... Both comics were performing at Seattle Center venues Friday night — Oswalt at 3,000-seat McCaw Hall and Chappelle at 17,500-seat Climate Pledge Arena. Chappelle invited his longtime buddy over to do a guest set, after which Oswalt posted.... “Finished me set at @mccawhall and got a text from @davechappelle... Come over to the arena he’s performing in next door and do a guest set. Why not? I waved good-bye to this hell-year with a genius I started comedy with 34 years ago. He works an arena like he’s talking to one person and charming their skin off. Anyway, I ended the year with a real friend and a deep laugh. Can’t ask for much more.”
This was supposedly Oswalt being "nice." No, it wasn't! It was Oswalt bragging about his connection to the much greater star. It was enthusiastic self-promotion. He had to already know Chappelle's difficulties with a certain sector of Wokedom and must be deemed to have consciously decided to take the risk. He had to have done a cost-benefit analysis. Do not tell me this weasel did a turnaround when he heard the actual — as opposed to the predictable — outcry.
Yeah, I'm saying don't tell me. That's because I think I already know. The next day on Instagram, Oswalt is all:
“I (naively) deleted a lot of posts in the comment thread — critical ones from LGBTQ writers AND ... posts by TERF/anti-trans orcs looking for clicks & giggles,” he wrote. “I wanted a ‘nice comment thread’ about the pic with my friend. Ugh.”
Okay, I can understand that, because it happens to me. You put up a post that fits your standards, and then commenters leverage their speech and make something positive of yours into something ugly that you don't want in your space. I've been told more than once, by real life acquaintances, that my blog is okay, but the comments are a sewer. (The metaphor "sewer" seems nicer now that I think of it as a channel for the journey of the liquified remains of a Nobel Peace Prize winner.)
But back to Oswalt. Is he a weasel? That's my question.
After praising Chappelle as “the funniest [comedian] I’ve ever met,” he wrote, “He’s refocused and refined ideas a lot of us took as settled about race & history & Life On Planet Earth and spun them around with a phrase or punchline. ... But we also 100% disagree about transgender rights & representation. I support trans peoples’ rights — ANYONE’S rights — to live safely in the world as their fullest selves,” Oswalt added. “For all the things he’s helped ME evolve on, I’ll always disagree with where he stands NOW on transgender issues.”
That's not fair to Chappelle, because he says he supports transgender rights. For Oswalt to say that he disagrees "100%" because he "support[s] trans peoples’ rights" is either an outright lie or more ignorant than someone who purports to know and admire Chappelle can coherently claim to be.
More Instagramming from Oswalt:
“I also don’t believe a seeker like [Chappelle] is done evolving, learning. You know someone that long, see the struggles and changes, it’s impossible to cut them off. "Impossible not to be hopeful and open and cheer them on,” he wrote.
What condescending bullshit! Like you're the evolved one. By the way, it's not a good look for a white man to purport to be more "evolved" than a black man. Oswalt's backtracking could stumble into racism.
More from Oswalt:
“Also, I’ve been carrying a LOT of guilt about friends I’ve cut off, who had views with which I couldn’t agree, or changed in ways I couldn’t live with. Sometimes I wonder — did I and others cutting them off make them dig their heels in deeper, fuel their ignorance with a nitro-boost of resentment and spite?” Oswalt wondered. “I’m an LGBTQ ally. I’m a loyal friend. There’s friction in those traits that I need to reconcile myself.” Oswalt added that he was “sorry, truly sorry” for not considering that his picture with Chappelle would spark feelings of hurt and betrayal in others. He said he’d been doing a lot of back-and-forth on Instagram that day and credited that with guiding his second post. “So easy to think someone ELSE needs growth and miss the need in yourself,” he wrote. “Gonna keep trying.”
So... this Oswalt fellow... he's a comedian?
Climate Pledge Arena
Is that right next to the Climate Change carbon offset guilt exchange?
I've been told more than once, by real life acquaintances, that my blog is okay, but the comments are a sewer.
