In the New York Times, the entire editorial board signs on to something titled "Every Day Is Jan. 6 Now."
I guess a week/month/year is not enough. January 6th is forever: It's every day from now on. I'm all for examining what really happened and remembering that and going forward in a way that minimizes the chances that people will feel as aggrieved and alienated and that a large gathering can devolve into the chaotic breaking and entering of government buildings. But I'm also wary of the exaggerations, misstatements, and ginning up of grievance and alienation.
I'm saying that having only read the first sentence of the editorial:
One year after from [sic] the smoke and broken glass, the mock gallows and the very real bloodshed of that awful day, it is tempting to look back and imagine that we can, in fact, simply look back.
Actually, I hadn't read the whole first paragraph. I'd stopped at the word "bloodshed." What bloodshed? I search the page for "Ashli Babbitt," because that's the only bloodshed I remember. No mention of Babbitt. I finish the sentence and move on:
To imagine that what happened on Jan. 6, 2021 — a deadly riot at the seat of American government...
A deadly riot? This exaggeration loses me. You had a huge crowd — supposedly crazed, presumably gun owners — and the violence was breaking into the building. I'm willing to count that as bad, but I cannot tolerate the exaggeration.
I will push on:
... incited by a defeated president amid a last-ditch effort to thwart the transfer of power to his successor — was horrifying but that it is in the past and that we as a nation have moved on.
You're accusing us of leaving the story in the past and want us to remember, but you're reminding us with exaggeration — I could say lies. So I cannot accept your telling me what to remember — my information is more accurate than yours — and I'm immune to your incitements about what I ought to be doing about it.
This is an understandable impulse....
You know what's an impulse I understand, an impulse I'll attribute to you, since you're attributing an "impulse" to us? You want to help the Democrats win the elections that are coming up later this year. You have a plan to jack up anger and horror and anxiety and you're going to do it all year long.
... rampant lies and limitless resentments... twisted version of reality... existential threat... openly contemptuous of democracy.... the terror of that day... visible and visceral....
This emotive style leaves me cold.
AA,, this emotive style is aimed precisely at you. Fortunately, you are intelligent and free-thinking and can see through this stained glass window of half-truths and lies.
It's why I'm here reading.
"AA,, this emotive style is aimed precisely at you."
Why do you say that? I've been writing daily for 18 years resisting this kind of thing from the New York Times. You're saying me, but you must not mean me, literally. You mean a stereotyped older middle class American woman? Because I resent being stereotyped by you or the NYT.
All the fear that’s fit to monger
AA, “I'm all for examining what really happened ....”
Then read the two reports at Revolver. There is substantial (but circumstantial) evidence that the FBI set the whole thing up. Google Ray Epps.
The Revolver report has numerous videos and pictures of Epps and others.
I'm all for examining what really happened
who is Roy Epps?
where is Roy Epps?
why is Roy Epps not in jail?
I suspect that the Democrats know that they’re going to get blown out in November 2022 and are plotting to get some incumbent Republicans disqualified from running for office based on the Insurrection Clause in the Constitution. Democrat election lawyerMarc Elias has already mentioned this in a revealing tweet.
Also, the disparate treatment of Roy Epps suggests to me that January 6 may have been an FBI set up.
No, I did not mean you literally. I meant you as a stereotyped older middle class American woman.
Resent the true stereotypers, the NYT. As I said, I regard you as an intelligent, free-thinking individual. If you want to resent that, be my guest.
Nancy has her agenda set, and it is to lie to the American people and divide us more than we already are. The Progressives hate America and they hate united Americans. Prove me wrong.
Mr Wibble said...
Julie Kelly has been doing yeoman's work covering the events of Jan 6 and the aftermath, especially the horrific treatment of the prisoners currently held.
David Begley said..
Then read the two reports at Revolver. There is substantial (but circumstantial) evidence that the FBI set the whole thing up. Google Ray Epps.
The Revolver report has numerous videos and pictures of Epps and others.
The dems took a lot of effort to get their hate train moving, so now only need the occasional push to keep it going. Lies repeated become the truth. Etc (sic).
The seriousness and horrific state of our federal government that there are people who are imprisoned for months with no trial, in squalid conditions for…trespassing. Tell me who the fascists are again?
They cannot have anyone questioning the results of that election. Too much risk the fraud destroys the Democratic Party.
I love how terrified of us they are.
Are you even supposed to call the doctor for an insurrection lasting less than 4 hours?
It's their audience that they're offering a narrative to live in to. The audience doesn't even have to believe it. The only have to enjoy it. It's fiction, with villains and heroes.
