January 15, 2022

But do they have a button?

I'm seeing "Frustrated Democrats Call for ‘Reset’ Ahead of Midterm Elections" (NYT).

If I were a Democrat — and I hasten to say I'm not a Republican either — I would banish the word "reset" from my vocabulary. But it was spoken by Representative Cheri Bustos, a Democrat from rural Illinois, who is not running for reelection: “We really kind of need to reset at this point... I hope we focus on what we can get done and then focus like crazy on selling it.”

That is too painful to watch! I had to switch it off.


rehajm said...
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rehajm said...

The reason you are being rejected isnt a messaging problem like you always claim. always. It is because your policies are shit and people are feeling it.

Shut up and get out of the way and let the rebels have a chance before you kill us all…

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary and Bill want back in. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Meanwhile - Tulsi speaks Truth to Power.

Tulsi Gabbard ��
"Hillary’s calling tens of millions of Americans deplorables was divisive & disgusting. But Biden has gone further, calling those who disagree with his actions & policies domestic enemies, traitors, and racists. Biden promised to unite us, but he is doing all he can do divide us."

Ceciliahere said...

Has she (Hillary) no shame? Cringeworthy like so many of Hilary’s “cute” moments.

Joe Smith said...

'I hope we focus on what we can get done...'

Isn't this part of the problem?

How many laws do we need?

Maybe they should do a lot less.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Remember when Hillary, that bald clown what's his face, and her hacks in the corrupt Maddow liar pres called Tulsi a "Russian Asset"?

MadTownGuy said...

They di have a button. It says "перегрузка."

Jersey Fled said...

Focus on "what WE can get done" vs what YOU want us to do.

It seems like the Republicans are doing better at the latter lately. The Democrats, on the other hand, are just too into themselves.

Lucien said...

"Hasten", not "hasn't".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Illinois Mob Demos love their Illinois queen.

narciso said...

they have done practically nothing to stop this oncoming freight train, consider with obamacare in 2009

Big Mike said...

They di have a button. It says "перегрузка."

And it should have read “перезагрузить.”

The State Department has some of the best translators in the world but the Secretary of State chose instead to trust a crony with a pocket Russian-English dictionary. Says something about that Secretary of State, doesn’t it?

@Althouse, Lucien is right. I noticed the typo, too.

Mick said...

Of course they fail to mention things that they did:

1. Cancel the Keystone XL pipeline
2. Ban new oil/gas leases on federal land
3. Botch the Afghanistan withdrawal
4. Allow rampant illegal immigration with no COVID testing of people they then transported all over the country
5. Spend 3 or 4 $trillion to heat up inflation
6. Make business take pause with the threat of more regulation
7. Lengthen eviction bans

etc. etc. etc.

It's never their policies, it's their messaging or their failure to pass more legislation to enact more stupid policies that would just make it worse.

I thought it was probable that Trump would be a better president than Biden simply because he *didn't* do stuff that made his domestic agenda so much better. But its clear that Trump was a much better President than Biden on all levels -- foreign policy and leadership as well.

who-knew said...

With the headline "but do they have a button" you may have topped yourself. Made me laugh out loud.

Pat said...

When the bowling ball is already headed down the alley is the worst time to hit the reset button. (Did it once as a kid and got kicked out for a month).

Ann Althouse said...

""Hasten", not "hasn't"."

Weird typo. Thx. Fixed

Skeptical Voter said...

Mr. Wibble--an interesting comment. We got Biden because, "he's not Trump".

Will it get better if we get Harris because, "she's not Biden".

I dunno. Biden was never the sharpest tool in the shed, and now he's got a head full of mush. That is aside from the angry outbursts. Age has something to do with Biden's "mush".

Harris starts out with an advantage. She's got a head full of mush, but it hasn't yet curdled with age. And while she does have her angry outbursts (watch how she sheds staff as often as some people change their underwear) those angry outbursts are mostly out of sight of the public.

