Writes Jimmy Carter — or someone writing under the name Jimmy Carter — in The New York Times.
Yes, it's January 6th at last, but I am not going to spend the day going through all the articles telling us what to think. For now, I'm only going to quote those words, the first sentence of Carter's piece — "I Fear for Our Democracy" — and ask one question.
How did the mob "almost succeed[] in preventing the democratic transfer of power"?
Is there some idea that if the mob could have occupied the building, it would have taken over the government? What is the mechanism?
I would "fear for our democracy" if a mob could seize power by seizing the Capitol, but only a little, because I don't think a mob could seize the Capitol. I saw my state's capitol occupied by protesters — with the intent to obstruct the operation of government — for 4 months, back in 2011. They delayed legislative action for quite a while, but they didn't take over governmental power. Their presence was tolerated — it didn't need to be — and eventually the law was passed and the group went home.
The Wisconsin protesters characterized what they were doing — interfering with the duly elected government — as "democracy," chanting, endlessly, "This is what democracy looks like." That is, those who win the elections should be subjected to continual criticism, vigorous protest, and friction every step of the way as they try to carry out the agenda that won the election. That's real democracy.
Is Carter pushing the idea that everyone is required to believe the announced results of the election are true and that democracy is endangered if they don't? If so, how does he handle the "Russian collusion" theory that dogged Trump for years?
Almost succeeded in preventing the fraudulent transfer of power.
How did the mob almost succeed in preventing the democratic transfer of power?
a guy wearing a loin cloth, and buffalo horns...
accompanied with Many old grandmothers...
make it into your capitol!
not just Your Government, but You Entire COUNTRY is DEFEATED
what Possible defense could you make?
All they'd have to do, is refuse to stay within the rope lines; and your Country FALLS!
"Almost succeeded in preventing the fraudulent transfer of power."
How did they "almost succeed"?
This could someday be an American Guy Fawkes' Day.
Revelers could wear replica horned helmets and carry miniature fire extinguishers.
I saw my state's capitol occupied by protesters — with the intent to obstruct the operation of government — for 4 months, back in 2011.
Yeah, but that was totally different because it was done by the Good Guys, not the Evil Rethuglicans.
I'm sorry, but pointing this out makes you a racist and a transphobe. Please surrender quietly. #cancelannalthouse
They depend on the power of wanting to believe. Their audience desperately wants the Jan 6 protest to have been a nearly successful insurrection because all their plans for what comes next depend on people thinking our institutions are threatened.
The propaganda is so transparent that it can only from (1) manipulative Machiavellians or (2) those high on their own supply. As such, I think these [likely ghost written] articles are intended shore up support from low information voters in the Democratic Party base.
Don't miss Real Clear Investigations side-by-side comparison table on Jan 6, 2021, the 2020 George Floyd riots, and the 2017 anti-Trump inauguration riots in D.C.
Democracy when they do it, and insurrection when others do the same. Summed up nicely.
I would "fear for our democracy" if a mob could seize power by seizing the Capitol
remember! 1/6 wasn't just Worse than 9/11 it was worse than 9/11 times a hundred
and That's 91,100!
of course, for fun; imagine a Soviet Missile Strike, on Washington... During the State of the Union
There would have been NOTHING, ANYONE could have done!!
I'm amazed no one thought about this during the Cold War
How about those people who stormed the Capitol and almost prevented the peaceful appointment of a Supreme Court Justice?
If Portland and Seattle can endure months of lawless, fiery, destructive “protesting” then the US Capitol can endure a few hours of free speech, freedom of assembly, petitioning and seeking redress of grievances. See the First Amendment for clarification.
Actually you asked several pointed questions. The answers are (1) it didn’t, (2) yes a vague poorly articulated one, (3) there is no such mechanism, (4) yes he’s pushing that idea but only as it applies to Democrat opponents not the Party itself or aggrieved D losers, and (5) he ignores it just as the DNC- Media are doing all around us.
“But Trump” explains it all. J6 didn’t break democracy it broke a pattern of acceptance and too many of us refuse to accept their cheating and lying any longer.
The only thing more absurd than this narrative is so many supposedly rational Americans continue to indulge those who perpetuate it.
We just came off tens of thousands of hours of media questioning daily the legitimacy of a Trump Administration, ignoring the crimes of Sec Clinton and her camp, including a few dozen of her lawyers. We're coaxed to forget the congressional baseball game shooter, and now we're supposed to Gell-Mann the last five years and accept this goofy narrative while ignoring the evidence the Capitol mob was created, nurtured and provoked by the very same people in charge of investigating it.
Meanwhile Hillary is getting the band back together, including the minions harping about how her election was stolen...
It is a day to remember the political prisoners still being held in inhumane conditions by the sickening people in charge of perpetuating the narrative. Fuck you all.
They almost succeeded in preventing the democratic transfer of power.
And Captain Carter's flag ship was almost captured by a rabbit.
If I were looking for a robust rationalization of the various claims made about protests in general and January 6th in particular, neither NYT nor Jimmy Carter would be my go-to source.
Shorter version: Trump (and GOP, when applicable) protests bad, Dem/BLM protests good (and mostly peaceful).
NYT= Propaganda for Dummies. Jimmy Carter=not too sharp on his best day, and he is 97.
How about those people who stormed the Capitol and almost prevented the peaceful appointment of a Supreme Court Justice?
They were invited into the building by the Democrats...
...just like the J6 protesters.
This bullshit is a clue that the Democrats are so scared of future elections that they are only speaking to the lunatics in their base.
Independents and centrist/statist Republicans will not be voting for Democrats over the next few years and Democrat leaders have already given up on them.
They need the leftists to be energized or 2022 will be a very serious wipeout. Republicans think they can take more than 60 seats in the House. I suspect that the number is closer to 30 if the lunatic Democrat base turns out.
"I Fear for Our Democracy"
Hey let's cut ole Jimmy some slack. I'm sure he is sincere. After all, he was also afraid of a rabbit.
This is where we have arrived on the road of our societal descent: Men and women of low moral character utter deranged, fictional gibberish in service of some political fantasy. How astonishingly weak our democracy must be, to think that the motley crowd of zanies was about to take over the government. You need nukes or F-16s to fight the government, says our Leader, but on that day a horned hat nearly did the job.
a guy wearing a loin cloth, and buffalo horns...
accompanied with Many old grandmothers...
make it into your capitol!
not just Your Government, but You Entire COUNTRY is DEFEATED
Remember, though. This is Jimmy Carter's country we're talking about.
Jimmy shouldn't remind everybody WHY he was the worst President ever....Until now. I think he is jealous, and wants his title back.
Lucien @ 7:26: “…replica horned helmets…”. Don’t forget the face paint for the complete look. I am definitely liking this.
More seriously can we at least get a list of the names of the Seven Hundred?
Victor Davis Hanson asks: “[W]ho is trying to federalize election laws in national elections contrary to the spirit of the Constitution? Who wishes to repeal or circumvent the Electoral College? Who wishes to destroy the more than 180-year-old Senate filibuster, the over 150-year-old nine-justice Supreme Court, and the more than 60-year-old, 50-state union?
