Advice from "How to Stay Safe if You’re Trapped in Your Car During a Snowstorm/Safety experts offer advice on how people can keep warm and collected if they are stranded for hours on the road. Their top tip? Be prepared" (NYT).
A bottle?!!
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
traditionally, a gallon milk jug. and a penis
You can google how a woman can pee in a bottle and get some more precise advice: a wide-mouth bottle, this funnel contraption....
Tie it in a knot
A bottle...a tree...same thing : )
I live in reasonably warm weather, but if I travel into the mountains where I know there will be snow, I always pack a sleeping bag, water, snacks, etc.
I though everyone did this?
Snowplow contracts are the way politicians who got Cs in high school reward loyalists who got Ds in high school…
Play NASA for the day and just go in the suit…
They probably mean a wide mouth jar to pee in. Or, you can buy a urine bottle similar to what they use for bedridden patients at the local drug store or order (ahead of time!) from Amazon. Use the Althouse portal.
My uncle had a hole in the floorboard of his truck for this very purpose.
I remember my dad on road trips telling us to use the bottle because he never wanted to stop every time some kid said "I need to go." Mom and the girls always made us stop.
A bottle?!!
I keep a bucket in the car for the girls. You can just open the door and dump it out.
There are a couple things of baby wipes.
Blankets and a sleeping bag.
And leave the Tesla at home since you will need a real car at a time like this.
Another thing is that they have recently replaced trucks that spread rock salt with trucks that spray the road with salt water, and guess what? The salt water gets washed away if it rains before the snow starts. I am sure though that we can still blame this cock-up on global warming.
Girls have a surface tension problem, depending on particular anatomy. Dogs have a more pointy-down vulva and avoid it.
I love how Jonah Goldberg blamed it on the Republican Governor-elect, while the actual governor was MIA doing J6 commemoration stuff.
You have a bottle to pee in too.
You should also have something the shape and size of one of those old Folgers Coffe tins, and some candles. Because you can get a lot of heat by lighting a candle and putting it in the tin
For all you electric vehicle enthusiasts: the Nernst equation governs the amount of energy available from an oxidation-reduction reaction (like a battery cell). One of the parameters is temperature. Even if you don't have a Tesla, you know that cold temps lower the energy of even a regular car battery, which is why you hear a low "rrrrr" as the car tries to turn over on a winter morning. And why there are battery warmers and engine block heaters in use all over Wisconsin. It's "science"!
tim in vermont said...
Another thing is that they have recently replaced trucks that spread rock salt with trucks that spray the road with salt water, and guess what? The salt water gets washed away if it rains before the snow starts. I am sure though that we can still blame this cock-up on global warming.
They have something that works much better than rocksalt in Washington state and it sticks to the roads very well.
But it kills all the trees next to the road.
@Greg, I had never seen that suggestion before. Thanks much!
Of course these days Folgers comes in plastic containers. :-(
I suggest a Cat Litter container. Wide opening. Cap closure. We have used them tailgating.
You're in traffic, not buried under six feet of snow. You *can* get out to do your business. You just don't want to.
Is it really that hard to open the door and go outside? I don't want to pee in my car, thank you very much.
Go into snow country: Besides chains, etc. Bring Sleeping bags, water, food, battery charged heater, GPS.
Plus a gun, in case there's not enough food for everyone.
My Dad: I'm not stopping. Here's a bottle
My Dad: A rest room?! You got the whole valley. Stops car. Get out.
Blogger Greg The Class Traitor said...
You should also have something the shape and size of one of those old Folgers Coffe tins, and some candles. Because you can get a lot of heat by lighting a candle and putting it in the tin
About 40 years ago my mother saw that suggestion on a weatherman's winter tips show and put the can, candle and matches in the car. Within a couple of weeks my sister went off the road in sub-zero Ohio and had to wait for help to show up. She said it worked great so I have done it every since.
This post isn’t about men. Duh. We know you can pee in a bottle.
"We know you can pee in a bottle."
Or on a tire.
This situation did get to me to consider what is currently in my car. I have a medium tote box in my car for storing things that could work in a pinch (once emptied of course) and was too lazy to unload paper products after my last grocery trip so I have some relevant supplies there. I need to replenish my food staples.