I bet they have really nice things to say about Trump Supporters and think the WAPO comments are bad too.
I’m going to do what you’re doing, Althouse: I’m going to predict that you find out who this guy is and you’re going to upgrade his weasel status to something furrier and less weasels…
“But back to Oswalt. Is he a weasel? That's my question”
We’ll see if you stand by your 1st impression.
I already had a 1st impression b/c I’ve heard of the guy.
How long before children start playing "Race, Gender, Orientation" instead of "Rock, Paper, Scissors"?
In today's America, loving everyone is the most hateful thing one can do. You are expected to hate the right people or you will be branded a hater![?]
Patton Oswalt is the male Kathy Griffin.
Weasely- not weasels.
I’m not adept at intelligent sarcasm- do you think he’s still as much of a weasel? Or do the multitudes of Butthurt commenters on his Instagram cross-cancel his dickishness to his 34+ year friend?
You can’t please all of the people all of the time… said- someone?
I'm going to "live blog" my reading of it — but I should disclose that I'm already in my What-a-weasel! mode...
No matter how hard you try Ann, the beautiful people will not accept you unless you completely disengage from the others.
If you even acknowledge the others exist and are human they will not admit you into the tribe or say nice things about you.
Your real life friends don't like sewers where the ugly people live. But I am sure they are super cool and beautiful. The kinda cool kids try to gain acceptance from the cool kids is a staple social interaction.
I’m frankly bored with such wokeism discussions. Is it just me or is wokeism essentially akin to the blind leading the blind? I really find it hard to think on such a low level.
I would pay a lot to sit in on a Platonic symposium including Socrates discussing the truth of wokeism. Now that would be fun!
'Oswalt at 3,000-seat McCaw Hall and Chappelle at 17,500-seat Climate Pledge Arena.'
17.5k vs 3k. All you need to know.
Btw, 'Climate Pledge Arena'? WTF?
Can't I even go to a comedy show without being assaulted by SJW morons?
Oswalt is a complete lefty loon...one of the worst in Hollywood...and that's saying something.
I've never heard his standup (he's really short so there's a joke there) but he was very good in 'King of Queens,' which is the only place I know him from.
I hope the woke crowd tears him to pieces.
He's got money, but not JK Rowling money.
Betty White did an epic presentation at the William Shatner Comedy Central Roast, but went rather easy on Oswalt.
"He's like a plump little troll."
"commenters leverage their speech and make something positive of yours into something ugly that you don't want in your space"
How often does this happen anymore? Seems like you've achieved a reasonable equilibrium that preserves the uniqueness of this blog.
"I've been told more than once, by real life acquaintances, that my blog is okay, but the comments are a sewer."
By the standards of open-minded, enlightened Madisonites, sure. Glad we could help reveal something important about your acquaintances.
"But back to Oswalt. Is he a weasel? That's my question.
Yes and no. Yes, of course, by normal bourgeois standards. But no according to the prog script: he's just doing the right thing, aiding the cause, vilifying deviant devils.
[Oswalt:] "I support trans peoples’ rights — ANYONE’S rights — to live safely in the world as their fullest selves”
But not, I take it, the right of women born as women to compete with women born as women, or the right of women in restrooms or prisons to be safe from male predators claiming to be women.
"So... this Oswalt fellow... he's a comedian?"
Yes, a progressive comedian: not funny, but laughable all the same. What, you thought a comedian had to have a sense of humor?
A view from the sewer: Oswalt is a coward, a louse, and disgustingly smarmy.
I can't believe people like this have any following...what the heck is Chappelle thinking, promoting a creep like this?
Oswalt's late wife was the true-crime writer who is said to have helped crack the Golden State Killer case.
While Michelle McNamara was hunting the Golden State Killer, her own life was falling apart.
Wracked with grief, Oswalt made a commitment to finishing the book that McNamara had already spent five years working on.
