Said Tom Hanks in "The Simpsons Movie" (in 2007), quoted in "‘The Simpsons did it first’: Tom Hanks’s video for Biden likened to cameo" (London Times).
From the London Times article:
In a two-minute video released by the Biden Inaugural Committee yesterday, the Oscar-winning actor narrates the accomplishments of the Biden administration in its inaugural year — pointing to the distribution of vaccines and that “shops and businesses are buzzing again all over the country.”
Here's the new video, which I clicked off — muttering "Oh, jeez" — at the 3-second mark:
I'm going to try again to watch it, for the sake of this post, but I'm going to publish first, because I don't know how many on-and-off clickings it will take for me to reach the end.
ADDED: Okay. I've finished. It was long, but it mainly said we're dealing with Covid and the economy is coming back. It would have worked just as well as a Trump ad. Maybe the Democrats realize they need to squirrel away the divisive issues.
the democrats sure do need a lot of propaganda to prop them up.
i nearly made it to to 3second mark!
Exactly who America is dying to hear from.(snark) A biased Hollywood actor. The left NEVER learns.
Did you notice that Tom Hanks talking looks a lot like Joe Biden talking?
Sounds similar too. The cadence and facial ticks.
Time for a side by side...
Wasn't Tom Hanks a regular on the Lolita Express?
There are always accomplishments from the Biden Administration.
If only we're *brave enough* to see them.
Value needs no touting; it speaks for itself.
But when you know that you've done nothing of value,
it's essential to get other people to say you've done things of value (variant on the "King has no clothes").
This video is just embarrassing. It started off so badly nobody is going to get to the "First vaccine shot" lady.
Nobody wants to be a part of that tribe anymore.
Any election without millions of mail in ballots will be a total wipe. No actual person is going to admit voting for democrats in public.
I'm going to try again to watch it, for the sake of this post …
So there’s truth to the old joke about replacing lab rats with lawyers “because there are things so disgusting even rats won’t do them”?
Should’ve resisted but couldn’t.
Seriously, I don’t think you should bother. I’m sure it’s very painful to watch.
Shorter and more convincing than the press conference.
I made it through, just to see if there was anything substantive. Nope, and it was painful. Channel will be changed next time...
With Democrats it’s never a problem with the polices but with the messaging. They have all of legacy media, social media, print media, nearly all the blue checks working on messaging but still, the problem of convincing people how good they have it right now remains…
Why aren’t people more grateful for how great we’re doing???
Why hasn’t his inaugural committee disbanded? Because the left makes sure that their operatives always have an iron rice bowl.
...but less convincing than the Simpsons clip. Much less.
They think this shit works because of the shit they got away with. If you didn’t reject that shit then I blame you.
20% of every single spending bill, minimum, goes to giving jobs to their campaign workers between elections. Another 20% goes to graft. These are low estimates.
Tom Hanks is a wonderful actor. I hope he was paid an extravagantly hyuuuuge amount of money to debase himself in this political propaganda effort. What would Mr. Rogers have done?
Tom once told a story about being at an awards show, and going to the restroom. Standing at a urinal, he saw Tom Selleck beside him, alsu using the facilities. Hanks took the opportunity to say to Selleck, "Looks like we're a couple of Peeing Toms here." Selleck's angry silence, Hanks says, is something he will never forget.
Tom Gump should have dropped his trou and shown where he got his shots in!
>>>>>>>>>>>> and in the real FUCKING OVAL OFFICE
Why do ultra wealthy Hollywood actors like to promote the democrat crook and grift machine ?
What does one expect from a guy that cut his acting teeth while wearing a skirt and make-up?
A local "news" station here in Denver - a promotional ad for Biden and all democrats.
Big fucking mistake. I'm not saying I'll never watch a Tom Hanks movie again, but I'm much less likely to do so.
Can Of Cheese for Hunter said...
Why do ultra wealthy Hollywood actors like to promote the democrat crook and grift machine ?
Because they have video of Tom having sex with very young women on pedo island?
It's not borrowing Hanks' credibility, it's Hanks ruining his and selling his soul in the name of partisan Marxism.
I guess that's yet another actor I won't pay to watch.
Btw, the gossip sites paint him as anything but the image he projects.
Where there's smoke...
Hanks really rocks the insincerity thing. He's got that pseudo-emotional TV "moment of shit" down and made it his own.
Remember his Cleveland Guardians video?
As long as I've used one dirty word, can I just add "Fuck John Doman and his smarmy lying ass"?
Some people are always in a hurry. They run when they could walk. Race up steps when others take it slow. When Joe Biden’s president, America is just going to have to keep up.