Who is attacking the founding constitutional idea of two senators per state?
The Constitution also clearly states that “When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside.” Who slammed through the impeachment of Donald Trump without a presiding chief justice?
Never had a president been either impeached twice or tried in the Senate as a private citizen. Who did both?”
If it was up to the Democrats our government would be a lot less democratic today.
Student protestors did manage to overthrow Carter's regime in the Seventies.
They just weren't in America.
During the Sixties, peaceful protestors overthrew the regime he grew up in and had lived all his life under.
But Jimmy doesn't want to talk about that now.
Great response, Althouse!
Politicians guided the mob? The blue lies continue.
The Democrats are clutching their pearls, and retiring to their fainting couches over January 6th.
This is nothing more than political theater, attempting to paint any opposition to the Leftist/Marxist march to Socialism as a "threat to Democracy".
It's a naked power grab, seeking to destroy any possible counter to their agenda.
The more I read Julie Kelly and others on J6 the more it becomes evident this really was intended to be a 'Reichstag Fire' event that, fortunately, largely failed. Access was allowed deliberately and when the protest wasn't sufficiently violent, the protestors were attacked with deadly force in an attempt to generate a reaction. I also strongly suspect that this scenario was planned well in advance and would also have been unleashed *if Trump won the EC but not the popular vote*.
That said, the Democrats wouldn't be s#*tting their pants over this and other things if they didn't suspect their grip on power was shaky. Hell, they can't even cow a couple of their own party members into going along with the narrative. (I remain worried that a couple of the usual anti-Trump RINOs will fall for the "we're only going to suspend it once" filibuster ploy.)
The horrible treatment of the J6 poisoners seems to be a continuation of that theater.
Like Highlights magazine: Goofus trespasses in a Capitol and threatens democracy, while Galant trespasses in a Capitol to support freedom.
Happy Insurrection Day!
Remembering Ashli Babbot. Veteran, patriot. The only person I'm aware of publicly murdered inside the U.S. Capitol.
"Is Carter pushing the idea that everyone is required to believe the announced results of the election are true and that democracy is endangered if they don't?
Isn't Jimmy Carter the one the Venezuelan government liked to bring in to validate their elections?
If Althouse thinks honesty and logic will persuade Ol' Jimmah to be honest and logical... well, there's this huge boulder Quaestor is compelled to roll uphill that he could use some help with. Come on, Althouse, put your shoulder against this rock and give it a shove.
Our democracy... Am I the only one who has noticed how often that exact phrase is constantly on the lips and dripping from the pens belonging to an entire legion of perverts who currently hold a narrow sway over the operation of this republic bequeathed to us by Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and all those other racist colonizers whose statues and portraits ought to be demolished and replaced by icons of Che Guevara and George Floyd? Why is that? What do they mean by our -- somehow I do not believe their our includes me. From my perspective their our looks more like a mindlessly destructive THEM! And what do they mean by democracy, because they certainly haven't included Trump and his constituents among the People since he took that escalator ride back in '15?
What better way to foment an insurrection in the wake of an historic 2022 mid-term drubbing than to convince your low-information Sturmabteilung that they are merely defending against an "insurrection" by the right?
Christopher B said...
The more I read Julie Kelly and others on J6 the more it becomes evident this really was intended to be a 'Reichstag Fire' event that, fortunately, largely failed.
You don't need Julie Kelly for that-
What you do need her for is following all the "legal" proceedings/hearings. She's the only one, demonstrating how corrupt the judges, prosecutors, and jailers are. All in sync.
Even Trump appointed judges rule a defendant, charged with such things as "parading", are denied bail since they still support Trump, thus a danger to society.
Not fucking kidding.
Curious how the assaults, rioting and burning down of police stations and busnisses by the BLM/Antifa rioters was never an attack on the rule of law and our Democracy according to the Democrats.
How on earth can anyone take their bleatings today seriously?
If not for our breathless media I don't think anyone in America would note this day other than to make sure they don't have a dental appointment today.
We all know that if this had been a rousing bunch of progressives storming the Capitol in Washington (as opposed to the one in Madison) this would have been praised as a courageous protest to save Democracy.
This entire event is on life support, breathing only as long as Democratic politicos have the energy to keep pumping away at it.
What about Ashli Babbit? What about Rosanne Boyland? Any mention? Anything?
It was a half assed riot though well attended.
This is Jimmy Carter's country we're talking about.
I remember Jimmy Carter's America, the late 70s. It mostly sucked, but it was a paradise compared to today. (The music was a lot better, for starters.)
Have to keep the charade alive. Spare no expense.
That's remarkable, after the crowds dispersed and the Army was finally called in, and the 10 ft high riot fences were replaced with 14 ft ones, and the pictures started dribbling out: Empty Washington DC streets, troops by the thousand stationed at checkpoints and along fences and sleeping huddled in parking garages, grey skies against white buildings, and a swearing-in ceremony with a few scattered seats on an expanse of lawn, no crowds, just Army troops and the panicked, paranoid DC elite: That's when I first feared for our Democracy, and nothing I've seen since has assuaged that feeling.
You people killed Ashli Babbit. You people are responsible for all the Capitol police suicides. Enjoy your holiday today.
Writes Jimmy Carter — or someone writing under the name Jimmy Carter — in The New York Times.
That there is a spark of healthy skepticism.
And by “you people,” Howard means “Howard.”
“How did the mob "almost succeed[] in preventing the democratic transfer of power"?
You can argue that Jimmy Carter gives this mob too much credit, but he does have some relevant experience in violent mobs guided by unscrupulous politicians taking over countries.
“Their presence was tolerated — it didn't need to be — and eventually the law was passed and the group went home.”
That toleration was the right move but really hurt your feelings, didn’t it? Here’s a thought experiment. If Governor Scott Walker had come down hard on the Wisconsin Capitol occupiers in 2011, would he have been elected President in 2016 instead of Donald Trump? If your answer is yes, does that make you wistful?
In yesterday’s post you said, “They broke in where they weren't allowed. That was as bad as it was, but it ended that day.”
The Capitol police would disagree that “broke in” was as bad as it was. You want to equate the January 6 mobbing of the U.S. Capitol with the 2011 occupation of the Wisconsin Capitol, but in terms of the level of violence, they aren’t really the same thing at all.
J6 should be branded on on the liberal jackasses who believe a protest was a insurrection. Then, all who continue to wear those lying blinders need to be banished to the political wilderness for a generation...or two.
Yes,those Wisconsin protestors killed police officers, stormed the chambers carrying zip ties, threaten to hang Walker, and shit on the walls of the capitol—not.
In the aftermath of most riots, the usual deep thinkers tell us we must focus on the root causes of the anger on display.
That is the question that must be suppressed, in this one case.
Democrats take this nonsense very very seriously. I know, because my mother does.
Nothing could be worse for the nation.