Messing your pants is the least of your issues in a real survival situation. As noted above, you can get out and do your business on the side of the road if messing your pants is that much of a worry. You'll have more success doing that then trying to use a bottle and storing it, assuming all you need to do is pee. Best bet is to get a forecast before hitting the road. I don't recall any planes falling from the sky due to the icing conditions, and they would had they flown into that weather.
rcocean said...
Is it really that hard to open the door and go outside? I don't want to pee in my car, thank you very much.
But...but...JD Vance and his beard might be out there!!! And he's probably not had his booster shot!!!!!
There's portable urinals with female adapters that probably work well, assuming a good seal can be obtained with it.
Strictly speaking the original urinal is already female so it's a female-to-male adapter.
Plus your gun. Don’t forget that in case some fellow stranded traveler decides he could use your supplies.
Someone on Twitter wondered how many deaths would have occurred if all the stranded cars/trucks in Virginia had been electric....
When I lived in CT, I always kept a sleeping bag in the car and truck. I also never let the tank go below half full if making any trip in bad weather. However, I mostly just stayed home when it was snowing, only venturing out when it had stopped.
Here's a better idea: Don't go out on the roads in the middle of a storm that is forecast! If you're deciding to go somewhere, and you haven't looked at the most recent forecast, you are not very good at assessing risk. And it doesn't matter if *you* are a good, great, expert driver! Someone else isn't, and they'll cause a stoppage, and then where are you?
Decide to go a day early if the weather is iffy. Or a day late. Having to be somewhere *right* *now* is never really a true option.
On the plus side, Sen. Kaine was trapped on the road in the snow this time.
The best part, in an article I read, was that instead of the electronic road signs warning "50 mile traffic jam ahead" they all said "Mask up, be safe." As if masking in your car makes a lick of sense.
I no longer drive in snow.
MadisonMan said...
Here's a better idea: Don't go out on the roads in the middle of a storm that is forecast!
Especially in that part of the country which gets about half the yearly average snowfall that the rest of the country does and doesn't keep snow plows on hand. (Even if they did it wouldn't do much good as there's usually a sheet of ice below the snow.)
On the plus side, Sen. Kaine was trapped on the road in the snow this time.
Tweeting like a whiny baby and blaming it all on Glenn Youngkin, who hasn't even been sworn in as Governor.
Here's a better idea: Don't go out on the roads in the middle of a storm that is forecast!
Of course I did once have a boss who insisted that I join a meeting in person despite heavy snow falling (and this in the Washington metro area where word of this novel invention called a “snowplow” had not yet arrived). I got stuck barely three feet outside my driveway. Fought my way back into the garage and rejoined via phone. Bastard tried to lay me off later, but I had friends who helped me find a safe landing space while I waited for him to announce he was retiring to spend time with his family. It happened 16 months after.
No insight here on the pee problem. But I do keep tea lights in a metal baking pan in the car with a lighter. Can be used as a makeshift heater.
For winter travel I've always recommended keeping a shovel and a bag of sand or kitty litter in the trunk for when your wheels get stuck.
It works when you don't want to wait around for someone else to save your sorry ass.
One thing people need to understand is that I-95 in Virginia Is a jammed up mess even in good weather. But a competent administration should have had plows out as soon as the forecast went from less than an inch to 3”-6”, but “competent” and Ralph Northam never did go well together.
Speaking of which, Jonah Goldberg is not the only idiot to blame Glenn Youngkin for the mess on I-95 even though Glenn is still ten days from his inauguration. Blaming the GOP for the failures of Democrats is standard operating procedure for the 21st century news media. Can anyone imagine how effective the Democrats might be if the media covered them the same as they cover Republicans and thus forced Democrat politicians to care about their constituents?
I thought snow was a thing of the past? Ah, yes, more snow in winters (name that storm) and more heat in summers (will we start naming these heat waves? Heat Wave Iria?)
Really, this should just be a reminder that you need to put your typical winter supplies in the car - you know, when you were young and learning to drive, what your parents taught you...
tim in vermont: "I love how Jonah Goldberg blamed it on the Republican Governor-elect, while the actual governor was MIA doing J6 commemoration stuff."
Oh no no no my friend.
The Bulbous Bard of Goucher did not blame the I-95 in VA back up on the "Republican Governor-elect". Oh no.