“This book had to be finished,” he told the New York Times. “Knowing how horrible this guy was, there was this feeling of, you’re not going to silence another victim. Michelle died, but her testimony is going to get out there.”
Oswalt hired McNamara’s assistant Paul Haynes and investigative journalist Billy Jensen to finish off the book. It took them a year. I’ll Be Gone In The Dark was released in February 2018.
Two months later, police arrested a 72-year-old former police officer and mechanic called Joseph DeAngelo. They had finally caught the Golden State Killer.
“I think you got him, Michelle,” Oswalt tweeted.
What does your blog traffic look like when there are no comments? And where are the people who would comment differently? I'm assuming if the people who believe your comments are a "sewer" were reading and commenting on your blog, you'd let their comments through your censorship. If you haven't created a blog that interests the commentors you want, then the burden is on you, not the commentors you do have. I find it interesting how many of the comments here start by saying they won't pay money to read the articles you post about. Why aren't you getting more followers who also read the NYT and the New Yorker? I realize you aren't all that interested in monetizing your blog, but you do seem interested in having an audience. Did you ever teach courses that were entirely elective, or were your students a captive audience? Not appreciating your followers is a recurring theme here.
Weasel is close, but the cringe factor is higher here.
Character will tell. Our grannies were right on that account.
“But back to Oswalt. Is he a weasel? That's my question”
All these comments and no one's mentioned he's a rat?
“…something ugly…How often does this happen anymore?” What Sebastian said @ 8:50. IMHO the discussions tend to be civil and informative. But maybe you need more digital whips and chains to manage the unruly. Tough call.
As for this “comedian”: he seems to be working up a whole new routine using self-parody to amuse and challenge his Woke market. His words sounded like the transcript of a Stalinist show trial.
A minor defining moment in the personification of "the banalities of contemporary celebrity culture".
As far as "transgender rights", their rights stop at my nose. Or the nose of my granddaughters who run cross country. They should not have to race against men, and no one should try to compel me to refer to anyone as their preferred pronoun when their preferred pronoun is a delusion. If they are making an effort to look like a woman, I will try to be polite, but most of them do not half try. They are more interested in trying to control others speech.
Oswalt is a fat loser who began his career on King of Queens, and he wasn't one of the leads. He is now woke, so the left loves him, even though he is a fat loser who isn't funny in the least.
I already know that the day is approaching when I will pick up my IPAD and “Althouse.blogspot” will not be there.
I think it would be a kindness to us all if you prepare an alternate location where you can be located when that day occurs.
Ultimately all sources of information that do not adhere to the Party’s ideals will be cancelled, and erased.
When I read 1984 some number of years ago I found the idea of a “memory hole” into which pieces of information no longer considered acceptable could be discarded to be an absurd notion. However, when one institution becomes the gatekeeper for all information it now seems quite reasonable.
Need to get "Althouse Sewer Brigade" T-shirts
"I’m going to do what you’re doing, Althouse: I’m going to predict that you find out who this guy is and you’re going to upgrade his weasel status to something furrier and less weasels…"
Actually, I was closer to looking up weasels and thinking about whether they deserved an upgraded reputation.
Freddie deBoer has some interesting things to say about Oswalt on his substack this morning. As Marxists go, Freddie's an interesting read. Lots of words. Lots and lots of words.
We should start a poll for the commentariat to declare identity for the sewer census.
Are you a:
a. techno-reactionary
b. conspiracy theorist
c. anti-politician
d. crypto-utopian
Add 1 to the anti-politician column for me. That said, there's a bit of truth below.