There's a problem with an audience for news fiction voting, however. It crashes the system.
Who was at that riot? What forces encouraged the breach of the Capitol building? What is the legal status of those awaiting trial? Who is being charged? Is anyone going to be charged with "insurrection"? Are any big law firms putting forward legal resources to defend those being held who were at the Capitol that day, the way they would for, say, a bunch of Muslims charged with terrorism?
This all is so out of the normal course of things, even in the recent past, that one can only be uneasy about what is happening. Are there going to be show trials? Will the prisoners be left to rot in the DC jail? Have any been released pending trial on bond or their own recognizance? Are the Jan 6 prisoners being treated differently than prisoners at Guantanamo Bay? Why aren't habeas corpus writs flying at the federal judges in DC?
These are the kinds of questions that a responsible news organization should be asking. Instead, NYT and WaPoo are publishing press releases from the "January 6 Committee" put out by dubious characters like Schiff, Nadler, Cheney, and Pelosi.
Remember how upset the left used to get at the supposed tortured prisoners of war?? They are doing the same to innocent Americans who trespassed in the Capitol, after being ushered in by the Capitol police. We live in an upside down world where wrong is right. They got the division they were hoping for, but it isn't going to end well for them.
January 6th is the democraticals (and LLR/NeverTrump's) Reichstag Fire and they are going to use it the very same way the oruginal Reichstag Fire-starters used theirs.
As upstream posters have mentioned, the democraticals, such as Marc Elias (key Hillary functionary in the creation and dissemination of the hoax dossier) are openly bragging about how they will abuse and destroy the remaining few constitutional safeguards to create a permanent democratical majority.
Note: at least 25% of elected establishment "republicans" are in complete support of this as well...if not more.
wendybar: "Remember how upset the left used to get at the supposed tortured prisoners of war?? They are doing the same to innocent Americans who trespassed in the Capitol, after being ushered in by the Capitol police."
Recall Fen's Law: the democraticals dont actually believe a single thing they lecture the rest of us about.
Althouse spent most of her career asking tough and provocative questions of her colleagues, of her students, and most importantly, of herself about issues that have no obviously correct answers. She knows more about how to pick apart an abstract issue than almost all of her readers. She has debated people in her profession who are more confident and knowledgeable about law, social policy, and history than people that most of us encounter in the course of our lives. She can take your head apart and hand it back to you, like many good law professors.
To stereotype Althouse an an emotional, middle-aged, middle-class woman is a huge mistake. She may be many things, but she is not that.
"Too much risk the fraud destroys the Democratic Party."
We're into six years of the fraud that the Dems held an honest primary season in 2016. Just fixing that would crash the party.
Amadeus: "These are the kinds of questions that a responsible news organization should be asking."
Its long past time for you and others to accept that there are no "responsible" news organizations and there really never has been in the modern age.
Further, when analyzing the actions of the left/democraticals and their establishment allies, you must discard all thought of logic, reason, coherence, consistency, history, precedence, love of country, objective standards of performance, etc.
The only framework you need to utilize to "understand" what the democraticals are doing or want to do is this: what policy, position, narrative, talking point, action, etc advances leftist power and control, regardless of real world effects?
Thats it.
This is what conservatives/republicans (who arent in the pockets of the dems) have the hardest time with.
They keep looking at the left and saying "that doesnt make sense!". Well, yes it does actually.
Complete sense in fact...if you are using the correct analytical framework.
--- This emotive style leaves me cold. [AA]
The falsity isn't so great either.
"I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical."
President Jefferson
A little dry and non emotive but it stayed the sentiment clearly enough.
Why aren't habeas corpus writs flying at the federal judges in DC?
THIS, is the one that gets me. i saw a piece of paper once; and that piece of paper said:
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed
it has LITERALLY, been a YEAR. WHERE'S THEIR TRIAL? Sh*t! they haven't even been charged yet!
Kai Akker: "The falsity isn't so great either."
The transparent falsity of the claims is an added benefit to the left/democraticals/LLR's/NeverTrumpers.
One of the things the lefties deeply and profoundly enjoy the most is knowing that you know they are lying...and they can still shove it down your throat (metaphorically) via their control of most media, govt, academic and social systems.
Read Vaclev Havel's "The Power Of The Powerless".
We in the US are about 75% of the way there now....
Two blog articles that I posted:
My Questions About the Ashli Babbitt Incident
Some Answers to My Questions about the Babbitt Incident
gilbar: "it has LITERALLY, been a YEAR. WHERE'S THEIR TRIAL? Sh*t! they haven't even been charged yet!"