The Bulbous Bard of Goucher actually thought Youngkin was already the Governor!! And, thus, quite deserving of blame.
After it was pointed out to him that Youngkin was not yet the Governor, this self-anointed Defender Of Real Conservatism (wink wink) he promptly deleted his tweet critical of the republican and then....went radio silent without criticizing the actual sitting democratical governor.
I am willing to entertain the possibility that Goldberg knew Northam is Gov but tweeted out the Youngkin criticism in order for that narrative to get amplified and widely distributed knowing that many people, having read the original tweet, will forever believe Youngkin was at fault.
In fact, I'm leaning toward that assumption above all others.
Remember, Goldberg and his bosom buddy and co-"conservative" Steve Hayes have served loyally as Facebook "conservative" "fact checkers" giving Facebook that political cover to attack and de-platform pro-life and other conservative groups.
Yes, that is precisely how Goldberg and Hayes get paid these days....and they do it with great glee.
"Drive slowly to avoid skidding, and note that it takes longer to decelerate in icy road conditions, according to AAA. Accelerating too rapidly can cause wheels to spin out of control."
Uh, what else do the experts tell us? "Grass is green, according to the Landscapers Association".
A bottle?!!
Keeps you from being charged with all sorts of nefarious crimes if you pee in a bottle inside the car rather than expose your privates and whiz on a pristine clean unpolluted roadway....
Human waste on roadways- bad. Amish vehicle exhaust- not bad.
Female Urination Device,Reusable Silicone Female Urinal Foolproof Women Pee Funnel Allows Women to Pee Standing Up,Women's Urinal with Drawstring Bags is The Perfect Companion for Travel and Outdoor
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Amazon's Choice for "female pee funnel"
Women's emergency pee kit and Jonah Goldberg. Seems like a good match.
This guy didn't have a bottle. Link to video
(Safe for work)
The ridiculousness of being embarrassed to pee outside always kinda confuses me. It’s not as if anyone will see anyone bajingo. Heh
Transitioning to a male seems overly complicated. (imho)
After going on a trip in a semi with my future, now current, husband, I ordered some disposable pee funnels from Amazon. They work great and if you are creative you can probably pee on the side of the road without exposing too much flesh. But if you are on a road trip in questionable weather, definitely a sleeping bag, some energy bars, water, and a candle/coffee can heater are musts.
My sister and her three brothers used a dill pickle jar. Worked fine.
- Krumhorn
(my preferred adjectives: brilliant/awesome)
>> I always pack a sleeping bag, water, snacks, etc.
Same thing here in Florida, except we add sunscreen, flip flops, and a pair of swim trunks.
A bottle?!!
What is the argument that a bottle is inappropriate for women as opposed to a good lesson in lateral thinking and resourcefulness? Bitching about the bottle sounds like elitist, anti-deplorable bullshit…
>>The ridiculousness of being embarrassed to pee outside always kinda confuses me. It’s not as if anyone will see anyone bajingo.
Not necessarily. When I was in college, my new neighbors were a Korean family. I came home after class one day to find dad and junior peeing into the storm drain in the middle of the parking lot. Their bajingos (bajingi?) were in plain view.
If the car is stopped, I have no need for a bottle.
isn't there song about this /
If I could pee in a bottle
The first thing that I'd like to do ..
I was in DC over New Years and stayed partly in Loudoun County, Virginia. There was snow but it was the sort of snow where we say in Wisconsin: "The storm missed us." However in Wisconsin, we also know that black ice forms on culverts and bridges and drive for that condition whereas in Virginia they speed up to get away from where it's snowing until they're halted by inexplicable, enduring traffic jams. Then, there they all wait for the sun to melt the snow. So it was when I was growing up; so it it is now. I honestly don't think Governor Northam or even The Tech Lords have any chance of teaching DC and its surrounding peoples any other way to act. Help us, climate change - you are our only hope.
The ridiculousness of being embarrassed to pee outside always kinda confuses me. It’s not as if anyone will see anyone bajingo.
Nevertheless when the cars are stuck bumper to bumper there is the risk that a Karen in a car behind yours will record your license plate and file a complaint insisting that she could see every millimeter and that you even wagged it in her direction when you exposed yourself.
