January 16, 2022

"Trump has had a remarkable 14 months. Most losing presidential candidates are forced into quiet retirement by their parties."

"Trump has bucked the trend, only tightening his grip on the GOP in the wake of his defeat. He has convinced Republican candidates all over the country—including those on stage tonight—to repeat his election lies, and convinced his rank-and-file supporters to treat those falsehoods as holy writ. By this point, those lies have been circulating for what feels like forever. But at tonight's rally, as Trump’s fans called for the arrests of poll workers and the reinstatement of the rightful president, I got the sense that this might be just the beginning."

From "Trump Soft-Launches His 2024 Campaign/The former president’s message at his Arizona rally was as clear as it was dishonest: He didn’t lose to Joe Biden in 2020, and he’ll spend the next year working to elect Republicans who agree" — by Elaine Godfrey (in The Atlantic).

Delusions all around. 


rehajm said...

Dishonest? Still pushing that hoax? I suppose it’s the only one left with any legs…

gilbar said...

Most losing presidential candidates are forced into quiet retirement by their parties

most "losing" candidates didn't receive More Votes than any incumbent President in history

Rory said...

So are the Dems doing anything to assure they'll have an honest primary season?

vermonter said...

How’s that quiet retirement of Hilary working out?

Temujin said...

This will be the mantra of not only Trump, but of the media. We'll be fighting the election of 2020 through 2024. But I'm OK with that because I'll go to my grave sure as I can be that there were not 80+ million people who voted for Joe Biden, that the election polling places were run by corrupt Democratic Party operatives, and that ballots were harvested, counted and recounted in key cities and states until they got what they needed, all with the covering help of our media, like The Atlantic. By the way, the same people who foisted the Russia! Russia! Russia! collusion farce on the nation for 3+ years. But this time they're right?

All that said, I'd much prefer DeSantis and I do worry that Trump and DeSantis could be a mud-wrestling event that lasts months, helping only Democrats.

PB said...

What are we to make of the seditious treason of democrats complaining about losing in 2000, 2004 and 2016? Ha ha!

Beliefs you disagree with are not lies.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Thanks for your sacrifice, Althouse. Good to be aware smut peddlers are still about. Be sure to wash out your eyes.

Breezy said...

Every election in the world has a defined set of eligible voters. In the US it’s every live American citizen over the age of 18. If anyone wants to see what illegal immigrants or imagined people think, they are free to set up a vote where just those people are eligible to vote.

rrsafety said...

Trump is tiresome. If he had urged his voters to take advantage of early voting, he would have won, instead he suppressed his own voters by suggesting there was something wrong with the COVID voting rules. Probably the first politician in history to sink his own ship by sinking his own vote totals among legitimate voters who would have voted early.

Bob Boyd said...

Check this out

Might have to watch twice to get it, but it's only 29 seconds long.

J Melcher said...

I have to agree that the validity of election processes could not be determined by a court process that "resolved" complaints on the basis of standing, ripeness, and moot-ness rather than a preponderance of the evidence.

It seems similarly premature to declare Trump's claims "a lie" as it does for Trump to call potentially flawed or impermissible ballot handling processes "a fraud".

Clearly many jurisdictions implemented new procedures for ballot handling during the Covid-19 panic. It's far from clear that those new procedures were in accordance with those jurisdiction's own voting laws, or that the procedures were safeguarded from partisan distortion. We know for a fact that the new procedures implemented for the Democratic Iowa caucuses were flawed. Why is it impossible to consider other state's and other political outcomes were, in the same time frame were likewise flawed?

Iman said...

He’s living rent-free, 24x7 365 in their mush melons…

Butkus51 said...

would you trust Joe to deliver ice cream?

hawkeyedjb said...

The best way to prove Trump is a liar would be audits of vote totals. Lots and lots of audits. But the preferred message is "He's a liar, and audits are undemocratic."

mikee said...

Obama runs a political organization in DC, "quietly" continuing his administration's goals of transforming the US. Not a lot of news coverage, but then he had many fewer mean tweets than Trump. I prefer my politicians working openly, with public engagement, to running a shadow government with people like Brennan, Comey, and their ilk.

William said...

Trump had a successful Presidency, but Biden now sits in the Oval Office. However you want to define winning, that's the fact of the matter....I can see how he's pissed. How does someone with Biden's obvious--perhaps blatant is the right word--shortcomings win more votes.....Biden had the support of the press, but that's true of every Democratic candidate. Eisenhower, Nixon, and the younger Bush won re-election against more formidable opponents and, in Nixon's case, the press was even more antagonistic......Trump, on the merits, should not have been a one term President. It's a puzzlement, but it happened.....The Russian collusion story was more of a fraud than any of Trump's bombastic statements, but that is not the settled, scientific opinion. Trump cheats on his wife with porn stars. It's easy enough to blacken his reputation. Trump's moral failings are as blatant as Biden's debilities.....Maybe history will eventually vindicate Trump. Most people now agree that Eisenhower was smarter than Stevenson, but I won't live to see it.

Mark said...

Trump is beginning to share this attribute with Hillary --

He does best when he shuts up and stays out of the public eye.

If he had a little more personal discipline, he would still be president.

Mark said...

sure as I can be that there were not 80+ million people who voted for Joe Biden

Then you don't know your fellow Americans very well. It is totally believable that that many people would vote to screw themselves. Many of them do it every year in many cities and states throughout the country despite the fact that the people they keep voting for have made those places hell-holes.

Leland said...

Even if Trump is wrong about the election, and statistics suggests he probably is not; we haven't even gone a third of the time spent on the Russian Collusion Hoax. Hell, I bet The Atlantic still believes the vaccine stops the spread of Covid.

Mike Sylwester said...

at tonight's rally, as Trump’s fans called for the arrests of poll workers and the reinstatement of the rightful president, I got the sense that this might be just the beginning.

Name some of those fans.

Name just one of those fans.

Who is the liar in this situation?

Maybe The Atlantic writer is the liar.