Use your head.
The democraticals need the January 6th narrative to retain power.
They cannot allow the 14,000 hours of video and other evidence to be released during trials because it undermines their ludicrous claims.
The little we have seen has already exposed FBI direct involvement, as in the Huttaree Militia, Whitmer hoax kidnapping plot cases etc. Cant have that.
The narrative must hold beyond Nov of 2022 for the election from the democratical perspective and, even better, all the way to Nov of 2024.
Harry Reid nuked the judicial filibuster specifically to fill the critically important DC courts, so the DC courts are just like the SDNY DOJ office: under completely corrupted democratical political control.
Notice how church-mouse quiet 99% of the elected republicans in DC are on this issue.
Conclusion 1: they are with the dems on this. Duh.
Conclusion 2: Those Jan 6 defendants are going to spend years in solitary confinement, uncharged and untried and hopefully (from the dem perspective) dead soon, and no institution within our govt or judicial branch is going to stop them.
Start internalizing that reality.
Dont allow yourself to fall into "If only Comrade Stalin Knew he would stop this!"-mode.
This is where we are.
Look for earnest looks from Pelosi and Kamala this week. And a somber Joe Biden. that Joe just having some gas? We may never know.
--- t has LITERALLY, been a YEAR. WHERE'S THEIR TRIAL? Sh*t! they haven't even been charged yet!
Habeas corpus suspended; wartime powers. Only fools like right-wingers believe in the rule of law.
The Ashli Babbitt incident is quite easy to understand.
After the FBI plants coordinated their actions with the capital police to get the Trump supporters into the capital building by clearing the barricades away and the police waved the Trump supporters in while in several locations just outside other police were shooting flashbangs directly into the crowd and beating on folks, things didnt turn out the way democraticals hoped.
What was their hope: that the Trump supporters really would be carrying lots of weapons and would respond by shooting at the police.
Yes, you can see by the police actions that they really did expect and were hoping for widespread gunfire from the Trump supporters. (Note: these guys are not the "Best and the Brightest").
This was the democratical dream scenario.
But "A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum", that expected gunplay by Trump supporters never materialized!
Despite all the provocation!
Oh no! What's a Reichstag Fire Planner supposed to do?!
I know: just have a trusted cop, perhaps a senior guy with a long career who can be "trusted" by Team Dem, maybe a Lt on the force, shoot an unarmed protester who is standing right next to 3 other capital police officers and then lie about cops getting bludgeoned to death with fire extinguishers!
"Deadly and violent insurrection"!
And then deploy that narrative while simultaneously claiming the antufa riots of 2020 never happened at all.
Lefty Narrative Heaven.
Remember back in the day when there were international organizations with the mission of exposing totalitarian governments that are torturing political prisoners and holding those governments to account?
Soros must have bought them all…
“ A healthy, functioning political party faces its electoral losses by assessing what went wrong and redoubling its efforts to appeal to more voters the next time.”
AOC wants to ignore or abolish the Supreme Court because it isn’t working for the left.
Much of the left wants to abolish the Electoral College because it isn’t working for the left.
Much of the left wants to abolish the Senate because it isn’t working for the left.
Much of the left thinks the United States is irredeemably evil.
Please don’t tell me the GOP is the problem here.
I’m not saying the GOP is perfect, far from it, but Donald Trump was a symptom, not the disease.
rehajm: "Remember back in the day when there were international organizations with the mission of exposing totalitarian governments torturing political prisoners and holding them to account?
Soros must have bought them all…"
Those Internation Organizations only exposed govts thst were mistreating leftists.
Those organizations NEVER intended to hold any leftist govt to account. Quite opposite.
Fen's Law.
Have you been watching how the ACLU has been exposed along these lines lately?
The jig is up.
Take 45 minutes and go listen to this guy. I think he's on to something.
The key word for 2022 may be egregore. No relation to Al Gore, but Al's done his part to contribute along the way.
The key is sensemaking. [waves at other Rebel Wisdom junkies]
Our gracious host looks at the NYT narrative and points out the many ways that it does not make sense to a fair minded person. We enthusiastically nod and come back for more on a regular basis. Why? Understand that we are all captured, just as we have all sinned, and the light may begin to dawn. Or not.
Some might say this is not on topic, but I think it is spot on topic.
John Borell: "I’m not saying the GOP is perfect, far from it, but Donald Trump was a symptom, not the disease."
The republican base figured out long ago what the DC Deal was about and figured out the entire republican leadership class was in on it.
Trump was the ONLY candidate in the republican party primary who saw where the base was and why and spoke to it.