I thought a pickle jar wasn't wide enough for the progeny of Lt. Cunningham
I know Youngkin was already the Governor-elect!! And, thus, quite deserving of blame.
he should have started ordering the necessary officials and shown how to seize power in emergency to other Republicans : EMERGENCY = no more law and order in normal sense
My family had four kids--three boys and the youngest was a sister. My dad was very impatient about stopping when driving (unless my mom or sister needed to stop) so he would bring a mayonnaise jar in the station wagon for our trips for we three boys. That is, until youngest brother was holding the mayonnaise jar for middle brother, they were laughing about it, and suddenly Mom got an unwanted shower. After that, we boys were told to hold it.
Human waste on roadways- bad. Amish vehicle exhaust- not bad.
robother said...
I remember my dad on road trips telling us to use the bottle because he never wanted to stop every time some kid said "I need to go." Mom and the girls always made us stop.
Way back in the 50's my entire family (Mom, Dad, four kids) took six weeks (Feb. to mid-April) to travel across the US from Sacramento, CA to Portsmouth NH, where my Air force father had been transferred to.
(He had lots of leave to use up).
He somehow figured out how to fit all everything we would need into and (mostly) on top of our Ford Station Wagon (the kind with synthetic wood on the sides).
But he too recognized the "mom and girls" problem.
So he took a big Polish ham can, drilled a hole through its bottom, housed it in a lidded wooden box he made, connected a hose to the can hole and strung it through an opening in the car floor at the back.
When we stopped for gas Dad ordered everyone into the restrooms to "get ahead a few squirts".
Still, Out West you might drive a hundred miles between towns and gas stations, so the ham can got lots of use by my three sisters. To my great shame I had to resort to it....once.
It was a great trip.
When we kids returned to school in NH---after six weeks seeing the sights all across America---we found we hadn't fallen behind at anything---something we attributed to the tough Franciscan school we had been attending in Sacramento.
Cab drivers, especially in New York, have perfected the art of taking a leak in the middle of the city by hiding behind the open driver-side door. You got a problem with that?
JAORE said...
If the car is stopped, I have no need for a bottle.
It's colder, windier, and you may have to expose your genitals to other people if you go outside your car.
You do you, but I'd rather use a bottle
In our family travels as a kid, Dad referred to us making highway stops as "taking a post"
tcrosse said...
My uncle had a hole in the floorboard of his truck for this very purpose.
Picturing folks in cars trying to signal he has a leak, your uncle just grinning.
Some people can't find their asshole with a funnel. Does the same apply to vajayjays?
The latest from current lame duck Virginia Governor Ralph Northam:
“We gave warnings, and people need to pay attention to these warnings, and the less people that are on the highways when these storms hit, the better.”
The ineptitude of the outgoing, Democrat, administration on display. Which is partly why Glenn Youngkin won.
BTW, I understand that the lighted signs along the road said nothing about dangerous weather conditions forecast, but merely exhorted everyone to wear masks while driving.
for females, I suggest a sex-change kit. and a bottle.
Can anyone imagine how effective the Democrats might be if the media covered them the same as they cover Republicans and thus forced Democrat politicians to care about their constituents?
so why is Youngkin not attack-tweeting Northam incompetence?
he will be facing situation soon enough come winter months?
will Dr. Northam go back practice medicine with equal care for his patients?
Off-topic, but can anyone imagine what this news story would have been like if Trump were President? Around the clock coverage of every single sob story of every person stuck on the highway. Plus analysis of his failure to pass an infrastructure bill. Etc.
In an emergency, one's concern for privacy and dignity go right out the window. Necessity and humility go hand-in-hand.
If they can do it all on the downtown sidewalks in San Francisco, they can do it on the edge of a highway in a deserted area.
Snapple 32oz is the best. It has a big opening, tastes ok.
Once was stuck in traffic for over half an hour in sun 70's weather here in SF Bay Area.
Had to pee outside of car. I was not the only one.
It is no laughing matter.
Somewhere out there in the great beyond Billy Carter is saying; "What in the Hell's wrong with these people?!".
so why is Youngkin not attack-tweeting Northam incompetence?
I assume he's trying to avoid "Republicans pounce."
"Outside" magazine...
Frozen Alive
Once again, a bunch of crybabies boo-hoo-hooing, why didn't Uncle Sugar take care of me? Any fool could have foreseen the problem! It's all so unfair!
Too many people need to get a grip & learn to take care of themselves.