But at the end of the day, Kamala Harris knows as much about policy and governing as three teenage Valley Girls shopping at the Encino mall. We won't get much from her.

Bilwick said...

How about resetting the agenda? Like, from statism to liberty?

John henry said...

If you are talking about the button that Hilary gave put in, red, extruded, yellow background, that was not, legally, a "reset" button.

It is, under federal law, defined as an "emergency stop" button.

The metaphor works much better when used properly.


Rollo said...

The Reset Button completely wipes Joe Biden's memory, and we can't risk that now.

Besides, if we give the Democrats a Reset Button, soon everybody will want one.

Can't you hear Trump in the background saying, "What about me? Where's my Reset Button?

John henry said...

I still see pedjt back in the oval before 24.

Possibly kamala quits, pedjt replaces her then Brandon quits LGBTQBNY! And president trump again.

That may happen this year. It may have to wait until after midterms.

Another possibility is dems elect pedjt as speaker the Harris and Biden quit.

A benefit to waiting is that president trump could run again in 24,serving 10 years total.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Where are the investigations into Hillary's massive wrong-doing and Russian collusion?

Her lies to the FBI... Her fake family charity... That Private Server she used to hide it all.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Hillary Clinton used the deep state to fabricate the Russia collusion narrative

madAsHell said...

The first time I read......"But do they have a bottom?"

No, it's going to go a lot lower.

Rollo said...

Great cleverness on the Democrats' part. Was it accidental or intentional? Biden could be radical because people thought he was moderate. Harris can lead back to the middle (assuming she can lead anyone anywhere) because the party thinks she's a California radical and won't accuse her of betraying the left. They'll assume that they've gone as far as they could possibly go, and it's time to withdraw and regroup defensively. Biden, like a lot of old folks, is "disposable," and when his usefulness is done, it's off to the glue factory for him.

Wa St Blogger said...

It is the message, and the policies are coherent to that message. The message is fear. Fear CAGW, Fear Covid, Fear other Americans. What message does the Dem party have that is not rooted in fear?

Bender said...

Whom does President Harris nominate for a successor VP? And if it happens next year, whom does the Republican Congress agree to? If they can't agree, then the Speaker of the House is next in line.

John henry said...

madAsHell said...

No, it's going to go a lot lower

Yes and it is scary. Thursday Brandon asked companies to deplatform "domestic terrorists" defined as anyone not on board with his programs.


Tgp is reporting that My Pillow Corporation has been debanked. I would not be surprised if any bank that does business with the company suffered regulatory harassment.

OAN news network has been removed from DirectTV.

I suspect it is going to get much worse barf re I t gets better,

Readering said...

Bet Bustos and her audience don't remember Clinton using the term. It's just a phrase. But some day it may become politically incorrect like "tone deaf."

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Bender said...

Whom does President Harris nominate for a successor VP?

Hillary!, of course, placing her just one tragic suicide/accident away from her ultimate goal!

Bender said...

Whom does President Harris nominate for a successor VP?

Hillary!, of course

It's a two-part question. You really think the Republican Congress would approve Hillary?

Bender said...

By the way, this is NOT a snark question.

I'm serious. Because it is very likely to happen.

Howard said...

When they say "reset" they really mean regurgitate, repackage, recycle.

The only true reset in American politics is Donald Trump.

Yancey Ward said...

It would be good for the country if Biden resigned or were 25th amendmented out of office. You can't have a president who is suffering from dementia. Kamala Harris would be a vast improvement even if she, too, is incompetent. I feel like I am living on the Planet of the Clowns.

Mattman26 said...

Dump Klain in 3, 2, 1 …

Bender said...

I'm not sure that Klain is the one in charge (at least with regard to Biden's public positions and remarks).

I think that Psaki is the one with all the real power. And the one responsible for the crash and burn.

Wilbur said...

