 and 21. That and an unprecedented dearth of a safety profile, typically established over years, excess adverse events (notably in children), is good enough to justify distribution for emergency use only.

Narayanan said...

Tyrone Slothrop said...
All along I have preferred to take this romantic position: the war on Covid is indeed a war, and we're the soldiers. To arm oneself to fight takes courage. Are the vaccines entirely risk free? Of course not. Nothing in life is. Even though the vaccines have not proven to be the panaceas we all hoped they would be, they are still the best-- perhaps only-- weapons we have to fight this war with. People who refuse vaccination, who refuse to take up arms, are cowards, pure and simple. They refuse to take even the vanishingly small risk inherent in vaccination, prizing their own skins over the common good. Cowards. This attitude would have lost the World War.
colorful and eloquent with some appeal to /sentence readers/!!!

are we taking up arms or collecting incoming PROJECTILES missing their targets and hoping to recycle / repurpose in this WAR against THE ENEMY

Howard said...

BTW, the serious variants are coming out of mostly unvaxxed poor countries. Saw a recent news report about a Texas group who got a vax approved in India will distribute and license at cost.

It's really a flu shot, not a vaccine. They are going to be giving them updated every 6-months. The mRNA applications will spill over into other diseases, including cancer.

I think most of us libtards don't care what you people think or do anymore.

JRoberts said...

I got my first Pfizer vax last April as soon as I was eligible and was glad to get it. However, a few days later I collapsed at my office and spent five days in the hospital. I had to relearn how to walk and used a walker or cane until late June.

I got my second Pfizer vax in May and a few days later ended up in the ER with blood clots in my legs which required blood thinners through August.

My doctors indicated it was just a coincidence, but can you blame me for being hesitant to get a booster?

walter said...

"I never expected vaccines to be 100% effective"
That may help help you accept the concept of "negative efficacy".

For those opting for boosters, anyone tracking their antibodies (narrow as they are) across jabs?
Seems we just keep jabbing folks without any individual immune metrics considered.
Now we are slinging them at children.
That should be a tell.

Good thing the inventor of PCR test died before he could sufficiently voice protest over its abuse.

gadfly said...

No line. Five minutes for paperwork and the booster shot. Required to wait fifteen minutes but nobody would have stopped me had I simply walked out. Zero cost. Sore muscle overnight.

Why all the attention to such a nothing-burger task? Mask no longer required except by doctors, airlines and a few nobodies. No SARS CoV-2 infection! Thank you very much.

Looking forward to stick #4. This is better than being sick or dead.

walter said...

Perfect example of the suppression of adverse events reporting.
VAERS was understood to under report without the current hostility against examination.
It's in complete opposition to informed consent/enabling proper risk assesment.
Find a way to report.

Hey Skipper said...

I'm 66.5 years old, no co-morbidities. Got the Moderna jabs as soon as they were available. Not going to get the booster. I figure the odds of anything other than a mild illness if I get it now are very small, but will only get worse with time.

The NYT updates some Kung Pao Sicken stats daily. (Scroll down to State Trends, expand to cover all states, and sort on deaths/100,000) Idaho*, where I live, has the nation's lowest vaccination rate, 46%. Over the last two weeks, its death rate is midpack; somewhat lower over the entire dempanic.

Interestingly, there seems very little correlation between the either the extent of mandates, or the vaccination rate, and death rates. Over the last year, Idaho has had minor mandates, and essentially none since May.

Or, you can look here, and see that Mao Tse Lung case rates are regional and seasonal, with no visible correlation to mandates.

@Tyrone Slothrop: All along I have preferred to take this romantic position: the war on Covid is indeed a war, and we're the soldiers. To arm oneself to fight takes courage. Are the vaccines entirely risk free? Of course not. Nothing in life is. Even though the vaccines have not proven to be the panaceas we all hoped they would be, they are still the best-- perhaps only-- weapons we have to fight this war with. People who refuse vaccination, who refuse to take up arms, are cowards, pure and simple. They refuse to take even the vanishingly small risk inherent in vaccination, prizing their own skins over the common good.

That is a very bad analogy, and draws exactly the wrong conclusion. Those who don't get the jabs, or boosters, are just as likely to get the 'rona as everyone else, no more likely to spread it, and, if the CDC is to be believed, taking the greater risk.

Moreover, it appears that the only people gaining real immunity are those getting it the old fashion way.

Might want to re-think who you are calling cowards.

walter said...

gadfly said...No SARS CoV-2 infection! Thank you very much.
Looking forward to stick #4

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

I got Pfizer in April/May last year then got COVID in August. Don't need an booster to protect me against the 'rona.