Here's a snip:
Social conservatives are the OG public moralists. You can see a bit of this in the absurd, hypocritical, utterly unAmerican efforts by the right to ban books in public schools and other places. Social conservatism is essentially dead in American life, as crazy as that sounds; the church ladies and scolds of the right have ceded the ground to bizarre techno-reactionaries, conspiracy theorists, anti-politicians, and crypto-utopians. But there are still a lot of people out there who endorse a bitter and provincial moral vision carved out of folk Christianity and American exceptionalism. The issue is that those people have no presence whatsoever in our culture industries, certainly not in the mainstream media and increasingly little in the conservative media, which is increasingly made up of shmucks trying to get “Intellectual Dark Web” cred who don't even pretend to care about Jesus. So it’s just easier to see the preening moralism and hypocrisy in people like Oswalt. But the addiction to unapologetic and proud judgment is a nearly universal element of contemporary life. And there’s a prisoner’s dilemma element here, too - nobody wants to unilaterally disarm. Everyone prefers mutually assured destruction.
By the way, it's not a good look for a white man to purport to be more "evolved" than a black man. Oswalt's backtracking could stumble into racism.
One of Chapelle's observances in his latest special is that the trans community leap-frogged the black community in Woke World...
From Vox: "Throughout The Closer, Chappelle argues — often savvily, if with glaring hypocrisy — that many queer and trans people enjoy white privilege, and that their white privilege makes them essentially more cosseted and protected than Chappelle and other Black men in America..."
Of course, Vox overlays it with condescension, but even they cannot ignore the point.
Patton is a comedian, but he is more white than funny.
I blogged about that at the time — here.
It just didn't live on in my memory and connect to a performer's work. I'm sure I've noticed that PO has comedy specials on Netflix, and I may even have clicked on some of them and tried to watch. By contrast, I watch every Chappelle performance I see on Netflix, and I'll rewatch ones I've seen before. I was very aware of his original TV show, but only watched that occasionally. I prefer the more intellectual humor he does these days.
As a card carrying member of the sewer, I'd like to say that Gahrie is right: "Patton Oswalt is the male Kathy Griffin."
I've never found him funny. More of a curiosity. I think he found his footing when it became en vogue to vocalize your hate for all Americans who hold opinions other than your own. There are a lot of entertainers who found their footing (and jobs) based on their level of vocalized hate.
But funny is not something I've ever attached with him. Frankly, I cannot even watch him. I grew up with Sid Caesar, Carl Reiner, Mel Brooks, Jonathan Winters, et al. Patton Oswalt? Seriously?
By the way, I consider Dave Chappelle one of the greats. And twice the man that Oswalt is, by virtue of his inviting Oswalt to sharing his stage.
This is the only blog where I bother to comment. Insulted to be called a sewer dweller by your friends. They don’t sound like people of good will, frankly.
Need to get "Althouse Sewer Brigade" T-shirts
Put it on coffee cups. With one of her little cryptic line drawings on the inside rim of the cup.
Monetizing Althouse. Scott Adams would do it.
Just saying. I was reading the most interesting thing on substack regarding a theory of money and pheromones. The hinge is that humans are apes that behave like ants. Division of labor, group action, building cities. Ants do it for pheromones, humans do it for whatever they define as money.
I remind myself that actors should never be confused with the characters they play.
For instance, in the mostly excellent series Justified, Oswalt's goofy, bumbling Constable Bob gets beaten within an inch of his life by a man they both know fully intends to kill him afterward – but never does give him anything on his friend Raylan.
In real life, the recreationally and professionally upset got upset with Oswalt for still being friends with Chappelle, and he was sorry, truly sorry, for their hurt and betrayal.
We wouldn't care about Mr. Oswalt except for his connection to Davd Chappelle. As his behavior, its fairly normal if not admirable. If tommorrow being anti-Gay was the accepted Hollywood value, Mr. Oswalt would turn on a dime and hate gays. But now you're supposed to hate anyone who dislikes Trans, so he does.
I wonder what Dave Chapelle thinks of his friend's condesending attitude and desire that Chappelle fall in line and clap for Comrade Stalin. My guess is he doesn't care. I doubt these two spend anytime talking about "Trans rights" when they're alone.
I was wonder what the New noble progressive cause would be after they won on Gay Marriage, and it turned out to be Transgendered Rights. who would thought that? How many people are "Transgendered"? 1 in a 1000?