I just read a profile on Cheri Bustos (D-Rep, from the Quad Cities area), from 2017 in Politico. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/05/12/cheri-bustos-trump-territory-democrats-215126/

If I may summarize, she only talks publicly about jobs and agriculture, avoiding all issues like guns and abortion, - “On these sensitive topics,” she said—Black Lives Matter, transgender bathroom laws and so on—“I don’t dwell on them.”

First elected in 2012, she is a tireless face-to-face campaigner, and has a PhD in Dale Carnegie.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bill and Hillary want the obedient media to give them what the obedient media gave Biden.

Crook protection.

Iman said...

I’d like to give these frustrated Democrats a good - dare I say swift - kick in the ass.

Go sell crazy elsewhere…

Browndog said...

Hillary's overcharge button seems apt.

Lucien said...

Bender: The Speaker is not in line to succeed the VP, and only the Senate votes on confirmation. In a 50-50 Senate with no VP there is no tie-breaker.

Browndog said...

Bender: The Speaker is not in line to succeed the VP, and only the Senate votes on confirmation. In a 50-50 Senate with no VP there is no tie-breaker.

Well done.

farmgirl said...

… still just as remarkably tone deaf as ever.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A Democrat "reset" at this point would be more like a bankruptcy.

To go from high ticket items like killing covid, killing the filibuster and abolishing the police to... they never seem to have a plan B.

This is where the Squad and the fringe elements of their party got them. And, they might be quiet now, but their fringe hasn't gone away. It appears that they fear their fringe more than they fear the voters.

Erickson's substack focused on the case of Schumer and the box the fringe put him in.

Schumer is up for re-election in 2022. He can’t be a Senate Majority Leader who manages like he has a tied Senate because he has upstart progressives like AOC nipping at him in New York. If he manages the Senate as he should, they would primary him and might just defeat him. So he has to manage the Senate like he is part of the Squad and it is about to cost him the Majority Leader position he coveted. He’ll lose his precious to the filthy hobbits of the GOP because he cannot manage the Senate responsibly and run for re-election.
Chuck Schumer literally has to force a vote on the filibuster that he knows he will lose in order to save face with progressives who will otherwise work to make sure he really loses.

Bender said...

Bender: The Speaker is not in line to succeed the VP

I didn't say he succeeded the VP. I said that if there is no VP, then the Speaker is the next in the line of succession if the president fails to serve.

Bender said...

If, by reason of death, resignation, removal from office, inability, or failure to qualify, there is neither a President nor Vice President to discharge the powers and duties of the office of President, then the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall, upon his resignation as Speaker and as Representative in Congress, act as President.
3 U.S. Code § 19

Know what you are talking about before you correct me (or say "well done" at the error).

Michael K said...

The only true reset in American politics is Donald Trump.

Once again, I agree with Howard. The problem is that he was a one time thing. He threatened the Uniparty and scared the crap out of them. They did their best to kill him off and his 75 million voters, too. I see nothing good coming in the future for a while. When inflation gets over 10% what will the Fed do? I remember buying T bills for my pension plan that had 16% coupon interest rates. What is 16% of 29 trillion ?

farmgirl said...

I had a conversation this morning w/a cousin of my husband’s- career military medic, high enough ranking: retired.
Hated Trump- felt Ivanka and Jared had no business being politically included in the machinations of gov’t… wouldn’t hear anything bad said about Hunter… disbelieves adamantly any whisper of FBI inclusion on January 6th. That was the final straw, January 6th was. Seditious.

We were respectful. We listened to e/other and in the end- as he left the church, I told him: we’re on the same side. Even if we aren’t: we really are. He would drop anything to help my family- we, his. I’m praying that these elite political players: both sides… meet their comeuppance when they finally are seen for who they truly are: money grubbing liars who care solely for self- preservation. At everyone else’s’ expense. Especially by those allies that are thrown under the bus.

When the god we serve becomes self: God help us.

campy said...

"It's a two-part question. You really think the Republican Congress would approve Hillary?"