Jaq said...

What Freeman said.

John henry said...

Blogger Howard said...

I think most of us libtards don't care what you people think or do anymore.

That's basically all we ask. You do you based on what you think is best. I'll do me, based on what I think is best.

Our body our choice.

If you(plural) libtards would just accept that, rather than mandating stuff, I think there would be a lot less controversy.


Jaq said...

Actually Tyrone has it exactly right.

deckhand_dreams said...

As Owen alludes to at 11:42, Dr. Malone, in the excellent Rogan interview, details the distinct possibility (still being actively debated in the scientific community) that the boosters are actually increasing the chance of becoming infected with Omicron.

The high-level/layman explanation for how this might be happening is that the boosters contain the spike protein from the original virus (which is no longer circulating) and are skewing the immune system towards preparing to counteract that version of the spike (which, of course, it will never see). The un-skewed (un-boosted) immune system thus becomes better suited to fight off the Omicron strain.

I also recommend Dr. Bret Wienstien's recent Darkhorse podcast on the importance of vitamin D for preventing serious complications from Covid-19 (short version: almost all of us should be taking vitamin D supplements at a dosage of about 4000 iu/day -- also, along these lines, I suggest to read about the role of K-2).

Disclaiming: I'm not a doctor/scientist and wouldn't be surprised if the above experts end up being wrong.

Jaq said...


Jaq said...

Delta is still around and I am not scared of omicron

walter said...

Blogger deckhand_dreams said...
Also that introducing Spike into bloodstream as opposed to respiratory tract trains it to dilute efforts into whole body vs where it occurs naturally.

And oh..I guess we are turning 12 year olds into "soldiers".

Howard said...

That's where mandates come in John Henry. My body my choice. Normals don't want to be forced to be around you people who want to infect our bodies with your funk. Don't like mandates? Great, just go Galt. Go to doctors, stores and restaurants that don't have mandates. When you need meds go to the feed store. Just don't violate our exclusion zones because: my body my choice.

Lewis Wetzel said...

So the plan is to give everyone on earth a booster shot every six months for eternity?

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

"My doctors indicated it was just a coincidence,"

That's quite a "coincidence" considering that the dangers of the vaccines and boosters are vanishingly small and highly unlikely.

Or they're not, and we're being lied to.

Which one do you think is more likely?

Drago said...

Howard: "That's where mandates come in John Henry. My body my choice. Normals don't want to be forced to be around you people who want to infect our bodies with your funk."

The vaccinated demand the unvaccinated be forced to take the vaccine to protect the vaccinated, even though the "vaccine" (actually not a vaccine at all, despite the now 2 CDC redefinition of vaccine, just a supposed immunity booster) doesn't keep the vaccinated from spreading the virus to the vaccinated. At all.

And that's according to the pro-vaccine crowd.....(of course, just months ago the legion of Howard's were lying about the "effectiveness of the "vaccine" in preventing spread, but like all the other lies, that ones out the window now too....)

Howard, now might be a good time to apologize for the months you spent lying about the effectiveness of the "vaccine" in limiting the spread of the Fauci-funded ChiCom bio-warfare lab generated virus.

How about it?

Let me guess: like antifa, you'll now claim your earlier assertions never happened at all.....plus they were mostly peaceful assertions....and Normandy Invasion heroic-like.

Howard: "Don't like mandates? Great, just go Galt. Go to doctors, stores and restaurants that don't have mandates. When you need meds go to the feed store. Just don't violate our exclusion zones because: my body my choice."

Nah. I think we'll just go to the Supreme Court.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

"No SARS CoV-2 infection! Thank you very much."

Omicron seems to favor the vaccinated. Won't see that on the news at 11.

Drago said...

Howard, are you quadruple masking yet?



Drago said...

Next up for Howard: Hard lockdown, monthly "boosters", multiple masking, 25 foot social distancing for just another 24 more months or so to slow the spread!!

I recommend strongly the democraticals run on that.

Perhaps record a few public interest TV spots advocating for that...using democraticals who are very passionate about the hard lockdowns.....and film them in Florida!

Bruce Hayden said...

“Getting the booster is a negligible health risk, far less dangerous than driving to the vaccination site.”

You really don’t know that.

A good friend of mine, who used to work in this space, always tells me to follow the money. The efficacy of therapeutics (e.g. ivermectin) is heavily suppressed because the major ones are off patent. They cost maybe a penny a dose. The vaccine manufacturers are making billions on selling their vaccines to our government. Why has Twitter been so militantly anti-therapeutics? One reason is that they have farmed out their fact checking to Thompson/Reuters, which shares board members with Pfizer. Very incestuous.