I was unaware of the "insurrection" of one year ago while it was happening. I had taken a break from social media, TV, and all outside news as I was doing a 10 day online meditation retreat. It wasn't until a few days later that I became aware of the event at all. It turns out that I didn't miss much.
"Is Carter pushing the idea that everyone is required to believe the announced results of the election are true and that democracy is endangered if they don't? If so, how does he handle the "Russian collusion" theory that dogged Trump for years?"
Of all the people chosen by the NYT to lecture us about the sanctity of announced election results, we get Jimmy Carter, who Venezuela used to legitimize their sketchy elections. That's world-class trolling, NYT.
Happy Insurrection Day!
I call it Insurrection Day because on this date 610 years ago -- in 1412 -- Saint Joan of Arc was born in Domrémy, France.
She led an actual insurrection against British rule. The Brits burned her at the stake for heresy on May 30, 1431. She lived only 19 years but she is still remembered centuries later because she listened to God.
Nancy isn't Joan of Arc. She's the one with the matches.
H/TDon Surber
You want to equate the January 6 mobbing of the U.S. Capitol with the 2011 occupation of the Wisconsin Capitol, but in terms of the level of violence, they aren’t really the same thing at all.
Indeed, the Wisconsin Capitol police didn't shoot anybody and the Wisconsin legislators didn't whine about it for months. If only the US Congress had the backbone of the Wisconsin legislators of that time.
Happy Election Integrity Day!
As we have approached 1/6, the number of articles and shows about that day has become overwhelming and quite frankly, unreadable and unlistenable. NPR's 1A has had a steady stream of shows on 1/6. On Point also has, but not to the same quantity. Canada's Globe and Mail has run at least one Op-Ed or Editorial, and news story every day for seven days on 1/6. I used to enjoy listening to 1A, but it's become an echo chamber for their core audience and if they happen to have the odd guest that questions portions of the "left" 1/6 narrative, the host comes close to losing her professional demeanor. I'm sad that tit has become so tedious listening to and reading these shows and publications.
Ann Althouse said...
"Almost succeeded in preventing the fraudulent transfer of power."
How did they "almost succeed"?
Correct me if I'm wrong: Weren't the Republicans in the process of initiating what could have been a days long parliamentary objection to several states' electors when they were interrupted by the "mostly peaceful" protest, after which they failed to resume their efforts?
Some old man is on TV yelling about this incoherently right now! He seems unhinged. Claims he was deposed in a coup. Weird. I thought they said he is the president!
Hey R/V - Only one person died by violence in the Capitol: a petite, unarmed woman was shot dead by a senior cop in circumstances that would cause riots of their own were that shooting to have occurred in any other place in America.
Even Nancy Pelosi has abandoned most of the lies that you embrace.
Jimmy Carter was a lousy President, but seemed a decent, honorable Christian man. Evidently, his loss of his bid for a second term obscured the value of those virtues in his mind. He became just another gaslighting Democrat.
PRO TIP: All the January 6th stuff this week is a distraction technique because the communists are under water on every single issue that matters to Americans. They’re trying to turn your head away from real problems.
Stop letting them set the narrative.
remember! 1/6 wasn't just Worse than 9/11 it was worse than 9/11 times a hundred
and That's 91,100!
Is it? Or is it 81.8181....?
Didn't they do the same thing with Bob Dole? IRC, The guy was 95 and they trotted him out and had him "Write" some editoral supporting some Establishment position that he probably didn't care two fucks about.
I find it hilarious that they have to go back to Carter. Bush has already shown he's globalist and Establishment hack when he turned what SHOULD have been a patriotic speech about 911 into a bizzare attack on Trump supporters labeling them "Domestic Terrorists" and likening them to those who killed 3,000 Americans on September 11.
Clinton with his trips to Epstein Island and his habit of getting Lewinsky's in the Oval Office, has zero moral authority, and Obama has already attacked Trump 1,000 times.
SO, they're forced to go back to Jimmy carter. LOL. Personally, I never liked Carter. For some reason he got on the wrong side of Ted Kennedy and Liberal establishment, but when pushed came to shove he was always a globalist, open borders, fake populist. Remember double digits interest rates designed to "Wring inflation out"? How many people lost their jobs over that?
I worked late the day after the 2016 elections and so watched, from above in my office, the crowds marching through downtown protesting Trump's election. The chorus was "Not My President," when they weren't just shouting f-bombs. Were they insurrectionists?
Ultimately three innocent peaceful protesters were killed by the capital Police, although one was erroneously called an "overdose" even though the dead girl (all killed were females attacked by Capitol Police) in question had zero drugs in her system when beat to death and trampled after being doused with CS gas. Wonder why these other deaths are so little known!
Jimmy Carter...old, old, old...a prop,,,and too bad. He once was a man of integrity when he was in possession of his faculties. His fade-away is just exposing the political hack he really is. What a shame.
roesch/voltaire said...
Yes,those Wisconsin protestors killed police officers, stormed the chambers carrying zip ties, threaten to hang Walker, and shit on the walls of the capitol—not.
You still have deranged leftists relying on blood libels to push their agenda.
Zip Ties. Seriously.
Some are still claiming Officer Sicknick was killed by J6 protestors.
This is the dishonest evil that we face.
Antifa/BLM killed and maimed many officers. Antifa and BLM burned and looted federal courthouses, buildings, and police departments.
You are a dishonest person.
I got the measure of Jimmy Carter when he described some of Ford’s policies as immoral and inhumane, then perpetuated those policies when he, himself was President. I definitely don’t think anyone who isn’t a Boomer can possibly appreciate what a disaster his presidency was.
And Biden’s presidency, is worse.
Its interesting how all these people KNOW there was no "Insurrection" and there was no attempt to "Overthrow" the Government. How do 700 people walking around the Capital building with some of them stealing Nancy's gavel, but otherwise staying within the ropes, "overthrow" The Government. Its laughable
Yet, they keep broadcasting this big lie over and over and over again. Man, the CONTEMPT they have for the average American! Of course, the libtards lap this up. "Orange man bad. They attack Orange man. That good."
Will there be any justice for Ashli Babbitt or the other woman executed by the Capital Hill police? I guess not. Other than a few Congressmen like MTG, no one says a word.
When a KNOWN Antifa who was in DC on 1/6/21 brags about what he and others did on 1/6/21, WHY don't the FBI care?? WHY did HE get let go?? WHY isn't he in prison with the others?? @ sets of justice. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/jan-6-remembered-ignored-media-fbi-antifa-blm-activists-posting-photos-bragging-online-storming-us-capitol-jan-6/
Browndog said...
Happy Insurrection Day!
Happy Independence Day:
I worked late the day after the 2016 elections and so watched, from above in my office, the crowds marching through downtown protesting Trump's election. The chorus was "Not My President," when they weren't just shouting f-bombs. Were they insurrectionists?
Yes they were and they caused more absolute damage to DC than J6, and sent more cops to the hospital than J6 did. Fun fact: more DC Cap-Police have been suspended for improper acts on J6 than protesters have been charged with "insurrection." More protesters were killed by Nancy's personal corrupt police force than were charged with felonies, so far.