We won’t have to wait to deal with COVID-19. He’s already got a plan Won’t have to wait for a president on the side of working families. He’s from Scranton. No one has to tell him Wall Street didn’t build this country. He knows who did. We’re a nation that’s been hit hard by this virus. But Joe Biden knows when you get knocked down you get up off the mat.
No one needs to tell Joe how hard life can hit you. Losing a wife, a daughter, a son. But he knows it’s in the pain you can find purpose. To lead America, you need to understand America.
Hollow words.
How's all that working out?
But Joe's from Scranton.
So at least we have that.
I thought Tom Hanks of all people would understand that, stupid is as stupid does.
What struck me was how suburban and rural the backdrop was, almost exclusively. And most of the cityscapes were of means of commuting in and out of the city - roads, trains, bridges.
Isn't the Democrat's BBB "green future" all about increasing urban density?
But at least for the moment they need to distract from the crime and decay in the biggest cities they run.
Democrats think they know where their support is lacking, and tried to target it.
With Hanks trying to look like Clint Eastwood at the end.
Tom Hanks' Amazing Clint Eastwood Impression [not really] - The Graham Norton Show
Same comment as with Obama 2009-2016. You don't get credit for a collapsed economy coming back on its own. It can even be that you put barriers in its way, and it is coming back anyway.
To be fair, the pedophile thing is most likely not true.
So Tom does have one thing going for him.
Hanks and Biden studied at the feet of George Buurns:
"Sincerity -- if you can fake that, you've got it made."
One old rich white guy is telling the rest of us what a great job some other old rich white guy has done for us. That tells us something about where the Democrats think credibility can actually be found these days, despite its big push otherwise to be seen as suitably woke, bringing in the cast of "Hamilton", etc.
Attention! Your attention, please! A newsflash has this
moment arrived from the Malabar front. Our forces in South
India have won a glorious victory. I am authorized to say
that the action we are now reporting may well bring the war
within measurable distance of its end.
Tom Hanks has finally found Wilson.
Released by the Biden Inaugural Committee? I sure hope that's not a non-political non-profit, or they've got a lot of 'spaining to do.
Biden - I've never been more optimistic about America's future.
Probably because he can't remember all the great things he accomplished as a VP. He's often said he's an optimistic guy, which I can buy. But Build Back Better flopped, his voting rights bill died last night. C'mon Man... He may be optimistic but I don't think the majority of Americans are so optimistic. He's the optimizer in chief because it's never a good bet to bet against America.
Jan 20, 2021 • 0
For all of you Biden voters, I am making this post
so it will show back up as a future memory on my
Today is 8 days after Biden electoral confirmation.
Gas is currently $2.50 per gallon. Interest rates
are 2.95 percent for a 30 year mortgage. The
stock market closed at 30930.80 though we have
been fighting COVID for 11 months. Our GDP
growth for the 3rd Qtr was 33.1 percent. We had
the best economy ever until COVID and it is
recovering well. We have not had any new wars or
conflicts in the last 4 years. North Korea has been
under control and has not been testing any
missiles. ISIS has not been heard from for over 3
years. The housing market is the strongest it has
been in years. Homes have appreciated at an
unbelievable rate and sell well. And let's not
forget that peace deals in the Middle East were
signed by 4 countries-unprecedented!
Unemployment sits at 6.7% in spite of COVID.
#Biden takes over on 1-20-21. Let's see how fast
he screws this up.
This is what they’re up against. I don’t see them succeeding again unless the fix is in again- and that’s the problem. They aren’t supposed to succeed again…
IMHO, the clip needed to add a bit of Springsteen driving around flyover country in an old jeep and lighting a candle in an empty church to really be convincing.
Is Tom Hanks the last big show business person who has a kind of Disney credibility? As I recall, Steve Martin was caught going after young women in some disgusting way, Billy Crystal has worn blackface, I just saw Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon (descended from a signer of the Declaration of Independence) in "Morning Show" saying more or less fuck fuck fuck fuckety fuck fuck you. I just rediscovered "Falling Down" on Netflix (I'm pretty sure the woke hate this--watch it while you can), and so I was reading about director Joel Schumacher.
One of his quotes: "But the difference in show business is, if you can make money for people they don't care what you do. They don't care if you screw yaks in the middle of the street. They'll even buy you a yak. They'll give you their yaks."
Surely not as true as it used to be. Some of the open embrace of yak-fucking gets you in trouble with the woke. Is Hanks the only one who has never had any truck or trade with yak fucking?
A few thoughts:
The Simpsons' Grand Canyon looks more like Bryce Canyon.
It seems "If you are going to choose a government to trust, why not this one?", Tom Hanks opted for Greece.
That Tom Hanks is now a citizen of Greece suggests he was a bad choice to tell Americans how great our President is doing. Dude, you left us, so bye.