The other big reason there is that the only way that these “vaccines” can be made available to the public, is through Experimental Use Authorizations (EUAs), because they are not approved as vaccines by the FDA, because not undergone full FDA vaccine testing. Not even close. It was a quick and dirty way to get vaccines to the public, without undergoing 5he usual FDA testing, that can take five years. But the FDA couldn’t have legally issued the EUAs, if there had been effective therapeutics or prophylactics available. So, they have spent the last two years with their fingers in their ears, going “la la la” whenever these therapeutics or prophylactics are brought up. There was one study of having given one of them as a therapeutic in the hospital for patients with severe COVID-19. The problem was that it is primarily a prophylactic, most effective if the patient has been taking them for at least a week before being exposed. Etc.

It stinks to high heave, which gives me zero reason to believe that these vaccines are either safe or effective.

Howard said...

Don't mask, don't vaccine, go Galt. Hang out with your own kind and leave the rest of us alone. Easy peasy.

JK Brown said...

By the time your booster kicks in, a couple weeks, this will be pretty much over, end of January, early February. In any case, people with boosters have been getting symptomatic Omicron variant. Though still have the reduced risk of serious COVID.

Good news is Omicron gives neutralizing immunity for future Delta, which should kill off Delta. So unless they work up another dangerous variant in the lab, it looks like things will calm down in the wild.

Conrad said...

I don't really see the point of the booster if, as everyone seems to believe, "we are all going to get omicron"; but, as everyone also seems to believe, "omicron is a milder form of covid that is extremely unlikely to result in serious illness." Given these things, I don't see how getting the booster promises to make a material difference to me. Apart from official (government) guidance telling people they "should" get the booster, what reason is there to think it will, in fact, make a difference? The booster is just another dose of the same vaccine that I got last year. Since it wasn't specifically designed to ward off omicron, again, there seems to be little reason to think it will be materially effective.

LA_Bob said...

No COVID shots for me. I started as "wait and see". The vaccines were created quickly. The technology is newish and untested. Maybe a year, maybe two years. Was not closed-minded about the vaccines.

Well, I didn't have to wait long. Waning efficacy (shockingly short duration), a CDC brushing off its own adverse events database, exhortations to "get vaccinated", appeals to community spirit and patriotism (for god's sake), unknown risks of repeated boosting on immunocompetence...Even Delta would have to be more serious for me to be convinced the vaccines are better at this point.

And now there is Omicron, the highly sociable but barely obnoxious variant which laughs at vaccines yet may end the pandemic.

An epileptic friend of mine who had been seizure-free for years and years got boosted the Saturday before Xmas. Two seizures a few hours later.

An insurance company in Indiana reports all-cause mortality is up 40% since the middle of the year among the 18-64 crowd. At this point, we don't know why. Brushed-aside vaccine side effects might play a role.


We need better vaccines for me to reconsider.

iowan2 said...

65, and fat. Yes got the jabs when it was my turn, boosted at 6 months. Because I'm around people like me that don't need the rona. Personally, experience tells me I have a great immune system. ~2 colds a year. Sniffles progress to congestion day one, Day two is full on cold. sore, achy, low temp. Day three recovery, less symptoms than day one. (my wife of 41 years hates me for this). Haven't had the flu since I was 10.
I attribute my strong immune system to doing livestock chores ~4 hours a day every day until I went to college.

But. I got the rona Thanksgiving 2020. Unsure about that, (contact with someone that did test positive)until my regular blood donation, confirmed anti bodies. I got the rona vaccine, for the same reason I started to get the flu shoot, grand kids came along.
Also as my part time jobs are contract labor, I like to make myself as attractive as possible to potential projects.

So my thought process is weighing benefits and burdens. The jabs had more benefits and few burdens.

Jaq said...

This pandemic has made it harder for me to keep my friends than Trump ever did.

Night Owl said...

You really can't go by anecdotal evidence. I haven't had any shots and I've had prolonged unmasked exposure twice to people who had covid. Never got sick. Was tested after one of those occasions and it came back negative.

My sister took care of her covid sick daughter and her daughter's boyfriend for a week and never got sick, and tested negative. None of them were vaxxed at the time, since none were available yet. Just like with regular colds and flu sometimes you get it sometimes you don't.