2 sets...not @sets!!
Jimmy Carter was a lousy President but seemed a decent, honorable Christian man.
And Adolf Hitler seemed a promising young artist.
Esse quam videri.
Howard, oh Howard…
Wanna play softball?
Its too bad we did NOT have an insurrection. We need one. This regime is getting more and more illegitimate and at war with its own people.
"I Fear for Our Democracy"
It's new lefty code: "our democracy" = Dems winning and progs in charge.
"How did the mob "almost succeed[] in preventing the democratic transfer of power"?"
It's nice of you to ask the question, but also beside the point. To roughly paraphrase Harry Reid on his Romney lie: it works, doesn't it?
Among Dems, such propaganda qualifies you for statesmanship.
I don’t believe Epstein killed himself and I don’t believe that five members of the Capitol Police killed themselves, either.
The truth is out there, but you won't get it from the propaganda media.... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/jan-6-remembered-ignored-media-elites-fbi-list-20-individuals-capitol-january-6th-appear-connected-antifa-far-left-groups/
Left Bank of the Charles said...
The Capitol police would disagree that “broke in” was as bad as it was. You want to equate the January 6 mobbing of the U.S. Capitol with the 2011 occupation of the Wisconsin Capitol, but in terms of the level of violence, they aren’t really the same thing at all.
All we saw were a bunch of lies and blood libels like Officer Sicknick being killed.
Then after the lies were walked back stupid dishonest people like you still claim it happened.
Susanne Boyland was beaten to death on video by Capitol Police. The Capitol Police were witnessed in several places attacking women to provoke violence.
All of this is going to start coming out once the censorship you guys rely on fails.
What is the mechanism you ask?
1. Pence is pressured by the real and immediate threat of physical harm to reject the electoral votes of the states at issue. And send them back to the state legislatures.
2. In all of those states, the legislature is controlled by the Republican party. They all decide (surprise!) that because of claimed fraud and other irregularities, that the state's electoral votes should go to Trump.
3. Trump effectively steals the election. Violence in the streets. Do we still have a functional democracy. Doesn't appear so to me.
As Democrats actually flush our Constitutional Republic down the toilet - in favor of leftist authoritarian fascism...
For the hyperventilating about what happened Jan 6, imagine what would have happened if Trump had been declared the winner.
And what would all these phonies be saying about it? Would they be outraged about the prevention of a democratic transfer of power?
AOC - who wasn't even in the building - was almost raped.
All due respect, jim5301, but that's just silly.
roesch/voltaire said...
Yes,those Wisconsin protestors killed police officers, stormed the chambers carrying zip ties, threaten to hang Walker, and shit on the walls of the capitol—not.
You were one of “those Wisconsin protesters” were you not? What were you protesting? Election fraud?
"Is Carter pushing the idea that everyone is required to believe the announced results of the election are true and that democracy is endangered if they don't? If so, how does he handle the "Russian collusion" theory that dogged Trump for years?"
Cognitive dissonance.
AOC - who wasn't even in the building - was almost raped.
Criticizing AOC is an unwanted sexual advance..which is also almost rape.
Only leftists are allowed to throw tantrums when they don't get their way.
and oh what a tantrum they can throw.
and we don't even help them with Antifa thugs+FBI.
If so, how does he handle the "Russian collusion" theory that dogged Trump for years?
That's different, because of reasons.
I also want to thank Ted Cruz for ending his presidential ambitions.
Of course they could win. The Duchy of Grand Fenwick defeated the United States with only 20 men!
Sean Davis
In 1983, left-wing domestic terrorists firebombed the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to mass assassinate Republican senators.
Democrat Rep. Jerry Nadler got Bill Clinton to grant the terrorists clemency.
Democrats love violence against their enemies
"You want to equate the January 6 mobbing of the U.S. Capitol with the 2011 occupation of the Wisconsin Capitol, but in terms of the level of violence, they aren’t really the same thing at all."
Where the issue is violence, the relevant charges have been filed. The question is the threat to democracy. The Wisconsin protesters were more effective in their obstruction of government, which is the higher level offense in the federal cases.
The Wisconsin Capitol police did not fight with the protesters. I believe their policy was to facilitate the protest, and I remember that one Wisconsin legislator — a Democrat — opened his ground floor window to give access to the building.
The mob was accommodated, and the provided better optics, but the January 6th mob, once they got in, seemed quite peaceful, walking through like a crowd of tourists.
So I won't "equate" anything, but I will compare and contrast!
Nothing is exactly the same as anything else, but if you want to make distinctions, lay them out where we can see them and discuss the substantive differences.
It can't be that the difference was one mob was my people and one mob was my antagonists. I will push back as hard as I can against that.
The Left didn't just take over Winsconsin's Capital, they took over Oregon's. And nobody gave a rats ass. At least per the MSM.
“The point is that the constitutional purpose is clear, to keep people exactly like Donald Trump and other traitors to the union from holding public office.”
Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD)
A Democrat shot 6 Republicans in 2017. No one seemed to think it was "Domestic Terrorism". Nobody in fact, in the MSM, mentioned it a week after it happened. Only the Center-right talks about it.
My mob. Love it or leave it.
“'Their presence was tolerated — it didn't need to be — and eventually the law was passed and the group went home.' That toleration was the right move but really hurt your feelings, didn’t it?"
Huh? Click on the Wisconsin protests tag and see what I said. Hurt my feelings? You don't know me well at all, but there's an entire archive you could use to familiarize yourself with who I am. You're actually rather slimy to attack me that way, under the circumstances.
"Here’s a thought experiment. If Governor Scott Walker had come down hard on the Wisconsin Capitol occupiers in 2011, would he have been elected President in 2016 instead of Donald Trump? If your answer is yes, does that make you wistful?"
You do my task first and you can answer your own stupid question.
I wrote: "It can't be that the difference was one mob was my people and one mob was my antagonists."
I presume EVERYONE agrees with that proposition, but if you don't, please preface your comments with your dissent from it.
Let me restate that: I presume that almost no one will openly disagree with that statement, but I believe that a lot — maybe most — are just taking partisan sides, but I don't expect you to be honest about it.
"it's not over until we win" Russ Feingold. He must be happy seeing his words put into action. The democraticals have won and now they are trying to make sure it's over by permanently subverting fair elections with HR1. There's a chance it will be thwarted if the Republicans take the house this year but they won't give up - see Russ Feingold above. If the price of liberty is eternal vigilance*, I'm not sure the Americans have the attention span to remain a free republic.
*said by someone somewhere, turns out the source is disputed and largely unknown
I wonder if AOC was afraid of being raped or killed on this day
This should be celebrated as much as today is being celebrated by the left........
Achilles: "I also want to thank Ted Cruz for ending his presidential ambitions."