Mike Sylwester said...

at tonight's rally, as Trump’s fans called for the arrests of poll workers and the reinstatement of the rightful president, I got the sense that this might be just the beginning.

I say that Elaine Godfrey, the author of this article, is a liar.

wendybar said...

They just can't quit him. I bet she gets more traffic in this one post because it is about him, than any other jibberish she writes.

Amadeus 48 said...

Here is the knock on Trump:

As noted above, he lost to Joe Biden, who ran a vegetable campaign. He refuses to acknowledge that he got outplayed by corporate media and the tech titans. He has learned nothing, and he is blowing up bridges in the GOP. His post-election behavior was a disgrace, which is costing him support among some who thought he did a decent job as president, from a policy point of view. Like Obama, he emphasized divisions among Americans rather than focusing on what unites us. The Democrats thrive on divisions and identity politics, to their eternal discredit. (Amusingly, Joe Biden’s roll call of racists— Bull Conor, George Wallace, and Jefferson Davis—were all Democrats.) Trump needs to find an uplifting message that unites us, but that is not the way he rolls, is it?

Browndog said...


I heard some time back Trump was going to have a rally in Arizona. I didn't know it was last night until this morning. Seems to be a bit of apathy in the MAGA/New Right towards Trump, having not seen any mention of the rally yesterday.

I was even going to watch at least some, to see if he's more positive, forward thinking, and solution oriented instead of whining about the past and stating the obvious.

We get it. You got screwed. The country got screwed. Less than a year out of office this country is more leftist/authoritarian than ever before. Nothing yo accomplished stands today. You had a lay-up re-election and blew it. You hired the wrong people, took their advise, and became a one term loser.

You knew they were going to try to steal the election and all you did to preempt it was tweet out "They're going to try to steal the election".

Sad ending to a once in a generation political force.

Temujin said...

I don't consider myself delusional at all, though by the standards of our conventional wisdom, I might be considered so when it comes to the 2020 election. But then our conventional wisdom authors have been wrong about so much for so long, I'm not sure they're the standard to follow any longer.

rcocean said...

75 million Americans voted for Trump. In Pennsyvannia he won the people who showed up at the Polls 2-1. How many of Biden's voters were real or American citizens is unknown. In any case, many of them probably wouldn't have voted if they had to go somewhere to vote and stand in line.

The MSM, establishment, take on the stolen election has been to simply chant over and over: There was no invalid votes. There was no fraud. They refused to audit the votes. Why? Look at Arizona. The Mariposa Democrats and RINOs who ran the voting REFUSED to cooperate with the Senate investigation and they destroyed computer logs, "Lost" key documents, and generally told the auditors to go to hell. Why? IF the election was clean and fair this was there chance to prove Trump was a big fat liar.


doctrev said...

There is a lot of absolutely terrible advice here for Trump. "Shut up" is particularly awful, because it's basically a wish for the McConnell wing of the GOP to claim all the credit for Joe Biden's impending electoral collapse. Despite a concerted effort by senior GOP figures, all of the corporate media including Fox, and all of the Internet companies, Donald Trump is not merely getting his message out but maintaining his historically strong base.

Ron DeSantis has some minor advantages over Trump, but John McCain could tell you that being preferred by National Review types has zero merit in a national election. By contrast, Donald Trump energizes and is energized by massive rallies for his base, and has successfully weathered a total media blackout. DeSantis is a decent man, but he hasn't done anything to remotely demonstrate that kind of talent.

Mark said...

"Shut up" is particularly awful

OK. How about, GO AWAY? Better?

Look, Twitter has done Trump a favor by banning him. It denies him the ability to engage in his own worst impulses.

Lurker21 said...

Where I am squatting, hardly anybody voted for Trump, so I don't have a problem thinking that millions of suburban Karens and their husbands found Trump vulgar and mean and voted for Biden, and other voters elsewhere who didn't mind Trump didn't bother to vote. Of course, there was fraud in the states where it counted, but I just don't have the mindset that it's manifestly absurd that Biden got more popular votes. People aren't what one would like them to be.

rcocean said...

why has the ex-POTUS who got 75 million votes been banned by social Media? Why is it impossible to find an objective report he does? Why does "The Hill" for example, describe what Trump said, but rarely quotes him in full or link to his actual Statements? Why are they always "Summarizing" him or quoting sentences taken out of context?

Again, this is very bizzare. No one can tell you what crime Trump committed that got him impeached twice. The 2nd impeachement had 2 hours of debate before being rushed to the Senate.This was a MASSIVE break from tradition and historical Norms. Before Trump, we've only had 2 Impeachment trials in 200 years. But Trump got impeached twice on almost purely party line votes.

Yet, no one talks about how crazy that was. How against historical tradition and norms. You need to ask why.

Mark said...

It's like the team that loses by a field goal and then complains they were robbed by a bad call by the refs, when in fact they should have won by three touchdowns.

Aggie said...

Trump's problem now is the same that it was during his tenure. People are reacting and responding to the message the Corporate Media are giving them. Instead of listening to Trump directly, they are listening to the media's coverage of Trump and reacting to that. Don't get me wrong, Trump is flawed and imperfect. But - reading through some of the comments here, this is absolutely Pavlovian.

rcocean said...

Years ago, I got to the point where I wouldn't believe anything the MSM said about Trump UNLESS I went to the actual transcript or video and heard it for myself. They have been lying about Trump for 5 years. Or mischaracterizing what he says. The fact that they SOMETIMES get it right, doesn't mean they can be trusted.

Its bizzare that people, unless leftists or Democrats, still trust the MSM.

Mark said...

Why? Because it was yesterday. Because it was the past. Because it is backwards looking. Because in the end, it is what it is, and nothing is going to change that past.

Because not everyone is obsessive.

narciso said...

interfere with the country teams grift over ukraine, that cost 6 billion with the collapse of the privat bank

rcocean said...