Want another anecdote: Said 57 yr old sister has since been "vaccinated", and just recently her doctors discovered a problem with one of her heart valves that she never had before. I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

If I were obese or had some comorbidity maybe I would consider the shot. But given that these drugs are experimental, and I strongly reject the idea of forced medication, instead I'll trust my 59 yr old immune system with an illness that has a greater than 99% recovery rate even without the shots. To my eyes the world has been driven to hysteria by fear porn being pushed by people who are sponsored by pharmaceutical companies.

One final anecdote: The young man that my sister nursed back to health last January was killed in a car crash this past November. He was 26 years old. We have young people terrified over covid when cars are more likely to kill them.

Jaq said...

When you are thrown out a window, you can try to tuck and roll, or whatever, and every decision you make, even no decision, has consequences, but you can’t decide not to have been thrown out the window. That’s where we are, we are thrown, and that’s why Tyrone is right.

cubanbob said...

I'm in the age bracket, overweight, former heavy smoker and diabetic. Therefore being at a much higher risk of croaking I got the three shots and the flu and pneumonia shots. `Threw in the shingles as well to minimize that risk. I take vitamin d, zice, quercetin and multivatime's and B complex. Eat mostly right and exercise four times a week. I'm doing all I can do for me. Then again the vast majority of Americans aren't in my shape and to them I say enjoy life. Do I worry about getting Fauci's CCP crud? I do but I don't obsess about it. I expect to get the Fauci's CCP crud, that is almost 100% inevitable. I will feel like crap, manifest a high fever, aches and lethargy and the rest. Just another flu and I don't expect to die from it or even have severe long lasting effects. The flu also kills old people and can leave them seriously damaged. The point being if you are in the cohort of the screwed if you get covid or the flu get vaccinated against both along with the pneumonia shot. It is quite possible to get both viruses at the same time and for those with issues that is a real nightmare. I trust adults to be adults and do what is right for them and I wish the government at all levels would stay in their narrow lanes and stay out of people's lives.

walter said...

Jabbing moms to be another huge tell.

Darkisland said...

Blogger Howard said...

Don't like mandates? Great, just go Galt. Go to doctors, stores and restaurants that don't have mandates.

Wow. That iss pretty amazing even for you.

The mandates apply to all stores, estaurants etc. enforced at gunpoint, ultimately, by govt.

I would have no problem with businesses enforcing mandates on themselves. Chiles wants me to be vaccinated? Fine, I'll eat next door. Their business, their choice. But you (plural) do not want that. You want to use the state to force Chiles to require customers be vaxxed.

When you need meds go to the feed store.

Why would I need to go to a feed store? Why can't I go to Walgreens and get the human version of Ivermectin (I assume you mean.) I can't now, because the feds discourage and many states prohibit, my doctor from prescribing this particular medicine offlabel.

See above re choice. If they don't want to fill a prescription, fine. Their store, their choice. But don't use the state to prevent me from getting a medication that billions of people use daily, OTC without prescription.

It's Your (plural via the State) mandates that we object to.

Paul said...

Omicron will be my 'booster' when it comes... the whole thing is winding down now as the variants get weaker and weaker..

Michael K said...

Just don't violate our exclusion zones because: my body my choice."

Hilarious that Howard, in true Howard fashion, uses the abortion rationale to try to force those who don't agree with him to accept his moral superiority.

Thanks, Howard. You make me laugh.

Darkisland said...

Blogger Drago said...

Next up for Howard: Hard lockdown, monthly "boosters", multiple masking, 25 foot social distancing for just another 24 more months or so to slow the spread!!

Would you have any problem with any of that? I suspect, like me, you would not.

I suspect that, like me, your problem is with folks like Howard using the State's guns to force you and me to do it.

Howard, any anyone else, should certainly be free to do any of that if he wishes.

His body, his choice.

I remember picking up an Avis car at Raleigh-Durham in June 2020. Masks were not required in North Carolina at the time.

They had a sign on the door "Masks permitted"

I am fine with that. That's the way it should be.


cubanbob said...

Blogger Howard said...
That's where mandates come in John Henry. My body my choice. Normals don't want to be forced to be around you people who want to infect our bodies with your funk. Don't like mandates? Great, just go Galt. Go to doctors, stores and restaurants that don't have mandates. When you need meds go to the feed store. Just don't violate our exclusion zones because: my body my choice."

Your body is your choice, not other people's obligation and their bodies are their choice and not your obligation. Considering the covid vaccine doesn't provide sterilizing immunity nor does it keep you from being infectious or being infected using your own logic, you fail. Take your high handed arrogance elsewhere. Since my body is my choice, I chose to get triple vaccinated because of my comorbidities but that is my problem and other people have the right to live their lives as they see fit without the busybody scolds.