Looks like Ted hired Scott Walkers political consultant team: "Hey guys, we can never out-Trump Trump or DeSantis, so lets fill the Jeb!/Kasich/Rubio/Liz Cheney "lane," in the primary! We'll get ALL the establishment money so we will be paid handsomely!!"....(hand is raised in the back of the room) "but isnt that a sure-to-fail approach to winning the nomination?...(larger group rolls their eyes).."Dude, dont you get it? We STILL get paid! A lot! Hey, someone call up Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes cuz we gotta get all our pals in on this one!"
There's a reason why Jimmy Carter is viewed as one of our worst Presidents. Biden has taken him off the schneid as it were, but Jimmy keeps trying to reclaim the title.
John Hayward-
"If the 1/6 riots were an act of "terrorism" - using force to achieve political ends - then so were the BLM riots.
The difference is that the latter were successful - and their success was a bloody disaster for Americans, especially black Americans."
Jimmy carter was a nice Christian man who meant well - feebly. God Save us from "nice men" who try to do good, and end up almost destroying the economy.
People are claiming POTUS Biden is even worse than POTUS Carter.
Wrong. Biden isn't POTUS. Its Jill, or whoever is instructing him and writing his speeches.
Drago said...
Achilles: "I also want to thank Ted Cruz for ending his presidential ambitions."
Looks like Ted hired Scott Walkers political consultant team: "Hey guys, we can never out-Trump Trump or DeSantis, so lets fill the Jeb!/Kasich/Rubio/Liz Cheney "lane," in the primary! We'll get ALL the establishment money so we will be paid handsomely!!"....(hand is raised in the back of the room) "but isnt that a sure-to-fail approach to winning the nomination?...(larger group rolls their eyes).."Dude, dont you get it? We STILL get paid! A lot! Hey, someone call up Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes cuz we gotta get all our pals in on this one!"
You think he can beat out Little Marco?
Haley is also much prettier.
Without Trump in the poll Mike Pence polls in the top 3.
The dopey January 6 mob was superfluous and unnecessary, as everyone will realize January 6, 2025, when deeply unpopular Vice President Kamala Harris unilaterally hands deeply unpopular President Joe Biden four more years after muttering something about John Eastman and Laurence Tribe.
“ I also want to thank Ted Cruz for ending his presidential ambitions.”
He really didn’t have much chance. He is very bright, but apparently has an abrasive personality in person too. Trump may have been abrasive publicly, but, like most Republican Presidents, is/was warm and considerate in private. Dem Presidents are, with maybe Carter as an exception, SOBs in private.
But this won’t be forgotten by the Republican rank and file. Up until that point, he probably was running third or fourth, after Trump and DeathSantis. DeSantis is really my first choice now. He can, and will, fight, and does it well. Despite the influx of people from Deep Blue NY, NJ, etc, Republican registrations are up 1/4 million, while Dem registrations are only up 50k. That means that he will likely cruise to an easy reelection. And the Republicans control enough of the levers of power there, that Dem election fraud is unlikely to change the outcome. Still, I think that Trump has the nomination, if he wants it, for sentimental reasons. If that is the case, then my dream ticket would be Trump/DeSantis.
The place I was hoping to see Cruz was as AG. What we need is a real SOB there, esp after their gross misbehavior during and after the protests a year ago. But with his indication that he believes that there wasn’t a plot against Trump and his supporters that day, and in its aftermath, I think that is probably not going to happen now.
Carter’s essay sure fits in well with Hate Week at the Times. I am struck by his paranoia, but even more by his obliviousness. In his mind, his side has done nothing to foster hate, mistrust, and polarization. Amazing.
Couple this with Dementia Joe Biden’s “address” this morning.
These assholes should never hold power again. Unfit for America.
“The DC, New York media— this is their Christmas, January 6th,” says @GovRonDeSantis, commenting on last year’s attempted insurrection at the US Capitol. Says anniversary will be used to “smear anyone who ever supported Donald Trump.”
The reason that I think that this is the beginning of the end of the 1-6 hoax is that Chuckie Scheamer is now trying, again, to ram HR-1 (designed intentionally to override state level election security measures) through the Senate. I think that he knows that this is his last chance. This time next year, we are almost guaranteed a Republican House, and hopefully a Republican Senate. Of course, Schumer is Majority Leader only because of Dem election fraud in 2020, causing them to probably pick up three Senate seats, so, of course, he is behind the legislation big time. And likely first order of business of a Republican House (with a blowout majority) will very likely be to expose what Palsi, Shifty, etc have been up to with their 1-6 machinations. I expect a major purge of evidence after the election.
Is it really true that there are large numbers of Americans (a majority? -- and nearly all Democrats) who believe that our political system is so fragile that it could crumble in the face of several hundred unorganized or loosely organized, and largely unarmed, middle aged men?
Bruce Hayden said...
The place I was hoping to see Cruz was as AG. What we need is a real SOB there, esp after their gross misbehavior during and after the protests a year ago. But with his indication that he believes that there wasn’t a plot against Trump and his supporters that day, and in its aftermath, I think that is probably not going to happen now.
Ted Cruz is on team DC. You are still stuck on this conservative/republican vs. prog/democrat thing.
This is DC vs. the country.
Ted Cruz just told you he will never really investigate J6 or try to find out what really happened and he will be the wrong tool to reform the DOJ and FBI. He has been in DC too long. It needs to be nuked from orbit.
Jimmy Carter took advantage of the only real coup in American history, the overthrow of Richard Nixon by the FBI. He was a little known southern Governor who told voters, "I will never lie to you." He mostly didn't but his allies did. He was just incompetent although he did two good things. Both of them were hiring Paul Volker who would, with the help of Reagan, stop the wild inflation the Democrats set off. Actually, Nixon began it with the devaluation of the dollar. The Democrats, with their ignorance of basic economics, took it from there.
They're trying to make this "Thank God We Have Joe Day" regardless of how little of him is actually available.
"They almost succeeded" really means, the stolen election was almost uncovered.
Opportunity missed. It would have shown grace and magnanimity if Biden had taken the occasion to pardon those rioters who had shown sincere contrition....Bill Clinton pardoned the gunmen who had actually shot up the halls of Congress. It wasn't done in the spirit of magnanimity however. It was done to help his wife gain votes among the Puerto Ricans in NY.
The one thing deliberately hidden in all this commentary is this:
An unarmed group of people were able to enter the Capitol building.
The U.S. Capitol.
One of the most secure and protected buildings in the world, on the same level as the White House, the Pentagon, and the CIA.
And yet, they somehow got in.
Amazing, that.
Michael K: 'Carter did 2 good things' He's also given credit for deregulating the beer business and I, for one, love the results of that. So 3 good things.
"Guided by"
a little off the mark. Trump said some stupid stuff at his rally - but he never asked for any violence.
Bruce Hayden (re: Ted Cruz): "But this won’t be forgotten by the Republican rank and file. Up until that point, he probably was running third or fourth, after Trump and DeathSantis."
Cruz is attempting to leapfrog and begin to lock up all Non-Trump/DeSantis populist republican base voters, which is 75 to 85% of them depending on the issue.