These people used to be considered mentally ill. You want to have your dick chopped off and be a woman? Sounds like mental illness to me. But now, being Trans is a "Constitutionally protected right" and General Milly-Vanilli says that we can't run a Miliatry without men who think they're women and vice-versa. You wonder how we ever won WW 2, maybe Ike secrectly wore a dress.
Recently saw Patton Oswalt doing a commercial for Caesar's Sportsbook. Stuffing your face with money from gambling addicts warrants cancellation in my book.
The "Climate Pledge Arena"?
Seems like anyone making a "climate pledge" would not cover the costs for HVAC for a 17,000 seat theatre or condone the fossil fuel use to transport people to something so frivolous.
Althouse: "Okay, I can understand that, because it happens to me. You put up a post that fits your standards, and then commenters leverage their speech and make something positive of yours into something ugly that you don't want in your space. I've been told more than once, by real life acquaintances, that my blog is okay, but the comments are a sewer. (The metaphor "sewer" seems nicer now that I think of it as a channel for the journey of the liquified remains of a Nobel Peace Prize winner.)"
Difficult to imagine a more necessary component to "civilized" existence than the presence of adequate and efficient sewers.
Alternatively, you could just as easily have made it clear that your progressive friends do not appreciate having conservative comments puncture their liberal bubbles.
Some of my favorite moments are when it dawns on someone at a party or other social gathering that, after a few "nuanced" comments and/or observations and/or conclusions from yours truly, that a real conservative might, just might, be in their presence.
This is a lecture from Nina Jablonski: The Evolution and Meanings of Human Skin Color.
The Leaky Foundation.
I’ve mentioned before that I work w/animals and prefer it b/c I can wash the shit off at night. Unlike the shit I would take from working w/other people. It’s unfortunate that better bred and paid people think I play in a sewer in my free time, as well.
I’m still here, though.
Weasel is right, but I knew who Oswalt is. His first tweet was just perfect, but what he did afterwards shows he isn't much of a friend to Chappelle. It takes some courage to stand up to the woke crowd, and Oswalt wouldn't even do it for a friend, even if all he had to do was just ignore the Instagram comments. He reminds me of the cast of "Roseanne"- all of whom would be nobodies today without Barr, and yet not a single one of them stood by her when she needed them.
Howard: "Recently saw Patton Oswalt doing a commercial for Caesar's Sportsbook. Stuffing your face with money from gambling addicts warrants cancellation in my book."
The dude's gotta pay the bills somehow, and porn isn't really an option for this tyke.
Oswalt has gone even further off the deep end after his wife's alleged drug overdose....which is a story with many odd gaps and strange timelines and "official" conclusions. Very strange indeed.
Climate Pledge Arena is right next to the George Floyd Women's Rights Center in Seattle
And, for what it is worth- I thought Oswalt was great in "Justified" and "Marvel's Agents of Shield."
"This is the only blog where I bother to comment. Insulted to be called a sewer dweller by your friends. They don’t sound like people of good will, frankly."
I didn't say they were my friends. I said "acquaintances." I'm not under the delusion that they are my friends.
I’m glad weasel isn’t the association. They’re too adorable.
And I’m glad you upgraded weasels and downgraded the comic.
A little surprised AA did know about Oswalt. He's funny and had his 15 minutes with his wife's untimely death. But he has now invited folks to publish every politically incorrect statement by an edgy comic from our rapidly evolving last decade.
I'm sorry, but I don't really know who Patton Oswalt is ...
And you should be eternally thankful for that.
"What condescending bullshit! Like you're the evolved one."
The presumption to being "more evolved" is the entire wokeist/progressive conformity cult in a nutshell.
A few years ago, I learned who Patton Oswalt is and decided to ignore him. I saw something about this on Instapundit, but it didn't really explain what really transpired and indeed gave an impression not even close to the actual events. Weasel is a very appropriate description. I was unaware of Oswalt's praise of Chappelle, which I concur was also self-promoting yet seemed a bit more honest and heartfelt. The other stuff is human garbage.