Darkisland said...

We had a rash of bank robberies about 20 years ago and most of the banks in PR put in an airlock type entry/exit system. Open one door and you pass through a metal detector. Once the first door closes and locks, the 2nd unlocks and lets you in the bank. Goiing out is the same but no metal detector.

One person at a time and no hats or sunglasses permitted so they get a good snapshot of everyone.

But I used to wear a balaclava mask that covered my entire face except my eyes. They seemed OK with that.

That was too hot so for the past year I have been wearing a thin foam rubber cleanroom mask that I got from a pharma client. They use these in their manufacturing plants.


Very comfortable, they do not restrict breathing and do not force you to rebreathe the same air. Washable.

I got a pack of 10 last January, still have 8 left. A bit pricey but very durable.

I carry a copy of the datasheet in my phone for the occasional Karen or flight attendant that complains.

Darkisland said...

We had a rash of bank robberies about 20 years ago and most of the banks in PR put in an airlock type entry/exit system. Open one door and you pass through a metal detector. Once the first door closes and locks, the 2nd unlocks and lets you in the bank. Goiing out is the same but no metal detector.

One person at a time and no hats or sunglasses permitted so they get a good snapshot of everyone.

But I used to wear a balaclava mask that covered my entire face except my eyes. They seemed OK with that. Even in banks where they don't know me.

Howard said...

I was mimicking John Henry, Doc. He said it first so I turned it around against his argument. Glad I made you laugh.

Darkisland said...

The balaclava was hot so for the past year I have been wearing a thin foam rubber cleanroom mask that I got from a pharma client. They use these in their manufacturing plants.


Very comfortable, they do not restrict breathing and do not force you to rebreathe the same air. Washable.

I got a pack of 10 last January, still have 8 left. A bit pricey but very durable.

I carry a copy of the datasheet in my phone for the occasional Karen or flight attendant that complains. I've never been made to change it.

Jim at said...

This pandemic has made it harder for me to keep my friends than Trump ever did.

Well, since you've been a screaming ninny throughout this entire mess, it appears the 'everybody else is the asshole' scenario might be in play.

rp said...

A lot depends on whether you tend to walk around with a lot of inflammation -- or not. A large part of the risk BOTH with the virus AND with the vaccine is the body's REACTION to the virus or the vaccine.

For the last 19 years, I've been taking a med ($1.50 per day) that aborts "cytokine storm" -- specifically inflammatory reaction by TNF-alpha and IL-6 -- two of the main culprits correlated with reduced survivability during this COVID-19 era.

walter said...

Federalizing mAbs and (inadequately) allocating via "equity" formulas another tell.
Because yes, Delta is still around. Funny that move to further limit use at first possible opportunity, despite expanding the applications.
The largely unspokem "mandates" occur in hospital systems incentivized by Fed $$ to overclassify rona and block anything other than pretty dismal, but profitable, treatment protocols.
Step out of line and you risk job in the system, license and board cert.

walter said...

Oh wait...a bit of good news:
· 3h
HHS reverses halt to mAB orders: "[A]ll states and territories can continue to order both Lilly (bamlanivimab plus etesevimab) and Regeneron (casirivimab plus imdevimab) monoclonal antibody products from HHS" https://phe.gov/emergency/even
You might want to ask Ralph Northam for a blackface tute.

MaxedOutMama said...

No, I'm not getting boosted. The reason why is that all the evidence I can find so far suggests that vaccinated and boosted persons are getting Omicron in higher numbers, so there seems no rational reason to get it.

When I look at data from four different countries, and it all suggests that vaccinations aren't effective, I assume that they aren't effective. I looked at the RKI analysis (Germany), the UK data, the Ontario stats, and also went right through the NJ stats, even down to infections of hospital staff workers. The vaccinations don't work against Omicron IN THE REAL WORLD. Maybe in a test tube, but the old joke about curing cancer in the lab a thousand times is based in reality.

What I don't understand is why it really looks as if Omicron cases are higher in vaccinated people. I was doubtful of this until Ontario updated today:

If you scroll down on that page you will get to a graph which splits cases by rate per 100K population by vaccinated, unvaccinated and partially vaccinated. You do not need a microscope to see how things changed as Omicron spread. Currently fully vaccinated persons have an incidence rate of 101.4, whereas unvaccinated persons have an incidence rate of 78.14. That means the virus is mutated enough so the vaccinations have little effect.