Given the "facts on the ground" as they stood yesterday before Ted's comments, Ted knew he could no compete with the massive Trump/DeSantis voters. But then, Ted also knows that a candidate can sometimes parlay 10 to 15% of the vote into 20-25% of the vote and ride the top tier all the way in hopes of becoming the 1 "consensus" candidate that can bridge the gaps and eke out a nomination.
It's happened before. The 1988 Democratic primary is a case in point where Dukakis was sitting at between 10 and 15% or so in January of 1988, but just kept hanging around, hanging around, kids got aligator blood......
Oh, what to say about Jimmah supporting dictatorships that hasn't been said already? The museums in Warm Springs are worth a trip. Don't miss the polio and FDR ones -- sometimes bad people (and diseases) make for good museums. Ditto the Carter Center in Atlanta.
It's called hate-museuming.
Too bad the Newseum in DC closed. Now that was some first-class hate-museuming. Did you know that skateboarders, not Reagan, won the Cold War? Guess you never had a chance to visit the Newseum.
marybeth spotchecked me, when i said...
remember! 1/6 wasn't just Worse than 9/11 it was worse than 9/11 times a hundred
and That's 91,100!
and said...
Is it? Or is it 81.8181....?
i saw that, as Soon as i posted! IF blogger allowed editting comments, i would have changed to 1 6 wasn't just Worse than 911 it was worse than 911 times a hundred
and That's 91,100!
Now you make me feel math illiterate. Next thing; you'll tell me, that e^π − π isn't Really 20 ( or that cos(ln(π + 20)) isn't Really −1)
I would like to see a serious press release on the fact that a sizable number of citizens gathered in DC on January 6th and were so furious at the way their national election was handled they they felt passionate about disrupting and preventing the election certification from proceeding.
Do they try to overthrow government? No.
Were they armed? Not by available evidence I've seen.
Did they kill to advance their goals? No.
Did they occupy a building through sheer volume of people? Yes, with minor police resistance. And in some cases with police permission.
Their reasons for disgruntlement are being wiped away, ignored, and declaimed.
roesch/voltaire said... Yes,those Wisconsin protestors killed police officers
Failed analogy. Please try to keep up with even the rudimentary elements. like bodycount.
Is Carter pushing the idea that everyone is required to believe the announced results of the election are true and that democracy is endangered if they don't?
No, he's pushing the idea that you must continuously yell, "This is what democracy looks like," if you wish to be taken for a peaceful protester.
It's an incantation one must use to escape legal jeopardy.
Meanwhile, I am happy to report that Lady Gaga's dog walker has made an almost complete recovery.
I saw my state's capitol occupied by protesters
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness.
You got it, Drago. As so often.
Lil' Marco is just a pretty bag boy for Al Cardenas and the other open borders scum that blight the GOP. There are many noble Cubans out there, But they are relentlessly pressured by Project Libros (Koch operatives) and Cardenas(typical mafia) to support anti-American agendas.
"The one thing deliberately hidden in all this commentary is this:
An unarmed group of people were able to enter the Capitol building.
The U.S. Capitol.
One of the most secure and protected buildings in the world, on the same level as the White House, the Pentagon, and the CIA.
And yet, they somehow got in.
Amazing, that."
They opened the doors and invited them in, it was a setup.
Proven failure endorsed by a notable partisan propaganda outlet.
Seems legit.
jim5301 @ 9:13,
You forgot "Collect underwear."
Absolutely the best commentary on this day that anyone will read.
Thank you Professor.
roesch/voltaire said...
Yes,those Wisconsin protestors killed police officers, stormed the chambers carrying zip ties, threaten to hang Walker, and shit on the walls of the capitol—not.
Cretino! What DC protestors killed any police officers?
What good are zip ties when you're unarmed and thus unable to subdue anyone??
We don't know what the peaceful tourist that Althouse describes would have done had they got their hands on Pense or AOC or others, we do know they destroyed woodwork, banged on doors and tried to break into offices.Those who were armed did not suddenly lay down their arms but kept them ready.
I agree with Drago about Cruz. It's the only possible explanation that makes sense. I'm sure Cruz has hidden antipathy for Trump that makes it possible for him to make such an error.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Our Democracy is to democracy what My Truth is to the truth, or The Science is to science.
Steve Deace Retweeted
Jack Posobiec
Only one Capitol Police officer has been murdered in the past 20 years
His name is Billy Evans
Killed in the 4-2 Extremist Attack on the US Capitol by a Nation of Islam follower
In 2000, a single "Brooks Brothers Riot" in Florida prevented the Democrats from delivering a faked vote recount and victory to AlGore.
In 2000, a single "Brooks Brothers Riot" in Florida prevented the Democrats from delivering a faked vote recount and victory to AlGore.
And as the New York Times told us years later, the ONLY way a (partial) state vote recount in Florida would have let AlGore win, was if ONLY the AlGore method was followed. ALL other methods of recounts, partial and full, led to victory for GW Bush. Yes, AlGore and the Dems tried to steal the 2000 election, and didn't get away with it. Looks like they learned from that experience.
From the testimony of Harry Dunn, a Capitol police officer, about the crowd of "tourist:'Now, it was obvious that there was a direct threat to the Capitol. I quickly put on a steel chest plate, which weighs approximately 20 pounds, and carrying my M4 rifle, sprinted around the north side of the Capitol to the West Terrace and the railing of the inaugural stage, where I had a broad view of what was going on. I was stunned by what I saw.
In what seemed like a sea of people, Capitol Police officers and Metropolitan Police officers, MPD, were engaged in desperate hand-to-hand fighting with rioters across the west lawn. Until then, I had never seen anyone physically assault Capitol Police or MPD, let alone witness mass assaults being perpetrated on law enforcement officers. I witnessed the rioters using all kinds of weapons against officers, including flagpoles, metal bike racks that they had torn apart, and various kinds of projectiles. Officers were being bloodied in the fighting. Many were screaming, and many were blinded and coughing from chemical irritants being sprayed in their faces.
Nancy Pelosi just introduced, as part of the Jan 6 remembrance.... a song by Lin Manuel Miranda performed by the cast of Hamilton.
Isn't it groovy?? Their new Progressive Christmas celebration even has live music for the PTSD'd Congresscritters that weren't even there, and the poor poor journalists who are having a hard time coping.
I presume EVERYONE agrees with that proposition, but if you don't, please preface your comments with your dissent from it.
Let me restate that: I presume that almost no one will openly disagree with that statement, but I believe that a lot — maybe most — are just taking partisan sides, but I don't expect you to be honest about it.
You're trying to equate the Left and the Right. Wrong. Who on the right has justifed any VIOLENCE on the part of the Jan 6th mob? Almost no one. Who on the right is upset that the protesters who broke the law are recieving some kind of punishment? Almost no one.
OTOH, the Left made it quite clear not only during the winsconsin capital take over, but during the Oregon takeover but even more during the attack on the White House and the BLM/Antifa riots that they DO NOT CARE about leftwingers breaking the law. And they aren't the least bit upset that very few got any sort of punishment.