“Here's a better idea: Don't go out on the roads in the middle of a storm that is forecast! If you're deciding to go somewhere, and you haven't looked at the most recent forecast, you are not very good at assessing risk. And it doesn't matter if *you* are a good, great, expert driver! Someone else isn't, and they'll cause a stoppage, and then where are you?”
It very much depends on where you live. On the one hand, when I lived in the DC area, we got ff work if there was even a hint of snow. But when living in the CO mountains, life went on, even with a measly couple feet of snow. You got to work, or was prepared to explain where your vehicle was stuck and inoperable on the way in. “Run off the road by a tourist” was one of the few excuses that worked.
Here is my list:
Windshield brush and scraper
Space blankets
Old Down parka in stuff sack.
Warm Hat
Insulated gloves
Tow strap
Shovel (typically collapsible- avalanche shovels work decently well)
Energy food
Also, if you are doing this a lot, sand, gravel, or even kittie litter.
You are probably, anymore, much more likely to be stuck, than in a vehicle that doesn’t run (but keep your tank >50% full JIC). I can’t count the times when I had to dig myself or someone else out. That’s where the shovel and sand come in. The latter is esp important if you make your own ice by spinning your tires.
Did I mention 4 wheel drive? I bought my first Audi Quattro in 1987 to avoid this. That's 35 years now. All three brothers, all living in snow country, do the same.
A bottle?!!
What car these days doesn't have a few empty Starbucks cups?
Especially on a long car trip.
Snapple 32oz is the best. It has a big opening, tastes ok.
Before or after?
If you're out there long enough, you might get confused.
If I have to go that badly I'd rather deal with squatting in the snow beside the car rather than fumble with some PITA contraption, inevitably dousing myself and the seat's upholstery in the process. Thanks but no thanks.
Was this a thing for all those stuck on Rt. 128 or the Mass Pike in the Blizzard of '78?
"The ridiculousness of being embarrassed to pee outside always kinda confuses me."
[Insert GIF from Jurassic Park of Nueman, the Mailman] - "See, nobody cares!"
All the states I travel through have a 511 system that gives reasonably up to date traffic information including an interactive map and links to traffic cameras. I have a tablet with a data plan and before I start on a long trip I check the states I will be going through. I also check every time I stop for food, gas, or to wash my hands.
Google 511 and the state name.
I also have links to accuweather and weather underground for the areas I will be traveling through.
Re peeing by the side of the road: A big eye-opener for me was when mothers would double park, haul out a three-year-old son, pull down his pants, order him to urinate. In the poshest parts of Paris. I once walked by a church with a sign on the wall "Do not urinate here".
rcocean: "Women's emergency pee kit and Jonah Goldberg. Seems like a good match."
Ackshually, we would need to up Jonah's testosterone levels to get him to the level of the typical female.
My wife, and her two brothers would travel down to Tuxla Gutierrez by bus. The kids would travel with their grandmother.
The youngest brother was only about 3 years old, and had to pee.
It was late at night, and hot. All the bus windows are open. Mamacita decides to solve the problem by just holding her grandson up to the window.
Immediately, there is a commotion a couple of rows behind, and they heard "Hey, there's not a cloud in the sky, but it's raining!?!?!?"
when I took off at 4:30 am to get to the spot i had scoped out for seeing the total eclipse of the sun a couple of years ago, i wasn't sure if i would be surrounded by hordes of folks or have it to myself, so I definitely "prepared":
took several quart yogurt containers with their lids, wipes, trash bags and big towels sheets for the car windows if i felt i needed privacy.
turned out, like all my Oregon friends, not as many folks cared for the trouble to see the TOTAL part of the eclipse. i almost had my wide open in all directions spot to myself, only three other cars joined my solitary perfect view.
I chose well that day about everything.
Move to the south and pee in a toilet.
Unless you're in Virginia.
[Insert GIF from Jurassic Park of Nueman, the Mailman]
Actor Wayne Knight?
"The ridiculousness of being embarrassed to pee outside always kinda confuses me. It’s not as if anyone will see anyone bajingo. Heh"
Unless I am wearing a longer, loose skirt, exactly HOW am I going to pee on the side of a road (full of stopped cars and bored people with functioning eyesight) without exposing myself to the utmost?