Hello, Trump has been around for almost 7 years. You don't have to preface every Defense of him or attack on his critics with "Well, I don't support everything Trump says..". Who supports EVERYTHING a politican does? No one.

Yeah, we get it. you're not one of those trailer park rednecks who support Trump.

Mark said...

Because there is no crying in baseball.

Because at some point, you need to stop being a whiny p*ssy, man up, and just deal with today's situation as it is.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Trump cannot openly declare for’24 yet. So he is precluded from forward looking statements. Yes he’s talking about how the election was shady. Every expert that ever opined through the DNC-Media what Trump “will do next” has been wrong. Support for Trump within the Republican Party is strong. Ninety per cent back his run for now. Opinions based on the hunch this current topic is his election pick are the same rubes that wrote him off after the Great Escalator Announcement in 2015.

madAsHell said...

Most losing candidates weren't victims of voter fraud.

Mark said...

The only person who could eff up the 2024 for the Republicans is the self-obsessed, can't help himself, guy who lost the last election which he should have won by a landslide, and will be an ancient way-too-old geezer by then anyway.

He had a great policy administration. He also had way too much drama. Much of it unfair, much of it self-inflicted. Boo hoo. Too damn bad.

Time to move on.

narciso said...

mark standing up for proscription, take a bow mark, of course shambling man lost, except for the rotten boroughs,

doctrev said...

Mark said...
Because at some point, you need to stop being a whiny p*ssy, man up, and just deal with today's situation as it is.

1/16/22, 9:40 AM

This attitude is going a cost a lot of your cuckservative friends in Congress their seats in 2022 and 2024, so I heartily encourage you to keep holding it. Election fraud isn't just a Trump issue- any Republican politician who doesn't correctly call Joe Biden an illegitimate fraud can look forward to tens of millions of MAGA voters abandoning them entirely. Hopefully that doesn't mean general election failure, because it's much better to kick such representatives to the curb in a primary.

But it also doesn't matter. Normal Americans are DONE pretending that completely corrupt federal races are any more legitimate or real than professional wrestling. More than 75 million voters sent that message in 2020, and a significant proportion are willing to accelerate the message. To muzzle velocity.

Critter said...

In 2020, Biden got out the votes but not the voters. Voting laws were violated by Secretaries of State in battleground states. Just this week a judge in Wisconsin ruled that mail-in ballots for those not physically unable to go to a poll (combined with ballot harvesting) and the use of drop boxes are both illegal in Wisconsin under their explicit voter laws yet both practices were pushed by the Wisconsin governor and Secretary of State and were used in 2020. So there is not even disagreement legally yet the Wisconsin outcome was driven by these illegal practices. Any claim otherwise is the lie.

Andrew said...

Trump should quote this at his rallies:

"You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise."
—Maya Angelou, 1978

Lurker21 said...

New Trump isn't going to happen. DJT is in a position where he can win almost half the country, but efforts to win more votes at one end (UMC suburbanites) cost him votes at the other end (working-class voters). And he's not going to change.

You can save yourself a lot of trouble if you realize that politicians don't often change or grow. If you look at Nixon, it did seem as though he grew and changed during his years in the wilderness. But he didn't -- or if he did it wasn't for the better. HRC obviously hasn't improved either.

But who can say what the country's mood will be two years from now? Maybe the country will change or grow.

I don't get the "You weren't a terrible president, but you suck -- get lost" attitude. It seems excessively negative and aggressive and it's not likely to motivate either Trump or his supporters. It's certainly not the big picture view or the last word on Trump. The ambivalence is shared by many who don't have the same vehemence. I'd say first, that Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio or Jeb Bush or some other Republican wouldn't have won in 2016, and second, that the vehemence against Trump contributed mightily to the troubles and misfortunes of the Trump era and to Biden's eventual installment as president. NeverTrumpers were part of the picture and part of the problem, not impartial observers from a distance.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

This is why I am NOT in favor of Trump running. He inspires delusions all around.

when politicians make things into loyalty tests - puke.

(and yes - I do think there was enough shenanigans that Joe didn't really win in those targeted precincts that pushed him over the edge in the days after the election)

Browndog said...

Critter said...

In 2020, Biden got out the votes but not the voters. Voting laws were violated by Secretaries of State in battleground states.

Same thing in Michigan. Even had a judge rule what our Sorros commie Sec. of State was doing before the election was illegal. She did it anyway.

Did GOP majorities in Michigan, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin?, do anything to stop it? Did they do anything at all to prevent it from happening again in 2024, other than hold a few hearings?

I honestly don't understand how some people still think a republican can win the White House in 2024 knowing what happened in 2020. Eternal optimism, I guess.

Michael K said...

Because not everyone is obsessive.

Lefty Mark certainly seems obsessive. Calm down, Lefty Mark.

Rollo said...

People claim to hear the strangest things in the bustle and roar of crowds. If Kurt Vonnegut or Philip K. Dick were around they might say that we were picking psychic waves, rather than just imagining things.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Browndog 10:17

I agree.
The level of coordinated targeted cheating that went on was never answered - other than the dutiful Hack-D press repeating... over and over... THERE IS NO EVIDENCE

This is why Hillary is crawling out... she understands that cheat machine was successful and wants in.

Plus covid in 2022 mid-terms - watch as the left once again use it to hide their fraud.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The same people who pushed the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA non-stop bullshit - want you to know you are delusional.

Readering said...

74.2 million voted Trump-Pence. Pathological.

Big Mike said...

People like Elaine Godfrey and other folks who write for publications like The Atlantic, New York Times, Washington Post, etc., etc, have been pushing so many lies about Donald Trump since 2016 (if not earlier) that the chances she is writing anything related in any way to reality is well, if it happens at all then it happened purely by accident. Russia, Russia, Russia, anyone? I’m sorry, but one has to be pretty gullible to give any credence to her or anybody else in that profession not named Tucker. Is it a lie that there was a great deal of fraud in the last election? Not from where I sit!