Maybe both sides SHOULD do it. Maybe the Right are idiots for not being as unprincipled and vicious as the Left. Maybe that's the problem.
Blogger Left Bank of the Charles said..."You can argue that Jimmy Carter gives this mob too much credit, but he does have some relevant experience in violent mobs guided by unscrupulous politicians taking over countries."
Would that be the same Jimmy Carter who's election-monitoring organization warned that mail-in ballots were a vehicle that enabled said unscrupulous politicians to take over their countries?
Why yes, I believe it is.
The only people who care about January 6 are the ones still trying to make political hay out of it.
Ignore them.
Would it be fair to say that the old guy in the Capitol today with Liz Cheney at times looked like a tourist?
Blogger rcocean said...
A Democrat shot 6 Republicans in 2017. No one seemed to think it was "Domestic Terrorism". Nobody in fact, in the MSM, mentioned it a week after it happened. Only the Center-right talks about it.
I keep hearing/reading/seeing people say that Republicans do not take January6 seriously or seriously enough. I take January 6th seriously - I don't take the "hype" surrounding it as seriously as I am being expected to do so, however.
The article is not long and tells what happened at the baseball field. Were it not for Scalise's security team, it would have been much shorter and the death count much higher. Some things aren't taken seriously enough
And, if you read it, keep your eyes open for the name Jack Barton. Who was in more danger? Jack or Rep. Occasio-Cortez on January 6th?
For years, every dictator our leaders didn't like was Hitler and ever foreign conflict we didn't get involved in was another Munich. So now, and for years to come, every protest or civic disorder by people our leaders don't like is going to be an insurrection and a threat to our democracy, because a shirtless guy in buffalo horns can somehow take over the country.
Ted Cruz will never be president. That's why people tolerate him. If he doesn't understand that, he's not as smart as he thinks he is.
I give Ted a pass on the nationality question though. Ditto for Obama and McCain. Kamala not so much. If I want a history lecture from her I'll wait until Canada Day to hear it.
I've been puzzled for a year by the notion that taking over the Capitol would've amounted to a coup. Nazi Germany was a dictatorship, but the von Stauffenberg plotters knew that a great deal more had to be done besides just assassinating Hitler.
[Carter] was just incompetent although he did two good things. Both of them were hiring Paul Volker who would, with the help of Reagan, stop the wild inflation the Democrats set off.
Yes, I rate Carter > Obama > Biden in the Presidential Hall of Shame. Carter actually had a few positive accomplishments amidst all of his disasters. In addition to Volcker, he also hired Alfred Kahn, who oversaw the deregulation of trucking and airlines. And there was the Camp David agreement, though Begin and Sadat get much of the credit for that.
On the other hand, the angry old White man yells at cloud shtick has gotten stale.
Bring on the lady who talks to us like we're kindergarteners.
Sometimes a Tool is just a tool.
The statement "preventing a peaceful transfer of power" is a bit hyperbolic. However, what we did see was a threat to the institutional norms of transferring power by a group of people without a coherent reason to be at the capital at all, let alone leaving the actual non-violent protest (protest what exactly?) to become violent and break federal laws.
These types of displays embolden the "back row" kids in the classroom to be disruptive without cause. But I'm glad normal Americans seem to all acknowledge this and aren't being phased by hyperbole.
Readering: "Would it be fair to say that the old guy in the Capitol today with Liz Cheney at times looked like a tourist?"
Hilariously, both Liz Cheney and "that old guy" are now Heroes Of The Left And The Revolution!
Yes, the entire Bush clan along with the Cheney's are now exemplars of liberal/left wing thought and policy.
Congrats on your newest additions! Forever wars married to marxism.
What could go wrong?
Lurker21: "Ted Cruz will never be president. That's why people tolerate him. If he doesn't understand that, he's not as smart as he thinks he is."
Cruz's actions/statements today clearly indicate he now realizes how he screwed up.
Oops! Too late.....
As with Kristi Noem and her moronic initial public position on dudes playing in chick sports and then scrambling to try and correct the all too obvious error, these idiots keep utilizing the DC beltway Know-Nothings who immediately get the candidates into trouble.
Too late Ted. Too late. You didn't have to say a word, which would also be noticed of course, but now that you (Ted) have decided to utilize the same utterly and obviously false democratical narrative terms, that is going to live on forever in republican primary circles.
tsk tsk tsk
You know, I would have been delighted to direct Ted to destroy his national political ambitions for half the price! A bargain!
So, none of the people were armed, and the several men who attempted to use dual-use tools were shouted down. There is no evidence of forced entry. The violence (e.g. abortion(s) with plausible cause), and, in fact, riot (disorder), were forced by Capitol Hill Officers attacking the people, and embedded instigators a la Whitmer-closet. Pelosi et al refused Trump's offer to increase security for crowd control. The people assembled were denied their civil rights for over 16 trimesters (the Democrat nationwide insurrections), and 4 trimesters people hunted, threatened, and incarcerated in progress. 50 shades of red.
great points, great questions, great arguments
thanks, Ann
As for this idea that J6 constituted a serious a plot to seize the reins of government, wasn't Trump still president on January 6??? If he had wanted to take over Congress by force, why wouldn't he have simply used the military to take control of the electoral college proceedings, rather than "sending in" an unorganized mob of unarmed, middle-aged civilians?
Who on the right has justifed any VIOLENCE on the part of the Jan 6th mob? Almost no one. Who on the right is upset that the protesters who broke the law are recieving some kind of punishment? Almost no one.
As you can tell from this (and many other threads) that the device is to pretend there was no VIOLENCE or even îf there was it was perpetrated by an evil cabal of antifa,the FBI,and Ray Epps. Really?! Almost every one on the right is bemoaning every damn punishment.
Harry Dunn's personal tweets suggest that there may be a political agenda of his own behind his testimony. Also, are we really dropping the "cops lie" and "blue wall of silence" themes when they become politically inconvenient?
Over 16 trimesters of violence, insurrections, and neighborhood incursions, including a Democrat conspiracy with international parties to remove or force the president to take a knee, a failed coup. Demos-cracy is aborted in darkness.
"Too late Ted. Too late."
Cruz is just an selfish oddball. Remember how in 2016, he pouted and whined for almost 2 months after he lost to Trump, refusing to endorse, despite pleging over and over to support whoever the Candidate was? And then he spoke at the convention, and deliberately refused to praise Trump? He got booed for it.
His support for the Pelosi/Biden position on Jan 6th, is just more of his trying to be the "the only adult in the room" and failing. Trying to be the mean between the truth and the lie.
12 Democrat controlled state legislatures have already voted to disregard their own state's voters and allow Los Angeles County to decide the presidential election, mooting the Electoral College.
"They all decide (surprise!) that because of [reasons,] that the state's electoral votes should go to [the Democrat.]"
Our constitution is all but torn up.
We are assured that the election was "free and fair" but any attempts to look into it, which surely would only prove the fairness of it, are fought against tooth and nail. But we are assured that there was no shenanigans.