Trump wasnt the "symptom".
The republican leadership actions were the symptoms.
Trump was the "chemo" the republican base was forced to use to treat the "cancer" of republicans in DC being coopted by the dems.
Trump was intended to be the "cure" for the party. Not a "symptom".
The results of this ongoing "therapy" us a newly revitalized republican party base that is much more working class across all demographics and more populist.
Similar to the republican party in the early 20th century.
What bloodshed? I search the page for "Ashli Babbitt," because that's the only bloodshed I remember.
Then look up Roseanne Boyland and for good measure look up Victoria White.
I've been writing daily for 18 years resisting this kind of thing from the New York Times.
You say you’re ‘resisting’ this kind of thing but do you recognize what ‘this kind of thing’ actually is- an operation organized, coordinated and implemented by the left to make it look like what the NYT wants you to believe it was?
It’s one thing to claim you’re ‘resisting’, it’s quite another to reject the premise and call it out for what it is- yet another whopper of an operation created to ultimately aid a totalitarian left.
I suspect that’s why someone would say it’s aimed at people like you. For those of us who see it for what it is, people merely resisting this kind if thing look like gullible rubes.
"Every non-Democratic voter is an insurrectionist now."
Drago at 6:38--"Its long past time for you and others to accept that there are no 'responsible' news organizations..."
You misunderstand me. I am so far ahead of you on this point that I can't see you in the rear-view mirror.
When translated from the French, "New York Times" means "lying Democrats who crave unbridled power."
A year in solitary for trespassing? Remember... It didn't start with the Crematoriums. Think the dems will release the real MLK files in 2027?
Trump was the ONLY candidate in the republican party primary who saw where the base was and why and spoke to it.
@Drago, I am going to have disagree with you. A rare thing to happen, but this is one of those times. The way I see it, going into 2016 Donald Trump realized three things. (1) There was a huge block of voters, the American workers, who were being at best ignored and at worst deliberately pushed out of the Democrat coalition and the right campaign could win them over. (2) The corporate leadership that had been the GOP bedrock was donating its money to the Democrats in hopes of securing favorable treatment through regulatory agencies dominated by Democrats and answering to Democrat political leadership so their “support” for the GOP was mostly vaporward. (3) Country club Republicans and US Chamber of Commerce types talked a bigger game than they played when the chips were down. Couple that with more than 50% of the electorate loathing Hillary Clinton and her sense of entitlement, and there was a clear path to the White House for the right person with the right message.
Trump turned the American workers into his base. The Democrats can woo the union heads all they want; the rank and file will vote for Trump. As to whether the workers become the base of the modern Republican Party, well that remains to be seen. Pushing out Boehner and Ryan was a step in the right direction. And Liz Cheney has got to go. But the party has more it needs to do for this new base.
Are you even supposed to call the doctor for an insurrection lasting less than 4 hours?
Not if you take the little red pill.
What is even meant by every day is Jan. 6th? The best I can tell is the NYT will continue to lie about it, such as repeating the claim Officer Sicknick was killed by the mob with a fire extinguisher. That's what the NYT did for months, even after his family said they talked to him in the hospital and that none of the trauma described by the NYT occurred to him.
Three thoughts that occurred to me:
1) Was there this much emotionalism from the NYT on the first anniversary week of 9/11? I am having trouble recalling that.
2) It seems to me that this much hype indicates a lack of general interest in a January 6 Insurrection theme.
3) With the Covid-19 panic dying down some panic has to be inflated to keep the media-political complex going and attention off of foreign policy, economic policy, criminal policy, and so on.
What’s wrong with calling it “a deadly riot”? People died because of the riot. You could debate some of those deaths (people who killed themselves days after the riot), but not all of them.
WHY did so many Capitol police suicide themselves after the fact if there isn't something nefarious going on?? They have the politicals, the media and the federal agencies all on their side. WHY?? Because they can't handle the guilt of the lies they are forced to spew to appease Nasty Nancy?? Why all the lies about how the other officers died? They had an agenda to fill, and they have the media helping them do it. All to divide us more. Congratulations Progressives. I hope your utopia makes you all as miserable as you are making the rest of us.
My reaction to "Every Day is January 6" - at least they are being honest about what they intend to do.
[I] saw a piece of paper once; and that piece of paper said:
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed
@gilbar (6:42), I expect a Constitutional law professor will know, and teach, numerous ways to get around the Sixth Amendment. She may even approve of what the judges and prosecutors are doing in DC, though I hope not.
Objectively, a clique of deranged fools thought they could stop the wheels of government by sending a mob to the US capitol. Didn't work. We need to excise the clique, root and branch.