My guess is that the lower rate in the unvaccinated population is probably because of a higher rate of previously infected persons who have developed nucleocapsid antibodies. Those antibodies should be good for all variants, because the nucleocapsid proteins aren't mutating quickly and having them should protect against serious illness, because the virus won't propagate for long in your system.

So what's the point? I see none, and there is clearly some risk of making things worse for yourself by getting a useless vaccination. If the antibodies conferred aren't effective, then you are using up your immune system's spare capacity to react against the circulating virus, and in theory you could end up worse off, with your body desperately making the wrong antibodies.

No more vaccines for me. It is over. It has failed. There were some useful aspects early on to earlier variants, but now it doesn't work, and may actually be counterproductive.

Jaq said...

Examples please, Jim

Night Owl said...

I assumed Tyrone Slothrop was satire.

The so called vaccines don't slow the spread. Those "vaccinated" can still get covid and pass it on. So what common good is there that we're all supposed to give up our freedoms for? I was threatened with losing my job if I didn't agree to take an experimental medication that has known and unknown risks, that doesn't even guarantee me that I won't get sick and pass it on! I told my boss, in no uncertain terms-- with only a few expletives-- no. (My company has since backed down due to the court decisions last month.)

Bureaucratic overreach is a bigger threat to the common good than some covid flu, which has mutated to become a bad cold. People who refuse to fall for media bullshit are not cowards; they're discerning. I worked remotely and took care of a loved one sick w/covid--who got sick three weeks after getting his first shot-- and would do it again if any of them needed me. Would brave Sir Slothrop dare?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Gubmint sez "TRUST ME", Gubmint sez "WOULD I LIE TO YOU?" I sez "Day I and Day Out".

Clyde said...

I got the first two shots as soon as I was able to schedule them back in the spring. I got the booster three weeks ago; probably not "as soon as I could" but not too long after. That said, I'm pretty much done with Covid at this point. As I told a co-worker when we talked about another co-worker who had come down with Omicron, "I'm going to live my f*cking life. If I get it, I get it." I've taken reasonable precautions, but I no longer wear a mask unless I'm some place where it's required. I have not been sick, I haven't taken any tests, and I won't unless I actually show some symptoms.

Freeman Hunt said...

Pretty much all vaccines are multiple shot affairs.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Omicron seems to favor the vaccinated.”

Can you get COVID-19 after having been vaccinated? Definitely. Been known since the P Town Superspreader in July.
Does it reduce the likelihood of getting sick? Yes for pre-Omicron. Maybe for Omicron variants. No one knows.
Does it reduce the chances of getting really sick? Maybe. Probably so for pre-Omicron variants.
Are the vaccines safe? No.
How frequent are side effects from the vaccines? No one knows.
How dangerous are the side effects? Up to and including death.
Do the vaccines save lives? No one knows.

As Yancey has said, the data is extremely dirty. They intentionally over-reported deaths (by treating “with” as “of” COVID-19, by significantly reimbursing hospitals for treating COVID-19 cases), and underreported side effects. The VAERS side effect database is apparently hard to deal with, and doctors have little incentive to go through the process of reporting side effects, since they aren’t getting paid for it. The clinical trials have been shoddily run with little FDA oversight. For example, one girl in a trial was reclassified and dropped from a study, after becoming paralyzed from the waist down. The reason was classified as “gastrointestinal”. One case of paralysis out of several hundred test subjects should probably have resulted in a failed study. But not if she was excluded.

Add to that that the vaccines were developed based on the early viral genomes. There is evidence that Omicron mutated around these vaccines. This is one of the big weaknesses of leaky, non-sterilizing vaccines (like these). There is a technical term for this, but the short is that a sterilizing vaccine will prevent this. But with a non sterilizing vaccine, the mutations that are not taken out by the vaccine have a significant Darwinian advantage over those versions of the virus that are. It is worse in this case, because these vaccines each target just a couple spike proteins. Tweak the genes for those proteins, and, voila, the vaccines don’t work.

Something else to consider. It has been documented that a second (and presumably subsequent) vaccinations greatly depress the recipients’ immune system. This is probably why resident viruses resurge, and Shingles, for example, erupts. The mechanism appears, maybe, to be the flood of spike proteins, in the subsequent vaccinations, signaling a massive viral attack.

So, no. I am not getting a booster until, and if, the side effects are properly identified and quantified, and third and subsequent injections of nuclear spike or spike generating vaccines are properly tested for efficacy against the Omicron variant. They haven’t been.

iowan2 said...

DIL just texted. Positive for covid. They were at her moms over the weekend for Christmas. 4 kids, 6 to 11. We were supposed to go to their place this coming weekend for Our side Christmas. Our daughters house had covid run through their house starting Dec 10 and the last one had 5 clean days by the 24th.