Of course the worse Biden performs as President (and I doubt we’re anywhere near rock bottom yet) and the stupider Kamala Harris comes across, the more credence it gives the narrative that the 2020 election was a fraudulent activity designed to foist incompetent politicians on the good people of the United States. Look for that narrative to get stronger this year and the next, not weaker.

Ceciliahere said...

I still do not believe the results of the 2020 election. In view of the fact, that NYC has the idea of allowing non-citizens to vote in municipal elections, this tell me where elections in this country is going. When the lefties tell you out loud that they want people to vote who are not American citizens, you can just imagine what they are doing out of sight. Elections in democrat cities are absolutely corrupt. Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Bridgeport, CT are perfect examples of places that find the votes they need to win in closets and trunks of cars. I don’t trust the system until everyone voting has a voter ID and can prove that they are eligible to vote. The system needs a total overhaul.

Conrad said...

"DeSantis is a decent man, but he hasn't done anything to remotely demonstrate that kind of talent."

I get that Trump is now a proven commodity but, in fairness, what had he done as of 2014 to suggest that he would be a successful president who would champion conservative policies?

Also, Trump can only serve for four more years and that's it. If you think he's literally the only person conservatives can look to put the country back on track, you might as well start packing for Uruguay or wherever.

Robert Cook said...

”Less than a year out of office this country is more leftist/authoritarian than ever before.”

What the fu——Hahahahaha!

wendybar said...

Aggie said...
Trump's problem now is the same that it was during his tenure. People are reacting and responding to the message the Corporate Media are giving them. Instead of listening to Trump directly, they are listening to the media's coverage of Trump and reacting to that. Don't get me wrong, Trump is flawed and imperfect. But - reading through some of the comments here, this is absolutely Pavlovian.

1/16/22, 9:37 AM

I agree!!!

wendybar said...

Robert Cook said...
”Less than a year out of office this country is more leftist/authoritarian than ever before.”


Mark said...

Look, Obama wasn't The One. He wasn't our Savior.

And neither is Trump. There are others who can take up the standard.

In fact, you don't need Trump to beat Biden or Harris in 2024. Anyone could do it....anyone except Trump because Trump will make - is making it - all about me, me, me, me, me. When it needs to be all about the country.

I don't care about soothing Trump's hurt feelings.

Joe Smith said...

Take Trump off the ballots when you throw Hillary in prison for the rest of her life.

I'll take that deal in a heartbeat.

The bitch engineered a coup and nobody seems to care...

Josephbleau said...

Akshually, Trump does need to become the elder statesman of the Republican Party and let DeSantis win. DeSantis will have 8 potential years while Trump would be a 4 year lame duck, revitalizing the corrupt media. 8 years of DeSantis and a veto proof congress for the first two years would make a more lasting impact on the US. Trump should stir up his base and collect lots of money, and do the Billionaire trick of paying off local election officials like the dems did.

exhelodrvr1 said...

The Dems are setting things up to "invalidate" the next election in case they lose.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The same people and Elite corporate press outlets that colluded to hide Biden family corruption - want you to know you are delusional.

Douglas B. Levene said...

After the election, Trump tweeted that “million” of votes were “altered.” That’s a very specific claim. He and his supporters have never provided any proof for it. Why should anyone pay attention to any of their other claims? A common jury instruction says “if [the jury] finds that a witness has intentionally lied in part of his or her testimony, the jury may, but is not required to, distrust other portions of that witness's testimony.” That’s where I’m at with Trump and his claims about elect fraud.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump says stupid stuff that fails to help his own cause.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I already know that the hack-D press is full of shit.

When I listen to Trump directly - I am un-impressed at this point. That does not mean I don't respect him or think he wasn't treated horribly by the corrupt left.

Big Mike said...

@Josephbleu, and you’re certain that Jill Casey DeSantis will be in remission by the 2024 Iowa caucuses because why?

Iman said...

Trump’s lack of discipline is undeniable (imo).

However, the absolutely un-American treatment he, his family and those in his administration were subjected to over the course of the campaigns and his term in office must be called out for what it is. And in these last years of my life, I will do ALL I can (work, monetary support, etc.) to have these leftwing malevolent corksoakers held to account.

Achilles said...

Robert Cook said...

”Less than a year out of office this country is more leftist/authoritarian than ever before.”

What the fu——Hahahahaha!

You are surrounded by corporate/government censorship. But it is against people you disagree with so that's OK.

I am positive if Trump teamed up with the largest corporations in the country you would laugh at anyone who called that authoritarian.

The government at all levels just decided that it can force health care workers to inject themselves with an experimental drug.

I am totes certain you would have 100% supported Trump mandating vaccines. You wouldn't have pointed out that Trump mandating vaccines led to the highest drug company profits in the history of the world.

You would laugh at anyone calling Trump an authoritarian in such circumstances.

Totes certainly.

Robert Cook said...


AND…it’s a stupid ass fact-free statement.

Achilles said...

Mark said...

Look, Obama wasn't The One. He wasn't our Savior.

And neither is Trump. There are others who can take up the standard.

In fact, you don't need Trump to beat Biden or Harris in 2024. Anyone could do it....anyone except Trump because Trump will make - is making it - all about me, me, me, me, me. When it needs to be all about the country.

I don't care about soothing Trump's hurt feelings.

You are wrong. You are part of a political tribe that is over represented here on this blog. Old, white, "conservative."

Trump expands the party. He brings in a solid percentage of the black male working class vote, the hispanic working class vote, and the white working class vote.

Trump represents a complete reset of the political tribal structure in our country.

That is why Trump will win in 2024.

The only people who want Desantis more than Trump are the same "conservatives" that supported Mitt Romney in 2012. People that pay too much attention to politics and have no real connection to the people that work underneath you.

You are just making the same mistakes every year for the same reasons. In the end it wont matter.

Trump got more votes than any incumbent president in history for a reason.

We are not going to support an inferior candidate to soothe your feelings.

Robert Cook said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robert Cook said...