If it's a choice of voting 'yes' today or waking up dead in Ft. Marcy Park tomorrow?

They'll vote 'yes.'

mikee said...

Recall what the Dems were willing to do 2016 to 2020 to win the White House. Now ask yourself if having Joe dead wouldn't be the most wonderful October Surprise imaginable for their election hopes in 2022. Dementia Joe, we won't miss him but we'll regret his passing this October 15 or so. Possibly just after he speaks more gibberish at a live campaign appearance.

I could be wrong, they may hold him upright until 2024 before letting him go horizontal.

Browndog said...

Bender said...

(or say "well done" at the error).

If find no error in the post I was responding to. This situation was discussed at length when they were trying to 25th Amendment Trump early in his Presidency.

Drago said...

mikee: "Recall what the Dems were willing to do 2016 to 2020 to win the White House. Now ask yourself if having Joe dead wouldn't be the most wonderful October Surprise imaginable for their election hopes in 2022."

The FBI could simply repurpose their corrupt Hutaree/Whitmer kidnapping hoax teams and find another autistic guy living in a basement (thats exactly what the FBI did in the Whitmer case as well as the Cesar Sayoc setup) to be the perfect fall guy for such an op.

wildswan said...

In Dante's Inferno we find among the false counsellors, Guido Montefeltro, whose advice on how to gain and use political victory, was substantially, "Say what you need before the vote, do what you want after you win." The Dems followed this advice in 2020 and throughout 2021 and now they're in the secular hell of falling polls. They gained by power by lying about an intention to unite the country and return to normalcy; they used power by going left; they can't make their policies work effectively; they can't make themselves believed should they now "reset" in a "return to normalcy". Yet some whom the Dems deluded (Maureen Dowd, Peggy Noonan, people I know well) cannot bring themselves to admit they were fooled by lies from the current center of the Dem party. They can't believe the car has four flat tires and needs the tow truck with a MAGA sticker, there is no other. But the snow is slowly spiraling down from the gray, indifferent sky. We leave them there, thinking or shouting at each other and the camera slowly pans to a snowy owl on a snowy branch. The End. Meaning? This is a European movie, existential, deep, but this is a movie about practical Americans so I think you see where The End will really end up once we ditch the European ideas on America's End.

effinayright said...

Is it just me, or does red-headed Psaki remind annyone of "Dickless" in the first "Ghostbuster" movie?


Browndog said...

I remember Psaki when she was the spokesman for the State Dept. She was so bad, they replaced her with someone more articulate-Big Brain Marie Harf.

But, she was a loyalist to the cause, so Valerie Jarrett brought her into the West Wing.

Gospace said...

Len talked about Schumer’s problems in NY, and mentioned being primaried. Under NY election law a party gats an automatic ballot line if they get X number of votes in a gubernatorial or presidential election. A change put in place for the 2020 election. Previously it only applied to gubernatorial elections. And, with the change, they upped what X was. And it was a number somewhere between the highest number the Working Families Party ever had and lower than the lowest number the Conservative Party ever had. Extremely cynical change by a Democrat legislature. It was done to make it much harder for a viable challenger to an endorsed Democrat candidate to get on the ballot. Particularly for statewide elections and districts where Republicans don’t bother fielding a candidate.

Working Families Party replaced the old more mainstream Liberal Party after they failed one election to meet the old vote threshold.

But why set the number so the Conservative Party could easily maintain an automatic ballot line? Why not try to get rid of them? And this is where the cynicism shows . NY is one of the few states that allow cross endorsement. A candidate can be on multiple ballot lines. One of the few things I actually like about NY politics. In any swing or even close to swing district a Republican without a Conservative Party endorsement loses. WFP was becoming a danger to Democrats.