Everybody is going to get this. Which is going to end this police state.

Rory said...

I got the first Moderna shot on March 6. About 10 days later I developed a tremendous lethargy. Went to the emergency room on Day 13, got admitted and spent 30 hours in the cardiac unit. Heart a bit inflamed, heart rate high, blood pressure a bit high, but mostly got shrugs from the doctors. Walked out with a prescription for BP meds and advice to rebuild my stamina as I could. Next two months, I got periodic chest pains that would have sent me to the emergency room if I hadn't already been there. Cardiologist follow up found everything normal. I started mowing my own lawn again in July, the first mowing took a month. The emergency room doctors said I probably had a vaccine reaction; my primary care finally agreed with that in August.

My primary care suggested I switch to the J&J shot, but I'm very reluctant. I have a dog, and we've been out every day of the pandemic, usually at least once in a public park. I go into stores, talk to my neighbors. So I may have already had it without noticing. There's just a lot of moving parts.

Rory said...

"The VAERS side effect database is apparently hard to deal with, and doctors have little incentive to go through the process of reporting side effects, since they aren’t getting paid for it."

None of my doctors indicated they were reporting to VAERS. I put my information in the system, got an email a couple months later asking one question: was I feeling better?

Yancey Ward said...

The vaccines are failing- all the data shows this. This was predictable, though most didn't want to hear it last year. Viruses like COVID simply mutate too rapidly for any vaccine to stop it. We have decades of experience with influenza vaccines that fail for the exact same reason- the viruses mutate too rapidly. At best, you will have to take an entirely new vaccine each Fall just like many do with the influenza vaccines, and those new vaccines will simply be guesses at which variant will be dominant that season. However, as Omigod variant has shown, the dominant variant can be discovered long after it is already around the world twice and for which no vaccine would even matter if you could produce it in time.

Boosters probably offer you some protection against Delta, but not against Omigod. Omigod hasn't been shown to be killing anyone, vaccinated or unvaccinated. As the virus' family tree lengthens, boosters of 2021 vintage vaccines will be increasingly worthless.

I carefully considered the options last March on whether to take the vaccines or not. I came down on the side of not submitting to them at that time. I do reevaluate the decision every few weeks, but nothing has really changed that would convince me to take even dose 1 at this point. If they come up with a vaccine that is truly sterilizing, that would probably push me over the edge and get it, but I think it is increasingly unlikely this is going to happen, just like it hasn't happened in decades of research into influenza vaccines.

I am going to stay off the treadmill of these particular vaccines- in the end, the risk of catching COVID seems far less than what might happen if I get on that treadmill of vaccine and boosters every few months, especially with a class of vaccines with less than a year's worth of safety data at this point. As I have written several times- we are running the world's largest Phase Two drug trial. As a former pharma researcher, I watch this in amazement and more than a little trepidation.

walter said...

Reportedly medical staff who report get callbacks requesting details and records, with penalty for inaccurate information.
Just ignore VAERS and keep your admin from giving you shit.

Jaq said...

I always wear masks when requested to do so, never ask anybody to wear a mask. I don't bother with masks if nobody is bothered about them, I have my vaccines and booster, and have never requested that anybody else do so, but my big problem in keeping my social circle together is when I go to a party at the home of an anti-jab friend, then my jab worshipping friends don't want me near them for a week or so. I am going to choose the non judgmental friends, every time.

One thing I have learned from the pandemic is what a waste it is to argue with people afflicted by either a low IQ, or ideological takes on the pandemic, which have the same effect as a low IQ.

VAERs, at this point, is about as useful as that hotline for the tens of thousands of people who had been 'raped' by Bret Kavanaugh.

BTW, it has been clear since the beginning that boosters would be required, even what we know about coronaviruses and the common cold, which is that immunity fades quickly, that would be 'natural immunity' BTW, and we have known since the nineties that people spread the common cold asymptomatically, but pointing that out makes people's faces red and generally shuts off their ability to think, many times. I get no credit for pointing that out, but I believe I have been pointing that out here since the pandemic began.

Jaq said...

" carefully considered the options last March on whether to take the vaccines or not. I came down on the side of not submitting to them at that time."

Yeah, OK.

Drago said...

Freeman Hunt: "Pretty much all vaccines are multiple shot affairs."

Yeah, I really dont mind my 3 or 4 times per year polio and measles booster "vaccines" at all......

MadisonMan said...