I don’t disagree that our nation is tending toward greater authoritarianism, but it’s idiocy to say it’s “leftist” at all, much less more so than ever before.

Iman said...

Didn’t make more sense the second time around.

narciso said...

just build your own bank


John henry said...

Truth is coming!

Rally is here


Probably on YouTube also but
Why give them a link.

Huge attendance. Not bad for an twice impeached, thoroughly "disgraced" president emeritus.

My wife and I listened to about half on the way to granddaughter birthday. Will listen to the rest on the way home

Typical Pedjt speech. Feisty, interesting.

Worth a listen


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Joe Smith said..

"Take Trump off the ballots when you throw Hillary in prison for the rest of her life.
I'll take that deal in a heartbeat.
The bitch engineered a coup and nobody seems to care..."

I'd take that deal too.

Browndog said...

Citing the new Rasmussen Reports January 13, 2022:

Scott Morefield

If you are unvaccinated, 55% of Democrats want to fine you, 59% want you confined to your home, 48% want you fined or imprisoned for questioning vaccine efficacy, 45% want you forced into "designated facilities," 46% want you digitally tracked, and 29% want to take your children.

Jim at said...

Probably the first politician in history to sink his own ship by sinking his own vote totals among legitimate voters who would have voted early.

Well, that would certainly explain why he got 11 million more votes than in 2016.

/rolls eyes

John henry said...

Two further thoughts

It occurred to me that there were probably more people at the Arizona rally last night than cumulative attendance at all Biden events sincruhe announced his candidacy.

I had look into Rumble.com a while back. Worked well but not much content.

I went back and poked aroura bit last week and it looks like it is starting to get a lot richer.

Supposedly it has a partnership with Truth. Once that launches next month it should drive a lot of views and content especially stuff that YouFaceTwit censors.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Browndog - 2:02

that not totalitarian / Soviet at all! such fine people.

narciso said...

not at all


bobby said...

To those who say that Trump self-harms now because of his bombastic personality:

That bombastic personality is why he won in the first place. He'd be a fool to change into a Jeb.

Drago said...

Readering: "74.2 million voted Trump-Pence. Pathological."

That is precisely how Soviet leadership categorized Soviet citizens advocating for freedom.

Some "coincidence", eh?

And no, I dont care that my criticism of the Soviet Union will make Robert Cook weep in his woke coffee.

Drago said...

Joe Smith: "Take Trump off the ballots when you throw Hillary in prison for the rest of her life.
I'll take that deal in a heartbeat.
The bitch engineered a coup and nobody seems to care..."

Can of Cheese: :I'd take that deal too."

What planet are you on?

The republican establishment would bend over backwards to offer support to Hillary. Romney sends out pro-Biden messages weekly...after marching with BLM.

Yep, we need to get the party back into the hands of the Romneys and Ryans and Jebs STAT, otherwise how can highly educated "conservatives" attend suburban parties and avoid criticism?!

Its astonishing how brainwashed and beaten down the GOPe with their Dem/media allies have made so many "respectable" republicans.

"Just make Orange Man go away!!", as if the next republican wont get the same treatment and, guaranteed, after a few years of that abuse launched at a DeSantis or similar republican these same squishes will be calling for him to "just go away too".


doctrev said...

Achilles said...
You are wrong. You are part of a political tribe that is over represented here on this blog. Old, white, "conservative."

Trump expands the party. He brings in a solid percentage of the black male working class vote, the hispanic working class vote, and the white working class vote.

Trump represents a complete reset of the political tribal structure in our country.

That is why Trump will win in 2024.
1/16/22, 1:18 PM

Achilles absolutely annihilates it, but people throughout the thread have pointed out that Donald Trump is the most popular Republican candidate and incumbent President in history, with policies that outshone anyone since Reagan (since Calvin Coolidge, actually), with an outsize personality that can draw in people otherwise disaffected from politics. To indulge the fantasy that Mumblescum Dementia Joe Biden somehow managed to overcome these advantages to make history only reveals someone who needs to be judged by a tribunal in future.

To be clear, Conrad, Donald Trump already had considerable influence over the Republican Party back in 2014 despite never having held elected office. Despite that, he was instrumental in pointing out Obama's fraud over his birth. I believe that he pretended to be Kenyan for advantages as a foreign student, but the point of Trump's determination mattered. Time to get Tough and Crippled America kept Trump in the spotlight among activists, and the program he developed after 2009 put MAGA at the forefront of Republican thought. You may disagree, but it's hard to be taken seriously when you're not in elected office- Trump managed it nevertheless. DeSantis could easily vault over Trump with the right moves, like putting NGOs under arrest for aiding human traffickers, but the clock is ticking.

Drago said...

I am a bit surprised the Althouse "respectable republicans" havent started a Draft Kasich movement!

After all, he comes pre-approved by the forces that matter most: legacy media and the DNC and white wine party attendees everywhere.

Drago said...

Doctrev: " Trump managed it nevertheless. DeSantis could easily vault over Trump with the right moves, like putting NGOs under arrest for aiding human traffickers, but the clock is ticking."


And to the Althouse "respectable republicans", a challenge: from now on stop comparing Trump to mythical non-existent "perfect" candidates and/or bizarre wishful thinking tradeoffs.

You go to war with the army you have, not the army you wish you had.

cubanbob said...

I'm glad Trump is out there campaigning. He is reworking the the party and with so many republican candidates aligning themselves with Trump at all levels can lead to a transformation of the party. I'm a Floridian and I love De Santis but I want him here for another four years and I want Trump in 2024. I want Trump with his Congress to substantially drain the swamp and restore his economic growth policies and then in 2028 lets see who is the replacement for Trump. In one year the Democrats have so FUBARed the country that any Republican should win and Trump can always argue I told you so.

dreams said...

"Delusions all around."