The 1970 senate election showed what can happen with viable third parties. The Republican incumbent got the liberal party endorsement- and as far as the media was concerned it was a 2 way close race between a liberal Republican and a liberal Democrat. It ended up being a close race between the Conservative Party’s James Buckley and the Democrat Richard Ottinger. Buckley won with 38.75% of the vote. The Democrat with 36.77 was 2nd. Goodell a distant 3rd with 24.29%, 3.82% of the vote being on the Liberal line. Which would have elected Ottinger.

NY pols pay attention to the 3rd party vote they get. I generally vote a straight Republican ticket on the Conservative Party line. If the Republican managed to get the Constitution Party line I’ll vote for them there. IMHO, most problems we see with governance is the courts and legislatures, not to mention people like Dictator Hochul and her predecessor Emperor Cuomo is that they no longer see the Federal or the state constitutions as mandatory to follow, but only advisory in nature.

Narayanan said...

farmgirl said...
I had a conversation this morning w/a cousin of my husband’s- career military medic, high enough ranking: retired.
Hated Trump- felt Ivanka and Jared had no business being politically included in the machinations of gov’t… wouldn’t hear anything bad said about Hunter… disbelieves adamantly any whisper of FBI inclusion on January 6th. That was the final straw, January 6th was. Seditious.
how does the officer class view the enlisted personnel?
deplorable cannon fodder or precious human lives to be careful with?

Browndog said...

I believe NY changed their rules after AOC unseated the longest tenured democrat, having scored a 7/10 in her Working Families Party candidate audition.

Narayanan said...

wildswan said...
In Dante's Inferno we find among the false counsellors, Guido Montefeltro, whose advice on how to gain and use political victory,
I am not highly educated so only know the title Inferno :

comment Q: your description reminds me of Taggart Tunnel Disaster in Atlas Shrugged could be Ayn Rand version of Dante!

Ralph L said...

25th Amend: Section 2. Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.

Aren't new Senators sometimes sworn in in December?

Gospace said...

Browndog, not quite. In 2018 she beat incumbent Democrat Crowley in the Democrat primary. Trounced. Wasn’t even close. He ran on the WFP ticket. And was trounced again. In 2020 she ran as a Democrat again. WFP had no candidate in the district.

The Democrat party in NY is fearful of their potential for disrupting the smooth election of Democrats in statewide elections.

farmgirl said...

“how does the officer class view the enlisted personnel?
deplorable cannon fodder or precious human lives to be careful with?”

I’ll try to answer: where I come from- we’re all deplorables in class… except the implants. Sure, we are all staggered in degree monetarily- which lifts us up- all have our little circle of important friends and associates. This man grew up here- parents were naturalized Quebequois… he wasn’t born arrogant. Still is not arrogant. He’s been places- served tours. I believe he loves his soldiers, still. When I asked him how to explain the 4 or 5 Capitol cop suicides- he asked in counter: what about the military suicides. It pains him greatly. And he couldn’t answer how the ruling class of now won’t help. His people are better- yet, his people are inept.


… And very sensitive of the “egocentric” character of Trump. You know- I still maintain Trump is one way in public- another in private. His persona is over the top confidence- my friend brought up “all the nasty name calling”. It’s not classy, not sporting… it’s poor character. All the things said about/to Trump though- I guess that’s perfectly acceptable… and the blind refuse to see.

Bilwick said...

I clicked on the link to the "Sergei" video, and I was shocked! Wasn't that Cankles McPantsuit
being friendly with the Russki? Weren't we assured that was treasonous? Has anyone told Inga about this?

Dude1394 said...

Democrats always think they ( and they are correct most of the time because of the cover by their media outlets ) can change positions on a dime and get no flack for it. The only bad press they get is of the “republicans pounce” variety.

farmgirl said...

He mixed an apple w/an orange- the cops suicides are tragic, but suspicious.
Our soldiers: tragic, but avoidable w/care.

I didn’t see that. And I believe that’s why Libs are so difficult to converse w/.

Jupiter said...

There he stands, laughing and joking with our charming and vivacious Secretary of State. And the whole time, he was colluding!

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