Of course those who have opposed the clique are going to emotionalize it: they need to reinforce their support and cut into the sheepish 30% (see above) support for the clique.
Amadeus: "You misunderstand me. I am so far ahead of you on this point that I can't see you in the rear-view mirror."
Over 20 trimesters of nationwide, broadcast, and legislative insurrections carried out by Antifa, Some, Select [Black] Lives Matter, NYT, WaPo, CNN, and Congress.
As for Jan6, an invitation extended, and summarily withdrawn. Babbitt, an unarmed woman was murdered with plausible cause by a senior capitol hill officer "hero". Another woman was trampled, and may have died, when the DC police and several embedded instigators a la Whitmer-closet forced a riot (disorder). Other people assembled were assaulted and beaten by capitol hill officers. Demos-cracy is aborted in darkness.
I couldn’t get past “chaotic” as their opening adjective. Almost everyone was, by their own admission, just showing up to advocate for auditing and a fair accounting of the vote following the rules. There were very few who knew a riot would break out but most “in on the plan” weren’t there. Pelosi in refusing more cops and whoever overruled Trump’s request for National Guard for the Capitol weren’t there. Except for the FBI associates like Ray Epps who are on tape loudly advocating for violence and removing the barriers (with cops politely letting him) there is no evidence of anyone ginning up chaos. As more video of the day leaks out the only deadly violence is being perpetrated by DCCP, members of which shot Ms. Babbitt and gassed protesters and beat them with batons, resulting in the death of three protesters. Since then chaos continues to plague Nancy’s personal police force as officers quit (and join CNN naturally) or as five have done in the last year commit suicide.
Such fearful, over-wrought thumb-sucking and hand-wringing tends to invite more insolent opposition rather than lessen it. Like our pathetic retreat from Afghanistan, it reinforces the notion that our government is a brittle Potemkin village, unfit for any purpose but oppression and extortion. If they behave like this after a few thousand unarmed baby boomers get rowdy, just wait until there’s an actual broad based insurrection worthy of the name. I’m reminded of when my old man would tell us kids, “Stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about.”
“ What’s wrong with calling it “a deadly riot”?”
Nothing. It’s the exaggeration that’s wrong. The exaggeration is in the inconsistency. BLM riots—“mostly peaceful” “protest.” Jan. 6 riots—“deadly”. Do the arithmetic: BLM riots—hundreds dead. Jan. 6 riots—1 rioter cooly killed by government agents.
What’s wrong with calling the BLM riots “deadlier” and the Jan.6 “almost entirely peaceful?”
Meade said.“ What’s wrong with calling it “a deadly riot”?”
Nothing. It’s the exaggeration that’s wrong. The exaggeration is in the inconsistency. BLM riots—“mostly peaceful” “protest.” Jan. 6 riots—“deadly”. Do the arithmetic: BLM riots—hundreds dead. Jan. 6 riots—1 rioter cooly killed by government agents.
What’s wrong with calling the BLM riots “deadlier” and the Jan.6 “almost entirely peaceful?”
^^^THIS^^^ Exactly why so many people don't trust the media or the liars in office that spew this nonsense, and get their followers spew the same lies over and over again. Talk about a CULT!!!
1) Was there this much emotionalism from the NYT on the first anniversary week of 9/11? I am having trouble recalling that.
Indeed there was. They were worried sick that George W. Bush would be empowered, and that someone might say something beastly to a Muslim. 3000 dead Americans and the abrogation of many of our most cherished Constitutional rights were of far less concern to them, then and now.
All this media attention with nary a fact in sight! How about a full and fair accounting of all deaths in the Capitol that day? Name them! Show the ME’s report. Tell us exactly how each died! Tell us who’s on video encouraging riots since we know Trump didn’t do it. Who did? Why the fuck are alleged fact finders unable to address this basic fact?
Will the TRUTH(tm) launch this week?
I've seen speculation yes and no. (Also speculation it will launch during superbowl)
Perhaps this is just cranking up the noise and FUD to blunt the Truth's impact.
closest parallel was with the explosion of the coubre, it was a belgian freighter full of weapons, that exploded in havana harbor, they blamed it on the nascent resistance movement, but it was just an accident, in this case, the security forces murdered protesters, arrested 'the usual suspects' and put them in a capitol gitmo, the ringleaders like epps and scaffold guy, have not been arrested much less charged,
Thank you Ann for ridding us of the troll!!
Will the TRUTH(tm) launch this week?