Liberal lies.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I want Trump to drain the swamp, too. Because he didn't do it last time.
I'd be happy with an alternative, younger more articulate Swamp-drainer.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drago -
Why do you extrapolate something that had nothing to do with Joe Smith's original Comment?
You have your opinion and I have mine. Please do not assume I share or/ do not share your extrapolations.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drago -
Of course the next Republican will get the same treatment. Why do you obsess like that? It's not healthy. Don't treat us like you did Chuck. BORING.
Again - you jump around with YOUR opinions as if YOUR opinions are the gold standard. Newsflash - they might not be.

and, a 75 year old word salad who messed up and trusted the very people who fucked him over - might not be a winning candidate.
I really don't care how many times the corrupt liar left yell NAZI. I want to beat them.

rehajm said...

75 year old word salad. Heh.

Joe Smith said...

'Its astonishing how brainwashed and beaten down the GOPe with their Dem/media allies have made so many "respectable" republicans.'

Trump did some great things, but his sins of omission are very difficult to ignore, and I've seen nothing from him to make me think he would do things any differently if he had another shot.

I've never been 'Never Trump' and will crawl over broken glass to vote for him if he's the nominee, but he had some serious flaws the first time around...

Drago said...

Can of Cheese: "I really don't care how many times the corrupt liar left yell NAZI. I want to beat them."

With mythical candidates and make-believe deals and fully dependent on the establishment flacks.

Gee, that never gets old.

rcocean said...

Mitt Romney is on Meet the Press AGAIN. He's the new John McCain.

Drago said...

Can of Cheese: "You have your opinion and I have mine. Please do not assume I share or/ do not share your extrapolations."


It ain't about you.

Drago said...

Can of Cheese: "I'd be happy with an alternative, younger more articulate Swamp-drainer."



rcocean said...

I don't watch these ridiculous shows but its interesting who they have on. Basically, its Never Trumpers for the Republicans and Establishment Democrats.

narciso said...

we didn't know how rotted the bureaucracy was, flynn amanda milius, colonel townley got booted and the swamp rats remained,

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I don't think there are mythical perfect candidates. Point out when I ever said there were perfect candidates? There are political leaders on the right who show spunk and fight now and then. But I guess we better shut up unless they bow down to king-maker Trump.

If anything, those who blindly adore Trump even when he fucks up, have created a mythical creature.... with super hero 3-d chess capabilities! He meant to do that! It's all part of Trump's grand plan!

In many ways I'd love for Trump to go on and win in 2024. For justice and sweet revenge. But I'm a realist - and I don't look at Trump like he's a mythical creature, or a silly king-maker or a can-do-no-wrong super-hero. and I recoil at blind faith in any one person.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

So is it Trump or bust with you? You name the candidate you want. It's Trump, right?
If not Trump - then who.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

So who is this mythical candidate you speak of, Drago?

Joe Smith said...

Trump needs to run on (off the top of my head):

-- Illegal alien removal. If you're illegal and come to the attention of authorities, you WILL be deported. I'd even task ICE to make finding, apprehending, and deporting illegals a priority.

-- Finish the wall...a real one.

-- Break up the FBI and CIA and NSA and figure out a new system. Taxpayers should not be spied upon without warrants.

-- Get rid of the Department of Education.

-- Implement national voter ID laws.

-- Decimate the IRS and implement some sort of flat/fair tax. What we have now is a disaster.

-- Prosecute everyone involved in the Russian coup bullshit. Start with Hillary.

-- Break up Facebook, YouTube, Google, Twitter, et al. If you can't do that, make sure they can be sued out of existence if they improperly censure any speech.

That's just top of mind.

But unless he puts out a strong, detailed platform, I would not be happy with the generic 'Make America Great Again.'

Bender said...

In 2016, Donald Trump ran because he cared about the country and thought that he could do a better job. And he did, policy wise. Including picking ACB, who will write the opinion overturning Roe, but whom so many so-called Trump supporters here have repeatedly trashed.

If Trump runs in 2024, it will be to vindicate his name.

Big difference between the two.

Bender said...

Trump needs to run on (off the top of my head):

Trump WILL run on Trump and 2020.

Drago said...

Bender: "Including picking ACB, who will write the opinion overturning Roe, but whom so many so-called Trump supporters here have repeatedly trashed"

Barretts rulings as an appellate judge deferring to the state on emergency powers are a matter of public record and are worthy of criticism.

Its that simple.

Drago said...

Can Of Cheese for Hunter: "So who is this mythical candidate you speak of, Drago?"

Its Trump until someone proves themselves more capable of delivering on the policies with which I agree and shows the potential to withstand the democratical onslaught that is forthcoming.

Right now, there is no one else, though DeSantis will be watched closely and thus far favorably.

Ill also be watching Youngkin to see if he continues the great start from his first day.

This isnt complicated.

Drago said...

At this point, my gut tells me Youngkin does not have the charisma/cross-demographic appeal that Trump has and that DeSantis might have.

That is a crucially important consideration: can a non-Trump candidate continue building the republican working class party?

Drago said...

By the way, I will be thrilled if Youngkin proves me wrong.

And I'll repeat for those who dont know: I was a Cruz guy until Cruz's speech at the convention when he basically signalled to the world that voting for Hillary was just fine.

Joe Smith said...

I don't think Youngkin is the guy...very little personal charisma.

And the electoral votes he might get for his state are not as critical as what DeSantis might get for Florida.

So far I like DeSantis' F-U attitude toward the media.

And I also think he is a very smart guy who is relatable to average folks...

Browndog said...

Byron York

Trump is dumping on Ron DeSantis in private conversations, reports @jonathanvswan
. Trump reportedly calls DeSantis 'dull' and asks: 'Why won't he just say he's not going to run against me?'

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I ask Drago - "So who is this mythical candidate you speak of, Drago"

Drago responds - "It's Trump"

thank you for your honesty.

Bender said...

The nomination is not Trump's property. He's not king of the hill, obligating people to knock him off.