Tom Hanks, just before he left to catch a lift on a private jet to an exotic location, was told by his hired staff, who all work at his secure home behind strong gates and walls, with armed security, that things have not quite gone over the cliff yet in the "outside" world.
So, you know, Biden's Earpiece must be doing well, right? Fat!
The Constitution is often inconvenient to both Democrats and Republicans. That's its purpose. To be inconvenient. To make it hard to put out laws that go against individual rights. To limit the power of Government (that's a laugh, huh?). What bothers me is this: "With a slightly different configuration of the Supreme Court, the vaccine mandate would have succeeded."
Some of our justices seem to be more or less malleable activists, not jurists who's mandate is to read and follow the law as written.
Was Leni Riefenstahl listed in the credits?
Why hasn’t his inaugural committee disbanded?
@tim, they think they’ll be needed again in January 2025.
Just another Rich, Expat, Non-American telling us who to support and vote for. Sorry, no sale. Will probably win Hanks some love with the low-information libtards though.
Oh For God's Sake. I will say that Hanks looks a lot like Bryan Cranston in the video.
Sorry, I couldn't sit through it all. Pablum.
I think that this might work emotionally if the Covid deaths were in the 5-10 million range. At the actual levels, it feels kind of pathetic. The message of "I look forward to getting back closer to normal," is not one that can be made to feel inspiring by generic orchestral string samples in a music track. Seeing Biden walking makes me look forward to the day when the leader of the free world doesn't move like Yuri Andropov.
Credibility? LOL. The German chancellor just rejected a call from Biden on Ukraine. Biden is our Yeltsin. Probably installed by the same people.
Jess said...
Tom Hanks has finally found Wilson.
1/21/22, 9:14 AM
=^..^= Love it!!
"they think they’ll be needed again in January 2025."
"As long as there is money left to spend, I'll be there." (said in a Henry Fonda voice)
'To be fair, the pedophile thing is most likely not true.'
'...most likely...'
So you're saying there's still a chance?
I've seen more inspiring work on Tic Tok.
This has a composed-by-a-bunch-of-junior-high-students feel to it.
“Maybe the Democrats realize they need to squirrel away the divisive issues.”
Wouldn’t be the first time they sent their filthy laundry down the ‘rathole.
So Forrest Gump was smarter than Tom Hanks . I’m not surprised.
Leland said...
That Tom Hanks is now a citizen of Greece suggests he was a bad choice to tell Americans how great our President is doing. Dude, you left us, so bye.
Fair criticism is fair but this is just inaccurate.
"...Tom and Rita were made honorary citizens of Greece for helping the victims of the devastating wildfire that tore through the resort town of Mati in 2018."
"Tom and his family were not required to give up their American citizenship's in order to receive their Greek citizenship."
But wait!? Everything is fine, and we’re all going to be okay? And the earth ISN’T in imminent danger of doom, death, and destruction from a giant meteor on a collision course? Whew! THAT’S good news. Thanks Tom Hanks!
Perhaps there’s some sort of union requirement for actors to appear in a cringe worthy Democrat propaganda film once every four years…
Clearly no prohibition from doing it more often…
Hanks lost me years ago when Hollywood overused him as some kind of blend of Jimmy Stewart and Cary Grant. He was neither and frankly, his schtick is great in some roles and completely miscast in others. I was going to bring up "Forrest Gump", which to me is the most overrated film in my lifetime, but then I saw a list of Hanks films and realized he'd been in so many bad ones, and so many I'd never heard of, that his being used for anything is pretty amazing. Also- please don't tell me his portrayal of Gump was genius. I could barely make it through one viewing. I can't even hear clips from it without getting annoyed.
But he seems like a good guy. Everyone says that he's a good guy. Except that I remember him recoiling in horror at the Academy Awards hosted by Ricky Gervais as Ricky was skewering everyone in the room. Was this because he truly is a good guy, or was this Hanks, ever the company man, finding it going against the company line. Finding it distasteful and dangerous, no doubt.
But I guess he lost me when he pouted until he got a role at Obama's inauguration. Then he did Biden's. That's all I need to know about Hanks.