I watched Chappelle's "The Closer" on Netflix over the holidays. Chappelle is pretty clear that he supports transexuals, but questions why Babyface is criticized more heavily for his transexual slurs rather than having killed a black man. Chappelle makes it seem like a joke worthy of a laugh in the way good comedy satires sad realities. But Chappelle's point is poignant. For all the advancement of rectifying racial injustice, the murder of a black man is still less a story than even mildly offending a white person that was once a man and now claims to be a woman. Heck, murdering a black man is less a story than even associating with someone that mildly offends a trans white person, as Oswalt proves.
"Alternatively, you could just as easily have made it clear that your progressive friends do not appreciate having conservative comments puncture their liberal bubbles."
Don't think I didn't say something like that, and I can assure you that observation does not faze them in the slightest. Freedom of speech concepts are very easy for me to bring up and they go absolutely nowhere!
"A little surprised AA did know about Oswalt. He's funny and had his 15 minutes with his wife's untimely death."
When people "have their 15 minutes," it means that when the 15 minutes is over, they're NOT famous anymore.
As noted above, I blogged that story about his wife at the time. I've blogged 65,000 things in 18 years. Not all those things are banging around in the front of my head.
rcocean said...
“. . . General Milly-Vanilli says that we can’t run a Military without men who think they're women and vice-versa. You wonder how we ever won WW 2, maybe Ike secretly wore a dress.”
Silly person, winning wars is so passé, and evil when done by the U.S. The only “wars” the U.S. wins are things like Grenada or Panama, where it can’t help winning. Since 1950, in anything resembling a real war, it has been official policy that the U.S. must not win.
And no, I was not being sarcastic in that last statement. I was entirely sincere in making it, and it is a completely literal statement, the way “Washington D.C. is located on the Potomac” is a literal statement.
The only thing I remember seeing Oswalt in was a Weird Al video. He played the video director in Al's Foil video. In the video, Al plays a TV food host who goes off on a rant about government conspiracies. Oswalt's character calls the authorities, who drag Al away. Then Oswalt pulls off his face to reveal that he is a lizard man.
Not appreciating your followers is a recurring theme here.
Bingo! During her most recent hissy fit in which she shut down the comments for a few months, our hostess burped up some rather remarkably unpleasant effluvium about the folks who have generally been regular readers and frequent admirers. As a consequence, many excellent contributors disappeared or now rarely post. Young Hegelian, for example, was brilliant and now departed. Laslo was already cutting back, but he was surely affected. A number of others are also gone. Her response to me, a long time reader registering a reaction to her sentiments at the time, was “thanks for playing”.
More time to play my virtual Hauptwerk Metz Cavaillé-Coll organ.
- Krumhorn
(my preferred adjectives: brilliant/awesome)
"So... this Oswalt fellow... he's a comedian?" That was all pretty funny.
Oswalt is one of those fearless, free-spirited satirical types whose head is firmly and deeply up the State's rectum.
I now know twenty times as much about Patton Oswalt as I did when I got here.
Dave is a genius, but I already knew that.
"Howdy, y'all!" to all Althouse acquaintances who deign to read here.
Maybe I'm myopic, but some commenters seem to me as disdainful and condescending to our hostess the Prof as some of her Madison acquaintances are to her many great commenters.
That's just rude.
Is he now self-employed? Was there any pressure besides antisocial media?
A sensible performer might realize he'd gain more standing by his "friend" and not worrying about the minefield in his mind.
Climate Pledge Arena
Doesn't it just smack of social justice posturing?? I'm sure this was all debated by the City Council, and this was their best idea.
The building goes back to the 1962 Worlds Fair. It was originally called the Seattle Center Coliseum. Later, it became Key Arena.
The building has just realized it's 3rd facelift. I think they got stuck with that name because they had no firm tenant, and they wanted too much money.
The Sonics played there, but they left town in 2008. The nascent Kraken hockey team are playing their first season in the building.