He needs to earn the nomination, earn people's votes, just like everyone else. He doesn't get to claim front-runner by default just because he is yesterday's news.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Browndog. 5:14

Ugh - Trump trashes his own team more than he trashes democrats and the very people who are out to destroy him. Immature. and lacking in the long game.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I said before and I'll say it again. If Trump trashes good candidates for 2024 or the future, for his short term goals - I'm done with Trump. I'll sit it out or go 3rd party.
(NO - unlike Trump - I will never support democrats)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

as seen on the interwebz:

"Imagine a world in which YouTube, Twitter and Facebook merge to become known as YouTwitFace."

Drago said...

Bender: "The nomination is not Trump's property. He's not king of the hill, obligating people to knock him off."

You can pretend this is not the state of play on the ground at this time, but no one else has to pretend the way you are.

Whether you like it or not, as we speak, the nomination is Trump's if ge wants it.

So yeah, it kind of is "Trump's property" unless and until soneone knocks him off.

It really is amazing the level of denial on this reality.

Again, no one says you have to like it.

Drago said...

Can Of Cheese for Hunter: "I ask Drago - "So who is this mythical candidate you speak of, Drago"

Drago responds - "It's Trump"

thank you for your honesty."

Its amazing how fast "conservatives" will go Full Rupar when it comes to Trump.

Anyone can read a few posts up and out lie to what Can of Cheese claims, so the question becomes: why lie?

Its pointless really.

Drago said...

Bender: "He needs to earn the nomination, earn people's votes, just like everyone else. He doesn't get to claim front-runner by default just because he is yesterday's news."

He is actually "today's new" too. Which is why the polls are what they are.

Achilles said...

Desantis is not going to pull in the black/hispanic/white working class vote like Trump does.

Desantis can attempt prove me wrong. But I don't think he will do it. He is too establishment. He is too pretty and coifed.

Trump connects to people who want a person rough around the edges and authentic.

You all don't understand the blindness your tribal allegiance causes you. You like politicians.

Most of us do not like politicians. We have noticed that the biggest liars in DC are Republican and that all politicians are just liars.

Drago said...

Can Of Cheese for Hunter: "Ugh - Trump trashes his own team more than he trashes democrats and the very people who are out to destroy him."

What is "ugh" is the large number of republicans (his "own team") who worked hand in glove with the democraticals and legacy media to undermine and potentially remove Trump from the Presidency and couldnt wait to assist the democraticals and big tech to cheat in the election.

And you cant wait to reward them for doing so.

Drago said...

Achilles: "Desantis is not going to pull in the black/hispanic/white working class vote like Trump does."

Disagree in part.

DeSantis will definitely pull them in Florida during the next statewide election.

After that, can he extend that across the battleground states while being attacked as the next "hitler" and clearly signalling he will take on the entrenched state.

We all hope the answer is yes because we need a deep and effective bench.

Achilles said...

Drago said...

At this point, my gut tells me Youngkin does not have the charisma/cross-demographic appeal that Trump has and that DeSantis might have.

That is a crucially important consideration: can a non-Trump candidate continue building the republican working class party?

Youngkin was private-equity.

A step in the right direction in that he had to sell a product and get willing participation. But it isn't the same as a developer or innovator that actually made something for people.

That still puts him a solid step over Desantis.

Joe Smith said...

Already touched upon here, but a huge problem for a Trump presidency is he will limp in the door a lame duck.

Executive orders are nice but temporary.

Drago said...

Joe Smith: "Already touched upon here, but a huge problem for a Trump presidency is he will limp in the door a lame duck."

With or without a more populist republican House and Senate Majority?

Drago said...

Focusing on this SF-Dallas finish

Joe Smith said...

'With or without a more populist republican House and Senate Majority?'

Unless he's got 60 senators (preferably more as Romney et al will attempt to screw him at every step), how does he get anything of consequence done?

I don't want bipartisan, kumbaya spending bills passed.

I want bills passes that dismantle the federal government and secure the borders.

I want a president who goes on offense. Who is laser focused on destroying the racist, communist D party.

Joe Smith said...

'Focusing on this SF-Dallas finish'

Multi-tasking is a beautiful thing : )

doctrev said...

Joe Smith said...
Trump needs to run on (off the top of my head):

1/16/22, 4:27 PM

Not a bad list, but honestly I don't care about Hillary. The Clinton machine is on life support, and the Obama machine is still active. Yet neither of them truly matters: any two of your agenda items would result in the New York financiers unleashing another BLM terror campaign on America. Which is not by itself reason to be afraid, but a legitimate 2024 President needs to skip to the big finish:

1) Proscribe the CIA, FBI and DOJ, along with the Democrat Party generally. Bring down any military officers, judges, or lawyers who try to stand in the way.
2) Nationalize anything "too big to fail." Especially including the banks, the Federal Reserve, and Internet infrastructure like Google.
3) Expel or "bring to justice" all non-Americans. But especially the elite pedophiles responsible for the current regime.

This isn't a "clean out the corrupt Clintons" election. Assuming anyone in the Republican Party is interested (big if), this is war to the knife against a soulless pack of multinationals who hate Christianity and want to rape your children. But then, I don't honestly think the elites are smart enough to realize how badly people hate Biden, and that Trump really is the best option FOR THEM. Otherwise the elites and their families will be hunted like animals no matter where they try to hide.

Joe Smith said...

'This isn't a "clean out the corrupt Clintons" election.'

It is when she initiated a coup against a sitting president. So sweep up her and everyone who abetted her.

It's not payback, it's justice.

doctrev said...

Joe Smith said...

It's not payback, it's justice.

1/16/22, 6:52 PM

Oh, agreed, but her attempt at a special prosecution failed. Which doesn't make her less culpable, but it's very small beer next to stealing the election and jailing innocent people at a rally.

Honestly, I think any Republican politician focusing on the defeated Clintons but not the active Obama/ Biden regime would be automatically suspect. I'm sure quite a bit of effort post-2022 will be devoted to the Clintons for that reason, but that will only make the base favor Trump even more strongly.

Drago said...

Joe Smith: "Unless he's got 60 senators (preferably more as Romney et al will attempt to screw him at every step), how does he get anything of consequence done?"