I've seen speculation yes and no. (Also speculation it will launch during superbowl)
Perhaps this is just cranking up the noise and FUD to blunt the Truth's impact.
The Times, NPR, and the rest began this kind of hysteria during the GWB admin, continued it, and doubled down on it during DJT's presidency. It sells papers and air time in a world where traditional media are dying. Be nice if it stopped, but I don't see that happening.
It's not enough to point out the NYT's hyperbole. What they are doing is evil and will have long term consequences for the fate of our rights. It is not enough to present your arguments to what is generally a like-minded audience who are not going to be motivated to act on your information any more than they already are without it. If there is evil going on, it is necessary to oppose it. One must no longer support politicians, political parties or major institutions that undermine the rule of law and democracy, and instead actively support those who are brave enough to stand up against them. That is the minimum one should do and still sleep with a sound conscience.
1) I’m left cold by all the denialism on the right as well as the alarmism on the left.
2) The January 6 riot was a protest that boiled over. A few hotheads there may have planned all along to invade the Capitol building, but it has not been shown that they were in communication with the Trump forces.
3) What fueled the anger of the crowd was Trump’s campaign of lies about how the election was stolen by fraud. He may not be guilty of the legal crime of inciting violence, but politically and morally he was responsible.
4) Instead of trying to prove that Trump committed the crime of seditious conspiracy- which, in this case, would require evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that he had advance knowledge of plans to invade the Capitol and was in communication with the plotters - the Democrats would be wiser to focus on Trump’s claims of fraud, going through them one by one to show they were false and that he knew they were false.
I'm surprised they want to draw attention to this. I expect most Americans haven't given much thought to the events of Jan 6 since about Jan 20, 2021. Every time the NYT brings it up, others will have the opportunity to ask "what is insurrection and how does it differ from protest?", "who has been charged with insurrection?", "why are these people held without bail?", etc. The more people hear these questions, the less they will trust the government, and the more likely they are to want to replace those in power and rein in government. I'm sure the NYT is doing this to advance the Democrat agenda, but it seems likely to backfire.
It doesn’t matter. Let them blather all they want. It’s obvious that’s all they got. No minds will be changed about Jan. 6. It was a set-up. The lefties have their talking points and sham trials and hearings. They need to keep this bullshit in the headlines. But, who cares. The Democrats will go down in flames come November. The lines are drawn and right thinking people know who really want to dismantle our government.
So the "NYT" now stands for New York Tory?
Prove to me the election of Joe Biden wasn't fraudulent. Support auditing of the signatures on the mail-in-ballots envelopes. This step hasn't been done in any of the audits allowed by the various government organs.
Good lord you're hitting soft.
1-There was no "insurrection"
2-There was no "deadly violence" by Trump supporters
3-Ashli Babbit was executed by a Rogue cop and it appears another Trump supporter died due to police actions.
4-All the other deaths were medical in nature.
5- The Democrats/FBI/DOJ are covering up who the extent of FBI informers in leading the riot
6- They are also REFUSING to release thousands of feet of security camera film. Why? What are they hiding?
7- Rioters who committed NO violence are still rotting in jail, some still have not had trial dates? Does anyone care? where is the ACLU? WHere are the civil libertarians?
8- Hundreds of thousands showed up to hear Trump speak, and 99% didn't enter the Capital Buildig. Why is that always skipped over?
9 - Why is Pelosi's role in this being covered up? She and the captial police denied Trump's offer of NG troops. Why?
The NYT has lied about all this and is still lying. Why pick at the edges?
Has even one reporter gone to the house of Ray Epps and rung the doorbell?
@Yancey: I have said all along that best practices require routine post-election audits, just like financial statements are routinely audited. The point of audits is not to catch fraud but to deter it. Ideally such audits should be designed and conducted by outside auditors with excellent reputations for integrity and experience. It may well be that verifying a sample set of mail- in votes would be a good idea, just like financial auditors will attempt to verify a sample set of account balances. I would not be opposed to the Congress creating a body like FASB to establish standards for such audits.
Democrats led by Joe Biden = Dead Men/Women Walking. News coverage of Jan 6 will just remind people how the media is cheerleading for the real insurrectionits.
gilbar said...
Why aren't habeas corpus writs flying at the federal judges in DC?
THIS, is the one that gets me. i saw a piece of paper once; and that piece of paper said:
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed
it has LITERALLY, been a YEAR. WHERE'S THEIR TRIAL? Sh*t! they haven't even been charged yet!
1/2/22, 6:42 AM
There's a lot of people who will not forget how this government treats its people, how they ignore the rule of law.