No one knows what pronouns mean anymore. See, only a short while ago Biden was talking about how the Republicans in the Senate (and in the country by extension) were supporters of Bull Connors and Jefferson Davis unless a bill passed which did not pass. And a little before that he was saying that the unvaccinated were in for a long winter of death. And before that he launched Merrick Garland and the DOJ at domestic-terrorist-parents who argued at school board meetings. But now, "we" have risen to the challenge and rebuilt America. We, the parent-supporting Confederate, terrorist, racist, dirty, unvaxxed masses - we with our fellow citizens, the wokie, washie, maskie, Karens - we rebuilt America. Without Uighur or Australian re-education camps. We. Did. It. Or did "we" do it? It looks as if the masked and the vaxxed rebuilt America and it looks as if The unmasked (who live in two of our largest and most prosperous states) played no role. "We?" Then too, many of us think that school closings have devastated minority children yet "we" think America has rebuilt without doing anything about lost education. "We" aren't even referring to that tragedy. "We?" And some of us are gunned down on the streets of Milwaukee and elsewhere and the police don't investigate our deaths because that would lead to a disproportionate number of convictions in the black community due to racism in the justice system. It's mourning in America, some of us say. And others say "we" built that. Is "we" a plural pronoun or has it entered some strange world between worlds where "we, the people" means "Democrats and their serfs"?
the former, the most vaxxed states, the most locked down, are also the ones most riven with violent predators, a plague of foxx gascon, boudin, krasner, bragg,
Hanks selling his reputation for Joe Biden. Hilarious!
Did Hanks have a stroke? He speaks out of the right side of his mouth. Left side is noticeably slack.
"Restaurants have opened their doors. Shops and business are buzzing again." Yes. The restaurants, shops, and business that were shut down by Government Order. This is what you can expect after making Government responsible for your medical decisions. Better that thousands of small businesses fail than one person become ill and we be blamed.
"We haven't had a President invest so much money into America since I don't know when." It was not the President's money. The money was confiscated by sovereign authority or created by fiat devaluation of people's savings. Further, authority to spend it belongs with Congress, not the President.
She I mention that the doc who got the first COVID vaccine got it under the Trump administration?
Althouse tells us that a Trump ad would be pushing vaccines.
1) She’s a liar.
2) She’s not a clear thinker.
3) Both.
How many here know the correct answer?
It's sad when the formerly independent artist becomes a shill for Der Staat.
Too bad about Hanks going full Democrat hack.
He and Spielberg did a very good thing with "Band of Brothers" and "Saving Private Ryan," bringing home to us how much we owe to the men who fought WWII.
He's also done a lot of crap stuff.
"So there’s truth to the old joke about replacing lab rats with lawyers “because there are things so disgusting even rats won’t do them”?"
The one I heard went... "because you can do things to lawyers that will upset people if you do them to rats."
We're coming back? Today, the markets took a dump. To many this is signaling a big market "correction."
This reminds me of those TV commercials of Jimmie JJ Walker shilling for some medical insurance scam. When you need an actor reading a script to sell yourself then your reputation is already in the can.
JJ would have probably been a better choice than Hanks for this effort. At least the blacks might taken it to heart. The only people who might agree with Hanks are other rich white liberals who already vote Dem.
Who paid for this campaign video? It states that it was paid for by the Presidential Inaugural Committee, which is defined 36 U.S.C.§501 as the "committee appointed by the President-elect to be in charge of the Presidential inaugural ceremony and functions and activities connected with the ceremony in Presidential inaugural ceremony and functions and activities connected with the ceremony."
So I assume that, as a government agency, it's funded by taxpayers. Am I wrong? I hope so.
What does this video have to do with the inauguration ceremony, other than that it was released about a year after it took place? It's obviously a campaign ad. Except for the absence of an explicit attack on Trump, it's hard to imagine how it would be different if produced and paid for by the DNC.
There is a Joint Congressional Inaugural Committee that is publicly funded. There is also 501(c)(4) non-profit Presidential Inaugural Committee appointed by each president-elect. Those do have some official status, but I assume they are largely privately funded. They take in funds from big contributors and provide jobs for supporters apart from the money and jobs that the campaign, the party, the transition team and the government provide, so it's a fine gig or grift for the those who want something from Biden and for his hangers-on. The funding comes from private contributors, but there's a fine line there, because some of the things the PIC wants done may well get government funding. I am not an expert and haven't been able to find much out.
Biden's Inaugural Committee (the job never ends, I guess) posted the video on YouTube and the comments were, so far as I could see when I went there, uniformly negative. You can watch the video. You can believe the video. You can comment on the aesthetic values. You can repeat its propaganda line in other contexts apart from the actual video.
But apparently, it's very hard to come out and say that you agree with what the video says on its own YouTube page. It's hard to say that the video is actually telling the truth. That's asking too much, though I suspect that by now some White House sock puppets will have tuned into to talk up the video.
“I was going to bring up "Forrest Gump", which to me is the most overrated film in my lifetime,”
This x1000. Mr. X and I saw an early showing of it. We talked about walking out but decided it HAD to get better (wrong!). Afterwards we were handed response cards. What was the best part? was one question. When it ended, wrote Mr. X.
The US was doing great in 2018 and 2019. Did Hanks do an inspirational video back then, too?
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