That would apply to any republican president.

Joe Smith said...

'That would apply to any republican president.'

Much better if he wasn't a lame duck and had the possibility of picking up more seats...

Drago said...

Joe Smith: "Much better if he wasn't a lame duck and had the possibility of picking up more seats..."

Wont matter a bit to the GOPe's Failure Theatre.

Joe Smith said...

'Wont matter a bit to the GOPe's Failure Theatre.'

Agree unfortunately...far too many uniparty RINOs, but the closer to 60 the better.

Lurker21 said...

If he "real left," the left left, is dead or just futzing around in blogs and academia, then the left of center people in actual charge of things will be called the left. If the government actually taking ownership and running the means of production is a dead letter, then the things that people who call themselves socialists are doing and supporting become today's leftism. The interlacing between the Democrats and people who call themselves socialists is closer and tighter than it's been at any time in the last 70 or 80 years. What was infantile leftism 5 or 10 years ago has become the mainstream of the Democratic Party today. If you don't want to apply the leftist label to today's Democrats, come up with a better one.

About Trump. Everything was so unpredictable in the last two presidential elections, that it's hard to predict anything with confidence except this: whoever loses the primaries and the nomination of the losing party will complain that if their candidate had won, that candidate would have gone on to win the election. I'd like to think that Trump can win. The fact that he doesn't behave as I'd like him to and doesn't learn the things I want him to learn puts a strain on that, and I think a lot of people are feeling the same way.

DaveL said...

If Trump had supported the Georgia GOP Senate candidates instead of telling his supporters not to vote in those elections, the Republicans would have had 52 Senators and the entire nightmare of Pelosi and Schumer trying to burn down the republic wouldn't have happened.

His judgement is not always the best, to say the least.

MadTownGuy said...

Joe Smith said...

"I want a president who goes on offense. Who is laser focused on destroying the racist, communist D party."

I prefer the approach of putting the stops to the radical Leftists who are trying to co-opt the Democratic Party, by exposing their hatred, hypocrisy, and totalitarian pipe dreams to people of both parties. If the news media won't do the job - and they won't - then whoever runs needs to do so, armed with facts, and hammering away at the nonsense thrown at us from the Wokeing Dead.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

"Trump has bucked the trend, only tightening his grip on the GOP in the wake of his defeat. He has convinced Republican candidates all over the country—including those on stage tonight—to repeat his election lies, and convinced his rank-and-file supporters to treat those falsehoods as holy writ."

From "Trump Soft-Launches His 2024 Campaign/The former president’s message at his Arizona rally was as clear as it was dishonest: He didn’t lose to Joe Biden in 2020, and he’ll spend the next year working to elect Republicans who agree" — by Elaine Godfrey (in The Atlantic).

So, Elaine, do explain to us what the Democrat "vote counters" in Atlanta, Detroit, Philly, and Milwaukee all shut down the vote count and kicked all observers out on election night.

Do tell us why they all worked to keep poll watchers from being able to actually monitor what they were don't, and why Democrat "judges" backed them up in this utterly criminal and fraudulent behavior?

Oh, it's because the election was stolen, and you're lying?

Thanks for clearing that up

Greg The Class Traitor said...

DaveL said...
If Trump had supported the Georgia GOP Senate candidates instead of telling his supporters not to vote in those elections, the Republicans would have had 52 Senators and the entire nightmare of Pelosi and Schumer trying to burn down the republic wouldn't have happened.

Oh, bullshit

If McConnell hadn't had the "GOP Controlled" US senate pass the Democrat "Covid relief" bill right before the election (you know, the one that hand billions for the Democrat fat cats, and bupkis for the rest of us?), then the rural voters of GA might have actually had a reason to vote for the GOP Senate.

Instead, having been told that GOP control of the Senate would bring them nothing, they reasonably stayed home.

Bitch at McConnell, not Trump, for that one. because he got exactly what he wanted

MadTownGuy said...

Robert Cook said...

[”Less than a year out of office this country is more leftist/authoritarian than ever before.”]

"What the fu——Hahahahaha!

Said with no basis in fact.

Robert Cook said...


"AND…it’s a stupid ass fact-free statement."

Still no facts presented to support your assertion. So here are some facts for you:

Democratic governors issue executive orders (in 2019) restricting the use of therapeutics for treatment of COVID-19, based on the need to preserve supplies for people with chronic illnesses like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis; also stating that their effectiveness is "unproven". We were dealing with a novel viral strain, so no course of treatment could have proven effectiveness. Peer reviewed studies on HCQ and Ivermectin have since shown great results in reducing mortality rates among patients with comorbidities. (I have linked previously to the studies. Do try to keep up.)

The use of lockdowns to "flatten the curve," initially for a few weeks but then over a period of months until the economic and social damage became unsupportable. Draconian travel restrictions (even between some states) that have had negligible effect on spread of the virus.

Using the lockdowns as impetus for mail-in voting (read: voting by mail, drop box, shoe box, etc.) Refusing, as some Wisconsin cities did, the help of the State National Guard to keep in-person voting going, along with fear tactics ('Don't vote in person! Superspreader!')

Requiring the use of vaccine cards as ID for travel and public events. Of course, to get the vaccines and boosters, photo ID was required. Ihre Papiere, bitte.

Requiring employees, especially those previously heralded as heroic essential workers, to take the narrow-spectrum mRNA treatments that provide resistance, but not immunity, to contagion. Requiring employers to fire these workers, exacerbating the overload in hospitals and other healthcare facilities.

What facts do you have?

GRW3 said...

"... Most losing presidential candidates are forced into quiet retirement by their parties."

That statement is ludicrous on it's face. Gore, Kerry, Clinton 2, oh and don't forget John McCain and Romney (after Trump won), among Candidates never shut up. Among the former Presidents that timed out Bush 2 met the assertion, until Trump became President, but not Obama or Clinton 1. Carter was not re-elected has never shut up, so why should Trump.

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