Liz Cheney's latest January 6th manifesto had somebody on the internet remembering her father's famous Adam Clymer colloquy with Bush:
While on stage before the event, Bush said to Cheney, "There's Adam Clymer, major-league asshole from the New York Times." Cheney responded, "Oh yeah, he is, big time." The remarks were picked up by a live microphone, causing a minor campaign controversy.
Bush and Cheney couldn't foresee that a few years later, everyone at the NYT would be an asshole (but then, they didn't realize that they were assholes themselves, so their lack of prescience isn't unexpected).
In any event, there's some envy involved at the Times. So much history happened, especially in Washington DC, and most of it happened before we were born. If you are a journalist writing the first draft of history, you want to feel like history is still happening, but even when it does, somehow it doesn't feel very historic. It's just stuff that happens. So you have to exaggerate what does happen to convince yourself that things are actually still happening that will be worthy of being put in tomorrow's history books.
"Campaign of lies?"
I suspect that by the time Joe is finished with the country, even Dr. Jill may not believe that she actually voted for him ...
Meade at 942 AM nails it. Most of the people who believe the Times' narrative probably believe the Russian Collusion nonsense too.
China government want to hide Tian-an-Men - semblance of shame
USA government flaunt Jan 6 to remind their enemies remember Ashli Babbitt - chicken killed to frighten the monkeys.
Maybe American monkeys can learn from India monkeys when dogs kill babies
Has even one reporter gone to the house of Ray Epps and rung the doorbell?
The sham January 6 House Select Committee has now subpoenaed over 100 civilian cell phone records. But you know the fix is in because they have stayed away from subpoenaing the cell phone records of Ray Epps. And Ray Epps is just chilling at home these days, under the apparent protection of the Phoenix FBI.
No Lie-Stream Media reporter has.
@stlcdr--the Speedy Trial Act, 18 U.S.C. Section 3161 et seq., gives defendants the right to a speedy trial. Most defendants waive that right because most defendants are guilty and an earlier trial means an earlier prison sentence. The court can extend the period for trial upon a finding "that the ends of justice served by taking such action outweigh the best interest of the public and the defendant in a speedy trial." You'll have to provide more specific information about these particular defendants to determine whether their rights are being violated -- the mere fact that they have not been tried within 70 days of the indictment does not prove much. If any defendants have been held for a long time without being charged, then my question is what did the court rule upon their application for a writ of habeas corpus?
gilbar said...
who is Roy Epps?
where is Roy Epps?
why is Roy Epps not in jail?
Roy Epps: "I'm Roy! Talk to Ray about that shit!"
Blogger Charlie said...
Has even one reporter gone to the house of Ray Epps and rung the doorbell?
Daily Mail..seemingly no one domestic.
A full week of "insurrection" based sphincter clenching will flood NYC ICUs with rectal prolapse patients.
More shots fired at Lady Gaga's dognapping.
"I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical."
President Jefferson
speaking of analytical framework (rightness and wrongness of it) - assume Jefferson is hypocrite slave holder who would not welcome uprising
Nothing. It’s the exaggeration that’s wrong. The exaggeration is in the inconsistency. BLM riots—“mostly peaceful” “protest.” Jan. 6 riots—“deadly”. Do the arithmetic: BLM riots—hundreds dead. Jan. 6 riots—1 rioter cooly killed by government agents.
Not to mention the woman beaten to death in the Capitol tunnel.
This is the 2022 political campaign program until November.
@Yancey: I have said all along that best practices require routine post-election audits, just like financial statements are routinely audited...
I would not be opposed to the Congress creating a body like FASB to establish standards for such audits.
too late - power play is swinging the other way :
Congress is right now attempting to make itself 'Election Protection Bureau'
[along the lines of Elizabeth Warren’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau]
/is standing up for American voters and holding Red States accountable/
Given the irregularities, perhaps fraud, in several jurisdictions nationwide, and the close measures that may or may not have changed the outcome of the vote, what they could have done is to respect civil rights and allow the people to assemble, have a capitol hill or national guard force to deter the progress of any riot/disorder, and, in the interest of keeping democracy viable, invite a representative committee of the people to have their voices heard and broadcast without a journalistic filter. Demos-cracy is aborted in darkness.
Who is Ray Epps?
Meade @ 9:42 -
Spot on.
Media breathlessly say Jan 6th "5 dead!"... "5 dead!"..."5 dead!"...
"Where 5 people died!" over and over... then nothing. No explanation about who died and how.. Nothing.
BLM and White left Antifa-thug riots and arson? nothing to report... those are the good guys. Ignore hundreds dead and dead police officers. Media ignore the hundreds of millions in property damage. Why BLM rage and White left antifa nazi rage = All justified and honored by the collective left.