Anita, that is excellent work on your part! Congratulations! I hope just that has made you feel worlds better.
I've lost 10 or 15 pounds in the last 4 months. Where has my sweet tooth gone?

MaxedOutMama said...

@Yancey Ward 7:29 PM "As I have written several times- we are running the world's largest Phase Two drug trial. As a former pharma researcher, I watch this in amazement and more than a little trepidation."

We are, but what has finally made me adamant is that as the vaccines demonstrably become ever less effective, the response (in many countries!) has been to increase the mandates for more and more shots.

This, I believe, has passed the point of rationality and any feasible system of medical ethics. So the time to say "No" is now. At this point, I strongly believe the pressure is on to remove the control group. That's sick, but that is now my suspicion. This is no longer being driven by any scientific reasoning or methodology.

All the data shows that Omicron is a vaccine escape. This is not a pandemic of the unvaccinated. It's an epidemic of rolling waves of rapidly mutating virus strains.

I just read through the Danish study:
"Comparing Omicron VOC to Delta VOC, we found an 1.17 (95%-CI: 0.99-1.38) times
higher SAR for unvaccinated, 2.61 times (95%-CI: 2.34-2.90) higher for fully vaccinated
and 3.66 (95%-CI: 2.65-5.05) times higher for booster-vaccinated individuals, demonstrating strong evidence of immune evasiveness of the Omicron VOC."

This is akin to trying to fight a TB epidemic by giving people cholera vaccinations. In fact, any vaccine can activate a person's immune system and might confer *some* protection, but it's very low level protection and cannot stop the spread.

If they want to mandate a vaccine, legally it has to be efficacious. Otherwise it is just apricot pits for the masses.

There are people for whom the vaccinations/boosters might be helpful as a layer of protection, but if our actual plan to deal with this is based on vaccinations, it is mutated from a medical strategy to a political strategy.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States

The people pushing the boosters have been repeatedly dishonest. I know multiple people who are "fully vexed", and boosted, and still got Covid.

I'm not old enough to be in the "bad Covid" age range.

So no, I'm not going to get the damn booster unless someone puts a gun to my head. And if they do that, I'll spent the rest of my life working to wreak havoc on the gun pointers

Achilles said...

Howard said...

That's where mandates come in John Henry. My body my choice. Normals don't want to be forced to be around you people who want to infect our bodies with your funk. Don't like mandates? Great, just go Galt. Go to doctors, stores and restaurants that don't have mandates. When you need meds go to the feed store. Just don't violate our exclusion zones because: my body my choice.

The vaccine does not stop you from getting COVID or transferring it to others.

But keep on being a stupid tool.

Pfizer needs to make double record profits next year and it needs stupid people like you to get it for them.

Saint Croix said...

I am waiting for Novavax!

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Howard said...
It's really a flu shot, not a vaccine. They are going to be giving them updated every 6-months. The mRNA applications will spill over into other diseases, including cancer.

I think most of us libtards don't care what you people think or do anymore.

If the second part were true, you libtards wouldn't be pushing your bullshit "vaccine" mandates and "vaccine" passports.

We know the first part is true. you live in your own religious fantasy world, and have no care what we in the real world tell you.

Remind us, Howard, how many genders are there? Do men have periods? Can men get pregnant?

Do some women have penises that emit functional sperm?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Howard said...
That's where mandates come in John Henry. My body my choice. Normals don't want to be forced to be around you people who want to infect our bodies with your funk.

/Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States

IT's not normals, Howie, it's libtards. Religious fruitcake libtards who don't understand or follow the science.

Because the science clearly says that the "vaccines" do not do anything other than at most protect you from being as sick from Covid.

They do not block transmission, being in a 100% "vaccinated" space does not even slightly lower your risk of being infected with Covid.

The only people who support "Covid vaccine mantes" are either power hungry wankers, or ignoramuses.

Which are you?

Or should I embrace the healing power of "and" here?

walter said...

"don't violate our exclusion zones "
Like Cook county?
COVID-19 Vaccine Home - Cook County Department of Public Health
cookcountypublichealth.org › Communicable Diseases › COVID-19
The COVID-19 vaccinations will help protect you by creating an antibody response without having to experience sickness.

walter said...

"BTW, it has been clear since the beginning that boosters would be required"
Yes. Exactly as it was presented. Although initial jab cards in France had around six punch spots.
Maybe a free baguette once filled..if you aren't on a feeding tube.

jg said...

Probably too late, but for sure just let a fever sit at 30C. If you lower it w/ meds you get far less immunity. This has been repeatedly proven in animal vax studies and the febrile response is very consistent over many species.

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