In Wisconsin, partisan activists funded by Zuckerberg's 400 million dollars, had read write access to the official Wisconsin voter database, but you find this hard to believe, so it never happened, right?
Zuckerberg funded election activities that were supposed to be non partisan, only in areas where they were likely to turn out votes for Democrats, in contravention of Wisconsin law, but heaven forfend that the legislature, which is invested with oversight authority, should look at it.
Maricopa County fought hammer and tongs to keep the legislature, which has oversight authority, from looking into what happened there during the election.
It's amazing to me that anybody even has the nerve to pretend that these are signs that the election was free and fair.
Let's not even talk about the suppression of the news of Joe. Biden's massive corruption, as revealed by Hunter Biden's laptop. Let's suppress that news.
Why were observers prevented from actually observing the counting in PA, Wisconsin, Michigan, and GA? If the election was free and fair.
Face it, the election of Joe Biden, whose family has raked in billions in fraud, is illegitimate, and that is not Trump's fault.
Readering said...
Would it be fair to say that the old guy in the Capitol today with Liz Cheney at times looked like a tourist?
I remember when that old guy was literally Hitler or Goring or actually worse than either of them. The worst war criminal ever!
Now he is to be revered and respected.
The regime and it's supporters are truly empty and desperate.
They are really out of options if they are trotting Dick Cheney out there.
Be sure, if you choose to respond, to not respond to any specific point I made, because you might learn something you don't want to know, as it will interfere. with your outrage orgasm about J6.
Victoria White Files Federal Suit for Jan. 6 Beating at US Capitol
A District of Columbia police officer in white lands a punch with his left fist on Victoria C. White of Rochester, Minn., on Jan. 6, 2021.
So, other than the Capitol Hill "hero" who elected to abort the unarmed woman with plausible cause, was the riot ("disorder") and violence forced and executed by MPDC? No wonder Pelosi et al didn't want outside forces and accountability a la Katrina controversy.
Ray Epps is on film - telling people to GO INTO THE CAPITOL BUILDING.
Ray Epps was on FBI's most wanted list. Then he vanished from the list.
Ray Epps was never arrested. Why? He was on film day before and day-of - telling people TO GO INTO THE CAPITOL.
rcocean: ""Too late Ted. Too late."
Cruz is just an selfish oddball. Remember how in 2016, he pouted and whined for almost 2 months after he lost to Trump, refusing to endorse, despite pleging over and over to support whoever the Candidate was? And then he spoke at the convention, and deliberately refused to praise Trump? He got booed for it."
I had been a Ted supporter up to those 2 months after which it became clear Trump had the votes necessary to win the nomination.
I was even willing to chalk up the 2 months prior to the convention as cooling off time because Trump had roughed Cruz up quite a bit. So, you know, everyone is human and its okay to carry a grudge...unless its a McCain grudge, naturally.
But that performance at the convention was a career killer on the republican side since it so perfectly demonstrated the one-sided nature of the republican establishment class and how they pitch it to the republican base over and over again to support the "moderate" after a primary loss but then, when they lose, they quit or worse, go democratical.
Cruz can't go democratical of course, and he knows after that he can't be trusted with a cabinet position under any DeSantis administration, so I'm guessing Cruz thinks he can be Senate Majority Leader and is angling to get the squishy senate republican vote given McConnell's clear signalling of retirement when his term is up?
I just don't see it. But then, I'm not a tone-deaf moron DC beltway political consultant who desperately seeks democratical/media acceptance and wants Jake Tapper to retweet me and to have Jonah Goldberg invite me over for hot dogs so we can argue over whether or not a hot dog is a sandwich.
A saying…
1/6 was an FBI setup. No ifs, ands or buts about it. The election had just enough fraud to skate to victory. It is always the same pattern; voting irregularities always occur in Democrat precincts.
The vote reform the Democrats are proposing ensures that there can never be an honest election.
As you can tell from this (and many other threads) that the device is to pretend there was no VIOLENCE or even îf there was it was perpetrated by an evil cabal of antifa,the FBI,and Ray Epps. Really?! Almost every one on the right is bemoaning every damn punishment.
Freder, I was almost willing to credit you with sincerity, even if ignorant. Yes, there was quite a bit of violence, most by FBI related agitators and Capitol cops. They beat a woman to death in the tunnel and another one killed Ashli Babbit. As for punishment, there is a Constitutional right to a speedy trial. The law is being ignored as hundreds are punished for misdemeanors that they have NOT EVEN BEEN CONVICTED OF.
You are a sorry excuse for a human.
"The law is being ignored as hundreds are punished for misdemeanors that they have NOT EVEN BEEN CONVICTED OF."
Have they even been charged?
And it pretty much sums up why things are so partisan now.
Twitchy has informed me that Jimmy Carter has written about elections before, in which he claimed that the Russians stole the election for Trump. Or whoever wrote that for him claimed that. So it is even worse than my original assessment.
Jimmy had the reputation of a bad President but a good former President. Nope. He's just bad.
The Democrats and their media associates are trying to turn Jan 6th into our own Guy Fawkes day, with Donald Trump standing in for Guy.
In England they celebrate how the plot against the House of Lords was defeated on Nov 5th. In future years you can expect to see effigies of Trump being hung and set on fire. They'll be singing Lin Manuel's new theme song and partying in the streets of DC, patting themselves on the back for quashing the "Insurrection". Maybe they'll erect a monument for that black cop who heroically put down poor Ashli.
Glen Greenwald offers some plain talk about Jan 6, and counters the emotional enuresis of the likes of roesch/voltaire:
"The number of people killed by pro-Trump supporters at the January 6 Capitol riot is equal to the number of pro-Trump supporters who brandished guns or knives inside the Capitol. That is the same number as the total of Americans who — after a full year of a Democrat-led DOJ conducting what is heralded as “the most expansive federal law enforcement investigation in US history” — have been charged with inciting insurrection, sedition, treason or conspiracy to overthrow the government as a result of that riot one year ago.
Coincidentally, it is the same number as Americans who ended up being criminally charged by the Mueller probe of conspiring with Russia over the 2016 election, and the number of wounds — grave or light — which AOC, who finally emerged at night to assure an on-edge nation that she was “okay" while waiting in an office building away from the riot at the rotunda, sustained on that solemn day.
That number is zero."
effinayright said...
"The number of people killed by pro-Trump supporters at the January 6 Capitol riot is equal to the number of pro-Trump supporters who brandished guns or knives inside the Capitol.
That number is zero."
Glenn is quite wrong about that:
Your ridiculous fantasy view of the 2nd deserves nothing but contempt.
As for your take on the 10th, you really need to sue all of your reading and English teachers for malpractice.
"Jimmy Carter POSED AS a nice Christian man who meant well..."
Bill Peschel,
Good for them. There is no way that the Capitol build should be close to being "one of the most secure and protected buildings in the world". Gag me.
"Also, are we really dropping the 'cops lie' and 'blue wall of silence' themes when they become politically inconvenient?"
You're new at this game, aren't you?
Arturo is another one who needs reading lessons. Look up the meaning of "brandish".
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