Fields always carried
A bottle. In case of snake bite
Also a small snake
I once got stranded in town pre-cell phone with my three littles after having a super-sized drink at McD. I was waiting for AAA (called by a helpful motorist who drove to a landline), couldn’t pee on the sidewalk in an urban area, couldn’t manage the three of them trekking to a gas station. I did take advantage of their pampers which I always had in the car. So I am surprised no woman has suggested adult diapers for this problem.
The answer through history for such a need (the necessity to pee without the usual facilities for same being available or convenient) is a chamber pot — which were always wide enough to accommodate female anatomy, and whose contents could just be tossed out the window when done. People have forgotten these days about chamber pots. But I remember such (what I now recognize to be) a chamber pot left by the toilet in the bathroom (by my parents) all the years that I grew up (in Montana during the 50's & 60's) — I had no idea what it was for, and it was never used, best I can recall.
So. Well. When our oldest was a toddler, barely over a year old, we took him to rural France. On Night 1, when we were staying in a charming but old and decidedly not sound-insulated hotel, he boinged up, wide awake, at like 3 AM and I couldn't get him to be quiet for love or money. So I snatched him up, grabbed his diaper bag, and tiptoed out of the hotel and into the parking lot, where we then hung out in our rental car until morning.
He fell asleep in my arms around 5:30, I'd say. I, however, had an issue: I have the bladder of a Chihuahua, and I was damned if I was going to wake him up to go outside and pee. So I managed to extricate one arm and reach back for his diaper bag, which contained - handily - good, absorbent toddler-sized diapers.
I then maneuvered one of said diapers into place (thank you, pajama pants - couldn't have done it in jeans) and concentrated on a Fibonacci sequence or something so as to break my own toilet training and relieve the pressure. It was not a full bladder evacuation but it was enough to get me through till the child woke up on his own.
It makes me think of the people in Times Square on New Year's Rockin' Eve...
When I was at Survival Training in November, Washington State, 1982, the weather got bad enough during the Escape and Evasion stage that they brought the squad together under a parachute tent and let us have a fire. It was a sleet/snow mix, very wet, cold as hell and of course, we hadn't had much to eat the past three days so we were all a bit cranky. The lone female was a waif of a Second Lt., Ivy league school, incredibly pretty with a Scottish/Irish lilt - Mom and Dad were diplomats - she was American born, spoke several languages and was going into Intel. She get's up from her rock and says disgustedly, "God dammit, I have to take a bloody piss. Don't any of you wankers take a peek!" She marched just to the edge of the parachute, dropped her drawers and did her business. None of us cared. As she said, it was just business.
I see the patriarchy is still firmly in charge in spite of all your efforts ...
Buttigieg will fix it, though ...
I have a great story about the wife dropping a deuce on Laguna Canyon Road last July in a sudden emergency following a Pageant of the Masters performance. But she prefers i not tell it. So unlike her I’ll hold it for now.
"This guy didn't have a bottle. Link to video"
In his defense, Howard didn't know CNN had a drone over the area.
Don't go out on the roads in the middle of a storm that is forecast!
If everyone followed this advice, there would be no one on the road, so the best advice would be to go out on the road because the roads are clear, so everyone would go out and clog up the roads, so the best advice would be to don't go out on the roads, so ...
Lived in Cleveland for a few years. Always had an emergency kit in the car. Sleeping Bag, water and snacks. You can pee outside. In winter we always kept at least 1/2 a tank of gas, never letting it get low. You never know when a snow squall will blind you and get you stuck. Life in the Lake Effect Snow region. I am pretty sure this is not common in other parts of the country.
105 comments about peeing in the car.
Keep it classy people!
I’m not comprehending why toilet tissue, or tissue of any sort, would be important. In a snowstorm, presumably, clean snow is piling up in the vicinity. So whatever bodily opening needs a quick wiping down. a handful of the white stuff will do the job. And leaves no paper waste on the side of the road. Sissified people from other states might not be up to it… but WE ARE BADGERS and people who embrace all aspects of nature.
Mike (MJB Wolf), you SAY you have a "great story about the wife dropping a deuce on Laguna Canyon Road last July in a sudden emergency following a Pageant of the Masters performance. But she prefers i not tell it. So unlike her I’ll hold it for now.”
Why would she be embarrassed about attending a Pageant of the Masters performance?
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