RELEASE THE KRAKEN........in the Climate Pledge Arena!! Yeah, I don't think they thought that one through.
I feel sorry for him over his wife's overdose death, which left him single parent. That said, I've never had much use for him. He's not funny.
Patton Oswald is an occasional guest on a fine Wisconsin based entertainment empire called Red Letter Media. He gets a few points from me for just being able to hold his own with Mike, Jay and the One at whose feet we grovel in our unworthiness........Rich Evans.
I know who Patton Oswalt is, but more from his comments than from his performances. The sharpness of his comments seems contrary to his shlubby exterior. Think not of a weasel but rather of a predatory, venom spewing hamster....To some extent it apparently works for him. He did manage to get booked at a three thousand seat venue. That's pretty good for someone with his range and talents. Once again, Patton wins the Battle of the Bulge... Maybe he and Kathy Griffin can get into some kind of feud as to who's the nastiest D-list celebrity extant. Right now I'd have to say that Kathy Griffin is nastier and far more famous.
'When people "have their 15 minutes," it means that when the 15 minutes is over, they're NOT famous anymore.'
I saw a tremendous Twitter put-down by someone recently...don't remember who so can't give credit, but it's not my line.
But the author was digging at someone who thought they were a big shot by saying, 'They're famous for not being famous.'
Pretty good one...
Krummhorn does a nice job showing us how Althouse has winnowed out some of the more macho tough guy snowflakes.
Krummhorn does a nice job showing us how Althouse has winnowed out some of the more macho tough guy snowflakes.
Hahaha...true enough. I'm melllllting......
- Krumhorn
(my preferred adjectives: brilliant/awesome)
I'd be willing to bet that Chappelle gave Oswalt his okay to disavow the nice stuff Oswalt said about him.
Not because I think that Oswalt is a decent enough guy to ask first, but because I think Chappelle is a decent enough guy to give Oswalt that break.
Seriously, the dude plays a rat.
"Actually, I was closer to looking up weasels and thinking about whether they deserved an upgraded reputation."
When I am asked to engage in an activity that doesn't appeal to me, my standard response is: "I'd rather have my eyes scratched out by weasels." Weasel imagery has had a spot in my life and my psyche for years.
"I've been told more than once, by real life "acquaintances", that my blog is okay, but the comments are a sewer."
And I would bet those real life acquaintances think people like Patton Oswalt and Kathy Griffin are hilarious and great people.
"Climate Change Arena" is an Amazon designation. They acquired the naming rights and opted to virtue signal, rather than promote their brand more directly. In Seattle, this is probably a brilliant branding choice. They care.
"I've been told more than once, by real life "acquaintances", that my blog is okay, but the comments are a sewer."
This blog has many outstanding commenters. Perhaps the sewer reference relates to the annoying insult exchanges that sometimes erupt, rather than the quality of the dominant discourse?
Oh how I miss Sam Kinison.
Oh Oh
Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals. Except for weasels.
Btw, 'Climate Pledge Arena'? WTF?
Can't I even go to a comedy show without being assaulted by SJW morons?
It's not just that. Seattle's new NHL team - the Kraken - play their home games there, as well has having that stupid 'climate pledge' plastered on their helmets. I was excited about getting the franchise but the left - as always - fucked it up right out of the gate.
Oswalt is not a terrible actor, and has had a few good if small roles over the years. He’s not much at standup though.
Here he tried to piggyback on Dave Chapelle’s success, but forgot that most of his own “fanbase” are a bunch of whiny SJWs.
Chappelle could use words to make Oswalt cry in 30 seconds.
Oswalt comes off a worm. The people to who he apologizes have an infinite list of demands, which I hope they hold him to.
“But back to Oswalt. Is he a weasel? That's my question”
Oh yeah, Oswalt is what we in my house call "Der Weasele"--be sure to say the "W" as a "V."
One need not buy
so much as a candy cigarette
to know that Patton Oswald
is an unmitigated ass.
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