Free the J6 Political Prisoners!
I always thought that if America ever had a gulag, they'd stick it up in Alaska or Montana or someplace. I never thought the American gulag would be in D.C.
"This emotive style leaves me cold."
Nonsense. You're paying for it.
Or, as Madge would say, "You're soaking in it!"
the Democrats would be wiser to focus on Trump’s claims of fraud, going through them one by one to show they were false and that he knew they were false.
So why don't they?
We talked about that last week or last month or last year. One can't prove fraud swung the election to Biden, but one can't prove that fraud didn't happen or that it didn't work to Biden's advantage. Voter fraud is the "perfect crime" that way.
If there were a strictly kept list and voters were checked off as they voted, or if the election results were so lopsided that there is no way one candidate could have won, it would be possible to rule out fraud, but with all the mail-in votes it's impossible to prove which votes are valid and which aren't.
Even if you can show that more votes were cast in one precinct than there were people living there, that won't get the election overturned. What it looks like the Democrats and "fact checkers" are doing is focusing on obviously false claims and discrediting them and ignoring more serious and plausible allegations.
... rampant lies and limitless resentments... twisted version of reality... existential threat... openly contemptuous of democracy....
The projection in the Left is strong.
rampant lies and limitless resentments: 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory
twisted version of reality: Ditto, plus the trans assault on sex
existential threat: Calling every attempt to secure elections from fraud "racism" and / or "voter suppression". The George Floyd riots
openly contemptuous of democracy: Roe v Wade. No one other than some black robed crooks ever voted for it, it's been used to block / overturn hundreds of democratically created laws
John Althouse Cohen said...
What’s wrong with calling it “a deadly riot”? People died because of the riot. You could debate some of those deaths (people who killed themselves days after the riot), but not all of them.
Do you call the George Floyd protests "deadly riots" because of teh league number of people killed during them?
Did David Dorn's "Black Life" actually matter?
If no, then you've answered your own question, now haven't you?
jim said...
Objectively, a clique of deranged fools thought they could stop the wheels of government by sending a mob to the US capitol. Didn't work. We need to excise the clique, root and branch.
So you want to nail all the people who rioted during Trump's inauguration in 2017? No? Those deranged fools are perfectly fine?
Douglas B. Levene said...
3) What fueled the anger of the crowd was Trump’s campaign of lies about how the election was stolen by fraud. He may not be guilty of the legal crime of inciting violence, but politically and morally he was responsible.
@Yancey: I have said all along that best practices require routine post-election audits, just like financial statements are routinely audited.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to bullshit on stilts
1: No honest vote counter blocks poll watchers from doing their jobs
2: No honest vote counter shuts down the count election night while there are still votes to count, and then kicks out all the poll watchers and press
The Democrat "vote counters" in Milwaukee, Detroit, Philly, and Fulton County (Atlanta) all did both those things.
And all 4 manages to flip their States from Trump to Biden
What fueled the anger of the crowd was the fact that they don't have their heads up their asses, and so they recognize fraud when they see it
There were no post election audits where the envelopes were matched up and counted. Democrats have fought audits every step of the way. In short, The Democrats have acted like they stole the election, the basic audits you claim to believe in haven't been done, yet you still claim to know that the election wasn't stolen.
Go fuck yourself. "Elections require audits" == "questionable elections without audits shouldn't' be trusted". Either admit that Trump's claim the election was stolen is a reasonable claim that hasn't been shown to be false, or STFU about "best practices" and own teh actual practices of the 2020 election
You only get one
"I guess a week/month/year is not enough. January 6th is forever: It's every day from now on."
No doubt, that's preferable to talking about The Joe and Kamala Show.
In addition to all these truth telling recommendations I suggest CAPITOL PUNISHMENT by Nick Searcy, well worth the ten bucks to see this awful tragedy which is the Biden Harris fake administration.
Groundhog Day.
Remember, remember, the 5th of November. The NYT wants to gin this up into a holiday of remembrance when "we almost lost our democracy!" Babbit's killer will get his own statue up there alongside St. George Floyd.
If only we had our own V. The Wachowski sisters could make a hit movie showing DC in flames...half the country would pay to see Congress swinging from ropes.
Enough whining about this or that person.
It's very simple. If you want to stop disparate treatment before the law repeal all hate crime laws.
Will it be hard?
Will people call your racist?
Yes. Grow up, get a pair, and do it anyway. Otherwise, you are just a bunch of hot smoke whining on a comment thread.
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